http://www.neutronsources.orgen-usCopyright (C) neutronsources.orgInternational Conference on Neutron Scattering - ICNS 9717.8.1997 - 21. 8.1997 - Subject: Condensed Matter Workshop on Powder Diffraction22.3.1999 - 23. 3.1999 - A workshop on Powder Diffraction will be held at ILL 22-23 March, in connection with the Science Council review chaired by Ch.-H. de Novion, Director of LLB Saclay. School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy09.8.1999 - 13. 8.1999 - In the lectures we shall emphasize neutron scattering methods thatemploy long wavelength neutrons to achieve high energy resolution,allowing one to study dynamical processes over a wide range of timescales, from 100 ns to 1 ps. There will also be talks by internationally recognized experts describing opportunities for spectroscopic research using cold neutron instruments, and there will be hands-on demonstrations using four of the cold neutron instruments in the NCNR guide hall. The lectures and demonstrations will be targeted at those with little or no previous experience with neutron inelastic scattering methods. European Conference on Neutron Scattering ECNS9901.9.1999 - 04. 9.1999 - Besides the scientific case various adjoining events and meetings Introductory Course, Young Scientists Panel, Exibitions... as well as enjoyable social programmes will make ECNS99 - we believe - an important and attractive gathering of the neutron research community. Thanks to the enthusiastic work of the International Programme Committee members nearly 250 lectures were proposed for plenary and invited talks. Conference on Neutron Scattering 200109.9.1999 - 13. 9.1999 - The ICNS 2001 will provide an international forum for the presentationand discussion of recent developments in neutron sources, thetechniques of neutron scattering and their application to physics,chemistry, biology material sciences and industry. The conferenceintends to bring together scientists using neutrons andinstrumentation specialists. Advanced instrumentation for the everincreasing needs of the scientists will be one of the central pointsof the conference. The conference will largely support the science ofyoung researchers. Oxford Summer School in Neutron Scattering13.9.1999 - 23. 9.1999 - It aims, by lecture and tutorial, to give a complete overview of neutron scattering over a 2 week period and is directed towards Ph.D students and post-docs. with Incident Beam Polarisation on OSIRIS30.11.1999 - The long wavelength diffraction component of the OSIRIS Project has been constructed and is now operational. The next step is to add incident beam polarisation and this will be established during winter. Cox Symposium17.12.1999 - Friday afternoon, December 17, 1999 in the Physics Department Seminar Room. Speakers who have accepted to talk about Daves career are: Tony Cheetham UCSB, Larry Finger Carnegie Institute Art Sleight Oregon State University Carlo Workshop13.1.2000 - 14. 1.2000 - Crystallography with Neutrons25.2.2000 - 26. 2.2000 - The aim of the workshop is to discuss current use of protein crystallography with neutrons, advantages and disadvantages of neutrons in this field and future prospects with respect to new opportunities and facilities as ESS. Scattering and Materials Modelling19.4.2000 - 20. 4.2000 - The Institute of Physics are running the above two day event at the University of Salford in April 2000. spring school02.5.2000 - 12. 5.2000 - This school will consist of 24 lectures addressing the following instrumental and scientific topics :State of the art in powder diffraction FocalisationStructure and dynamics of liquids Novel spin echoReflectivity Neutron polarimetryDevelopments with pulsed sources Quasi elastic scatteringSuperconductors Low dimensionality magnetismMagnetic thin layers Molecular magnetismHigh energy excitations Stress scanningNeutrons and biology Advanced polymer research 200012.6.2000 - 14. 6.2000 - The 3rd NOBUGS workshop was held at Daresbury Laboratory in June 2000. Talks given at NOBUGS 2000 are grouped according to subject in the following categories: Remote Data Acquisition and Control Macros and Modular Data Acquisition Data Acquisition Updates Facility Business and Data Visualisation Automatic Beamline Alignment and Instrument Simulation Data Analysis Data Management Data Acquisition Data Format School on Neutron Scattering18.6.2000 - 23. 6.2000 - The forthcoming summer school on neutron scattering will be held at Chalk River between the 18th and 23rd of June. The course is appropriate for both advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Neutrons for Condensed Matter Investigations PNCMI-200020.6.2000 - 25. 6.2000 - The Workshop follows The International Seminar PNCMI96 in Dubna Russia and The International Workshop PNCMI98 in Grenoble, while the first meeting The International Conference on the Impact of Polarized Neutrons on Solid State Chemistry and Physics, has been held in Grenoble France as early as in 1982. International Workshop On Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering31.8.2000 - 01. 9.2000 - QENS 2000 is the fifth workshop on Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering and follows previous successful meetings organized in Windsor 1992, San Sebastian 1993, Parma 1995 and Nykping 1998. The Workshop will deal with all aspects of quasi-elastic scattering of neutron, in particular: Applied quasi-elastic scattering Biological systems Dynamics in confined geometries Glass transition Instrumentation Ionic and proton conductors Liquids Magnetic systems Polymers meeting: Neutron polarisation in MC instrument simulations05.10.2000 - 06. 10.2000 - The aim of the meeting is to discuss in detail the requirements and possible protocols for the inclusion of polarisation analysis in Monte Carlo simulations of neutron scattering instruments. The meeting is open to anyone who is interested. Some participants in the ENPI network European Neutron Polarisation Initiative will also take part. Diffraction17.10.2000 - 18. 10.2000 - The purpose of the workshop is to identify the future opportunities in this area, and make a start on instrument specifications Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Source ICANS-XV 06.11.2000 - 09. 11.2000 - TARGETS AND MODERATORS, NEUTRON SCATTERING INSTRUMENTS and ACCELERATORS will be the topics of this meeting. Specially the 15th meeting in 2000 is expected to focus on Neutron Sources toward the 21st Century. The first half of the meeting will consist of oral reports and poster presentations. Later in the week, parallel sessions of Targets and Moderators, Neutron Scattering Instruments, Accelerators will take place. There will be also workshop-style discussions. Neutronenstreutagung 200119.2.2001 - 21. 2.2001 - Weitere Informationen zur Tagung sowie ein Muster zur Erstellung einer Kurzfassung fuer Ihren Beitrag finden Sie auf dem Internet unter:http:www.fz-juelich.deifftermineDN-J2001 Studies Using Neutron and Synchrotron Facilities20.2.2001 - 21. 2.2001 - The topics covered will include: pollution, energy, industrial processing and biosphere applications. For example J. Parise and others will be talking about ion-exchangers and catalysts, important for purification and chemical processing. G. Fioni and others with speak on nuclear transmutation, activation analysis, X-ray spectroscopic analysis... K. Yvon and others will describe new kinds of batteries and in-situ X-ray and neutron studies of electro-chemistry. on New Techniques and Developments for Sample Environment at Neutron Scattering Research Facilities05.4.2001 - 06. 4.2001 - There is no workshop fee for up to 3 participants per research center or company. PSI covers accommodation and meals, but in general NOT the travel costs. However, participants who can not otherwise find support, may apply for a travel grant supported by the Neutron Round-table EC-TMR Concerted Action. Opportunities in Single Crystal Spectroscopy with Neutrons19.4.2001 - 22. 4.2001 - The Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Research Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics Neutron Spectroscopy Department together with the European Cool Neutron Collaboration will hold a Workshop on New Opportunities in Single Crystal Spectroscopy with Neutrons 19-22 April 2001, Lake Balaton Rvflp, Hungary in Powder Diffraction III22.4.2001 - 25. 4.2001 - This will be the third in a series of meetings concerning Accuracy in Powder Diffraction which have been held at NIST approximately every 10 years. These meetings offer a unique perspective on powder diffraction in that the issues under discussion are fundamental to accuracy and how it affects the application of the techniques to materials problems. Advancements in instrumentation continue toincrease the breadth of applications which can be considered with powder diffraction methods. Concurrently, the advances in computer hardware have allowed for the implementation of algorithms and concepts developed decades ago, but whose virtues could not be realized until recently. The meeting is structured to cover both instrument technique specific subjects as well as issues concerning materials characterization. Canadian Powder Diffraction Course25.5.2001 - 26. 5.2001 - There will be introductions to Rietveld analysis methods, indexingprocedures and programs, linewidth analysis methods and their relation to microstructural information. In addition, there will be talks on contrastchangingresonant scattering at synchrotron sources and rigid bodyconstraints in refinements. Present Status of High Magnetic Field Technology and the Prospects for Applications to Neutron Scattering Experiments28.5.2001 - 30. 5.2001 - The HMI is presently preparing a proposal to combine for the firsttime two privileged large scale facilities for the study magneticand related phenomena, a neutron source and a high magneticfield laboratory. It is our goal to extend our capabilities to do neutronscattering experiments in continuos high magnetic fields up to 30-40Tesla. Using static magnetic fields will tremendously enhance the efficiencyof neutron data collection compared to pulsed fields. In addition,the high power dc power supply to be installed will be able to servea few magnet cells in addition to the neutron scattering magnet position,which could operate some 800-1000 hours per year. Collins Symposium02.6.2001 - Speakers will include:Gerald Dolling Deep RiverPeter Egelstaff GuelphBruce Gaulin McMasterMichel Gingras WaterlooTom Holden AECLLos Alamos National LaboratoryAndrew Harrison EdinburghThom Mason SNS, Oak Ridge National LaboratoryAlmut Schroeder Kent StateEric Svensson NRC, Chalk River School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy18.6.2001 - 22. 6.2001 - In the lectures and hands-on demonstrations we shall emphasize methods that employ long wavelength neutrons to achieve high energy resolution, enabling the study of dynamical processes over a wide range of time scales, from 100 ns to 1 ps. The demonstrations will use four of the cold neutron instruments disk chopper spectrometer, backscattering spectrometer, spin echo spectrometer and SPINS triple-axis spectrometer, plus the newly commissioned filter analyzer spectrometer. The course will be targeted at those with little or no previous experience with neutron inelastic scattering methods. on VITESS 2 and Other Packages for Simulations of Neutron Scattering25.6.2001 - 27. 6.2001 - The talks in the beginning of the workshop will especially be for colleagues who want to start using VITESS and for those who are interested in the new possibilities of the program. There will be time to do practical work with VITESS. and Workshop on Neutrons for Biology10.7.2001 - 11. 7.2001 - In the context of Australias replacement research reactor, which will come on line in 2005 and which will feature substantial new instrumentation well-suited for structural-biology studies, the Symposium will highlight the opportunities for Australia. Prominent speakers from overseas and Australia will give an overview of the state of the art. On the second day, a less formal workshop format will seek to address the needs, desires and priorities of the Australian biology community, and to ensure that they are included in planning the neutron-beam instrumentation in an appropriate way. - 26. 7.2001 - Workshop21.7.2001 - This will be a one-day hands-on workshop introducing the technique and teaching how to obtain and analyze diffraction data to obtain a real-space. Workshop attendees will receive a CD containing all the computer codes required to analyze the data to obtain the PDF and to carry out full-profile modeling. They will then work through a number of examples of data analysis and modeling on the computer. Attendees are encouraged to bring some of their own powder diffraction data from a sample of interest and we will also try and analyze it it should be a computer file in two-column ascii format. conference on Neutron and Hard X-ray Optics and Applications01.8.2001 - 03. 8.2001 - The SPIE conference on Neutron and Hard X-ray Optics and Applications will be held in San Diego, 1-3 August 2001. Chemistry of Materials and Soft Matter using Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation01.8.2001 - 04. 8.2001 - The International Union of Crystallography, in full agreement with the IUCr-2002 Programme Committee, have formally accepted the ILL-ESRF proposal to organise a satellite meeting in Grenoble August 1-4 2002 on Crystal Chemistry of Materials and Soft Matter using Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on STRONGLY CORRELATED ELECTRON SYSTEMS SCES200106.8.2001 - 10. 8.2001 - The program of SCES2001 will highlight broad unifying themes in thecorrelated electron physics of f-electron systems, d-electron systems and low dimensional systems. School of Neutron and X-ray Scattering12.8.2001 - 25. 8.2001 - The school is targeted at graduate students who require neutron or x-rayscattering for their thesis research. LANSCE User Group LUG Meeting12.8.2001 - 14. 8.2001 - The Fifth LANSCE User Group LUG Meeting will be held at LANSCE on August 12-14, 2001. The goal of this meeting is to promote interactions between fields that rely on neutron science. This meeting is organized by the LANSCE User Group Executive Committee. on Dynamics, Excitations and Magnetism27.8.2001 - 28. 8.2001 - Workshop on Dynamics, Excitations and Magnetism at Australias Replacement Research Reactor, 27 and 28 August 2001 at Lucas Heights, just outside Sydney Oxford School on Neutron Scattering27.8.2001 - 06. 9.2001 - The School, established since 1989, is intended primarily for scientists who are new to the field of Neutron Scattering. The School will compriselectures and tutorials covering all aspects of the theory and practice ofNeutron Diffraction and Neutron Spectroscopy, which will be given by aninternational group of lecturers who are all acknowledged experts in the field. Practical Course on Solution Scattering from Biological Macromolecules05.9.2001 - 14. 9.2001 - The course aims for scientists with a research focus in structural biology but with little or no experience in solution scattering. These include scientists active in protein crystallography, NMR, electron microscopy etc whose research could be complemented by solution scattering. The course covers the basics of X-ray and neutron scattering, mathematical methods, instrumentation, data collection, modelling and use of data analysis programs. The students are encouraged to bring their own samples for X-ray synchrotron scattering experiments and the results will be analyzed during the practical tutorials. Conference on Neutron Scattering ICNS 200109.9.2001 - 13. 9.2001 - The conference intends to bring together scientists using neutrons and instrumentation specialists. Advanced instrumentation for the ever increasing needs of the scientists will be one of the central points of the conference. The conference will largely support the participation of young researchers. The ICNS2001 will provide an international forum for the presentation and discussion of recent developments in neutron sources, the techniques of neutron scattering and their application to physics, chemistry, biology, material sciences and industry. and Nanoscale Structure in Complex Systems16.9.2001 - 21. 9.2001 - The scientific motivation for this meeting goes back ten years to the controversial observation of local lattice distortions in cuprates, which inspired the Local Lattice Effects in High Temperature Superconductors conference that was also held in Santa Fe in 1992. Since then it has been recognized that these displacements were a manifestation of the stripes that occur in correlated metal oxides. It is also becoming clear, however, that such behavior is far from unique. The spontaneous development of nanoscale organization coupled to functionality is apparently common to many types and classes of materials, especially complex ones that exhibit correlated electron and atom behaviors that are manifested as phase instabilities and unusual chemical reactivity. These unusual characteristics may therefore originate in the interactions between the resulting differently ordered domains and the attributes of the domain walls instead of bulk characteristics that assume a periodic lattice. The special properties that ensue have generated much of the current interest in nanoscience. Since nanoscale structure has always been recognized as intrinsic to soft matter and biomolecules, many of the ideas and methods already used in, e.g., biological physics, could be extended to condensed matter, and vice versa. ESS General Meeting26.9.2001 - 29. 9.2001 - The 7th ESS General Meeting will be held in Seggau, Austria, from 26-29 September 2001. of Neutron Scattering to Materials Science and Engineering13.10.2001 - 15. 10.2001 - The tutorial is well suited for researchers at all levels, including those without previous experience in neutron scattering. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are welcome. Within the next five years, the advent of the Spallation Neutron Source SNS at Oak Ridge and the construction of the VULCAN diffractometer will greatly expand capabilities in measurement speed and spatial resolution. This new instrument will have a neutron intensity at least ten times higher than what is currently available and will make possible exciting new areas such as the determination of the time-dependent response of materials. The tutorial will bring these advances to the attention of both the academic and industrial science and engineering communities, provide a tutorial environment in which to teach potential users the state of the art, and promote an increase in the user community.The symposium will introduce the capabilities of nextgeneration, neutronscattering instruments and identify new and exciting research opportunities that will have a high impact on metals, ceramics, and engineering sciences. The first day of the symposium will be linked with the tutorial to provide a framework for understanding the capabilities of the future state of neutron scattering. The second day will be devoted to concentrated focus groups, with the goal of identifying new roles for neutron scattering in materials science research that will have a high impact on the field. The focus groups will include both neutron scattering and materials science experts from academia, national laboratories, and industries. A publication on future directions in the field in professional and appropriate trade journals will result. The larger goal is to promote interactions among neutron and materials scientists that will form the foundation for joint research ventures and will contribute to the instrumentation being proposed for development at the SNS. on Nanophase Materials Sciences24.10.2001 - 26. 10.2001 - Input is sought on candidate research focus areas, equipment needs, and user operations. The workshop will begin with a plenary session surveying nanophase materials research in universities and industry. The Center concept of creating a synergistic research environment to advance knowledge-and ultimately applications-of nanoscale materials and phenomena then will be described, together with the Centers principal components. Breakout working sessions will follow to further develop the Centers scientific program and organization. Recommendations from these breakout sessions will be incorporated in Center planning, and are expected especially to influence the formation of collaborative research focus areas. of microstructure and residual stress by diffraction methods02.12.2001 - 06. 12.2001 - on Single-Crystal Diffraction11.12.2001 - 12. 12.2001 - On the 11th and 12th of December 2001, the sixth of eight workshops todiscuss the neutron-beam instrumentation for Australias ReplacementResearch Reactor will take place at Lucas Heights, Sydney, Australia.The subject will be scientific applications and technology ofsingle-crystal diffraction. Neutron Scattering13.12.2001 - 14. 12.2001 - On the 13th and 14th of December 2001, the seventh of eight workshops to discuss the neutron-beam instrumentation for Australias Replacement Research Reactor will take place at Lucas Heights, just outside Sydney, Australia. The subject will be scientific applications and technology of small-angle neutron scattering. Workshop on Slow Dynamics of Soft-matter and Biological Macromolecules studied by Neutron Scattering07.3.2002 - 08. 3.2002 - This is an internal workshop to discuss science and instruments forstudying slow dynamics of Soft-matter and Biological macromolecules by neutron scattering. High Intensity Proton Accelerator project has been started since this year, 2001, in Japan and will be completed in 2006. 1MW pulsed neutron source is one of the facilities in the project and will give a very nice opportunity to study the structure and dynamics of materials in a very wide energy-momentum space with a high accuracy. We are now discussing science to be achieved and required instruments in the 1MW pulsed neutron facility. Among disciplines, both of the soft-matter science and the life science will become one of the most topical sciences in the future in general. Hence, it is very important and timely to discuss the future trend of those disciplines and required instruments in neutron scattering facility. In this workshop we will focus on dynamical aspects of soft-matter and biological macromolecules, which govern the function of these materials. Important energy range for the study will be from neV to eV range which can be achieved by neutron spin echo instrument and other inelastic scattering instruments, respectively. The speakers are chosen from outstanding scientists and instrument scientists from all over the world. Workshop20.3.2002 - 22. 3.2002 - This workshop concerns simulation programs such as Vitess, McStas, NISP, IDEAS, PRMON, ResTrax, MCNP, Shadow, SONG, ... Workshop on Nanotechnology: Nanocomposites: Materials, Neutrons and Data Interpretations28.3.2002 - 30. 3.2002 - The workshop will provide opportunities for experts in materials synthesis and characterization, neutron experimentalists, and theorists to consider future joint projects and to network research teams from universities, neutron user facilities and national nanoscience research centers for complementary studies. Neutrons to Probe Structure and Dynamics in Biological Systems08.4.2002 - 10. 4.2002 - The purpose of this workshop is to introduce the biological community to new capabilities for the study of biological molecules that are planned at the High Flux Isotope Reactor HFIR and the Spallation neutron Source SNS at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Eminent structural biologists will assess the strengths of neutron scattering for biological system, such as the role of hydrogendeuterium contrast, penetration depth, and accessible length and timescales. These talks will also assess important issues in the biological sciences where next-generation neutron scattering capabilities can provide key answers. Examples may include the structure of protein complexes under functional conditions in solution; the dynamics of protein conformational transformations; the role of water and other small molecules in molecular recognition or catalysis; the structure and dynamics of protein-lipid complexes embedded in functioning membranes. of Neutron Scattering in Materials Science and Engineering11.4.2002 - The vitality of todays modern technological society is increasinglydependent upon the use of sophisticated engineered materials. Because the macroscopic properties of such materials are often dictated by their microscopic structure, materials scientists and engineers use a variety of techniques to better understand them on an atomic or molecular scale. Neutron scattering is one such technique, but is not commonly utilized by the materials community. This symposium will present important applications of neutron scattering that demonstrate its advantages for solving problems in materials science and engineering. Topics include study of the structural, magnetic, and dynamical behavior of materials on length scales ranging from the distance between atoms to the size of biological and polymer macro-molecules, characterization of residual stresses, and the properties of surfaces and interfaces. European Conference16.5.2002 - 17. 5.2002 - The ESS European Conference will be held in Bonn, Germany, May 16-17, 2002 at the Bundeshaus the former House of Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. Many satellite meetings are already planned on May 15-16, 2002, and other meetings are welcome. Progress in Neutron Larmor Precession Techniques30.5.2002 - 31. 5.2002 - The Interfaculty Reactor Institute IRI of the TU Delft is organising a two-day scientific workshop in Delft on recent applications and instrumental developments of Larmor precession techniques for polarised neutrons. IRI has been highly active in both research areas over the last 4 decades with the introduction and application of the three-dimensional neutron depolarisation technique, and more recently with pioneering work in the field of spin-echo small-angle neutron scattering SESANS and high-resolution diffraction. The workshop will be dedicated to recent progress in the use of polarised neutrons in experimental research and instrument development. Attention will be focussed on polarised neutron reflectometry, small-angle polarised neutron scattering, recent applications of the three-dimensional neutron depolarisation technique, and new technical developments in Larmor precession techniques, including neutron resonant spin echo, neutron interferrometry, spin-echo small angle neutron scattering, and high-resolution diffraction using Larmor precession of polarised neutrons. The development of these techniques is particularly relevant for new instrumentation at the future sources. School on Neutron Scattering 16.6.2002 - 21. 6.2002 - The school will provide an introduction to the techniques of neutronscattering and applications in Chemistry, Physics, Biology, MaterialsSciences and Engineering. Sessions are organized with lectures in themorning and hands-on demonstration experiments with neutron spectrometers at the NRU reactor. School on Neutron Scattering16.6.2002 - 21. 6.2002 - Professor Bromley was born in Westmeath, Ontario and received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from Queens University and a Ph.D. from the University of Rochester. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and in 1988 was awarded the National Medal of Science. He has served as President of the AAAS, of IUPAP, and of APS and holds 32 honorary doctorates from universities in Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, South Africa and the United States. Conference on Neutron Scattering 200223.6.2002 - 27. 6.2002 - The conference will have a dual purpose. It is intended to showcaserecent scientific results in neutron science in a wide range of fields,including soft condensed matter and liquids, biology, magnetism,engineering materials, chemical spectroscopy, crystal structure, andelementary excitations. This will be accomplished through a combination of invited and contributed talks as well as poster sessions. Equally important, the conference is intended to fulfill many of the objectives of a facility users meeting but on a national scale. Hence, the conference will provide an opportunity for the major neutron centers in North America to interact with neutron users and will provide a forum for users to raise issues that relate to using these facilities. This years conference will include an update on the United States next-generation neutron source project, the Spallation Neutron Source SNS, a multilaboratory partnership, and will allow for feedback from the neutron-scattering community. conference on Advances in Neutron Scattering Instrumentation07.7.2002 - 11. 7.2002 - The SPIE conference on Advances in Neutron Scattering Instrumentation will be held in Seattle, 7-11 July 2002. on Neutron Spin Echo Techniques at Pulsed Sources15.7.2002 - 16. 7.2002 - IPNS weclomes your participation in a Workshop on Neutron Spin EchoTechniques at Pulsed Sources that will held at the Argonne NationalLaboratory, Intense Pulsed Neutron Source, July 15-16, 2002. The program will include several 45 minute talks with follow-up discussions. It will be held in Building 360, Conference Room A-224. neutron-synchrotron meeting01.8.2002 - 03. 8.2002 - ESRF-ILL Grenoble are organising the above satellite meeting 1-3 August, preceding the main IUCr-Geneva Congress. neutron-synchrotron meeting01.8.2002 - 03. 8.2002 - ESRF-ILL Grenoble are organising the above satellite meeting 1-3 August, preceding the main IUCr-Geneva Congress. Grenoble meeting on New Materials01.8.2002 - 03. 8.2002 - The full programme, abstracts and participant list for the ILL-ESRF Grenoble meeting 1-3 August are now posted on: http:www.ill.frdifiucrindex.html and Synchrotron X-Ray Scattering in Condensed-Matter Research04.8.2002 - 06. 8.2002 - Its main topics are: Superconductivity Magnetism Interfaces and thin films PSI Summer School on Condensed Matter Research10.8.2002 - 17. 8.2002 - The purpose of the Summer School is to give participants an introduction to the basic principles of magnetism and magnetic materials. The lectures will cover both, theoretical and experimental aspects, with particular emphasis on the utilization of the prominent experimental techniques available at PSI: neutrons, muons, and synchrotron light. National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering11.8.2002 - 26. 8.2002 - The main purpose of the National School on Neutron and X-rayScattering is to educate graduate students attending U.S. universities on the utilization of major neutron and x-ray facilities. The school consists of tutorial lectures on the principles of scattering theory, thecharacteristics of neutron and synchrotron x-ray sources, and theapplication of scattering methods to condensed matter research. Hands-on experiments at both the IPNS and APS provide the students with practical experience in the use of neutrons and synchrotron x-rays for research. A series of lectures by prominent scientists on recent research using neutrons and x-rays are also presented to the students. Topics from many disciplines including materials science, condensed matter physics, chemistry, biology,and geology is included in both the experiments and lectures. of Neutron Scattering in Structural Biology and Biophysics18.8.2002 - 22. 8.2002 - Applications of Neutron Scattering in Structural Biology and Biophysics, will be held August 18-22, 2002, at the American Chemical Society National Meeting in Boston, Massachussetts. Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations PNCMI 200215.9.2002 - 19. 9.2002 - The international workshop on Polarized Neutrons in Condensed MatterInvestigations PNCMI 2002 will take place in Juelich, Germany from 15 to 19 September. In connection with this workshop, the First Summer School on Polarized Neutron Scattering will be held in Juelich from 10 to 14 September. Scattering Laboratory Course Juelich16.9.2002 - 27. 9.2002 - The laboratory course will consist of lectures and an experimental section. The lectures will encompass an introduction to neutron sources, into scattering theory and instrumentation. Furthermore, selected topics of condensed matter will be presented. 200204.11.2002 - 06. 11.2002 - NOBUGS 2002 takes place on 4-6 November and provide a unique opportunity for users of large-scale facilities, notably neutron and x-ray beam lines, to sit down with the people who provide software support. Dialog in this area could help improve life for everyone. on Neutrons for the Earth Sciences12.12.2002 - 13. 12.2002 - On the 12th and 13th of December 2002, the ninth workshop to discuss the neutron-beam instrumentation for Australias Replacement Research Reactor will be held at Lucas Heights. The subject will be the scientific applications to earth sciences. The purpose of the workshop is to demonstrate the applications of these methods to Australianindustry, government and universities, and make a start on defining specifications for instrumentation andsample-environment apparatus at the Replacement Research Reactor on the Perspectives in Single Crystal Neutron spectroscopy SCNS12.12.2002 - 14. 12.2002 - The workshop on the Perspectives in Single Crystal Neutron spectroscopy SCNS will be held at the Institut Laue - Langevin, Grenoble, France from the 12th to the 14th of December 2002. Rietveld Workshop: Magnetic Structure Determination from Neutron Powder Diffraction Data12.12.2002 - 14. 12.2002 - This highly interactive workshop is aimed at providing the essential theoretical foundations and some working experience on solving and refining magnetic structures from neutron powder diffration data. The essential formalism of propagation vectors, Shubnikov groups and Representation analysis will be covered in a series of lectures, and applied in tutorials sessions, with the help of computer programmes such as Sarah. Neutron instrumentation for magnetic powder diffraction studies will be presented, and refinement techniques using popular packages such as GSAS and FULLPROF will be discussed. The participants will have the opportunity to apply these methods on example data sets, and are highly encouraged to bring their own data, which will be analysed with the help of the tutors. International Workshop on Dynamics in Confinement22.1.2003 - 25. 1.2003 - 2nd Int. Workshop on Dynamics in Confinement will be held at the ILL, Grenoble in January 22.-25., 2003. in Magnetism-Neutrons and Muons26.2.2003 - The aim of the meeting is to provide an introduction to the characterisation of magnetic systems using neutron and muon techniques at a level appropriate to post-graduate study. The meetingwill include a tour of the ISIS Pulsed neutron and muon source and a bound copy of the lecture notes. To minimise costs lunch is not included in the registration fee but restaurant and coffee bar facilities are available at the laboratory. Further information will be sent to registered participants in advance of the meeting. meeting on Materials for Energy Production and Storage06.3.2003 - 07. 3.2003 - This short 2-day meeting hosted by the CCLRC Centre for Materials Physics and Chemistry will focus on the characterization, simulation and development of materials for energy production and storage. Speakers will present talks on X-ray and neutron scattering measurements and computer simulation of fuel cells, battery and hydrogen storage materials, photovoltaics and catalysts. The purpose of the meeting is to provide a broad forum for users of CCLRC facilities to discuss common issues in the characterization and development of materials for energy production and storage. Particular emphasis will be placed on using X-ray and neutron scattering techniques and computer simulation in the study of the structural and dynamical properties at the atomic level and their inter-relationship with bulk material properties. in Solid-State Chemistry and the Earth Sciences Today and Tomorrow NICEST12.3.2003 - 16. 3.2003 - The scientific program for the upcoming Joint Institute for Neutron Sciences JINS workshop will focus on neutron scattering in solid-state chemistry and the earth sciences. The program is being put together with graduate students and inexperienced neutron users in mind, and the only assumption for attendees is that they have a knowledge of basic crystallographic and structural concepts. School Alumni session at the APS Users Meeting29.4.2003 - 01. 5.2003 - The 12th Advanced Photon Source Users Meeting will be held April 29-May 1, 2003. As part of this years user meeting, one half-day workshop session will be devoted to talks from alumni of the National School for Neutron and X-ray Scattering NX School that has been held the past four summers at Argonne National Laboratory. This session will be held on Tuesday afternoon, April 29. Immediately following the workshop there will be a combined reception and poster session. Conference on Advanced Neutron Sources ICANS-XVI12.5.2003 - 15. 5.2003 - USERS MEETING16.5.2003 - 17. 5.2003 - BENSC USERS MEETING 2003Friday, 16 May 2003, 9.00h 22.00h: Oral and Poster ContributionsSaturday 17 May 2003 - Satellite events Detector Workshop29.5.2003 - 30. 5.2003 - Review a coordinated road map for detector research to meet the diverse needs of the neutron scattering community. Build a community for neutron detector development in the U. S., which includes research and training at universities and expanded research and development at national laboratories. Identify strategies for obtaining support for neutron detector development, especially from NSF and DOE. Diffuse Scattering at Pulsed Neutron Sources16.6.2003 - 17. 6.2003 - Single-crystal diffuse coherent neutron scattering is a powerful technique for probing complex nanoscale spin and lattice disorder in crystalline materials. The Spallation Neutron Source, currently being built at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, provides an opportunity to perform diffuse scattering experiments with unprecedented efficiency, since the time-of-flight Laue technique can take full advantage of the high brightness of the new source. Nevertheless, there are currently no proposals to build a dedicated diffractometer for single-crystal diffuse scattering at the SNS. The workshop will address this issue, as well as reviewing existing diffuse scattering capabilities around the world. Atomic and Molecular Tunneling in Solids22.6.2003 - 25. 6.2003 - The XII International Workshop on Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunneling in Solids will be dedicated to the memory of Mik Pintar whopassed away on February 9, 2003, and was a leading figure in this international series. The workshop will be held at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, June 22-25, 2003. Atomic and Molecular Tunneling in Solids QAMTS22.6.2003 - 25. 6.2003 - The XIIth International Workshop on Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunneling in Solids will be dedicated to the memory of Mik Pintar who passed away on February 9, 2003, and was a leading figure in this international series. The workshop will held at the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, June 22-25, 2003. International Workshop on Quantum Atmic and Moleculer Tunneling in Solids22.6.2003 - 25. 6.2003 - Tunneling phenomena are ubiquitous in an enormous number of fields in contemporary science. They range from the macroscopic, many particle states glasses, quantum magnets to the microscopic molecular and atomic, and cover the physical, chemical and biological sciences, as well as the applied sciences. Although the unifying theme of the conference are tunneling phenomena in the solid state, the organizers recognize that cross fertilization by advances in observing and interpreting tunneling in other phases is critical to progress in the field. Therefore, at this meeting, we also encourage contributions on all phenomena where tunneling plays a role, including not only processes in solids and matrices, but also organic and organometallic reactions in liquids, tunneling processes in clusters and nanoparticles, and enzyme-catalyzed reactions. The QAMTS conference will brings together researchers and students at the forefront of all these fields to review topics of high current interest. Consortium on Ultra-Small-Angle Scattering Workshop09.7.2003 - 10. 7.2003 - The First Workshop of the International Consortium on Ultra-Small-Angle Scattering IConUSAS will held at Oak Ridge, TN on July 9-10, 2003. The main goal of this meeting is to create an international collaboration of scientific groups working in the field of X-ray and NeutronUltra-Small-Angle Scattering. Neutrons and Synchrotron X-rays for Magnetism Conference PNSXM27.7.2003 - 06. 8.2003 - The Polarized Neutrons and Synchrotron X-rays for Magnetism Conference will be held in Venice, Italy, August 4-6, 2003. It is a satellite meeting of the International Conference on Magnetism, Rome, Italy, July 27 - August 2, 2003. CONFERENCE on Polarised Neutrons and Synchrotron X-rays for Magnetism PNSXM 200304.8.2003 - 07. 8.2003 - This meeting will provide a venue for presentations on the latest advances in the application to selected topics of the many and complementary techniques based on polarised neutron and X-ray scattering. The program, structured in invited lectures, oral and poster presentations, will highlight broad unifying themes in the physics of f-electron systems, d-electron systems and low dimensional magnetic systems. Proceedings will be published in Physica B. PSI Summer School on Condensed-Matter Research09.8.2003 - 16. 8.2003 - Topic will be Soft Condensed Matter United States National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering10.8.2003 - 23. 8.2003 - Leading researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories will lecture on the principles of scattering theory and the characteristics ofx-ray and neutron sources. Program elements will include hands-onexperiments in materials science, condensed matter physics, and soft matter using the Advanced Photon Source and Intense Pulsed Neutron Source facilities., Modeling, and Neutron Scattering12.8.2003 - 14. 8.2003 - The workshop will gather the experts on theoretical and modeling methods as they relate to neutron scattering measurements, bridging the gap between experiment and theory for study of advanced materials. Quantum Complexities in Condensed Matter: An International Workshop and Conference21.8.2003 - 28. 8.2003 - Quantum Complexities in Condensed Matter will bring together the latestexperimental results with new theoretical insights in order to furtherunderstanding of the effects of strong electronic correlations and thenature of the emergent complex quantum ground states. European Conference on Neutron Scattering ECNS 200303.9.2003 - 06. 9.2003 - The European Conference on Neutron Scattering to be held in Montpellier, France, is the third of a series of successful meetings organized by the European Neutron Scattering Association. After Interlaken in 1996, and Budapest in 1999, ECNS 2003 will provide a new forum for scientists working in neutron science. The broad field investigated by neutron scattering, which includes physics, chemistry, biology, materials science and applications will be covered. Advances in instrumentation will be an important aspect of the conference. The participation of young scientists will be strongly encouraged. The Walter Halg Prize and the Young Scientist Awards will be presented at the conference. - 09. 9.2003 - This congress is the second in a series of international conferences onStress Evaluation by Neutron and Synchrotron radiation. The goal of eachMeca-Sens conference is to bring together scientists from the academic world and from industry to address specific topics within the field of stress measurement using neutron and X - ray synchrotron radiation. Oxford School on Neutron Scattering08.9.2003 - 18. 9.2003 - Techniques and applications at both steady state and pulsed neutron sources are covered. Together with a strong introductory and teaching theme, the School offers participants an opportunity to hear about some of the exciting new research being carried out in neutron scattering. The young scientists participating in the School are also encouraged to give a short overview of their own research as part of the tutorial sessions. - 19. 9.2003 - The purpose of this conference is to assess the progress made in the theory and techniques of structure solution based on powder diffraction data and to point to areas where further work is needed. Special attention will be paid to structure prediction done by energy minimization,because its results are frequently checked by Rietveld refinement. It is believed that a combination of these two methods will in a near future become a standard tool. XXIX conference Elettra22.9.2003 - 25. 9.2003 - The aim of DYPROSO XXIX is to provide a selected, but nevertheless, broad scope. With a few lectures on one topic, the status of the understanding and the open problems are usually presented. Cross-fertilizing among experts is certainly one of the resulting benefits. Younger participants are then informed on hot and current topics in areas other than their specialty. on chem-bio interface and sample environments23.9.2003 - 26. 9.2003 - The U.S. neutron users community is eagerly anticipating thecommissioning and operation of beamlines at the Spallation NeutronSource SNS, currently under construction at Oak Ridge NationalLaboratory. Many opportunities exist for wonderful scientific advanceswith neutron scattering and spectroscopic investigations by chemists and by biologists working at the chemistry-biology interface. However, thenumber of active neutron users among these communities is currentlysmall, and the communities as a whole have had little opportunity tocommunicate their interests and needs. on Neutron Macromolecular Crystallography at the Spallation Neutron Source01.10.2003 - 02. 10.2003 - Workshop on Neutron Macromolecular Crystallography at the Spallation Neutron Source FIRST FIFTEEN YEARS OF REVERSE MONTE CARLO MODELLING09.10.2003 - 11. 10.2003 - All aspects theory, code developments, applications of the Reverse Monte Carlo and related methods, including EPSR, MAXENT, MCGR, etc... Symposium and CINSICDN Annual General Meeting 17.10.2003 - 18. 10.2003 - Symposium for Canadian Participation at the Spallation Neutron Source and the 2003 CINSICDN Annual General MeetingThe symposium will feature national and intenational experts in the application of neutron scattering to topical problems in materials science. The symposium will finish with lunch on Saturday, October 18, and be followed by the Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering Institut canadien de la diffusion des neutrons CINSICDN Annual General Meeting. Symposium on Pulsed Neutron Science and Instruments IPN200327.10.2003 - 30. 10.2003 - This is a series of international symposia to discuss science andinstruments using pulsed neutrons. Pulsed neutron user facilitiesKENS, IPNS, LANSCE, ISIS have been operated since the 1980s andpulsed neutron scattering technique have become an indispensable toolfor studying solid state physics, materials science, bio-physics,polymer science and even earth science. Two 1MW class facility, SNSand C, are now under construction; the second target station atISIS is expected to be approved very soon and the ESS project is underconsideration. Neutron Science Workshop UKJ200331.10.2003 - 01. 11.2003 - The UK-Japan collaboration is a very successful collaboration and hasled to the development of innovative instruments, i.e. MARI and MAPS.These instruments have produced outstanding scientific results, notonly by UK and Japanese researchers, but also by scientists world wide,and have influenced the instrument development for the future projects,i.e. JSNS, SNS and ESS. Detector Workshop ND200331.10.2003 - 01. 11.2003 - Detector development is the key to achieve the required instrumentperformance by fully utilizing the power of 1MW-class source. Thereis a great number of RD activities world wide and the workshop aimsto bring together the specialists. Therefore, following the previousInternational Workshop on Position-Sensitive Neutron Detectors, whichwas held at HMI in June 2001, we would like to host the InternationalWorkshop on Neutron Detector on this occasion. - 20. 11.2003 - The first annual ANSWER workshop is planned to gather internationalneutron-scattering materials research community and provide a forum for the discussion of current and future research activities and ideas. Specific topics of the oral and poster presentations will include: 1 neutron-scattering facilities and instruments; 2 mechanical behavior of materials including plastic deformation,twinning, fatigue, and creep; 3 residual stresses; 4 microstructure and phase transformation; and 5 theoretical modeling. Scattering Winter School09.1.2004 - 16. 1.2004 - This week-long, annual school focuses each year on a different scientific topic in 2004, magnetism and provides researchers principally graduate students and postdocs with a foundation in those aspects of neutron scattering theory and practice primarily used in studies of the topical area of the school. Complementary techniques are described in the school and students learn how neutron scattering complements information obtained with these techniques. Meeting on Neutron Optics and Detectors NOP2004 and PSND200413.1.2004 - 16. 1.2004 - NOP2004 : International Conference on Neutron Optics -- Development and Application of Neutron Optical Devices and Related Techniques --PSND2004 : Third International Workshop on Position-Sensitive Neutron Detectors. SINQ Users Meeting27.1.2004 - The scope of the meeting is to inform the users about recent progress and developments around SINQ, to give them the opportunity to present their results and to exchange their ideas within the SINQ community. A poster session is not foreseen, instead it is planned to give as many users as possible the opportunity to report on their work in talks oftypically 15 minutes in the parallel afternoon sessions. We especiallyencourage young scientists to participate and to present the outcome oftheir research. Analysis and Inelastic Cold-Neutron Scattering27.1.2004 - 28. 1.2004 - The purpose of the workshop is to: demonstrate the applications of these methods to Australian industry, government and universities, and make a start on defining specifications for instrumentation and sample-environment apparatus at the Replacement Research Reactor VITESS and McStas Training Course and Workshop05.2.2004 - 06. 2.2004 - The workshop will be organized as follows:Morning sessions with talks about simulation results in general. Afternoons with simulation training courses in groups with McStas and VITESS. The final program will be decided and announced in the beginning of January. of disordered materials on the nanometer scale23.2.2004 - 27. 2.2004 - This international conference will promote the confluence of ideas andexpertise from diverse experimental and theoretical approaches in orderto accelerate research on the dynamics of disordered materials on thenanometer scale. Energy Landscapes and Functional Systems28.3.2004 - 04. 4.2004 - The most interesting solids and molecules are mesoscopically functional ones that are active on the scale of domains within individual macromolecules or of less than a thousand atoms in a solid. This action can involve correlated properties such as transformation or the conduction of spins or Cooper pairs or chemical ones such as the conduction of ions, the catalysis of coupled or multi-step chemical reactions, and communication and regulation. What many of these systems have in common is that not only are they statically complex in terms of their compositions and structures on the nanoscale, but also dynamically complex, exhibiting multiple, coexisting conformations or arrangements of the atoms in these distinct domains. This conference will address the fundamental questions posed by these functional systems in condensed matter, chemistry, and biology, and the coupling of these properties with the intrinsic, mesoscale, dynamic heterogeneity of these systems and its origin in a modifiable local energy landscape with multiple local minima. The emphasis will not be on complexity per se, but rather on actual examples of materials that exhibit these characteristics, including correlated and transformational crystalline solids, mixed valence oxides, alloys and solid solutions, catalysts, polymers and other soft materials and molecular compounds, proteins and nucleic acids, actinides and other f electron systems, semiconductors and photo-excited transformational compounds, ionic conductors, biomolecular assemblies, and fabricated heterostructures. at the Institute of Metals, Minerals and Mining Congress 2004 London30.3.2004 - 01. 4.2004 - Symposium at the Institute of Metals, Minerals and Mining Congress 2004 London of Materials Minerals and Mining Annual Congress30.3.2004 - 01. 4.2004 - The object of the symposium is to showcase the wide range of neutron scattering techniques that are being applied to materials science problems. The flyer for the symposium and the abstracts of the invited talks are given in the attached word files. Instrumentation Workshop 2004 BIW0401.5.2004 - 04. 5.2004 - The 11th Beam Instrumentation Workshop extends an invitation to join colleagues in addressing design principles and engineering issues of beam diagnostic and control instrumentation for charged particle accelerators and beam transport lines. - 14. 5.2004 - CanSAS-IV is the event of the year for anyone with a particular interest in the use and application of Small-Angle Scattering techniques. Bensc Users Meeting 14.5.2004 - 15. 5.2004 - In addition to the talks and poster sessions on Friday, 14 May, a presentation of our projects at BESSY and a guided tour through BESSY on Saturday, 15 May. Canadian Powder Diffraction Workshop CPDW28.5.2004 - 29. 5.2004 - The main theme of the workshop is in the fundamentals of using powderdiffraction, and assisting participants in using the Rietveld method.Lectures on a variety of topics are planned for the morning, with theafternoon practical sessions concentrating on using GSAS for performing Rietveld analysis, for structure refinement and quantitative phase analysis. 2004 School: Scholarship application01.6.2004 - 05. 6.2004 - In addition to the PNCMI workshop that will give young scientists anexcellent overview on current research activities, we are organizing aschool on polarized neutron scattering. The school will contain both atutorial Friday, June 4, afternoon and a laboratory course Saturday,June 5 with hands-on training using the polarized neutron scatteringinstruments at the National Institute of Standards and Technology NISTCenter for Neutron Research. Neutron scattering experts from NIST willconduct the laboratory course. 200401.6.2004 - 04. 6.2004 - Conference topics include: i Condensed matter research using polarized neutrons ii Science opportunities at next generation sources iii Novel instrumentation. and Energy for the Future04.6.2004 - 05. 6.2004 - This workshop is a satellite event of the 2nd American Conference onNeutron Scattering. For additional workshop information, includingregistration, scholarship, location, lodging, and draft program. Conference on Neutron Scattering 200406.6.2004 - 10. 6.2004 - The ACNS conference is intended to showcase recent scientific results in neutron science. The specific sorting categories for abstracts are: Biology, Chemistry and Materials, EngineeringApplications, Instrumentation, Soft Matter, Condensed Matter Physics and Fundamental Physics. The conference will feature the presentation of the first Cliff Shull Prize for Neutron Science to be awarded to J. Michael Rowe NIST. School on Neutron Small-Angle Scattering And Reflectometry from Submicron Structures10.6.2004 - 12. 6.2004 - The 2004, tenth annual, NIST Center for Neutron Research NCNR neutron scattering summer school will be held in conjunction with the American Conference on Neutron Scattering ACNS. The summer school will commence on Sunday, June 6th, at the ACNS site on the University of Maryland campus in College Park, Maryland, with a series of introductory lectures covering the fundamentals of small-angle neutron scattering SANS, neutron reflectometry NR, and cold neutron spectroscopy. Following the ACNS meeting, the summer school will resume on Thursday, June 10th, at the NCNR in Gaithersburg, Maryland. This part of the summer school will run until Saturday afternoon, June 12th, and will emphasize hands-on training on the SANS and NR instruments at the NCNR. The combination of introductory lectures, scientific sessions at the ACNS, and training in scattering techniques at the NCNR will provide participants with a unique opportunity to become familiar with neutron scattering methods and their application to current research topics. Neutron Detector Workshop10.6.2004 - 11. 6.2004 - The workshop will explore alternatives to the commercially available 3He proportional tubes that are used in nearly all existing and planned instruments. Such alternatives include detector designs i.e. longer tubes to lower cost, new packaging techniques multi-tube detectors, application of existing technologies to fit the requirements of CNCS wire chamber arrays and new detector technologies Gas Electron Multipliers. In addition we wish to explore different manufacturing techniques lab and university based construction that could result in more cost effective detectors. - 02. 7.2004 - This 8th international SXNS conference will bring together researchers studying surfaces of solid, liquid, and soft condensed materials including multilayers via neutron or x-ray either hard, soft, or EUV scattering techniques. Dynamics at Interfaces - Options for Inelastic Neutron Reflectometry04.7.2004 - 06. 7.2004 - The workshop is dedicated to the analysis of dynamic phenomena by neutrons in various fields such as magnetic multilayers, polymer layers, biomembranes, solid-liquid interfaces and any interface related system. The workshop will discuss relevant instrument possibilities and experimental options and complemntary technqiues available. It is open to any scientist interested to participate. - 17. 7.2004 - The Twelfth International Conference on Liquid and Amorphous Metals will be held in Metz 11-17 July 2004. Shirane and Frontiers of Neutron Scattering15.7.2004 - The Gen Shirane and Frontiers of Neutron Scattering symposium to be held at Brookhaven National Laboratory on July 15, 2004. sessions at the ACA Meeting17.7.2004 - 22. 7.2004 - The purpose of this second ICONUSAS workshop, after the first held at Oak Ridge last summer, is to facilitate exchange of technical information, to identify areas for collaborative efforts, and to reduce duplication of efforts in this new field, especially in its Time-of-Flight implementation. At that time, we hope to acclaim new leadership of the Consortium. in Computing Environments for Crystallography17.7.2004 - 22. 7.2004 - Modern crystallography is undeniably dependent on access to adequatecomputing resources. New options for cheapish clustered computing andGRID computing allow for real-time or near-real-time modelling orrefinement of complex systems including macromolecules. In addition, themassive ammounts of data generated need to be effectively sharedcreating a need for accessible networks, which in turn create issueswith datanetwork security. People are invited to submit abstracts onthis topic for the ACA 2004 meeting, for either oral or poster presentation. on modeling and simulations02.8.2004 - 06. 8.2004 - The meeting is part of the 2004 SPIE Annual Meeting. United States National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering15.8.2004 - 29. 8.2004 - The school consists of tutorial lectures on the principles of scatteringtheory, the characteristics of neutron and synchrotron x-ray sources, and the application of scattering methods to condensed matter research. Hands-on experiments at both the IPNS and APS provide the students with practical experience in the use of neutrons and synchrotron x-rays for research. A series of lectures by prominent scientists on recent research using neutrons and x-rays are also presented to the students. Topics from many disciplines including materials science, condensed matter physics, chemistry, biology, and geology is included in both the experiments and lectures. - 04. 9.2004 - The QENS2004 conference will cover all aspects dealing with quasielastic neutron scattering in fields ranging from physics to biology as well as theory, applications, instrumentation and complementary techniques. IX02.9.2004 - 05. 9.2004 - EUROPEAN POWDER DIFFRACTION CONFERENCE will take place from September 2 to September 5 2004 in Prague, Czech Republic. and Numerical Methods II15.9.2004 - 18. 9.2004 - The 2nd Neutrons and Numerical Methods workshop will be held at the Institut Laue Langevin in September 15-18 this year. The workshop will be preceded by a one-day school that is intended not only for students, but anybody who wishes to become familiar with the basic methodologies. For further information, consult the website www.ill.frEventsN2M2 or contact the organisers directly via email n2m2 at Neutrons Numerical Methods Workshop15.9.2004 - 18. 9.2004 - School of Neutron scattering F. P. Ricci in Pa lau21.9.2004 - 02. 10.2004 - The School, established in 1994, is primarily addressed to graduate students or postdoctoral fellows who are interested in the field of Neutron Scattering. The School will comprise lectures, tutorials and simulation sessions covering all aspects of the theory and practice of Neutron Diffraction and Neutron Spectroscopy, with special attention to Small Angle SANS and Ultra Small Angle USANS Scattering. The School will be held in Palau Sardinia Island -Italy and will commence on Thusday the 21st September, with a series of introductory lectures covering the fundamentals of neutron scattering. Anybody interested to attend the School is invited to register by filling out the school Application Form. Those who need financial support should also fill out the Financial Assistance Form. on the Occasion of the Retirement of Albert Furrer06.10.2004 - on the occasion of the retirement of Prof Albert Furrer as the head of theLaboratory for Neutron Scattering at ETH Zurich and at the Paul ScherrerInstitute a dedicated symposium will be organised at PSI on Oct 6, 2004 starting at 1 p.m. 200418.10.2004 - 20. 10.2004 - The aim of the NOBUGS series of conferences is to foster collaboration between IT professionals working at X-ray, musr, and neutron sources around the world. This collaboration should yield better data aquisition and data analysis software for the users of such facilities. NOBUGS 2004 features oral and poster presentations of the latest developments in data acquisition, data analysis, user interface design and general computer science as is relevant to users and programmers working at scientific facilities. and X-Ray Scattering as Probes of Multiscale Phenomena29.11.2004 - 03. 12.2004 - The symposium on Neutrons and X-Ray Scattering as Probes of Multiscale Phenomena at the Materials Research Society Fall 2004 Meeting, Nov. 29 - Dec. 3 at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, MA. This symposium will emphasize new experimental methods, results, and data interpretation from a wide range of systems, including polymers, biomaterials, metals, electronic and magnetic materials, and complex fluids. Contributions from neutron and x-ray researchers in all areas of materials science are welcomed. on Neutron Inelastic Spectrometers02.12.2004 - 03. 12.2004 - In this workshop, new inelastic-spectrometer Chopper-Spectrometers,Inverted-Geometry Spectrometers, Hybrid-Type... planned for comingspallation neutron sources, related new devices and data analysismethods will be discussed. Scattering from Biological Systems13.12.2004 - 14. 12.2004 - In this meeting we aim to give a broad overview of the contribution ofneutrons to biology, with particular emphasis on neutron proteincrystallography, neutron fibre diffraction, small-angle scattering andreflectometry from systems such as enzymes, amyloids, membranes, proteins absorbed on surfaces, drug delivery vehicles, biosensors and many more. These topics will be introduced by a series of invited and contributing speakers and by a poster session, but there will also be ample time for an open discussion about the present and future of neutron techniques and facilities. In particular, we will explore the opportunities for neutron scattering experiments in biology at existing and future neutron sources, such as the ISIS Second Target Station. We expect a stimulating discussion on these topics to continue over our traditional Christmas Dinner. The levelof the presentations will be suitable for beginners and expert alike. The meeting will start at 1:30 PM on December 13, 2004 and end at 12:30 PM on December 14, 2004. Diffraction Characterization on Mechanical Behavior13.2.2005 - 17. 2.2005 - A symposium on Neutron Diffraction Characterization on Mechanical Behavior will be held February 13-17, 2005 at the TMS Annual Meeting in San Francisco, USA. Details can be found in the 1st announcement and call for papers, which includes the list of confirmed invited speakers and tentative titles. Just follow the link provided below. Winter Neutron School on Applications to Structural Materials03.3.2005 - 11. 3.2005 - The school will include lectures from some of the preeminent scientists in the field and hands on experiments on the SMARTS, HIPPO, NPDF, and LQD instruments at the Lujan Center. The school is focused of graduate students beginning there thesis research and post doctoral researchers, but industrial applicants will also be considered. anniversary of condensed matter theory at ISIS and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory07.4.2005 - 08. 4.2005 - A symposium to celebrate 25 years of continuing contribution by Stephen Lovesey in Condensed Matter Theory at the ISIS Facility and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. The symposium will start with dinner on the evening of Thursday the 7th of April at the Coseners House in Abingdon and will be followed by a workshop at RAL with 12 invited talks on condensed-matter physics on Friday the 8th of April. Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources ICANS XVII25.4.2005 - 29. 4.2005 - Matter at High Magnetic Fields with Xrays and Neutrons10.5.2005 - 12. 5.2005 - The National Research Councils Committee on Opportunities in HighMagnetic Field Science COHMAG was charged in 2003 to 1 assess the current state and future prospects of high magnetic field science and technology in the United States; 2 assess the position of the United States in this area in the international context; 3 identify promising multidisciplinary areas for research and development, and 4 review and prioritize major magnet construction initiatives for the next decade. Currently, the United States through the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory is the world leader in the highest fields for practical experiments; however, research institutions in Germany and Japan are key competitors. We have the opportunity to expand the high field magnet capabilities in the United States to help assure continued leadership in the science programs they support. Hydrogen Storage Materials28.5.2005 - 02. 6.2005 - The invited speaker list includesPetrovic DOELANLOzolins UCLA Jensen Univ. HawaiiMajzoub SNLHuot Univ. QuebecSpeakman ORNL 2005 one day powder diffraction software Workshop28.5.2005 - There will be a one day powder diffraction software workshop just prior to the American Crystallographic Association ACA 2005 meeting: Saturday 28th May 2005; Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Hotel, Disney World, Orlando, Florida, USA immediately prior to the ACA 2005 conference which is being held at the same venue. School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy20.6.2005 - 24. 6.2005 - In the lectures and hands-on demonstrations we shall emphasize methods that employ long wavelength neutrons to achieve high energy resolution, enabling the study of dynamical processes over a wide range of time scales, from 100 ns to 1 ps. The emonstrations will use four of the cold neutron instruments disk chopper spectrometer, backscattering spectrometer, spin echo spectrometer and SPINS triple-axis spectrometer, plus the FANS filter analyzer spectrometer. The course will be targeted at those with little or no previous experience with neutron inelastic scattering methods. Small angle neutron scattering and neutron reflectometry techniques will not be covered. - 24. 6.2005 - The Annual Workshop will be held this year at Cardiff University from the 22-24 June. International Workshop: Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunneling in Solids and Other Condensed Phases27.7.2005 - 31. 7.2005 - The Workshop has been in the process of broadening its scope and nowincludes work on tunneling in condensed phases in general, biologicalsystems being the new area of interest. Experimental and theoreticalaspects of quantum atomic and molecular tunneling phenomena will form the main theme of the workshop. Biological Membranes, current challenges.31.7.2005 - 19. 8.2005 - This workshop is intended to discuss progress and challenges of allaspects regarding our understanding of biological membranes and monolayers from a soft condensed matter perspective, both theoretically and experimentally.Focus topics will include: mixtures, domains and proteins in membranes, adhesion and membrane-cytoskeleton interactions, membrane fusion, membrane pores, dynamics and hydrodynamics and interactions of membranes with ions, polymers and proteins.The aim of the workshop will be to stimulate discussions and collaborations among participants, with a low number of seminars. Desks and computer facilities will be provided. complex fluid membranes and films with neutron spin-echo14.8.2005 - 17. 8.2005 - The broad scope for the meeting is the structure and behavior of membranes and other thin macromolecular films. Subjects that would fit within the scope of such a workshop include rafts, things in membranes, membrane crumpling and buckling, cytoskeletal effects, complexes in confined 2-d geometries, chemical, physical and charged patterning of surfaces and membrane adaptation to these patterns, and block copolymer structures in films. PSI Summer School: Spectroscopy Microscopy14.8.2005 - 21. 8.2005 - This school is primarily intended for young scientists at the beginning of their career, who look for research opportunities or have just started their research in this field. Part of the lecture program is devoted to the role of neutron and synchrotron X-ray techniques in this area. United States National School of Neutron and X-ray Scattering14.8.2005 - 18. 8.2005 - The main purpose of the School is to educate graduate students on the utilization of major neutron and x-ray facilities. Lectures, presented by researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories, will include basic tutorials on the principles of scattering theory and the characteristics of the sources, as well as seminars on the application of scattering methods to a variety of scientific subjects. Students will conduct four short experiments at Argonnes Advanced Photon Source Division and Intense Pulsed Neutron Source Division to provide hands-on experience for using neutron and synchrotron sources. Symposium at the ACS meeting on neutron scattering31.8.2005 - 01. 9.2005 - Our symposiums goal is to build scientific excitement and broadparticipation among chemists. Our speakers will focus on unansweredimportant scientific questions about structure and dynamics of chemicalsystems, broadly defined, and how many of these questions are complementarily or uniquely answered with neutron scattering techniques. The objective is to feature the most exciting problems and the role of neutron techniques in their solution. The chemical sciences,biology, chemical engineering, materials science, and geosciences will all be represented. Oxford School on Neutron Scattering05.9.2005 - 15. 9.2005 - The School is intended primarily for scientists who are new to the field of neutron scattering. The School will comprise lectures and tutorials covering all aspects of the theory and practice of neutron diffraction and neutron spectroscopy will be given by international experts. Techniques at both steady state and pulsed neutron sources are covered. Spin-Echo Workshop08.9.2005 - 10. 9.2005 - Neutron Spin-Echo Workshop 2005 being held at the Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France, from 8-10 September 2005 in co-operation with HMI Berlin, Germany, and FZ Juelich, Germany. symposium honoring Mike Rowe and Jack Rush09.9.2005 - Information about the symposium, including the invited speakers andchairs, the hotel, and registration, may be found athttp:www.ncnr.nist.govnran. SENS 317.10.2005 - 19. 10.2005 - The aim of each MECA SENS conference is to bring together scientists from the academic world and industry to address the field of stress measurement using neutron and synchrotron X-ray Radiation. The first two conferences were each attended by more than 100 scientists from within the engineering diffraction community. Principle subject areas include residual stresses due to processing and use, materials response to mechanical perturbations, neutron and synchrotron instrumentation, etc. Linked to the conference will also be business meetings of the IMIANSWER initiative and the VAMAS TWA-20 effort to develop standards for synchrotron stress measurements. BENSC USERS MEETING22.10.2005 - 23. 10.2005 - 13TH BENSC USERS MEETING Structure Determination From Neutron Powder Diffraction Data14.11.2005 - 16. 11.2005 - It will be hosted at the Rutheford Appleton Laboratories near Didcot, and at The Coseners House in Abingdon Oxfordshire, UK from the 14th of November afternoon, to the 16th of November. Conference on Neutron Scattering 200527.11.2005 - 02. 12.2005 - The ICNS 2005 meeting will be in beautiful Sydney, city of water and light, in the spring of 2005.This will be a very special time for neutron scattering in Australia, as it co-incides with the commissioning of Australias new high-flux reactor neutron source.The conference will follow the tradition established by the previous meetings: ICNS 2001 Munich, ICNS 97 Toronto, ICNS 94 Sendai, ICNS 91 Oxford, ICNS 88 Grenoble, ICNS 85 Sante Fe and ICNS 82 Hakone.ScopeICNS 2005 will provide an international forum for the presentation and discussion of recent developments in neutron sources, the techniques of neutron scattering and their application to physics, chemistry, biology, materials science and industry. The conference will bring together scientists using neutrons and instrumentation specialists. Topics include Condensed matter physics Condensed matter chemistry Earth sciences Industrial and medical applications Life sciences and biology Magnetism Materials science Soft condensed matter Advanced neutron sources Neutron instrumentationThe organisersInternational Advisory CommitteeOrganising Committee Chair: Brendan Kennedy.Programme Committee Chair: Evan Gray.Publications Committee Chair: Stewart Campbell. on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers 2005 WINS200505.12.2005 - 06. 12.2005 - We discuss recent developments of spectrometers, data analysis,devices, and futuristic science to be done on inelastic neutron scattering measurements at newly coming instruments in new sources. We are especially interested in time of flight inelastic neutron instruments, for instance chopper and crystal analyzer instruments. We are also welcome new instruments in reactor sources. If you are interested in cooperation with us, we are really grateful. Okinawa Conference on Innovative Nanoscale Approach to Dynamic Studies of Materials09.1.2006 - 14. 1.2006 - This conference devoted to the dynamic aspects of nano-scale functional materials presents fruitful opportunity to exchange information, ideas and enhance collaboration between scientists at the international level. The meeting will be an avenue for bringing together experimentalists and theorists from the traditional scientific and engineering disciplines physical, chemical, biological, materials sciences chemical engineers with expertise in synthesis and characterization of materials by light, x-ray, electron and neutron scattering, muSR, NMR, ESR, STM, etc. as well as in theoretical modeling and computer simulation quantum chemistry, molecular dynamics, DFT etc. Instruments at Pulsed Neutron Sources for Nanoscience24.1.2006 - 27. 1.2006 - The scope of the workshop is to discuss design concepts of these instruments for nanoscience and its structural and technical optimization. The workshop will bring together representatives of the planned instruments at SNS, ISIS-TS2 and J-PARC and experts for critical discussions of recent advances and future prospects in methodology, technology and nanoscience for which these instruments will play important roles. The invited speakers are A.SoperISIS, A.HannonISIS, T.EgamiUniv. of Tennessee, D.MildnerNIST, J.ZhaoSNS, J.PenfoldISIS, J.AnknerSNS, et al. Workshop31.1.2006 - 02. 2.2006 - The Workshop will bring together scientists studying complex materialsand molecular systems that are typically available as polycrystalline,nanoscale and amorphous materials rather than single crystals. Insight into the intrinsic dynamical properties of these materials can be obtained either by an integrated dynamic response such as a phonon density of states or through selected, individual phonons. Status and Future of Very Cold Neutron Applications13.2.2006 - 14. 2.2006 - The aim is to discuss the perspectives of using very cold neutrons 20-100 Angstroms in condensed matter research and other applications. New developments in very cold moderation and phase space transformation methods indicate that an increased VCN flux might be available in the near future which could be used in neutron scattering. Symposium Juelich Centre for Neutron Science and European User Meeting16.2.2006 - 17. 2.2006 - Spring 2006 marks a major reorientation of research with neutrons atForschungszentrum Juelich GmbH FZJ: while it is planned that theresearch reactor FRJ-2 will be permanently shut down in May 2006,Juelich will strengthen its activities at external neutron sources. Forthis purpose, we found the Juelich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS, which encompasses the in-house research with neutrons, the instrument and method development and the instrument operation and user programs at the FRM-II reactor in Munich, the SNS Spallation Source in Oak Ridge and the ILL high flux reactor in Grenoble. Inelastic Neutron Scattering PINS Workshop06.4.2006 - 07. 4.2006 - Polarized Inelastic Neutron Scattering PINS workshop to be held April 6-7, 2006 at Brookhaven National Laboratory followed by HYSPEC IDT Meeting. Millennium Symposium27.4.2006 - 29. 4.2006 - The ILL Millennium Programme was launched on 1 January 2000 and gained considerable momentum with the Millennium Symposium held in April 2001. In the five years since then we have seen enormous progress achieved on the ILLs instrumentation and infrastructure, and this to the benefit of all the ILLs users. The Reactor Refit Programme has been running in parallel to this and it is now nearing completion. We feel that the time has now come to review our achievements and the work in progress, and to also pave the way for ILLs longer-term future. User Meeting01.5.2006 - 05. 5.2006 - In addition to other users of the IPNS, you can meet users and staff of the Advanced Photon Source APS, Center for Nanoscale Materials CNM, and Electron Microscopy Center EMC. Joint Neutron Scattering School in Soft Condensed Matter and Structural Biology18.5.2006 - 26. 5.2006 - The school will focus on outstanding issues in soft matter and structural biology where neutrons make fundamental contributions. It will provide an overview of and training in neutron scattering in soft condensed matter and structural biology, including the basics of neutron scattering diffraction and reflection, neutron production; small-angle neutron scattering, reflectometry, diffraction on thermal and cold neutron instruments; experimental methods, data reduction and analysis techniques; and hands-on experiments. Conference on Neutron Scattering 200618.6.2006 - 22. 6.2006 - The third American Conference on Neutron Scattering will be held at the Pheasant Run Conference Center in St. Charles, IL, June 18-22, 2006. The conference is being organized under the auspices of the Neutron Scattering Society of America NSSA with local arrangements for the conference being made by the Intense Pulsed Neutron Source at Argonne National Laboratory.The conference is intended to showcase recent scientific results inneutron science. The specific sorting categories for abstracts are:Biology, Chemistry and Materials, Engineering and Applications,Instrumentation and Software, Soft Matter, Condensed Matter Physics and Fundamental Physics. SANS and Reflectivity summer school26.6.2006 - 30. 6.2006 - Since 1995, The NIST center for neutron research hosts an annual summer school, sponsored in part by the National Science Foundation, with the alternating themes of inelastic scattering one year and SANSUltraSANS USANS and reflectometry the next. These schools emphasize hands on training with plenty of experiments scheduled on both instrument types. These are world-class facilities for the examination of bulk and interfacial microstructure on a scale from roughly 1 to over 500 nm, even into the micron regime with USANS, and are available to any qualified researchers who submit experiment proposals for peer review. This weeklong course will provide potential new users of these techniques with a basic understanding of the fundamental concepts and methodology along with hands-on training in the use of the SANS and NR facilities at the NCNR. Applications of the techniques will be illustrated by specific examples drawn from recent research in polymer science, complex fluids, microporous media, magnetism, and structural biology. The course will enable attendees to assess the applicability of the techniques, and the NCNRs instruments, to their own research interests and provide technical information needed to prepare effective experiment proposals. This years school will follow the ACNS meeting in Chicago which is being held the prior week June 19-22. - 13. 7.2006 - In this conference, researchers in various scientific fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, materials sciences, and engineering gettogether to discuss and explore the unique capabilities, needs, andopportunities of SAS for structure determination of various systems from atomic or molecular to mesoscopic scales. Systems to be studied by SAS of X-rays and Neutrons extend over a quite wide range; metals, ceramics, biomolecules, and soft matters such as polymers, liquid crystals, colloids, membranes, and surfactants. Therefore, this conference is highly interdisciplinary by nature. In this conference, we are going to attempt to bring speakers and participants in various fields to meet in the same conference rooms to present and discuss their SAS studies, as a common but most important keyword among others, beyond their special fields. We are also going to highlight some topical sessions on researches; for example, researches concerning 1 dynamics and kinetics, 2 hierarchy structures studied with a wide range of momentum transfer, 3 novel techniques concerning with optics, detectors, microbeam, and contrast variation, 4 experiments under extreme ambient conditions, and 5 open-nonequilibrium systems under various external fields. Excitations User Group Meeting02.8.2006 - We will present the current progress on the Merlin and Let spectrometers, provide news on future projects such as advanced magnets for neutron scattering, polarised neutrons at ISIS and eXess, an instrument for extreme sample environments proposed for the ISIS Second Target Station. A discussion session will allow current user needs to be discussed and future potential projects to be explored.The meeting is open to all and we encourage you to present your current research with posters that will be displayed during both meetings. A prize will be awarded for the best poster presented at the meetings. United States National School of Neutron and X-ray Scattering13.8.2006 - 27. 8.2006 - The main purpose of the School is to educate US graduate students on the utilization of major neutron and x-ray facilities. Lectures, presented by researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories, will include basic tutorials on the principles of scattering theory and the characteristics of the sources, as well as seminars on the application of scattering methods to a variety of scientific subjects. Students will conduct four short experiments at Argonnes Advanced Photon Source Division and Intense Pulsed Neutron Source Division to provide hands-on experience for using neutron and synchrotron sources. PSI Summer School on Condensed Matter Research: Neutron, X-ray and Muon Studies of Nano Scale Structures19.8.2006 - 26. 8.2006 - Each summer PSI organises a summer school on a researchtheme where key new insight can be obtained through accessto and use of its large scale research infrastructures. The topic for the 2006 school is: Neutron, X-ray and Muon studies of nano scale structures and will mainly focus on the study of soft matter systems. The school is addressed mainly to the education of PhD or postdoctoral students without prior knowledge of or experience with neutron, X-ray or Muon techniques. The school will start with 3 days ofintroduction to the techniques and conclude with a series of lectures providing an overview of state of the art in research using these techniques. The school is open to the national and non-national public, the language of the school will be English. Summer School on Neutron Techniques in Molecular Magnetism31.8.2006 - 09. 9.2006 - The International Summer School on Neutron Techniques in Molecular Magnetism will be held in Jaca, Spain from the 31st August until 9th September, 2006. Applications of X-Ray Powder Diffraction31.8.2006 - The purpose of the workshop is to bring together outstanding X-raypowder diffraction XRPD scientists and pharmaceutical industryrepresentatives to discuss issues of current mutual interest. Newmethods and trends in the XRPD field will be presented, which arerelevant to the pharmaceutical industry. In particular, regulatoryaspects of daily laboratory work are discussed, which are crucial forthis industry. and Powder Diffraction31.8.2006 - The workshop Nano-materials and Powder Diffraction will be held on August 31st 2006 in Geneva, preceding the 10th European powder diffraction conference. EPDIC Under the Bonnet Powder diffraction Software Workshop01.9.2006 - Use Software for Powder diffraction Want to know which program to usefor a particular application Want to hear from the developers what great engine they have got hiding under that pretty GUI Get direct feedback to your questions from the Developers themselves. Contribute to the discussion of code extensions and the next generation. 713.9.2006 - 15. 9.2006 - ECRS 7 Polarised Neutron School19.9.2006 - 22. 9.2006 - The PNCMI School will focus on state-of-the-art polarised neutronscattering techniques and their applications to small-angle scattering,reflectometry, diffraction and inelastic scattering. The school will include lectures from preeminent scientists in the field and practical training with hands-on experiments on BENSC instruments. The school is jointly organized by HMI, BENSC and the Polarised NeutronTechniques JRA of NMI3. It is primarily intended for Diploma PhD students or young postdoctoral scientists familiar with scattering techniques who are seeking additional training in polarized neutrons. The maximum number of participants will be limited to 30. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF NEUTRON SCATTERINGFRANCESCO PAOLO RICCI : NEUTRON SCATTERING FROM MAGNETIC SYSTEMS25.9.2006 - 06. 10.2006 - This school, established in 1994, is primarily addressed to graduatestudents or postdoctoral with an interest in Neutron Scattering. The School will comprise lectures, tutorials and hands-on data analysis sessions, covering diverse aspects of Neutron Scattering, but with an emphasis on techniques and instrumentation designed to study the Structure and Dynamics of Magnetic Systems. An international group of acknowledged experts will form the teaching body. The Conference Centre is the Hotel Flamingo, Santa Margherita di Pula CA. The official language of the school is English. The School will commence on Monday, September 25th 2006, with a series of introductory lectures covering the fundamental aspects of neutron scattering and neutron instrumentation. During the next few days, a series of lectureswill provide the basis to understand Magnetic Symmetry, Magnetic Structure Description, Solution and Refinement from powder and single crystals data, Spin Density Determination using polarised neutron techniques, Neutron Polarimetry, Magnetic Small-Angle Neutron Scattering, Magnetic Neutron Reflectometry and Inelastic Neutron Scattering from Single-Ion, Magnetic Clusters and Collective Magnetic Excitations. Each of these topics will be expanded in a series of tutorials, to be held in small groups, which will also include hands-on data analysis sessions. The combination of introductory lectures, scientific sessions and training in scattering techniques will provide participants with a unique opportunity to become familiar with neutron scattering methods and their applications to current research topics. at High Pressures28.9.2006 - 01. 10.2006 - This forthcoming International Workshop on Crystallography at High Pressure follows the sequence of workshops organized on behalf of the IUCr Commission on High Pressure Argonne, USA, 1998; SPring-8, Japan, 2000; Orsay, France, 2001; Berkeley, USA, 2003; Saskatoon, Canada 2004. This Workshop will also follow the sequence of meetings on Neutron Scattering at High Pressure organized by the FLNP JINR NSHP-I in 1994 and NSHP-II in 1999, Dubna, Russia. The 2006 workshop will cover the entire range of the High-Pressure Crystallography, including X-ray, neutron and theoretical studies, material synthesis, physical properties and related techniques, and therefore will naturally integrate NSHP-III as a part of the meeting. The scientific program will include about 30 invited talks and poster sessions. As usual, the Commission will encourage new fields and new speakers especially from the youngest part of the high-pressure community. We expect to welcome over 100 participants. - 30. 9.2006 - The workshop will cover innovative aspects of the instrument design,sample environment, data processing, virtual instrument tools as well asreports on progress of spectrometer projects, with some preference forTOF techniques in view of the growing importance of pulsed spallationsources. Workshop on Applications of Advanced MC Simulations02.10.2006 - 04. 10.2006 - The objectives of the workshop are to review the present status of the different Monte Carlo packages McStas, VITESS, Restrax and NISP used in the neutron scattering community and their applications. 200602.10.2006 - 04. 10.2006 - The conference seeks to improve the users scientific productivity by focusing on the interaction between the experimenter and the facilities infrastructures, apparatus, and data.NOBUGS 2006 features oral and poster presentations of the latest developments in data acquisition, data analysis, user interface design and general computer science as is relevant to users and programmers working at scientific facilities. - 06. 10.2006 - The conference will take place under the auspices of Senator Jrg Drger. The participants are invited to a senate reception with buffet in the Hamburg City Hall in the evening of October 5, 2006. Scattering Highlights on Biological Systems07.10.2006 - 10. 10.2006 - The workshop is supported by the European network NMI3 - Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy. The fourth general NMI3 meeting 2006 will be held from 9th to 11th October 2006 in Taormina. The main scope of the workshop is to provide insight into neutron scattering techniques and to furnish a representative sampling of some experimental findings which, in the broad area of research under the general headings biophysics, biomaterials and related topics, have recently been the object of considerable scientific scrutiny. The workshop aims to attract researchers from completely different horizons providing a forum to bring together scientists from academia, industry and other research organisations so reinforcing a community at a time where the field is progressing rapidly. The look forward into the future will be based on a thorough analysis of past and present experimental highlights. and Neutrons23.10.2006 - 25. 10.2006 - IAN 2006 is directed to a broad-based international scientific community who wish to advance progress in the use of neutrons in a wide range of imaging applications. Many scientific disciplines use imaging techniques, from biology and medicine to industrial applications in engineering, homeland security, materials science and chemistry. The technique of neutron radiography was first used extensively in Europe in the 1930s, and over the past several decades, significant advances have been made in neutron tomography. Other techniques that will be explored include microscopy, holography, neutron stimulated emission computedtomography, and neutron magnetic resonance. In addition, athematical techniques involving advanced reconstruction algorithms and software development will be noted along with enhancements of the current technologies utilized in design and operation of current neutron instrumentation. in Neutron Powder Diffraction09.12.2006 - We were all deeply saddened by the recent passing of Jim Jorgensen after a long battle with cancer. In his honor, we are organizing a Symposium on Opportunities in Neutron Powder Diffraction, that will celebrate recent developments in a field to which Jim made so many seminal contributions. It will highlight progress in both science and instrumentation, with contributions from leading scientists and colleagues with whom Jim interacted as a scientist and as a person. We invite all those who want to celebrate his scientific achievements and discover their relevance to future research opportunities to attend. Advanced Laue diffraction in Frontier Science23.1.2007 - 27. 1.2007 - Laue diffraction is currently undergoing a lively renaissance due to new instrumental developments at both synchrotron X-ray and neutron sources. The aim of this workshop is to offer to a very diverse community of scientists chemists, physicists, biologists, geologists ... state-of-the-art experimental methods and hands-on experience ofdata-analysis for exploration, using single-crystal Laue diffraction, ofthe crystalline structure of complex materials in extreme cases. Examples of these are very small samples biological materials, complex chemical structures..., radiation-sensitive samples, extreme conditions very low temperatures, very high pressure, and time-resolved studies down to the femtosecond limit.This workshop will bring together the neutron and X-ray communitiesworking with Laue diffraction. Experts in the field will review the current state of the art, and a number of submitted abstracts will beselected for oral presentation. Attendees will also have the opportunityto visit the Laue facilities at both the ESRF and the ILL. HMI School on Neutron Scattering26.2.2007 - 02. 3.2007 - The School emphasizes hands-on experience of neutron techniques. The program will consist of a theoretical introduction to methods of neutron scattering in condensed matter research, and then continue with practical experiments at various neutron scattering instruments at BENSC. The course will cover Triple-Axis-Spectroscopy, Powder Diffraction, Small Angle Neutron Scattering, Reflectometry, Time-of-Flight Spectroscopy, Neutron-Spin-Echo, Sample Environment and Industrial Applications. The school is free of charge, contributions to travel expenses may be available on request. Workshop on Neutron Optics05.3.2007 - 07. 3.2007 - European Workshop on Neutron Optics NOP 07 March 5-7, 2007 Paul Scherrer Institute Villigen, Switzerland Stress, Texture, and Phase Transformation for Industry - NST218.4.2007 - 19. 4.2007 - NST2 is directed to the broad engineering community based in industry who wishes to utilize neutrons in a wide range of diffractionapplications. Emphasis of the NST2 Workshop will be on the future uses of Engineering Neutron Diffraction facilities for non-destructivestress, phase and texture mapping, in-situ load and furnacemeasurements, and grain level materials deformation behavior. Theconnection to modeling of residual stress generation and deformation processing will also be made. Meeting the needs of industry and universities and aiding American economic competitiveness are important to the ORNL neutron scattering community. The NST2 Workshop will also highlight the two newest Engineering Neutron Diffraction instruments which are located at ORNLs Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor. The SNS and HFIR user facilities and the state-of-the-art user facilities at other national laboratories funded by the U.S. government are shared with the science community worldwide and offer some technologies and instrumentation that are available nowhere else. Each year, these facilities are used by thousands of researchers from universities, other government agencies, and private industry. The new capabilities at HFIR and SNS will greatly expand the benefit of neutron scattering to industry. Symposium: Neutrons for Materials Science and Engineering18.4.2007 - 19. 4.2007 - Neutron scattering is an important scientific technique to characterizematerials of all classes - polymers, soft materials, metals and alloys,and ceramics for such applications as fuel cells, hydrogen storage,biomedicine and bio-compatibility, aerospace, nuclear power, andelectronics. Many of the new facilities provide sample environments that provide for measurement at non-ambient conditions of temperature or pressure, under applied load or in high magnetic fields. The program of the Educational Symposium on Neutrons for Materials Science and Engineering has been developed to expand the awareness of North American students and faculty involved in materials science and engineering studies to the diverse applications of neutron scattering and to the increasing capabilities at facilities in North America. The Symposium is also open to scientists and engineers from industry and laboratories that wish to obtain a broad overview of the many applications of neutron scattering to studies of materials. EdSym2007 will include ten talks beginning with the basics of production of neutrons and their uses and an overview of neutron scattering and diffraction methods. Subsequent presentations will present how neutrons are used to study phase transformations, engineering stresses, materials deformation behavior, polymer and soft materials, biomedical and bio-related materials, and advance fuel cell and hydrogen storage materials. A summary of engineering and industrial applications of neutron scattering is also included. Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources ICANS-XVIII25.4.2007 - 29. 4.2007 - The 18th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources ICANS-XVIII shall be held from April 25-29, 2007 in Dongguan , Guangdong Province, China . ICANS, originated from a series of discussions that took place in 1977 among Argonne National Laboratory, Los Alamos Laboratory, Rutherford Laboratory, Tohoku University and KEK, comprises an informal network oftwelve member-Laboratories worldwide. Over the past 30 years, the ICANS meetings have provided a forum for scientists and engineers all over the world to study and exchange information on the development of accelerator-based neutron science. This is the first time in its history for ICANS to be hosted in China , of which we are very proud. China has decided to build its own neutron source facility - the Chinese Spallation Neutron Source CSNS. Dongguan has been chosen as the site to host the facility, which is why we choose the city as the location for ICANS-XVIII. It is the tradition of ICANS to cooperate and support each other, by hosting this meeting we hope to advance neutron science and to further strengthen cooperation between and among the member laboratories. Opportunities at Argonnes 2007 Users Week07.5.2007 - 12. 5.2007 - Students may choose to have their poster abstract considered for conversion to an invited 15-minute talk during the plenary session on Monday, May 7. Those selected as speakers will also receive free registration for the meeting. Note, however, that these abstracts will be withdrawn from the student poster prize competion. BENSC Users Meeting23.5.2007 - 24. 5.2007 - on Liquid-Liquid Interfaces22.6.2007 - 24. 6.2007 - An international workshop on the topic of scattering from liquid-liquid interfaces by x-rays and neutrons will be organized from June 22-24 2007 at the Comwell Borupgaard Hotel and Conference Center in Snekkersten, Denmark. An outstanding problem in studies of interfacial phenomena is the determination of structure at liquid-liquid interfaces. Their structure is relevant, for example, to the understanding of electron and molecular transfer across biological membranes and to the partitioning of solvents and metal ions across liquid-liquid interfaces often important in addressing environmental issues. X-ray reflectivity is one of the few techniques available for structural investigation of liquid-liquid interfaces. Although neutron reflectivity has been used to study mixed surfactant monolayers at the liquid-vapor and solid-liquid interfaces, its utility for studies of the liquid-liquid interface has so far been limited. The isotopic contrast variation by neutron scattering is a tremendous advantage in the study of structure and interaction of liquid-liquid systems. The option for more intense neutron beams at new spallation neutron sources and the operation of new neutron reflectometers at several existing sources FRM-II, ILL and outside Europe opens the new possibilities to tackle the problems of liquid-liquid interfaces with neutrons.The workshop aims to discuss among leading scientists in the field the opportunities and needs to study liquid-liquid interfaces with neutrons. An overview of the current work on liquid-liquid interfaces will be given, current instrument options and future developments will be outlined and a plan for co-operation in the future use of neutrons to investigate liquid-liquid interfaces will be developed. European Conference on Neutron Scattering ECNS 200725.6.2007 - 29. 6.2007 - The scientific programme will consist of Plenary Lectures, Parallel sessions of lectures on various specific themes and poster sessions. Appropriate full papers presented at the conference will be published in special issues of Journal of Physics Condensed Matter and Measurement Science and Technology. Users Meeting26.6.2007 - The users meeting will consist of one session afternoon with oral presentations, which will NOT overlap with plenary ECNS sessions.In conjunction with the ECNS program committee some abstracts submitted to ECNS and containing SINQ results will be selected for oral presentations at the SINQ users meeting. in Biology11.7.2007 - 13. 7.2007 - The three day meeting will focus on recent progress in the application of neutron scattering to problems in biological and biomedical science. Talks will cover Small Angle Neutron Scattering of proteins and complexes in solution, studies of membrane proteins by neutron reflectometry, and recent advances in neutron protein crystallography as well as progress in instrumentation, experimental design, and data analysis. Neutron School on Hydrogen in Materials12.7.2007 - 20. 7.2007 - The school is intended for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in physics, chemistry, and materials science interested in the application of neutron scattering techniques elastic and inelastic to investigate the structure and dynamics of materials containing hydrogen. Senior undergraduate students and junior faculty members are also invited to apply.The lectures will cover an introduction to a variety of neutron scattering techniques diffraction, small-angle scattering, inelastic scattering, and reflectometry, and will highlight recent development in hydrogen research as supported by neutron scattering. Hyrides, porous materials, clathrates, proton conductors and fuel cell materials, and other materials will be discussed. The formal lectures will be supplemented by hands-on experiments on five instruments at the Lujan Center to illustrate with important classes of hydrogen-containing materials the neutron scattering techniques presented during the school. Summer school on representational analysis and magnetic structure determination23.7.2007 - 26. 7.2007 - Modern science has given rise to exotic materials with interesting blukproperties which can only be understood in light of their magnetic structures. However, these magnetic structurs are increasingly complex and characterized by a large number of parameters. In order to reduce this complexity one must apply Representatoinal Analysis to take advantage of the inherent symmetries in the crystallographic systems studied.The school is intended for advanced graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and young scientists working in condensed matter physics, materials science, and related fields. The main goal is to provide an overview of this rapidly growing field so that young scientists will have the opportunity to work at the frontiers of this new exciting field. Line Profile Analysis06.8.2007 - 17. 8.2007 - Prof. Tamas Ungar Eotvos University Budapest will visit Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Tennessee during Aug 6-17. He will give a series of lectures on X-ray line profile analysis for the characterization of microstructure in crystalline materials. The lecture video and ppt slides will be broadcast live via web and also archived shortly after each lecture for public access. PSI Sommer School on Condensed Matter Research18.8.2007 - 25. 8.2007 - The purpose of the Summer School is to give the participants anintroduction to the basic principles of spectroscopy, microscopy, anddiffraction at synchrotron, neutron, and muon facilities as applied tocorrelated electron materials. The lectures will cover both theoreticaland experimental aspects, with particular emphasis on the utilization of three prominent experimental probes available at PSI: synchrotron light, neutrons, and muons. For admission, no specialized knowledge of the subject is required, but a masters degree or equivalent in natural sciences is necessary. In addition to the lectures, there will be poster and discussion sessions in which the participants are welcome to present their own results. Autumn School Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science 17.9.2007 - 21. 9.2007 - PNAM Autumn School Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science. Users Week08.10.2007 - 11. 10.2007 - This meeting focuses on the scientific resources of four ORNL userfacilities: High Flux Isotope Reactor, Spallation Neutron Source, Centerfor Nanophase Materials Sciences, and the Shared Research Equipment program. This is an opportunity for speakers and attendees to provide an input to our future direction and capabilities. Molecular Spectroscopy User Group Meeting 200719.10.2007 - The ISIS Molecular Science Group would like to invite you to the 2007 Molecular Spectroscopy User Group Meeting to be held at The Coseners House, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, UK on Friday 19th October 2007.The meeting will provide the ISIS user community with the latest developments and future plans for the instrumentation at ISIS in both TS1 and TS2. Instrument reports on IRIS, OSIRIS, FIRES, TOSCA, VESUVIO and INES will be presented, including the plans for polarised neutrons. Recent developments in the areas of sample environment, support laboratory facilities, operations and computing will also be addressed. The meeting also serves as a good opportunity for PhD students, post-docs and researchers to present their latest results in an informal setting. The scientific session will be followed by a User Group discussion which will allow users to voice any current needs and discuss future potential projects that may be explored. for Biologists23.10.2007 - 26. 10.2007 - An international school on Scattering for Biologists is organized at PSI, Switzerland, which hosts the neutron source SINQ and the synchrotron source SLS, to teach interested young researchers and students in x-ray and neutron scattering methods. The school will consist of lectures by leading scientists in the different techniques of x-ray and neutron scattering appropriate in structural biology and biophysics. The lectures will be accompanied by hands on experiments at x-ray and neutron instrument stations of SINQ and SLS. 2007: Quantum Atomic and Molecular Tunneling in Solids and other Condensed Phases28.10.2007 - 01. 11.2007 - The hallmark of this workshop has been its highly crossdisciplinary nature, which includes work on tunneling of protons and heavier species in condensed phases in general, including biological systems, chemical reactions, transport phenomena in solids, etc. as well as rotational tunneling of small molecules or molecular groups. - 31. 10.2007 - The fifth gathering of the Collective Action for Nomadic Small Angle Scatterers CANSAS V will be hosted by the NIST Center for Neutron Research in Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA from October 28th to 31st, 2007. user meeting at the FRM II30.10.2007 - After 2.5 years of routine operation, the FRM II invites for the first user meeting on Tuesday 30. October 2007. On a one day meeting we will present an overview of possibilities at the existing instruments and give an outlook to the near future. User are asked to present recent results of experiments performed at the FRM II. Both, oral and poster presentations are welcome. Small-Angle Neutron Scattering at OPAL to Smaller Q15.11.2007 - 16. 11.2007 - Small-angle neutron scattering SANS provides unique insight intohierarchical structures of materials. In addition, there is a number ofmethods USANS, VSANS, SESANS for extending the experimentally measurable range to length scales between 10 and 10 mm. Thus, multilevel structures in solids and liquids, reflecting not only nanometer-sized molecules and particles, but also mm-sized aggregates and agglomerates can be probed via neutron diffraction. Fields of interest include but are not limited to: Polymer blends, colloids, coals, complex fluids, hydrogels, porous materials, nanocomposites, and cements.The purpose of the ANSTO workshop is to demonstrate UVSE SANS techniques to Australian industry, government and universities, and to make a start on defining specifications for a new instrument at the OPAL reactor. ILL: 1st Annual School on Advanced Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment11.2.2008 - 15. 2.2008 - Precise crystallography has significantly contributed to the success and recent developments in materials science, solid state physics and chemistry. Among the available programs for diffraction data analysis, the FULLPROF Suite is one of the most widely used packages by the scientific community working in these fields.By creating a regular school on the FULLPROF Suite, our aim is to contribute directly to the training of the upcoming generation of scientists. These intensive, hands-on, schools will focus on the analysis of diffraction data with the FULLPROF Suite and will concern heterogeneous data coming from powders, single crystals, X-rays and time-of-flight neutron diffraction. FPSchool-2008 will focus on the analysis of large amount of diffraction data on passing through phase transformations. It will take place at the Institut Laue-Langevin and will be open to a maximum of 30 participants. First J-PARC International: Symposium International Symposium on Pulsed Neutron and Muon Sciences IPS 0805.3.2008 - 07. 3.2008 - Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, J-PARC, is an interdisciplinary facility using secondary particles produced by the world highest pulsed proton beams, and it is scheduled to deliver the first proton beam to the Materials and Life science experimental Facility MLF in May, 2008. The symposium will focus on the high intensity pulsed spallation neutron and muon sources at MLF, inwhich the first user program will begin in J-PARC. IPS08 will provide an opportunity to introduce the performance of J-PARC and other facilities in the world, and discuss prospective sciences and technologies performed in those facilities. School on Surface Analytical Techniques11.3.2008 - 14. 3.2008 - The primary objective of this school is a sustainable program centred on detailed discussions of analytical methods and data analysis flavoured by selected topics of Colloid and Interface Science. It is part of the European COST D43 programme. Conference on Neutron Scattering 200811.5.2008 - 15. 5.2008 - With the new Spallation Neutron Source coming on line, the recently announced expansion of the neutron facilities at NIST, and reinvigorated programs at other North American facilities, this is truly an exciting time for neutron research in North America. Whether you are already a neutron user, or would simply like to find out how neutrons can help solve your problems in the materials and biological sciences, the American Conference on Neutron Scattering ACNS is the essential venue to hear about the high quality and breadth of current neutron-related research across North America. and Interfaces in Soft Matter and Biology : the impact and future of neutron reflectivity-A Symposium in Honor of Robert K. Thomas21.5.2008 - 23. 5.2008 - The development of new instrumentation and sources at the ILL, ISIS and elsewhere heralds exciting new opportunities to further expand the application of the technique in the broad areas of Soft Matter and Biology. The 3 day symposium is aimed at exploring the new horizons that these developments will enable. The symposium will include sessions on surfactants, polymers, mixtures at airliquid and solidliquid interfaces, biosurfaces and interfaces, liquid-liquid interfaces, polymer films, complementary techniques, with an emphasis on future directions and developments. Structure Determination31.5.2008 - One-day, May 31, held before the American Crystallographic AssociationAnnual meeting in Knoxville, Tennessee. This will be a great opportunity to learn from the experts and to work through real examples. You do not have to attend the ACA meeting to participate. - 05. 7.2008 - This series of conferences brings together researchers studying surfaces and interfaces via neutron or x-ray scattering techniques. years of neutron research in Berlin14.7.2008 - 15. 7.2008 - The programme will include: Presentations on the past and the future of neutron research in Berlin Scientific talks on current trends in neutron science by Andrew Taylor ISIS Kazu Kakurai JAEA and other renowned researchers Poster session presenting research of younger researchers working with neutrons LANSCE Neutron School on Magnetism in Bulk and Nanostructured Materials23.7.2008 - 01. 8.2008 - This years school is designed to be of interest to graduate level Ph.D. students and postdocs and will emphasize the novel properties of magnetism in bulk and nanostructured materials. The school is designed to provide an expansive knowledge of neutron scattering particularly from magnetic materials, to illustrate applications of neutron scattering to solve modern problems, and to provide hands-on opportunities to collect and analyze neutron scattering data. PSI Summer School: Probing the Nanometer Scale with Neutrons, Photons and Muons16.8.2008 - 22. 8.2008 - As a continuation of our traditional summer school on neutron scatteringwe initiated six years ago an extended type of school which is calledPSI Summer School on Condensed Matter Research. While the experimental methods provided by PSI to the scientific community, that is neutrons, muons and synchrotron light should still play a crucial but notexclusive role, the emphasis of the school is on a particular topic, tobe defined every year. The topic of this seventh school 2008 will bededicated to Probing the Nanometer Scale with Neutrons, Photons andMuons. Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering01.9.2008 - 12. 9.2008 - The labcourse will consist of one week of lectures and another of hands-on training. The lectures will take place at Forschungszentrum Juelich and the training at the research reactor FRM II located close to Munich. The labcourse is organised in cooperation with RWTH Aachen and the University of Muenster. - 05. 9.2008 - The 7th International Workshop on Polarized Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations to be held as the 2nd International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science Directorate of JAEA QuBS2008.The 7th International Workshop on Polarized Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations, PNCMI2008, will be held as the 2nd International Symposium of Quantum Beam Science Directorate of JAEA QuBS2008 in Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan from Sept. 1Mon to 5Fri 2008. The workshop will cover the forefront of condensed matter investigations using polarized neutrons and state-of-the-art methodologies and technologies of polarized neutron productionand utilization for novel instrumentations and experiments, thus providing opportunities to discuss prospects for new science and new instrument concepts. The complementarities of various polarized quantum beams, such as synchrotron x-rays andmuons, will be also discussed. and Neutron scattering meeting14.9.2008 - 15. 9.2008 - This will be primarily a scientific meeting, reviewing recent progress in Polymers Neutron scattering, but it will also celebrate Dame Julias numerous contributions to the field. An evening reception will take place at the Polish club Ognisko on Sep 14 2008. International Conference of Ternary and Multinary Compounds15.9.2008 - 19. 9.2008 - The ICTMC-16 meeting continues the long tradition of 15 previous meetings, covering physics, chemistry, materials science, device engineering, growth and theory of ternary and multinary compounds. School of Neutron Scattering Francesco Paolo Ricci APPLICATION OF NEUTRONS TO STRUCTURAL DETERMINATION IN SOFT MATTER: FROM SHORT AND MEDIUM RANGE ORDER TO WETTING PROCESSES22.9.2008 - 03. 10.2008 - This school, established in 1994, is primarily addressed to graduatestudents or post-docs with an interest in Neutron Scattering. The School will include lectures, tutorials and hands-on data analysis sessions, covering various aspects of Neutron Scattering, but with an emphasis on techniques and instrumentation oriented towards the study of Near and Intermediate Range Order in Liquids and Soft Matter, along with Wetting Processes. An international group of recognized experts will constitute the teaching body. The school will be held in the Conference Centre of the Hotel Flamingo, Santa Margherita di Pula CA . The official language of the school is English. Dynamics and Protein-Water Interactions24.9.2008 - 26. 9.2008 - The dynamics of biological systems is a general and important topic to understand structure and function of life processes. The workshop addresses recent aspects of biomolecular dynamics in the context of neutron scattering experiments. This includes the controversial discussion concerning the mechanism of the dynamical transition, the role of hydration water, proteins in extreme environments, collective motions, biological function and simulation of neutron scattering spectra.The workshop provides a forum, where all groups working in the field, can present their point of view. United States National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering24.9.2008 - 11. 10.2008 - In addition to the regular sessions covering are large variety of scientific topics including neutron instrumentation we will focus on up-to-date subjects in 3 Mini-Symposia entitled:Function from Frustration in Modern Multiferroics, jointly organized by G. Krexner Univ. Wien and D. Argyriou HMI, BerlinDynamics, kinetics, complex materials in the light of SANS and reflectometry, jointly organized by A. Wiedenmann HMI, Berlin, M. Gradzielski TU Berlin, R. Steitz HMI, BerlinMaterials Science and Engineering, jointly organized by R. Schneider HMI, M. Hofmann FRM II and A. Schreyer GKSS. Trends in Neutron Scattering Instrumentation15.10.2008 - 17. 10.2008 - JCNS Workshop 2008 on Modern Trends in Neutron Scattering Instrumentation on Oct. 15.-17.2008 in Bernried near Munich. 200803.11.2008 - 05. 11.2008 - The aim of the NOBUGS series of conferences is to foster collaborationfor developers of computer techniques in scientific instrumentation,especially as employed at large scale user facilities. The conferenceseeks to improve the users scientific productivity by focusing on theinteraction between the experimenter and the facilitiesinfrastructures, apparatus, and data. Imaging at the Spallation Neutron Source03.11.2008 - This Workshop is directed to a broad community of industries,governmental laboratories and agencies, who wishes to usenon-destructive neutron imaging techniques at a future instrument at the Spallation Neutron Source SNS. Potential applications include - but are not limited to: engineering, advanced material characterization, fluid-flow andor two-phase flow devices, automotive technology, advanced manufacturing technology, applied sciences, aerospace, life and biological sciences, national security applications, etc. Neutrons are specifically well suited for imaging light atoms hydrocarbons for example buried in heavy atoms, and are capable of characterizing fluid flow dynamics. of Soft Matter04.12.2008 - 06. 12.2008 - Contributed talks and posters are being solicited. Sessions on complex fluids, biology, polymers, and surfaces, are planned. See the website http:neutrons.ornl.govconfdsm2008index.shtml for more information including plenary and invited speakers and the agenda with instructions for submitting contributed talks and posters. Each talk will include an overview of the status of current applications and techniques, the potential of using advanced neutron techniques to provide new capabilities, and the developments required to enable these goals to be met. The Workshop will utilize open discussion to summarize the science presentations to maximize the integration of science and techniques to develop the directions of research and future investments in a wide variety of environments. Active feedback will enable a summary of future actions to be discussed on the last day. Included in the Workshop summary will be a description of the capabilities of the present and planned reactor and accelerator-based sources along with development of new techniques. The summary will also serve as animportant document when communicating with funding agencies and the public. SANS05.12.2008 - The Low Energy Neutron Source LENS at the Indiana University Cyclotron Facility is pleased to announce that construction of LENS is completed. The source and the SANS Small Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument are both operational, and the source is ramping up to full power. A second instrument, SESAME Spin-Echo Scattering Angle Measurement, is under construction and expected to be on-line by late Spring of 2009.SANS is a technique that measures small scattering angles due to small inhomogeneitis in the sample and allows probing structures on a length scale of 20 1000 . Because of the advantage of contrast variation through HD substitution, SANS is particularly useful for studying hydrogenous systems, i.e. biological macromolecules, polymers, microemulsions, etc. SESAME uses the spin echo technique to determine the angle through which neutrons are scattered by a sample. It can be used to carry out reflectometry experiments as well as simple transmission SANS measurements. It is expected to be able to measure correlations over distances between a few 10s of nanometers and 1-2 microns. Details about the two instruments and the performance of the source can be found on the web http:www.iucf.indiana.edulensinstruments.php. Proposals from users wishing to perform SANS measurements can be submitted from the website http:www.iucf.indiana.edusansbeamtime.php at any time. Reflection19.1.2009 - 20. 1.2009 - We have recently been developing the application of magnetic contrast reflectometry to gold supported biomolecular films. This method is especially applicable where deuteration of the component molecules is either intractable or prohibitively expensive. The method takes advantage of the requirement to incorporate a binder layer between the gold and the silicon substrate. We replace the standard binders with a magnetic layer usually an FeNi alloy. When magnetised this layer presents a different scattering power to polarised neutrons. We are therefore able to collect two datasets relative to an external reference from exactly the same sample.The meeting will outline the method, present results from a number of systems studied and explore future possibilities of this method. FROM MICRO TO MACRO: Microstructural and texture anlysis from diffraction data26.1.2009 - 30. 1.2009 - Theoretical course with hands-on software-Classical Rietveld analysis-Line broadening-Texture analysis-Pole figure reconstruction-Residual stress International Conference on Quasielastic Neutron Scattering QENS10.2.2009 - 13. 2.2009 - This Conference intends to present all up to date research activities connected to Quasielastic Neutron Scattering. The main topics are:- confined matter- biological systems- polymers- glasses- ionic conductors- theory, numerical simulations- instrumentation and complementary techniques. Annual Meeting15.2.2009 - 19. 2.2009 - A multi-session symposium for neutron scattering is planned, aspart of this annual meeting, to provide a discussion forum for application of neutron scattering to address some of the fundamental issues in materials science and engineering. and X-rays meet biology25.2.2009 - 27. 2.2009 - From Wednesday 25 to Friday 27 February, 2009 a workshop on Neutrons and X-rays meet Biology, will be held at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin. This workshop is devoted to the relation betweenstructure-dynamics-function in biological systems. The workshop will give an up-to-date overview of the results obtained by either neutron or X-ray scattering as well as combinations of the two techniques, and it will demonstrate that the combination of neutron and X-ray scattering will deeply broaden our knowledge on the structural anddynamical properties of biological systems. The workshop intends to bring together experts in the fields of neutron and X-ray techniques as well as specialists in bio-modelling, biochemical and biological techniques and will offer opportunities to initiate andor intensify collaborations between experimental and theoretical scientists working in the area of biology. The program of the workshop will include invited lectures, talks and a poster session. To stimulate discussions and to further scientific exchange, the posters will be displayed for the entire period of the workshop. A visit of facilities at BENSC and BESSY will be an integral part of the programme. F. Tasset06.3.2009 - On March 6, the ILL will organise a symposium to honor Dr. F. Tassets life-long contributions to polarised neutron scattering, and in particular the generalisation of the polarisation analysis Spherical Neutron Polarimetry and his pioneering contributions towards the polarisation of wide-band neutron beams with 3He spin filters.Francis started playing with polarised neutrons in 1966 on the diffractometer DN2 of the CEA-Grenoble. After convincing M. Maier- Leibniz to build a polarised neutron three-axis spectrometer at ILL, he met P.J. Brown and J.B. Forsyth also interested by polarised neutron techniques. In 1975-76, he worked on superconducting materials and met W.C. Koehler. After his return to ILL, he decided to exploit the Meissner effect and built a prototype of the Cryoflipper. From the successful results, he started to built a prototype of Cryopad with the help of S. Pujol. After solving many problems, he finally succeeded just before the long shutdown in 1990. The Spherical Neutron Polarimetry technique was born. In parallel, he tried to polarise a neutron beam with a spin filter but the disappoint was huge with only 12 3He polarisation. A few years later, thanks to a steadfast motivation, he built a second-generation Cryopad at ILL and a first polarised 3He filling station at Mainz University. In 1998, the Spherical Neutron Polarimetry was adopted and people started speaking about 3He spin filters. In 2000-02, he built the filling station which is now the reference worldwide. F. Tasset06.3.2009 - On March 6, the ILL will organise a symposium to honor Dr. F. Tassets life-long contributions to polarised neutron scattering, and in particular the generalisation of the polarisation analysis Spherical Neutron Polarimetry and his pioneering contributions towards the polarisation of wide-band neutron beams with 3He spin filters.Francis started playing with polarised neutrons in 1966 on the diffractometer DN2 of the CEA-Grenoble. After convincing M. Maier- Leibniz to build a polarised neutron three-axis spectrometer at ILL, he met P.J. Brown and J.B. Forsyth also interested by polarised neutron techniques. In 1975-76, he worked on superconducting materials and met W.C. Koehler. After his return to ILL, he decided to exploit the Meissner effect and built a prototype of the Cryoflipper. From the successful results, he started to built a prototype of Cryopad with the help of S. Pujol. After solving many problems, he finally succeeded just before the long shutdown in 1990. The Spherical Neutron Polarimetry technique was born. In parallel, he tried to polarise a neutron beam with a spin filter but the disappoint was huge with only 12 3He polarisation. A few years later, thanks to a steadfast motivation, he built a second-generation Cryopad at ILL and a first polarised 3He filling station at Mainz University. In 1998, the Spherical Neutron Polarimetry was adopted and people started speaking about 3He spin filters. In 2000-02, he built the filling station which is now the reference worldwide. Initiative Workshop - Multi-MW Spallation Neutron Sources: Current Challenges and Future Prospects16.3.2009 - 19. 3.2009 - The goal of the workshop, organized by the ESS Bilbao consortium, was to assess the current challenges facing multi-MW spallation sources and, taking into account synergies with other international projects of a similar nature, outline a road map for a collaborative Research and Development program that would enable Europe to meet these challenges for the timely construction of ESS. on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers WINS 200901.5.2009 - 02. 5.2009 - WINS 2009 will be an informal workshop to discuss recent and future developments in the instrumentation, software and sample environment equipment associated with inelastic neutron scattering. Conference on Neutron Scattering 200903.5.2009 - 07. 5.2009 - Sponsored by the Neutron Scattering Society of America NSSA and hosted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory, this meeting will provide an international forum for scientists interested in: sharing new results enabled by neutron scattering experiments in scientific and engineering fields including condensed matter physics, engineered and applied materials, soft condensed matter and biological science, minerology and earth science, neutron physics, and instrument concepts and devices and energy science presenting ideas on new and novel techniques in the field of neutron scattering promoting collaborations and interdisciplinary partnerships featuring updates on facility development and expanding capabilities for advanced neutron sources discussing how neutron scattering might expand its role in the study of new and emerging scientific topics - Preliminary schedule, morning session:9:00-9:05 Welcome by the McStas team9:05-9:15 Overview of new features expected in McStas 2.09:15-9:25 Overview of recent virtual experiment studies performed9:25-10:35 7 x 10-minute talkfeedback inputs from McStas users10:35-10:50 Coffee break10:50-12:00 7 x 10-minute talkfeedback inputs from McStas usersPreliminary schedule, afternoon session:14:00-14:10 Brief McStas introduction for new users14:10-17:00 Hands on session installation help for new users workshop on TOF SANS05.5.2009 - We propose to build on three decades of experience with the time-of-flight TOF low-Q method and the conclusions of two recent strategic planning workshops addressing some of the needs for the low-Q measurement,1-2 to rethink designs for this class of instrument. Meeting: CG1 Triple Axis Spectrometer at the HFIR06.5.2009 - In this meeting there will be an update of the initiative to write a NSF Major Instrument Program proposal to obtain funds for the conceptual and engineering design of a new generation of triple axis spectrometer at the CG-1 guide at the HFIR. This initiative will require the involvement of many people and we hope that we can count on your help for this effort. Please plan to attend this meeting. Feel free to resend this message to anyone who may be interested in helping in this effort. Scattering for the Geosciences session24.5.2009 - 27. 5.2009 - With the advent of new neutron sources and advances in neutron instrumentation, neutron scattering is finding increased applications to studies of materials including Earth and Planetary materials. Compared with X-ray scattering, the scattering power of neutrons does not scale with the number of electrons in an element, and thus neutron scattering is more sensitive to light elements and is powerful in distinguishing neighboring elements in the periodic table. Moreover, since neutrons are highly penetrating, neutron scattering iswell suited for combining with sample environment cells such aspressure, temperature and magnetic field for in-situ real-time studies. Important areas of applications to geological problems include high-pressure mineral physics e.g., stability of hydrous minerals, crystallography e.g., ionic orderdisorder and magnetic structures, geochemistry e.g., isotope fractionation and fluid-rock interactions in a confined space, petrology e.g., glassmelt structure and microstructure of rocks and structural geology e.g., texture andstressstrain analysis. The aim of this session is to provide aninterdisciplinary forum to promote discussions on the current state ofneutron scattering applications to a broad range of geological problems not limited to those described above. Submissions are also welcome from beamline scientists to introduce instrumental capabilities and data analysis methods to stimulate discussions on new applications. Meeting FRM II25.5.2009 - This will be the second FRM II User Meeting since FRM II has started operation. Like the previous one the meeting will provide informations concerning the instruments and experimental possibilities. Moreover, scientific results will be presented by oral and poster sessions, which have been obtained since the first user meeting in Oct. 2007. National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering30.5.2009 - 13. 6.2009 - The main purpose of the National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering is to educate graduate students on the utilization of major neutron and x-ray facilities. Lectures, presented by researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories, will include basic tutorials on the principles of scattering theory and the characteristics of the sources, as well as seminars on the application of scattering methods to a variety of scientific subjects. Students will conduct four short experiments at Argonnes Advanced Photon Source APS and Oak Ridges Spallation Neutron Source SNS and High Flux Isotope Reactor HFIR facilities to provide hands-on experience for using neutron and synchrotron sources. International Clay Conference14.6.2009 - 20. 6.2009 - A special section directed to water mobility studies in reference realclays using QENS, NMR, andor molecular dynamics is being organized by Laurie Aldridge ANSTO and UNSW, Australia, Will P. Gates SmecTech Research Consulting, Australia and Heloisa Nunes Bordallo Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fr Materialien und Energie, Germany at the 14th International Clay Conference to be held in Castellaneta M., Italy, June 14-20, 2009. Canadian Neutron Summer School15.6.2009 - 19. 6.2009 - The aim of the school is to cover a wide range of topics associated with thermal neutron scattering, including powder diffraction, stress analysis, texture, reflectometry, magnetism and neutron scattering, SANS, inelastic scattering together with the underlying theory associated with neutron scattering. Lectures will be held in the mornings. A variety of demonstration practical experiments on the neutron instruments will be held in the afternoons, from which the attendees will be able to select four hands-on practicals at the reactor with the neutron instruments. The aim of the school is to give a broad overview of neutron methods and applications, concentrating on those techniques available at a thermal neutron source. -Synchrotron and Neutron Advances in Environmental Geochemistry and Mineralogy21.6.2009 - 26. 6.2009 - Over the past 10 years there has been a large increase in the number of new generation synchrotron e.g. Diamond Light Source, SSRL Spear 3 and The Linac Coherent Light Source LCLS and neutron sources e.g. J-PARC, SNS, FRM-II, OPAL, ISIS-TS2 across the world. The development of these facilities has led to dramatic improvements in beam flux, size and stability which have enabled significant improvements in time resolution, data quality, detection limits and spatial resolution using microfocus techniques. Environmental geochemistry and mineralogy research has benefited greatly from these developments as the new facilities allow in situ studies of natural heterogeneous materials e.g. soil, aqueous phases and poorly-ordered minerals under near natural conditions. This session will focus on the recent developments in the applications of synchrotron- and neutron- based techniques for the study of low-temperature environmental systems including but not limited to biogeochemistry, geomicrobiology, soil science, carbon sequestration, metal and metalloid speciation studies in natural and contaminated environments, aqueous geochemistry, colloid science, nano particles, mineralsolutionbio interface studies, environmental radiochemistry and phytoremediation studies. The session will cover research using all types of synchrotron and neutron based techniques including, XAS, X-ray microscopy e.g. STXM, tomography, XPS, XRF, X-ray microprobe, scattering e.g. SAXSWAXS XPEEM, diffraction, total scattering, inelastic and quasielastic scattering, infrared and time resolved studies. School on the Fundamentals of Neutron Scattering22.6.2009 - 26. 6.2009 - Using lectures and hands-on demonstrations NCNR staff will introduce attendees to a variety of scattering methods that employ long wavelength neutrons to achieve high energy resolution. These methods enable researchers to study dynamical processes that occur over a wide range of time scales spanning 100 ns to 1 ps. The demonstrations will be based on data acquired using five different neutron instruments: a disk chopper spectrometer, a backscattering spectrometer, a spin-echo spectrometer, a cold triple-axis spectrometer, and a thermal double-focusing triple-axis spectrometer. The NCNR summer school is targeted to those with little or no previous experience with neutron inelastic scattering methods. Note: small-angle neutron scattering and neutron reflectometry techniques will not be covered. in Biology 200922.6.2009 - 24. 6.2009 - As the trend towards interdisciplinarity widens for the study of biological systems, neutron scattering approaches are becoming an increasingly important part of the powerful array of techniques that are needed to study these systems in a genuinely integrated way. The programme of the meeting will cover biological problems that are currently being addressed by different neutron scattering techniques as well as those where there is the potential to do so in the future. A conscious effort will therefore be made to involve researchers whose activities currently do not exploit these methods. The meeting is organized by Physical Chemistry, Lund University and scientists associated with neutron facilities around Europe. International Conference on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering22.6.2009 - 24. 6.2009 - ICNX is anInternational Conference on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering to be held in Kuala Lumpar, Malaysia on June 22-24, 2009. Neutron School07.7.2009 - 17. 7.2009 - The school will include lectures from some of the preeminent scientists in the field and hands on experiments on the HIPPO, SMARTS, NPDF, FDS, and LQD instruments at the Lujan Center.The school is focused of graduate students beginning there thesis research and post doctoral researchers. Industrial applicants will also be considered. materials research using neutron and synchrotron radiation27.7.2009 - 30. 7.2009 - The International Conference on Energy materials research using neutron and synchrotron radiation to be held on July 27 to July 30, 2009 in Berlin, Germany and organized jointly by Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin fr Materialien und Energie and Bragg Institute of Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation. From a fundamental standpoint, many of the same phenomena are common to hydrogen storage materials, electrolyte and electrode materials, fuel cells and solar cell materials and the meeting is planed to address the questions: where is the energy carrier, how does it move and what are the interactions that determine storage or transport properties Understanding the underlying processes requires a simultaneous access to the proper length and time scales which can be selected by different neutron and synchrotron scattering techniques. The scope of the conference is to explore the pertinent properties of sustainable energy materials by interdisciplinary approach, how neutron and synchrotron radiation can contribute to this field and determine future research directions. Modelling, either to deeper understanding of experimental data, or in the prediction of new materials from these data is an important aspect of the sustainable energy field and will also be part of the conference. Preparation methods etc. will not be dealt with. PSI Summer School: Functional Materials01.8.2009 - 07. 8.2009 - Functional materials are omnipresent in the modern world. They are the basis for technologies with applications in energy, environment and health. The school will introduce the concepts behind the design and use of such materials and show how large scale facilities providing beams of photons, muons, and neutrons are used in this field. 2009: Workshop on Polarized Neutrons and Synchrotron X-rays for Magnetism02.8.2009 - 05. 8.2009 - The second Workshop on Polarized Neutrons and Synchrotron X-rays for Magnetism PNSXM 2009 took place in Bonn Germany from August 2 to 5, 2009, as a satellite conference to the ICM 2009 in Karlsruhe Germany. This second workshop follows the tradition of PNSXM 2003 in Venice Italy in bringing together the application and method development of these two special, complementary probes to magnetism and promoting their common use. The large and very international audience, with 110 participants from 17 countries spanning 5 continents, demonstrated the vitality of magnetism research with polarized probes. After Germany, the largest delegations came from France, the United Kingdom, and Japan, with a tie for the fifth place between Russia and Australia. The other participants came from Brazil, Ecuador, India, Taiwan, the USA, Switzerland, Sweden, Hungary, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Poland. - 07. 8.2009 - The program of Sagamore XVI covers the latest results in areas related to the Sagamore themes of Charge, Spin and Momentum Densities, but this time also includes sessions on Neutron Scattering, Ultrafast Time-Resolved Studies and the Electronic Structure of Nanoparticles. The conference has a strong international character and is sponsored by the IUCr and the Los Alamos Neutron Scattering Center. Poster presentations are accepted and a limited amount of funding is available for partial coverage of travel expenses for young scientists. AONSA Neutron School 2009 16.8.2009 - 21. 8.2009 - This school provides training for newcomers to neutron scattering focussing on nanoscience. We will not only have lectures, but also practical sessions with hands-on experiments and data analysis. All neutron techniques available at ANSTO will be covered in the school, i.e. powder diffraction, single-crystal diffraction, strain scanning, small-angle scattering, reflectometry, and inelastic scattering using three-axis spectrometers. Guides, Instruments and Sample-Environment Apparatus at the OPAL Research Reactor27.8.2009 - 28. 8.2009 - In the Australian Governments latest Budget of 12th May 2009, it was announced that ANSTO will receive 37M of new capital funding for a new split cold guide at the OPAL Reactor, along with three new instruments SANS, high-resolution spectroscopy and neutron radiographytomographyimaging and further sample-environment apparatus.In order to flesh out more of the details, we will hold a 2-day scoping workshop at the Bragg Institute, together with the AustralianNew Zealand user community and selected international experts. Oxford School on Neutron Scattering31.8.2009 - 12. 9.2009 - The Oxford School on Neutron Scattering is intended primarily for scientists who are new to the field of neutron scattering and has been teaching students for over 40 years. Lectures and tutorials covering all aspects of the theory and practice of neutron diffraction and spectroscopy will be given by international experts. Students will gain a comprehensive grounding in modern techniques and applications at both steady state and pulsed neutron sources and have the opportunity to hear about the latest research being carried out with the technique. of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science31.8.2009 - 04. 9.2009 - The school will provide a systematic overview of application of neutrons and synchrotron radiation to the structural analysis of engineering materials. All relevant experimental methods will be covered in a three day course finishing with a two day practical one day neutrons, one day photons on various strain scanners, texture diffractometers and tomography stations available at GKSS and DESY. International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering SAS-200913.9.2009 - 18. 9.2009 - The International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering has been held approximately every 3 years since 1965, but this will be the first time that it has been staged in the United KingdomThe Organisers, the STFC, Diamond and ISIS are therefore very honoured to have been entrusted with continuing such a long and successful series of meetings. Formally, the decision to award SAS-2009 to Oxford was made by the delegates at SAS-2006 in Kyoto, Japan, 9-13 July 2006.The purpose of the Conference, organised under the auspices of the International Union of Crystallography IuCr Commission on Small-Angle Scattering, is to provide an opportunity for scientists using SAS in the study of both soft and hard condensed matter, whether with light, X-rays or neutrons, to meet and share their latest scientific results and technological improvements. - 23. 9.2009 - Thin film technology, nanostructures, surfaces and interfaces cover a wide range, from polymeric coatings to photonic and magnetic applications as well as nanotechnology. Grazing incidence small angle scattering GISAS is an advanced powerful method to investigate the structure and morphology of thin films and interfaces in order to extract the structure-function-relationship. It is both used in combination with x-rays and neutrons, each branch exploiting its specific advantages Our aim is to bring together the different communities working in the field of thin films, nanostructures, surfaces and interfaces, to present recent results and new developments as well as to introduce this powerful method to new lines of research. User Group Meeting30.9.2009 - 01. 10.2009 - The two-day meeting will feature a technical program of interest to researchers in materials science, condensed matter physics, neutron and nuclear science, radiation effects, accelerator physics and applications, and related areas. The agenda includes plenary talks, user science talks and posters, parallel sessions on focus topics, the LANSCE User Group business meeting, collaboration meetings, and interactive discussions on the user facility capabilities and future plans. World Conference on Neutron Radiography03.10.2009 - 08. 10.2009 - The aim of the series of WCNR is to bring researchers, students and fellows together to share information, build networks and to strengthen relationships between international partners in neutron radiography related research. Topics to be covered at WCNR-9: Neutron sources and beams at fast- , thermal- and cold neutron facilities. Neutron detectors and techniques for tomographic, phase-, stroboscopic, and other novel imaging practices. Industrial neutron imaging applications and its complementary nature to X-ray imaging. Workshop 2009: Trends and Perspectives in Neutron Scattering on Soft Matter05.10.2009 - 08. 10.2009 - An international workshop will be organised to discuss current status and future trends and possibilities of neutron scattering methods in studying structure and dynamics of soft matter systems. Due to the unique properties of neutrons investigations to reveal structure and dynamics of polymers, colloids, polymer interfaces, composite polymer materials, bio-compatible and bio-mimetic structures, polymer glasses and polymer nanostructures have delivered significant insight into soft matter physics and soft matter molecular structure. Novel dedicated methods as neutron spin echo spectroscopy or time resolved small angle neutron scattering have delivered unique insight into the understanding of soft matter structures and molecules. at P 0912.10.2009 - 13. 10.2009 - The aim of this Joint Users Meeting is to bring together the three user communities and to generate synergies among the users driven by science rather than methods.The meeting will consist of a plenary session, poster sessions and parallel scientific symposia on the following topics: Colloids and soft condensed matter Correlated electron systems Materials for environment and energy Imaging of biological and technical materials Advanced techniques at PSI large facilities Gen 2 structure Spin Echo Spectroscopy04.11.2009 - 05. 11.2009 - The new Neutron Spin Echo Spectrometer at the Spallation Neutron Source is beginning its commissioning. This workshop will celebrate the completion of its construction phase and will present invited and contributed talks on neutron spin echo technique relating to: Biophysics Complex Fluids Polymer dynamics New trends and perspectives in Cold Neutron Time-Of-Flight spectrometer TICnTOF26.11.2009 - 28. 11.2009 - The most recent breakthrough in the field of time-of-flight spectroscopy is the expanding use of large area position sensitive detectors PSD. The improved count-rate and angular acceptance opens new fields of investigation and reinforces the traditional strengths of the cold-neutron high resolution instruments also adding potential for installing specialized sample environements and polarisation analysis. WE-Heraeus seminar Photons and Neutrons as Probes of Matter13.12.2009 - 16. 12.2009 - This seminar supported by the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung WE-Heraeus Foundation will provide an overview of the broad spectrum of applications of both probes with a strong focus on highlighting their complementarity in selected scientific fields. These include Nanomaterials, Structural Materials, Magnetism and Superconductivity, Soft Matter and Biomaterials. Each of these topics is introduced by an overview presentation by renowned experts in their respective field. In addition the current status and future of photon and neutron sources as well as new and emerging experimental techniques are addressed by key researchers. annual meeting: Neutron scattering is a valuable technique that has relevance across the science spectrum28.12.2009 - The aim is to increase awareness within the diverse science community of physicists in the United States of the potential applications of neutron scattering. Please join us in this exciting scientific gathering. - 22. 1.2010 - Diffraction with Polarised Neutrons Flipper201027.1.2010 - 29. 1.2010 - The enhanced contrast between the magnetic and nuclear signals in polarised neutron diffraction was first demonstrated in the milestone experiment by Shull, Nathans and colleagues in the late 1950s. The following decades saw steady development of the flipping-ratio technique by small groups of devoted experts who were interested primarily in the experimental determination of magnetic form factors and mapping out of spin density in metals and intermetallics. More recently improvements in instrumentation and analysis techniques have seen application of polarised-neutron diffraction to an increasingly wider range of scientific questions from solution of difficult antiferromagnetic structures, through exploration of spin density in smart materials, such as giant-magnetoresistant oxides and multiferroics, to magnetism in molecules. Chemists, materials scientists and biologists have now joined with physicists to discover the unique capabilities of polarised-neutron diffraction. International Workshop on Dynamics in Confinement03.3.2010 - 05. 3.2010 - Like the preceding meetings, Confit 2010 aims at bringing together expert researchers working in the field of confined matter for fruitful discussions of the scientific progress and new developments that have been made during the last four years, and for an extensive exchange of prospective questions, new directions and future opportunities that have opened up in this field. - 05. 3.2010 - Berlin Neutron Scattering School11.3.2010 - 19. 3.2010 - Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources ICANS-XIX08.4.2010 - 12. 4.2010 - ICANS, dating back to 1977, is an informal network of more than 15 institutions worldwide, providing a forum for scientists and engineers to study and exchange information on the progress and developments in conjunction with accelerator- and reactor-based neutron sources. The attention of the Collaboration is on the subjects of accelerator development, source target and moderator development, and neutron scattering instrumentation techniques.Since the last meeting in Dongguan, China, in 2007 significant progress was made at various neutron science facilities, in particular at SNS, Oak Ridge, J-PARC, Tokai and the ISIS Second Target Station has been brought online. Likewise, the ESS site decision has been taken. It is the tradition of ICANS to cooperate and support each other, and by continuing this series we hope to advance neutron science and to further strengthen cooperation between and among the participating laboratories.Besides the traditionally represented high-power and large-scale facilities, ICANS XIX in particular would like to encourage smaller sources to submit contributions on their development and perspectives. As well, contributions from developing countries are very welcome. Analysis for Quasielestic Neutron Scattering with FRIDA28.4.2010 - 29. 4.2010 - The JCNS school on data analysis for QENS using the program FRIDA is dedicated to users and instrument scientists of neutron time-of-flight and backscattering spectrometers, who like to use or do use the program FRIDA in their work. Topics will include: 1. routine and non-routine steps of raw data processing 2. interactive visualisation and conditioning of pluridimensional data 3. foundations and practice of curve fitting 4. typical problems in analysing quasielastic neutron data 5. discussion of future software developmentsConfirmed speakers and tutors are: 1. Sebastian Busch TU Mnchen 2. Florian Kargl DLR Kln 3. Tobias Unruh TU Mnchen 4. Joachim Wuttke JCNS Garching School-201002.5.2010 - 07. 5.2010 - Precise crystallography has significantly contributed to the success and recent developments in materials science, solid state physics and chemistry. Among the available programs for diffraction data analysis, the FULLPROF SUITE is one of the most widely used packages by the scientific community working in these fields.By creating a regular school on the FULLPROF SUITE, our aim is to contribute directly to the training of the upcoming generation of scientists. These intensive, hands-on, schools are focus on the analysis of diffraction data with the FULLPROF SUITE. School on the Fundamentals of Neutron Scattering10.5.2010 - 14. 5.2010 - This school provides participants the opportunity to learn about small angle neutron scattering SANS and neutron reflectometry NR at the NIST Center for Neutron Research NCNR. These powerful experimental techniques are used by researchers in a variety of scientific disciplines to probe the microstructure of materials at length scales of approximately 1-1000 nm. The NCNR is home to world class SANS, USANS Ultra Small Angle Neutron Scattering, and NR instruments which are available to any qualified researchers through the NCNRs peer review proposal system. This school emphasizes hands-on experimental training in the use of SANS, USANS and NR, in addition to a thorough theoretical overview of these measurement techniques. Applications of SANS and NR will be illustrated by specific examples drawn from recent cutting-edge research in polymer science, complex fluids, microporous media, magnetism, and structural biology. The course will enable attendees to assess the applicability of the techniques to their own research, and will provide technical information needed to prepare effective experiment proposals. The Summer School is sponsored in part by the National Science Foundation, and limited support for graduate students, postdocs and junior faculty will be available. Attendance will be limited to 32 participants, and only applicants from North American institutions will be accepted. VITESS user training workshop 201017.5.2010 - 21. 5.2010 - The workshop is a school in order to train technical staff and instrument scientists in using Monte-Carlo code to design better neutron devices and instruments. The programme is split into sessions dedicated to different parts optics, sample environment, detectors, .... If you work in one of these areas, and feel like simulating it, then this school is for you, especially if youve never done so before. Central European Training School on Neutron Scattering31.5.2010 - 04. 6.2010 - The scope of this school is to provide insight into neutron scattering techniques and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter. Comprehensive experimental skills and guidance in result interpretation are going to be conveyed. The school will be a forum for the presentation and discussion of actual research works of young scientists. Scattering techniques in Structural Biology07.6.2010 - 11. 6.2010 - The unique potential of neutron scattering in structural biology arises from the strong interaction of neutrons with hydrogen H and its deuterium D isotope. This property makes the information available from neutron scattering unique and a valuable complement to data obtain from other structural techniques. Individual hydrogendeuterium atoms are visualized in neutron density maps from crystallographic data at the resolution typical of most protein structures 2.0 -2.5 . Using contrast variation by HD exchange, proteins and nucleic acids are sequentially modeled and mapped in large biological complexes by Small Angle Neutron Scattering, protein-membrane interactions are revealed by Reflectometry and protein dynamics measured. National School on Neutron X-ray Scattering12.6.2010 - 26. 6.2010 - The main purpose of the National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering is to educate graduate students on the utilization of major neutron and x-ray facilities. Lectures, presented by researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories, will include basic tutorials on the principles of scattering theory and the characteristics of the sources, as well as seminars on the application of scattering methods to a variety of scientific subjects. Students will conduct four short experiments at Argonnes Advanced Photon Source and Oak Ridges Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor facilities to provide hands-on experience for using neutron and synchrotron sources. Canadian Powder Diffraction Workshop21.6.2010 - 23. 6.2010 - The first two days of this workshop concentrates on powder diffraction and Rietveld Analysis. The third day focuses on PDF Pair Distribution FunctionTotal Scattering analysis of amorphous, disordered, poorly crystalline or nano-crystalline materials. Conference on Neutron Scattering 201026.6.2010 - 30. 6.2010 - The fifth American Conference on Neutron Scattering will be locally organized by the Canadian Neutron Beam Centre National Research Council, and will be held at the landmark Fairmont Chteau Laurier, located in the heart of Canadas capital next door to the Parliament Buildings.The conference is intended to showcase recent scientific results in neutron science in a wide range of fields, including soft and hard condensed matter, liquids, biology, magnetism, engineering materials, chemical spectroscopy, crystal structure, fundamental physics, and developments in neutron instrumentation. This will be accomplished through a combination of invited and contributed talks, along with poster sessions. neutron school28.6.2010 - 02. 7.2010 - The PNCMI School will give a comprehensive introduction to polarised neutrons, the techniques and their scientific applications. A series of morning lectures from preeminent scientists in the field will focus on state-of-the-art polarised neutron scattering techniques and their applications to small-angle scattering, reflectometry, diffraction and inelastic scattering. 8th international workshop on Polarised Neutrons in Condensed Matter Investigations05.7.2010 - 08. 7.2010 - The workshop will cover the forefront of condensed matter investigations using polarised neutrons and state-of-the-art methodologies and technologies of polarised neutron production and utilisation for novel instrumentations and experiments, thus providing opportunities to discuss prospects for new science and new instrument concepts. - 08. 7.2010 - The workshop will cover the forefront of condensed matter investigations using polarised neutrons and state-of-the-art methodologies and technologies of polarised neutron production and utilisation for novel instrumentations and experiments, thus providing opportunities to discuss prospects for new science and new instrument concepts. Trends on Production and Applications of Polarized 3He11.7.2010 - 13. 7.2010 - The scope of this workshop is to discuss recent advancements and futuretrends in the production and application of polarized 3He. Topicsaddressed include: Polarization of 3He SEOP, MEOP 3He containers Magnetic holding systems 3He spin manipulations Applications in neutron scattering, medicine and high energy physics Power of Neutron Techniques in Nano and Biosciences12.7.2010 - 16. 7.2010 - The school aims to present the enormous potential that neutron techniques provide for the resolution of scientific problems within Nano and nBiosciences covering a subject not normally included in PhD courses. The University of Zaragoza officially recognizes the course. LANSCE Neutron School05.8.2010 - 13. 8.2010 - Scientific Scope of the Lujan Center Neutron School on Structural Materials. For nearly 3 decades, neutron diffraction has been used for engineering applications. In combinations with modeling techniques, in particular self-consistent polycrystal deformation models, neutron diffraction has contributed significantly to the understanding of material deformation. More recently, neutron scattering has been utilized to probe microstructural evolution and deformation behavior of structural materials under conditions approximating those seen during processing and operation. Neutrons are an ideal probe of internal strains, texture evolution, and defects, allowing in-situ study of these parameters in a phase-sensitive manor to investigate e.g. composite materials. This school will focus on the measurementtechniques that have developed in response to demands to understand increasing complex materials. Many of the world leaders in the field, including those who invented the technique, will present lectures on subjects such as texture analysis, diffraction line profile analysis and residual stress measurement as well as on complementary synchrotronX-ray scattering techniques and modeling. Students will have the chance to participate in four hands on experiments using state of the art neutron scattering instruments at the Lujan Center, and interact with advanced polycrystalline plasticity models developed at LANL. PSI Summer School on Condensed Matter Research: Zuoz 201007.8.2010 - 13. 8.2010 - Magnetic phenomena are not only fascinating research topics, but also of key importance to a modern society. Magnetic phenomena and the understanding of these are basis for technologies with applications in information technology, energy conversion, diagnostics, sensors and actuators etc. The school will introduce magnetism and strongly correlated electron systems and show how large scale facilities providing beams of photons, muons, and neutrons are used to study magnetic phenomena. JCNS Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering06.9.2010 - 17. 9.2010 - The course will consist of one week of lectures and exercises and one week of practical training at the instruments of the research reactor FRM II. It is the aim of the course to give a realistic insight into the experimental technique and its scientific power. INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF NEUTRON SCATTERINGFRANCESCO PAOLO RICCI : Electronvolt Neutron Spectroscopy of Materials: Microscopic Dynamics and Enabling Techniques25.9.2010 - 04. 10.2010 - This school, established in 1994, is primarily addressed to graduatestudents or postdoctoral with an interest in Neutron Scattering. The School will comprise lectures, tutorials, practicals and hands-on data analysis sessions, covering diverse aspects of Neutron Scattering, but with an emphasis on techniques and instrumentation designed to study the : Microscopic Dynamics of Simple and Hydrogen-bonded Quantum Fluids, Quantum Momentum Distributions, Effective Born-Oppenheimer Potentials, High Energy Excitations, High Energy Neutron Imaging, Deep Inelastic neutron scattering , High Energy Neutron Irradiation Effects. 201026.9.2010 - 29. 9.2010 - The international conference on Neutrons for Global Energy Solutions NGES 2010 will provide a venue for an interdisciplinary community of scientists addressing the global energychallenge. The goal is to identify how research with neutrons will contribute to solutions. Presentations will cover views of energy policies from government and industry and the latestadvances of neutron techniques in all aspects related to energy.The objective is to bring together practitioners of neutron techniques with major actors in the global energy market and policies in order to define and highlight the impact of researchwith neutrons at all levels of the energy chain.The conference is tied with a foresight study on the application of neutron techniques to energy issues within the European Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy, NMI3. for Global Energy Solutions26.9.2010 - 29. 9.2010 - The workshop will contain an exciting program, that will cover all aspects of research with neutrons concerning energy sources, conversion, storage and distribution, energy savings, and waste management, as well as cross cutting issues and novel techniques. Invited talks will include views from government and industry. Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons for Extreme Condition Studies27.9.2010 - 02. 10.2010 - The purpose of this Hercules Specialised Course is to give the participants an introduction to high pressure research at large experimental facilities such as the synchrotron and the neutron reactor. The basic principles of SR and neutron techniques used to explore matter at extreme conditions of pressure and temperature will be illustrated. The school will also provide cross-disciplinary examples in a representative range of scientific areas, covering fundamental physics, earth and planetary science, chemistry and material science. The lectures will cover both theoretical and experimental aspects for a non-expert audience. They will be complemented by tutorials and practicals at several ESRF and ILL beam-lines and include an introduction to high pressure cell loading techniques. International Workshop on Sample Environment29.9.2010 - 01. 10.2010 - State-of-the-art sample environment is a key element for sucessful experiments in neutron scattering. This workshop provides experts working in sample environment groups a platform for intensivediscussions and interchange of experience. The needs of the neutron scattering community and the further development of cutting-edge sample environment will be discussed in view of a future improvement of the service quality provided at the neutron scattering facilities. Workshop 2010 Trends and Perspectives in Neutron Scattering: Magnetism and Correlated Electron Sysatems04.10.2010 - 07. 10.2010 - The workshop is dedicated to the current status and future trends andpossibilities of neutron scattering methods in studying structure anddynamics in magnetism and correlated electron systems will be discussed.Topics addressed include: Frustrated Magnets Quantum and low dimensional magnetism Magneto-caloric Superconductivity and pnictides Multiferroics Heavy fermions Theory New Materials and sample preparation InstrumentationThe workshop will consist of invited and contributed talks and posterpresentations. Contributions to be presented as oral or posterpresentation are requested. 201010.10.2010 - 13. 10.2010 - The main activity of the NOBUGS New Opportunities for Better User Group Software group is the organization of a series of conferences. The aim of these conferences is to foster collaboration and exchange between scientists and IT professionals working on software for X-ray, neutron and muon sources around the world. Better software for data acquisition and data analysis will increase productivity of facility users and thus maximize the scientific output. 2010: Superconductivity explored by Neutron Scattering Experiments21.10.2010 - 23. 10.2010 - The microscopic origin of unconventional superconductivity continues to attract the attention of the condensed matter community. Whereas rare-earth actinide-based intermetallic and copper oxide-based high temperature superconductors are studied for more than twenty years, the iron-based superconductors have been in the focus of interest since their recent discovery. Inelastic neutron scattering experiments have been of particular importance for the understanding of the magnetic and superconducting properties of these compounds. and Food31.10.2010 - 03. 11.2010 - The application of neutron scattering to food-based systems is still inits infancy but has significant potential to the determination of foodstructure and to the complex relationship between food processing,rheology, nutrition, food quality and security.The workshop seeks to identify the future scientific needs and opportunities in the application of neutron scattering to food scienceand to foster collaboration and networking between researchers workingin these areas. Workshop11.12.2010 - This workshop is intended for graduate students, postdocs and researchers in earth sciences, physics, chemistry, materials science and engineering, with an interest in applying neutron scattering to studies of synthetic and natural materials. Lectures will be in the morning and cover introductions to neutron scattering techniques as well as their applications to the above fields. The lectures will be complemented by data analysis tutorials in the afternoon for data collected at four Lujan instruments - HIPPO, SMARTS, NPDF and FDS. Informal discussions with beamline scientists for potential collaborations are also available. There is no registration fee. Travel subsidies up to 300 per person will be provided for students, faculty and researchers from UC Campuses. Thanks to support from COMPRES, additional support 300person will be provided to non-UC participants. Enrollment is limited to 50 on a first-come first- served basis. and Neutrons in Energy-Related Materials Science07.2.2011 - 09. 2.2011 - This Workshop will include a series of invited lectures by internationally recognized specialists covering the progress in the analysis by X-rays and neutrons of the properties of materials for energy conversion, harvesting, storage and economy. There will be a particular focus on materials for batteries, fuel cells, hydrogen storage, light weight materials, and photovoltaic, solid state lighting and thermoelectricity. IFF Spring School: Scattering Methods for Condensed Matter Research: Towards Novel Applications at Future Sources05.3.2011 - 16. 3.2011 - Most of what we know about the structure and dynamics of condensed matter systems on an atomic length- and timescale stems from X-ray and neutron scattering. The IFF Spring School 2012 comes timely to the centennial anniversary of the discovery of X-ray scattering from single crystals by Max von Laue, Walter Friedrich and Paul Knipping in 1912. Berlin School on Neutron Scattering08.3.2011 - 16. 3.2011 - The program will consist of three days of lectures giving a theoretical introduction to methods of neutron scattering in condensed matter research. After the lectures, there will be several days of hands-on experiments at various neutron scattering instruments. The practical part will cover Triple-Axis-Spectroscopy, Powder Diffraction, Small Angle Neutron Scattering, Reflectometry, Time-of-Flight Techniques, Tomography and Polarisation Analysis. The school is primarily aimed at early stage researchers, e.g. PhD students and postdocs and is part of the curriculum of the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences at the Technical University Berlin. Present Status and Perspectives of Neutron Research in High Magnetic Fields30.3.2011 - 01. 4.2011 - The scope of the workshop is to bring together experts doing research in high magnetic fields with the focus on neutron scattering. We want to provide an information platform for researchers regarding the high-field project at HZB and identify possible future collaborations and experiments using this facility. The workshop covers a broad field of topics ranging from the high field technology, neutron scattering in high magnetic fields and sample environment for neutron sciences up to fundamental physics problems in high magnetic fields. Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar dedicated to Energy Materials Research Studied by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation08.5.2011 - 11. 5.2011 - The goal of the seminar is to bring together young and experienced scientists from universities and from large-scale laboratories and facilities, who are using or planning to use neutrons or synchrotron radiation to study material that are related to energy research. It also aims at bringing together researchers conducting experimental characterization with scientists who have expertise in modeling. 201110.5.2011 - 13. 5.2011 - The general scheme of the school was dealing with fundamental and applied aspects of d and f elements. The school was organized in two main sessions: on the mornings introductory talks on different subjects were given exchange interactions, crystal field anisotropy, high order interactions,..; while the afternoons were concentrated on practical sessions using the McPhase software suite . 201119.5.2011 - 20. 5.2011 - From the Manhattan Project to MaRIE: Rosenfest will cover Dr. Rosens early life, career, influence and scientific legacy from nuclear science to international relations. Lectures on the past, present, and future of LANSCE and its world-class research will be presented, including the Matter-Radiation Interactions in Extremes MaRIE experimental facility, LANLs proposed next-generation signature science complex. DISCUS Workshop21.5.2011 - 24. 5.2011 - The main focus is the simulation of nanoparticle structures and strategies to refine model parameters based on total scattering data. The workshop is a mix of lecture and hands on experience using the DISCUS program. Graduate Course on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology23.5.2011 - 27. 5.2011 - The unique potential of neutron scattering in structural biology arises from the strong interaction of neutrons with hydrogen H and its deuterium D isotope. This property makes the information available from neutron scattering unique and a valuable complement to data obtained from other structural techniques. Individual hydrogendeuterium atoms are visualized in neutron density maps from crystallographic data at the resolution typical of most protein structures 2.0 -2.5 . Using contrast variation by HD exchange, proteins and nucleic acids are sequentially modeled and mapped in large biological complexes by small angle neutron scattering, and protein-membrane interactions are revealed by Reflectometry and protein dynamics measured. Chirality and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction25.5.2011 - 27. 5.2011 - This workshop aims to give a floor to the participants for the exchange of ideas and recent achievements. We will welcome among conference visitors the leading scientists in the field of investigations of the structural and magnetic properties of noncentrosymmetric crystals and artificial structures. - 30. 5.2011 - The SANS-YuMO User Meeting is devoted to the 75-th anniversary of Professor Yuriy Mechislavovich Ostanevich 1936-1992, an outstanding physicist in neutron physics and the founder of the small angle neutron scattering spectrometer and group at JINR Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics. Instrument Design School07.6.2011 - 17. 6.2011 - The Neutron Instrument Design School aims to help train the people working on neutron instrument design to optimise a long-pulse instrument for neutronic performance. The first 1.5 days will consist of introductory lectures, giving an overview of the science enabled by neutron scattering. We will then transfer to the cosy fishing village of Vik on the East coast of Skne for eight full days of instrument design. The first week will consist of lectures and tutorials in which simple analytical and conceptual methods are covered for the optimisation of different instrument types. The second week will cover Monte Carlo simulation tools, such as McStas and Vitess, with a similar programme to the previous simulation school held on the island of Ven 17th-21st of May 2010. National School on Neutron X-ray Scattering11.6.2011 - 25. 6.2011 - The main purpose of the National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering is to educate graduate students on the utilization of major neutron and x-ray facilities. Lectures, presented by researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories, will include basic tutorials on the principles of scattering theory and the characteristics of the sources, as well as seminars on the application of scattering methods to a variety of scientific subjects. Students will conduct four short experiments at Argonnes Advanced Photon Source and Oak Ridges Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor facilities to provide hands-on experience for using neutron and synchrotron sources. School on the Fundamentals of Neutron Scattering12.6.2011 - 23. 6.2011 - This year, the school will be split into two sections: soft condensed matter from June 12-16 and hard condensed matter from June 19 to 23. The soft matter section will cover both neutron spectroscopy and small angle neutron scattering SANS while the hard matter section will only cover neutron spectroscopy. - 18. 6.2011 - The 11th conference on Applications of Nuclear Techniques will take place in Crete Greece June 12-18, 2011. 201122.6.2011 - SyNeW 2011 brings together Belgian and Dutch users of synchrotron and neutron radiation large-scale facilities following the tradition set by the workshops 2006 in The Hague and 2009 in Brussels. It is a one day meeting giving an overview of the latest scientific results and most recent trends and developments at the national and European levels. Conference on Neutron and X-ray scattering 2011 ICNX201127.6.2011 - 01. 7.2011 - The objective of this conference is to bring together the scientists whodevelop neutron and X-ray scattering instruments and methods, performcharacterization experiments and data analysis on soft and solid statematter. The complementary applications of using X-ray and neutron beam givea better view of the structures of condensed matter. We hope to attract moreinternational users to exchange more brilliant ideas for the new scatteringfacilities during this meeting. Niels Bohr International Academy Meeting on ESS Science27.6.2011 - 01. 7.2011 - The First NBIA Meeting on ESS Science initiates a series of annual workshops which bring together widely recognized experts to promote advanced training for young post-graduates, postdocs and researchers devoted to developing a practical approach to neutron scattering who have already some background in this domain and desire to learn complementary techniques as well as exchange their experience. The school is to be followed by a series of lectures where current research is presented and its impact largely discussed. international school in crystallography04.7.2011 - 08. 7.2011 - The school is aimed at providing the theoreticaland practical skills needed for the characterisation of crystallinestructures at different length scales, by means of the combined applicationof diffraction techniques classical and total scattering, spectroscopiesvibrational, XAS, RIXS and NMR and computational methods. Meeting05.7.2011 - 08. 7.2011 - Topics will include: accelerator beam optics target radiation damage heat removal moderator neutronics optics devices detectors innovative instrumentation emerging science and novel applications relevant to long-pulse andor medium-flux neutron sources School on Modeling Neutron Data of Biological Systems11.7.2011 - 15. 7.2011 - This course is intended to introduce students to modern atomistic approaches to model neutron scattering data. The modeling methods to be covered are molecular dynamics and molecular Monte Carlo simulations of protein and protein-nucleic acid systems. The format of the course will involve a short daily lecture followed by a set of hands-on exercises. Students will learn to use single molecule and ensemble methods to model both rigid and inherently disordered systems. Models will be used to interpret small-angle scattering, neutron reflectivity, and backscattering data. In addition, each day an invited speaker will give a presentation on the application of neutron scattering in their current research activities. European Conference on Neutron Scattering ECNS 201117.7.2011 - 22. 7.2011 - ECNS2011, is organized on behalf of the European Neutron Scattering Association ENSA by the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague and the Nuclear Physics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.ECNS-2011 continues the successful series of meetings that have been held in:Interlaken 1996Budapest 1999Montpellier 2003Lund 2007 Minute Media School at ECNS201120.7.2011 - In 90 minutes we will equip you with the tools and tips you need to share your science with non-specialists and raise awareness of your research beyond your lab and the research journals.If you are a PhD student, post-doc or early career researchers, 90Minute Media School is the perfect opportunity to learn and practice how to improve your communication skills through a mix of top tips and opportunities to try out what youve learnt. and Scientists ESS: satellite meeting to the ECNS22.7.2011 - 23. 7.2011 - The European Conference on Neutron Scattering July 17-22,2011 in Prague, entitled Science and Scientists ESS, will be held inPrague on 22-23 July 2011. Analysis and Magnetic Structures RAMS II31.7.2011 - 05. 8.2011 - The workshop is targeted towards young researchers interested in applying representational analysis to the solution of magnetic structures using neutron diffraction. The workshop will cover representational analysis, theory of magnetic structures, and FULLPROF. Sessions will include both lecture and hands on labs working with standard programs such as SaraH and FULLPROF to solve magnetic structures. Invited speakers include Laurent Chapon ISIS, Andrew Wils U. College, London, V. Ovidiu Garlea ORNL, and A.B. Harris U. Penn. Argentinean Workshop on Neutron Beams for Research31.7.2011 - 05. 8.2011 - PSI Summer School on Condensed Matter Research13.8.2011 - 19. 8.2011 - In this Summer School more than 20 world-class experts will introduce the different aspects of phase transitions from an experimental and theoretical point of view. Phase transitions are not only a well known fact of everyday life, but also an important field of current research and of technological applications. At the end of the school you will not only understand why water turns into ice. You will know how to apply modern methods to the problem of phase transitions and you will have established contacts to the speakers and participants allowing you to utilize the gained knowledge for your own research. 201122.8.2011 - 30. 8.2011 - The International Program Committee has put together a rich scientific program of Microsymposia and Keynote Lectures that in an excellent way illustrates all the new achievements of crystallography in its many facets. Oxford School on Neutron Scattering05.9.2011 - 16. 9.2011 - The Oxford School on Neutron Scattering is intended primarily for scientists who are new to the field of neutron scattering. Lectures and tutorials covering all aspects of the theory and practice of neutron diffraction and spectroscopy will be given by international experts. Students will gain a comprehensive grounding in modern techniques and applications at both steady state and pulsed neutron sources and have the opportunity to hear about the latest research being carried out with the technique. JCNS Laboratory Course - Neutron Scattering05.9.2011 - 16. 9.2011 - The laboratory course will consist of lectures and an experimental section. The lectures will encompass an introduction to neutron sources, into scattering theory and instrumentation. Furthermore, selected topics of condensed matter research will be presented. Lectures will be held at Forschungszentrum Jlich and the experimental part will take place at the research reactor FRM II in Garching close to Munich. Oxford School on Neutron Scattering : An ideal introduction to the theory, techniques and applications of neutron scattering05.9.2011 - 16. 9.2011 - The Oxford School on Neutron Scattering is intended primarily for scientists who are new to the field of neutron scattering. Lectures and tutorials covering all aspects of the theory and practice of neutron diffraction and spectroscopy will be given by international experts. Students will gain a comprehensive grounding in modern techniques and applications at both steady state and pulsed neutron sources and have the opportunity to hear about the latest research being carried out with the technique. SENS VI: 6th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation07.9.2011 - 09. 9.2011 - You are invited to be an active part of this conference by submitting your abstract to one of the following topics: Developments of measurement methods and instrumentation Material processing and residual stresses Influence of residual stresses on physical and mechanical properties of materials and components Measurement and assessment of residual microstresses and intergranular stresses Residual strains and stresses in complex materials, e.g. ultiphase materials and biomaterials Residual stresses in thin films and microcomponents Industrial applications of residual stress analysis using synchrotron radiation, neutrons, and X-rays Complementary methods for materials analysis with photons and neutrons: Imaging, Texture, etc. of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science12.9.2011 - 16. 9.2011 - The school will provide a systematic overview of application of neutrons and synchrotron radiation to the structural analysis of engineering materials. The relevant experimental methods will be covered in a three day course followed by a practical in the remaining two days. 11: Joint Users Meeting at PSI 2011 15.9.2011 - 16. 9.2011 - The aim of the Joint Users Meetings PSI is to bring together the three user communities and to generate new synergies among the scientists driven by common scientific rather than technical interests. instrumentation: from continuous to spallation sources04.10.2011 - 07. 10.2011 - The aim of the workshop is to discuss this transition from the point of view of the most effective use of the knowledge accumulated during the designconstruction of modern instruments at continuous sources as well as from the use of first instruments at spallation sources.The workshop will bring together experts in the neutron scattering instrumentation with the aim to discuss the latest advances in neutron instrumentation at the continuous sources and short pulse spallation sources through the prism of the use of the gained experience for the design of the long-pulse spallation source instrumentation. Neutron Scattering Workshop14.11.2011 - 17. 11.2011 - The Neutron Scattering Sciences Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory is sponsoring a User Meeting conference November 14 and 15, 2011. Following this meeting, we are organizing a two day workshop, November 16 and 17, at ORNL entitled Forum on Inelastic Neutron scattering from Correlated Electron Systems.The workshop will provide a forum for inelastic neutron scatterers in the field of correlated electron studies, especially magnetism and superconductivity, to discuss their current research and future needs. Presentations will focus on research done at the ORNL neutron scattering facilities. This workshop will also be used to educate and encourage graduate students and post-docs in the field. In addition to a poster session and invited talks, workshop sessions are planned for discussions of inelastic instrumentation needs for the SNS and HFIR, sample environment equipment for the inelastic suite, enabling programmatic research among multiple user groups, and software requirements. Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering AOCNS 201120.11.2011 - 24. 11.2011 - Conference Scope Hard matter, Material science, Chemistry Soft matter, Bio-macromolecules Hot topics Complementary use of neutron and other techniques Industrial application Neutron techniques Fundamental physics and neutron properties Facility report in Terahertz Spectroscopy with Neutrons29.11.2011 - 30. 11.2011 - The workshop will bring together young and experienced scientists who are using or planning to use neutron terahertz spectroscopy for their research. The scope of the event is to address the new application directions and answer the questions: what are the important scientific issues to be addressed by help of neutron TOF spectroscopy. generation instrumentation for the investigation of three-dimensional structures in thin films09.1.2012 - 10. 1.2012 - The past few years have seen an increase in studies where the non-invasive investigation of lateral structures is becoming critical, in particular for buried interfaces. These lateral structures are critical in many fields, from magnetic multilayers, to lipid bilayers, to the self-assembly of complex composites, amongst others.The meeting brings together experts on specular and off-specular scattering community to identify the remaining challenges to be overcome. State and future of neutron stress diffractometers10.1.2012 - 12. 1.2012 - Neutron diffraction stress analysis in the last years has been featured by building versatile high-resolution TOF spectrometers based on high flux spallation sources: VULCAN SNS, TAKUMI J-PARC, ENGIN-X ISIS. This also sets a very high standard for the major user research facilities based on neutron reactors in the matter of design and capabilities of the stress diffractometers scanners utilizing the constant wavelength neutron diffraction. In order to improve their efficiency and competitiveness few apparent ways have been explored involving more efficient use of the neutrons by utilizing focusing monochromators, neutron beam guides, multi detector systems, radial collimators, all in different combinations. The matter of optimal configuration of these elements is still a topic of debate. Contributions from the instrument scientists from the major reactor facilities TUM, ILL, NCNR, BI, JRR-3 are intended to present state-of-art of the neutron stress diffractometers STRESS-SPEC TUM, SALSA ILL, BT8 NIST , RESA JAEA, KOWARI ANSTO and facilitate further discussion. ILL annual school on Advanced Neutron Diffraction Data Treatement using the FULLPROF Suite FPSchool 201223.1.2012 - 27. 1.2012 - FPSchool aims to contribute to the training of scientists in treatment of X-ray and neutron diffraction data. The school is based on intensive hands-on sessions using the computer programs of the FullProf Suite.FPSchool-2012 will take place over 4 days at the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, with lectures in the morning and hands-on tutorials in the afternoon. The tutorials will give the essential tools necessary to use productively the FullProf Suite at an average level. In addition to general applications, magnetic structure determination and refinement will be specifically addressed. 5th Annual School on Advanced Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FULLPROF suite23.1.2012 - 27. 1.2012 - FPSchool aims to contribute to the training of scientists in treatment of X-ray and neutron diffraction data. The school is based on intensive hands-on sessions using the computer programs of theFullProf Suite. It will take place over 4 days with lectures in the morning and hands-on tutorials in the afternoon. The tutorials will give the essential tools necessary to use productively theFullProf Suite at an average level. In addition to general applications, magnetic structure determination and refinement will be specifically addressed. and Food 201229.1.2012 - 01. 2.2012 - The aim of the workshop is to identify the scientific needs of food science. The other aim is to show the progress and possibilities of neutron scattering in food science to the European food science community.The anticipated outcome is a better view of the needs of the food science community for the application of neutron scattering and on the other side a better view of the possibilities of neutron scattering in food science. Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources ICANS XX04.3.2012 - 09. 3.2012 - The International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources ICANS was founded in 1977, as a forum to promote discussions and collaborative work, and to share information on three main topics: Accelerators, Targets and Moderators, and Instruments. Its 20th meeting, ICANS-XX, will be held for the first time in the Southern Hemisphere, during March 4 -9, 2012 in Bariloche, Argentina.Proceedings can be found Dynamics to Analyse Neutron Scattering Experiments27.3.2012 - 30. 3.2012 - The purpose of this school is to train students and scientists in the use of atomistic simulation tools to analyze and interpret experimental neutron scattering data. Lectures on simulation and analysis methods will be followed by examples adapted to the fields of interest of the participants. The school will focus mainly on practical training using a range of simulation and analysis codes on personal computers and the cluster at ILL, so the number of participants will be limited to 30. Guide Hall for the OPAL Reactor16.4.2012 - 18. 4.2012 - We are starting to think about the options for the OPAL Reactor, beyond the instruments located in the present Neutron Guide Hall. These include possibilities for a second cold source, a hot source, positron science, fundamental neutron-based physics and the possibility doubling the present number of instruments, using purposed-designed and optimised guides in a second guide hall on the south side of the reactor. The OPAL Reactor was designed from the outset to allow these possibilities, and one might anticipate that the case could be made to start on such expansion in this decade.In order to flesh out more of the details, we are holding a 3-day workshop at the Bragg Institute, together with the AustralianNew Zealand user community, interested state and overseas agencies and selected international experts. All interested parties are welcome to attend. Opportunities for Research on Hard and Soft Matter Nanostructures using Neutron Reflectometry17.4.2012 - 18. 4.2012 - The workshop will discuss current requirements and developments in probing surfaces and interfaces using neutron reflectometry, off-specular and gracing incidence neutron scattering and spin echo encoded neutron reflectometry in current fields of scientific interest. Scientists at ESS meeting19.4.2012 - 20. 4.2012 - The European Spallation Source is growing at a very rapid pace with the ambitious aim to produce the worlds brightest neutron beams for science by the end of this decade. This aim is achievable by the hard work of the scientific community that has the ideas and the creativity to take advantage of ESSs unique capabilities.At the Science and Scientists meeting in Berlin, co-organized by ESS and Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, you will hear about the progress on this ambitious project. We will discuss the scientific and technical challenges that neutron science faces.The meeting aims to facilitate interactions between ESS and the broad scientific community on the scientific programme and instrumentation that ESS and its partners will build for Europe. The community involvement ensures identifying and selecting the instrumentation serving future scientific needs best.Your participation, as a user of neutron facilities, is required and important in forging the future of neutron science in Europe together. routes to single phase multiferroics23.4.2012 - 25. 4.2012 - Multiferroic materials challenge our fundamental understanding of magnetic and ferroelectric order. The related properties, including the magnetoelectric coupling, make them promising for future applications in information technology. A strong magnetoelectric coupling is incompatible with traditional mechanisms of ferroelectricity, and so far no multiferroic material fulfilling all technological requirements has been found. To overcome these difficulties, new routes need to be treaded in materials research. In consideration of this, active scientists in the field will be brought together in the 505th WE-Heraeus seminar, in order to discuss the search for new materials and mechanisms, and their better understanding. The latter requires the development of new experimental and theoretical methods, which will also be a subject of the seminar. Younger colleagues will profit particularly from the exchange with experienced researchers in the field., in-situ Chemistry using neutrons26.4.2012 - 27. 4.2012 - The workshop will bring the solid state chemistry community together in order to discuss scientific issues to be solved by access to a state-of-the-art neutron facility with an emphasis on the need for complex sample environment cells SECs. The idea is to promote an exchange between facility staff and neutron users, or potential users. The aims are to identify the science drivers for in-situ studies, requirements and current state of the user community and a wish-list of neutron friendly sample environments and get the developers together so we can identify the best funding routes to progress this work side by side with the construction of ESS and its instrument suite. Neutron Scattering Summer School08.5.2012 - 13. 5.2012 - Lecture topics focused on techniques available at a thermal neutron source. They included properties of neutrons, basic theory of neutron scattering, powder diffraction, inelastic neutron scattering, stress, strain and texture measurements and analysis, small-angle neutron scattering SANS, neutron reflectometry, and polarized and magnetic neutron scattering. Lectures also illustrated the application of these methods in a variety of areas including quantum materials, soft materials and industrial components. Central European Training School on Neutron Scattering14.5.2012 - 19. 5.2012 - The scope of this school is to provide insight into neutron scattering techniques and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter. Comprehensive experimental skills and guidance in result interpretation are going to be conveyed. The school will be a forum for the presentation and discussion of actual research works of young scientists. We would like to welcome graduate and PhD students as well as newcomers to the neutron research from the field of structural research in physics, chemistry, biology etc. Practical Neutron Training Course22.5.2012 - 31. 5.2012 - The ISIS Practical Neutron Training Course is aimed at PhD and post-doctoral researchers who have little or no experience of neutron scattering, but whose future research program aims to make use of neutron scattering techniques. Edition of SONS Neutron School22.5.2012 - 29. 5.2012 - The course is aimed at PhD and post-doctoral researchers who have little or no experience of neutron scattering, but whose future research program aims to make use of neutron scattering techniques. The course concentrates on theoretical and practical aspects of neutron scattering. 2012: Neutron Scattering Highlights on Water and Biological Systems26.5.2012 - 29. 5.2012 - The main scope is to provide an up-to-date insight into neutron scattering and into complementary techniques and to furnish a representative sampling of some experimental findings which, in the broad area of research under the general headings biophysics, biomaterials and related topics, have recently been object of considerable scientific scrutiny.More than ever before, the scientific community is interested on using the strengths and capabilities of different facilities and techniques to their best advantage and the large neutron fluxes produced in next-generation spallation facilities such as the European Spallation Source ESS are likely to soon find expanded application in biology.The workshop aims to attract researchers from completely different horizons providing a forum to bring together scientists from academia, industry and other research organizations so reinforcing a community at a time where the field is progressing rapidly. Invited lectures will range from experimental results, modeling and theory to biotechnological applications. for Neutron Science in Novel Extreme conditions27.5.2012 - 31. 5.2012 - This workshop will address a wide scientific community with the aim to identify the scientific drivers requiring novel and extreme conditions, and to determine how the neutron scattering techniques could contribute. Scientists not necessarily belonging to the neutron scattering community will be brought together with engineers and instrument specialists. Scientists will present the needs and raise questions to be addressed by the instrument specialists and engineers. From these exchanges, we anticipate that novel and extreme sample environment equipment and instruments will be discussed, and that new scientific areas will later benefit from neutron scattering techniques. Frustrated Magnetism HFM 201204.6.2012 - 08. 6.2012 - The 2012 International Conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism will be held at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada from June 4-8, 2012. This international conference will focus on recent developments in the study of the phenomena of frustration in magnets. It will feature presentations reporting on experimental and theoretical studies of frustrated magnetism, in all of its manifestations.This conference follows in the series of HFM 2010 Baltimore, USA, HFM 2008 Braunschweig, Germany, HFM 2006 Osaka, Japan, HFM 2003 Grenoble, France, and HFM 2000 Waterloo, Canada.McMaster University is located in the Westdale neighbourhood of Hamilton, Ontario, at the extreme western tip of Lake Ontario. It is about a 45 minute drive from either Toronto or Niagara Falls, and about a 75 minute drive from Buffalo, NY. The Niagara escarpment runs through the city, providing a venue for many small waterfalls within the city limits. Daytime temperatures in early June typically range from 20 25 C, 70-75 F. Course on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology04.6.2012 - 08. 6.2012 - The unique potential of neutron scattering in structural biology arises from the strong interaction of neutrons with hydrogen H and its deuterium D isotope. This property makes the information available from neutron scattering unique and a valuable complement to data obtained from other structural techniques. Individual hydrogendeuterium atoms are visualized in neutron density maps from crystallographic data at the resolution typical of most protein structures 2.0 -2.5 . Using contrast variation by HD exchange, proteins and nucleic acids are sequentially modeled and mapped in large biological complexes by small angle neutron scattering, and protein-membrane interactions are revealed by Reflectometry and protein dynamics measured. Conference on Frontiers in Electronic Materials17.6.2012 - 20. 6.2012 - Apart from correlation effects magnetic, spintronic, superconducting, charge-ordering effects and memristive effects phase-change, redox-based, nanoionic effects, a multitude of phenomena in electronic oxides, higher chalcogenides, and other inorganic material systems are covered by our conference, such as ferroelectric, piezoelectric, flexoelectric, and multiferroic material systems as well as superionic conductors, thermoelectrics, photovoltaics, and artificial photosynthesis for energy conversion. Furthermore, the conference comprises advanced characterization techniques neutron scattering, spectroscopy, electron microscopy, scanning probe methods, etc. as well as theory and modeling.Following the format of the Nature Conferences, an emphasis will be placed on few invited keynote talks. In addition, there will be the opportunity for further academic exchange between participants during Nanosessions, which integrate posters, brief oral presentations, and stimulating discussions in small groups. School on Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering, Reflectometry and Spin Echo18.6.2012 - 23. 6.2012 - This years summer school is devoted to methods and applications of small angle neutron scattering SANS, neutron reflectometry NR and neutron spin echo NSE techniques. Other spectroscopy instruments will not be included. Conference on Neutron Scattering 201224.6.2012 - 28. 6.2012 - The conference will provide essential information on the breadth and depth of current neutron-related research worldwide. This years conference will feature a combination of invited and contributed talks, posters sessions, tutorials and an industrial exhibit. Plus, the last day of the conference features a tour of NIST Center for Neutron Research. Annual Niels Bohr International Academy Workshop on ESS Science : Bridging Elastic and Inelastic Scattering by means of Computational Studies and Analysis25.6.2012 - 29. 6.2012 - The aim of this workshop-school is to discuss how a reliable picture of where the atoms are and what the atoms do can be obtained by combining structural experiments, obtained using x-ray and neutron diffraction, with computational methods, such as Reverse Monte Carlo, needed for understanding complex or disordered structures with inelastic neutron scattering experiments and their interpretation by quantum chemical calculations on periodic systems and molecular dynamics simulations. Neutron School - Energy and the environment12.7.2012 - 22. 7.2012 - This years theme focusses on the study of materials for energy andenvironment research. The school aim at introducing a variety of neutron scattering techniques to the students and demonstrating how they complement other analytical methods in elucidating material structure and properties.Besides introductory lectures on neutron scattering, experts will present contemporary research on materials related to materials science aspects of energy and environmental research Afternoons will be devoted to hands-on exercises in neutron scattering data analysis small-angle scattering, reflectometry, powder diffraction, pair distribution function analysis, neutron vibrational spectroscopy, radiography. Neutron Scattering Instrumentation School INSIS15.7.2012 - 27. 7.2012 - The school is intended as a pipeline initiative, to promote increased activities in instrument design and develop the next generation of instrument designers with a target audience of about 25 students. The school is composed of two distinct parts: the first week 15th 20th July will introduce basic instrumentation and components used in neutron scattering research; and the second week 22nd 27th July will provide a more in depth insight into neutron detector technologies. Students may participate in the first week, the second week, or both. Summer School on Condensed Matter Research: Imaging Life and Matter11.8.2012 - 17. 8.2012 - The PSI summer school 2012 is dedicated to the fascinating and growing field of imaging experiments at large scale facilities. International experts and PSI staff members will introduce and deepen your knowledge about real space imaging from life to materials sciences. Not only methods like tomography, phase contrast imaging or image processing but also diffractive and spectroscopic imaging and reflectometry will be covered. Evening lectures will draw the attention to applications of imaging techniques in further high-impact fields of science like medicine, cultural heritage or paleontology. Annual National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering12.8.2012 - 25. 8.2012 - The main purpose of the National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering is to educate graduate students on the utilization of major neutron and x-ray facilities. Lectures, presented by researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories, will include basic tutorials on the principles of scattering theory and the characteristics of the sources, as well as seminars on the application of scattering methods to a variety of scientific subjects. Students will conduct short experiments at Argonnes Advanced Photon Source and Oak Ridges Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor facilities to provide hands-on experience for using neutron and synchrotron sources. JCNS Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering03.9.2012 - 14. 9.2012 - The laboratory course will consist of lectures and an experimental section. The lectures will encompass an introduction to neutron sources, into scattering theory and instrumentation. Furthermore, selected topics of condensed matter research will be presented. Lectures will be held at Forschungszentrum Jlich and the experimental part will take place at the research reactor FRM II in Garching close to Munich. DISCUS Workshop10.9.2012 - 13. 9.2012 - In this workshop you will learn to interpret diffuse scattering and to simulate disordered crystal structures. Defects are quite common in crystals and are responsible for a number of properties like ionic conductivity, electronic properties of indirect semiconductors etc. In diffraction, defects manifest themselves by the presence of diffuse scattering. While its peak intensity usually is weak, the total scattering intensity will be an appreciable fraction of the Bragg intensities. Thus, the description of these structures is largely incomplete without proper interpretation of the diffuse scattering.The workshop covers the techniques to simulate and to refine disordered structures for a wide range of defects, and the corresponding calculation of the diffraction pattern for single crystals and powder, as well as the calculation of the pair distribution function. LANSCE Neutron Scattering School12.9.2012 - 21. 9.2012 - The 2012 Lujan Neutron Scattering School will cover neutron techniques in basic and applied soft matter research with a focus on applications in energy, medical and materials science. The school will include a special track on neutron crystallography for structural enzymology. Participants will receive travel and local support. Simulation Techniques for Total Scattering Data16.9.2012 - 19. 9.2012 - Total scattering, from neutron and X-ray diffraction, has become a commonly used technique to study the structure of amorphous, disordered and nano-sized materials. This experimental method provides both Bragg and diffuse scattering components, revealing information about the local atomic to long-range structure of materials. In recent years, the use of total energy calculations such as ab initio and force-field based methods in conjunction with these experimental tools has emerged as a powerful means to reveal the atomistic nature of increasingly complex materials. These methods are uniquely capable of replicating total scattering data in reciprocal and real-space whilst remaining energetically feasible. Environment at Neutron Scattering Facilities 17.9.2012 - 20. 9.2012 - The 7th International Sample Environment Workshop will be held, 17th through the 20th of September, 2012 at the Amora Hotel Jamison in the city of Sydney. This workshop aims to bring together experts in sample environments from major neutron scattering facilities to discuss new developments and techniques applicable to the needs of the user community. The forum will provide the perfect environment for open discussion between scientists, engineers, technical staff and companies. The main goals are for continuous improvement in the efficiency of neutron scattering sample environments and improving capabilities at the facilities. an Advanced Center for Data and Computing for ESS17.9.2012 - 18. 9.2012 - This workshop brings together experts from different fields with the intent in reviewing and discussing the development of a theoretical and computational modeling infrastructure that is relevant to the diverse scientific community that will use ESS. Our aim is to use this workshop as an input to our planning so that once the first experiments are made, ESS and its users are prepared to harness the most out of the scientific potential of their data. Structure Determination from Neutron Diffraction Data17.9.2012 - 20. 9.2012 - The Magnetic Structure Determination Workshop 2012 concluded on September 20. The aim of this workshop was to enhance the community studying magnetism in materials by learning from experts the essential theoretical foundations to magnetic representation analysis and work through real examples to gain experience in solving and refining magnetic structures from neutron powder and single crystal diffraction data. 201224.9.2012 - 26. 9.2012 - The aim of the NOBUGS conference series is to foster collaboration between IT professionals working at X-ray and neutron sources around the world. This collaboration should yield better data acquisition and data analysis software for the users of such facilities. This in turn will increase user productivity and thus maximize the scientific result to be obtained from the large investment required to build and maintain X-ray or Neutron facilities. Neutron Scattering Conference 201224.9.2012 - 26. 9.2012 - The German Conference on Neutron Scattering 2012 Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung DN-2012 offers a forum for the presentation and critical discussion of recent results obtained with neutron scattering and complementary techniques. PhD School on Radiography Techniques and Analysis24.9.2012 - 28. 9.2012 - Even if image contrast obtained from X-rays absorption is poorly sensitivity to weakly absorbing objects consisting of light elements, such as polymers and biological soft tissues, since the discovery of X-rays, transmission imaging has been extensively used. Nowadays, however, such drawback can be overcome due to the development of X-rays phase imaging. In fact, X-rays phase imaging based on grating optics has become widely used due to its practical advantage, i.e. laboratory X-rays sources are quite competitive. 201230.9.2012 - 04. 10.2012 - QENS 2012 is the Tenth International Conference on Quasielastic Neutron Scattering in fields ranging physics to biology as well as applications, instrumentation, theory and complementary techniques.WINS 2012 is the workshop discussing recent developments of updated, newly comming or being planned inelastic quasielastic neutron spectrometers. Related issues such as development works or new ideas of data analysis software, devices and futuristic science to be done on spectrometers will be also discussed. Dynamics and Dynamical Structures, A Symposium in honour of Joe Zaccais Career03.10.2012 - 05. 10.2012 - The meeting Structural Dynamics and Dynamical Structures will focus on the future challenges for neutron techniques to answer the questions raised by molecular and cell biology. It will be a tribute to the work of Joe Zaccai who has pioneered the use of neutron diffraction and spectroscopy for the study of the structure and dynamics of biological systems, covering the range from small biomolecules to entire cells. Workshop on Scattering Techniques for Nuclear Materials17.10.2012 - 19. 10.2012 - The 1st International Workshop on Scattering Techniques for Structural Materials intents to bring together current leaders, and young professionals utilizing neutron and X-ray scattering techniques to investigate structural materials. The first three day workshop held in 2012 will have a specific focus on structural materials and fuels for nuclear application specifically. Science Symposium on physical simulations of processes in engineering materials with in-situ neutron diffractionimaging15.11.2012 - 16. 11.2012 - The symposium will bring together the community of engineers and material scientists involved in engineering material research using Gleeble simulators with the members of neutron andor X-ray diffraction community involved engineering studies instrument scientists, users and developers with the aim to explore the idea to carry out Physical Simulations with neutron diffraction at ESS Spallation Source to be built till 2020 in Lund Sweden. Small-Angle Scattering Conference 201218.11.2012 - 23. 11.2012 - The Organising Committee is dedicated to providing a contemporary and dynamic feel to SAS 2012 with exciting social events and networking opportunities combined with high quality science in a spectacular setting. We will be showcasing talent from the next generation of small-angle scatterers as well as highlighting emerging areas of the field. du LLB 201226.11.2012 - 29. 11.2012 - in Neutron Triple-Axis Spectroscopy11.12.2012 - 12. 12.2012 - Neutron triple-axis spectrometers have widely been recognized as work-horse instruments for single-crystal spectroscopy and have made decisive contributions to our understanding of modern materials. Information about the dynamics is essential to elucidate the underlying microscopic mechanisms governing a variety of macroscopic materials properties and phenomena. Topical scientific subjects include quantum magnetism, high-temperature superconductivity and heavy-fermion systems. Symposium VV: Advanced Materials Exploration with Neutrons and Synchrotron X-Rays 17.12.2012 - Modern diffraction methods of synchrotron and neutron radiation, combined simultaneously with time-resolved or imaging techniques, allow a multidimensional insight into materials. Thus, time-resolved and in-situ information from an ensemble of individual grains in a polycrystalline material can be obtained while undergoing mechanical, chemical, or electric load under working, or extreme, conditions. The powerful radiation sources, from reactors to spallation sources, synchrotrons to free-electron lasers, together with advanced detection, data analysis, and modeling tools, revolutionize the insight into materials in a broadest sense. Contributions are sought in the fields of metallurgy and materials forming; energy materials in realistic conditions; and response of functional materials under parametric load. The methods shall cover time and lengths scales from picoseconds to days, and sub-angstrom to meters, respectively. Particularly, contributions using an innovative approach in their application, or from the novel upcoming facilities with unprecedented possibilities, are solicited. United States National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering03.1.2013 - The main purpose of the School is to educate US graduate students on the utilization of major neutron and x-ray facilities. Lectures, presented by researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories, will include basic tutorials on the principles of scattering theory and the characteristics of the sources, as well as seminars on the application of scattering methods to a variety of scientific subjects. Students will conduct four short experiments at Argonnes Advanced Photon Source Division and Intense Pulsed Neutron Source Division to provide hands-on experience for using neutron and synchrotron sources. school covering the breadth of neutron scattering applications10.1.2013 - The summer school aims to cover the breadth of neutron scattering techniques using thermal neutrons. Planned experiments include: magnetic neutron scattering, powder diffraction, stress measurement, reflectometry and diffraction on biologically relevant material. Summer School on Condensed Matter Research11.1.2013 - As a continuation of our traditional summer school on neutron scattering we initiated two years ago an extended type of school which is called PSISummer School on Condensed Matter Research. While the experimental methods provided by PSI to the scientific community, that is neutrons, muons and synchrotron light - should still play a crucial but not exclusive role, the emphasis of the school should be on a particular topic, to be defined every year. The topic of this third school 2004 will be Phase Transitions. Science Engineering Virtual Pole17.1.2013 - The first operational e-collaborative platform and products in nanoscale science and engineering will be presented within the frame of the Workshop European networking in micro- and nanotechnologies - a bridge between East and West Casino Hall and Sinaia Hotel, Sinaia, Romania, 28 -29 September 2003This is part of the Decade of micro and nanotechnologies 28th ofSeptember to 7th of October, including the 1st Nanoforum organised by the European Commission to provide a platform with well-known Nanotechnology experts and professionals see http:www.nanoforum.orgeventsworkshop. Nano2Life will be also presented on 5th of October. Workshop on single crystal diffraction with polarised neutrons23.1.2013 - 25. 1.2013 - The enhanced contrast between the magnetic and nuclear signals in polarised neutron diffraction was first demonstrated in the milestone experiment by Shull, Nathans and colleagues in the late 1950s. The first measurements were then steadily developed over the following decades into the flipping-ratio technique for the experimental determination of magnetic form factors and mapping out of spin density in metals and intermetallics. Simultaneously, polarization analysis techniques were also developed, allowing the unambiguous separation of nuclear, magnetic and nuclear spin-incoherent scattering contributions as well as the determination of the directional components of the sublattice magnetization. Continuous improvements in instrumentation and analysis techniques, for example the progress in polarimetry and xyz polarization analysis, have lead to new applications of polarised neutron diffraction, addressing an increasingly wider range of scientific puzzles in physics, chemistry, material science and biology. Recent topics include: the exploration of spin densities in smart materials, such as giant-magnetoresistant oxides, magnetic shape memory alloys, single molecule magnets and multiferroics; the solution to complex magnetic structures, including chirality problems; the separation of short-ranged magnetic and nuclear correlations in frustrated systems; and the measurement of spin susceptibility in superconductors.To continue to spread the interest in polarised-neutron diffraction amongst the different scientific communities, a three-day International Workshop on Single-Crystal Diffraction with Polarised Neutrons will be held at the ILL in Grenoble on January 23-25, 2013, with emphasis on scientific applications, and the promise of new applications - A Meeting for the Collaborative Creation of the ESS Instrument Suite13.2.2013 - 14. 2.2013 - The IKON meetings are a regular forum where the technical progress of the work-packages from the various ESS member countries for the ESS neutron science programme are presented. By bringing together current and future partners, the meeting aims to provide an overview on the various activities and fertilize exchange that is vital to our success. Scientists from ESS member countries currently not engaged in-kind activities but interested in joining are encouraged to participate.IKON4 will have a particular focus on Neutron Technologies, with a rotating system of Parallel Sessions on Choppers, Detectors and Neutron Optics during the first day and the beginning of the second day.The Plenary Sessions on the second day will give the possibility to the in-kind partners to present the progress of their work.Registration deadline is Feb 1st 2013. Spring School Quantum Information in Jlich25.2.2013 - 08. 3.2013 - Quantum Information Science QIS is a cross-disciplinary subject that has arisen in the last twenty years. It concerns itself with the consequences of our most complete description of the physical world that is, quantum mechanics for the reliable, secure, private, and rapid processing of information, both in communication and computation. While its invention is often ascribed to the famous theoretical physicist Richard Feynman in the 1980s, his contributions were only one of many that initiated the field around that time. Summer School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy and Small Angle Neutron Scattering25.2.2013 - This school provides participants the opportunity to learn about a wide variety of neutron scattering techniques using instruments at the NIST Center for Neutron Research NCNR including the disk chopper spectrometer DCS, backscattering spectrometer HFBS, SPINS triple-axis spectrometer, BT-7 double focusing triple-axis spectrometer, multi-axis crystal spectrometer MACS, small angle neutron scattering SANS, and neutron spin echo NSE spectrometer. These powerful experimental techniques are used by researchers in a variety of scientific disciplines to probe the microstructure of materials at length scales of approximately 1 nm to 500 nm and at time scales from 100 ns to 1 ps. The NCNR is home to world-class neutron scattering instruments that are available to any qualified researchers through the NCNRs peer review proposal system. This school emphasizes hands-on experimental training for the instruments mentioned above as well as a thorough theoretical overview of these measurement techniques. Applications of structural and dynamical techniques will be illustrated by specific examples drawn from recent cutting-edge research for soft and hard condensed matter systems. Berlin School on Neutron Scattering28.2.2013 - 08. 3.2013 - The school program consists of three days of lectures giving a theoretical introduction to fundamentals of neutron scattering and the principles of various neutron scattering techniques. After the lectures, there will be four days of hands-on experiments on seven different neutron scattering instruments. The school will finish with lectures on how neutron scattering can be used for research in the areas of biology, chemistry, engineering and physics. NEUTRON TRAINING COURSE, 201305.3.2013 - 14. 3.2013 - After an initial day of lectures on the basic principles of neutron scattering, the course concentrates on practical aspects of neutron scattering, using the suite of ISIS neutron instruments, including: POLARIS, GEM, WISH, MARI, OSIRIS, TOSCA, MERLIN, CRISP, LOQ, ENGINX, and POLREF. Radiography session at ASNT 201318.3.2013 - 21. 3.2013 - Impact and Future Directions of Scattering Techniques in Soft Matter18.3.2013 - 19. 3.2013 - The aim of this conference is to highlight how increasingly complex chemical, magnetic and biological systems demand a multi-technique approach in order to derive a full description of their behaviour. The meeting is combined with the 2013 Sir Eric Rideal lecture given by the award recipient, Prof. Jeff Penfold of ISIS. Science Symposium on Neutron Protein Crystallography21.3.2013 - 22. 3.2013 - Methods and results obtainable by neutron macromolecular crystallography will be presented at this symposium, which will also provide an opportunity to discuss potential uses of the strong neutron source provided by the European Spallation Source ESS, which is planned to open in Lund, Sweden in 2019.Scientific sessions will cover the use of neutron diffraction in the study of enzymatic mechanisms from both academic and industry points of view, protein-water interactions, as well as the use of neutron diffraction to study biological membranes and membrane proteins. Finally, the symposium will focus on the current state and developments in sample preparation as well as software for neutron crystallography. Neutron Protein Crystallography 201321.3.2013 - 22. 3.2013 - The symposium will focus on the methods and results that can be obtained by neutron macromolecular crystallography and will provide an opportunity to discuss future uses of the strong neutron source that will be provided by the European Spallation Source ESS, planned to open in Lund, Sweden in 2019.Scientific sessions will cover the use of neutron diffraction in the study of enzymatic mechanisms from both academic and industry points of view, protein-water interactions, as well as the use of neutron diffraction to study biological membranes and membrane proteins. Finally, the symposium will focus on the current state and developments in sample preparation as well as software for neutron crystallography.Participation in the symposium is free of charge and open to anyone interested in applying neutron diffraction in macromolecular crystallography. PhD students are highly encouraged to participate and contribute with projects that may benefit from the future use of neutron diffraction. 2.0 - Software for Neutron Scattering25.3.2013 - 27. 3.2013 - The workshop aims to bring together experts in simulation techniques, data visualization and data reduction with instrument scientists and neutron users to discuss requirements, possibilities and options for future data analysis and simulation capabilities at large scale neutron facilities. The workshop will focus on the development of current software tools and platforms and identify requirements in specific techniques and methods. The goal is to give the audience a schematic overview of the different levels of data analysis from browsing, reduction, screening and visualization of data to fitting and interpretation in terms of a model. Surface Science Conference ISSC-1925.3.2013 - 28. 3.2013 - ISSC-19 is the latest meeting in the series of interdisciplinary surface science conferences covering all experimental and theoretical aspects of surfaces, interfaces and nanoscale physics and chemistry.Like its predecessors, the 19th meeting in the Interdisciplinary Surface Science Conference series ISSC-19 will focus on the most recent advances in surface science, interface physics and chemistry, nanoscience and thin film growth. The UK has a long standing tradition in surface science in both Physics and Chemistry Departments and investigating the physical and electronic structure of surfaces and interfaces is now an underpinning science across a range of different materials areas. These include addressing issues from organic thin films to semiconductor nanostructures and metallic clusters to biological interfaces, as well as the impact of surface science on technologically important areas such as energy materials. The latest developments in surface characterisation techniques will also be featured. on Surface Analytical Techniques02.4.2013 - 05. 4.2013 - School on Surface Analytical Techniques Probing Macromolecules at Water-Solid Interfaces This school will introduce the key analytical techniques available to study macromolecules adsorbed at water-solid interfaces, such as proteins or polyelectrolytes. The topics covered will include optical, X-ray, and neutron reflectivity, scanning probe microscopy, and direct force measurements.The school addresses PhD students, postdocs, and professionals working in areas where characterization of adsorbed macromolecules is essential, and who would either like to be introduced to the available state-of-the-art techniques or to deepen their knowledge in those. The school may also be of interest to researchers in surface based sensors, functional coatings, or biofilms. The school will mainly focus at novel technical developments and data interpretation, rather than on applications to specific systems. 2013: Workshop on Grazing Incidence Scattering Software09.4.2013 - 10. 4.2013 - This workshop aims at bringing together expert users in grazing incidence scattering from the x-ray as well as the neutron scattering communities to discuss the challenges and available tools for the modelling and data analysis of GISAS experiments. - Registration:Registration is free of charge.Send an email to, indicating your name and institution. International Conference on Recrystallization05.5.2013 - 10. 5.2013 - Recrystallization and grain growth take place during the thermal treatment of materials and as part of geological activity deep in the earths crust. The main objective of the RexGG Conference series is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and information on the state-of-the art in the field. Angle Neutron and X-ray Scattering from proteins in solution06.5.2013 - 10. 5.2013 - This EMBO practical course will cover the use of small angle scattering SAS of both neutrons and X-rays for the determination of the structures of biological macromolecules. Particular attention will be paid on this course to sample preparation and the analysis and interpretation of SAS data in a biological context. The aim of this course is to enable the participants to maximise the information gained from the SAS technique in their future experiments. Central European Training School on Neutron Scattering CETS201327.5.2013 - 31. 5.2013 - 7th Central European Training School on Neutron Scattering: insight into neutron scattering techniques and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter. The aim of this school is to provide insight into neutron scattering techniques small-angle neutron scattering, triple axis spectroscopy, neutron reflectometry, prompt gamma activation analysis, neutron diffraction, time of flight spectroscopy and neutron radiography and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter. Comprehensive experimental skills and guidance in result interpretation are going to be conveyed. The school will be a forum for the presentation and discussion of actual research works of young scientists. Interaction and Exotic Spin Structures DMI 201328.5.2013 - 01. 6.2013 - The program of the workshop will cover the following topics:1 Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction DMI in cubic ferromagnets without center of symmetry;2 DMI in antiferromagnets without center of symmetry;3 DMI in nanostructures at the surfaces and interfaces; and Life Sciences symposium29.5.2013 - 31. 5.2013 - This ESS Science Symposium, co-hosted with the University of Copenhagen and the MoreLife Network at Lund University, will bring together current and potential users of neutron techniques in the biomedical sciences to discuss common challenges and future opportunities at ESS. The program will feature talks by prominent experts on a wide range of current high impact science in molecular biology and biomedical research as well as state-of-the art applications of neutron scattering techniques.Scope:Molecular biology, biochemistry and biophysics, biotechnology and biomaterials, and biomedical research. Canadian Neutron Scattering Summer School02.6.2013 - 07. 6.2013 - The curriculum is a broad overview of neutron methods and applicationsin a wide range of scientific areas, such as magnetism, industrial, thinfilms and soft materials. The school is aimed at graduate students andpost-docs who have no prior knowledge of neutron scattering techniques, and with backgrounds in physics, chemistry, materials science, biology, or mineralogy. Directions for High Pressure Neutron Research03.6.2013 - 05. 6.2013 - The goal of this workshop is to foster collaboration amongst instrument scientists, users with experience or interest in high-pressure neutron techniques, design engineers and sample environment experts by sharing recent scientific breakthroughs, research interests, and current needs in the field. Strong emphasis will be placed on exploring new scientific areas where high-pressure resources are required, defining development strategies, and outlining innovations and procedures aimed at increased portability of high pressure apparatus across different instruments and facilities. School on the Fundamentals of Neutron Scattering17.6.2013 - 21. 6.2013 - The nineteenth annual Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering CHRNS Summer School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy will be held from Monday, June 17 to Friday, June 21, 2013 at the NIST Center for Neutron Research NCNR. This years summer school is devoted to methods and applications of neutron spectroscopy with a session on small angle neutron scattering. Neutron reflectometry technique will not be covered. Scattering Applications in Structural Biology24.6.2013 - 28. 6.2013 - The workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology aims at enabling structural biologist to fully exploit the latest instrumentation and software development at the SNS and HFIR facilities at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Attendees will participate in lectures and tutorials focusing exclusively on neutron techniques applied in structural biology. The workshop is designed for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and faculty new to or with limited experience of neutron scattering. Annual Niels Bohr International Academy Workshop on ESS Science: Crossing space and time domains with SAS and QENS24.6.2013 - 28. 6.2013 - The main focus of the 2013 workshop-school will be the use of SANSSAXS for structural studies along with that of quasielastic neutron scattering for slow dynamics, and the manner in which molecular dynamics simulations and other types of computational modeling can be utilized for the analysis and interpretation of the experimental data. Workshop on Neutron Optics and Detectors NOPD 201302.7.2013 - 05. 7.2013 - This is a satellite event to the International Conference on Neutron Scattering ICNS.The workshop is next in the series of Neutron Optics workshops previously held in Tokyo 2004, Villingen 2007 and Alpe dHuez 2010. Its aims is to provide a platform for theexchange information in all fields of neutron optics with emphasis on new concepts and recent technical developments.According to wishes of many of our colleagues, this time the Workshop will be held in the format similar to the NOP workshop held in Tokyo in 2004 and contain an extended neutron detector session, so that it will be called the Workshop on Neutron Optics and Detectors NOPD-2013.The scope of the workshop will include 1 New instrumental concepts; 2 Focusing collimating devices; 3 Neutron guides; 4 Polarisation amd polarization analysis; 5 Neutron imaging; 6 Quantum optics; 7 Monochromators; 8 Innovative neutron optics; 9 Neutron optics instrumentation; 10 Neutron detectors, etc.Deadline for submission of abstracts: March, 24, 2013 Conference on Neutron Scattering 201308.7.2013 - 12. 7.2013 - ICNS 2013 will bring together scientists from a wide range of disciplines including biology, chemistry, earth science, engineering, materials science and physics. as a supplier Workshop 09.7.2013 - - Instrumentation - A challenge for European marketsThis workshop is a satellite workshop and will take place on the 9th of July in the afternoon.The target group Procurement officers who can refer to their national rules and standards, and also propose possibilities of harmonization;Instrumentation engineers or scientists who will speak about their experience with collaboration with supplier firms and their specific needs;and of course Instrumentation supplier firms who will have the opportunity to express their needs, like upfront involvement and harmonized standards and critical market sizesThe aims of the workshopIdentify major challenges, bottlenecks and risks in the relationship between Research Infrastructures and Suppliers. Develop strategies to overcome these difficulties. The outcome will be communicated to the European Commission.Possibility of single day admission for this event.Registration link:http:www.ill.eunews-eventseventsnmi3-industry-workshopregistration-form Summer School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy and Small Angle Neutron Scattering17.7.2013 - 21. 7.2013 - This school provides participants the opportunity to learn about a wide variety of neutron scattering techniques using instruments at the NIST Center for Neutron Research NCNR including the disk chopper spectrometer DCS, backscattering spectrometer HFBS, BT-7 double focusing triple-axis spectrometer, multi-axis crystal spectrometer MACS, small angle neutron scattering SANS, and neutron spin echo NSE spectrometer. These powerful experimental techniques are used by researchers in a variety of scientific disciplines to probe the microstructure of materials at length scales of approximately 1 nm to 500 nm and at time scales from 100 ns to 1 ps. The NCNR is home to world-class neutron scattering instruments that are available to any qualified researchers through the NCNRs peer review proposal system. This school emphasizes hands-on experimental training for the instruments mentioned above as well as a thorough theoretical overview of these measurement techniques. Applications of structural and dynamical techniques will be illustrated by specific examples drawn from recent cutting-edge research for soft and hard condensed matter systems. Annual National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering10.8.2013 - 24. 8.2013 - This school is designed to help introduce graduate students to the capabilities available at the neutron and x-ray user facilities in the United States. Lectures, presented by researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories, include basic tutorials on the principles of neutron and x-ray scattering theory, the characteristics of Neutron and Synchrotron X-ray sources, as well as seminars on the application of scattering methods to a variety of scientific subjects. As part of the school, students also conduct a series of short experiments to provide some hands-on experience using instruments at neutron and synchrotron sources, at Argonnes Advanced Photon Source, and Oak Ridges Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor facilities. PSI summer school on condensed matter physics17.8.2013 - 23. 8.2013 - The PSI summer school 2013 is dedicated to Materials, structure and magnetism - probed by neutrons, muons and photons. International experts and PSI staff members will introduce and deepen your knowledge about this thematic.Following the school a practical training is offered at PSI. It will allow a limited number of participants to get hands-on experience with state-of-the-art instrumentation using photons, neutrons, and muons August 24-26, 2013 at PSI. Summer School17.8.2013 - 25. 8.2013 - The RACIRI summer school Advanced Materials Design at X-ray and Neutron Facilities is a joint initiative by Russia, Sweden and Germany in the collaborative framework of the Rntgen-Angstrm-Cluster RAC and the Ioffe-Rntgen-Institute IRI.The novel format of the RACIRI summer school is driven by scientific frontier themes and challenges in the field of materials sciences with a strong connection to the superb analytical potential at current and future research infrastructures synchrotron radiation, X-rays and neutrons in the baltic region.The RACIRI summer school will be held every year under a special focus theme. Its venue rotates annually among the three partnering countries.The first RACIRI summer school will be held under the focus theme Soft Matter and Nano Composites on 17 - 25 August 2013 in Petergof or Peterhof, a district of St. Petersburg, Russia.NRC Kurchatov Institute will host the first RACIRI Summer School 2013.The Kurchatov Institute was founded in Moscow in 1941 and became in 2010 the National Research Centre NRC Kurchatov Institute as a multi-disciplinary research laboratory with an advanced experimental base in nuclear research reactors, dedicated synchrotron source, thermonuclear Tokamak facilities and many more physics, chemical, biological and computer laboratories.At present NRC Kurchatov Institute is one of the leading research institutes in the world. It is a model of a future research centre as an interdisciplinary national laboratory, a prototype of a new approach to realize scientific and technological global challenges of the 21st century. school Advanced Imaging for Industrial Applications26.8.2013 - 30. 8.2013 - 30 young scientists from all over the world are participating in the first summer school Advanced Imaging for Industrial Applications at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Lise-Meitner-Campus in Wannsee. The school is scheduled for August 26th through the 30th and is jointly organized with the IAEA Training Workshop on Advanced Use of Neutron Imaging for Research and Applications.Beside lectures and workshops, the young scientists, who come from 26 different countries, enjoy as well the occasion to connect with colleagues and exchange their experiences.Lecturers from leading imaging labs worldwide cover different imaging methods with x-rays and neutrons like absorption and phase-contrast tomography, Bragg-edge mapping and magnetic imaging with neutrons as well as neutron autoradiography. Talks related to data processing and analysis will show the new trends in this field.Applications related to industry and science will be in the focus of the school. The participants will have the opportunity to have hands-on instruments and perform imaging experiments with x-rays and neutrons in the labs of HZB.More information:http:www.helmholtz-berlin.deeventsischool:http:www.helmholtz-berlin.deeventsischool JCNS Laboratory Course - Neutron Scattering 201302.9.2013 - 13. 9.2013 - The Jlich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS at Forschungszentrum Jlich, Germany, organises in cooperation with the University of Mnster Prof. D. Richter, Dr. R. Zorn and the RWTH Aachen Prof. G. Heger, Prof. G. Roth, Prof. T. Brckel a laboratory course in neutron scattering.The laboratory course will consist of lectures and an experimental section. The lectures will encompass an introduction to neutron sources, into scattering theory and instrumentation. Furthermore, selected topics of condensed matter research will be presented. Lectures will be held at Forschungszentrum Jlich and the experimental part will take place at the research reactor FRM II in Garching close to Munich.The laboratory course is part of the curriculum of the University of Mnster and the RWTH Aachen.It is the aim of the course to give a realistic insight into the experimental technique neutron scattering and its scientific power. Forschungszentrum Jlich supports non-local students with free accommodation and half board. Travel stipendia for foreign students are available.Registration for the course will open in Spring 2013. Oxford School of Neutron Scattering02.9.2013 - 13. 9.2013 - The course is normally highly oversubscribed, so we encourage applicants to apply in plenty of time, as late applications will not be accepted. Students are selected for the course, based on their requirements for neutron scattering techniques as part of their present and future research activities.The school provides an excellent introduction to neutron scattering which is developed through to its application in contemporary research. As such it is ideally suited to research students and postdoctoral researchers. The school consists mainly of lectures and tutorials in the theory and practicalities of neutron scattering, and includes a tour of the ISIS pulsed neutron facility in Didcot.In the first week of the school, students are introduced to the core concepts of the theory of neutron scattering, neutron sources and instrumentation and neutron diffraction. In the second week, the school covers more specialised neutron scattering techniques, and applications to scientific fields of interest. Among the techniques covered in the second week are; inelastic scattering, polarized neutrons, imaging techniques, small-angle scattering, reflectometry, neutron-spin-echo and quasi-elastic neutron scattering. For the final two days of the course, students can choose to follow three of the following six scientific subject areas; magnetism, soft matter, biology, engineering, chemical applications and amorphous materials. in Soft Matter Science: Complex Materials on Mesoscopic Scales03.9.2013 - 05. 12.2013 - The Neutron Sciences Directorate at Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL and the Joint Institute for Neutron Sciences JINS between University of Tennessee and ORNL are coordinating the 2nd cyber enabled collaborative graduate course taught by scientists and professors from sixteen contributing institutions. Scattering experiments using neutrons, X-rays and light are critical in studying structure and dynamics of soft-matter systems including water, colloids, polymers, surfactants solutions and biological macromolecules. The present cyber course draws together an array of internationally recognized experts in both fundamental and applied aspects of soft matter scattering to provide a timely didactic presentation of theory, techniques and applications in this field. Multi-site interactive lecture sessions will be delivered live online. They are simultaneously recorded and made freely available subsequently via streaming from the NSMS course resources page at ORNL, which will also contain various other materials associated with the course. To participate in the course, please go to the URL at the bottom and follow the registration instructions therein. Once you have registered, you can enter the course resources page via the login button.Registration is free to everyone interested in the subject areas. Note that registration does not mean actual credit in a formal sense but rather is a means to gain access to the material of the course and for us to keep track of the utilization of the course resources page. Graduate students can enroll and participate for credit within their program if the course is set up and formally acknowledged within the graduate program at the given institution. 2013 - Conference on Neutron Imaging and Neutron Methods in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Research09.9.2013 - 12. 9.2013 - In the recent years, modern scientific methods have led to a wealth of information in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Research concerning the composition of artefacts both on a molecular level and on the mechanical built of objects than cannot be dismantled without destroying them. X-ray methods from radiography to fluorescence have become widespread, but the potential of neutron methods has barely been tapped. Neutrons easily penetrate thick layers of metals, even lead, while revealing organic material like wood, leather or bones in sealed metal or stone containers. Two- and three-dimensional imaging provides visual information, while neutron activation analysis delivers elemental composition information, and neutron scattering reveals alloys and textures.With modern detectors, Neutron Imaging can even be performed at low-power research reactors; the application for cultural heritage research gives rise to new uses to elder small research reactors throughout the world, which is explicitly supported by IAEA.NINMACH addresses archaeologists and conservators from museums and universities and aims to illustrate the potential of neutron methods in cultural heritage research. Talks and posters will be presented by physicists and archaeologists who have already employed neutron methods successfully; attendance is explicitly recommended for scientists who are completely new to neutron methods and want to learn about the possibilities at neutron sources throughout the world. International Conference on Solid Surfaces09.9.2013 - 13. 9.2013 - This event will provide a unique worldwide opportunity to professionals in the academic and industrial research communities to share their latest scientific findings and technological developments in the fields of materials, coatings, nanosciences and surfaces. More than 150 invited speakers, including Nobel Prize winners, will present the state-of-the-art in their research fields. About 2,000 presentations will be made in 15 parallel oral sessions and 3 poster sessions. Supporting this will be an exhibition of scientific instruments, which will take place in the poster area next to the lecture halls to encourage networking amongst the delegates, and a programme of relevant short courses, delivered by experienced professionals. Plenary lecturers:Dan Shechtman bio:http:www.ivc19.comfileadmindocumentBioBio_Shechtman.pdf_Technion, Israel ; 2011 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry_Quasi-periodic materials - Crystal redefined abstract:http:www.ivc19.comdocumentShechtman_Abstract.pdf Shoucheng Zhang bio:http:www.ivc19.comfileadmindocumentBioBio_Zhang.pdf_Stanford, USA ; 2010 Europhysics Prizewinner_Topological insulators and their edge and surface states abstract:http:www.ivc19.comdocumentZhang_Abstract.pdfAndr Borschberg bio - abstract:http:www.ivc19.comfileadmindocumentBioBorschberg.pdf photo:http:www.ivc19.comfileadmindocumentBioPhoto_Borschberg.pdf_Solar Impulse Aircraft Project_From a vision to realization Lars Samuelson bio:http:www.ivc19.comfileadmindocumentBioBio_Samuelson.pdf_Lund Univ., Sweden ; 2013 IUVSTA Prize for Science_abstract:http:www.ivc19.comfileadmindocumentAbstractsSamuelson_Abstract.pdfJohn T. Grant bio:http:www.ivc19.comfileadmindocumentBioBio_Grant.pdf_Dayton Univ. ; 2013 IUVSTA Prize for Technology_abstract:http:www.ivc19.comfileadmindocumentAbstractsGrant_Abstract.pdf Conference Topics: Applied Surface Sciences Astronomical Frontiers for Surface Science Biointerphases Culturage Heritage Electronic Materials and Processes Energy and Sustainable Development Frontiers in Photoelectron Full-Field Imaging and Spectromicroscopy Functional Molecules and Molecular Machines Ionic Liquids Surfaces and Interfaces Nanoscience and Technology Plasma Science and technology Surface Engineering Surface Science Thin Films Vacuum Science and Technology The congress is organised on behalf of the International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications IUVSTA by a consortium of European Vacuum Societies Belgian Vacuum Society, British Vacuum Council, Croatian Vacuum Society, Czech Vacuum Society, French Vacuum Society, Hungarian Vacuum Society, Portuguese Vacuum Society, Slovak Vacuum Society, Slovenian Vacuum Society willing to work together in close interaction to increase scientific and technical links and collaboration within Europe. Paris is famous for its rich history, beautiful architecture, cultural diversity and renowned gastronomy, which makes it the most visited city in the world. Thanks to its strategic location in Europe, Paris is also an active economic trading platform and a leading economic region. With more than 600,000 students and 136,000 researchers and technicians hosted in its universities and higher education establishments, the Paris region holds a prominent position in education, research and innovation. of disordered systems and the new 7C2 spectrometer at the LLB16.9.2013 - 18. 9.2013 - Workshop at the LLB structure of disordered systemsOpening celebration of the new 7C2 spectrometerTopics : Simple liquid atomic, molecular and metallic Complex liquids polymeric , ionic, mixtures and solutions Liquids under extreme conditions high pressure, confinement, levitation, electric field, stress.. Glasses for applications oxides, chalcogenides, With a willingness to address all current methods of measurement and data analysis numerical simulations, X-ray, NMR, EXAFS, IR .., potential to ESS.To enter on the Saclay site, you have to register. For that, please send an email with your institute, name, surname, nationality, date and place of birth to before Septembre 9th. Third Joint Users Meeting PSI 18.9.2013 - 20. 9.2013 - The Paul Scherrer Institute runs three major user facilities for condensed matter research on one campus: The Swiss Light Source SLS:http:www.psi.chsls, the Swiss Spallation Neutron Source SINQ:http:www.psi.chsinq and the Swiss Muon Source aim of the Joint Users Meetings PSI is to bring together the three user communities and to generate new synergies among the scientists driven by common scientific rather than technical interests.JUMP 13 is a users for users meeting. Organizers of the meeting are and its Users Association JUSAP:http:www.psi.chuserofficeusers-association.The meeting will consist of a plenary session with nvited lectures as well as information about PSI and its user facilities on the first day. The second day is reserved for topical parallel workshops of a half or one day duration. Poster sessions, a tour of the PSI user facilities and the award of the third PSI thesis medal accomplish the program. Vitess and McStas school workshop18.9.2013 - 20. 9.2013 - The joint Vitess and McStas teams invite interested participants to a common neutron Monte-Carlo simulation school and workshop to be held from 18 to 20 September, 2013, in Berlin, at the Grand City Hotel Globus Berlin, Ruschestrae 45, 10367 Berlin.This workshop addresses diploma and PhD students, postdocs and staff members working or intending to work on neutron instrumentation simulations or virtual experiments. The preliminary programme of the workshop includes:Day 1:Introduction and tutorials for both software packages, Vitess and McStas. This session in the main addresses new users or those who would like refresh their basic knowledge. Hands-on tutorials will complete this session.Day 2:Advanced features of both packages demonstrated by examples, talks and hands-on tutorials.Day 3:Vitess and McStas users will present their own work, general discussion and feedback will complete this session.Experienced users might want to skip the first day of the workshop. The number of participants is limited to 25. The registration is open until 4th of September 2013. North American Particle Accelerator Conference NA-PAC1329.9.2013 - 04. 10.2013 - September 29-October 4, 2013Pasadena Conference CenterPasadena, CA Workshop 2013: Trends and Perspectives in Neutron Scattering: Magnetism and Correlated Electron Systems07.10.2013 - 10. 10.2013 - This international workshop organized by the Jlich Centre for Neutron Science will be held at the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Germany. The workshop will begin after lunchbreak on October 7 and will end on October 10, 2013.Neutron scattering has proven to be a key method for achieving a deep insight into the physics associated with magnetic phenomena and correlated electrons. Our basic understanding of crucially important topics such as the magnetic structure of complex materials in bulk, thin films or nanoparticles, the mechanism behind magnetic phenomena and superconductivity, spin dynamics in highly correlated electron systems etc. depend on and benefit immense from research with neutrons.The aim of the international workshop jointly organized by the Jlich Centre for Neutron Science is to bring together experts in neutron scattering, materials synthesis, the application of complementary methods and theory in order to discuss the current status of the field and identify future trends and challenges for the application of neutron scattering.For more information please see the attached pdf. Autumn School 2013: Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science07.10.2013 - 11. 10.2013 - The Autumn School will provide a systematic overview of application of neutrons and synchrotron radiation to the structural analysis of engineering materials. Students and young scientists from research and industry from all of Europe interested in this field are welcome to participate.The school will take place from 7 to 11 October 2013 in Ammersbek near Hamburg and Hamburg. The focus of the practical training will be this time on synchrotron experiments. Therefore the participants will spend two days doing experiments at HASYLABDESY.The participation fee includes accomodation and food for the duration of the school as well as the book Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science which has resulted from previous autumn schools with the same title. 201308.10.2013 - 09. 10.2013 - The first Design and Engineering of Neutron Instruments Meeting DENIM was held at Rutherford Appleton Laboratorys ISIS facility. The inspiration and concept for DENIM stemmed from the lack of existing forums to discuss neutron instrument designs and capabilities from the engineering perspective. At the conclusion of DENIM 2012, the attendees unanimously agreed that the forum was valuable and that it should continue on an annual basis and provide opportunities to visit the different neutron scattering facilities around the world.DENIM 2013 will be held at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. The main objective of this meeting is to bring together engineers to discuss the technical aspects of designing and building neutron instruments. These multidisciplinary engineers will have the opportunity to come together as a community to share ideas and enhance future neutron scattering instruments. This will improve communication between engineers at different facilities and foster the sharing of ideas, both successes and failures.Our Focus:Engineers from other labs will be introduced and there will be discussions on: - past successes and failures - current developments and research - future plans and challengesWe plan to allow discussion on any subject related to instrument design. As we receive abstracts, we will develop the program to concentrate on the elements that participants are more interested in discussing. Topics may include the following: - Choppers and chopper systems - Shielding - Beam slits, jaws and conditioning methods - Collimation and collimators - Motion systems and mechanics - Vacuum vessel design, analysis and approval - Detector structures and mechanics - Project management of instrument builds IGORR 2013 IAEA Technical Meeting13.10.2013 - 18. 10.2013 - The IGORR Conference IGORR 15th organised in cooperation with the IAEA will be in October 2013 13th to 18th and will be host by KAERI in Daejeon South-Korea.It will be combined with an Embedded IAEA technical meeting on Research Reactors Ageing Management and Operation Maintenance. RD51 Collaboration Meeting and Workshop on Neutron Detection with MPGDs14.10.2013 - 17. 10.2013 - In the framework of the future RD51 activities, we agreed to organize series of specialized topical workshops helping to disseminate MPGD applications beyond fundamental physics, where potential users and industry could meet together.We would like to bring to your attention that the next RD51 Collaboration Meeting at CERN in October will take place in conjuction with the Special workshop Detecting Neutrons with MPGDs. School on Neutron Scattering - Geosciences Materials in Extreme Environments 16.10.2013 - 25. 10.2013 - The 2013 LANSCE School on Neutron Scattering will focus on outstanding issues in fundamental and applied earth and geosciences research and materials behavior under extreme environments where characterization with neutrons can and do make important contributions. The school will provide an overview and training, through hands-on exercises, of concepts, instruments and data analysis in neutron scattering techniques such as: diffraction, small angle neutron scattering, local structure determination and neutron reflectometry. Educational GoalsStudents will become familiar with neutron scattering and how it may be utilized to address important questions in geosciences and materials in extreme environments as well as emerging Earth, energy environmental issues. Intended AudienceThe 2013 School is intended primarily for graduate students post-docs in geosciences, earth sciences, materials science and related fields. Students should have a basic understanding of scattering and diffraction phenomena. OverviewThe 2013 School will cover: Basic concepts of neutron production, scattering methods and instrumentation. Introduction to geosciences and extreme environment research with emphasis on areas of basic and applied research to issues where neutrons can and do make fundamental contributions. Why neutrons and isotope contrast enhancement techniques Detailed case studies in earth, geo science and extreme environments research using diffraction, small-angle neutron scattering, reflectometry and chemical neutron spectroscopy. High pressure, strain, temperature and other sample environment capabilities in earth and geosciences research. Technical aspects of measurement techniques and data analysis. Computational techniques that complement and aid in the planning, analysis and interpretation of neutron measurements. Students will give presentations on their favorite hands-on experiment on the final day of the school.Costs Registration for the school is free. All local expenses lodging, meals, etc. are covered for accepted participants. Travel to and from Los Alamos is covered up to a maximum amount of 500. Sponsors Student participants are supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation NSF.:http:www.nsf.govindex.jsp Instructors and local expenses are supported by the Department of Energy Office of Logistics support is provided by: Los Alamos Neutron Science and New Mexico State To Apply:All application materials must be submitted electronically. A statement by the applicant of anticipated benefits of the neutron scattering school to their research program. Unofficial transcripts emailed to: One letter of reference submitted by an advisor or mentor. Minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. Important dates: 13 August: Deadline for all application materials. 16 August: Notifications to applicants. 19 August: Confirmation of attendance.Deadline for foreign national students to submit required documentation. Contact Us: Workshop of the Argentinian Crystallography Association: Neutron Scattering Techniques in Materials Science 28.10.2013 - 28. 8.2013 - Satellite Event to the 1st Latin-american Crystallography MeetingInvited Speakers:Anbal Ramrez-Cuesta Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USAAlberto Podjarny CNRS, IGBMC, Illkrich, FranceGabriel Cuello Institut Laue-Langevin, FranceMnica Jimnez-Ruiz Institut Laue-Langevin, FranceJavier Campo Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragn ICMA, Zaragoza, Spain ENSA meeting05.11.2013 - 06. 11.2013 - Members of the European Neutron Scattering Association ENSA will meet in November 5-6 in Zaragoza, Spain. November 5: meeting from 16h00 to 20h00 November 6: meeting from 8h00 to 12h00 2013: 6th ILL Annual School on Advanced Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FullProf Suite18.11.2013 - 22. 11.2013 - FPSchool aims to contribute to the training of scientists in treatment of X-ray and neutron diffraction data. The school is based on intensive hands-on sessions using the computer programs of the FullProf Suite.The 6th FPSchool will take place the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble from 18th to 22nd November 2013. The lectures and tutorials will give the essential tools necessary for an efficient use of the FullProf Suite at an average level. In addition to general applications, magnetic structure determination and refinement will be specifically addressed. MM: Neutron Scattering Studies of Advanced Materials01.12.2013 - 08. 12.2013 - Advanced materials are the cornerstones of a secure energy future. The discovery and development of new materials hinge on our understanding of their structures and dynamics. Neutron scattering is a powerful and important tool for identifying the next generations of materials for energy applications and optimizing their properties. This symposium will bring together scientists interested in using neutron scattering to characterize and understand the structure and dynamics in advanced materials, particularly those related to energy technologies.Neutron diffraction, small-angle neutron scattering, reflectometry and neutron imaging reveal atomic structures, microstructures and device structures across multiple length scales. Because neutrons are highly penetrating, in-situ experiments are now routine. With the advent of new powerful neutron sources, it is possible to conduct time-resolved investigations of structure evolution in real materials under realistic operating conditions. Inelastic scattering is a unique tool for measuring the underlying dynamics responsible for thermodynamics and transport properties, which underpin some of the key issues in energy storage and conversion. Last, but not least, neutron scattering has played a crucial role in studies of magnetism, superconductivity, polymers, and complex fluids, nearly all of which have connections with energy.Topics will include but will not be limited to: Photovoltaic materials Thermoelectric materials Batteries and fuel cells Structural materials for transportation and nuclear applications Correlated electron systems Enabling scattering technology and softwareAbstracts in other neutron-scattering research areas are also welcome.Joint sessions are being considered with Symposium BB:http:www.mrs.orgf13-cfp-bb: _Thermoelectric MaterialsFrom Basic Science to Applications_ and Symposium CC:http:www.mrs.orgf13-cfp-cc: _Advanced Materials for Rechargeable Batteries_.Invited speakers include:Hajime Arai Kyoto Univ., Japan, Simon Billinge Columbia Univ., Mark Dadmun Univ. of Tennessee, Bill David Univ. College London; ISIS, United Kingdom, Clarina de la Cruz Oak Ridge National Lab, Olivier Delaire Oak Ridge National Lab, Yan Gao GE Global Research Ctr., Bruce Gaulin McMaster Univ., Canada, Kenneth Kelton Washington Univ., Jeffrey Lynn National Inst. of Standards and Technology, Michael Mackay Univ. of Delaware, Janna Maranas Pennsylvania State Univ., Robert McQueeney Iowa State Univ., Cev Noyan Columbia Univ., Masato Ohnuma NIMS, Japan, Yang Ren Argonne National Lab, Sunny Sinha Univ. of California, San Diego, John Tranquada Brookhaven National Lab, John Tse Univ. of Saskatchewan, Canada.Symposium Organizers:Xun-Li WangCity University of Hong KongDept. of Physics and Materials ScienceTat Chee Ave.Kowloon, Hong KongTel 852-3442-7707, or -9140, Fax FultzCalifornia Institute of TechnologyDept. of Materials Science and Applied PhysicsMS 138-78Pasadena, CA 91125Tel 626-395-2170, Fax K. CrawfordDuPont Central Research DevelopmentExperimental StationP.O. Box 80400Wilmington, DE 19880-0400Tel 302-695-3045, Fax D. LumsdenOak Ridge National LaboratoryQuantum Condensed Matter DivisionMS 6475P.O. Box 2008Oak Ridge, TN 37831Tel 865-241-0090, Fax Scattering X-Ray Studies for the Advancement of Materials 02.12.2013 - 06. 12.2013 - Modern and upcoming neutron- and synchrotron radiation facilities bear the potential of novel characterization and analysis methods for the un-precedented understanding of materials as they have been developed very recently or will show up in the future.The Topic Symposium builds on the success at Thermec2011 in Qubec seeking contributions from the following list, relevant to applied or fundamental materials analysis: novel and potential instrumentation, including sources, beamlines and devices, and their pioneering applications to materials novelties from synchrotron, free-electron-laser, energy-recovery linac, nuclear reactor and spallation sources emerging techniques, such as comprehensive data analysis into multiple dimensions exotic methods, such as coherent beam scattering, nuclear resonance, correlations spectroscopy inelastic scattering emerging into applied materials time resolved investigations on all scales, according to the forefront in the field pump-probe and relaxation processes in-situ studies on materials to increase productivity or to obtain information under extreme conditions high resolution in space and reciprocal space combination of methods such as imaging, diffraction, microscopy, electron diffraction applications to exotic materials, such as amorphous, nano-crystalline, disordered or unstable structures state-of-the-art applications in engineering and materials modeling, supported by such as strain scanning and texture analysis Neutron Scattering Symposium AANSS02.12.2013 - 03. 12.2013 - The AANSS conference is the annual get-together of the Australian neutron scattering community. It is attended by scientists working in physics, chemistry, biology, crystallography, instrumentation, engineering and applied materials, software, medical imaging and therapy, from a range of institutions including Australias and New Zealands largest universities and government laboratories.The conference will consist of invited talks, short oral presentations from the submitted abstracts and informal poster session. The AANSS meetings are oriented towards presentations from students and ECRs, although all attendees are encouraged to submit abstracts.Important Dates_Deadline for Early bird registrations - discounts apply:_ 25 October 2013_Deadline for all registrations:_ 20 November 2013 on Industrial research using synchrotron and neutron methods03.12.2013 - To present and discuss current state of the art usage of synchrotron and neutron methods in industrial research an international workshop is organized by the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin fr Materialien und Energie GmbH operating and offering access to the synchrotron source BESSY II and the neutron source BER II. A number of invited presentations are given by industrial users and researchers highlighting state of the art investigations with synchrotrons and neutrons in important areas as e-mobility, smart materials or photovoltaics. The presentations are given in English and german.The one day workshop is a satellite workshop to the 5th Joint BER II and BESSY II User Meeting on Dec. 4-6 at HZB and is free of charge to the participants. The organizers acknowledge kindly the financial supported by the FP7 EU Access Programs Calipso and NMI3-II to the workshop.Registration is free of charge via the workshop webpage:http:www.helmholtz-berlin.deeventsindustrie-workshopregistrationindex_en.html:http:www.helmholtz-berlin.deeventsindustrie-workshopregistrationindex_en.html Industry Advisory Board meeting 12.12.2013 - NMI3 will join forces with the synchrotron I3, CALIPSO , to create a combined Industrial Advisory Board IAB composed of 7 experts from each project. The IAB will help define future, optimal use of neutron, muon and X-ray facilities by industry considering issues like: opportunities for industry to engage in research at central European facilities; promoting new opportunities and provision of appropriate training; industry-specific issues related to proprietary and pre-competitive RD; the operational strategy of the European facilities concerning, for example, suitable instrumentation, access methods and efficient production of results.RegistrationTo register please click here:http:www.ill.eunews-eventseventsfirst-common-industry-advisory-board-meetingregistration-form. Physics of Soft and Biological Matter20.12.2013 - This conference will bring together the broad and diverse community interested in the physics of soft and biological matter, which includes liquids, liquid crystals, polymers, colloids, membranes, interfaces, cellular biophysics, and biological macromolecules.The programme will span a number of key cross-cutting themes, including self-assembly and patterning, rheology, biomimetics, non-equilibrium phenomena, as well as molecular imaging, optical methods and spectroscopies, which are all relevant to the wide range of length- and time-scales present in these fascinating systems.Key dates Abstract submission deadline: 20 January 2014 Early registration deadline: 10 March 2014 Registration deadline: 4 April 2014 European Spallation Source ESS: An Opportunity for German Organisations and Companies22.1.2014 - he European Spallation Source ESS - the future world-leading neutron source, which is being built in Sweden and Denmark - is getting ready for construction. Germany has been a strong supporter of this project from the very beginning and has significantly contributed to the pre-construction phase and to the Technical Design Report. ESS is a greenfield European project and will rely on the expertise and know-how of German institutes and industry to be successful. In advance of the ESS breaking ground in mid 2014, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF and the European Spallation Source will present the status of the project, the collaboration possibilities for German organisations, in addition to business opportunities for German companies. German partner organisations, including Research Center Jlich FZJ, Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron DESY, GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research, Helmholtz Center Geesthacht HZG, Karlsruhe Institute for Technology KIT, FRM II the Neutron Reactor Heinz Maier Leibnitz in Munich and the Committee for Neutron Research the representation of the German Universities working in the Neutron Research area will present areas of competence, which are relevant for building the ESS accelerator, target station, and scientific instruments. An Opportunity for French Organisations and Companies07.2.2014 - The European Spallation Source ESS - the future world-leading neutron source, which is being built in Sweden and Denmark - is getting ready for construction. France has been a strong supporter of this project from the very beginning and has significantly contributed to the pre-construction phase and to the Technical Design Report. ESS is a greenfield European project and will rely on the expertise and know-how of French institutes and industry to be successful. In advance of the ESS breaking ground in mid 2014, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research M.E.S.R. and the European Spallation Source will present the status of the project, the collaboration possibilities for French organisations, in addition to business opportunities for French companies. REIMEI Workshop on Spin Currents and Related Phenomena10.2.2014 - 13. 2.2014 - The fourteenth Reimei International Workshop on Spin Current and Related Phenomena will be held at the ILL, Grenoble, France, on February 10-13, 2014.Reimei means Dawn in Japanese, and it is the name of a collaborative research program run by the Advance Science Research Center of the JAEA.In this workshop, specialists in spintronics, as well as in a few related fields of magnetism, such as actinide physics and neutron scattering, will get together and discuss recent results and future collaborations.In the evening of February 9 Sunday, an informal dinner will be arranged by the ILL. In addition to the formal program from February 10-12, Thursday, February 13, is devoted to free discussions. on Neutron Scattering CNS201410.2.2014 - 12. 2.2014 - All important aspects of neutron scattering including facilities, science and applications will be covered. There will be contributed poster sessions and invited talks by experts within and outside India. A Pre-Conference School on Neutron Scattering that includes hands-on experiments is also being organized.The conference would include the application of neutron scattering to the following topics: Strongly Correlated Electron Systems Functional Materials Critical Phenomena and Phase Transitions Energy and Green Materials Soft Matter and Biological Systems Nanomaterials Thin Films and Multilayers Neutron Instrumentation 2014 Neutrons in Biology and Biotechnology19.2.2014 - 21. 2.2014 - The use of neutrons in structural biology has become increasingly powerful and sophisticated in recent years. In particular, over the last decade, improvements in sources, instrumentation and sample preparation have revolutionized the scope of neutron scattering studies of biological systems. Furthermore the use of complementary techniques such as synchrotron radiation, NMR, EM now makes neutron scattering one of the most powerful approach in obtaining structural and dynamical information over a wide range of length scales and timescales.This meeting will focus on highlighting recent results in fundamental biology and biotechnology. The meeting will also consider the future of the field and the implications for the type of science that can be considered as well as for the instruments required.Abstract submission deadline : 10th January 2014Registration deadline : 31st January 2014 School 201423.2.2014 - 26. 3.2014 - Neutrons Synchrotron Radiation for ScienceThis school provides training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, in the field of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for condensed matter studies Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Geosciences, Industrial applications.It includes lectures, practicals, tutorials, and visits of Large Facilities. Neutron training course 201424.2.2014 - 06. 3.2014 - The ISIS Practical Neutron Training Course is aimed at PhD and post-doctoral researchers who have little or no experience of neutron scattering, but whose future research program aims to make use of neutron scattering techniques. du LLB school02.3.2014 - 05. 3.2014 - Fan du LLB is an annual school delivered in French and offering young French-speaking researchers a first contact with real experimental neutron scattering. The school is aimed at students and post-docs working in all scientific areas where neutrons can provide valuable insights, although priority is given to those having never had any contact with neutrons scattering.After an introduction to neutron sources and neutron scattering, ten different thematic subjects based on different scientific problems that can be addressed by neutron scattering, are proposed to the students. In groups of four to five, the students are then introduced to two different neutrons scattering technique, during three days devoted to experiments and data analysis. One of the distinguishing features of our school is that the students often come with their own samples, which are tested during the training together with our demonstration samples. This ensures a good and efficient participation of the students. The course lasts for 3.5 days.Registration opens: September 19Deadline for registration: October 19 IFF Spring School10.3.2014 - 21. 3.2014 - Computational materials physics is concerned with the complex interplay of the myriad electrons and atoms in a solid, thereby producing a continuous stream of new and unexpected phenomena and forms of matter. An extreme range of length, time, energy and entropy scales gives rise to the complexity of an extremely broad range of solids and associated properties.There are literally hundreds of thousands of solids. Some solids exhibit useful or exotic phases, such as ferroelectricity, magnetism, superconductivity, or take on exotic states of matter such as the heavy fermion state. Other solids exhibit interesting metal to insulator transitions or show transversal, quantum and non-equilibrium transport processes, to mention but a few.Every day, new solids are synthesised or grown and novel properties are discovered. These solids find applications as present and emergent materials with specially-designed functionalities on which technological advances in fields such as information technology, energy harvesting, storage and conversion, material science, chemistry and even biology depend.It sounds rather miraculous, but the formation and stability of all solids and their properties are encoded in the statistical physics and quantum theory of the many electrons in the solid interacting via the Coulomb potential. Therefore, the Schrdinger equation of many electrons provides a fundamental theoretical concept for the understanding of a large variety of quantum phenomena that could be exploited in future technological devices.The exact solution for this type of Schrdinger equation in a solid is not yet in sight. Instead, over the past decades, powerful theoretical concepts have been developed that allow effective approximations, aimed at reducing complexity while retaining those ingredients necessary for a reliable description of the physical effects in the system.The approximations of the quantum many-body problem may be roughly divided into three different classes: wave function based methods, ab-initio density functional approaches, and realistic model Hamiltonians, that are solved in part with sophisticated and highly specialized many-body methods such as renormalization techniques or quantum Monte Carlo. Due to the length and the time scales of the systems investigated, the complexity of the interactions and the possible degree of non-equilibrium, this field has benefited tremendously from the exponential growth of computer resources, in part with new computer architectures. Adapting existing computer codes or developing new codes for these new infrastructures is an increasingly pressing and demanding issue in computational based research. Berlin School on Neutron Scattering13.3.2014 - 21. 3.2014 - The Berlin Neutron School is one of the oldest established neutron schools. It was founded in 1980 by Prof Hans Dachs and is organised by the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin fr Materialien und Energie HZB. The aim of the school is to provide an introduction to neutron scattering with an emphasis on hands-on, practical experience using the instruments at the BERII reactor. The first three days of the school consist of detailed lectures on the principles and techniques of neutron scattering followed by a tour of the instruments and an introduction to sample environment. As well as the course lectures given by members of HZB, external guest lecturers will be invited to review current issues in the field of neutron research. Previously Prof Michael Steiner ENSA has discussed the future of neutron sources in Europe and Dr Dimitri Argyriou ESS has discussed the planned European Spallation Neutron Source. After attending the lectures the students begin the hands-on experiments. They are divided into groups of four to five people from similar subject areas and do triple-axis spectroscopy, powder diffraction, small angle scattering, reflectometry, time-of-flight spectroscopy, tomography and residual stress analysis under the guidance of the instrument scientists. The experiments last three hours each and take place over three and a half days. On the penultimate day we will hold a students poster session which will give the students the opportunity to present their work and discuss how neutron scattering could benefit their research with the HZB scientists. The poster session will be followed by the Neutron School dinner. Finally, on the last day of the school the students will attend lectures on how to use neutron scattering as a tool for research in various subject areas e.g. biology, chemistry, engineering and physics. Conference of the German Crystallographic Society DGK17.3.2014 - 20. 3.2014 - The scope of this 22nd DGK annual meeting is to show the diversity of crystallography as an interdisciplinary science. We are very glad that a number of renowned scientists, representing all different fields of crystallography, have accepted our invitation for a plenary lecture.Conference Topics Crystallography in materials sciences Crystallography of modulated and aperiodic structures Crystallography in health and life sciences Advanced methods in crystallography Crystallography in earth sciences and environment Crystallography in cultural heritagemuseum Tools for Fuel Cells and Batteries 23.3.2014 - 26. 3.2014 - Efficient energy conversion and storage are the enabling technologies towards a safe and reliable energy solution employing fuel cells and batteries in a wide range of applications such as stationary, automotive, and grid storage. Their commercial success, however, requires drastic cost reduction and further performance improvement. The development of innovative fuel cell and battery materials relies on our ever-expanding knowledge about the electrochemical reaction and degradation mechanisms. This is made possible by advanced analytical tools including novel imaging and spectroscopic techniques. These analytical tools are particularly useful if they are applied in-situ, when the material is at work. This seminar will highlight recent advances in this area, bringing the fuel cell and battery communities together to discuss strategies for future success.There is a session on Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation, X-Ray Diffraction.Deadline for submission of contributions: December 20, 2013 Studying Kinetics with Neutrons24.3.2014 - 27. 3.2014 - Studying Kinetics with NeutronsThe meeting will focus on results, new applications and future prospects for time-resolved Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectometry with typical time scales from micro-second to seconds. The scope of the symposium is to bring together scientists from different fields of physics, chemistry, biology, materials with neutron experts. Invited speakersP. Bender Germany, M. Crdenas Denmark, M. Hollamby United Kingdom, K. Huber Germany,U. Keiderling Germany, T. P. Lodge United States, S. Mhlbauer Germany, M. Nakano Japan, T. Sottmann Germany, F. Testard France, L. Willner GermanyImportant dates_Abstract deadline:_ January 28, 2014_Notification of acceptance:_ February 7, 2014_Registration dead line:_ February 21, 2014_Opening Session:_ March 24, 2014Please register through the link below. Spring Meeting30.3.2014 - 04. 4.2014 - DPG Frhjahrstagung Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section SKM with the divisions and working groups: Biological Physics Chemical and Polymer Physics Dielectric Solids Thin Films Dynamics and Statistical Physics Semiconductor Physics and the working group Semiconductor Magnetism and the working group Magnetism Metal and Material Physics and the working group Metal and Material Physics Mikroprobes Surface Science Physics of Socio-Economic Systems Low Temperature Physics Vacuum Science and Technology Crystallography Working Group Industry and Business Working Group young DPG together with the Accelerator Physics 201407.4.2014 - 08. 4.2014 - Magnetism 2014 will include three main themes of thin films nanostructures, correlated electrons and soft matter magnetism. However, the umbrella nature of the conference means we welcome all aspects of magnetic and spintronic related research. In future years the conference will adapt to reflect contemporary trends in magnetism Neutron Muon PR network meeting09.4.2014 - The European Neutron Muon Press Officers network:http:nmi3.eunews-and-mediathe-3rd-neutron-and-muon-pr-network-meeting-in-grenoble.html will meet once again in Garching. The agenda includes: Discussion on including a presentation on by Sara Fletcher and on the Neutron Pathfinder by Karin Griewatsch Discussion on a Conference on PR activities in large scale facilities Press Officers mailing listAnd in the afternoon we will have a: Science Communication session talks by Sara Fletcher, Ina Helms, and Andrea Voit UK Neutron and Muon Users Meeting NMUM10.4.2014 - 11. 4.2014 - NMUM is an opportunity for UK neutron and muon users to get together to hear about the latest neutron and muon science, ISIS and ILL facility developments, and other matters that affect you, and to discuss and provide feedback on these matters.Programme and online registration will be available shortly. Physics of Soft and Biological Matter14.4.2014 - 16. 4.2014 - This conference will bring together the broad and diverse community interested in the physics of soft and biological matter, which includes liquids, liquid crystals, polymers, colloids, membranes, interfaces, cellular biophysics, and biological macromolecules.The programme will span a number of key cross-cutting themes, including self-assembly and patterning, rheology, biomimetics, non-equilibrium phenomena, as well as molecular imaging, optical methods and spectroscopies, which are all relevant to the wide range of length- and time-scales present in these fascinating systems.Key dates Abstract submission deadline: 20 January 2014 Early registration deadline: 10 March 2014 Registration deadline: 4 April 2014 Research Society Spring Meeting21.4.2014 - 25. 4.2014 - The 2014 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting will be held April 21-25 in San Francisco, California. The MRS Spring Meeting has grown considerably in recent years, and this meeting looks to be the largest yet. The scientific sessions include many emergent areas of materials research as well as some well-established ones. Fifty-seven symposia will comprise the technical core of the meeting. The symposia are grouped into the following topical clusters: Materials for Energy Soft Materials and Biomaterials Electronic and Photonic Materials Nanomaterials General Materials Science, Theory and Characterization Symposium X School of Neutron Scattering SoNS Francesco Paolo Ricci30.4.2014 - 09. 5.2014 - Introduction to the theory and techniques of neutron scattering and applications to Cultural HeritageApplication is now open for the XII School of Neutron Scattering SoNS Francesco Paolo Ricci: Introduction to the theory and techniques of neutron scattering and applications to Cultural Heritage.The school will be held at the ETTORE MAJORANA FOUNDATION AND CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC CULTURE, Erice Sicily, Italy as a specialized course within the International School of Solid State Physics Director: Giorgio Benedek, between the 30th April and the 9th of May 2014._Application deadline:_ 1st April 2014 Baltic Neutron School BNS 2014 04.5.2014 - 08. 5.2014 - BNS 2014 primarily addresses graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and scientists who are new to the field of neutron scattering. A series of lectures and hands on- tutorials by experienced scientists will introduce different neutron scattering techniques for investigations of structure and dynamics of condensed matter in various scientific fieldslike e.g. nanotechnology, magnetism or biology. The neutron scattering methods covered include quasi- and inelastic scattering, triple axis spectroscopy, small angle scattering, reflectometry, high-pressure experiments or diffraction. Students and young scientists will be given the opportunity to present their own research in short talks and poster sessions. Limited support for attending BNS will be available for students upon request. Important dates Abstract submission: February 28 Application for student support: February 28 Registration and payment of participation fee: March 31 school 201409.5.2014 - 10. 5.2014 - The purpose of this school is to train students and scientists in the use of atomistic simulation tools to analyze and interpret neutron scattering data. Lectures on simulation and analysis methods will be followed by examples adapted to the fields of interest of the participants. The school will focus mainly on practical training using a range of simulation and analysis codes on personal computers and the cluster at ILL, so the number of participants will be limited to 30. 2014 WINS 201411.5.2014 - 16. 5.2014 - QENS 2014QENS2014 aims to highlight topical scientific activities in the investigation of the dynamics of matter using quasi-elastic neutron scattering and to envision new applications. For neutron users it is the ideal showcase for their research. Newcomers will get a good overview over the scientific potential via contact with experts in the field. The conference program will take account of the increasing need for computer simulation and for theory support in data interpretation and will place QENS in the context of complementary techniques. WINS 2014The aim of the workshop is to overview recent developments, forthcoming projects and practice of inelastic quasi-elastic neutron spectrometers. Related issues such as development of data analysis software, auxiliary devices and outlook for future scientific efforts will be also of concern. Well put a particular focus on comparison of dynamics in single crystals investigated using TAS and T-o-F. Summer School on Scattering Methods Applied to Soft Condensed Matter16.5.2014 - 23. 5.2014 - The Bombannes summer school is devoted to the practical state-of-art approach to scattering methods, using neutrons, as well as X-ray and light sources - todays key techniques to study structure and dynamics in systems containing colloids, polymers, surfactants and biological macromolecules. Since 1990 the Bombannes school series introduces, on a fundamental level, the current methodology of static and dynamic scattering techniques and their applicaiton to soft matter systems. It provides with a period of 2 years advanced training for young researchers with a working place in European laboratories at post-graduate and post-doctoral level. Molecular Machines: Lessons from Integrating Structure, Biophysics and Chemistry18.5.2014 - 21. 5.2014 - .. European Training School CETS201419.5.2014 - 23. 5.2014 - 8th Central European Training School on Neutron Scattering: Insight into neutron scattering techniques and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter. CETS provides insight into neutron scattering techniques and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter. Comprehensive experimental skills and guidance in result interpretation are going to be conveyed. The school will be a forum for the presentation and discussion of actual research works of young scientists. Registration deadline11th April 2014 Annual Meeting of the ACA 24.5.2014 - 28. 5.2014 - You are cordially invited to attend the 2014 Annual Meeting of the ACA to be held in Albuquerque, NM. Workshops, scientific and poster sessions, as well as the Exhibit Show will be housed in the Albuquerque Convention A block of rooms has been secured at the Hyatt Regency:http:www.amercrystalassn.org2014-accommdations.Abstract Submission: February 7, 2014 Diffraction from Single Crystals at the ESS26.5.2014 - 27. 5.2014 - Workshop on Magnetic Diffraction from Single Crystals at the ESSThe LLB is engaged by in-kind contribution in the design of neutron instrumentation at the European Spallation Source ESS Sweden, specifically for magnetic diffraction from single crystals . A strong potential is anticipated for single crystal diffraction by neutron time-of-flight Laue techniques benefiting best from the ESS pulse structure and providing new opportunities to study microscopic samples under extreme conditions, temperature, magnetic field and pressure. The meeting is organized by the LLB and aims to evaluate the new perspectives for magnetic single crystal diffraction at the ESS. We intend to join neutron experts and potential users in the field to gather the most important scientific community needs.The meeting limited to 30 participants will start at 11:00 on Monday May 26th and end at 17:00 on Tuesday May 27th. Organizers will provide lunches and coffee breaks.Participants will have a possibility to present a 10-20 minutes talk. Considerable part of time will be reserved for an informal discussion.No registration fees are required, however for organization purpose, you have to register before March 31st by e-mail to . Basis of Pharmacology: Deeper Understanding of Drug Discovery through Crystallography30.5.2014 - 08. 6.2014 - Diseases, from bacterial and viral infections to cancer to chronic maladies, are still among the greatest problems for mankind, in spite of tremendous progress in genetics, biology, and chemistry. Approaches to developing new treatments have changed over time, and so have the methodologies used, in order to solve the varied, new, challenging problems that may happen on the path to drug discovery. Together with ever-evolving experimental techniques, a variety of computational approaches have been applied at the various stages of the drug design process, and in the past two decades structure-based drug design has become one of the mainstream approaches. This method can be used to target protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions and nowadays is applicable to all aspects of drug discovery, including lead identification, lead optimization, ADMET prediction, and drug repurposing. The scientific plan includes a session on High Resolution Protein-Ligand Interactions by X-rays and Neutrons. Conference on Neutron Scattering 201401.6.2014 - 05. 6.2014 - Hosted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and sponsored by the Neutron Scattering Society of America, this 7th conference in the series will feature a combination of invited and contributed talks, posters sessions, tutorials and an industrial exhibit.Topics Plenary Prize Sessions Invited speakers only Sources, Instrumentation and Software Hard Condensed Matter Soft Matter Biology Materials Chemistry and Materials for Energy Engineering and Industrial Applications Neutron Physics IMPORTANT DATESNomination for Invited Speakers Ends November 20, 2013Abstract Submission Opens January 6, 2014Abstract Submission Ends March 10, 2014 Summer Program on introduction to larger scale facilities02.6.2014 - 13. 7.2014 - The Universit Joseph Fourier in Grenoble, France, is organizing, for the third consecutive year, a bachelor summer program to attract more undergraduate students in Science especially in subjects related to large scale facilities.It is a 6 weeks program with a 45 hours French course including cultural visits and a 60 hours scientific course taught in English.Three scientific courses are available among which Introduction to large scale facilities: probing matter with synchrotron and neutron radiation.This course will consist of lectures, tutorials and practicals, as well as visits of ILL and ESRF. Students are welcome to participate.For partner universities, there are no tuition fees.Grants associated with a research institute in Grenoble may also be available for the best students willing to spend a couple of weeks until the end of July in a research environment.Application deadline: 22nd of March Workshop on Position Sensitive Neutron Detectors02.6.2014 - 04. 6.2014 - The availability of highly efficient, large-area, position-sensitive neutron detectors is of the highest importance in current and future research with neutrons. This Workshop will focus on the development of a wide range of neutron detectors covering many applications. Of particular interest at the present time is the development of detectors for existing and future spallation neutron sources. The Workshop will offer an outstanding opportunity for scientists and engineers, interested in neutron detection methods and technologies to meet and discuss their ideas with colleagues from around the world. National School on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering14.6.2014 - 28. 6.2014 - Purpose: The main purpose of the National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering is to educate graduate students on the utilization of major neutron and x-ray facilities. Lectures, presented by researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories, will include basic tutorials on the principles of scattering theory and the characteristics of the sources, as well as seminars on the application of scattering methods to a variety of scientific subjects. Students will conduct short experiments at Argonnes Advanced Photon Source and Oak Ridges Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor facilities to provide hands-on experience for using neutron and synchrotron sources.Target Audience: Graduate students attending universities in North America majoring in physics, chemistry, materials science, or related fields.Jointly Conducted by: Argonne National Laboratorys Advanced Photon Source and Materials Science Division, and Oak Ridge National Laboratorys Neutron Scattering Science Division.Scientific Directors: Suzanne G.E. te Velthuis, Esen Ercan Alp, Argonne; and Bryan C. Chakoumakos, John D. Budai, Oak Ridge.Application Deadline: Monday February 24, 2014How to Apply: Applicants are encouraged to register electronically through the Argonne Division of Educational Programs website at www.dep.anl.govnx:www.dep.anl.govnx. Applicants not having internet access may request an application form by using the contact information given below. Workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology16.6.2014 - 20. 6.2014 - The workshop is designed for graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and faculty with knowledge of protein function and structure but no or limited experience of neutron sciences.Subjects include: Crystallography Small Angle Scattering Reflectometry Spectroscopy Imaging Labeling techniquesCourse Objectives Educate participants in neutron scattering techniques, instrumentation and data collection, analysis and interpretation. Expose participants to cutting-edge research in neutron structural biology. Build interactions between participants, their university groups, and ORNL neutron scattering experts to develop new research projects.Course Information Fellowships: Travel and accommodation costs are reimbursed for participants from U.S. institutions. There are no registration fees for any participant. Application Deadline: Currently open and will end April 18, 2014. Conference Condensed Matter Research at the IBR-224.6.2014 - 27. 6.2014 - The aim of the Conference on Condensed Matter Research at IBR-2 reactor, playing the role of the User Meeting, is to bring together the users of the neutron facility for discussion of recent experimental results, prospects of future research and development of IBR-2 instruments.The topics of the Conference will highlight results of interdisciplinary research and development of neutron instruments and techniques, including: Functional and nanostructured materials; Magnetic colloid systems; Layered magnetic nanostructures; Carbon nanostructures; Materials under extreme conditions; Soft condensed matter biological nanosystems, lipid membranes, polymers; Lattice and molecular dynamics of materials; Texture and properties of rocks and minerals; Residual stresses in materials and products; Neutron imaging; Development of IBR-2 instruments; Development of neutron scattering techniques; Development of neutron detectors.Programme of the Conference includes plenary reports 40 min, topic reports 20 min and poster presentations.The Working languages - Russian and English. Conference on Surface X-Ray and Neutron Scattering07.7.2014 - 11. 7.2014 - The 13th Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering conference will take place in 2014 from the 7th to the 11th of July in Hamburg Germany on the DESY site.The scope of SXNS13 is to bring together scientists from different research areas that are using surface sensitive x-ray and neutron scattering and complementary techniques for the characterization of solid and liquid surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures in order to exchange new exciting scientific results and recent developments of the techniques. Special emphasis will be put on in-situ characterization under processing or operation conditions.The following topics will be covered: Interfaces during growth Structure of interfaces Electrochemically active interfaces Nanostructured surfaces and interfaces Interfaces during chemical reactions Dynamics of surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures Bio-relevant interfaces Magnetism at surfaces and interfaces Development of novel techniques, instruments and sourcesImportant dates Deadline for abstract submission: 7th March 2014 Confirmation of talks: April 2014 Deadline for registration: 15th May 2014 201407.7.2014 - 11. 7.2014 - Following the long history and continuity of SCES the conference in Grenoble will cover a wide range of subjects in the diverse field of strongly correlated electron systems. SCES emphasizes the fundamental physics of strongly correlated electron systems that span from bulk materials including f-electron based heavy fermions, d-electron based compounds, and organic materials to artificial materials such as nanoscale structures as well as cold atoms in optical lattices. Topics Heavy fermion physics including valence andor charge fluctuations Quantum phase transitions and quantum criticality Non-Fermi liquid phenomena Unconventional superconductivity Kondo physics in bulk materials and nanoscale structures Metal-insulator transitions Quantum magnetism and physics of frustration Ferroics and multiferroics Correlated atoms in optical lattices Topological aspects of strongly correlated systemsImportant dates Registration: 15 May Abstract submission: 27 February Conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism07.7.2014 - 11. 7.2014 - This international conference will focus on recent developments in the study of the phenomenon of frustration in magnets. It will feature presentations reporting on experimental and theoretical studies of magnetic frustration, in all of its manifestations.This conference follows in the series of HFM 2012 Hamilton, Canada, HFM 2010 Baltimore, USA, HFM 2008 Braunschweig, Germany, HFM 2006 Osaka, Japan, HFM 2003 Grenoble, France and HFM 2000 Waterloo, Canada. Food 309.7.2014 - 11. 7.2014 - After the two first Neutrons and Food conferences in Sydney 2010 and in Delft 2012, Neutrons and Food 3 will be held inside Paris at La Maison du Lait from Wednesday 9th to Friday 11th of July 2014, and is co-organized by AgroSup Dijon and Laboratoire Lon Brillouin. It will be preceded by an introduction to Neutron Scattering and a visit of the reactor Orphe at the French National Center for Neutron Scattering Laboratoire Lon Brillouin at Saclay, nearly 30km from Paris, for interested attendees. Neutron ImagingA satellite meeting on Neutron Imaging is organizedfrom Monday 7th afternoon to Wednesday 9thmorning at Saclay. A common session betweenthe neutron imaging workshop and the neutrons food 3 conference will happen the Wednesday9th morning.Important dates 10-February 2014: Opening of the registration 16-May-2014: Abstract submission deadline - EXTENDED 16-May-2014: Early registration deadline 15- June- 2014: Registration deadline Symposium on Science at J-PARC 12.7.2014 - 15. 3.2014 - J-PARC 2014 Unlocking the Mysteries of Lief, Matter and the UniverseThe scientific program will start on July 13th for three days following the public lecture and the symposium Ice Breaker on 12th. This symposium will cover a wide range of science programs at J-PARC. Themes of parallel sessions include 1 Accelerator Physics; 2 Particle and Nuclear Physics; 3 Materials and Life Science; 4 Nuclear Transmutation; and 5 Safety Advanced Technology for Intensity Frontier.The registration and abstraction submission will be accepted from March 12. Directions in Frustrated and Critical Magnetism14.7.2014 - 08. 8.2014 - In a frustrated system, competition between interactions hinders the tendency towards forming an ordered state, allowing for the emergence of new physical phenomena. This programme will bring together experts in the field of frustrated and critical magnetism as well as younger researchers, to discuss recent developments, explore connections between different areas of research, and generate new ideas.Topics of interest include: Quantum spin liquids in theory and experiment Spin ice, classical and quantum: monopoles, dynamics, and topological order Criticality in magnetic and constrained systems Frustration in context: multiferroicity, charge degrees of freedom, and disorder Application deadline: 28 February 2014There is no fee for participation in the program. A limited number of travel grants will be available to PhD students and postdocs for participation in the program. Summer School 201414.7.2014 - 18. 7.2014 - Summer School on Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron ReflectometryThis school provides participants the opportunity to learn about small angle neutron scattering SANS and neutron reflectometry NR at the NCNR. These powerful experimental techniques are used by researchers in a variety of scientific disciplines to probe the microstructure of materials at length scales ranging from 1nm to 20 mm. The NCNR is home to world class SANS, USANS Ultra Small Angle Neutron Scattering, and NR instruments that are available to qualified researchers through the NCNRs peer review proposal system. The school emphasizes hands-on training in the use of SANS, USANS, and NR instruments, in addition to a thorough theoretical overview of these measurement techniques. Applications of SANS and NR will be illustrated by specific examples drawn from recent cutting-edge research in polymer science, complex fluids, microporous media, and so on. The course will enable attendees to assess the applicability of the techniques to their own research, and will provide technical information needed to prepare effective experiment proposals. The Summer School is sponsored in part by the National Science Foundation, and limited support for graduate students, postdocs and junior faculty will be available. Attendance will be limited to 35 participants, and only applicants from North American institutions will be accepted.Early application is advised since attendance is strictly limited. Deadline: April 1 and dynamics of confined and interfacial fluids: blending scattering and computer modeling techniques16.7.2014 - 18. 7.2014 - The goal of this workshop is to foster collaboration among instrument scientists, users with experience or interest in studying confined fluids using neutron and X-ray scattering techniques, and experts in computer modeling, by sharing recent scientific breakthroughs, research interests, and current needs in the field. Strong emphasis will be placed on exploring new scientific areas, promoting dialogue between experimentalists and theoreticians, and defining synergistic development strategies. Sessions topics, all with an emphasis on the scattering, spectroscopy and computer modeling, will include: relevant scientific areas in biology, materials sciences, chemistry and geology, as well as sample environment design. The list of invited speakers includes national and international experts in the physics of confined fluids, both from academia and national laboratories, as well as researchers that consider access the state-of-the-art scattering instrumentation and computing resources as a significant component in their research. Important Dates Registration opens: March 10, 2014 Registration deadline: May 20, 2014 Participant selection: June 5, 2014 Workshop dates: July 16-18, 2014 Liquid Matter Conference21.7.2014 - 25. 7.2014 - The 9th Liquid Matter Conference will take place at the University of Lisbon, Portugal, 21-25 July 2014. The conference will start on the morning of Monday 21 July 2014, and finish around lunchtime on Friday, 25 July 2014. The purpose of this conference is to bring together scientists working on the liquid state of matter and closely related topics, such as soft matter and biophysics. The rapidly growing field covered by this conference series therefore includes the physics, chemistry, biology, and chemical engineering of liquid matter as well as several areas of applied research.The conference will consist of plenary lectures, topical symposia with keynote lectures and contributed oral presentations, as well as poster sessions. The highlights of the conference will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.Topics Ionic Liquids and Liquid Metals Water and Solutions Liquid Crystals Polymers, Polyelectrolytes, Biopolymers Colloids Films, Foams, Surfactants, Emulsions Confined Fluids, Interfacial Phenomena Supercooled Liquids, Glasses, Gels Driven Systems, Rheology and Nanofluidics Active Matter Biological and Biomimetic Fluids Important dates The deadline for abstract submission is 1 February 2014. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 31 March 2014. Conference on the Structure of Surfaces21.7.2014 - 25. 7.2014 - The International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces series provides a forum to assess the status of atomic-scale and nanoscale structure determination of surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures, and the relationships between such structure and physical and chemical properties.Topics include atomic positions, bond lengths and bond angles of clean and adsorbate surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures; nanoscale morphology; their roles in determining electronic, optical, vibrational, chemical and dynamic properties; applications to phase transitions, disordering, defect formation, crystal growth, interface diffusion, segregation and chemical reactivity. Methods in Cultural Heritage Research GRS26.7.2014 - 27. 7.2014 - Meeting OverviewThe Gordon Research Seminar on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research is a unique forum for graduate students, post-docs, and other scientists with comparable levels of experience and education to present and exchange new data and cutting edge ideas.The focus of this meeting is to explore innovative analytical methods and materials relevant to cultural heritage research. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: non-destructive spectroscopy and imaging, non-traditional conservation materials and methodologies, and pertinent surface and materials science research.Related Meeting InformationThe Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research Gordon Research Seminar will be held in conjunction with the Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research Gordon Research Conference:http:www.grc.orgprograms.aspxyear2014programscimethods. Those interested in attending both meetings must submit an application for the GRC in addition to an application for the GRS. Please refer to the Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research GRC web page for more information.Application DeadlineJune 28, 2014GRS Speaker Abstract Deadline: Although applications will be accepted until the date noted above, any applicants who wish to be considered for an oral presentation should submit their application by April 26, 2014. Congress and General Assembly of the Int Union of Crystallography05.8.2014 - 12. 8.2014 - The Scientific Program has been defined and we anticipate an extremely robust offering of presentations not only by Plenary, Keynote and Invited speakers, but also by authors from around the world who are submitting their abstracts for oral and poster presentation. Important dates Abstract Submission Deadline: February 11 Early Bird Registration Deadline: Before and until May 1 Speaker Poster Presenter Registration Deadline: May 1 Summer School on Condensed Matter Research09.8.2014 - 15. 8.2014 - The PSI summer school 2014 is dedicated to the topic: Exploring time, energy and length scales in condensed matter. International experts and PSI staff members will introduce and deepen your knowledge not only about these scientific topics but also about the main methods applied at PSI large-scale facilities to understand the phenomena, which are presently at the forefront of modern solid state physics and chemistry.Large-scale facilities such as neutron, muon and synchrotron sources offer a wide variety of techniques to reveal the secrets of condensed matter. Scattering, spectroscopy and imaging experiments enable to study a topic from different scientific points of view and to contribute to fundamental and applied research projects. In this school the focus is on the study of dynamic processes at different time and length scales looking at the electronic, magnetic and structural properties of condensed matter using the capabilities of the large-scale facilities. Evening lectures will draw the attention to the importance of time, energy and length scales in other scientific fields.Following the school a practical training is offered at PSI. It will allow a limited number of participants to get hands-on experience with state-of-the-art instrumentation using photons, neutrons, and muons.Deadlines: Early registration: April 30, 2014 Grant application: April 30, 2014 Regular registration: June 30, 2014 scattering: a powerful method for materials research11.8.2014 - 15. 8.2014 - This 5-day intensive course is an introduction to neutron scattering aimed at postgraduate students and early-career researchers. It will present several commonly-used scattering techniques that can be made relevant to various research, and include several sessions focusing on analysis of neutron scattering data.Apply Closing date 5:00PM Hong Kong time on 1 June 2014The discovery and development of new materials hinge on our understanding of their structures and dynamics. Neutron scattering is a powerful and versatile method to characterize the structure and dynamics of materials. Originally developed as a tool for physics, it has led to major advances in many areas of science and technology such as clean energy, pharmaceuticals, nanotechnology, materials engineering, information technology and fundamental physics.The last few decades have brought about tremendous advances in neutron scattering sources and instrumentation. This includes the new China Spallation Neutron Source CSNS under construction in Dongguan, China. 60 miles from Hong Kong, it is destined to become an international hub for materials research. This course will be a rare chance to become familiar with the techniques that will be employed there.As neutron scattering is relatively new to the Hong Kong scientific community, the summer course will emphasise on commonly used scattering techniques employed in materials research such as Neutron Diffraction ND, Small-Angle Neutron Scattering SANS, Neutron Reflectivity NR, Inelastic Neutron Scattering INS and Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering QENS. The number of participants in the course will be limited to 30, in order to facilitate greater interaction between participants and lecturers. Participants will be able to approach the eminent scientists engaged both in educational settings such as classrooms and laboratory sessions, as well as network casually in working lunches.For a list of included speakers see Workshop on The Role of Magnetic Symmetry in the Description and Determination of Magnetic Structures14.8.2014 - 16. 8.2014 - What: A three-day workshop on the The Role of Magnetic Symmetry in the Description and Determination of Magnetic Structures. Hands-on tutorials on the exploitation of magnetic symmetry in ISODISTORT, FullProf, JANA and the Bilbao Crystallograpic Server. Lectures will address both theory and practice. See http:magcryst.orgmeetingscmsworkshop2014:http:magcryst.orgmeetingscmsworkshop2014 for details.When: August 14-16, 2014Where: Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research at McMaster University. An outstanding summer venue with many scenic attractions nearby e.g. Toronto and Niagra Falls.Why: A great deal of new infrastructure software, data and standards is evolving rapidly in support of the use of magnetic symmetry to solverefine magnetic structures. Dont miss this opportunity to catch up.Who: Presenters include Mois Aroyo Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain Stuart Calder Oak Ridge National Lab, USA Branton Campbell Brigham Young University, USA John Greedan McMaster University, Canada J. Manuel Perez-Mato Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain Vaclav Petricek Institute of Physics, ASCR, Czech Republic Vladimir Pomjakushin Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland Juan Rodriquez-Carvajal Institut Laue Langevin, France Wieslawa Sikora AGH University of Science and Technology, PolandHow much: Student residence-hall accommodations. Low registration fees. Young-scientist travel bursary awards still available. Scattering Applications to Hydrogen Storage Materials20.8.2014 - 29. 8.2014 - The third international school on _Neutron Scattering Applications to Hydrogen Storage Materials_ will be held in August 20 29, 2014 at the HZB.The school will introduce you to the basics of hydrogen storage and show what kind of information can be provided by neutron scattering techniques. Matter in Paris24.8.2014 - 29. 8.2014 - Welcome to Condensed Matter in ParisCondensed Matter in Paris is an international conference covering all aspects of condensed matter physics, including soft condensed matter, liquid physics, biophysics, materials science, quantum physics and quantum simulators, low temperature physics, quantum fluids, strongly correlated materials, semiconductor physics, magnetism, surface and interface physics, electronic, optical, structural, and mechanical properties of materials, acoustics, and disordered media. An important place will be granted to interdisciplinary topics as well as to the development of research infrastructure in Europe.The scientific program will consist of a series of plenary and semi-plenary presentations:http:cmd25jmc14.sciencesconf.orgresourcepageid7 and mini-colloquia:http:cmd25jmc14.sciencesconf.orgresourcepageid13. Within each mini-colloquium, there will be invited lectures, oral contributions and posters.Condensed Matter in Paris is jointly organised by the Condensed Matter Divisions of the French Physical SFP and of the European Physical EPS, and will unite the 14th Journes de la Matire Condense JMC14 and the 25th Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the EPS CMD25 in a single event.Condensed Matter in Paris is the next in the series of biyearly JMC and CMD conferences, the last of which were held in Montpellier and, respectively. It will also host the biyearly French-Singaporean workshop on physics, which, this year, will have Graphene as its main theme.The meeting will be held from August 24th through August 29th, 2014, between the Luxembourg gardens and Port Royal in the heart of Paris. JCNS Laboratory Course - Neutron Scattering 201401.9.2014 - 12. 9.2014 - The course consists of two parts: a series of lectures, combined with the opportunity to take part in neutron scattering experiments. The lectures encompass an introduction to neutron sources, along with scattering theory and instrumentation. Furthermore, selected topics of condensed matter research are be presented.Lectures are held at Forschungszentrum Jlich and the experiments take place at the neutron facilities of the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum in Garching near Munich.The aim of the course is to give a realistic insight into the experimental technique of neutron scattering and its scientific potential. Forschungszentrum Jlich supports students from out of the area with free accommodation and half-board. Travel stipendia for foreign students are also available. the 28th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society07.9.2014 - 12. 9.2014 - Israel Institute of Technology warmly invites you to join in at ECIS2014 the 28th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society to take place at the Dan Carmel Hotel and the Technion--Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 7-12 September, 2014. The meeting is organized as a joint effort of representatives from the 6 major Israeli universities.ECIS2014 aims to bring fundamental and emerging trends in all aspects of colloid science, and to provide opportunities for chemists, physicists, biologists and engineers to exchange knowledge and promote collaborations. We especially encourage young scientists to attend and present their work, and to benefit from the vibrant scientific environment.The program will begin on Sunday evening with a reception, and will continue until midday on Friday. Prior to the meeting we will hold a 2.5-day training course on electron microscopy EM and cryo-electron microscopy CryoEM methods. The meeting further hosts a COST action workshop on Colloidal Aspects of Nanoscience for Innovative Processes and Materials.In the updated site kindly find detailed information on the venue, topics, invited speakers, ECIS training course, presenting opportunities, prizes, important dates, sightseeing, and more. Please note that the site is now open for registration and abstract submission. Days of the Italian Society of Neutron Spectroscopy 13.9.2014 - 22. 9.2014 - Giornate Didattiche della SISN 2014_Introduction to neutron techniques for condensed matter studies, with applications to Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth sciences_The Learning Days organized by the Italian Society of Neutron Spectroscopy are addressed to degree and specializing students, PhD students, post-doc and young researchers interested in acquiring the basic principles of neutron spectroscopy, in understanding the advantages and potentialities of this technique, and in exploiting it for their research. The Learning Days are characterized by two sessions. The first session provides the students with the fundamentals of neutron spectroscopy and the basic principles of data analysis. The lectures on the basic theoretical and experimental tools will be paralleled by tutorials about data analysis. During the second experimental session the students will carry out real neutron scattering measurements at the most important facility for neutron research: the high flux reactor of the Institut Laue-Langevin ILL in Grenoble, France. Deadline for applications: 30 April 2014Further information will soon be provided on the website of Societ Italiana di Spettroscopia under the link Scuole SISN. Please also consult the document attached. Non-atomic resolution scattering for biology and soft matter14.9.2014 - 19. 9.2014 - SCOPEThis HERCULES Specialized Course will address non-crystallographic X-ray and neutron scattering techniques for structural biology and soft matter with a focus on small angle scattering, reflectometry and fibre diffraction. An introduction to the theory as well as recent state-of-the-art examples from a multitude of systems proteins, polymers, membranes, fibres, colloids etc. will be presented as well as recent developments in sample environment and data analysis. Furthermore, two practical days on two ILL instruments D17 and D33 and two ESRF beamlines BM02 and BM29 will be proposed. The course is aimed at PhD students, postdocs and scientists in the field of physics, chemistry and biology who want to learn more on the theoretical background, practical aspects and applications of these techniques.You can have a look at the programme HERE:http:www.esrf.eufileslivesiteswwwfileseventsconferencesHSCHSC16HSC1620programme.pdfFor an overview how to get to the events location, see here:http:www.epn-campus.eupractical-infotravelling-to-the-epn-campusSite Access:The campus is a restricted area and you will be asked to report in at the site entrance on arrival. You will need to produce proof of identification e.g. passport, ID card to be able to enter. Visitors must be registered for a visit prior to arrival and must have completed their site access procedures. Each institute has its own procedures, which depend on the reason for the visit science visitor, user coming for an experiment, supplier. Please consult the institutes web pages for further information. ORGANISERSFrank Gabel IBS and ILL, Anne Martel ILL, Petra Pernot ESRF, Adam Round EMBL GrenobleSecretariat: Myriam Dhez ESRF and Marion Glckert ESRFContact: the organisers of HSC16:mailto:hsc16esrf.frSPONSORS European Synchrotron Radiation Facility:http:www.esrf.euhome.html ESRF Institut Neutrons for Condensed-Matter Investigations conference15.9.2014 - 19. 9.2014 - The 2014 PNCMI Polarised Neutrons for Condensed-Matter Investigations International Conference will be held in Sydney, NSW, Australia, on 15 - 19 September 2014. The conference will cover the latest condensed-matter investigations using polarised neutrons and state-of-the-art methodologies and techniques of polarised-neutron production and utilisation for novel instrumentation and experiments, with emphasis on prospects for new science and new instrument concepts.The conference will include a tour of the polarised-neutron facilities at the OPAL Research Reactor at ANSTO. Topics Multiferroics and chirality Strongly correlated electron systems, including superconductors Frustrated and disordered systems Magnetic nanomaterials Molecular magnetism Thin films and multilayers Soft matter and biology Imaging Instrumentation and methods, including nuclear polarisation, Larmor techniques, and depolarisation Complementary techniques NMR, XMCD, ... Facility reports workshop Design and Engineering of Neutron Instruments Meeting17.9.2014 - 19. 9.2014 - First held in 2012, the annual Design and Engineering of Neutron Instruments Meeting DENIM has already established itself as a regular engineering workshop in the field of neutron scattering instruments.The meeting offers engineers from all over the world the chance to network with colleagues from other neutron scattering centres to foster the exchange of ideas and experiences. Engineers from ISIS UK, Delft University The Netherlands, CSNS China, ESS Sweden, ANSTO Australia, NIST USA, SNS USA, PSI Switzerland, Forschungszentrum Jlich Germany and the MLZ Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum, Germany have already taken advantage of this opportunity and took part in DENIM 2012 at ISIS and DENIM 2013 at the SNS. Eighty attendees came together to discuss engineering challenges and solutions, shared ideas and instrument designs, as well as presenting current projects they were working on.The MLZ, together with its cooperation partners Technische Universitt Mnchen, Forschungszentrum Jlich and Forschungszentrum Geesthacht, is pleased to announce that it has been chosen to host DENIM 2014 at the Research Reactor Munich FRM II in Garching, and looks forward to playing its own part in this success story.The organizers hope that the synergy effects already established will be further strengthened and the different disciplines in the technical world of science brought closer together. - 23. 9.2014 - German Conference for Research with Synchrotron Radiation, Neutrons and Ion Beams at Large Facilities 2014A wealth of excellent research results have been obtained in the last years through the use of large facilities for the investigation of condensed matter. Experiments with neutrons, synchrotron and ion radiation offer complementary poss ibilities to illuminate the properties of matter in all its facets. For the third time following the conferences 2006 and 2010, scientists from a variety of disciplines will gather at a SNI for presenting results and exchanging ideas at this showcase of joint research at research centres and universities. A special open session will be devoted to presenting research highlights tailored to the general public. de la Diffusion Neutronique JDN2221.9.2014 - 26. 9.2014 - Since more than 20 years, the French Neutron Scattering Society SFN organizes a neutron school during its annual meeting. In 2014, les 22mes Journes de la Diffusion Neutronique JDN22 will be held from September 21-26 at the ile dOlron France. The 3.5 days school will be devoted to Neutron and Crystallography September 21-24 and will be followed by the Rencontres Rossat-Mignod Sept. 24-26, giving the opportunity for the scientists to exchange their latest results and trends. The School aims at an audience including researchers and academics as well as beginners or advanced graduate students or post-docs in Solid State Physics, Chemistry and Material Science expected number of participants is 80. The training objectives of the school are: to highlight the specific contribution of neutron scattering for studying the wide variety of crystalline materials with respect to other techniques, to present the different neutron techniques diffraction, reflectometry, 3-axes spectroscopy, ... with their most relevant limitations and their application fields, to promote exchanges between the participants and the senior researchers and well-trained users working on large scale facilities.Introductory lectures crystallography, properties of neutrons and neutron sources will be given at the beginning of school before detailing more specific techniques for neutron measurements applied to the various problems nuclear structure dynamics magnetism and studied materials powder single crystal thin film as well as the main technical characteristics associated with spectrometers. Practicals on data analysis will be organized to complete the theoretical training. The whole training will be published in a volume of the collection SFN EDP sciences. All previous published books can be dowloaded via free access. NOBUGS conference24.9.2014 - 26. 9.2014 - The 10th NOBUGS conference NOBUGS2014 will be hosted by J-PARC and take place at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization KEK; Tsukuba, Japan, 24th - 26th September 2014. The key themes of the conferenceThe NOBUGS conferences aim to foster and activate collaboration between scientists and software professionals working for X-ray, neutron and muon sources around the world. Best practice in software engineering Webmobile technology High speedreal time data analysisvisualisation3D graphics Data avalanchemanaging data Database integration Automatic calibration and data reductionWe will issue a second announcement when the registration and abstract submission opens.Contact addressIf you have any queries, please contact at will be held as a satellite meeting of ICANS International Workshop of Pulsed Neutron Source. If interested, please visit the web page:http:j-parc.jpresearcherMatLifeenmeetingsICANS_XXIindex.html. general assembly24.9.2014 - 26. 9.2014 - _24.09.2014_The first day will be dedicated to parallel WP meetings. If you wish to hold your WP meeting in Zaragoza, please inform us ASAP, so that the meeting rooms can be booked._25-26.09.2014_The General Assembly itself will be held on 25-26 September._Programme_Further information will soon be available._Venue_Sala De GradosFacultad de Ciencias A Fsicas San Francisco Campus,University of ZaragozaC Pedro Cerbuna 1250009Spain Science Symposium 2014 A Challenge for Neutron Reflectometry24.9.2014 - 26. 9.2014 - The ESS Science Symposium: Surface and Interface Reconstruction: A Challenge for Neutron Reflectometry will take place from 24. to 26. September 2014 at the Hotel Seeblick Bernried, which is located at the waterfront of the scenic Lake Starnberg South of Munich, Germany.The workshop will discuss challenges in neutron reflectometry to study Bragg rods and surface reconstruction, porous interfaces, wetting and de-wetting, solid-liquid interfaces, soft interfaces, lateral structured systems, instrumentation and techniques, magnetic structures and interfaces.Invited speakers include Tilo Baumbach KIT Stuart Clarke Cambridge University Bjrgvin Hjrvarsson Uppsala Universitet Sean Langridge ISIS Dieter Lott HZG Stefan Mattauch JCNS Peter Mller Buschbaum Technische Universitt Mnchen Ullrich Pietsch Universitt Siegen Oliver Seek DESY Jochen Stahn PSI Hanna Wacklin ESS Hartmut Zabel Ruhr-Universitt Bochum The start of the workshop is scheduled such that also participants of the SNI conference can easily reach the venue on time.Registration and abstract submission is open. Please refer to our website:http:tum.converia.deess2014:http:tum.converia.deess2014 Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources ICANS XXI29.9.2014 - 03. 10.2014 - International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron SourcesICANS is a network of laboratories whose scientists are involved in developing pulsed neutron sources and accelerator based spallation neutron sources.Brief History of ICANSThe first ICANS meetings was held in 1977 at Argonne National Laboratory to formulate the goals and structure of the Collaboration. There have been twenty major ICANS meetings up to 2012. The next ICANS meeting, the 21st, will be held at J-PARC. World Conference on Neutron Radiography05.10.2014 - 10. 10.2014 - The 10th World Conference on Neutron Radiography WCNR-10 will attract scientist active in the field of neutron imaging either as designers andor operators of facilities or as users of such installations. During the conference the latest methodical developments, instrumentation layout and improvements and new applications will be presented and discussed.WCNR-10 continues a series of meetings that was initiated and started in San Diego USA in 1986. In intervals of about four years the conference moved between USA, Japan and Europe until the most recent one WCNR-9 that took place in South Africa in 2010. Given by the progress of the detector development the method of neutron imaging has become much more efficient than in the past and new techniques tomography, real-time imaging, etc. have become common tools for different research applications. A world-wide active community of both method and application oriented members has grown within the network organized within ISNR. Many powerful neutron imaging beam lines now operate as user facilities and the systems are shared among very different research teams. The access to neutron imaging at user facilities has also resulted in a growing user community that benefit from the latest developments at the instruments.The main tracks of the conference are Beamlines, Instrumentation, Methods, Data processing, Applications. Conference on Competitive Materials and Technology Processes06.10.2014 - 10. 10.2014 - The event based more to academia than to industry and all papers will be peer reviewed before publication in IOP Conference Series Materials Sciences and Engineering, which is refereed by SCOPUS and many others. The international conference ic-cmtp3 provides a platform among leading international scientists, researchers, engineers, students and PhD students for discussing recent achievements in research and development of material structures and properties of competitive materials like nanomaterials, ceramics, glasses, films and coatings, metals, alloys, biomaterials, composites, hetero-modulus and hybrid-materials, etc.Among the major fields of interest are materials with extreme physical, chemical, thermal, mechanical properties and dynamic strengths; including their crystalline and nano-structures, phase-transformations as well as methods of their technological processes, tests and measurements.Promote new methods and results of scientific researches and multidisciplinary applications of material science and technological problems encountered in sectors like ceramics, glasses, metal alloys, thin films, aerospace, automotive and marine industry, electronics, energy, security, safety and construction materials, chemistry, medicine, cosmetics, biosciences, environmental sciences are of particular interests. International Workshop on SENSF 201412.10.2014 - 16. 10.2014 - Sample environment equipment and support are vital elements in the success of neutron scattering experiments. The 8th International Workshop on SENSF will bring together scientists, engineers and technicians to exchange experience and discuss new ideas. The workshop will begin with a reception on the evening of Sunday 12th October and end after lunch on Thursday 16th October 2014.please note that the link provided is for exhibitors Workshop on Relaxor Ferroelectrics12.10.2014 - 16. 10.2014 - The physics and application prospects of relaxor ferroelectrics are subject of continuously growing interest. The need for a world-wide discussion forum focused on this subject has led to several ad-hoc meetings organized in the past. The recent positive and useful experience of participants of the International Workshop on StructureProperty Relations in Relaxor Ferroelectrics:http:www.worldscientific.comdoiabs10.1142S2010135X12020018 organized in Xian, China, 2011; the Workshop on Relaxor Ferroelectrics:http:palata.fzu.cziwrf14downloadedesheim.pdf organized in Schloss Edesheim, Germany, 2012; and the International Workshop on Relaxor Ferroelectrics:http:palata.fzu.cziwrf14downloadstpetersburg.pdf held in St. Petersburg, 2013 has motivated the advisory board of the last one to establish a regular biennial chain of focused workshops as a platform aimed to enhance the communication, exchange and collaboration among the researchers working in relaxor ferroelectric physics and materials science.We are proud to host the first regular International Workshop on Relaxor Ferroelectrics in Stirin, Czech Republic, on 1216 October 2014. The event will be held at the Stirin Chateau, Ringhofferova 711, Stirin, 251 68 Kamenice, located 25 km south-east from the Prague city centre. The chateau surrounded by a well-kept park will provide a great venue for the Workshop, period accommodation as well as fascinating landscape.Thematic areas Basic principles of relaxor ferroelectrics Polar nanoregions, nanodomains, thin films Progress in theory; relaxor vs. spin glass Application of relaxor ferroelectrics Structure of relaxors Dielectric and piezoelectric properties Dielectric, optic and neutron spectroscopy Magnetic, polymeric and exotic relaxorsFor more information, a more detailed programm and registrations visit the events website:http:palata.fzu.cziwrf14 6th AONSA Neutron School12.10.2014 - 17. 10.2014 - As the one of the neutron scattering research communities in the region, an association in neutron scattering community, AONSA Asia-Oceania on Neutron Scattering Association has been formally formed and then established in 2008. This association accommodates the neutron scattering societies and facilities in the region and has a regular activity, i.e. neutron school to promote the neutron science for the young generation, scientists and students. The AONSA Neutron school has been organized regularly every year since 2008 in Korea, Australia 2009, India 2010, Australia 2011 and China 2012 as more than 200 young scientists have been exposed with the neutron scattering techniques.This year, the AONSA Neutron School will be taking place in part of the International Year of Crystallography 2014 IYCr2014, the official program of the International Union of Crystallography IUCr and UNESCO. After the opening ceremony at the first day, a general lecture on crystallography using X-ray and neutron the history, the impact on sciences and the future challenging issues will be given as a part of celebrating the IYCr2014 in Indonesia. The 6th AONSA Neutron School is also part of the International Scientific Week on Science and Technology of Advanced Materials organized by the Center for Science and Technology of Advanced Materials of National Nuclear Energy Agency BATAN Indonesia where the other events are the International Conference on Materials Science and Technology 2014 ICMST 2014, the International School on Solid State Ionics Battery Research and the International Workshop on Nanometrology. Those events will be held in Puspiptek Serpong for a whole week, 12th 17th October 2014 as more than 250 participants are expected attend this join event, in the morning session of the first day of school.The rest of the first day of the school, general lectures on neutron scattering including X-ray will be delivered on materials science, biology and industrial applications. And about 50 participants will continue to join the school program lectures, laboratory visit, experiment, data analysis and presentation for a 5 full day. Workshop on Neutron Instrumentation20.10.2014 - 23. 10.2014 - From spallation to continuous neutron sources: a positive feedback on neutron instrumentationAfter several years of high intensity efforts to design a suite of modern instruments for the ESS the neutron community is looking forward to the start of its construction. The design studies have demonstrated that a tremendous increase of flux can be expected at the instruments.Thus, at a first glance a migration of the user community to the European flagship source can be expected. However, the scientist and engineers at the existing continuous sources will intensify their efforts to improve their instrumentation considerably and make it even more attractive.The JCNS-Workshop 2014 will be devoted to this expected challenge. It will bring neutron scientists working at spallation and continuous neutron sources together to consider the recent developments for the ESS through the prism of their use for instrumentation at continuous sources. There is an obvious need to discuss on how the stockpile of knowledge and new ideas can be fruitfully used for the improvement of the existing instrumentation. Workshop22.10.2014 - 23. 10.2014 - A workshop will be held at ISIS on 22nd to 23rd October 2014 on the use of the Horace software package. The workshop will be aimed at anyone who uses Horace to visualise and analyse data from time-of-flight INS experiments.The course will cover all aspects of Horace, from using it to plan an experiment, to how to view data, perform corrections, simulations, fitting, and more. It is expected that participants will have encountered Horace in their work already. There will be an ask the expert session at the end of the course where the developers will be available to provide advice on participants particular data analysis issues.The workshop will be free to attend for all, and one nights accommodation at RAL will be provided free of charge. Participants are expected to cover their own transport costs. Places are limited to 20 participants.To apply to attend please visit closing date for applications is 16:00 BST on 15th September 2014. Participants will be notified of their place on the course by 21st September. Scattering in Magnetic Fields Above 15 Tesla29.10.2014 - 30. 10.2014 - ScopeThe scope of the workshop is to bring together experts doing research in high magnetic fields above 15 T with the focus on neutron scattering. We want to provide an information platform for researchers regarding the future use of the highfield facility capable to generate magnetic fields as high as 25+ T at HZB. Identification of possible future experiments using this facility is one of the main workshop topics. The workshop covers a broad field of topics ranging from the neutron diffraction and scattering in high magnetic fields and sample environment for neutron sciences up to fundamental physics problems in high magnetic fields.Practical information on how to apply for experimental beamtime will be provided.The Registration Fee is 100 Euro. This fee includes the workshop material and covers the coffee breaks, lunches and workshop dinner. Topics covered will be present status of neutron scattering in high magnetic fields sample environment for neutron sciences in magnetic fields fundamental physics problems in high magnetic fields low-dimensional systems and frustrated systems oxides and related systems superconductivity and high magnetic fields quantum critical phenomena strongly correlated and heavy-fermion systemVenue The workshop will take place from 29-30 October 2014 at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Lise-Meitner-Campus in Berlin-Wannsee. The workshop will start at 9.00 am on Wednesday, 29th October 2014, and will finish around 16.00 pm on Thursday, 30th October 2014. User Office Meeting03.11.2014 - 04. 11.2014 - User Offices play a key role in large scale synchrotron, FEL and neutron facilities. Lately, European projects like PaNData, Calipso, NMI3 or EuroFEL between such facilities seems to point towards the harmonization of workflows, software or procedures employed by User Offices. However, each facility has its own national constrains.The present meeting is a first discussion forum of European User Offices. It was initially proposed after some discussions during European projects meetings like PaNData and it will become an opportunity to know each facility workflows and achievements as well as common worries and future developments. Annual Niels Bohr International Academy Workshop on ESS Science10.11.2014 - 14. 11.2014 - The main focus of the 2014 workshop-school will be the combination of elastic and inelastic scattering methods, such as reflectometry, quasielastic and inelastic neutron scattering QENS and INS to gain detailed understanding of relationships between structural and dynamic properties and thus ultimately the function of diverse materials. The needs and interests of students with a background in the hard-condensed matter sciences will be addressed with discussion on the use of these experimental methods in magnetism. Results of studies using polarized neutron reflectometry PNR, INS and inelastic X-rays scattering INX will be at the core of those tutorials. Following the successful formula from the last years, the students will be given a small project and will be guided by the lecturers to a solution. In parallel with, and following the school we plan to hold a small but intensive scientific meeting on carefully selected topics of relevance to the school and of current interest with extensive discussion between experimental and computational scientists.This workshop is sponsored by the Niels Bohr International Academy, by the PhD School of the University of Copenhagen, by the Institut Franais du Danemark and by the European Spallation Source ESS . There is no fee for the participants, but attendance will be limited.The school is limited to 20 students to be selected from the applications received. Science Symposium Future Engineering Diffraction Research in Materials Processing and Testing17.11.2014 - 18. 11.2014 - The symposium is organised by Czech-German team collaborating on the design and construction of new engineering beamline for EuropeanSpallation Source in Lund, Sweden.The program can be found here:http:ess-prague.fzu.czdownloadProgram_ESS_Science_Symposium_2014.pdf. Advisory Board and Facility Industry Office Meeting19.11.2014 - 21. 11.2014 - The second joint Industry Advisory Board and Facility Industry Office Meeting will be held on 19-21 November 12 noon to 12 noon, in Athens, Greece.CALIPSO and NMI3 are currently preparing a first draft agenda for the meeting, which will be circulated soon.This second meeting will be aimed at looking deeper at how to exploit additional ways for industry and the facilities to work together, probably structured around breakout sessions on specific topics, such as legal frameworks and application of standards. TT: Advanced Materials Exploration with Neutrons and Synchrotron X-Rays30.11.2014 - 05. 12.2014 - Anno 2014 marks the United Nations International Year of Crystallography, a discipline on which is based the analysis of materials by neutron and x-ray diffraction. Since discovery of the latter by Laue and the Braggs, over a centenary ago, the method excels and still evolves with the up-come of most modern sources. Recently x-ray free-electron lasers became available, high-energy synchrotrons are being refurbished, neutron reactors built and spallation sources driven to new scales; while future facilities, as energy-recovery linacs have been technically designed. Hand-in-hand with achievements in detector development, instrumentation and computing power, these installations continuously drive into new possibilities for materials analysis. The present symposium shall expose those latest developments for the materials science applications, demonstrating both pioneering experiments and well established methods. Modern diffraction methods of synchrotron and neutron radiation, combined simultaneously with time resolved or imaging techniques allow a multi-dimensional insight into materials. Thus information from an ensemble of individual grains in a polycrystalline material, time resolved in-situ investigations can be obtained from materials undergoing mechanical, chemical or electric load under working or extreme conditions. Last but not least, coherent-beam diffraction opens new aspects of data acquisition and analysis in both spectroscopic and space resolved domains.Contributions are sought in the fields of metallurgy and materials forming; energy materials in realistic conditions; response of functional materials under parametric load; materials under extreme or exotic conditions. Particularly contributions using an innovative approach in their application or from the novel upcoming facilities with unprecedented possibilities are desired.The methods shall cover time and lengths scales from sub-picoseconds to days and sub-angstrom to meters, respectively.Topics will include: In-Situ Single Grain Resolved Studies Strain Scanning Texture Liquid, Amorphous, Nanocrystalline and Distorted Materials Materials Imaging Tomography Exotic and Novel Experimental DevelopmentsA tutorial complementing this symposium is tentatively planned. Further information will be included in the MRS Program that will be available online in September.Symposium OrganizersKlaus-Dieter LissJapan Atomic Energy AgencyTel 81-29-282-5478andAustralian Nuclear Science and Technology OrganizationTel 61-2-9717-9479,, BarabashUniversity of TennesseOak Ridge National LabTel 865-241-7230, Ulrich LienertDeutsches Elektronen-SynchrotronTel 409-40-8998-3165, Masato OhnumaHokkaido UniversityLaboratory of Quantum Beam System EngineeringTel 81-011-706-7896, 2nd MLF School MLF School 201416.12.2014 - 19. 12.2014 - The Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility of J-PARC ispleased to announce the MLF School 2014 that will be held during 16-19December 2014 at J-PARC in Tokai, Japan.The School is targeted at postgraduate students and early-careerresearchers from anywhere in the world who are interested in usingneutron or muon beams in their research but who have limited or noexperience with these techniques. The program will includeintroductory-level lectures and hands-on practical sessions on theneutron and muon instruments at the MLF.For more information about the MLF School 2014 and applicationinstructions, please see the MLF School 2014 website or email us Workshop15.1.2015 - 16. 1.2015 - We are pleased to announce that a workshop will be held at the SNS, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, on 15th to 16th January 2015 on the use of the Horace software package. The workshop will be aimed at anyone who uses Horace to visualise and analyse data from time-of-flight INS experiments.The course will cover all aspects of Horace, from using it to plan an experiment, to how to view data, perform corrections, simulations, fitting, and more. It is expected that participants will have encountered Horace in their work already, and will have some familiarity with Matlab. There will be an ask the expert session at the end of the course where the developers will be available to provide advice on participants particular data analysis issues.The workshop will be free to attend for all. Participants are expected to cover their own transport and accommodation costs. Places are limited to 20 participants.The closing date for applications is 16:00 EST on 15th December 2014. Participants will be notified of their place on the course by 19th December. Registrations will be handled entirely by the website above, however if you have any questions about the workshop please feel free to contact us at register to attend, please visit http:neutrons.ornl.govconfhorace2015:http:neutrons.ornl.govconfhorace2015 Materials and Applications 201521.1.2015 - 23. 1.2015 - Electronic Materials and Applications 2015 addresses emerging needs, opportunities and key challenges in the field of electronic materials and applications. Technical presentations highlight advancements in materials and devices for electronics, sensors, energy generation and storage, photovoltaics, and LEDs. The January 2123 event features 11 comprehensive symposia and plenary talks from Kent Budd, 3M; Greg Rohrer, Carnegie Mellon University; and Hiroshi Funakubo, Tokyo Institute of Technology. Plan to attend the special Tutorial on thin-films Wednesday, January 21, 7:45 p.m. 9:45 p.m., and the always-popular session Failure: The greatest teacher Friday, January 23, 5:45 p.m. 6:45 p.m. EMA 2015 qr codeBrowse the technical program then build your schedule with Itinerary Planner. Click here:http:download.abstractcentral.comema2015index.htm to download the app and gain access to your schedule, the program, and local restaurants. Bookmark the site or add a link to your home screen. Sync the app with your schedule just enter the unique name and your Google calendar. Recommended for iPhone 3GSiPad iOS 4.0 or later; Android 2.2 or later with default browser; or Blackberry OS 7.0 with default browser. Who Should Attend DoubleTree by Hilton Orlando at Sea WorldEMA 2015 is designed for scientists, engineers, students, researchers and manufacturers with an interest in materials for electronics, energy and sensor applications. The programming includes a mix of industrial, university and federal lab participants, discussing theoretical, experimental, applied, and unifying approaches. EMA 2015, jointly programmed by ACerS Electronics and Basic Science divisions, is The American Ceramic Societys sixth annual meeting on academic and industry solutions for electronic materials. Make your plans to attend EMA 2015 at the DoubleTree by Hilton Orlando at Sea World. to hone scattering skills at Deakin University11.2.2015 - 13. 2.2015 - The Australian Angle Scattering 2015 workshop at Deakin University on 11-13 February 2015 will provide a platform for post-graduate and more experienced senior researchers to enhance their theoretical knowledge and help in designing and analysing measurements at advanced facilities such as the Australian Synchrotron and neutron beam instruments at ANSTOs Opal Research reactor. The primary focus of the workshop will be on the fundamental principles in the utilisation of reciprocal space measurements to obtain real space structural information. Presentations on a number of case studies will be included.The workshop will be invaluable to researchers working in a range of areas, from polymer and materials science, to biophysics, nanotechnology and colloidal science.Preliminary programThe workshop will focus on three techniques: Basics of Angle Scattering science - SAXSWAXS, XRD, powder diffraction and SANS. Fundamentals of Angle Scattering modelling with hands-on sessions on computers limited places Technical workshop on data mining and analysis software, including Scatterbrain, Irena, and Fit2D Case studies: fibres and anisotropic scattering, grazing incidence scattering, crystallography and more. Advanced experiment design presentations at ANSTO and the Australian Synchrotron.An interactive poster session will take place on 11th February to offer Early Career Researchers an opportunity to share their research and discuss ideas with experienced practitioners. A prize of AU200, kindly sponsored by ANSTO, will be offered for the best poster presentation. A tour of the Australian Synchrotron is also proposed for the afternoon of 13th February.The workshop will include tutorials from experienced speakers, as well as talks on practical examples of studies and student projects involving scattering techniques.Confirmed speakers Stephen Mudie, Australian Synchrotron Peter Holden, National Deuteration Facility, ANSTO Chris Garvey, ANSTO Thomas Dorin, Deakin Matthew Taylor, RMIT Robert Evans, SilviScan Pty Ltd Jitendra Mata, ANSTO Kevin Jack, University of Queensland Peter Lynch, Deakin Mark Styles, CSIROAttendance is free for a limited number of people. Applicants are responsible for their own travel and accommodation costs.Deadline for registration and abstract submission for posters:15th December 2014 COB Eastern Australian Time. LANSCE School on Neutron Scattering: Materials at the Mesoscale 18.2.2015 - 27. 2.2015 - Educational GoalsStudents will become familiar with neutron scattering techniques and how they may be utilized to address important questions in materials science. Particular emphasis of this school will address properties that are not exclusively dominated by the atomic structure, but by larger length scales andor interfaces.Intended AudienceThe 11th School is intended primarily for graduate students post-docs in chemistry, engineering, earth sciences, materials science, physics, and related fields. Students should have a basic understanding of scattering and diffraction phenomena.OverviewThe 11th School will cover: Basic concepts of neutron production, scattering methods, and instrumentation. Introduction to phenomena in mesoscale science with emphasis on areas of basic and applied research, where neutrons and other scattering techniques can and do make fundamental contributions. Technical aspects of measurement techniques and data analysis. Computational techniques that complement and aid in the planning, analysis, and interpretation of neutron measurements. Students will give presentations on their favorite hands-on experiment on the final day of the school. on Industrial Research Using Synchrotron and Neutron Methods19.2.2015 - Innovation requires best analytical methods to study structure and function of novel materials. Synchrotron radiation and neutron scattering a complementary analytical methods to investigate any kind of matter to probe structure, composition and interaction in order to improve and understand materials. Application of synchrotron and neutron methods for industrial research include the analysis of chemical compositions by diffraction and spectroscopy, non-invasive measurement of stress and strain in mechanical components, high resolution imaging of working systems and many other topics.To present and discuss current state of the art usage of synchrotron and neutron methods in industrial research an international workshop is organized by the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin fr Materialien und Energie operating and offering access to the synchrotron source BESSY II and the neutron source BER II. Presentations are given by industrial users and researchers. A tour into the experimental hall of the synchrotron is possible if wanted.The one day workshop is free of charge to the participants. Please find the registration here:http:www.helmholtz-berlin.deuserworkshopsindustrywsregistrationindex_en.html.The workshop is kindly supported by the FP7 EU Access Program Calipso. IFF Spring School - Functional Soft Matter23.2.2015 - 06. 3.2015 - This years Spring School aims to give both an introduction to and an overview of current research topics of soft matter systems with the emphasis on biological and technological functionality.Synthetic and biological polymers, polyelectrolytes, amphiphiles and colloids are the building blocks of many different materials. An understanding of their structural and dynamical properties is important for the rational design of structures with predescribed functionality, in itself a challenging task due to the enormous complexity of these systems.The goal of this Spring School is not only to teach selected topics from soft matter science and biophysics to students and postdocs in physics, chemistry and biology, but also to establish the interdisciplinary connection between these fields. This includes, in particular, introducing biologists and chemists to physical experimental methods and theoretical modelling, and acquainting physicists with the large variety of fascinating chemical and biological phenomena.Introductory lectures will present the basics of soft matter science and biophysics. These lectures aim at establishing a common level of basic interdisciplinary knowledge. Subsequent lectures will then treat more advanced topics within both disciplines and emphasize interdisciplinary aspects. In addition, experimental and computer simulation techniques will be presented and explained, and examples of applications will be given. User Meeting 201523.2.2015 - 24. 2.2015 - On February 23rd and 24th the MLZ User Meeting 2015 focussing on future perspectives of neutron science will take place. We would like to discuss the expected evolution in the major fields of science, where neutrons play an important role within the community. The goal of this meeting will be to create a science roadmap becoming a guide for future methods and instrument development at MLZ. This workshop will be very important because it will set the scene for our instrumentation development efforts.The meeting will feature scientific presentations of keynote speakers that shall elucidate perspectives on their field for the coming decade and relate them to specific needs on the method side. In cooperation with the MLZ Science Groups, four plenary speakers in the fields of soft matter and biology, quantum phenomena and magnetism, structure research in chemistry and energy, and material science are invited. Their talks lay the basis for an in depth discussion on the future development of the respective fields. MLZ users are warmly invited to contribute to these discussions and to present their work in a poster session.The MLZ User Meeting 2015 will take place at the Commundo Tagungshotel, Ismaning near Munich and last two half days to allow the attendees to arrive on Monday morning at Ismaning and head back home on Tuesday afternoon. MLZ covers subsistence and accommodation at the Commundo Hotel for external users.Please complete the registration form first before submitting your abstractPlenary Talks by: Winfried Petry Munich, Germany Peter Boeni Munich, Germany Hartmut Abele Vienna, Austria Olwyn Byron Glasgow, United KingdomInvited Talks by:Soft Matter Biology Leighton Coates Oak Ridge, USA Tommy Nylander Lund, Sweden Walter Richtering Aachen, Germany Peter Schurtenberger Lund, SwedenQuantum Phenomena Magnetism Bernhard Keimer Stuttgart, Germany Bella Lake Berlin, Germany Christian Pfleiderer Munich, Germany Christian Regg Villigen, Switzerland Kristiaan Temst Leuven, BelgiumStructural Research in Chemistry and Energy Richard Dronskowski Aachen, Germany Helmut Ehrenberg Karlsruhe, Germany Andreas Magerl Erlangen, Germany Werner Paulus Montpellier, FranceMaterial Science Eberhard Lehmann Villigen, Switzerland Andreas Meyer Cologne, Germany Andreas Schreyer Geesthacht, Germany Pavel Strunz Rez, Czech Republic and Materials Research Conference25.2.2015 - 27. 2.2015 - You are cordially invited to participate in The Energy Materials Research Conference - EMR2015, which will be held in Madrid Spain from 25 to 27 February 2015.EMR2015 will bring together researchers and professionals from a broad set of science and engineering disciplines with the aim of sharing on the latest developments and advances in materials and processes involved in the energy generation, transmission-distribution and storage. The connection is clear between research into novel materials and new technological solutions or improvements in materials, and the development of cleaner, cheaper safer and more efficient energy technologies.This conference will provide an excellent opportunity for everyone involved to learn and discuss about materials, processes and systems applied to the following areas: Biomass - Biofuels Nuclear Energy and Materials Solar Energy Energy Production from Fossil Fuels Solar Energy Energy Harvesting Materials Fuel Cells Energy Transmission, Distribution and Storage Hydrogen Advances in Lighting Materials Wind Power Energy-Efficient Buildings Geothermal Energy Materials, Processes and Systems for Energy Saving and Sustainability Hydropower. Wave and Tidal PowerPlease, take some time to read the detailed list of Topics:http:www.emr2015.orgtopics.html proposed for the conference. Please also visit the Conferences website:http:www.emr2015.orgindex.html to obtain detailed information. Berlin School on Neutron Scattering26.2.2015 - 06. 3.2015 - The Berlin Neutron School is one of the oldest established neutron schools. It was founded in 1980 by Prof Hans Dachs and is organised by the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin fr Materialien und Energie HZB. The aim of the school is to provide an introduction to neutron scattering with an emphasis on hands-on, practical experience using the instruments at the BERII reactor. The first three days of the school consist of detailed lectures on the principles and techniques of neutron scattering followed by a tour of the instruments and an introduction to sample environment. As well as the course lectures given by members of HZB, external guest lecturers will be invited to review current issues in the field of neutron research. Previously Prof Michael Steiner ENSA has discussed the future of neutron sources in Europe and Dr Dimitri Argyriou ESS has discussed the planned European Spallation Neutron Source. After attending the lectures the students begin the hands-on experiments. They are divided into groups of four to five people from similar subject areas and do triple-axis spectroscopy, powder diffraction, small angle scattering, reflectometry, time-of-flight spectroscopy, tomography and residual stress analysis under the guidance of the instrument scientists. The experiments last three hours each and take place over three and a half days. On the penultimate day we will hold a students poster session which will give the students the opportunity to present their work and discuss how neutron scattering could benefit their research with the HZB scientists. The poster session will be followed by the Neutron School dinner. Finally, on the last day of the school the students will attend lectures on how to use neutron scattering as a tool for research in various subject areas e.g. biology, chemistry, engineering, energy and physics. Closing date for application is 15th October 2014.This Event is supported by and the European School01.3.2015 - 01. 4.2015 - Neutrons Synchrotron Radiation for Science:This school provides training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, in the field of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for condensed matter studies Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Geosciences, Industrial applications.It includes lectures, practicals, tutorials, and visits of Large Facilities.The 4-week school is a yearly event, established in 1991.The next HERCULES session will take place from March 1st to April 1st, 2015.The registration is opened between August 31st and October 31st, 2014 new: EXTENDED deadline ILL Annual School on Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment02.3.2015 - 06. 3.2015 - Have your attention drawn to the 7th ILL Annual School on Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FULLPROF suite, to be held in Grenoble at the Institute Laue-Langevin from 2 to 6 March 2015 . Please visit the website http:www.ill.euFPSchool2015:http:www.ill.euFPSchool2015 for more information applications can be submitted starting from 1st November 2014.Scientific scope:FPSchool aims to contribute to the training of scientists in treatment of X-ray and neutron diffraction data.The school is based on intensive hands-on sessions using the computer programs of the FullProf Suite. The lectures and tutorials will provide the essential tools necessary for an efficient use of the FullProf Suite at an intermediate level. In addition to general applications, magnetic structure determination and refinement will be given particular attention.Lectures:The school lasts 4.5 days: 2 days dedicated to general applications plus 2.5 days dedicated to the analysis of magnetic diffraction data.There are 6 theoretical modules plus 10 hands-on sessions for which each participant should bring hisher own laptop with the FullProf Suite already installed.Participants:The school is intended for PhD students and experienced scientists with a basic knowledge of diffraction techniques and crystallography. As usual, among the participants there will be a mix of different levels of experience in using FullProf. It is recommended, to those who consider themselves as beginners, to read the FullProf manual in advance and even to try to follow a few of the online tutorials for which some videos will be available soon.The maximum number of participants is limited to 30, which ensures the quality of the training provided. The selection of candidates is based on hisher motivation letter and CV plus a recommendation letter from the thesis supervisor for PhD students. If necessary, balance between laboratories and nationalities will be taken into account. For information, about 1 out of 3 candidates is accepted. Note that there is an optional excursion Saturday 7 March that you should consider when making travel arrangements. School 201502.3.2015 - 06. 3.2015 - FPSchool aims to contribute to the training of scientists in treatment of X-ray and neutron diffraction data.The school is based on intensive hands-on sessions using the computer programs of the FullProf Suite.The lectures and tutorials will provide the essential tools necessary for an efficient use of the FullProf Suite at an intermediate level. In addition to general applications, magnetic structure determination and refinement will be given particular attention.The 7th FPSchool will take place at the Institut Laue-Langevin, in Grenoble, from 2 to 6 March 2015. LecturesThe school lasts 4.5 days: 2 days dedicated to general applications plus 2.5 days dedicated to the analysis of magnetic diffraction data.There are 6 theoretical modules plus 10 hands-on sessions for which each participant should bring hisher own laptop with the FullProf Suite already installed. ParticipantsThe school is intended for PhD students and experienced scientists with a basic knowledge on diffraction techniques and crystallography. As usual, among the participants there will be a mix of different levels of experience in using FullProf. It is recommended, to those who consider themselves as beginners, to read the FullProf manual in advance and even try to follow a few of the online tutorials for which some videos will be available soon.The maximum number of participants is limited to 30, which ensures the quality of the training provided. The selection of candidates is based on hisher motivation letter and CV plus a recommendation letter from the thesis supervisor for PhD students. If necessary, balance between laboratories and nationalities will be taken into account. For information, about 1 out of 3 candidates is accepted.See here a report about the FullProf School on the NMI3 website.For detailed information please also visit the schools website:http:www.ill.eufpschool2015. Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting15.3.2015 - 20. 3.2015 - DPG Frhjahrstagung Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section SKM with the divisions and working groups: Biological Physics Chemical and Polymer Physics Dielectric Solids Thin Films Dynamics and Statistical Physics Semiconductor Physics and the working group Semiconductor Magnetism and the working group Magnetism Metal and Material Physics and the working group Metal and Material Physics Mikroprobes Surface Science Physics of Socio-Economic Systems Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Vacuum Science and Technology Gravitation and Relativity, in cooperation with the Astronomical Society Low Temperature Physics Crystallography Working Group Equal Opportunities Working Group Energy Working Group Information Working Group young DPG Working Group Philosophy of Physics Working Group Physics and DisarmamentFor further information, also regarding venue and registration process, please visit the meetings website:http:berlin15.dpg-tagungen.deindex.htmllangen. Surface Science Conference ISSC-2030.3.2015 - 02. 4.2015 - The conference covers all experimental and theoretical aspects ofsurfaces, interfaces, and nanoscale physics and chemistry.Invited Speakers Roger Bennett, University of Reading UK Harald Brune, EPFL Switzerland Richard Catlow, University College London UK Hans-Joachim Freund, Fritz-Haber Institute Germany Leo Gross, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory Switzerland David Jesson, Cardiff University UK Laurence Marks, Northwestern University USA Quentin Ramasse, SuperSTEM, Daresbury UK Petra Rudolf, University of Groningen The Netherlands Peter Sloan, University of Bath UK Stefan Tautz, Peter Grnberg Institute Germany Qikun Xue, Tsinghua University ChinaFor further information please visit the website:http:issc-20.iopconfs.orgHome. Seminar - Fyodor L. Shapiro 06.4.2015 - 07. 4.2015 - Seminar informationOn April 6, 2015 it will be 100 years since the birth of the outstanding Soviet physicist Fyodor L. Shapiro 1915 - 1973, one of the founders of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics FLNP of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research JINR.The FLNP and JINR are organizing the Memorial Seminar dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Fyodor L. Shapiro to be held on April 6-7, 2015 in Dubna. The expected number of participants is about 100.The scientific and memorial reports of the FLNP leading physicists about the contribution of F.L.Shapiro to the formation and development of the scientific program of the Laboratory will be presented as well as reports of the worlds leading experts about the current state of the art in the research areas that F.L.Shapiro pioneered and worked on.The Seminar language is English.A poster session will be included in the program of the Seminar and we invite young scientists as well as F.L.Shapiro fellowship winners of the previous years to present their recent works in the field of neutron physics. The Seminar proceedings twelve pages for invited talks and eight pages for poster presentations will be published by the JINR Publishing Department.The excursion to FLNP and visit to F.L.Shapiros burial place in the Donskoy cemetery will be organized during the second day of the Seminar.An exhibition dedicated to the memory of F.L.Shapiro will take place during the Seminar.RegistrationThe registration of participants will be open via internet from December 15. The participants are kindly requested to fill out the registration form as soon as possible for reservation of accommodation and other arrangements.Registration feeThere is no Registration fee.TransportationWe kindly ask you to inform us about your arrival and departure details. The information should be sent to the Seminar coordinator Mrs. Tatiana Donskova not later than April 1 to organize your transfer from Moscow airport to Dubna. Organizing CommitteeV.L.Aksenov - Co-chairmanV.A.Matveev - Co-chairmanE.V.Lychagin - Scientific SecretaryT.S.Donskova - Seminar CoordinatorA.M.Balagurov I.A.Bobrikov D.Chudoba O.Culicov V.I.Furman S.V.Kozenkov N.Kucerka E.P.Shabalin V.N.Shvetsov A.V.Strelkov SecretariatN.A.MalyshevaE.S.Kopach School London13.4.2015 - 16. 4.2015 - The meeting is designed and aimed particularly for PhD students and Post-docs in the field of Colloid and Interface Science, it will also include advanced neutron and X-ray scattering as well as AFM characterisation techniques for interfacial studies. The major objective is to discuss modern surface analytical tools that increase our understanding of interfaces. Selected surface analytical tools are presented in tutorial review style by scientists using these techniques in their daily research. The information is then discussed further in small workgroups on the basis of problem solving sessions. The interaction and active discussion of the participants is a crucial element of our workshop.There are limited number of grants of 600 Euro offered by the COST office to promote attendance at the School by PhD students working in Europe. To apply for these a CV and a letter of recommendation from PhD Supervisors are required please see the Conference web European Training School CETS 2015 04.5.2015 - 08. 5.2015 - CETS provides insight into neutron scattering techniques and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter. Comprehensive experimental skills and guidance in result interpretation are going to be conveyed. The school will be a forum for the presentation and discussion of actual research works of young scientists. Anticipated attendanceWe are welcoming PhD students and post-doc scientists as well as newcomers to the neutron research from the field of structural research in physics, chemistry, biology, material science etc. The number of participants is limited to 30 because of the training facilities available. There is no limit for the tutorial lectures.GrantsFor young scientistsstudents grants are available in limited number to cover travel on reduced rates andor accommodation maximum 6 nights, local transport and lunches. Dont forget to notify your grant request on the Application form. Presenting a poster will be highly appreciated in the selection of attendees and grant awards on Modern Methods in Rietveld Refinement for Structural Analysis19.5.2015 - 21. 5.2015 - There will be a 3-day school on Modern Methods in Rietveld Refinement for Structural Analysis held May 19-21 at Florida State University Tallahassee, FL immediately preceding the 2015 North American Solid State Chemistry Conference NASSC.The primary goal of this workshop is to teach participants Rietveld refinement methods for evaluating 3D crystal structures from 1D powder diffraction data, with an emphasis on data collected on high-resolution structural user facility beamlines such as the 11-BM synchrotron beamline at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory, or the POWGEN and NOMAD time-of-flight neutron diffraction beamlines at the Spallation Neutron Source of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The combination of high-resolution data and advances in modern software algorithms are allowing many challenging structural problems to be resolved solely from powder diffraction data, and an up-to-date instruction in modern methods and advanced techniques will be provided. Some synchrotron and neutron instrument time has been allocated for the collection of high quality structural data on samples provided by course participants. This course will emphasize traditional solid state compounds non-molecular, and will use the TOPAS software as the platform for Rietveld refinement complementary trial license for participants to facilitate teaching. Instructors will be Prof. Peter Khalifah Stony Brook University, Prof. Cora Lind University of Toledo, Dr. Pamela Whitfield ORNL, Dr. Katharine Page ORNL, Dr. Saul Lapidus ANL, and Dr. Arnt Kern Bruker-AXS.Priority will be given to applications received by March 1, 2015. The application package and further information is available at the website: http:www.chem.fsu.edunasscc2015workshop.html:http:www.chem.fsu.edunasscc2015workshop.html. for Life 201520.5.2015 - 25. 5.2015 - The event is structured in four phases:20th - 22nd of May International School Spectroscopic Techniques Applied to Life Sciences22nd of May International Workshop Science and Society: Diseases, Treatments and Ethical Questions23th - 24th of May International Workshop BIONEUTRON 2015: Neutron Scattering Highlights in Life Sciences24th - 25h of May International Workshop Good News for Life Sciences: Progresses in Advanced Methods, Disease Understanding and Drug DiscoveriesSuch event, with a strong symbolic meaning, will mark the baptism of Lampedusa as Capital of Science and Peace and will represent the foundation stone for the building of the International Center for Interdisciplinary Studies Science for Life, a place devoted to the meeting among cultures, sciences and worlds in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea.Science for Life will be a meeting where, in addition to scientific sessions, relevant and topical issues of social interest in the context of Science and Society will be addressed.The third edition of the Third International Workshop BIONEUTRON 2015: Neutron Scattering Highlights in Life Sciences will be held in the framework of the Science for Life event.The main scope of this workshop is to provide an up-to-date insight into neutron scattering and complementary techniques and to furnish a representative sampling of some experimental findings which, in the broad area of research under the general heading of life sciences, have recently been object of considerable scientific scrutiny. More than ever before, the scientific community is interested in using the strength and capabilities of different facilities and new techniques and approaches to their best advantage and the large neutron fluxes produced in next-generation spallation facilities such as the European Spallation Source ESS are likely to soon find expanded application in life sciences.Science for Life will strongly encourage the participation of young researchers, being held in connection with the First International School Spectroscopic Techniques Applied to Life Sciences, which will be held from 20th to 22nd of May 2015 and will be devoted to education of students and young researchers in complementary techniques, including light and neutron scattering, IR absorption and synchrotron radiation spectroscopy, applied to the investigation of the structural, dynamical and functional properties of biosystems, and to their biotechnological applications.The students will attend the whole event, held from 20th to 25th of May 2015, including all the workshop sessions as an integral part of the school. Students are strongly invited to submit their abstracts for oral or poster contributions which will be published in a volume with ISBN code. The related papers will be published in a special issue of an international journal.The event aims to attract researchers from completely different horizons providing a forum to bring together scientists from academia, industry and other research organizations, so reinforcing a community at a time where the field is progressing rapidly. - Unconventional Superconductivity: Materials and Mechanisms24.5.2015 - 29. 5.2015 - Superconductivity has not only fundamental impact on condensed matter physics, but also strong potential for applications. The 2015 Gordon Conference on Superconductivity will present the cutting-edge developments in this fascinating field and will chiefly focus on unconventional superconductivity. The conference will lead to in-depth discussions on the exploration of novel superconducting materials, including cuprates, iron based superconductors, heavy-fermion, and other superconductors. For the cuprates, the emphasis will be on precursors to superconductivity, charge order in the pseudogap state, and the role of Mott physics. For iron superconductors, the emphasis will be on the pairing mechanism, the gap symmetry, and the nematic order. The conference will discuss a number of hot issues concerning unconventional superconductivity, on which no consensus has been reached yet. These include the role of spin-fluctuation pairing mechanism, quantum criticality, interface superconductivity, topological superconductivity, etc. This will be a focused, content-rich workshop on modern approaches to superconductivity in the second decade of 21st century.Application DeadlineApplications for this meeting must be submitted by April 26, 2015. Please apply early, as some meetings become oversubscribed full before this deadline. If the meeting is oversubscribed, it will be stated here. Note: Applications for oversubscribed meetings will only be considered by the Conference Chair if more seats become available due to cancellations. Related Meeting InformationThe Superconductivity Gordon Research Conference will be held in conjunction with the Superconductivity Gordon Research Seminar:https:www.grc.orgprograms.aspxid15754. Those interested in attending both meetings must submit an application for the GRS in addition to an application for the GRC. Please refer to the Superconductivity GRS web page for more information. Workshop on Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Exotic Spin Structures DMI 201526.5.2015 - 29. 5.2015 - About the WorkshopThe International Workshop on Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Exotic Spin Structures DMI 2015 will take place in Pskov, Russia on May 26 29, 2015. The III International Workshop DMI 2015, hosted by the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute PNPI, follows two previous meetings held in Saint Petersburg 2011 and Veliky Novgorod 2013. DMI 2015 is intended for researchers working in the field of the structural and magnetic properties of noncentrosymmetric crystals and artificial nanostructures. The objective of the workshop is to serve as a platform for scientific discussion and exchange of ideas among the scientists willing to share their research findings as well as to review and discuss the recent progress, developments and advances in DMI and chiral magnetism.Scientific scopeThe workshop will include the application of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction DMI to the following areas: cubic ferromagnets without center of symmetry; antiferromagnets without center of symmetry; nanostructures at the surfaces and interfaces; weak ferromagnetism.DMI 2015 will present invited talks, oral reports and poster presentations.The participation feeThe maximum number of participants is limited to 60, which ensures the quality of interaction and interchange between scientists. The workshop fee applies to all participants taking part in DMI 2015. The participation fee 450 Euro includes accommodation, admission to all sessions of the workshop, workshop materials, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome and closing parties and a social program.Further information can be found at:http:oiks.pnpi.spb.rueventsdmi-2015about:http:oiks.pnpi.spb.rueventsdmi-2015about Workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology01.6.2015 - 05. 6.2015 - 6th Workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural BiologyOak Ridge, TN. June 1 June 5, 2015Application deadline: April 10, 2015The workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology aims at enabling structural biologists to fully exploit the latest instrumentation and software development at the SNS and HFIR facilities at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Attendees will participate in lectures and tutorials focusing exclusively on neutron techniques applied in structural biology. The workshop is designed for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and faculty new to or with limited experience of neutron scattering.Travel and accommodation expenses are supported for selected participants from the United States. International applications are welcome. However the course organization is not able to support travel or accommodation.The number of participants will be limited to 15. There is no registration fee for all selected participants.The application package consisting of 1 Information form2 CV3 Applicant motivation letter 12 to 1 page4 Principal Investigator letter of support for graduate students only; 12 to 1 pageshould be sent electronically to before April 10, 2015. Detailed information can be found on the workshop web page:https:public.ornl.govneutronsconfgcnb2015. Conference on Applied Mineralogy Advanced Materials 201507.6.2015 - 12. 6.2015 - The Italian Association for the Study of Clays AISA and the Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis IMAA are pleased to invite you to AMAM 2015, the International Conference on Applied Mineralogy Advanced Materials. Scientists in mineralogy, materials science, physics, biology, chemistry, cultural heritage are invited to share ideas and knowledge on the boundless world of the crystalline and no-crystalline solid state. AMAM 2015 will provide a truly global platform for researchers and engineers coming from academia and industry. Please visit the for detailed information. Summer School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy08.6.2015 - 12. 6.2015 - A one-week Summer School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy will be held from June 8 - June 12, 2015 at the NIST Center for Neutron Research NCNR. For information about the summer school go to http:www.ncnr.nist.govsummerschoolss15index.html:http:www.ncnr.nist.govsummerschoolss15index.html.Please note that this year the school will not cover SANS or neutron reflectometry.This school provides participants the opportunity to learn about a wide variety of neutron scattering techniques using instruments at NIST including the disk chopper spectrometer DCS, backscattering spectrometer HFBS, BT-7 double focusing triple-axis spectrometer, multi-axis crystal spectrometer MACS, and neutron spin echo spectrometer NSE. These powerful experimental techniques are used by researchers in a variety of scientific disciplines to probe the microstructure and dynamics of materials at length scales of approximately 1 nm to 500 nm and at time scales from 1 ps to 100 ns. This school emphasizes hands-on experimental training for the instruments mentioned above as well as a thorough theoretical overview of these measurement techniques.Applications of structural and dynamical techniques will be illustrated by specific examples drawn from recent cutting-edge research for soft and hard condensed matter systems.The course will enable attendees to assess the applicability of the techniques to their own research, and will provide the technical information needed to prepare effective experiment proposals.The Summer School is sponsored by the Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering CHRNS, jointly funded by the National Science Foundation and NIST. Limited support for graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculty will be available.Attendance will be limited to 35 participants, and only applicants from North American institutions will be accepted.For further information, andor to apply, please go to http:www.ncnr.nist.govsummerschoolss15index.html:http:www.ncnr.nist.govsummerschoolss15index.html. Early application is advised since attendance is strictly limited and typically we receive more applications than the maximum number of participants. Deadline: April 1, 2015. Annual National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering13.6.2015 - 27. 6.2015 - The 17th Annual National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering will be held at Argonne and Oak Ridge National Labs from June 13-27, 2015. This school is designed to help introduce graduate students to the capabilities available at the neutron and x-ray user facilities in the United States. Lectures, presented by researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories, include basic tutorials on the principles of neutron and x-ray scattering theory, the characteristics of neutron and synchrotron X-ray sources, as well as seminars on the application of scattering methods to a variety of scientific subjects. As part of the school, students also conduct a series of short experiments to provide some hands-on experience using instruments at neutron and synchrotron sources, at Argonnes Advanced Photon Source, and Oak Ridges Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor facilities. Students interested in attending should complete an application at the NX School website:https:www1.aps.anl.govConferences-and-Workshops2015national-school-neutron-and-x-ray-scattering by February 23, 2015. Please note that all the travel and lodging costs for students accepted to attend will be covered as part of the school. Part of the application process includes submission of evaluation letters from among the students advisor, department chair and other professors.Lecture notes and videos of the 2014 NXS School are available at: http:neutrons.ornl.govconfnxs2013:http:neutrons.ornl.govconfnxs2013Please distribute to your graduate students as they may be interested in this opportunity. Days of the Italian Society of Neutron Spectroscopy 201513.6.2015 - 22. 6.2015 - Learning Days of the Italian Society of Neutron Spectroscopy SISN 2015Giornate Didattiche della SISN 2015Introduction to neutron techniques for condensed matter studies, with applications to Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth sciencesThe Learning Days organized by the Italian Society of Neutron Spectroscopy are addressed to degree and specializing students, PhD students, post-doc and young researchers interested in acquiring the basic principles of neutron spectroscopy, in understanding the advantages and potentialities of this technique, and in exploiting it for their research.The Learning Days are characterized by two sessions. The first session provides the students with the fundamentals of neutron spectroscopy and the basic principles of data analysis. The lectures in Italian on the basic theoretical and experimental tools will be paralleled by tutorials about data analysis.During the second experimental session the students will carry out real neutron scattering measurements at the most important facility for neutron research: the high flux reactor of the Institut Laue-Langevin ILL in Grenoble, France Depending on the tutors nationality the language spoken during the experiments might also be English.Deadline for applications: 10 April 2015 Neutron training course16.6.2015 - 25. 6.2015 - The ISIS Practical Neutron Training Course is aimed at PhD and post-doctoral researchers who have little or no experience of neutron scattering, but whose future research program aims to make use of neutron scattering techniques.Due to the long ISIS shutdown currently in progress, the next ISIS neutron training course will be held later than usual: 16-25 June. Registration for the course will open on the 5th of Jan 2015 and will close on the 5th of Mar 2015. Please see the following link for more information about the course and how to apply:ISIS Neutron Training Course 2015 of Course Basic Principles: Neutron Time-of-flight, Detectors, Neutron materials and interations, Instrument Components, Neutron Scattering Theory Soft Matter: Sample preperation and deuteration, Small-angle neutron scattering, Neutron reflectometry Physics: Neutron diffraction, magnetic Rietveld refinement Fullprof, inelastic scattering - polycrystals and single crystals Chemistry and Materials: Powder and single crystal diffraction, Rietveld refinement GSAS, Molecular Spectroscopy, Diffuse scattering, Non-crystalline materials scattering Optional Modules: Computational methods DFT, Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Quasi-elastic Scattering, Biological SANS data reduction, Polarized reflectometry, Strain in MaterialsCourse includes accommodation at Coseners in Abingdon, and travel expenses within the UK - and is free to participating students.Course Organizers:Helen Workshop on Public Awareness of Research Infrastructures18.6.2015 - 19. 6.2015 - Scope of the workshopA common task at large scale facilities is to present to their funding bodies as well to the national scientific organisation the research they conduct with their considerable budget. A similar expectation on public relations PR and dissemination concerns large EU funded projects as I3s or bigger consortia. Even though a consensus exists, that good communication is a fundamental part of innovation, the expectations from the funding bodies with regards to science communication activities are unclear, and a well-defined work programme is often missing.The aim of the workshop is to bring together representatives of funding agencies European and national with facility and project managers to discuss what should be expected from scientific dissemination activities. Furthermore it should be a forum for PR and information officers to share experience of their work and gain insights into the expectations of funding bodies as well as from the general public.Who should attend Representatives of funding agencies European and national organisations and managers of large scale facilities, research organisations, EU projects, and consortia to express their expectations on science communication activities. Press officers and information managers of large scale facilities and research projects to share their experience on the cross-cutting area between meeting expectations on the impact of PR activities and the difficulties to raise European public awareness of science. Experts from academia dealing with the topics of communication and public understanding of science. Journalists involved in science policy and dissemination.VenueEuropean Southern Observatory:http:www.eso.orgpublicabout-esotravelgarchingKarl-Schwarzschild-Str. 285748 Garching bei MnchenGermanyRegistration fee150 including access to workshop and social dinner Research Conference - Effect of Disorder and Disordered Materials21.6.2015 - 26. 6.2015 - Neutron scattering is a powerful and versatile method to characterize the structure and dynamics of materials. The experimental technique was pioneered in the late 1940s, by Drs. Clifford G. Shull and Bertram N. Brockhouse, for which they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1994. Over the years, neutron scattering studies have made tremendous impact in many areas of physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, and materials engineering.The Gordon Research Conference GRC on Neutron Scattering is a new conference series featuring world-leading neutron scattering scientists who will share and discuss their latest discoveries in the GRC interactive style. The inaugural conference will focus on the effect of disorder and disordered materials. Disorder is ubiquitous and often strongly influences the properties of a material. For example, small changes in oxygen stoichiometry in pyrochlore materials and other frustrated magnets, can lead to a very different magnetic response. Meanwhile, microalloying is known to dramatically improve the glass forming ability of bulk metallic glasses. The underling physical mechanisms leading to these novel phenomena are subjects of intense debate. Disordered materials encompass glass, liquids, spin glass, quantum liquids, relaxor ferroelectrics, polymers, and bio systems.Neutron scattering has played an important role in elucidating the structure and dynamics of disordered materials, and the effect of disorder on properties. However, neutron applications to disorder are very demanding technically, as the scattering tends to be distributed in momentum and energy space, The conference is interdisciplinary in nature, bringing together neutron scattering scientists and theorists across the traditional fields of condensed matter physics, materials science, and the soft matter. In spite of the diversity in the materials of interest, the mechanisms underlying their intriguing physical properties could be the same or similar, and the different communities will benefit from each other through exchange of ideas and approaches.Innovative instrumentation is the backbone of scientific discoveries. One of the nine sessions will be therefore devoted to discussions of the performance of innovative instruments. In addition, there will be a session featuring industrial applications, which connects the neutron scattering community to the public. A diverse and vibrant user community is vital for the success of the neutron scattering facilities. We thus particularly encourage the participation of young scientists, to learn and profit from interactions with leading scientists in neutron scattering in the casual environment provided by the conference.Application DeadlineApplications for this meeting must be submitted by May 24, 2015. Please apply early, as some meetings become oversubscribed full before this deadline. If the meeting is oversubscribed, it will be stated here. Note: Applications for oversubscribed meetings will only be considered by the Conference Chair if more seats become available due to cancellations. International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids22.6.2015 - 26. 1.2015 - The DSL conference has as its aim to create a binding platform for scientists, researchers, those in industry, laboratories as well as students to network, learn more and share their knowledge. Furthermore, it will provide new insights in overcoming the current challenges which are faced by academics and industrialists related to diffusion in its many areas. and Dynamics of Polymer Nanocomposites22.6.2015 - 24. 6.2015 - This workshop will be held at Hotel Mercure:http:www.mercure.comfrhotel-3043-hotel-mercure-montpellier-centre-comedieindex.shtml in downtown It will bring together about 50 scientists from academia and industry. It will focus on polymer nanocomposites, from synthesis to physical characterization, modeling and applications, with a mix of top-level invited speakers and contributed talks.OrganizationA.-C., J., C. Eve,M. Meireles Toulouse, J. Jestin SaclayList of invited speakers BOURGEAT-LAMI Elodie, C2P2, CNRS-CPE-Univ. Lyon1 CASALINI Riccardo, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington CERVENY Silvina, CSIC, San Sebastian CLARKE Nigel, University of Sheffield COMPOSTO Russell, University of Pennsylvania CONZATTI Lucia, CNR, Genova DALMAS Florent, INSA, Lyon DUCROT Etienne, CSMR, New-York University KLPPEL Manfred, DIK, Hannover KRUTYEVA Margarita, Forschungszentrum, Jlich PAPON Aurlie, Solvay Silica, Collonges PEUVREL-DISDIER Edith, MINES ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis SHINOHARA Yuya, University of Tokyo SOKOLOV Alexei, University of Tennessee WINEY Karen, University of PennsylvaniaAbstracts for oral communications and PhD soundbites can be submitted by Deadline : 31032015Registration open now: SDPN2015:https:www.azur-colloque.frDR13AzurInscriptionindex.phplangen;Registration including lunch social dinner:Students and scientists from sponsors : 160 , Normal : 200 Deadline : 30042015 Correlated Matter - Advances in Topological Phases of Matter in Crystalline Solids and Cold Atom Systems28.6.2015 - 03. 7.2015 - The field of topological matter is developing rapidly both in experiments on new materials and in the theoretical understanding of new topological phases of matter. The connection to strong correlation physics is also just beginning. The meeting plans to bring together active participants in these research areas to report their recent findings. The topics covered include new experimental results in topological insulators and topological superconductors, proximity and edge effects; the interplay between topology and strong correlation, in particular the possibility of new topological states which are not covered by the classification scheme of non-interacting fermions; and new materials and topological states, including Dirac and Weyl fermions.Furthermore, cold atom system is now recognized as an attractive platform to realize many of the topology based ideas mentioned above. We plan to bring the cold atom and condensed matter physics community together to investigate issues pertaining to topology and strong correlation. The topics include progress in different approaches of constructing synthetic gauge fields and spin-orbit couplings in cold atoms, and the properties of bosons and fermions in these topological environments.Application DeadlineApplications for this meeting must be submitted by May 31, 2015. Please apply early, as some meetings become oversubscribed full before this deadline. If the meeting is oversubscribed, it will be stated here. Note: Applications for oversubscribed meetings will only be considered by the Conference Chair if more seats become available due to cancellations. Asia-Pacific Edition of HERCULES in TAIWAN06.7.2015 - 24. 7.2015 - At the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the internationally known HERCULES Course,we will organize a three-week HERCULES School from July 6 to 24,2015 in Hsinchu, Taiwan where the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center NSRRC is located. The NSRRC is a national laboratory which operates a 1.5-GeV synchrotron named Taiwan Light Source and is constructing another 3-GeV one called Taiwan Photon source. This 2015 Asia-Pacific Edition of HERCULES in TAIWAN, Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for Physics and Chemistry of Condensed Matter and Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, is a three-week training course including a week of practicals and tutorials. It will be opened to PhD students, postdoctoral, young scientists working in the fields relate to physics, chemistry, biology, and materials science. The language of the course is English. Asia-Oceania Conference on Neutron Scattering AOCNS201519.7.2015 - 23. 7.2015 - The Conference, the second in the series, will provide delegates with an opportunity to share related knowledge, understanding, examine research findings and discuss the latest developments in neutron scattering. The Conference is aimed at those who use or would like to use neutron scattering facilities in the Asia-Oceania region. The meeting will bring together physicists, chemists, biologists, earth scientists and engineers together with specialist facilities-based neutron scatterers from throughout the Asia-Oceania region and beyond. School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation28.7.2015 - 04. 8.2015 - The International School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation is a specialized course within the School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation Directors: Ian S Anderson and Carla Andreani. The school will be held at the ETTORE MAJORANA FOUNDATION AND CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC CULTURE, Erice Sicily, IT between the 28th July and the 4th of August 2015The School is normally highly oversubscribed, so we encourage applicants to apply early, as late applications will not be accepted. The School focuses on neutron instrumentation, mainly for large-scale facilities, though a session will be devoted to instrumentation at compact neutron facilities. Students are selected for the course based on their need to utilize neutron instrument design techniques as part of their present andor future research activities.The school is aimed at young instrument and development scientists, engineers, and designers at international and national neutron facilities, although graduate students or postdocs at universities would also be welcomed. In addition to lectures on theory, sources, and neutron instrumentation, students will be tutored by world leading experts in the various scattering techniques including diffraction, quasi-elastic and inelastic scattering, imaging, small-angle scattering, reflectometry, and neutron-spin-echo.Accommodation of participants is organized by the Ettore Majorana EMFCSC either in their premises or in local hotels on the basis of the indications provided by the Organizing Committee and by participants in the Travel Form. Special requests should be addressed to the School Scientific apply, click here:http:www.sonsfpricci.orgsons-school-2015. Places at the school are in high demand. To register you will need to fill out the travel form:http:www.sonsfpricci.orgwp-contentuploads201311travel_form_son2014.pdf, submit a personal statement and, in the case of students, a statement from your supervisor. Travel forms must be returned to and with copy to Applications should arrive no later than April 15th, 2015.The Registration Fee is 900 per student. School fees include the cost of lodging during the school, breakfast, lunch, evening meal, teaching and all course materials. There are 25 residential places available.A web site for on-line payment will be available in the near future.Directors: Ken Andersen ESS and Roberto Caciuffo JRC KarlsruheFor further information, visit: http:www.sonsfpricci.orgsons-school-2015:http:www.sonsfpricci.orgsons-school-2015 School on Representational Analysis and Magnetic Structures RAMS03.8.2015 - 07. 8.2015 - The school is targeted towards researchers interested in applying representational analysis for solving magnetic structures with neutron diffraction. The school will cover representational analysis and the theory of magnetic structures. The program will include both lectures and labs working with software such as SaraH and FULLPROF. This year, we will also cover magnetic symmetry tools developed on the Bilbao crystallographic server. Invited lecturers include Andrew Wills U. College, London V. Ovidiu Garlea ORNL Clarina Dela Cruz ORNL and Juan Manuel Perez-Mato Universidad del Pais Vasco. The school will be hosted at the University of Maryland College Park campus and participants can stay on campus at discounted prices. The school will begin Monday morning, August 3rd, and end Thursday late afternoon, August 6th. Visit the schools site at magnetism-school.orgstatic2015:http:www.magnetism-school.orgstatic2015 to learn more and register.The deadline for early registration is May 31, 2015. Attendance will be limited to 30 participants, so please apply soon. For questions regarding the school please contact us at or PSI Summer School on Condensed Matter Research15.8.2015 - 21. 8.2015 - The PSI summer schools on condensed matter physics have a long standing tradition. Based on the previous schools on neutron scattering starting back in 1992 the PSI summer schools aim to train young researchers in the methods being used at large scale facilities such as neutron and muon sources or synchrotron photon sources.International experts and PSI staff members will introduce and deepen your knowledge not only on methods but also on those phenomena, which are presently at the forefront of modern solid state physics and chemistry.Following the school a practical training is offered at PSI. It will allow a limited number of participants to get hands-on experience with state-of-the-art instrumentation using photons, neutrons, and muons. Scattering Applications to Hydrogen Storage Materials17.8.2015 - 26. 8.2015 - Energy research is an important scientific area today and hydrogen is one of the most promising sources of energy due to its highest energy density by weight. The efficient hydrogen storage depends on development of the new materials. Neutron scattering and -diffraction are powerful, non-destructive tool for the analysis of structure and dynamics in matter in a broad space and time domain. High sensitivity to hydrogen makes neutron scattering techniques ideally suitable to study the process in hydrogen storage systems. The goal of this school is to introduce participants to basics of neutron scattering techniques and show how these techniques can be applied for exploration of hydrogen storage materials.The school is organized jointly by University of Potsdam, Germany and University of Tartu, Estonia. It will be held from 17th 26th of August 2015 at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin HZB, Berlin, Germany. The lectures and practical exercises will give basics to: Hydrogen economy and hydrogen storage technologies Fundamentals of the gas storage Basics of the neutron scattering and in particular in-situ neutron diffraction Characterizing sorption behavior of porous materials by ab-initio and crystal structure refinements Lectures: M. Russina HZB, H. Kurig University of Tartu, Estonia, D. Tbbens HZB, D. Wallacher HZB, M.C. Schlegel and Roman Svetogorov NRC, Mocsow Target groupThe course is primarily aimed at early stage researchers with basics knowledge in Thermodynamics and Solid State Physics. It is part of the curriculum of the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences at the University of Potsdam, Modul 741A and is credited with 4 credit points. RegistrationIf you are interested in attending the school, please follow this link and register until May, 25th 2015:www.helmholtz-berlin.deeventshydrogen-school:http:www.helmholtz-berlin.deeventshydrogen-school Summer School 201522.8.2015 - 29. 8.2015 - The RACIRI Summer School is a joint initiative by Russia, Sweden and Germany in the collaborative framework of the Rntgen-Angstrm-Cluster RAC and the Ioffe-Rntgen-Institute IRI.The novel format of the RACIRI Summer School is driven by scientific frontier themes and challenges in the field of materials sciences with a strong connection to the superb analytical potential at current and future research infrastructures synchrotron radiation, X-rays and neutrons in the Baltic region.The RACIRI Summer School is held every year under a special focus theme. Its venue rotates annually among the three partnering countries.The first RACIRI Summer School was organized 2013 in Petergof, Russia. Focus theme: Soft Matter and Nano Composites.The second RACIRI Summer School was held from 24-31 August 2014 in the Stockholm area, Sweden, under the focus theme Imaging with X-rays and Neutrons in Life and Materials Sciences.The third RACIRI Summer School will be held during 22-29 August 2015 in Sellin, Island of Rgen, Germany. Its focus theme: Time-resolved and In-situ Studies of Materials: Basics and Applications.The call for applications for RACIRI Summer School 2015 can be found here:http:www.raciri.orghow_to_apply. and Mechanisms of Superconductivity23.8.2015 - 28. 8.2015 - The International Conference M2S HTSC 2015 will take place from Sunday, August 23 until Friday, August 28 in Geneva, Switzerland.The M2S2015 conference is the 11th conference in the successful series of tri-annual conferences on materials and mechanisms of superconductivity. The first one took place in 1988 in Interlaken in the wake of the discovery of high superconductivity by the Nobel Prize winners Johannes Georg Bednorz and Karl Alexander Mller.The meeting has since then taken place in Palo Alto, Kanazawa, Grenoble, Beijing, Houston, Rio de Janeiro, Dresden, Tokyo, Washington and now will return to Switzerland in the summer of 2015.Superconductivity is the phenomenon of electrical current flow without any loss of energy due to resistance. This extremely useful phenomenon is nowadays routinely applied in medical applications of magnetic resonance imaging MRI, in large scale magnetic guiding systems such as CERN, the presently constructed nuclear fusion energy plant ITER, in high throughput electrical power cables, as well as the maglev train presently in construction by Japanese Railways.The field of superconductivity is heavily driven by experimental progress using the most advanced technology available. Consequently the participants of M2S are actively involved in materials science, experimental techniques, theoretical research andor applications of superconductivity.The experimental techniques involve materials processing, crystal growth and characterization, low temperature techniques, ultra high vacuum, various kinds of neutron-, electron-, optical-, X-ray, and scanning probe techniques.Superconductivity is also the subject of intense theoretical research, and has spurred novel ground breaking theoretical approaches to the mechanisms of superconductivity and more generally of emergent properties of strongly interacting electrons.Registration and abstract submission is open:http:www.m2s-2015.chregistration-and-abstract-submission.php. Abstracts for poster presentations can be submitted until june 30th, 2015. Biology on the Move24.8.2015 - 27. 8.2015 - With the 61st Benzon Symposium: Structural Biology on the Move we wish to highlight a collection of the most intriguing analytical challenges in the light of selected splendid achievements within structural biology. Notably, we will cover magnitudes of length-scales, from high-resolution analysis to whole-cell imaging, promoting current important development within hybrid structural analysis, where methods across boundaries between established and emerging disciplines are applied. With the 61st Benzon Symposium, we aim to envision the grand opportunities that are to come in structural biology.The Symposium is a full 4-day scientific meeting. The format will be a combination of state-of-the-art lectures by invited speakers, by selected oral-poster presentations, and poster presentations.Sessions: Impact of Large-scale Facilities on Biological Sciences Structural Studies of Functional Complexes Structure and Function ofin Biological Membranes Biomedical Applications Imaging: from Molecule to Cell Protein Dynamics and Kinetics Deadlines: Abstracts round opens: March 15, 2015 Abstract round closes: May 1, 2015 Registration: provided acceptance of abstract June 1, 2015 Fee: DKK 4,500 covers registration fee, hotel accommodation, food, and social events European Conference on Neutron Scattering ECNS201530.8.2015 - 04. 9.2015 - ECNS 2015 will present plenary lectures by leading scientists, plus invited talks and poster presentations. There will be parallel symposia covering frontier scientific areas.The city and the meeting venue will provide an ideal backdrop for scientific discussion, and the organizers are working to organize an event optimized for interaction and interchange. Oxford School on Neutron Scattering06.9.2015 - 18. 9.2015 - We are pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the 14th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering, which will take place in St Annes College Oxford between the 6th and 18th September 2015.Come join us for an introduction to neutron theory and techniques6th September -18th September 2015, University of OxfordApplication deadline: 1st May 2015About the School: The school is intended primarily for scientists, student and postdoctoral researchers, who are new to the field of neutron scattering. It provides an excellent introduction to the field, which is developed through to its application in contemporary research. Lectures and tutorials covering all aspects of the theory and practice of a variety of neutron scattering techniques will be given by international experts. Students will gain a comprehensive grounding in modern techniques and applications at both steady state and pulsed neutron sources and have the opportunity to hear about the latest research being carried out with the technique.Programme: The first week of the school introduces students to the core concepts of the theory of neutron scattering, neutron sources and instrumentation, and neutron diffraction. By the end of the first week, the school moves to more specialised neutron scattering techniques and applications to scientific fields of interest. Among the techniques covered are: inelastic scattering, imaging techniques, small-angle scattering, reflectometry, neutron-spin-echo and quasi-elastic neutron scattering. In the final two days of the course, students can choose to follow three of the following six scientific subject areas; magnetism, soft matter, biology, engineering, chemical applications and amorphous materials. The students will also be asked to make short presentations to their peers about their current research projects and work in pairs to write a beamtime proposal. The students will also have the opportunity to visit the ISIS pulsed neutron and muon facility in Didcot.Application: To apply for the school you will need to submit a personal statement and a statement from your academic supervisor that will be used in the selection process. Applications should arrive no later than the 1st May 2015. The course is normally highly oversubscribed, so we encourage applicants to apply in plenty of time, as late applications will not be accepted. Students are selected for the course, based on their requirements for neutron scattering techniques as part of their present and future research activities. Students will be notified shortly after of the outcome of their application. The school is open to all applicants worldwide. To apply please visit Fees: School fees for 2015 are 420 560 per residential student which includes the cost of a bedroom during the school, breakfast and evening meals, teaching materials, drinks reception and the gala dinner. There are 50 residential places available. There are also 10 non-residential places for students who do not require local accommodation, at a school fee of 100 140, which includes teaching materials, drinks reception and gala dinner. Fees will be payable once the names of successful applicants have been announced.For further information, visit: and Neutron Science - International Student Summer Programme at ILLESRF06.9.2015 - 03. 10.2015 - ScopeThe ILLESRF International Student Summer Programme on X-Ray and Neutron Science is aimed at undergraduate students. It will consist in a 4-week experimental project embedded in a research g roup of ESRF or ILL, together with a series of introductory lectures on the principles and applications of X-ray and neutron science magnetism, materials science, soft matter, structural biology, imaging, etc..ProgrammeDuring the first days of your stay, a series of introductory lectures will make you familiar with the basic principles of neutrons and x-rays : Fundamental principles Techniques used for their production nuclear reactor, synchrotron Instrumentation and measurement techniques Interaction with matterFurther on during your stay, various scientists from the ILL and the ESRF will give you insight into some more specific aspects of the application of neutrons and x-rays in a number different scientific fields, such as: Diffraction and structure of materials Imaging Nuclear and particle phyiscs Structural biology Magnetism Spectroscopy and inelastic scattering Soft matter studies and other examples of todays scientific questionsIn general, the content and the difficulty of the presentations will be adapted such that they are accessible for a third-year student who is interested in these subjects.In addition to the series of lectures and your work on a project with one of our research groups, some activities will be organized in the evenings or on weekends, like excursions into town or into the mountains which are surrounding Grenoble. 1506.9.2015 - 12. 9.2015 - manuSciences 15 is a Franco-German Summer School covering Interdisciplinary approaches to manuscript studies combining philology, materials studies, computer science and digital humanities.Topic will be interdisciplinary approaches to manuscript studies combining lectures in history and philology with materials analysis, imaging techniques, digital humanities and computer science, complemented with practical courses on mobile instruments XRF, RTI and on computer programs.This is an offer to up to 40 max. young researchers, from master and Ph.D. students to researchers and university lecturers. Active participation is expected including poster presentation. The lectures and courses will be in English.The final Programme is still subject to change. For more information please visit the events website:http:humanum.ephe.frenmanusciences-15. 201506.9.2015 - 11. 9.2015 - The 11th International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals, Superconductors and Magnets will be held in Bad Ggging, Germany on September 6-11, 2015. ISCOM 2015 continues the series of biennial ISCOM meetings starting in Mittelberg, Austria in 1995. ISCOM 2015 will be a forum of interdisciplinary discussion on all aspects Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science and Technology of crystalline molecular solids. The symposium is planned to discuss latest advances and new avenues of research on the following topics: Synthesis of new molecules and molecular materials Physics of low dimensional metals and superconductors Electron correlations in molecular materials Molecular magnetism, spin liquids Molecular dielectrics Novel functional materials Organic molecular nanoscience Organic thin films and devices Field- and photo-induced phenomena Theory, modeling and computation JCNS Laboratory Course - Neutron Scattering 201507.9.2015 - 18. 9.2015 - The course will consist of one week of lectures and exercises and one week of practical training at the neutron scattering facilities of Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum MLZ. It is the aim of the course to give a realistic insight into the experimental technique and its scientific power.Students of physics, chemistry, material science and biosciences are invited to apply for participation. There is no tuition fee. Accommodation and meals during the course will be provided by JCNS. Travel expenses will be reimbursed within reasonable limits.For further information and to apply for participation please visit for application is May 25, 2015. and Engineering of Neutron Instruments Meeting07.9.2015 - 09. 9.2015 - Neutron research always did and continues to benefit from the best engineering practice at the state of the art level and beyond. The fourth event of the itinerant series of meetings DENIM will be held in 2015 in Budapest. The community of engineers involved in neutron instrumentation design and operation meets to share experiences of success and failure, determine the most promising directions of development and cultivate the common wisdom emerged from lessons learned during an essentially pioneering activity.Budapest Neutron Centre invites all interested parties to the Design and Engineering of Neutron Instruments Meeting to be held in Budapest from 7th to 9th of September, 2015.All necessary information, abstract submission, registration and deadlines can be found on the web-site: www.bnc.hudenim2015:http:www.bnc.hudenim2015 Radiation in Polymer Science VI07.9.2015 - 10. 9.2015 - After the successful conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Polymer Science SRPS in San Francisco USA in 2012, we are now looking forward to the next meeting in this topical series started in 1995 by H.G. Zachmann. Earlier meetings were held in Hamburg 1995, Sheffield 2002, Kyoto 2006, Rolduc 2009 and San Francisco 2012. The International Union of Cristallography is now organising the Synchrotron Radiation in Polymer Science VI conference in 2015. The meeting will take place in Madrid, Spain from Sept. 7-10, 2015. The conference is expected to accommodate a significant amount of oral contributions as well as extended poster sessions. Symposium on Crystallography for Soft Matter07.9.2015 - 08. 9.2015 - Diffraction is a standard technique to study arrangements of atoms crystal structure, alignment, texture and grain structure in hard matter. Similar issues arise in soft matter, where material properties e.g. mechanical functioning, transport properties, internal surface, optical properties etc are highly influenced by analogues to these quantities formed by the arrangements of ensembles of molecules, often in a solvent, such as amphilipilic molecules or polymers rather than atoms. The structures formed consequentially occur at longer length-scales, and the role of thermal motions is quite different.This meeting brings together those working in highly ordered forms of soft matter from biology, polymer science and the colloidal domain with the following objectives: Bringing together a community working in this science field. Discussing instrumentation, and in particular the specific characteristics which are peculiar to these investigations. Defining specific requirements for neutron instruments to enable such research. International GISAS Conference08.9.2015 - 11. 9.2015 - The 3rd International GISAS Conference GISAS 2015 focused on GISAXS and GISANS techniques will be held in Nice French Riviera from September 8 to 11, 2015, as a satellite meeting of the SAS conference in Berlin.This conference aims to gather scientists from all over the world who are interested in studying nanomaterials at surfaces by using grazing incidence techniques. They will be given state of the art conferences by internationally recognized speakers. The scientific committee will select best contributions of young scientists to promote the development of this technique in Nanoscience.The conference is now opened for registration and abstract submission early-bird fees until April 1st. You are encouraged to send your abstract for an oral 20 min talk or a poster contribution further information please visit the conference website:http:gisas2015.univ-lemans.frfrindex.html XNPIG 201508.9.2015 - 11. 9.2015 - the Third Meeting of X-Ray and Neutron Phase Imaging with Gratings XNPIG2015, dedicated to the development of phase contrast imaging with penetrating beams and their applications in medicine, material science and other arenas. The dates and location are September 8-11, 2015, at the National Institutes of Health in the Washington D.C. area of the United States.Building on the momentum and enthusiasm of the first two XNPIG meetings, we invite researchers, clinicians, engineers and others in the X-ray and neutron imaging field to present their work and exchange the latest ideas with colleagues of diverse interests in a stimulating workshop. We look forward to seeing you in Washington D.C. in 2015.Please also read the Call for Papers:http:spie.orgXNconferencedetailsx-ray-and-neutron-phase-imaging International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering13.9.2015 - 18. 9.2015 - Berlin offers a rich variety of scientific institutions and universities. No wonder that a large number of research groups is actively using small-angle scattering and a vast number of complemetary methods. This pairs with sample preparation techniques, projects in nearly the whole width of fields to which small-angle scattering can contribute and notably the user program of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin that has a long tradition in the supply of neutrons and X-rays to a world wide community of small-angle scatterers.SAS 2015 will be held in the main building of the Technische Universitt Berlin Strae des 17. Juni 135 in the nice period of late summer, 13. -18. September 2015. The historic and modern structures of Berlin are well represented in the venue site, the rest of the university and the western centre of the city, where the campus is situated. It is surrounded by numerous guest houses and hotels of all categories, restaurants, cultural places as well as the commercial area of the Kurfrstendamm. The international airport, frequent connections via trains, inter-European busses, in combination with the local public transport make it easy to travel to and from Berlin. Symposium on Dynamical Properties of Solids13.9.2015 - 17. 9.2015 - Welcome to the 35th International Symposium on Dynamical Properties of Solids - DyProSo XXXV - which is held from 13 to 17 September 2015 at Bildungszentrum Freising near Munich. The conference will be hosted by the the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum MLZ for neutron research is a 4-day research meeting aiming at the promotion of new ideas and concepts concerning functional properties of condensed matter by stimulating scientific discussions between young and experienced scientists actively working on dynamic properties of materials. The programme will cover current and upcoming topics from theory ab-initio calculations, Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations, new formulations and phenomenological models, etc. to experiment optical spectroscopies, inelastic neutron and X-ray scattering, novel techniques, etc. with a focus on functional materials.The scientific programme of DyProSoXXXV focuses on: Phonons, magnons and electromagnons Diffusive dynamics Multiferroics, relaxors, thermoelectrica, shape memory alloys Domains and domain wall properties Excitations in superconductors Carbon-based materials Amorphous, liquid and soft matter Advances in experimental techniques and theory Dynamics at extreme conditions pressure, temperature, magnetic fieldThe symposium format assumes a limited number of participants, without proceedings and without parallel sessions.There will be invited talks, contributed talks and posters.The speakers are encouraged to present their latest results and discuss open problems, and they are asked to include a tutorial introduction for non specialists.Bildungszentrum Freising is a pleasant place located in the premises of a former Prince Bishops residence. It combines both retreat character and smooth accessibility from Munich airport or main station.The registration fee includes accommodation and all meals from Sunday evening to Thursday afternoon at Bildungszentrum Freising. It also covers the conference dinner on Wednesday evening and the social events offered on Tuesday afternoon.A visit of the research neutron source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz FRM II will complete our programme.Preliminary time schedule Opening of registration and abstract submission: 15 January 2015 Deadline for abstract submission: 8 May 2015 except for invited speakers International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors13.9.2015 - 18. 9.2015 - The 26th International Conference on Amorphous and Nano-crystalline Semiconductors continues a series of biennial conferences starting in Prague in 1965 with a focus in those days on the fundamental physics of amorphous semiconductors, principally formed from chalcogenides and group IV elements.Today the scope of the conference covers a wider range of amorphous, organic and nanocrystalline semiconductors together with the effects of disorder in semiconductors and dielectrics in the bulk and at interfaces. Preparation, characterization and theory across the different material classes are the heart of the conference. As these materials are used in electronics and other technologies, sessions on devices and applications form another significant part of the meeting. In addition focused sessions on recent developments in photovoltaics where nanocrystalline or disordered materials play an essential role, i.e. silicon heterojunction solar cells, perovskites and organic solar cells.Papers are welcome on all aspects of amorphous and nano-crystalline semiconductors and the role of disorder in semiconductors and dielectrics in the bulk and at interfaces.Topics include the fundamental physics and chemistry governing electronic and physical structure, preparation and characterization of materials, measurements and modeling of electronic, optical and physical properties, stability and metastability and applications including photovoltaics, sensors, TFTs, LEDs, optical storage, and electrical storage.Material systems include amorphous and nano-crystalline group IV elements as well as alloys, chalcogenide glasses, oxide semiconductors, and organic semiconductors in the form of thin films, bulk, multilayers, or nano-structures.The conference location Aachen is situated in an area, where the three countries of Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands meet. The source of the citys fame are the hot springs known since the days of the Roman empire. The City of Charles the Great is a popular travel destination, offering not only unique sights, such as the Aachen Dom Cathedral and the Gothic Town Hall where many German kings were crowned, but also a large variety of art and culture, elegant shops and pubs. Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation for Magnetism14.9.2015 - 18. 9.2015 - Scope of the course:Intense synchrotron X-ray and neutron beams are unique quantum probes that are key tools to the understanding of electronic and magnetic properties of materials.The present school is addressed to all young scientists wishing to know and use the capabilities of neutrons and synchrotron radiation in the field of magnetism.It includes two days of introduction to the theory and applications of X-ray and neutron techniques for magnetism, two days of hands on experiments on X-ray and neutron instruments used for this research, and finally one day of lectures on current trends and topics.Deadlines:There will be a selection of candidates due to a limited number of participants. Application deadline: 15 June 2015 - PLEASE PRE-REGISTER Notification of acceptance: 30 June 2015 Final registration deadline: 16 August 2015Organisers:Laurent Chapon ILL, Luigi Paolasini ESRF, Batrice Grenier UJF-CEA, Guillaume Beutier SIMAPSecretariat: Brigitte Dubouloz ILL and Claudine Romro ESRFContact: the organisers of 1 - Summer School 201521.9.2015 - 25. 9.2015 - The Summer School will provide a systematic overview of the application of neutrons and synchrotron radiation to the structural analysis of engineering materials. Students and young scientists from research and industry from all of Europe interested in this field are welcome to participate.The school will take place from September 21 to 25, 2015 in Ammersbek near Hamburg and at GEMSDESY in Hamburg. The focus of the practical training will be on synchrotron experiments. Neutron data analysis will also be practised. Therefore the participants will spend two days doing experiments at GEMSDESY.The Summer School is significantly funded by German and Swedish authorities for their respective students. Therefore, the participation fee amounts to 50 . Students from other European countries can request reimbursement of their travel expenses from a NMI3 grant applicable for this school.The fee includes accomodation and food for the duration of the school as well as the book Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science which has resulted from previous summer schools with the same title.A registration form will be provided within short. Please use this form to register and send in parallel an e-mail with a short CV pdf document, maximum one page, including the status of your education, if applicable the topic of your thesis deadline: 31 May 2015Decision about participation: end of June 2015Payment deadline: mid July 2015Payment details will be sent to you when a decision about the participation has been made. training Courses 201521.9.2015 - 23. 9.2015 - Following the success of our previous sessions of these training courses we would like to offer them again in September 2015. These courses are open to both facility staff and any interested people from other institutions.The following courses will be based at ISIS, RAL and are:Monday 21st September 1-5pm: Mantid IntroductionAn introduction to the Mantid interface, how to graph and visualize your data, manipulate it with the built in algorithms, together with an introduction to curve fitting and live data analysis.Tuesday 22nd September 9-12am: Introduction to PythonThis half day course will introduce you to the Python scripting language, no previous experience required, although some understanding of loops and conditional if .. then logic will be expected.Tuesday 22nd September 1-5pm: Python in MantidThis course concentrates on using Python to build analysis scripts within Mantid as well as controlling the Mantid GUI from python, and accessing the underlying data within Mantid workspaces.Wednesday 23rd September 9-5pm: Extending Mantid using PythonFor the more adventurous among you this full day course will introduce you to the many ways you can use Python to extend the capabilities within Mantid adding Python Algorithms and curve fitting functions, as well as diving deeper into the structure of workspaces.Booking a placeIf you are interested in any other these courses please send an email to letting us know which courses you wish to attend. For the courses we will supply PCs, so there is no need to bring a laptop unless you really want to. Spaces are limited to 13 people per course so please book early to avoid disappointment. If a course is over booked we will try to arrange another session in the future, so if you cannot make that specific date let us know and well let you know about any subsequent courses.Well send out calendar appointments to you once your place on the course is booked. Next run of these coursesThe specific dates of the next run has not been fixed yet, but we expect to run these courses again in Jan-Mar 2016For visitors from UK academic institutions:We are sometimes able to offer assistance with travel and lodging costs while attending the courses. Let me know when you are booking the courses and well get back to you with details. If we are able to help, then your travel and hotel must be booked through the ISIS user office.For visitors from elsewhere:While we can offer this course for free, we cannot unfortunately offer any help with travel or subsistence costs. However please let us know that you will be visiting when you reply so that we can arrange site access. Neutron Delivery Systems Workshop28.9.2015 - 30. 9.2015 - The ILL is pleased to invite you to the 4th Neutron Delivery Systems Workshop that will be held in Grenoble, France from the 28th to 30th of September 2015.Following the success of previous workshops this meeting presents a unique opportunity to share knowledge and feedback on the state of the art in neutron transport, optics and moderation technologies.This workshop will cover the following topics: Progress in neutron guide design, innovative concepts and materials Review of newly installed neutron guide systems worldwide Neutron guide ageing Advances in mirror and super-mirror science and technology Moderation of neutrons for the production of cold and ultra-cold neutrons Simulation of neutron sources and neutron transport Neutron optical devices.This workshop is intended for engineers and scientists involved in the use, design and manufacturing of neutron delivery systems and their components.An industrial exhibition will be organised for Tuesday 29th September. Companies involved in the manufacturing of neutron delivery systems will have the opportunity to present their products and capabilities.For further information, registration and abstract submission please visit: http:www.ill.eunds2015:http:www.ill.eunds2015Important dates31st May: Abstract title submission deadline. 31st July: Abstract submission deadline. 1st September: Online registration deadline. Orders in a Complex World: Past Present and Future 201502.10.2015 - 03. 10.2015 - The work of Dr. Takeshi Egami spans across several fields and disciplines, with a multitude of scientific contributions and achievements. To most, he is best known for his pioneering work in applying the well-known real-space analysis for uncovering underlying disorder in materials i.e. the pair density function PDF method. He pioneered the application of this technique in crystals, and awarded the Warren award from the American Crystallographic Association in 2003. The award states that Prof. Egami is cited for his pioneering use of pair distribution functions from diffraction data to study disorder and defects in imperfect crystals leading to new understanding of the physics of complex materials. Always surrounded by friends, collaborators and students, Takeshi Egami has always been excited about a new discovery or a new result, passing that optimism on with a contagious smile. This gathering is a celebration of his work, but also an opportunity to show the immense progress made in Materials Physics on the nature of Hidden Orders in a Complex World: Past, Present and FutureThe workshop consists of invited talks during the day Friday, October 2 and Saturday morning, October 3. A poster session with a reception will be held during the evening of Thursday, Oct. 1, for all participants to present and discuss their current research. A workshop banquet will be held the evening of Friday, October 2, with a scientific presentation and discussion led by Takeshi Egami. International Conference on Rheology and Modeling of Materials05.10.2015 - 09. 10.2015 - The 2nd International Conference on Rheology and Modeling of Materials is to be held near city Miskolc in mountain Bkk in one of the most beautiful place of Hungary in Hunguest Hotel Palota Lillafred, October 5-9, 2015.The aims the conference are the fostering of interdisciplinary collaboration and interaction among scientists, researchers, PhD students as well as product and technology developer engineers. The international conference ic-rmm2 provides a platform among leading international scientists, physicists, chemists, mathematicians, researchers, PhD students and engineers for discussing recent achievements in measurement, modeling and application of rheology in materials technology and materials science of liquids, melts, solids, powders, crystals and amorphous structures.Among the major fields of interest are the influences of temperature, mechanical stresses, deformation speeds and times on rheological properties, material structures and phase transformation of foams, emulsions, suspensions, liquids, powders, crystals, foods, cosmetics, polymers, plastics, petrochemicals, melted metals, glasses and competitive materials like nanomaterials, pharmaceuticals, medical- and biomaterials, ceramics, films and coatings, advanced metal alloys, glasses, composites, hetero-modulus, hetero-plastic and hetero-viscous complex material systems, hybrid materials, etc.Multidisciplinary applications of rheology as well as mechanical and rheological modeling in material science and technology encountered in sectors like foods, bio- and medical materials, ceramics, glasses, thin films, polymers, clays, construction materials, energy, aerospace, automotive and marine industry. Rheology in physics, chemistry, medicine, biosciences, cosmetics, environmental and earth sciences and in engineering and industries are of particular interests.For further information, particularly regarding registration and program, plese visit the journes de la Diffusion Neutronique 2305.10.2015 - 08. 10.2015 - To find out more about this event please visit its website:http:www.sfn.asso.frid183 in French. 201505.10.2015 - 08. 10.2015 - In the tradition of the annual international JCNS workshops the Jlich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS and the Donostia International Physics Center DIPC wil jointly organize the workshop in 2015.Neutrons are a key probe providing deep insight into the structure and dynamics and thus in the functioning of synthetic and living soft matter. The workshop will discuss the current status, future trends and opportunities of neutron scattering also in combination with simulations.The topics addressed are: Functional Polymers Soft Matter out of Equilibrium Nano-Composites and Confinement Nanostructured Complex Fluids Membranes and Proteins Soft Matter Materials for Energy Devices Imaging and tomography: New applications and developments05.10.2015 - 06. 10.2015 - A Workshop on Neutron Imaging and Tomography will be organized before the Rossat-Mignot days on the 5 and 6th of October at Evian les Bains. Neutron imaging and tomography is one of the topic for which there has never been a dedicated discussion within the French neutron community. The focus of this workshop is to present the state of the art of neutron imaging and tomography techniques to image large objects 10-100mm with spatial resolutions in the range 10-100m.The complementarity of the different imaging techniques such as X-ray, NMR and neutron will also be discussed. A wide range of topics will be covered: liquid flows in porous materials, agrofood applications, metallurgy, cultural heritage and archeology.... Invited speakers J. Baruchel ESRF P. Boillat PSI E. Lehmann PSI P. Levitz UPMC D. Sakellariou CEA M. Strobl ESS More detailed information can be found on the Website:http:www.sfn.asso.frjdnsite-jdn-23imaging-workshop:http:www.sfn.asso.frjdnsite-jdn-23imaging-workshop NMI3-II General Assembly and SINE2020 kick-off meeting14.10.2015 - 16. 10.2015 - The registration for the final NMI3-II General Assembly and the SINE2020 kick-off meeting is now open. The meeting will take place on October 14-16 in Copenhagen, Denmark. You will have the opportunity to learn about the achievements of the projects Networking:http:nmi3.euabout-nmi3networking.html and Joint Research Activities:http:nmi3.euabout-nmi3joint-research-activities.html, and exciting findings obtained thanks to the NMI3 Access Programme:http:nmi3.euabout-nmi3access-programme.html.The meeting will also host the kick-off meeting of the neutron project of the European Commissions Horizon 2020. The _World class Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe 2020_ SINE2020 will start in October. SINE2020 has two objectives: preparing Europe for the unique opportunities at the European Spallation Source ESS in 2020 and developing the innovation potential of neutron large scale facilities.AgendaWednesday October 14th Work-packages meetingsThursday October 15th NMI3 General Assembly with invited speakers and WP presentations Evening: social dinnerFriday October 16th SINE2020 Kick-off meetingYou can find further information and register at: https:www.ill.eupress-and-newseventsfinal-nmi3-ii-general-assembly:https:www.ill.eupress-and-newseventsfinal-nmi3-ii-general-assembly. Workshop on Liquid-Liquid Interfaces21.10.2015 - 23. 10.2015 - The ILL holds the International Workshop on Liquid-Liquid Interfaces from 21 to 23 October 2015 at the ILL Grenoble, France. The intended aim of the workshop is to promote the future development of studies at liquid-liquid interfaces using neutron and X-ray scattering techniques. The audience of the workshop will comprise scientists who are interested in catalysis, electrochemistry, transfer, soft matter mixtures and biophysics at liquid-liquid interfaces. The workshop will also appeal to scientists who may consider the extension of their studies conducted in the bulk to liquid interfaces as well as to those who have not used scattering techniques in their research to date. This workshop will also be used as a platform to identify priority areas that can have the greatest impact on the development of scattering techniques in the study of liquid-liquid interfaces in the future.Important dates Registration open: April 10th, 2015 Abstract submission deadline: June 19th, 2015 Notification of accepted communications: Mid-July Online registration deadline: September 18th, 2015SponsorsThe Institut Laue - Langevin acknowledges the CEA and the ILLA programme for providing financial support to the Workshop. and HFIR Users Meeting at ORNL26.10.2015 - 27. 10.2015 - The aims of this meeting are to bring together current and potential neutron users to discuss recent scientific results utilizing neutrons and to strengthen the representation of the needs of the neutron user community. This meeting will emphasize current and emerging research trends that will influence the development of new neutron facilities, specifically the Second Target Station at ORNL. This Users Meeting will highlight a broad range of scientific areas utilizing neutrons, including recent advances in sample environments and data analysis and modeling. We encourage all users to get involved in this important meeting, and help shape the future of neutron science at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Target Station Workshop27.10.2015 - 29. 10.2015 - The proposed Second Target Station STS at the ORNL Spallation Neutron Source SNS will provide the neutron user community with transformative capabilities, utilizing recent dramatic advances in neutron instrumentation and technologies.The STS workshop October 27-29, 2015 will follow the SNSHFIR User Meeting October 26-27, 2015. The forum will be used to update the user community on the planning for the STS, to engage the users in the process of moving the STS forward, and to seek the communitys input on all aspects of the project.The workshop will focus on: Discussion and development of the scientific case for the STS. Formation of steering committees organized by instrument class to represent their respective science communities. Discussion and prioritization of the proposed instrument concepts and a decision of an initial suite of roughly eight to ten instruments. Identification of the necessary performance parameters for the initial suite of instruments and how to achieve these must reach specifications. for Sustainable Science at Research Infrastructures29.10.2015 - 30. 10.2015 - The themes of the workshop are related to questions of sustainability at large-scale research infrastructures and include Energy and sustainability management and strategies, policies and management at research laboratories; Energy efficiency, storage and optimization also within integrated Grid approaches; Sustainable campus and building management, including aspects of mobility; Green IT and large-scale computer centers; novel sustainable technologies and solutions developed andor embedded at research facilities and their possible scope as demonstrators. Biotech Day30.10.2015 - White biotechnology bridges the gap between sustainable natural ressources and valuable chemical products and, thus, plays a central role in building up a future knowledge-based bioeconomy. In particular, white biotechnology reduces our dependency on fossil fuels and offers large opportunities to synthesize platform chemicals, fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals and proteins using the biocatalytic power of microorganisms or isolated enzymes.At the Jlich Biotech Day, experts from academia and industry will present current highlights and trends in this exciting field of research and development. User Group Meeting02.11.2015 - 03. 11.2015 - The purpose of the meeting is to hear your input on the capabilities you need from LANSCE over the next 5 years. Presenters will give overviews of the current status of LANSCE, the needs of the scientific community, and the future of LANSCE on the path to MaRIE. The meeting will feature presentations and discussions that cover the principle areas of research at LANSCE imaging, materials science, industrial applications, and fundamental nuclear and particle physics with poster sessions, as well as the status of the User Group and User Group business. Registration is now open Deadline: October 20th, 2015 International Feofilov Symposium IFSXVI09.11.2015 - 13. 11.2015 - Scientists are invited to participate in the XVI International Feofilov Symposium IFSXVI on spectroscopy of crystals doped with rare earth and transition metal ions which is to be held in Saint-Petersburg Russia, from 9th to 13th November 2015, and is organized by the Saint-Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics ITMO University.The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies IYL 2015. Backed by UNESCO, IYL 2015 is a global, cross-educational initiative aiming to raise awareness of the role placed by light and light-based technologies throughout modern society, and potential future developments and applications. Over 80 countries around the world have shown their support for the initiative.The XVI-th Feofilov symposium continues a sequence of symposia started in 1965. The first nine symposia were held as national meetings. The X-th St. Petersburg, 1995, XI-th Kazan, 2001, XII-th Ekaterinburg, 2004, XIII-th Lake Baikal, 2007, XIV-th St. Petersburg, 2010 and XV-th Kazan, 2013 symposia were held with international participation. Annual Niels Bohr International Academy Workshop-School on ESS Science: Condensed Matter Theory and Advanced Software09.11.2015 - 13. 11.2015 - The fifth workshop and school on ESS Science will focus on the use of sophisticated data analysis methods along with extensive computational modeling to extract as much information as possible from the experimental observations and thereby gain profound scientific insights from scattering experiments. The future is now. New intense neutron sources and advanced instrumentation will revolutionize the use of neutrons for a wide range of investigations in materials, macromolecules, surface phenomena, condensed matter, and many other systems of significant interest. Both the improved quality of the data collected and the increasing complexity of the materials under study pose a challenge for the optimum extraction of information from these experiments. To reliably and fully interpret the data will require the use of advanced software in data analysis, modeling and close collaboration between experimentalists and theoreticians.The goal of this workshop-school is to describe the manner in which static and dynamic processes in materials give rise to their neutron scattering profiles. The school will demonstrate how current data treatment and computational analysis can effectively be used to improve the scientific understanding derived from data obtained on current and next generation of neutron scattering instruments. Soft Matter Days 201510.11.2015 - 13. 11.2015 - Soft Matter Science has emerged in recent years as an independent and interdisciplinary research field, bringing together scientists from condensed matter physics, macromolecular and physical chemistry, and molecular and cell biology. The systems investigated in this field include colloidal dispersions, polymer solutions, mixtures and melts, block copolymers, binary and ternary amphiphilic systems microemulsions, membranes, vesicles and biological macromolecules, and active systems such as synthetic and biological microswimmers. While many of these systems have already been investigated for a long period of time, only recently have their common features and interactions come into focus.These highly complex materials are characterized by structural units with typical length scales ranging from nanometers to micrometers. The experimental and theoretical investigations involved, as well as the understanding of the properties of these materials pose enormous challenges due to their high complexity, the large number of cooperative degrees of freedom, and the large range of relevant length, time and energy scales.Therefore, we are organizing the workshop Jlich Soft Matter Days 2015on the physics and chemistry of mesoscopically structured systems. We hope that this workshop will provide a forum to share and discuss the latest advances for all active researchers in this field.We intend to focus on: Active Matter Biological Matter Colloids Flow and Rheology Functional Soft Matter Polymers neutron scattering school22.11.2015 - 27. 11.2015 - Introduction This school provides an introduction to inelastic neutron scattering techniques including hands-on experiments and data analysis conducted using triple axis, time-of-flight and backscattering instruments. The school also includes a practical sample environment training session. About the schoolThe Bragg hosts 13 neutron scattering instruments. The four spectrometers;,, and provide the capability to observe energy transfers between 1eV 60meV encapsulating science in fields as diverse as protein dynamics to phonon dispersion, from magnetic dynamics to observation of the hyperfine structure of the nucleus. During a one week intensive study course you will have the opportunity to perform cutting edge science on some of the worlds top neutron spectrometers. Scientists, engineers and technicians will be on hand to assist your learning experience, providing you with skills that you can utilise at neutron sources across the world. Who should attendGraduate students, PhD students, post-doctoral and early-career researchers who want to learn about inelastic neutron scattering. Selection criteriaThe school is open to both local and international participants, however there is a strict limit of 20 participants, to ensure small group sizes for the practical experiments. The registration fee will cover your accommodation and meals for the entire week, however, travel costs will not be reimbursed by the school and are the responsibility of each participant. Applicants are requested to complete the application form with justification for their attendance. While previous knowledge of neutron scattering techniques is not essential, it is preferred. Preference will also be given to those applicants who can demonstrate a future need for inelastic neutron scattering techniques in their scientific research. MRS Fall Meeting Exhibit29.11.2015 - 04. 12.2015 - The abstract submission site for the 2015 MRS Fall Meeting Exhibit is now openDont delay; submit your abstract today:http:track.mrs.orgye88282121t2121342212102121240672121zhyang40illinois.edu21212242121021211212102121http3A2F2Fwww2Emrs2Eorg2Ffall2D20152Dtechnical2Dsessions2F.Web submission only; fax or e-mail submissions will not be accepted.The 2015 MRS Fall Meeting Exhibit:http:track.mrs.orgye88312121t2121342212102121240672121zhyang40illinois.edu21212242121021211212102121http3A2F2Fwww2Emrs2Eorg2Ffall2015, planned for November 29 - December 4, will bring together researchers from all scientific fields, backgrounds and employment sectors students to Nobel laureates to exchange technical information, network with friends and colleagues, and contribute to the advancement of materials research.In an era when multidisciplinary research is touted as essential to innovation, this years MRS Fall Meeting:http:track.mrs.orgye88322121t2121342212102121240672121zhyang40illinois.edu21212242121021211212102121http3A2F2Fwww2Emrs2Eorg2Ffall2015 will serve as a key forum for you to present your research to a uniquely interdisciplinary and global audience.The program features 55 technical symposia in the following topical clusters: Biomaterials and Soft Materials Nanomaterials and Synthesis Mechanical Behavior and Failure of Materials Electronics and Photonics Energy and Sustainability Theory, Characterization and ModelingIn addition, the MRSE-MRS Bilateral Energy Conference will be held in conjunction with this Meeting and will be comprised of the energy-related symposia.Please consider submitting your abstract:http:track.mrs.orgye88332121t2121342212102121240672121zhyang40illinois.edu21212242121021211212102121http3A2F2Fwww2Emrs2Eorg2Ffall2D20152Dtechnical2Dsessions2F during the submission period. We believe that with your contributions, the 2015 MRS Fall Meeting will be the best yet du LLB07.12.2015 - 10. 12.2015 - _NB: Lectures delivered in French._Registration opens: 19 SeptemberRegistration deadline: 18 October ESS Conference07.12.2015 - Nordic Conference - European Spallation Source ESS Challenges and opportunities for Nordic Research and InnovationThe European Spallation Source ESS is presently under construction in Lund, with ESS Data Management and Software Center located in Copenhagen. The facility will provide unprecedented neutron scattering capabilities, promising a great boost in science, technology and innovation within materials and biosystems. Constituting the host region, the Nordic countries are in a position to take maximal advantage of the scientific and industrial possibilities araising in relation to ESS.The conference invites representatives from the Nordic education and research ministries, research councils and funding agencies, universities as well as industrial organization to discuss long-term scientific and industrial opportunities and collaborative possibilities in relation to ESS.The conference is organized by The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation DASTI in collaboration with NordForsk as part of the Danish presidency in the Nordic Council of Ministers 2015. The conference will also celebrate the kick-off for the newly established Nordic Neutron Research Program NNRP. Workshop10.2.2016 - 12. 2.2016 - Half of the workshop will be focused on providing hands-on training with RMCProfile software, with the balance focused on providing a technical foundation and highlighting exemplary work in the community. The final day of the workshop will interface participants with a panel of experts focused on defining challenges and future directions. We are aiming to attract graduate students, postdoctoral associates, and early career scientists to the tutorial, science, and panel portions of the program, as well as more senior experts for the science and panel portions.We will select 30 participants for the tutorial portion of the workshop. Selected applicants will be notified on or before December 21. Please see the attached flier for details. - The Tenth In-Kind Contributions Meeting for Neutron Science for ESS16.2.2016 - 18. 2.2016 - The IKON meetings are a regular forum centered around the design and construction of the ESS neutron instruments and their associated support facilities. By bringing together current and future partners, the meetings aim to provide an overview on the various activities and fertilise exchange that is vital to our success.Scientists from ESS member countries currently not engaged in in-kind activities but interested in joining are encouraged to participate. Anniversary of the Jlich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS17.2.2016 - On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Jlich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS, ceremonial addresses and a scientific lecture will be held on Wednesday, 17th February, 2016. Friends and associates of the JCNS are cordially invited to attend this event.Neutron physics has continued to play an important role in Jlich ever since the foundation of the former nuclear research centre 60 years ago. Prior to the shut-down of the Jlich research reactor FRJ-2 DIDO, the JCNS was founded in February 2006 as a distributed neutron research centre without its own neutron source. For the last ten years, JCNS has successfully developed and operated world-class neutron scattering instruments at the best neutron sources worldwide, thus providing access to state-of-the-art experimental facilities in neutron science for both German and international user communities.JCNS in-house research focuses on correlated electron systems and nanomagnetism as well as soft matter and biophysics. Neutrons for energy is soon to become a third pillar of research. In these areas of expertise, JCNS offers external users expert support on world-class instruments with a specialized sample environment and ancillary laboratory access. 40 years of neutron scattering18.2.2016 - The NIST Center for Neutron Research will be hosting a small symposium _40 Years of Neutron Scattering_. This event is to honor the contributions of three recent retirees, John Copley, Bill Kamitakahara, and David Mildner. We will celebrate their contributions to neutron scattering at NIST and look ahead to how they have laid the groundwork for future advances. This full-day event will be held on February 18, 2016 at the NIST Center for Neutron Research and consist of a dozen talks by scientists whose research was and is enabledimpacted by our honorees. The event will conclude with a dinner and presentation at the Gaithersburg Marriott Washingtonian. We very much hope that you will be able to attend this celebration. Please note that we have rather short notice to finalize the organization and there will be a cutoff date for the hotel. Registration is encouraged ASAP since it will help us estimate final numbers.RegistrationThe cost of the event is 156 which will include coffee breaks, lunch and the banquet registration.Registration is available through NIST: CLICK HERE FOR REGISTRATION:https:www.fbcinc.comeNISTNeutronattendeereg.aspxIf you are not planning to attend but would like to send some words for any or all of the honorees, please send an email to: IFF Spring School - Memristive Phenomena - From Fundamental Physics to Neuromorphic Computing22.2.2016 - 04. 3.2016 - Memristive phenomena combine the functionalities of electronic resistance and data memory in solid-state elements, which are able to change their resistance as a result of electrical stimulation in a non-volatile fashion. In nanoelectronics, this functionality can be used for information storage and unconventional logic, as well as neuromorphic computing concepts that are aimed at mimicking the operation of the human brain.A multitude of fascinating memristive phenomena has emerged over the past two decades. These phenomena typically occur in oxides and higher chalcogenides and are one of the hottest topics in current solid-state research, comprising unusual phase transitions, spintronic and multiferroic tunneling effects, as well as nanoscale redox processes by local ion motion. They involve electron correlation, quantum point contact effects and exotic conformation changes at the atomic level. Materials22.2.2016 - 25. 2.2016 - Based on with the successful events held in 2012 and 2014 in Potsdam the scope of this conference is to provide an interdisciplinary platform for the discussion of novel developments and trends in the field of bio-inspired materials research. Accordingly, the whole spectrum of biological materials will be covered. Topics will encompass the formation mechanisms as well as the characterization of complex-shaped and hierarchically structured multifunctional materials present in living nature. Based on this, a further key topic will be the consideration of these architectures as archetypes for the generation of novel functional materials with an expanded property spectrum. We invite you to submit your contributions with regard to materials synthesis and design inspired by biological principles and structures. The conference will address Bio-inspired materials based on organic andor inorganic phases including their mechanical, optical, electronic and magnetic properties as well as actuated systems. Further discussions will be dedicated to materials, which display their function in contact with biological systems, e.g. tissues. Moreover, theoretical modelling of the formation, structure and properties of biological and bio-inspired materials will play a main role. Berlin School on Neutron Scattering 25.2.2016 - 04. 3.2016 - The school program consists of three days of lectures giving a theoretical introduction to the fundamentals of neutron scattering and the principles of various neutron scattering techniques. After the lectures, there will be three and a half days of hands-on experiments on seven different neutron scattering instruments. The students will be divided into groups of four to five people from similar subject areas and will do triple-axis spectroscopy, powder diffraction, small angle scattering, reflectometry, time-of-flight spectroscopy, tomography and residual stress analysis under the guidance of experienced scientists. Furthermore, there will be a students poster session which will give the students the opportunity to present their work and discuss with the HZB scientists how neutron scattering could benefit their research. - The school will finish with lectures on how to use neutron scattering as a tool for research in the areas of biology, chemistry, engineering and physics etc. This course is part of the curriculum of the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences at the Technical University Berlin. Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting06.3.2016 - 11. 3.2016 - DPG Frhjahrstagung Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section SKM with the divisions and working groups: Biological Physics Chemical and Polymer Physics Dielectric Solids Thin Films Dynamics and Statistical Physics Semiconductor Physics Magnetism Metal and Material Physics _and the working group Metal and Material Physics_ Mikroprobes Surface Science Physics of Socio-Economic Systems Low Temperature Physics Environmental Physics Vacuum Science and Technology Crystallography Working Group Equal Opportunities Working Group Industry and Business Working Group Energy Working Group Information Working Group young DPG Working Group Physics and Disarmament Officers Meeting07.3.2016 - On March 7th, a joint communications meeting between the communications officers of BrightnESS and SINE 2020 will take place at ESS in Lund. School29.3.2016 - 29. 4.2016 - Neutrons Synchrotron Radiation for Science:This 1-month school, established in 1991, provides training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, in the field of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for condensed matter studies Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Geosciences, Industrial applications.It includes lectures, practicals, tutorials, and visits of Large Facilities: ESRF, ILL in Grenoble, Soleil and LLB in Paris-Saclay, SLSPSI in Villigen, and new in 2016: DESY and European XFEL in Hamburg and ELETTRA and FERMI in Trieste School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation01.4.2016 - 09. 4.2016 - ERICE School Neutron Science and Instrumentation 2nd CourseXIV School of Neutron Scattering SoNS Francesco Paolo RicciDesigning and Building a Neutron InstrumentApplication is now open for Designing and Building a Neutron Instrument the 2nd Course within the Erice School Neutron Science and Instrumentation and the XIV School of Neutron Scattering SoNS Francesco Paolo Ricci. Application deadline: 1 March 2016The School is normally highly oversubscribed, so we encourage applicants to apply early, as late applications will not be accepted. The 2016 Course focuses on the design and construction of neutron instruments for large-scale facilities. In addition to lectures on theory, sources, and neutron instrumentation, students will be tutored by world leading experts in the various neutron scattering techniques. Students will be organized into groups which will design and build a neutron instrument during the week. The course thus includes instrument design, as well as instrument project management activities, at the end of which each student will have an overview of the process of designing and building a neutron instrument. Students are selected for the course based on their need to utilize neutron instrument design and construction project techniques as part of their present andor future research activities.The school is aimed at young instrument and development scientists, engineers, and designers at international and national neutron facilities, although graduate students or postdocs at universities with an interest in neutron instrument projects would also be welcomed. 201604.4.2016 - 05. 4.2016 - Abstract submission for Magnetism 2016 is now open. Abstracts of up to 200 words and one figure will be accepted until the extended deadline of Friday 22nd January 2016. A mixture of invited talks and submitted contributions will allow the breadth of magnetism research in the UK and RoI to be presented. Participation from outside UKRoI and from industry is also encouraged. The conference has previously included oral sessions on a range of subjects including spintronics, domain walls, dynamics, vortices, skyrmions and topological systems, spin ice, biological and organic magnetism, superconductors, magnetocalorics and ab initio theory. We are encouraging abstracts submitted in the areas of Thin films and nanostructures, Correlated electrons, Biological and organic materials, Computational magnetism and General magnetism.Key dates:Abstract submission deadline: 22 January 2016Early registration deadline: 3 March 2016Accommodation deadline: 21 March 2016Registration deadline: 24 March 2016 School on Surface Analytical Techniques04.4.2016 - 07. 4.2016 - The workshop is designed for motivated PhD students and Post-doc in the field of Colloid and Interface science. The major objective is to discuss modern surface analytical tools that increased our understanding of fluid interfaces. Selected surface analytical tools are presented in tutorial review style by scientists using these techniques in their daily research. The information is then discussed and deepened in small workgroups on the basis of problem sheets. The interaction and active discussion of the participants is a crucial element of our workshop. User Offices Meeting05.4.2016 - 06. 4.2016 - The 2nd Meeting of the European User Offices will be held in Hamburg on 5-6 April 2016. The meeting will be co-hosted by the User Offices of DESY Photon Science, EMBL Hamburg and European XFEL. In recent times, the user research administration landscape in Europe has been evolving very quickly, in a very complex funding situation. In addition, new facilities are under construction or coming into operation and a number of established facilities have gone or are going through upgrade programmes. Due to the increasing number of users of large-scale research facilities, all this has potentially a large impact on photon and neutron science output in Europe. In this framework, a strong network among User Offices can be very productive for all participants. After a successful first meeting at ALBA in Barcelona in November 2014, the 2nd Meeting of the European User Offices will be another useful opportunity for exchanging information and experiences on present and upcoming common challenges relevant to user operation at large-scale synchrotron, FEL and neutron facilities. Training Courses April 201606.4.2016 - 08. 4.2016 - Mantid Training Courses April 2016Following the success of our previous sessions of these training courses we would like to offer them again in April 2016. These courses are open to both facility staff and any interested people from other institutions.The following courses will be based at ISIS, RAL and are:Wednesday 6th April 1-5pm: Mantid IntroductionAn introduction to the Mantid interface, how to graph and visualize your data, manipulate it with the built in algorithms, together with an introduction to curve fitting and live data analysis.Thursday 7th April 9-12am: Introduction to PythonThis half day course will introduce you to the Python scripting language, no previous experience required, although some understanding of loops and conditional if .. then logic will be expected.Thursday 7th September 1-5pm: Python in MantidThis course concentrates on using Python to build analysis scripts within Mantid as well as controlling the Mantid GUI from python, and accessing the underlying data within Mantid workspaces.Friday 8th September 9-5pm: Extending Mantid using PythonFor the more adventurous among you this full day course will introduce you to the many ways you can use Python to extend the capabilities within Mantid adding Python Algorithms and curve fitting functions, as well as diving deeper into the structure of workspaces.Booking a placeIf you are interested in any other these courses please send an email to letting me know which courses you wish to attend. For the courses we will supply PCs, so there is no need to bring a laptop unless you really want to. Spaces are limited to 20 people per course so please book early to avoid disappointment. If a course is over booked we will try to arrange another session in the future, so if you cannot make that specific date let me know and Ill let you know about any subsequent courses.Ill send out calendar appointments to you once your place on the course is booked.Next run of these coursesThe specific dates of the next run has not been fixed yet, but we expect to run these courses again in roughly 6 months.For visitors from UK academic institutions:We are sometimes able to offer assistance with travel and lodging costs while attending the courses. Let me know when you are booking the courses and Ill get back to you with details. If we are able to help, then you travel and hotel must be booked through the ISIS user office.For visitors from elsewhere:While we can offer this course for free, we cannot unfortunately offer any help with travel or subsistence costs. However please let me know that you will be visiting when you reply so that I can arrange site access. on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements11.4.2016 - 15. 4.2016 - SCTE provides a forum for discussion on fundamental and applied research in the areas of solid state chemistry, physics and materials science of compounds containing d- and f- elements. The SCTE conference has always been promoted by the individuals forming the International Honorary and Advisory Committees.The proceedings of the SCTE2016 will be published in a special issue of SOLID STATE PHENOMENA by TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS, commemorating the 20th edition of the SCTE conference. A copy of the proceedings and web access to the papers will be granted to all registered participants.The scope of the Conference includes the following Topics: Processes and syntheses Crystal chemistry Phase equilibria and phase transitions Thermodynamics Magnetic, electrical and optical properties Electronic phenomena at the crossover from localized to itinerant electronic behavior in solids Theory, ab initio methods, electronic structure, chemical bonding Physical and chemical properties at the nanometric scale: nanoparticles, films, interfaces Synchrotron radiation and neutron scattering in research on transition element compounds Materials for industryand Materials: Intermetallic compounds Strongly correlated electron systems Multiferroic and magnetoelectric systems Topological quantum matter Magnetocalorics, thermoelectrics Multifunctional materials Molecular solids: molecular magnetism, MOFs, spin crossover Materials for energy storage: compounds for hydrogen storage, batteries and fuel cells Novel superconducting materials, ruthenates, iron pnictides and oxide pnictides Materials for high frequency applications Disordered, inhomogeneous and frustrated materialsSCTE 2016 will present plenary and invited lectures by leading Scientist, keynote and oral talks, and poster presentations.Abstract submission deadline: January 18th, 2016 on European Funding Instruments for the development of Research Infrastructures19.4.2016 - The design, buildup, operation and maintenance of new and existing European Research Infrastructures RIs has been established as essential for the completion of the European Research Area ERA. Research Infrastructures RIs, along with the human capital concentrated around them, are recognized as a prerequisite for excellence in science, an enabler for industrial application of scientific results and a way to address the weaknesses in science and innovation policy coordination and networking at the European and region level. Nevertheless, there is an imbalance when it comes to the understanding of the investment needed in these RIs and more concretely, to which financial instrument could be considered depending of the RIs developing phase and the specific expenses needs.The ultimate goal of the Symposium on European Funding Instruments for the development of Research Infrastructures is to provide a comprehensive view of the financial possibilities that the European RIs can consider in order to fully exploit their research capacities and services.With this activity the RICH project aims to facilitate information on the different funding instruments available and their connection to the RIs ecosystem, in particular the use of Structural Funds as well as EFSI, InnovFin and its synergies with H2020 funding, offering this way a complete view of how RIs can be managed and funded at global, EU, national and regional level.The symposium will be web-streamed at: http:www.rich2020.eusymposium2016live:http:www.rich2020.eusymposium2016live International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism ICSM201624.4.2016 - 30. 4.2016 - ICSM2016 is now accepting abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations. The deadline is November 27, 2015.This is the fifth edition of the international series of foremost and unique conferences. ICSM2016 will be an interdisciplinary forum for fruitful exchange of knowledge on the latest experimental results and theoretical advances in superconductivity. Magnetism, innovative advanced materials, their applications incorporating related technologies.Very distinctive and high profile invited speakers including potential Nobel laureates will participate at the conference and deliver talks on their most recent research advancements. ICSM2016 offers a unique traditional hospitality and a renewed enthusiasm for the profession, which will envelope you throughout your stay in a truly world-class scientific event. You may keep updated at the website for further information on the conference. symposium CC: In situ studies of functional nano materials at large scale facilities: from model systems to applications02.5.2016 - 06. 5.2016 - The symposium aims at presenting and discussing the state of the art materials science investigations at the nanoscale on timely topics with a particular emphasis on the contribution of large scale facilities including synchrotrons, neutron sources and free electron lasers. Studies considering oxides will be particularly welcome. Additional attention will be given to the role of techniques in the study of materials issues in the field of energy and environment.This meeting will be devoted to recent advances in materials studies realized at large scale facilities. In addition to the invited lectures additional extended oral presentations will be selected from outstanding submitted oral contributions.We are delighted to invite you to submit your abstract deadline January 15th and start planning your venue in France. Journes de la Diffusion Neutronique JDN02.5.2016 - 04. 5.2016 - The French Neutron Society SFN organises with the Institut Laue Langevin and the Laboratoire Lon Brillouin neutron facilities the 24th Neutron Diffusion Meeting.This multidisciplinary workshop traditionnally entitled Rencontres Rossat-Mignod will be dedicated to new results, obtained using neutron scattering techniques, in various scientific domains representative of the whole neutron users community.Four sessions will be organised, in Magnetism, Soft Matter and Environment, Condensed Matter, and Biology. Each session will be introduced by an invited talk, which will be followed by a series of shorter oral communications. A Poster session, encompassing all the scientific topics cited above, and an Instrumentation session, will also take place.Abstracts for oral presentations should be sent by e-mail before March 2nd, 2016. European Training School CETS201602.5.2016 - 06. 5.2016 - Application deadline: 20th MarchWe are welcoming PhD and master students, post-doc scientists as well as newcomers to the neutron research from the field of structural research in physics, chemistry, biology, material science etc.The training consists of 5 days of lectures and experimental works.Available instrumentsSmall Angle Neutron Scattering YSReflectometer GINATriple Axis Spectrometer TASNeutron Diffractometer NDPrompt Gamma Activation Analysis and Neutron Induced Prompt Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Station PGAANIPS-NORMAGrants are available. Applications of Small-Small Angle Scattering to Soft Matter05.5.2016 - A 1-day meeting that will focus on state-of-the-art applications of SANS across a range of Soft Matter systems, and the future scientific opportunities that will come from new facilities, new instruments, and technical advances. The meeting will also celebrate the retirement of Dr Richard K Heenan, principal scientist in SANS at ISIS and author of the FISH model-fitting software. Annual School on Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FullProf Suite09.5.2016 - 14. 5.2016 - Scientific scope:FPSchool aims to contribute to the training of scientists in treatment of X-ray and neutron diffraction data. The school is based on intensive hands-on sessions using the computer programs of the FullProf Suite. The 9th FPSchool session will take place at the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble from 9 to 14 May 2016. The lectures and tutorials will give the essential tools necessary for an efficient use of the FullProf Suite at intermediate level. In addition to the overview of general applications indexing, Rietveld refinements, magnetic structure determination and refinement will specifically be addressed along the school. Lectures:The school lasts 4.5 days: 2 days dedicated to have a general overview of FullProf Suite as well as to general applications, plus 2 days dedicated to the analysis of magnetic diffraction data. For the practical sessions, participants should bring their own computers with FullProf Suite already installed. Participants:The school is aimed at PhD students and experienced scientists with a basic knowledge on diffraction techniques and crystallography. As usual, among the participants there will be a mix of different levels of experience in using FullProf. It is recommended, to those who consider themselves as beginners, to read the FullProf manual in advance and even try to follow any of the online tutorials.The maximum number of participants is limited to 30, which ensures the quality of the given training. The selection of candidates is based on the motivation letter and CV plus a recommendation letter from the thesis supervisor for PhD students. If necessary, a criterion of balance between laboratories and countries is applied. For information, the acceptance rate is about 1:3. Note that there is an optional excursion organised on Saturday 14th May, so you may need to do your travel arrangements in order to stay an extra day.Important deadlines: 01032016 Opening online application 27032016 Deadline for application 04042016 Decision for accepted participants 25042016 Deadline for registration on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology16.5.2016 - 20. 5.2016 - Application deadline: April 1, 2016The workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology aims at enabling structural biologists to fully exploit the latest instrumentation and software development at the SNS and HFIR facilities at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Attendees will participate in lectures and tutorials focusing exclusively on neutron techniques applied in structural biology. The workshop is designed for _graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and faculty_ new to or with limited experience of neutron scattering.Travel and accommodation expenses are supported for selected participants from the United States. International applications are welcome. However the course organization is not able to support travel or accommodation.The number of participants will be limited to 15. There is no registration fee for all selected participants. The application package consisting of 1 Information form, 2 CV, 3 Applicant motivation letter 12 to 1 page, 4 Principal Investigator letter of support for graduate students only; 12 to 1 page, should be sent electronically to before April 1, 2016. Structure Determination from Neutron Diffraction23.5.2016 - 26. 5.2016 - The biennial Magnetic Structure Determination Workshop from Neutron Diffraction, organized by the Quantum Condensed Matter Division, Neutron Sciences Directorate of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, will be hosted this year at the Florida State University - Tallahassee, Florida on May 23-26, 2016.The workshop will consist of lectures and practical hands-on sessions that will cover the Symmetry analysis using representation theory, refinement strategies using Fullprof Suite, magnetic structure determination from powder constant wavelength and time-of-flight data and single crystal data, and simulated annealing approach for structure solution. Confirmed list of tutors includes: Juan Rodriguez-Carvajal ILL, Andrew Wills UCL-Chemistry, William Ratliff NCNR, Ovidiu Garlea, Clarina dela Cruz, Stuart Calder and Huibo CaoORNL. Registration is free but the number of participants to the workshop is strictly limited to 35 people. Annual CCP-SAS Project Meeting23.5.2016 - 25. 5.2016 - CCP-SAS includes the SASSIE and SCT suites of atomistic modelling software.The Meeting program is available online at http:www.ccpsas.orgMeetingsFourthProgram.html:http:www.ccpsas.orgMeetingsFourthProgram.html This year the Meeting also includes two hands-on Tutorial Sessions on Wed 25 May: one aimed at those who wish to learn how to incorporate additional modules into the SASSIE Framework, and another aimed at those who wish to learn about wrapping applications for Web deployment using GenApp. Registration for the Meeting and Tutorials is FREE, but space is limited and places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. IMPORTANT: As the meeting is being held on the NIST Campus, registration with NIST is mandatory. Please follow the Registration link on the above webpage. Photo ID will be required for entry. There is also the opportunity to present relevant posters on Mon 23 May. Please contact Prof Paul Butler if you would like to do this. On Tue 24 May there will be a special Workshop for potential future collaborators, software developers, and funders. Attendance at this Workshop is by invitation only. Please also contact Paul Butler if you might like to contribute to these discussions. Workshop on Theoretical and Applied Physics IWTAP-201628.5.2016 - 29. 5.2016 - The purpose of the workshop is to provide a public forum for researchersfrom academia, defence, government and industry to present, exchange ideas and discuss developments in Theoretical and Applied Physics. energies and neutron scattering conference SENS201630.5.2016 - 01. 6.2016 - The first edition of the Sustainable Energies and Neutron Scattering - SENS2016 - will be organized at Bordeaux from the 30th of May to the 1st of June. SENS2016 conference aims at highlighting topical scientific activities in the investigation of energy relevant systems using neutron scattering and to generate new applications. The SENS conference will give the opportunity for reinforcing the bridges between the neutron experts and the energy communities. The conference programme will include 5 main topics : Fuel cell and electrolysers, Gas storage, Bioenergy, Solar energy, Batteries.You are very welcome to submit your abstract via DEADLINE: March 14th, 2016 Swedish Neutron Scattering Society Annual Meeting30.5.2016 - 31. 5.2016 - This years annual meeting of the Swedish Neutron Scattering Society, SNSS will be held in Lund on 30th - 31st May.The Swedish Neutron Scattering Society is a voluntary, non-profit organization of scientists working with neutron scattering and with the aim to promote and enlarge the community in particular in new areas of science. The ongoing construction of two major research facilities in Lund European Spallation Source ESS and the Max IV synchrotron are both central for advancing several scientific fields and also open up new opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. Speakers ProgrammeConfirmed keynote speakers : Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, Birmingham University Prof. Matt Helgeson, UC Santa Barbara Prof. John White, The Australian National UniversityThe preliminary programme can be found here. The sessions in the final programme will reflect the topical areas of the contributed talk submissions received.Important DatesAbstract Submission Deadline : April 29th 2016Registration Opens : March 15th 2016Registration Closes : May 15th 2016RegistrationThe registration fee is 60 and includes lunch on 30th and 31st and dinner on the 30th.Neutrons Food 2016The meeting is planned as a lunch-to-lunch meeting, organised back-to-back with the Neutrons and Food 2016 Conference. On the afternoon of 31st May the two meetings will be bridged with a tour of the ESS site and a Max IV visit. The goal is to encourage further engagement of the Swedish scattering community with the food science community and we encourage you to join use for the following meeting.You can find out more about the Neutrons and Food 2016 Conference on the Indico page and Food 431.5.2016 - 02. 6.2016 - Following the success of the previous meetings in Sydney, Delft and Paris, the fourth Neutrons Food meeting will be held in Lund, Sweden from 31st May to 2nd June 2016.The call for abstracts is now open Please submit your abstracts at Dates: Abstract Submission Deadline : April 29th 2016 Registration Opens : March 15th 2016 Registration Closes : May 15th 2016This biennial series of meetings aims to bring together scientists and technologists from the food science community with those expert in the application of scattering methods. Since the first meeting in Sydney, the subject matter has expanded beyond neutron scattering to include other scattering and radiographic methods. This year we will be incorporating a session dedicated to the final meeting of the project New X-ray Imaging Modalities for High Quality and Safe Food lead by Robert Karup Feidenhansl from Copenhagen University. We welcome participants and contributions from the wider community of food science and product development, food packaging, and nutrition, as well as scattering.The construction of two new large scale facilities in Lund - namely MaxIV Laboratory and the European Spallation Source - will open new opportunities for application of synchrotron and neutron techniques in food science.This years meeting is also held in conjunction with the Swedish Neutron Scattering Society meeting 30th - 31st May and we have a joint keynote speaker - Prof. John White from ANU - on the morning of the 31st May. There will be a tour of the MaxIV Laboratory - due to have first light in June this year - and the ESS construction site on the afternoon of the 31st May. International Conference on Small Angle Neutron Scattering 06.6.2016 - 09. 6.2016 - III International Conference on Small Angle Neutron Scattering, dedicated to the 80-th anniversary of Yu.M. Ostanevich 19361992, an outstanding neutron physicist and the founder of small-angle neutron scattering field, group, and instrument at JINR FLNP, will take place in Dubna on June 6-9, 2016 at the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics.The first meeting was held in October 2006. The second event was organized in June 2011 at the start-up of the scientific experiments, after the IBR-2 refurbishment and accomplishment of modernization works. These meetings were dedicated to Yu M Ostanevich, who has a determinative and crucial contribution to the construction of spectrometers at the high-pulsed reactor IBR-2. He contributed in particular, to the development of time-of-flight SANS technique, and the selection of advanced scientific areas for its application. A number of awards including the State Prize of the Russian Federation in 2000 recognized his leadership and outstanding scientific achievements in SANS studies of polyelectrolytes, small molecules, fractals, metallic glasses, macromolecules, polymers, etc.The first SANS instrument on a steady-state reactor was constructed at the Institute Laue Langevin, Grenoble, while the first SANS instrument on a white neutron pulsed beam was accomplished at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research at the IBR-30 reactor, beamline N5. We are very pleased to invite you to participate to the III International Conference on Small Angle Neutron Scattering that will be held at the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics of Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna on June 6-9, 2016.Scientific Topics SANS method and instrumentation SANS in condensed matter studies Complex systems investigations by means of SANS Soft matter investigations by means of SANS SANS studies of biomembranes Complementary methods for condensed matter systems investigations Powder Diffraction Conference EPDIC1512.6.2016 - 15. 6.2016 - Started in 1991, EPDIC is the only European Conference completely dedicated to all aspects of the analysis of polycrystalline materials by diffraction methods.The aim of the Conference is to highlight the latest developments and achievements in the methodological, applicative and instrumental fields of powder diffraction.EPDIC15 will be a great forum that brings together scientists and instrumentation companies to discuss about progress in academic and industrial research related to powder diffraction. Workshop on Neutron Wavelength Dependent Imaging NEUWAVE- 812.6.2016 - 15. 6.2016 - NEUWAVE-8 will provide a forum to discuss the latest scientific, technological, and instrumental advances in energy-selective neutron imaging.The workshop will include the following topics: Wavelength-selective and wavelength-dispersive neutron imaging principles and experimental techniques at steady state and pulsed sources Design, construction and operation of energy-selective neutron imaging set-ups at continuous beam and pulsed sources Detection systems Data analysis and software developments in energy-selective neutron imaging Correction andor exploitation of energy dependent effects in neutron imaging Applications of energy-dependent and energy-selective neutron imaging.NEUWAVE-8 is a workshop to present and discuss new developments, techniques, further innovations, challenges and applications in an open forum with all participants. Following the tradition of the NEUWAVE workshop series, and in the spirit of the first NEUWAVE meeting held in Garching in 2008, NEUWAVE-8 will try encouraging plenty of interactions and discussions between participants. The workshop will therefore start on Sunday 12 July with the traditional hike giving participants opportunities to get to know each other and to hear from each others work ahead of the more formal programme. As for the workshop sessions, we will ask for short presentations and allow ample time for discussions.On the last day of the workshop there will be a tour of the nearby facilities of the ISIS pulsed spallation neutron source on the Harwell Campus. International Conference Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability19.6.2016 - 26. 6.2016 - This Meeting will be a great occasion for discussions of previous, present, and future research on photosynthesis, from molecular to global, and will provide an exciting scientific program, which will cover the breadth and depth of photosynthesis, and to meet researchers of Photosynthesis from around the world. This meeting will provide a forum for students, postdoctoral fellows and scientists from different countries to deepen their knowledge and understanding, widen professional contact, to create new opportunities and establish new collaborations.The meeting will cover the following topics:1. Photosynthesis Research for Sustainability2. Hydrogen Energy for Sustainability European Summer School on Scattering Methods Applied to Soft Condensed Matter20.6.2016 - 27. 6.2016 - The Bombannes summer school is devoted to the practical state-of-art approach to scattering methods, using neutrons, as well as X-ray and light sources - todays key techniques to study structure and dynamics in systems containing colloids, polymers, surfactants and biological macromolecules. Since 1990 the Bombannes school series introduces, on a fundamental level, the current methodology of static and dynamic scattering techniques and their applicaiton to soft matter systems. It provides with a period of 2 years advanced training for young researchers with a working place in European laboratories at post-graduate and post-doctoral level. Bridge 201622.6.2016 - 23. 6.2016 - The Bridge is about building a platform where science and business can meet and prosperous relationships grow. It is about connecting entrepreneurs, opinion leaders and investors with todays most influential minds within life science and materials science. Our goal is to help solve some of humanitys biggest challenges.The Bridge is initiated by Invest in Skne and Medicon Village in close collaboration with the two state-of-the-art research facilities MAXIV and ESS, and with the support of dedicated regional and international companies and organisations. Lets shape our future together. International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids26.6.2016 - 30. 6.2016 - The DSL conference has as its aim to create a binding platform for scientists, researchers, those in industry, laboratories as well as students to network, learn more and share their knowledge. Furthermore, it will provide new insights in overcoming the current challenges which are faced by academics and industrialists related to diffusion in its many areas. School on Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectometry27.6.2016 - 01. 7.2016 - This school provides participants the opportunity to learn about small angle neutron scattering SANS and neutron reflectometry NR at the NCNR. These powerful experimental techniques are used by researchers in a variety of scientific disciplines to probe the microstructure of materials at length scales ranging from 1nm to 20 mm. The NCNR is home to world class SANS, USANS Ultra Small Angle Neutron Scattering, and NR instruments that are available to qualified researchers through the NCNRs peer review proposal system. The school emphasizes hands-on training in the use of SANS, USANS, and NR instruments in addition to a thorough theoretical overview of these measurement techniques. Applications of SANS and NR will be illustrated by specific examples drawn from recent cutting-edge research in polymer science, complex fluids, microporous media, and so on. The course will enable attendees to assess the applicability of the techniques to their own research, and will provide technical information needed to prepare effective experiment proposals. The Summer School is sponsored in part by the National Science Foundation, and limited support for graduate students, postdocs and junior faculty will be available. Attendance will be limited to 35 participants, and only applicants from North American institutions will be accepted.Early application is advised since attendance is strictly limited: typically we receive many more applications than the maximum number of participants. Deadline: April 3, 2016. International Conference on the Crystallization of Biological Macromolecules02.7.2016 - 07. 7.2016 - Main topics: Biomedicine crystallography Nanocrystallography Membrane protein crystallization Advanced crystallization Crystallization in educationEarly-bird registration deadline on May 2 International Conference on Residual Stresses ICRS-1003.7.2016 - 07. 7.2016 - ICRS-10 2016 continues a series of essential conferences on the prediction, evaluation and control of residual stresses in materials. Equal emphasis is given to the measurement, modelling and application of residual stress data. Both engineering and scientific aspects of residual stress are considered, including: the influence of residuals stress on the physical and mechanical properties of materials; complementary techniques for residual stress measurement; stress-induced damage evaluation; and numerical techniques for the prediction of residual stress development in components. The key ICRS-10 dates are:Abstract submission: 1 March 2016Abstract acceptance: 15 March 2016Early registration: 1 April 2016Full registration: 1 June 2016Manuscript submission: 1 July 2016. Conference on Polarised Neutrons for Condensed Matter Investigations PNCMI04.7.2016 - 07. 7.2016 - PNCMI is the most comprehensive conference on the latest scientific research using polarised neutrons and on related instrumentation development. The topics will include Multiferroic and chirality Strongly correlated electron systems, including superconductors Frustrated and disordered systems Magnetic nanomaterials Molecular magnetism Thin films and multilayers Soft matter and biology Imaging Polarized neutron instrumentation Polarized neutron techniques and methods, including nuclear polarisation, Larmor techniques, and depolarisation methods Complementary techniques NMR, XMCD, ... Neutron scattering facilities Conference on Neutron Scattering 201610.7.2016 - 14. 7.2016 - Join us for the 8th American Conference on Neutron Scattering ACNS 2016. Held July 10-14, 2016 on board the historic _Queen Mary_ in Long Beach, California, the Conference will provide essential information on the breadth and depth of current neutron-related research worldwide. Hosted by the Neutron Scattering Society of America, this years Conference will feature a combination of invited and contributed talks, poster sessions, tutorials and an industrial exhibit. Mark your calendar today and plan to attend ACNS 2016SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMThe five-day conference will feature oral and poster presentations covering: Plenary and Prize Sessions Invited Speakers ONLY Sources, Instrumentation and Software Hard Condensed Matter Soft Matter Biology Materials Chemistry and Materials for Energy Engineering and Industrial Applications Neutron PhysicsIMPORTANT DATESAbstract Submission Opens: January 13, 2016Abstract Submission Deadline: March 13, 2016Preregistration Opens: Late April 2016 summer school 2016: experiments and data analysis17.7.2016 - 22. 7.2016 - This summer school invites Master students and PhD students to join with their own thin film samples suitable for grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering GISAXS and grazing incidence small angle neutron scattering GISANS measurements. The unique program will consist of lectures on experiment design and scattering theory, necessary to understand the method and to choose experimental parameters. The x-ray experiments will be carried out remotely at the ALS, Berkeley, USA, while the neutron experiments will take place at the FRM II on site. Furthermore there will be practical sessions with introduction to data analysis tools HipGISAXS and BornAgain and tutorials in applying them, where each student will work on their own data. Overall, this summer school will prepare students to carry out grazing incidence experiments at large scale facilities including the relevant data analysis.Novel, smart thin film materials are the focus of many research projects ranging from sensing to displays and from wireless communication to energy conversion and energy storage. These are all active research fields where understanding of material properties will lead to innovation. Although the list of resulting applications is very wide, all these novel materials have something important in common: the physical properties, and therefore the industrial usefulness, is closely related to the molecular and nano-morphology of these materials.Therefore, methods of characterizing such thin film materials are needed. Grazing incidence scattering techniques have proven here to be very successful. With this method the morphology inside thin films can be probed on the nanometer scale not just on small micron spots but on macroscopic areas of the sample, yielding industrially relevant information.To aid students to carry out successful grazing incidence scattering measurements this summer school will kick-start beginners and introduce new data analysis tools for students with scattering experience. The course is an on-site course only, that means accommodation is not included in the workshop fee. On the left you find suggestions for accommodation in the area. The school takes place at the TUM Garching Campus and can be easily reached using public transport U6 Garching Forschungszentrum.This a joint effort from the Graduate Center of the Munich School of Engineering TUM MSE:http:www.mse.tum.demse-home, Jlich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS:http:www.fz-juelich.dejcnsENHomehome_node.html and the Advanced Light Source Conference on Neutrons for Energy18.7.2016 - 21. 7.2016 - This conference covers major topics of neutron analytics for energy research like energy storage and transformations including batteries, fuel cells, electrolysis, H2-storage, thermoelectrics, and magnetocalorics, solar energy applications, catalysis, as well as engeneering and industrial applications. In addition methological instrument developments are an important contribution to enhance the energy research with neutrons. It is addressed to scientists from all fields using neutron scattering as an analytical tool for the characterization, development and optimization of materials for energy applications. Structure Analysis by Neutron Diffraction Techniques22.7.2016 - There will be a workshop on Magnetic Structure and Analysis by Neutron Diffraction Techniques at this years American Crystallographic Association meeting in Denver, Colorado this year. The meeting is from July 22-26.The workshop will be structured as a series of lectures in the field of magnetic neutron scattering presented by organizers and invited speakers including Branton Campbell, Huibo Cao, and Clarina Dela Cruz, and hands-on sessions where attendees will be assisted by the organizers. Materials will be provided electronically to the students. Students will be required to install software on their computers before the workshop and will be required to bring their laptops for the workshop. They will be required to have access to a Windows operating system.Preregistration and payment is required. Registration fee for everyone is 110. Entanglement and Complex Magnetic Materials22.7.2016 - 26. 7.2016 - Session on Magnetic Entanglement and Complex Magnetic Materials at the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association ACA.New research is beginning to clarify the respective roles of entangled magnetic, orbital, and charge orders in the nematic, pseudo-gap, superconducting, and other exotic phases of complex oxides and pnictides. Evidence of the coupling of magnetic order to structural or electronic parameters at surfaces, domain walls, and other interfaces now provides exciting opportunities to manipulate and even engineer the properties of multi-functional materials. This session will focus on the use of x-ray neutron scattering and other methods to characterize the subtle magnetic correlations relevant to such problems, including those of topological orders and defects.The deadline for abstracts is Abstract - March 31 2016. Please check out the scientific program since we have prepared a quite exciting one this year: http:www.amercrystalassn.org2016-scientific-program:http:www.amercrystalassn.org2016-scientific-program Approaches to the Structural Modelling of Biological Macromolecules using Small Angle Scattering22.7.2016 - WK.02 Computational Approaches to the Structural Modelling of Biological Macromolecules using Small-Angle Scattering. This one-day workshop will focus on computational approaches to structural modelling and analysis. In the first session, a brief reprise of fundamental concepts will be provided, with a focus on pitfalls in data acquisition and reduction that can affect subsequent data analysis and modelling. The remainder of the day will be allocated to the hand-on application of the leading software packages to the analysis of solution scatter. This workshop will feature direct participation from the creators of the most prevalent software packages currently used including BIOSAXSEMBL, SIBYLS, CCP-SAS, FoXs and IMP. The participating groups will present their software, including the basis for the algorithms employed, and further deliver guided hands-on tutorials for workshop participants. This approach will introduce and train participants on the appropriate application of these tools, including experimental design, model preparation, comparison of structural models using both SAS and complementary information, validation, and most importantly the limitations of interpretation with regards to the biological conclusions that can be made. The workshop format will include lectures, and a selection of hands-on practical exercises. Students will be expected to bring laptops with appropriate pre-installed software as necessary. Prior to the workshop, a website will be made available containing installation instructions and software for each tutorial. Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association22.7.2016 - 26. 7.2016 - The 66th Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association ACA will be held in Denver, Colorado, Friday, July 22nd - Tuesday, July 26th. The transactions symposium will highlight Structural Dynamics across the disciplines represented by the ACA. The rest of the meeting will continue to reflect the wide reach of crystallographic research with sessions on sources, methods, and results. These include Opportunities from new and improved instrumentation, singlemultiple crystal, powder and solution methods, and hot structural results. There will be sessions highlighting those results requiring complementary techniques including cryo-electromicroscopy.The meeting will include a strong educational component for early career scientists with specific talks designed to introduce research areas in addition to presenting results. Related evening sessions include a mixer, career fair, career development, and diversity in the laboratory. The conference will end with a closing banquet and the award of poster prizes for the best presentations.DEADLINES:ABSTRACTS STILL BEING ACCEPTEDYoung Scientist Travel Grant - March 31Early Registration - May 31Hotel Reservations - June 28 Discussion Meeting on Neutrons in Chemistry25.7.2016 - 27. 7.2016 - Bunsen Discussion Meeting on Neutrons in Chemistryat Bielefeld University 201625.07. 27.07.2016 More on the website. National School on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering30.7.2016 - 13. 8.2016 - Purpose: The main purpose of the National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering is to educate graduate students on the utilization of major neutron and x-ray facilities. Lectures, presented by researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories, will include basic tutorials on the principles of scattering theory and the characteristics of the sources, as well as seminars on the application of scattering methods to a variety of scientific subjects. Students will conduct short experiments at Argonnes Advanced Photon Source and Oak Ridges Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor facilities to provide hands-on experience for using neutron and synchrotron sources.Target Audience: Graduate students attending universities in North America majoring in physics, chemistry, materials science, or related fields.Jointly Conducted by: Argonne National Laboratorys, Advanced Photon Source and Materials Science Division, and Oak Ridge National Laboratorys Neutron Sciences Directorate.Scientific Directors: Suzanne G.E. te Velthuis and Brian H. Toby, Argonne; Bryan C. Chakoumakos and John D. Budai, Oak Ridge. International Symposium on Diffraction Structural Biology07.8.2016 - 10. 8.2016 - This symposium will report on the latest discoveries in structural biology using X-ray, neutron, and electron diffraction, and complementary techniques such as small-angle scattering, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and advanced computational approaches. Scientific insights at the molecular level allow structure guided drug discovery and protein engineering for improved biocatalysis. This basic research is important for supporting applications in the pharmaceutical industry and for new, sustainable, and environmentally friendly approaches to the production of chemical reagents and biofuels. Session topics include: Bioenergy Drug Design Enzyme Mechanism and Allostery Macromolecular Complexes Membranes and Membrane Proteins New Instruments and Methods Sources and Facilities A list of confirmed, invited speakers can be found on the conference web pages. The Symposium will be accompanied by two optional 1 day workshops on August 6, focused on Neutron Protein Crystallography and on Small-Angle Scattering, respectively.Important Dates: 18072016: Registration closes 15062016: Abstract Submission deadline 18072016: Vendor exhibit registration closes Gordon Research Conference on Multiferroic and Magnetoelectric Materials 07.8.2016 - 12. 8.2016 - The 2016 Gordon Research Conference on Multiferroic and Magnetoelectric Materials is the second GRC Meeting presenting the latest developments and advances in the investigation, design, and applications of multifunctional materials with a strong coupling of magnetic and dielectric orders. The conference topics include the synthesis of new multiferroic materials, studies of the fundamental physical mechanisms leading to the coexistence and mutual interaction of magnetism and electrical polarization, the control of multiferroic properties by external electric and magnetic fields as well as pressure, novel magnetoelectric effects in nontrivial topological systems such as skyrmions, new functionalities of multiferroic domains and domain boundaries, multiferroic effects in thin films and heterostructures, spin-orbit interaction in 5d compounds, utilization of multiferroics and magnetoelectrics for devices and applications, and the theory and modeling of multiferroic properties. The program is designed to cover the broad range of multiferroic and magnetoelectric materials and phenomena with focus on new developments and emerging topics. Croucher Summer Course on Neutron Scattering07.8.2016 - 13. 8.2016 - This 5-day intensive course is an introduction to neutron scattering aimed at postgraduate students and early-career researchers. While this years summer course will continue to cover fundamental scattering theory and commonly-used scattering techniques, the focus will be on inelastic neutron scattering. There will also be several practical sessions on the analysis of neutron scattering data.Application deadline: 4 May 2016 annual Modern Methods in Rietveld Refinement for Structural Analysis school 08.8.2016 - 11. 8.2016 - The primary goal of this school is to teach participants Rietveld refinement and other methods for evaluating crystal structures from powder diffraction data with an emphasis on data collected on national user facility beamlines such as the 11-BM synchrotron beamline at the APS at Argonne National Laboratory, the POWGEN and NOMAD time-of-flight neutron diffraction beamlines at the SNS of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the XPD beamline at the NSLS-II synchrotron at BNL. The combination of advances in instrumentation and advances in software algorithms now allow many challenging structural problems to be resolved solely from powder diffraction data, and an up-to-date instruction in modern methods will be provided. This course will emphasize traditional non-molecular solid state compounds, and will use the TOPAS software as the platform for Rietveld refinement complementary trial license will be provided to participants. Confirmed 2016 instructors include Prof. Peter Khalifah SBU, Prof. John Parise SBU, Prof. Cora Lind U. Toledo, Prof. Tyrel McQueen Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Eric Dooryhee BNL, XPD Dr. Saul Lapidus ANL, 11-BM, Dr. Wenqian Xu ANL, 17-BM, and Dr. Christina Drathen Bruker-AXS. Further information about the course, including the application materials, are available through the website: There will be no registration fee associated with this course. There are ongoing fundraising efforts to additionally support the lodging and meal expenses of most or all participants in this program, though all travel expenses will remain the responsibility of participants. While this course is open to all applicants, priority will be given to Ph.D. students and post-doctoral researchers from North American institutions. Completed applications should be received by June 15, 2016, although later applications may still be considered. International Materials Research Congress14.8.2016 - 19. 8.2016 - A core mission of the Materials Research Society is to promote leading-edge research on materials around the world. The Materials Research Society MRS and the Sociedad Mexicana de Materiales SMM are excited to be working together on this global effort by growing the International Materials Research Congress IMRC held annually in Cancun, Mexico. Summer School 201621.8.2016 - 28. 8.2016 - The novel format of the RACIRI Summer School is driven by scientific frontier themes and challenges in the field of materials sciences with a strong connection to the superb analytical potential at current and future research infrastructures synchrotron radiation, X-rays and neutrons in the Baltic region.The RACIRI Summer School is held every year under a special focus theme. Its venue rotates annually among the three partnering countries.The first RACIRI Summer School was organized 2013 in Petergof, Russia. Focus theme: Soft Matter and Nano Composites.The second RACIRI Summer School was held from 24-31 August 2014 in the Stockholm area, Sweden, under the focus theme Imaging with X-rays and Neutrons in Life and Materials Sciences.The third RACIRI Summer School was held during 22-29 August 2015 in Sellin, Island of Rgen, Germany. Its focus theme: Time-resolved and In-situ Studies of Materials: Basics and Applications.Currently, the fourth RACIRI Summer School is being prepared. RACIRI 2016 will take place in Repino near Saint Petersburg, during 21-28 August 2016. You will find more information on RACIRI 2016 soon on this website. This years focus theme: Convergent Sciences and Technology for the Society. School 201622.8.2016 - 31. 8.2016 - Energy research is an important scientific area today and hydrogen is one of the most promising sources of energy due to its highest energy density by weight. The effi cient hydrogen storage depends on development of the new materials. Neutron scattering and -diffraction are powerful, non-destructive tool for the analysis of structure and dynamics in matter in a broad space and time domain.High sensitivity to hydrogen makes neutron scattering techniques ideally suitable to study the process in hydrogen storage systems. The goal of this school is to introduce participants to basics of neutron scattering techniques and show how these techniques can be applied for exploration of hydrogen storage materials.The lectures and practical exercises will give basics to: Hydrogen economy and hydrogen storage technologies Fundamentals of the gas storage Basics of neutron scattering and in particular in-situ neutron diff raction Characterizing sorption behavior of porous materials by ab-initio and crystal structure refi nements Meeting of the Crystallographic Association28.8.2016 - 01. 9.2016 - ECM-30 will be a four-day vibrant and intensive scientific meeting with many learning opportunities in every current aspect of crystallography. In addition, there will be a Young Crystallographers meeting, workshops and user meetings, lunch meetings, and a social programme, which will allow scientists from all over Europe and the world to meet, connect and exchange. European Conference On Surface Science ECOSS-3228.8.2016 - 02. 9.2016 - ECOSS-32 provides the occasion for European scientists to meet and discuss the latest advances, either experimental or theoretical, in surface physics and chemistry. The most recent technical developments are also presented.Important Dates:15 February Call for papers18 March Opening of the registrations01 May Extended deadline for abstract submission03 June Authors notifications online program30 June Deadline for early bird registration15 August Extra cost for late registration26 August Closing of the registrations Years of Neutron Backscattering Spectroscopy02.9.2016 - 03. 9.2016 - 50 years ago, in 1966 Heinz Maier-Leibnitz proposed the idea of neutron backscattering for achieving high energy resolution in neutron spectroscopy. The same year Bert Alefeld published his first experiments from a Silicon neutron backscattering setup at the Atomic Egg, the FRM reactor in Garching near Munich. These experiments did show for the first time that the energy resolution of neutron spectroscopy could be extended by two orders into the micro eV range.This great improvement in energy resolution opened the door to previously unseen phenomena as well as the exploration of longer time scale molecular motions in a plethora of systems. Since first results, backscattering spectroscopy with neutrons has contributed to active fundamental research in the fields of life sciences, energy materials, complex systems. It has proved an essential tool to study dynamics in polymers and biological systems, near the glass transition of different types of glass formers, in confinement and near surfaces, of reorientational motions in crystals, of rotational tunnelling and of diffusion in metals and alloys or of spin excitations and nuclear hyperfine splitting.The workshop will start with a historical view on the early times and places of neutron backscattering: the FRM I, Garching, the Dido reactor in Jlich, the Institute Laue-Langevin in Grenoble France and the ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source in Didcot UK.Looking ahead the workshops aims to showcase the importance of the neutron backscattering technique for scientific progress and the impact of key instrumentation advances, including innovative ideas for backscattering at pulsed neutron sources.The workshop is a satellite meeting of QENS 2016 to be held in Berlin on the 5th-8th September 2016 http:www.helmholtz-berlin.deeventsqens-2016index_de.html:http:www.helmholtz-berlin.deeventsqens-2016index_de.html. Munich offers excellent train and flight connections to Berlin and thus we hope to see many scientists who are interested in high energy resolution in Garching. European High Pressure Research Group EHPRG International Meeting on High Pressure Science and Technology04.9.2016 - 09. 9.2016 - In the framework of the 54th European High Pressure Research Group EHPRG International Meeting on High Pressure Science and Technology 4-9 September 2016, Bayreuth, Germany, The Microsymposium MS-5 Novel high pressure instrumentation at large scale facilities: neutrons will be organized.In recent years interest of research community in high pressure studies of structural, magnetic and other physical properties of materials by means of neutron scattering methods has grown remarkably and now most of the advanced neutron scattering facilities either have dedicated instruments or projects for their development. Moreover, recent progress in high pressure methodology and neutron scattering instrumentation provides a substantial increase in the experimentally accessible pressure range, steadily expanding to megabar scale.The aim of the Microsymposium is to discuss the present state-of-art of neutron scattering instrumentation for high pressure research and elucidate roots for further developments in the field. Conference on Quasielastic Neutron Scattering QENS 201605.9.2016 - 08. 9.2016 - Established in Windsor in 1992 the conference series aims to bring together newcomers and experienced scientists to share the latest developments in the investigation of the dynamics phenomena in materials using quasi-elastic neutron scattering. Distinct strength of quasielastic neutron spectroscopy is the ability to deliver direct information in both space and time 10-12 10-6 s, while other spectroscopic probes are either local such as hyperfine field methods or macroscopic in the spatial dimension such as light scattering. The high data rates and new instrumental capabilities of modern spectrometers open up new opportunities for systematic, in situ and kinematic investigations. Direct neutron spectroscopic measurements in the space and time domain allow us to benchmark and validate molecular dynamic model calculations forming a very powerful tool in exploring nanoscale dynamics and functionality. Modeling, either to deeper understanding of experimental data, or in the prediction of new materials and phenomena will be, therefore, part of the conference programThe topics of the conference will include dynamics phenomena in: Hydrogen and gas storage systems Batteries, supercapacitors, fast ionic conductors and electrolytes Catalyses Semiconductors Materials for solar cells Thermoelectrics Ionic liquids Water and liquids Ferrielectrics and ferroelectrics Quantum magnets Highly correlated electron system Superconductors JCNS Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering05.9.2016 - 16. 9.2016 - Juelich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS is happy to announce that application is open for the 20th Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering taking place September 5-16, 2016 in Juelich and GarchingMunich, Germany.The course will consist of one week of lectures and exercises and one week of practical training at the neutron scattering facilities of Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum MLZ. It is the aim of the course to give a realistic insight into the experimental technique and its scientific power.Students of physics, chemistry, material science and biosciences are invited to apply for participation. There is no tuition fee. Accommodation and meals during the course will be provided by JCNS. Travel expenses will be reimbursed within reasonable limits.Deadline for application is May 29, 2016. Radiation and Neutrons in Art Archaeology06.9.2016 - 09. 9.2016 - This international conference series was started in 2005 in Grenoble with the aim of bringing together researchers using synchrotron techniques applied to the study of objects of cultural heritage. In the ten years since its inception, the conference has become the premier forum to present the latest applications of high-flux radiation sources for non-invasive analysis of our shared patrimony.The 2016 SR2A conference will take place at The Art Institute of Chicago from September 6-9 and will be organized by several prominent cultural organizations in the mid-west of America: NU-ACCESS Art Institute of Chicago Argonne National Laboratory The Field Museum Oriental Institute, University or Chicago The Detroit Institute of Arts The Indianapolis Museum of ArtThe Chicago SR2A will consist of four days of oral and poster presentations. We welcome paper submissions from archaeological scientists, conservation scientists, geochemists, paleontologists, material scientists, and researchers from all disciplines with experience applying analytical techniques in large-scale research facilities to address questions about our cultural heritage.Participants will enjoy: an opening reception on the evening of September 5th 4 full days of conference in the Fullerton auditorium of the Art Institute of Chicago access to research from participants from Europe, Americas, Asia and the Middle-East a public seminar hosted by NU-ACCESS open to general audience on Friday September 9th a visit to the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratories a conference dinner Workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers WINS 201608.9.2016 - 09. 9.2016 - The 7th workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers WINS 2016 will be held on September 8, 2016 in Potsdam and on the 09.09.2016 at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin Germany as a satellite of Quasielastic neutron scattering conference. Workshop series has been launched in 2004 in Tokai by the J-PARC team and was a continuing effort to further innovations in neutron spectrometer design. The workshop will cover innovative aspects of the instrument design as well as reports on progress of spectrometer projects. Special emphasis will be given development of sample characterization such as polarization, magnetic field, pressure. Software for data acquisition, analysis and instrument simulation will be also part of the agenda. Participation of the young scientist is particularly welcome.Workshop topics: Compact Sources Status of instrument projects Development and design of new instruments, methods and components Software Important dates:Registration open: 15 January 2016Deadline for submission: 30 April 2016Abstract acceptance, Notification to authors: 15 June 2016Early registration: 30 June 2016 International Soft Matter Conference ISMC 201612.9.2016 - 16. 9.2016 - The 4th International Soft Matter Conference ISMC 2016 will be held at the Alpexpo Alpes Congrs in Grenoble, France from 12-16th September 2016. Three previous conferences were held in Aachen 2007, Granada 2010 and Rome 2013, and brought together up to 800 experimentalists and theorists working in the Soft Matter field. The conference covers both the fundamental and applied aspects of Soft Matter and Complex Systems. Local organisers of ISMC2016 include scientists from the large-scale facilities ILL and ESRF as well as from the Grenoble University and other research organisations such as CEA, CNRS, and INPG in Grenoble.Further details are available at URL or can be obtained by e-mail: training at ISIS September 201614.9.2016 - 16. 9.2016 - Training Courses September 2016Following the success of our previous sessions of these training courses we would like to offer them again in September 2016. These courses are open to both facility staff and any interested people from other institutions.The following courses will be based at ISIS, RAL and are:Wednesday 14th September 1-5pm: Mantid IntroductionAn introduction to the Mantid interface, how to graph and visualize your data, manipulate it with the built in algorithms, together with an introduction to curve fitting and live data analysis.Thursday 15th September 9-12am: Introduction to PythonThis half day course will introduce you to the Python scripting language, no previous experience required, although some understanding of loops and conditional if .. then logic will be expected.Thursday 15th September 1-5pm: Python in MantidThis course concentrates on using Python to build analysis scripts within Mantid as well as controlling the Mantid GUI from python, and accessing the underlying data within Mantid workspaces.Friday 16th September 9-5pm: Extending Mantid using PythonFor the more adventurous among you this full day course will introduce you to the many ways you can use Python to extend the capabilities within Mantid adding Python Algorithms and curve fitting functions, as well as diving deeper into the structure of workspaces.Booking a place:If you are interested in any other these courses please send an email to letting me know which courses you wish to attend. For the courses we will supply PCs, so there is no need to bring a laptop unless you really want to. Spaces are limited to 14 people per course so please book early to avoid disappointment. If a course is over booked we will try to arrange another session in the future, so if you cannot make that specific date let me know and Ill let you know about any subsequent courses.Ill send out calendar appointments to you once your place on the course is booked. However I have a two week holiday booked for the end of August, so replies may be delayed until I return.Next run of these courses:The specific dates of the next run has not been fixed yet, but we expect to run these courses again in roughly 6 months.For visitors from UK academic institutions:We are sometimes able to offer assistance with travel and lodging costs while attending the courses. Let me know when you are booking the courses and Ill get back to you with details. If we are able to help, then you travel and hotel must be booked through the ISIS user office.For visitors from elsewhere:While we can offer this course for free, we cannot unfortunately offer any help with travel or subsistence costs. However please let me know that you will be visiting when you reply so that I can arrange site access. 2016: In-situ rheology for neutron and X-ray scattering techniques19.9.2016 - 21. 9.2016 - The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers working in different areas covering topics from rheology of complex systems, structure of liquids at solid-liquid interfaces, structure and dynamics of confined fluids and polymers. Particular interest will be devoted to research on transient structural reorientation of complex fluids in conjunction with the transient rheological material functions. Examples are time resolved small- and large-amplitude oscillatory rheology SAOS and LAOS, respectively, start-up of flow, flow reversal, stress relaxation following steady shear, jump strain.Important dates 01032016 Confirmation of Invited Speakers 21032016 Open contributions Submission Registration 21052016 Deadline for contributions submission 21062016 Communication of accepted contributions 05072016 End of early bird registration 01092016 End of registration International Workshop on Sample Environment at Scattering Facilities19.9.2016 - 22. 9.2016 - Sample environment support is a vital element in the success of neutron scattering experiments. The 9th International Workshop on Sample Environment will bring together scientists, engineers and technicians, as well as leading suppliers, to exchange experience, form collaborations and discuss new ideas. Abstract Submission Categories1 Low temperature2 Magnetic and electric fields3 High pressure, gas systems and in-situ chemistry4 Soft matter5 Sample manipulation and control6 High temperature7 Scientific applications8 Other Neutron Scattering Conference 201620.9.2016 - 22. 9.2016 - The German Conference on Neutron Scattering 2016 Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung DN2016 - offers a forum for the presentation and critical discussion of recent results obtained with neutron scattering and complementary techniques. The meeting will be held in Kiel from 20th to 22nd September 2016. It is organized on behalf of the German Committee for Research with Neutrons - Komitee Forschung mit Neutronen KFN - by the HZG and University of Kiel.It offers the vibrant German and international neutron community an opportunity to debate topical issues in a stimulating atmosphere. Originating from BMBF Verbundtreffen - meetings for projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research - this conference series has a strong tradition of providing a forum for the discussion of collaborative research projects and future developments in the field of research with neutrons in general. Neutron scattering, by its very nature is used as a powerful probe in many different disciplines and areas, from particle and condensed matter physics through to chemistry, biology, materials sciences, engineering sciences, right up to geology and cultural heritage; the German Neutron Scattering Conference thus provides a unique chance for exploring interdisciplinary research opportunities. It also serves as a showcase for recent method and instrument developments and to inform users of new advances at neutron facilities.The participation of young scientists is particularly welcome. Thanks to financial support from major German neutron centers, we are able to offer students a reduced conference fee and to award the prestigious Wolfram Prandl Prize for young investigators. We encourage young academics to submit oral contributions.The official conference language is English. Debye-Rietveld Year22.9.2016 - 2016 is a special year for diffraction: 100 years ago Peter Debye performed the first powder diffraction experiment with Paul Scherrer. 50 years ago Hugo Rietveld introduced Rietveld Refinement for powder diffraction data.When prof. Bill David so kindly pointed out these facts to us at the Delft PEARL opening workshop, he also suggested that, since both scientists are Dutch, it would be appropriate for the Dutch to organize a celebration. International Conference Mechanical Technologies and Structural Materials22.9.2016 - 23. 9.2016 - Industrial progress is closely connected with the development and application of new structural materials as well as new processing technologies, rational use of existing and developing new energy sources. Particular interest is also concentrated on organization of production processes, quality management and environmental protection. At the Conference, leading scientists and experts from Croatia and abroad will present their latest achievements in the areas of advanced mechanical technologies, energy engineering and new mechanical structures. The Conference will also provide an opportunity for collaboration and discussions among delegates which may form the basis of future cooperation among the scientific society and manufacturing businesses. Workshop JCNS and Flipper 201603.10.2016 - 07. 10.2016 - Modern Trends in Neutron Scattering from Magnetic Systems Single-crystal Diffraction with Polarized NeutronsRecent realizations of emergent quasi-particles such as skyrmions, magnetic monopoles and Weyl fermions in condensed matter have stimulated tremendous research interestsin fundamental studies of quantum materials and nanomagnetism, as well as in realizing their potential applications for future information technology. As unique probe for studying magnetism, neutron scattering matches the entire range of length- and time-scales relevant for many novel magnetic and electronic phenomena. In the present JCNS-Workshop, the current status and future trends in neutron scattering from magnetic systems will be discussed.Single-crystal diffraction with polarized neutrons addresses challenging scientific problems related to magnetic ordering which are often intractable with other methods. The classical applications - spin density mapping, magnetic form factor determination, separation between different scattering contributions are supplemented by topical studies: i direct discrimination between cycloidal, helical and amplitude modulated spin arrangements; ii interplay between crystal and magnetic chirality; iii short range magneticnuclear correlations in frustrated systems; iv local spin anisotropy at the unit cell level. Current trends and method developments will be in the focus of the FLIPPER workshop. 201616.10.2016 - 19. 10.2016 - The eleventh NOBUGS Conference was held at Thorvaldsensvej 40 in Copenhagen, Denmark on the 17th to 19th October 2016. The NOBUGS New Opportunities for Better User Group Software Conference Series has the aim to foster collaboration and exchange between scientists and IT professionals working on software for X-ray, neutron and muon sources around the world. NOBUGS 2016 was organised by the European Spallation Source, University of Copenhagen and MAX IV Laboratory. on SoNDe application in neutron detection17.10.2016 - 19. 10.2016 - SoNDe is a project for the development and construction of a high-flux capable neutron detector funded by the European Union within the Horizon 2020 framework. The development focuses on the following specifications: high-flux capability, capable of handling the peak-flux of up-to-date spallation sources gain factor of 20 over current detectors high-resolution of 3 mm by single-pixel technique, below by interpolation high detection efficiency of 80 or more no beam stop necessary, thus enabling investigations with direct beam intensity strategic independence of 3He time-of-flight TOF capability, necessary to exploit maximum flux, with a time resolution in the s regime modularity, improving maintenance characteristics of todays neutron detectors This project includes partners from France Laboratoire Lon-Brillouin, Norway IDEAS and Sweden ESS and Lund University and Germany Forschungszentrum Jlich.This workshop will be dedicated to making the new SoNDe detector concept known within its various user communities. These range from basic research facilities to industry and security applications, where the detection of neutrons or Xrays is needed. During the workshop there will be both presentations by the developers as well as users and a hands-on session, where a working prototype can be examined in working conditions.Further information on the SoNDe project can be found at:http:www.fz-juelich.deicsics-1ENLeistungenESSSoNDe-Projekt_node.html:http:www.fz-juelich.deicsics-1ENLeistungenESSSoNDe-Projekt_node.html workshop at NOBUGS20.10.2016 - 21. 10.2016 - McStas schoolworkshop in Copenhagen, held in connection with the NOBUGS conference.The event is a two-day school with this tentative program: Thursday morning: McStas for absolute beginners - including intro talk and basic use of the package. Thursday afternoon: Overview of the most important optical components Friday morning: Samples and complete instruments Friday afternoon: Advanced McStas grammar, interfacing with other codes including use of McStas with Mantid.Please consult the NOBUGS conference website at for more information + registration. Research for Industry - State of the Art in Europe26.10.2016 - Baltic TRAM opening conferenceInvestments in research and innovative capacity boost competitiveness and growth in Europe. Large-scale research infrastructures such as DESY and XFEL in Hamburg and Max LAB and ESS in Lund offer huge potential in testing state-of-the-art solutions. But how do we secure efficient and balanced access to these facilities At the conference we will present the state of play, highlight new initiatives in Europe and discuss what structures are needed for better research-industry cooperation, by looking at how academia can support companies in their innovation processes.One of the initiatives in the Baltic Sea Region and organiser of the conference - is Baltic TRAM Transnational Research Access in the Macroregion - an international project that aims to enhance innovation capacity and strengthen cooperation between analytical research institutes and companies, by providing industry with new ways of access to expertise, research facilities and open science and innovation cloud concepts. The project is led by DESY, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, in dialogue with fifteen project partners and five associated organisations from across the Baltic Sea Region. International Technical Meeting on Small Reactors02.11.2016 - 04. 11.2016 - The 4th International Technical Meeting on Small Reactors in Ottawa, Canada, November 2-4, 2016, covers both research reactors and small power reactors. The neutron scattering community is invited to submit presentation abstracts for the research reactor track, which may describe a range of applications of neutron beams for materials research. Other areas relevant to the community are uses of research reactors, operating experience, reactor physics, and reactor safety. Abstracts are due May 30, 2016. For more information, visit https:www.cns-snc.caevents4tm:https:www.cns-snc.caevents4tm. International Technical Meeting on Small Reactors ITMSR-402.11.2016 - 04. 11.2016 - Canadian Nuclear Laboratories CNL and Canadian Nuclear Society CNS are hosting the 4th International Technical Meeting on Small Reactors.Small nuclear reactors can play an important role in addressing the energy, health, safety, security and climate change goals of the world. While the water-cooled small modular reactor technology is developing rapidly, a number of non-water-cooled advanced small reactor technologies, such as the molten salt reactor, the liquid metal reactor and the high temperature gas reactor, are being developed. These small reactors have advanced passive safety features, are resistant to nuclear proliferation, have no greenhouse gas emissions and promoted as being economically competitive. They are suitable for niche and off-grid applications as well as connection to electric grids in slow-growing economies to increase capacity as needed.Next-generation research reactors are considered for multiple purposes, such as radionuclide production, silicon doping, neutron activation, neutron radiography, materials research, fuel irradiation and generating data for reactor physics code validation activities.This technical meeting will cover topics of interest to designers, operators, researchers and analysts involved in the design, development and deployment of small reactors for research and power generation purposes. Niels Bohr International Academy Workshop on ESS Science NBIA607.11.2016 - 08. 11.2016 - NBIA6 will focus on the understanding of the complex behavior of water and other molecules under confinement. This is key for a variety of fields ranging from biology and medicine to molecular magnetism.Detailed information and registration form are available athttps:indico.nbi.ku.dkconferenceDisplay.pyconfId930:https:indico.nbi.ku.dkconferenceDisplay.pyconfId930Differently from the successful formula from the last years, NBIA6 will consist of an intensive scientific meeting only. Carefully selected topics of relevance of current interest will be presented and we expect an extensive discussion between experimental and computational scientists.This workshop is sponsored by the Niels Bohr International Academy and the Institut Franais du Sude.The meeting is free of charge but limited to 25 participants. Registration is required.Registration opening day: 03 October 2016Registration deadline: 03 November 2016 Colloquium10.11.2016 - 11. 11.2016 - Defects and diffusion in solids: Application of new theoretical conceptsBunsen Colloquium on the occasion of the 75th birthday of Peter C. Schmidt.The past years have seen several Bunsen Colloquia devoted to reactivity as well as diffusivity in solids, topics that are of central importance in advanced materials research and engineering. This years Bunsen Colloquium continues this series. It focuses on defects and diffusion in solids and on the application of new theoretical concepts. Understanding the microscopic properties of solids at the level of defects and diffusion mechanisms is critical for understanding the macroscopic properties of materials. Ever more powerful supercomputers and superior program packages now allow the complex behaviour of atoms and ions to be studied. Approximations that were previously required can now be neglected due to improved algorithms, as will be discussed at this Colloquium. Topics to be covered are, for example, the explicit consideration of phonon-electron coupling in quantum mechanical calculations for electronic conductivity and the application of time-dependent DFT methods to materials research. School and User Meeting 201621.11.2016 - 22. 11.2016 - BornAgain is a novel software package to simulate and fit small-angle neutron and x-ray scattering at grazing incidence. It provides a generic framework for modeling multilayer samples with smooth or rough interfaces and with various types of embedded nanoparticles.This School will introduce students, instrument scientists, and both novice and experienced researchers working in the field of GISAS or reflectometry at large to new opportunities for simulating and fitting their data. In compact introductory lectures, we will outline the theory implemented in BornAgain, and explain the design of the software. Extensive hands-on tutorials will highlight practical aspects of GISAS simulation.Registration is available at https:webapps.frm2.tum.deindicoevent34:https:webapps.frm2.tum.deindicoevent34At the User Meeting, users of BornAgain are kindly invited to share their experiences, to present first results, but also to report on difficulties, to suggest improvements and to request missing features. This feedback offers a unique opportunity to influence the further development of BornAgain.For convenience of colleagues from overseas, this event is scheduled as a satellite of the GISAXS2016 workshop https:indico.desy.deconferenceDisplay.pyconfId14264:https:indico.desy.deconferenceDisplay.pyconfId14264, which takes place on November 16-18 in Hamburg. Neutron and Muon School22.11.2016 - 26. 11.2016 - The School provides neutron and muon beam research training for newcomers through overall perspective of physics, chemistry, biology, materials science and more. In addition to lectures, the course provides practical sessions of hands-on experiments and data analysis. All neutron and muon techniques are generally covered.Application deadline is on 15 September 2016. du LLB 201628.11.2016 - 01. 12.2016 - This school is mainly trainings devoted to young researchers interested in the use of neutron scattering for the study of condensed matter. This training is completely free of charge. Fully delivered in French, its aim is to strengthen the French neutron scattering community. Usually oversubscribe by a factor 2, the selection of the participants will be done on the basis of the interest of neutron scattering for the research project of the applicant and their surroundings. Foreign researcher may apply, but in that case a strong link and support with a French laboratory will be requested.The deadline for online registration is October 16th 2016. Trends in Magnetic Structure Determination12.12.2016 - 16. 12.2016 - Scientific scope:This workshop aims to contribute to the training of scientists in the treatment of neutron diffraction data for magnetic structure determination, putting the stress in the new improved methods and tools made available in the last years. In particular, the methods that make a combined use of magnetic symmetry groups and representational analysis will be shown and practiced both for commensurate and incommensurate structures. The workshop will be based on selected lectures together with intensive hands-on sessions using the most popular computer programs Isodistort, Bilbao Crystallographic Server, FullProf Suite, Jana2006, etc..The lectures and tutorials will provide the essential tools necessary to determine complex magnetic structures, and show the most recent capabilities added to the traditional software.Lectures:The Workshop consists on 5 days dedicated to acquire a general overview of the methods of magnetic structure determination and analysis, in the frame of the specific free software presently available.Participants:The Workshop is intended for PhD students with a basic knowledge on diffraction techniques, magnetism and crystallography, and also for experienced scientists, who wish to get a practical overview of the new important developments in the field that have taken place in the last years. REIMEI Workshop on Frontiers of Correlated Quantum Matters and Spintronics13.1.2017 - 17. 1.2017 - In this event, we aim to explore frontiers of condensed matter physics covering correlated electron systems and spintronics. Gathering leading contributors in the fields from Japan, US, China, Taiwan, Europe and Australia, the present five-day event will explore emergent topics in correlated electron materials, unconventional superconductors, magnetism, spin-orbit interaction and spintronics, and seek collaboration and interaction among scientists working in different methods and disciplines. The registration deadline is December 20, 2016 SpinW Workshop30.1.2017 - 03. 2.2017 - Another training course on how to get the most out of the Horace software package will be held, and this time it will be a joint workshop with the SpinW team. The course will be split into two parts, with 2 days spent on Horace and 2.5 days spent on SpinW. Participants may attend either or both of the two workshops. The courses will therefore cover all aspects of Horace planning an experiment, data visualisation and corrections, simulations, fitting, and more; and of SpinW introduction to magnetic structures and linear spin wave theory, handling complex magnetic structures, symmetry analysis, fitting inelastic neutron scattering data, etc.. Please note that registration closes at 12:00 GMT on Friday 23rd December, with participants places confirmed shortly after. Soft Matter Scattering Workshop 201706.2.2017 - 09. 2.2017 - Scattering techniques offer a unique non-destructive statistical perspective on structure and spatial arrangements of structure in soft condensed matter at length-scales ranging from nm to 10s of microns. As such the techniques are powerfull characterisation tools in biology, polymer and materials science, biochemical sciences and in colloidal domain. This workshop follows on a series of meetings aiming to introduce researchers to a range of scattering techniques, with emphasis on their application to diverse areas of research in soft matter. This years meeting will take place at ANSTO.The workshop is suitable for experienced researchers, ECRs and post-docs and PhDHonours students.There will be opportunities for students to present posters of their research, even if they are not related to scattering - this will allow people to get feedback from experts on how the techniques discussed in the workshop may benefit their research.The overall themes of the workshop are: Research seminars highlighting how these techniques have been applied to soft matter research. Introduction to scattering formalism applied to pulsed field gradient NMR, neutron, X-ray and light scattering techniques. Experimental practice. Practical sessions on Quokka SANS, Bilby time of flight SANS, Kookaburra USANS, Platypus neutron reflectivity and Sika membrane diffraction. Data reduction, analysis and interpretation. The practicalities of accessing instrumentation, both laboratory based and at major facilities. European School27.2.2017 - 30. 3.2017 - Neutron and synchrotron radiation for scienceThis 1-month school, established in 1991, provides training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, in the field of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for condensed matter studies Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Geosciences, Industrial applications.It includes lectures, practicals, tutorials, and visits of Large Facilities: ELETTRA and FERMI in Trieste, ESRF, ILL in Grenoble, Soleil and LLB in Paris-Saclay, and SLSPSI in Villigen. 2 Winter 27.2.2017 - 03. 3.2017 - MATRAC 2 Winter School Application of Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science with special focus on Fundamental Aspects of MaterialsThe Winter School will provide a systematic overview of the application of neutrons and synchrotron radiation to the structural analysis of materials. The school starts with the fundamentals of synchrotron radiation and neutron scattering. The focus is subsequently shifted towards neutron techniques and their application to specific problems in materials science. Different classes of modern functional materials are presented and it will be shown how neutron scattering, on the one hand, and synchrotron radiation, on the other hand, can be used to explore the microscopic mechanisms that are responsible for their properties. While fundamental aspects are dominating, application related phenomena will be covered as well.After a two-day theoretical course in UttingAmmersee the participants will spend two days at the FRM II in Garching near Munich doing practicals. The fifth day of the school offers further talks and a final discussion. All relevant experimental methods will be covered.Registration deadline is December 1, 2016 - postponed to week of Dec 8For more information please visit the following websites which will regularly be updated: http:www.hzg.dewinterschool:http:www.hzg.dewinterschool or http:www.hzg.dematrac2:http:www.hzg.dematrac2 Neutron Training Course28.2.2017 - 09. 3.2017 - The ISIS Practical Neutron Training Course is aimed at PhD and post-doctoral researchers who have little or no experience of neutron scattering, but whose future research program aims to make use of neutron scattering techniques at ISIS. We stress that this is a hand-on course using the ISIS neutron instruments aimed at complete beginners. Berlin School on Neutron Scattering02.3.2017 - 10. 3.2017 - The school program consists of three days of lectures giving a theoretical introduction to the fundamentals of neutron scattering and the principles of various neutron scattering techniques. After the lectures, there will be three and a half days of hands-on experiments on seven different neutron scattering instruments. The students will be divided into groups of four to five people from similar subject areas and will do triple-axis spectroscopy, powder diffraction, small angle scattering, reflectometry, time-of-flight spectroscopy, tomography and residual stress analysis under the guidance of experienced scientists. Furthermore, there will be a students poster session which will give the students the opportunity to present their work and discuss with the HZB scientists how neutron scattering could benefit their research. - The school will finish with lectures on how to use neutron scattering as a tool for research in the areas of biology, chemistry, engineering and physics etc. This course is part of the curriculum of the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences at the Technical University Berlin.Closing date for application: 15th October 2016 Argentinean Meeting on Neutron Scattering15.3.2017 - 16. 3.2017 - The organization of this Meeting is inserted in the current efforts that Argentina is making to build a community of users of Large-Scale Neutron Scattering facilities. A research reactor is being built in Buenos Aires, called RA-10, which -among other objectives will provide cold and thermal neutron beams for scientific and technological research. The reactor is planned to be operative by 2019. Argentina needs to increase its user community in the upcoming years, which is vital for a successful facility and future user program.This Meeting is meant to bring together experts on neutron scattering techniques with the Argentinian scientific community, as well as with the leaders of the LAHN project for the development and construction of the Neutron Scattering Laboratory in the RA-10 reactor. Researchers and students from a broad range of institutions in Argentina, interested in the creation of such Laboratory, are invited to participate in this Meeting, In addition, on March 17th a Workshop is being jointly organised with the Ministry of Science and Technology for the discussion of the Science Cases for the next phase of the instrumentation program at the LAHN. Presentations and discussion panels will be organised with the technical team, the leaders of the Project and representatives of the Ministry of Science and Technology and other institutions. Spring Meeting19.3.2017 - 24. 3.2017 - DPG Frhjahrstagung Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section SKM with the divisions and working groups: Biological Physics Chemical and Polymer Physics Dielectric Solids Thin Films Dynamics and Statistical Physics Semiconductor Physics Magnetism Metal and Material Physics and the working group Metal and Material Physics Surface Science Physics of Socio-Economic Systems Low Temperature Physics Vacuum Science and Technology Crystallography Mikroprobes Physics Education History of Physics Working Group Accelerator Physics Working Group Equal Opportunities Working Group young DPG IFF Spring School 201727.3.2017 - 07. 4.2017 - Topological Matter: Topological Insulators, Skyrmions and MajoranasOverview:Topology is the branch of mathematics that deals with properties of spaces that are invariant under smooth deformations. It provides newly appreciated mathematical tools in condensed matter physics that are currently revolutionizing the field of quantum matter and materials. Topology dictates that if two different Hamiltonians can be smoothly deformed into each other they give rise to many common physical properties and states are homotopy invariant. Thus, topological invariance, which is often protected by discrete symmetries, provides some robustness that translates into the quantization of properties; such a robust quantization motivates the search and discovery of new topological matter.So far, the mainstream of modern topological condensed matter physics relies on two profoundly different scenarios: the emergence of the complex topology either in real space, as manifested e.g. in non-trivial magnetic structures or in momentum space, finding its realization in such materials as topological and Chern insulators. The latter renowned class of solids attracted considerable attention in recent years owing to its fascinating properties of spin-momentum locking, emergence of topologically protected surfaceedge states governed by Dirac physics, as well as the quantization of Hall conductance and the discovery of the quantum spin Hall effect. Historically, the discovery of topological insulators gave rise to the discovery of a whole plethora of topologically non-trivial materials such as Weyl semimetals or topological superconductors, relevant in the context of the realization of Majorana fermions and topological quantum computation.At the same time, the physics of skyrmions with complex magnetic real-space topologies is rapidly moving to the centre of attention in spintronics owing to the bright prospects of skyrmionic materials related to topological protection and robust dynamics. The discovery of skyrmions in various geometries bulk, thin films, interfaces, the complex interplay of their properties with their topology, the fascinating aspects of their dynamics and transport properties are believed to result in skyrmions and other topological spin structures as basic building blocks for information manipulation and storage.Overall, the expanding manifold of materials, phenomena and concepts, which are born from the combination of ideas and methods of topological characterization and geometrical analysis with the most advanced developments in modern solid state physics, marks one of the most exciting moments in the history of physics related to a paradigm shift in our understanding of matter. Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources ICANS XXII27.3.2017 - 31. 3.2017 - The 22nd meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources ICANS XXII will be held on the 27th -31st March 2017 in Oxford, England.The abstract submission deadline is 30 November 2016.ICANS is an informal network of laboratories whose scientists and engineers are involved in developing pulsed neutron sources and accelerator based spallation neutron sources. The collaboration was founded in 1977 as a forum to promote discussions and collaborative work, and to share information on three main topics: accelerators, targets and moderators, and instruments.After 24 years, the meeting returns to the UK and will be hosted by the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source at the Said Business School, University of Oxford with accommodation at St Annes College.In addition to the core areas of accelerators, target and instrumentation, other key areas such as sample environment, data analysis and computing, polarisation, detectors, shielding and neutronics will be discussed. It is the principal goal of ICANS to promote and facilitate informal discussions and as such, the meeting will comprise several workshop sessions. Key dates Abstract submission deadline: 30 November 2016 Early registration deadline: 31 January 2017 Registration deadline: 17 March 2017 Paper submission deadline: 27 March 2017 201703.4.2017 - 04. 4.2017 - Magnetism 2017 is the premier conference organised by the UK and Rol magnetism community. It welcomes and encourages participation from Europe and further afield, and from industry. It follows the highly successful conferences in 2014, 2015 and 2016.A mixture of invited talks and submitted contributions will allow the breadth of magnetism research in the UK and Rol to be presented. Participation from outside UKRol and from industry is also encouraged. The conference encourages participation from across the breadth of magnetism, and has included oral sessions on a range of subjects including spintronics, domain walls, dynamics, vortices, skyrmions and topological systems, spin ice, biological and organic magnetism, superconductors, magnetocalorics and ab initio theory.We are encouraging abstracts submitted in the areas of thin films and nanostructures, correlated electrons, biological and organic materials, computational magnetism and general magnetism. Key dates: Abstract submission deadline: 20 January 2017 Early registration deadline: 7 March 2017 Registration deadline: 23 March 2017 axis resolution workshop03.4.2017 - 04. 4.2017 - The quantum phenomena group of the MLZ organizes a workshop on software used for calculating the resolution function of a triple axis spectrometer and convoluting the data with models.In the first day we want to discuss the different approaches to the triple axis resolution and the software using this methods. In the second day we will work with examples using the different software packages.The main software packages will be RESTRAX http:neutron.ujf.cas.czrestrax:http:neutron.ujf.cas.czrestrax and Takin http:www.sciencedirect.comsciencearticlepiiS2352711016300152:http:www.sciencedirect.comsciencearticlepiiS2352711016300152. This workshop is intended for users of triple axis instruments for giving them support in evaluating their measurements. Furthermore we plan also to discuss together future developments for a better understanding of more complicated resolution approaches.There is only place for 20 participants, so please register if you are interested as soon as possible, latest by February, 28. School on Interfacial Engineering03.4.2017 - 06. 4.2017 - Registration is open to the European School on Interfacial Engineering - Fundamentals, Applications, and Analytical Methods to be held April 3-6, 2017, at the Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow, Poland. The School is devoted to the discussion of analytical methods and data analysis flavoured by selected topics of Colloids and Interface Science.Interfacial regions between bulk media, although often comprising only a fraction of the material present, are frequently the site of reactions and phenomena that dominate the macroscopic properties of the entire system. Hence, the understanding of the self-organization of molecules at interfaces and their corresponding static and dynamic properties defines a central theme of Colloids and Interface Science. To study such properties powerful analytical tools are available namely linear and nonlinear optical reflection techniques, X-ray and neutron scattering and scanning probe techniques. Unfortunately, presentations at international conferences provide at most overviews of applications of scientific methods, but do not allow a meaningful in-depth discussion of the particular experimental and theoretical background. Textbook provide sound information, but there is a lag time between the development of new methods and their incorporation in textbooks and University courses.The European School on Interfacial Engineering will bridge this gap and is designed for motivated PhD students and Post-doc in the field of Colloid and Interface science. The major objective is to discuss modern surface analytical tools that increased our understanding of fluid interfaces. Selected surface analytical tools are presented in tutorial review style by scientists using these techniques in their daily research. The information is then discussed and deepened in small workgroups on the basis of problem sheets. The interaction and active discussion of the participants is a crucial element of our workshop.Registration to attend this school is open with deadline March 20. III Energy Materials Research Conference EMR201705.4.2017 - 07. 4.2017 - EMR2017 will bring together researchers and professionals from a broad set of science and engineering disciplines with the aim of sharing on the latest developments and advances in materials and processes involved in the energy generation, transmission-distribution and storage. The connection is clear between research into novel materials and new technological solutions or improvements in materials, and the development of cleaner, cheaper safer and more efficient energy technologies.This conference will provide an excellent opportunity for everyone involved to learn and discuss about materials, processes and systems applied to the following areas: Biomass - Biofuels Solar Energy Fuel Cells Hydrogen Wind Power Geothermal Energy Hydropower. Wave and Tidal Power Nuclear Energy and Materials Energy Production from Fossil Fuels Energy Harvesting Materials Energy Transmission, Distribution and Storage Advances in Lighting Materials Heat Exchange Energy-Efficient Buildings Materials, Processes and Systems for Energy Saving and Sustainability7 February 2017: Extended deadline for abstract submission for poster and virtual presentations Surface Science Conference ISSC-2110.4.2017 - 13. 4.2017 - ISSC-21 is the latest meeting in the series of interdisciplinary surface science conferences covering all experimental and theoretical aspects of surfaces, interfaces and nanoscale physics and chemistry.Key dates: Early registration deadline: 27 February 2017 Accommodation booking deadline: 12 March 2017 Registration deadline: 31 March 2017 MRS Spring Meeting and Exhibit17.4.2017 - 21. 4.2017 - Conference on Laser Energy Science Laser and Accelerator Neutron Sources and Applications 2017 CLESLANSA1718.4.2017 - 21. 4.2017 - LANSA is intended to open a new horizon of neutron science and application by compact neutron sources driven by high power lasers along with conventional ones based on accelerators. The first international meeting was held in 2013 by setting laser-assisted neutron sources and applications as key terms, in order to overview the status and future prospects of relevant fields. In the late 2015, the national project of Japan has started aiming at innovative improvement of compact neutron sources based on both laser and accelerators for industrial applications. Upon these backgrounds, the 2nd forum will be held in order to provide an opportunity for participants to exchange mutual information and activate their own researches.Topics of the conference include but not limited to Compact Neutron Sources laser fusion, cluster explosion, laser-driven ion beams, photonuclear reactions, LINAC, cyclotron, electrostatic accelerators, nuclear reactors, RI, et al. Physics Control Technologies particle acceleration, radiation generation, energy and angular distribution, moderators, control system, et al.- Neutron Diagnostics high resolution measurements in space, time and energy, sensitive imaging, radiography, et al. Applications nuclear transmutations, nuclear waste processing, biomedical applications, fusion reactor material investigations, fusion-fission hybrid-reactors, et al. Facilities laser facility and technology, accelerator facility and technology, target technology, et al.Calendar Paper submission deadline: Dec. 12, 2016 Registration start: Dec. 15, 2016 Early bird registration deadline: Mar. 21, 2017 CLESLANSA17: Apr. 18-21, 2017 Central European Training School on neutron techniques08.5.2017 - 12. 4.2017 - CETS provides insight into neutron scattering techniques and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter. Comprehensive experimental skills and guidance in result interpretation are going to be conveyed. The school will be a forum for the presentation and discussion of actual research works of young scientists. Apply by March 15. School on Total Scattering Analysis08.5.2017 - 12. 5.2017 - This school is aimed at introducing total scattering data and modelling methods, demonstrating their use in understanding complex functional materials, and reviewing recent developments and future directions in the technique. Most of the school will be focused on providing hands-on training with total scattering analysis software, with the balance focused on providing a technical foundation and highlighting exemplary work in the community. The final day of the workshop will highlight a special area of interest and this year will discuss and demonstrate the capabilities of single crystal diffuse scattering data obtained from the CORELLI and TOPAZ instruments at the Spallation Neutron Source.Total scattering and the associated pair distribution function technique, an extension of diffraction methods, is increasingly prevalent in modern materials studies. The unique combination of Bragg and diffuse scattering has related vacancies in high temperature ceramics to both their superionic conductivity and phase stability, nanometer-sized polar domains or nanoregions in relaxor ferroelectrics to their enhanced dielectric and piezoelectric properties, and vacancydisorder arrays and other subtle local correlations to the mechanisms of high-Tc superconductivity. These methods have further proven critical in understanding guest-host interactions, amorphous to crystalline transitions, local spin correlations, and other disordered crystalline materials phenomena. Total scattering is most informative when modelled atomistically with computational methods. Modern software spans small and large box approaches and can incorporate neutron and x-ray PDF, EXAFS single crystal diffuse scattering data. Resulting atomistic models aid scientists from diverse disciplines in understanding the inner-workings of property mechanisms, and ultimately in optimizing and controlling them through atomic structure modification. Topics covered:Introduction to Total ScatteringModern Total Scattering Instruments and DataHands-on Data Analysis with: Small box modeling with PDFGui Diffpy-CMI Large box modeling with RMCProfile EXAFS data Building and refining nanoparticles with DISCUS Single crystal diffuse scattering data analysis Canadian Neutron Scattering Summer School15.5.2017 - 19. 5.2017 - The school is aimed at graduate students and post-docs with backgrounds in physics, chemistry, or materials science who may have no prior knowledge of how to use neutron beams to study materials. Undergraduate students, professors and other researchers are welcome as well. The curriculum covers a wide range of scientific areas, such as magnetism, industrial alloys, and thin films.Program Details:You may participate in two sessions relevant to your research interests. Each session will include in-depth introductory lectures, hands-on experience on the beamline at the NRU reactor, and detailed data analysis after the experiment. At the end of the summer school, you will be in a position to apply neutron scattering methods to your own research projects.Please review the schedule and experiment descriptions and select your three most-preferred sessions when registering: Hydrogen and deuterium absorption in thin Ti films 1 session Polarized Neutron Reflectometry 1 session Crystallographic Texture 1 session In-Situ Deformation of a Zirconium Alloy 1 session Quantification of Residual Stress in Steel-Encapsulated Metal Matrix Composites 1 session Rietveld Analysis 2 sessions Triple-Axis Neutron Scattering Study of the Magnetic Properties of MnF2 2 sessions for Neutron Scattering DEUNET Workshop 15.5.2017 - 17. 5.2017 - Deuteration underpins the ability of neutron scattering techniques to elucidate the structure and dynamics of complex multicomponent materials that are typical in soft condensed matter and life sciences. With a wide range of advanced neutron facilities and instruments either in place or under development across Europe, it is of crucial importance that a strong emphasis is also placed on preparing deuterated samples that will maximise the quality and impact of current and future research. This workshop, organized jointly by the STFC Deuteration facility and the DEUNET European chemical deuteration network, brings together the user community with existing and developing deuteration laboratories to present recent advances in soft matter and life sciences and to discuss the needs to development of new methods, materials and deuteration services to fully leverage the investments made in neutron instrumentation in Europe.The workshop will consist of a series of talks by user groups presenting their science using deuteration and neutrons, as well as presentation of the current capabilities and work done at the participating deuteration laboratories.The workshop will collect valuable input from the user community on current and future deuteration needs for the DEUNET collaboration funded by the SINE2020 project Read more about the DEUNET at is now open and limited to 60 participants. Abstracts for posters are welcome until the 2nd April 2017. Biennial Structural Biology Meeting 201724.5.2017 - 26. 5.2017 - Instruct is a distributed European Research Infrastructure, which provides scientists with access to all major cutting edge technologies that enable biomacromolecular structure determination at atomic resolution. Access to all of these technologies has been available to European member researchers from February 2012. The inaugural Instruct Structural Biology Meeting at Heidelberg in 2013 successfully showcased integrative structural biology and its impact on biological research and biomedicine. The second Biennial took place in Florence in 2015 continuing the integrative line with an increased focus on innovation. This new edition will include sessions that represent recent structural biology highlights, emerging methods and technologies and results of biomedical importance. Awareness of Research Infrastructures II29.5.2017 - 30. 5.2017 - Communicating the importance of science to societyScience is exciting, enlightening, complex, fundamental, precise, logical, and creative, all at the same time. However, for the public to get in touch with it and understand why it encompasses all these concepts, efforts need to be made to bridge science and society. With this aim, communication teams at research infrastructures work with a range of methods and channels. They make complex information more tangible and disseminate it as broadly as possible so that the public can understand and be engaged.This conference aims to be a hands-on forum for communication officers and public relations staff to share their experiences and expertise. The aim is that participants return home with new ideas for their work, by learning how and with which means other research institutions are communicating the importance of science and of research infrastructures to society.Deadline for abstract submission: February 10, 2017 Neutron Scattering Society Neutron days29.5.2017 - 31. 5.2017 - The French Neutron Society SFN organises with the Institut Laue Langevin and the Laboratoire Lon Brillouin neutron facilities the Neutron Diffusion Meeting 2017 JDN2017 , in the Vacanciel holiday village of Carry le Rouet Bouches du Rhne, France, from May 29 to May 31, 2017. This multidisciplinary workshop traditionnally entitled Rencontres Rossat-Mignod will be dedicated to new results, obtained using neutron scattering techniques, in various scientific domains representative of the whole neutron users community. Five sessions will be organised, in Magnetism, Soft Matter and Environment, Condensed Matter, and Biology. Each session will be introduced by an invited talk, which will be followed by a series of shorter oral communications. A Poster session, encompassing all the scientific topics cited above, and an Instrumentation session, will also take place. Abstracts for oral presentations should be sent by e-mail before April 10th, 2017. To do so please follow the link Abstract submission http:jdn-conference.netindexE.html:http:jdn-conference.netindexE.html.The aim of this meeting is : to strengthen links between French neutron scattering users to provide a place where advances resulting from neutron scattering experiments can be presented and discussed in a friendly and stimulating environment, to inform the users community about the evolution of neutron facilities in France andr abroad, and about the development of new neutron techniques, instrumentation, and their applications to welcome and promote the work of young neutron users workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology05.6.2017 - 09. 6.2017 - The unique potential of neutron scattering in structural biology arises from the strong interaction of neutrons with hydrogen H and its deuterium D isotope. This property makes the information available from neutron scattering unique and a valuable complement to data obtained from other structural techniques. Individual hydrogendeuterium atoms are visualized in neutron density maps from crystallographic data at the resolution typical of most protein structures 2.0 -2.5 .Using HD exchange and contrast variation, proteins and nucleic acids are sequentially modeled and mapped in large biological complexes using small angle neutron scattering, protein-membrane interactions are revealed using Reflectometry and protein and water dynamics measured using spectroscopy.The workshop includes a symposium, lectures and tutorials and tours of the High Flux Isotope reactor and Spallation Neutron Source, the worlds leading neutron research facilities.The workshop is designed for graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and faculty with knowledge of protein function and structure but no or limited experience of neutron sciences.Subjects include: Crystallography Small Angle Scattering Reflectometry Spectroscopy Imaging Labeling techniquesApplication deadline: April 22, 2017 How to apply:https:conference.sns.govevent66page2 in Structural Biology Meeting07.6.2017 - 09. 6.2017 - This 2017 edition will focus on highlighting recent results in fundamental biology, as well as considering the future of the field and the implications for the type of science that can be considered along with the instruments required. This meeting typically gathers mixture of researchers some of whom are experienced in the field of neutron scattering with others whose work may benefit from these approaches.Topics include: Crystallography SANS Reflectivity Labelling methods Neutrons in complementary methods...Further details are available on https:indico.ill.frnisb2017:https:indico.ill.frnisb2017.The deadline for abstract submission is the 21st April 2017, registration deadline is 5th May 2017. Modeling on Neutron Scattering07.6.2017 - 09. 6.2017 - As the materials being studied by neutron techniques become more complex, the link between computer modeling and experimental data is becoming increasingly important. However, the access to the most suitable and state-of-the-art modeling techniques is generally limited by an individual experimental scientists lack of modeling experience and local expertise. This creates an energy barrier to the most suitable and detailed data analysis that is often not overcome.Neutron scattering, and in particular inelastic neutron scattering is very amenable to computer modeling. Furthermore, in the majority of cases, the interpretation of experimental spectra is not possible without the use of computer simulations. This workshop will bring together atomistic modeling experts with neutron scattering users to teach the modeling techniques and also provide the opportunity for the two communities to discuss current limitations, new capabilities, and future developments. Through a combination of lectures and hands-on tutorials, the participants will be introduced to Density Functional Theory DFT calculation methods with particular emphasis on vibrational analysis. The examples and practical sessions will use CASTEP and CP2K. We will also present the newly released OClimax software for modeling inelastic neutron scattering INS dataOClimax can generate the spectra of direct and indirect geometries for INS spectrometers from the output of ab-initio calculations.This workshop will also be an opportunity to discuss current research projects with modeling experts to find the best solutions to their problems or indeed inspire new solutions and methods. Go to http:conference.sns.govatomistic:http:conference.sns.govatomistic to register. There is no registration fee, meals will be provided, and the government rate and room-sharing options will be offered at our guest house on a first come first served basis as rooms are limited. You are welcome to book your own accommodations. Additional hotel options are listed under Travel Information. Unfortunately, we cannot provide travel support to attend this workshop.Topics Covered Introduction to electronic structure calculations and DFT Plane waves and localized basis sets methodologies Use of CASTEP and CP2K Vibrational analysis using DFT Calculation of INS spectra using OClimax codePresenters Keith Refson, Royal Holloway, UK Greg Schenter, PNNL, US Shaun Kathmann, PNNL, US Methods in Rietveld Refinement for Structural Analysis18.6.2017 - 23. 6.2017 - The third annual Modern Methods in Rietveld Refinement for Structural Analysis school will be held from June 18-23, 2017, at Oak Ridge National in close partnership with the Shull-Wollan Center Joint Institute for Neutron University of Tennessee and ORNL and Bruker-AXS. The principal organizers of this course are Prof. Peter and Dr. Katharine Page:https:neutrons.ornl.govcontactspagekl.The primary goal of this school is to teach participants Rietveld refinement and other methods for evaluating crystal structures from powder diffraction data with an emphasis on data collected on US national user facility beamlines optimized for structural analysis such as the 11-BM, 17-BM, and 11-ID-B synchrotron beamlines at the APS of Argonne National Laboratory, the POWGEN and NOMAD time-of-flight neutron diffraction beamlines at the SNS of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the XPD synchrotron beamline at the NSLS-II of BNL. The combination of advances in instrumentation and in software algorithms now allow many challenging structural problems to be resolved solely from powder diffraction data, and an up-to-date instruction in modern methods will be provided. This course will emphasize traditional solid state compounds non-molecular, and will use the TOPAS software as the platform for Rietveld refinement complementary trial license will be provided to participants. There will be a special secondary emphasis this year on the complementary use of pair distribution function PDF data to carry out small-box refinements for average unit cells, highlighting the new functionality of the TOPAS software to carry out both Rietveld and PDF refinements. Both NOMAD neutron PDF and 11-ID-B synchrotron PDF beamline scientists will be present as instructors at the course, and there will be an opportunity for participants to have data suitable for both Rietveld and PDF refinement collected on their own sample at both synchrotron and neutron beamlines.Confirmed 2017 instructors include Prof. Peter Khalifah SBU, Prof. Cora Lind U. Toledo, Dr. Katharine Page ORNL, NOMAD, Dr. Ashfia Huq ORNL, POWGEN, Dr. Jue Liu ORNL, Dr. Karena Chapman ANL, 11-ID-B, Dr. Saul Lapidus ANL, 11-BM, Dr. Wenqian Xu ANL, 17-BM, and Dr. Nathan Henderson Bruker-AXS.Information from the 2015 and 2016 MMRRSA past schools, including all lecture notes and hands-on exercises, is available School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy19.6.2017 - 23. 6.2017 - A one-week Summer School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy will be held from June 19 - June 23, 2017 at the NIST Center for Neutron Research NCNR. For information about the summer school go to http:www.ncnr.nist.govsummerschoolss17index.html:http:www.ncnr.nist.govsummerschoolss17index.html.Please note that this year the school will not cover SANS or neutron reflectometry.This school provides participants the opportunity to learn about a wide variety of neutron scattering techniques using instruments at NIST including the disk chopper spectrometer DCS, backscattering spectrometer HFBS, BT-7 double focusing triple-axis spectrometer, multi-axis crystal spectrometer MACS, and neutron spin echo spectrometer NSE. These powerful experimental techniques are used by researchers in a variety of scientific disciplines to probe the dynamics of materials over time scales ranging from 1 ps to 100 ns with length scales from under 1 nm to over 100 nm. This school emphasizes hands-on experimental training for the instruments mentioned above as well as a thorough theoretical overview of these measurement techniques. Applications of dynamical techniques will be illustrated by specific examples drawn from recent cutting-edge research on soft and hard condensed matter systems. The course will enable attendees to assess the applicability of the techniques to their own research, and will provide the technical information needed to prepare effective experiment proposals. The Summer School is sponsored by the Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering CHRNS, jointly funded by the National Science Foundation and NIST. Limited support for graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculty will be available. Attendance will be limited to 35 participants, and only applicants from North American institutions will be accepted.For further information, andor to apply, please go to http:www.ncnr.nist.govsummerschoolss17index.html:http:www.ncnr.nist.govsummerschoolss17index.html. Early application is advised since attendance is strictly limited and typically we receive more applications than the maximum number of participants. Deadline: April 11, 2017. - Complementarity between Optics and Neutron spectroscopy in the THz domain19.6.2017 - 20. 6.2017 - The group SON - Spectroscopy Optique et Neutronique, which is a subdivision of the French Division de Chimie-Physique, is glad to welcome you to its second workshop entitled:Complementarity between Optics and Neutron spectroscopy in the THz domain SON2017which will be held in Grenoble on June 19th -20th 2017.The group, created in 2015, aims at promoting the complementarity between optical and neutron scattering techniques for spectroscopic studies. The field of applications therefore concerns all the systems in which vibrational, rotational and translational spectroscopic information are valuable: materials, nanoscience, chemiometry, environmental science, magnetism, electrochemistryMore information about the group can be found on the website :http:divchimiephysique.wixsite.comsitedcpspectroscopie-optique-et-neutronique:http:divchimiephysique.wixsite.comsitedcpspectroscopie-optique-et-neutroniqueThe main activity is therefore to stimulate exchanges and education of researchers to whom complementary information would help in scientific questions. The first workshop was organized on June 7-8th in Lille on Materials and environments : https:lasir.univ-lille1.frpage_id8554:https:lasir.univ-lille1.frpage_id8554The present workshop will focus on technical aspects concerning the THz range. Important developments were made in the last 10 years in the field of optical techniques enabling to reach this spectral rage 0.1-10 THz, time-domain THz, a frequency domain also covered by INS and QENS. A rigorous confrontation of experimental observables obtained with both techniques, and emphasis of the complementarity in various scientific domains is the purpose of the workshop.The workshop will be organized in 5 distinct sessions, all opened by an invited pedagogical talk: Instrumentation Liquids Soft matter and biology Materials MagnetismA poster session will also be planned to favor exchanges. The official language will be English, and workshop will take place in the LIPhy laboratory:http:www-liphy.ujf-grenoble.frlangen, on the Saint Martin dHres campus.The deadline for oral communication submission is extended to May 10th, deadline for registration is June 1st. International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures26.6.2017 - 30. 6.2017 - This 3rd biannual conference of IntACT International Association of Computed Tomography will focus on the use of 3D tomographic methods for non-clinical studies of the internal structures of materials and their evolution.ICTMS 2017 will bring together an international group of scientists, from universities, research organisations and industry, to discuss a broad range of issues related to 3D4D tomographic imaging of materials and structures.The call for abstracts will remain open until 28 January 2017 under http:ictms2017.lth.seregistration-submissions:http:ictms2017.lth.seregistration-submissions for Health27.6.2017 - 30. 6.2017 - The conference will cover major topics of neutron scattering and neutron radiation for health ranging from treatment of amyloid diseases, protein folding, details of enzyme behaviour, understanding of cell-membrane interactions, identification of new drug targets, development of advanced drug-delivery systems, antibiotic resistance, treatment of genetic diseases, implants and biocompatible materials, tissue regeneration, cancer diagnosis and therapy, radiopharmaceuticals as well as medical applications and treatments. In addition methodological instrument developments are an important contribution to enhance medical and health research with neutrons.The conference targets scientists and health professionals to discuss current status and perspectives of neutron scattering, spectroscopy and irradiation in life sciences and medical treatments. Registration for participants and submission of abstracts will be open on January 30, 2017. School Neutron Science and Instrumentation01.7.2017 - 08. 7.2017 - The School focuses on neutron instrumentation, mainly for large-scale facilities for compact neutron facilities. Students are selected for the course based on their need to utilize neutron instrument design techniques as part of their present andor future research activities.The course is aimed at young instrument and development scientists, engineers, and designers at international and national neutron facilities, although graduate students or postdocs at universities would also be welcomed. In addition to lectures on theory, sources, and neutron instrumentation, students will be tutored by world leading experts in the various scattering techniques including diffraction, quasi-elastic, inelastic and deep inelastic scattering, neutron imaging, small-angle scattering, reflectometry, and neutron-spin-echo. Conference on Neutron Optics NOP201705.7.2017 - 08. 7.2017 - The International Conference on Neutron Optics will take place in Nara, Japan, at the Nara Kasugano International Forum I.RA.KA:http:www.i-ra-ka.jpen from Wednesday 5 July to Saturday 8 July 2017. This conference is a satellite event to the International Conference on Neutron Scattering in Daejeon, Korea, 9-13 July 2017The conference is next in the series of Neutron Optics conferences previously held in Tokyo, Villigen 2007:https:kur.web.psi.chnop07, Alpe dHuez 2010:https:www.ill.eupress-and-newspast-events2010nop2010 and Munich 2013:http:www.fz-juelich.deSharedDocsTermineJCNSEN2013JCNS-2013NOP.html. Its aim is to provide a platform for the exchange of information in all fields of neutron optics with emphasis on new concepts and recent technical developments. The discussions and developments following these conferences successfully provided neutron optics elements commonly used in the state-of-the-art, large-scale neutron facilities around the world. In recent years the practical use of compact neutron sources has been recognized to support and promote the neutron sciences and applications pursued at these large-scale facilities. Following the increasing importance of the intimate interplay of fundamental physics and neutron science for future innovative neutron source, optics and detection system, we are planning to cover following topics Beam Production Neutron Moderation to Epithermal, Thermal, Cold and Very-Cold Regions Down-conversion to Very-Cold and Ultracold Regions Beam Extraction Radiation Shielding Optical and Polarization Components Optics reflective, refractive, diffractive and interference optics Polarizing Devices and Polarization polarizer, spin analyzer, polarized target Detector Technologies Scintillation Detector Gaseous Detector Solid State Detector Application-oriented Assembly Compact Neutron Source Neutron Imaging and Scattering Instrumentation Neutron Medical and Industrial Applications Neutron Fundamental Physics Conference ChairYoshiaki KIYANAGI Nagoya Kazuhisa KAKURAI CROSSco-chair Hirohiko SHIMIZU Nagoya Univ.International Advisory Programme Committeechair: Kazuhisa KAKURAI CROSSKen ANDERSEN ESS, Koichiro ASAHI RIKEN, Muhammad ARIF NIST, Alexander BELUSHKIN JINR, Peter BNI TUM, Jack CARPENTER, Uwe FILGES PSI, Michihiro FURUSAKA Hokkaido Univ., Peter GELTENBORT ILL, Geoffrey GREENE ORNL, Michael FITZSIMMONS ORNL, Masahiro HINO Kyoto Univ., Alexander IOFFE JCNS, Philipp SCHMIDT-WELLENBURG PSI, Kenji MISHIMA KEK, Nigel RHODES ISIS, Roger PYNN Indiana Univ., Yasuhiro SAKEMI Univ. Tokyo, Andy SAUNDERS LANL, Hirohiko SHIMIZU Nagoya Univ., Mike SNOW Indiana Univ., Kazuhiko SOYAMA JAEA, Junichi SUZUKI CROSS, Akira URITANI Nagoya Univ., Vladimir VORONIN PNPI, Yutaka YAMAGATA RIKEN, Albert YOUNG North Carolina State Univ.Local Organizing Committeechair: Masaaki KITAGUCHI Nagoya Univ., Takayuki OKU JAEAsecretary: Katsuya HIROTA Nagoya Univ., Takenao SHINOHARA JAEAGo ICHIKAWA Nagoya Univ., Sohei IMAJO Nagoya Univ., Takashi INO KEK, Yoshihisa IWASHITA Kyoto Univ., Hiroshi KIRA CROSS, Takahiro MORISHIMA Nagoya Univ., Yoshie OTAKE RIKEN, Seiji TASAKI Kyoto Univ., Yusuke TSUCHIKAWA Nagoya Univ., Kenichi WATANABE Nagoya Univ., Atsushi YAMAZAKI Nagoya Univ., Sachiko YOSHIHASHI Nagoya Univ. Diffraction and the Nanoscale 2017 NanoDif 201706.7.2017 - 07. 7.2017 - Neutron Diffraction and the Nanoscale 2017 NanoDif 2017, is a meeting that will be held in Daejeon Republic of Korea, July 6-7, 2017 as a satellite of the International Conference on Neutron Scattering, ICNS 2017 to be held in Daejeon, July 9-13, 2017.The aim of this cross-disciplinary meeting is to review and discuss the state-of-the-art in neutron diffraction at the nanoscale and to bring together researchers from a variety of scientific disciplines including soft matter, materials science, and biology.The deadline for abstract submission is April 10.Important dates Registration and abstract submission opening: March 1, 2017 End of abstract submission: April 30, 2017 Notification of abstract acceptance: Mai 7, 2017 Registration deadline: June 15, 2017All details can be found on the conference website: https:indico.ill.frnanodif2017:https:indico.ill.frnanodif2017 Conference on Neutron Scattering 201709.7.2017 - 13. 7.2017 - ICNS2017 will be the latest and largest international platform for sharing and exchanging recent advances in neutron scattering science. On behalf of our organizing committee, we cordially invite you to submit your research and join the exciting international conference.Conference Topics: Soft Matter Biology and Biological Interface Condensed Matter Physics Magnetism and Thin Films Chemistry Earth Science Engineering Materials Energy Materials Environmental Imaging Radiography Neutron Physics Industrial Applications Sources and Instrumentations Sample Environment and SoftwareImportant Dates: Are you expecting to participate in ICNS 2017 conference next year You better mark these dates on your schedule calendar Abstract Deadline Feb. 24, 2017 Notification of Acceptance April. 7, 2017 Early registration deadline May. 19, 2017 Proceeding Deadline: August 9, 2017Organized by Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute and Korea Neutron Beam User Association Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems SCES 201717.7.2017 - 21. 7.2017 - Following the long history and continuity of SCES, the conference in Prague will cover a wide range of subjects in the diverse field of strongly correlated electron systems. SCES emphasizes the fundamental physics of strongly correlated electron systems that span from bulk materials including f-electron based heavy fermions, d-electron based compounds, and organic materials to artificial materials such as nanoscale structures as well as cold atoms in optical lattices.The main topics that will be featured in SCES 2017 are: Heavy fermion systems Kondo effect and valence fluctuations Quantum phase transitions and related phenomena Unconventional superconductivity Metal insulator transitions Strong spin-orbit interaction in correlated systems CEF effects and multipolar ordering in SCES Theoretical methods for strong correlations Correlated topological phases Kondo physics at nanoscale Quantum magnetism and frustration New materials; bulk, thin films and artificial structures Strong correlations in actinides Non-equilibrium phenomena in strongly correlated systems Ferroics and multiferroics Strong correlations in optical lattices Strongly correlated materials in applications Large research infrastructures for SCES investigations Novel techniquesPlease, submit your abstract at http:www.sces2017.orgabstracts:http:www.sces2017.orgabstracts.The deadline for abstract submission is March 1, 2017. SPSLNX17.7.2017 - 21. 7.2017 - The main objective of 1st SPSLNX is to introduce young PhD students, postdocs and researchers, from different areas and background, to the applications of light, neutrons and X-rays scattering. During a full and exciting week, worldwide experts will introduce the students to theoretical aspects and discuss advanced applications using scattering techniques for structural characterisation. Topics Covered: Small-Angle X-ray Scattering Small-Angle Neutron Scattering X-ray Diffraction Neutron Diffraction Dynamic Light Scattering Static Light Scattering Diffusion Wave Spectroscopy X-ray Imaging Neutron Imaging Advanced applications New Brazilian SynchrotronSirius Multipourpose Brazilian ReactorRMB Nanoscience and Neutron Scattering User Meeting31.7.2017 - 04. 8.2017 - The Executive Committees for the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences CNMS and SNSHFIR User Groups are pleased to announce the 2017 Joint Nanoscience and Neutron Scattering User Meeting to be held August 1-2, 2017, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL, with topical Workshops and Tutorials held July 31 and August 3-4. This meeting will highlight the research achievements and interests of CNMS, SNS, and HFIR users, staff and the broader nanoscience and neutron scattering communities. Registration will open April 17 and is required by July 17.Plenary addresses will be given by: Martha Greenblatt, Distinguished Professor and Board of Governors Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Rutgers University Sanat Kumar, Bykhovsky Professor of Chemical Engineering, Columbia University Andrew Minor, Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley and Director, National Center for Electron Microscopy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Karen Winey, Professor and TowerBrook Foundation Faculty Fellow of Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Pennsylvania Hans Christen, Director, Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, ORNL Alan Tennant, Chief Scientist, Neutron Sciences Directorate, ORNL, and Director UT-ORNL Joint Institute for Neutron SciencesConfirmed invited speakers include: Rick Archibald ORNL Dipanshu Bansal ORNL Joseph Curtis National Institute for Standards and Technology Michael Filler Georgia Tech Edwin Fohtung New Mexico State University Alannah Hallas McMaster University Jacob Jones North Carolina State University Lincoln Lauhon Northwestern University Fankang Li ORNL Tim Long Virginia Tech Diana Mitrea St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital Jennifer Rupp Massachusetts Institute of Technology Andrew Stack ORNL Natalie Stingelin Georgia Tech Hanno zur Loye University of South CarolinaContributed oral and poster presentations will be selected from submitted abstracts. Abstract submission will open April 17. Please see the Call for Abstracts for details and submission information.The 2017 Joint User Meeting will also feature: Complete information on how to become a user. User Proposal Planning Ample opportunity to meet with facility staff and other researchers to discuss and plan for submission of user proposals. User Group Town-Hall Meetings with the CNMS UEC and SHUG will provide opportunities for the user community at-large to provide additional input on facility operations that affect users. Panel Discussions: To provide a forum for facilitating feedback between the user community and staff in research support areas such as sample environment and data analysisvisualization. User Research Posters and Best Student Poster Competition: Current facility users and prospective users will have an opportunity to present results of their research and share their experiences at the user facilities. The Poster Session on Tuesday August 1 will provide a great opportunity for graduate students and postdocs to present and discuss their research with colleagues. Graduate students will also be eligible to compete for Best Student Poster Presentation. Topical Workshops Providing deep dives into a range of topics: Workshop 1: Synthesis and Collective Phenomena in 2D Layered Materials July 31 Organized by Kai Xiao CNMS, Travis Williams SNS, and David Mandrus University of Tennessee Workshop 2: Active Matter July 31 Organized by Miguel Fuentes-Cabrera CNMS and Bobby Sumpter CNMS Workshop 3: TBD July 31 Workshop 4: TBD July 31 Workshop 5: Materials Informatics Accelerating Discovery of New Materials and Concepts from Nano-to-Meso-to-Macro Scales August 3 Organized by Panchapakesan Ganesh CNMS Workshop 6: Live Lab Demo and Tutorial on Atom Probe Tomography and Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy August 3 Organized by Jonathan Poplawsky CNMS and Juan-Carlos Idrobo CNMS Workshop 7: TBD July 31 Workshop 8: TBD July 31 National School on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering 05.8.2017 - 19. 8.2017 - The main purpose of the National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering is to educate graduate students attending North American universities in the use of major neutron and X-ray facilities. Lectures, presented by researchers from academia, industry and national laboratories, will include basic tutorials on the principles of scattering theory and the characteristics of the sources, as well as seminars on the application of scattering methods to a variety of scientific subjects. Students will conduct short experiments at Argonne National Laboratorys Advanced Photon Source and at Oak Ridge National Laboratorys Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor, which provides hands-on experience for using neutron and synchrotron sources. The selection process is highly competitive with priority given to students who are in an early stage in their research projects and who are likely to use a wide range of X-ray andor neutron techniques and thus will benefit from the breadth of the school.Application deadline: Monday, April 10, 2017 Research Conference and Symposium05.8.2017 - 10. 8.2017 - The 2017 Gordon Research Conference GRC and Gordon Research Symposium GRS on Neutron Scattering will be held August 5-6 GRS and August 6-10 at the Hong Kong University for Science and Technology. The GRC features a single plenary session format, in the Gordon Conference tradition, that focuses on in-depth discussion between the attendees, invited speakers and discussion leaders. The GRS is organized for and by graduate students and postdocs, and includes both sessions with a scientific focus as well as sessions dedicated to professional development and issues of relevance to early career scientists. This will be the inaugural GRS on Neutron Scattering, but we are hoping to make it a regular part of the overall GRC Neutron Scattering program in years to come.The GRC program and poster are available, as is the poster for the GRS. Registration for both the 2017 GRC and GRS in neutron scattering are now open. As youll see the program is wide ranging and features an excellent slate of international speakers, and ample time for in depth and small group discussions. Note that there will be contributed poster sessions and four contributed talks in the final program these are not included in the attached program, drawn from the poster contributions of the registered attendees.We have received generous international sponsorship and we are pleased to be able to offer some support to partially cover the costs of registration and accommodation initially up to 500US with a preference for supporting qualified young neutron scientists.You can apply by going to the following websites and following the instructions for attendees:2017 GRC on Neutron Scattering: https:www.grc.orgprograms.aspxid16921:https:www.grc.orgprograms.aspxid169212017 GRS on Neutron Scattering: https:www.grc.orgprograms.aspxid17491:https:www.grc.orgprograms.aspxid17491 201707.8.2017 - 11. 8.2017 - Magnonics 2017 is the latest conference in the biennial series focussing on fundamental and applied aspects of magnon and spin-wave dynamics and nanomagnetism. Scattering Applications to Hydrogen Storage Materials07.8.2017 - 17. 8.2017 - Energy research is an important scientific area today and hydrogen is one of the most promising sources of energy due to its highest energy density by weight. The efficient hydrogen storage depends on development of the new materials. Neutron scattering and -diffraction are powerful, non-destructive tool for the analysis of structure and dynamics in matter in a broad space and time domain. High sensitivity to hydrogen makes neutron scattering techniques ideally suitable to study the process in hydrogen storage systems. The goal of this school is to introduce participants to basics of neutron scattering techniques and show how these techniques can be applied for exploration of hydrogen storage materials.We kindly invite you to the upcoming Neutron School 2017 Neutron Scattering Applications to Hydrogen Storage Materials 2015. The school is organized jointly by University of Potsdam, Germany and University of Tartu, Estonia. It will be held from 7th 17th of August 2017 at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin HZB, Berlin, Germany.The lectures and practical exercises will give basics to: Hydrogen economy and hydrogen storage technologies Fundamentals of the gas storage Basics of the neutron scattering and in particular in-situ neutron diffraction and neutron spectroscopy Characterizing sorption behavior of porous materials by ab-initio and crystal structure refinements Characterization of gas diffusion and mass transfer propertiesLectures: M. Russina HZB, H. Kurig University of Tartu, Estonia, D. Tbbens HZB, D. Wallacher HZB and M.C. Schlegel BAMTarget GroupThe course is primarily aimed at early stage researchers with basics knowledge in Thermodynamics and Solid State Physics. It is part of the curriculum of the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences at the University of Potsdam, Modul 741A and is credited with 4 credit points.RegistrationIf you are interested in attending the school, please contact school organizer at margarita.russinahelmholtz register due date is June, 15th, 2017. International Conference on Low Temperature Physics09.8.2017 - 16. 8.2017 - The Low Temperature Physics Conference is an international event held every three years, under the auspices of the IUPAP through its Commission C5 on Low Temperature Physics. The aim of these conferences is to exchange information and views among the members of the international scientific community in the general field of Low Temperature Physics. It is a tradition that LT offers updates on the various topics, provided by the highest representatives of the field, as well as oral and poster contributions in the different areas. As usual the conference covers five subtopics: Quantum fluids and solids Superconductivity Cryogenic techniques and applications Magnetism and quantum phase transitions Quantum transport and quantum information in condensed matter Structures at the 24th Congress and General Assembly of IUCr21.8.2017 - 28. 8.2017 - The program is cutting edge with 3 plenaries, 40 keynotes, 119 microsymposia, regular and e-posters, commercial exhibits, satellite meetings, workshops and official meetings of the IUCr. A parallel program on science related matters and outreach is also planned. This will be a state of the art international meeting set in the unique ambience of India. School on Neutron Scattering03.9.2017 - 15. 9.2017 - The school is intended primarily for scientists, student and postdoctoral researchers, who are new to the field of neutron scattering. It provides an excellent introduction to the field, which is developed through to its application in contemporary research. Lectures and tutorials covering all aspects of the theory and practice of a variety of neutron scattering techniques will be given by international experts. Students will gain a comprehensive grounding in modern techniques and applications at both steady state and pulsed neutron sources and have the opportunity to hear about the latest research being carried out with the technique. and Neutron Science - International Student Summer Programme03.9.2017 - 30. 8.2017 - The ILLESRF International Student Summer Programme on X-Ray and Neutron Science is aimed at undergraduate students. It will consist in a 4-week experimental project embedded in a research g roup of ESRF or ILL, together with a series of introductory lectures on the principles and applications of X-ray and neutron science magnetism, materials science, soft matter, structural biology, imaging, etc.. Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering04.9.2017 - 15. 9.2017 - The course will consist of one week of lectures and exercises and one week of practical training at the neutron scattering facilities of Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum MLZ. It is the aim of the course to give a realistic insight into the experimental technique and its scientific power.Students of physics, chemistry, material science and biosciences are invited to apply for participation. There is no tuition fee. Accommodation and meals during the course will be provided by JCNS. Travel expenses will be reimbursed within reasonable limits. and Technologies for future mobility05.9.2017 - 06. 9.2017 - EIT RawMaterials holds the second EXPERT FORUM on MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR FUTURE MOBILITY. The workshop addresses innovation and education in the field of lightweight material solutions for the automotive market as well as aviation and aerospace. There will be room for discussions, matchmaking and finding new partners for future collaboration activities. 9th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation MECA SENS 201719.9.2017 - 21. 9.2017 - The 9th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation, MECA SENS 2017, invites the participation of researchers active in the field of neutron, synchrotron and X-ray strain scanning studies of materials. MECA SENS 2017 is hosted by the South African Nuclear Energy Corporation Necsa SOC in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency.We envisage holding a Stress School for participants new to the field, as well as a visit to the SAFARI-1 research reactor.The conference offers a unique opportunity to overview the most recent developments and capabilities of the diffraction based approaches, complemented by mechanical and image-based techniques. Equal emphasis will be given to measurement, modelling and application of residual stress data.We invite the participation of scientists and engineers from academia, research facilities and industry spanning the scope from well experienced practitioners, instrumentation experts and innovators continuously pushing the envelope of the techniques and applications, to postgraduate students and researchers new to this exciting field.Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed and published in a topical international journal.Important dates: First call for abstracts: 01 February 2017 Abstract submission closes: 15 March 2017 Abstract acceptance notification: 15 April 2017 Early bird registration: 1 May 2017 Regular registration: 31 July 2017 Manuscript submission: 01 September 2017 Stress School: 18 September 2017 MECASENS 9: 19 21 September 2017 SAFARI-1 visit: 22 September 2017 Technologies and Structural Materials21.9.2017 - 22. 9.2017 - At MTSM2017 leading scientists and experts from Croatia and abroad will present their latest achievements in areas of advanced mechanical technologies, energy engineering and new mechanical structures. The Conference will also provide an opportunity for collaboration and discussions which may form the basis of future cooperation among the scientific society and manufacturing businesses. International Conference on Rheology and Modeling of Materials02.10.2017 - 06. 10.2017 - The 3rd International Conference on Rheology and Modeling of Materials is expected to be one of the most important and highest scientific level conference on rheology in Europe in 2017.The aims are the fostering of interdisciplinary collaboration and interaction among scientists, researchers, PhD students as well as product and technology developer engineers. The international conference ic-rmm3 provides a platform among leading international scientists, physicists, chemists, mathematicians, researchers, PhD students and engineers for discussing recent achievements in measurement, modeling and application of rheology in materials technology and materials science of liquids, melts, solids, powders, crystals, gels and amorphous structures. Among the major fields of interest are the influences of temperature, mechanical stresses, deformation speeds and times on rheological properties, material structures and phase transformation of foams, emulsions, suspensions, liquids, powders, crystals, foods, cosmetics, polymers, plastics, petrochemicals, melted metals, glasses and competitive materials like nanomaterials, pharmaceuticals, medical- and biomaterials, ceramics, films and coatings, advanced metal alloys, glasses, composites, hetero-modulus, hetero-plastic and hetero-viscous complex material systems, hybrid materials,... etc.Multidisciplinary applications of rheology as well as mechanical and rheological modeling in material science and technology encountered in sectors like foods, bio- and medical materials, ceramics, glasses, thin films, polymers, clays, construction materials, energy, aerospace, automotive and marine industry. Rheology in physics, chemistry, medicine, biosciences, cosmetics, environmental and earth sciences and in engineering and industries are of particular interests. Conference Condensed Matter Research at the IBR-209.10.2017 - 12. 10.2017 - The aim of the CMRIBR-2 Conference, playing the role of the User Meeting, is to bring together the users of the neutron facility for discussion of recent experimental results, prospects of future research and development of IBR-2 instruments. The present Conference will be dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Moreover, a special session of the Conference will be dedicated to a powerful experimental method correlation Fourier diffractometry, which makes it possible to perform very-high-resolution measurements at long-pulse neutron sources.The year 2017 marks the 25th anniversary of the start of operation of the first in the world Fourier diffractometer at the IBR-2 pulsed neutron reactor. Workshop 2017 - Trends and Perspectives in Neutron Instrumentation: Probing Structure and Dynamics at Interfaces and Surfaces10.10.2017 - 13. 10.2017 - Evolution of structure and composition at interfaces between materials affects a large variety of intrinsic and functional parameters defining interaction and reaction schemes. The analytical techniques capable of exploring the interfaces are still very limited, and more often only ex situ studies are performed. Neutron techniques are capable of operando studies of interfaces, of visualization of buried interfaces and interactions and of probing interfacial kinetics and dynamics. They have become an extensively growing field of research.The JCNS Workshop 2017 held in Tutzing, Germany on 10-13 October, 2017, aims at highlighting recent approaches and developing ideas on the adaptation of neutron reflectometry, small angle neutron scattering, neutron spectroscopy, neutron imaging and depth profiling and neutron spin echo spectroscopy.The workshop will discuss current requirements and developments in probing surfaces and interfaces using such techniques. In particular the workshop is devoted to novel and upcoming experimental opportunities with various new instruments in operation or planned at neutron facilities to discuss the scientific options and capabilities in this area.The topics will include Surfaces and Interfaces Magnetic Interfaces Nanostructured Surfaces Solid-Liquid Interfaces Adsorption and Adhesion Liquid-Liquid Interfaces Membranes Neutron Reflectometry Grazing Incidence Neutron Scattering Small Angle Neutron Scattering Time-of-flight Spectroscopy Elastic and Inelastic Scattering High Resolution Spectroscopy and NSE Neutron Depth Profiling and Imaging Time Resolved and In-situ Measurements Modelling and SimulationThe conference is organized by the Jlich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS, Forschungszentrum Jlich. 2017 - 2nd International Conference on Neutron Imaging and Neutron Methods in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Research11.10.2017 - 13. 10.2017 - NINMACH 2013:https:www.frm2.tum.deaktuelles-medienpressenewsarchivnews-single-viewarticleninmach-2013, organized in Garching, Germany, was the first event of this conference series that addressed both neutron scientists and archaeologists and conservators.In the recent years, modern scientific methods have led to a wealth of information in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Research concerning the composition of artefacts both on a molecular level and on the mechanical built of objects that cannot be dismantled without destroying them. X-ray methods from radiography to fluorescence have become widespread, but the potential of neutron methods has barely been tapped.Neutrons easily penetrate thick layers of metals, even lead, while revealing organic material like wood, leather or bones in sealed metal or stone containers. Two- and three-dimensional imaging provides visual information, while neutron activation analysis delivers elemental composition information, and neutron scattering reveals alloys and textures.With modern detectors, Neutron Imaging can even be performed at low-power research reactors; the application for cultural heritage research gives rise to new uses to elder small research reactors throughout the world, which is explicitly supported by IAEA.NINMACH addresses archaeologists and conservators from museums and universities and aims to illustrate the potential of neutron methods in cultural heritage research.Talks and posters will be presented by physicists and archaeologists who have already employed neutron methods successfully; attendance is explicitly recommended for scientists who are completely new to neutron methods and want to learn about the possibilities at neutron sources throughout the world.If you intend to present your research at the conference, you are kindly requested to submit your abstract and register at http:indico.kfki.huevent518:http:indico.kfki.huevent518.International advisory committee Dr. Jrme Beaucour, Institut Laue-Langevin, FR Dr. T. Bir Katalin, Hungarian National Museum, HU Dr. Francesco Grazzi, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, IT Dr. Nikolay Kardjilov, Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, DE Dr. Vassilis Kilikoglou, National Center of Scientific Research Demokritos, GR Dr. Winfried Kockelmann, Science and Technology Facilities Council, ISIS, UK Dr. Eberhard Lehmann, Paul Scherer Institute, CH Dr. Maria Isabel Prudencio, Universidade de Lisboa, PT Prof. Thilo Rehren, UCL Institute of Archaeology, UK Dr. Burkhard Schillinger, Technische Universitt Mnchen, FRM II, DE Prof. Seonbok Yi, Seoul National University, KRScope Neutron imaging Neutron activation analysis Prompt gamma activation analysis Neutron scattering Facilities, techniques and data processing Autoradiography Multi-technique approach and complementary techniques15th June 2017: deadline of the submission of abstracts for talksposters, and submission for the Student Grant15th July 2017: decision about the abstracts for talksposters30th July 2017: deadline of the early registration1st October 2017: deadline of the registration and paymentRegistration and abstract submission can be done via the website:http:indico.kfki.huevent518.For more information please visit: http:www.bnc.huninmach2017:http:www.bnc.huninmach2017or contact us: Budapest Neutron Centre BNCH-1121 Hungary, Budapest, 29-33 Konkoly-Thege str.E-mail: - Annual School on Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FullProf Suite16.10.2017 - 20. 10.2017 - Scientific scopeFPSchool aims to contribute to the training of scientists in treatment of X-ray and neutron diffraction data.The school is based on intensive hands-on sessions using the computer programs of the FullProf Suite.The lectures and tutorials will provide the essential tools necessary for an efficient use of the FullProf Suite at an intermediate level. In addition to general applications, the new features on material science data analysis and magnetic structure determination and refinement will be given particular attention.The 2017 FPSchool will take place at the Institut Laue-Langevin, in Grenoble, from 16 to 20 Oct 2017.LecturesThe school lasts 4.5 days: 2 days dedicated to have a general overview of FullProf Suite as well as to general applications, plus 2 days dedicated to the analysis of magnetic diffraction data.There are different theoretical modules plus a large number of hands-on sessions for which each participant should bring hisher own laptop with the FullProf Suite already installed.ParticipantsThe school is intended for PhD students and experienced scientists with a basic knowledge on diffraction techniques and crystallography. As usual, among the participants there will be a mix of different levels of experience in using FullProf. It is recommended, to those who consider themselves as beginners, to read the FullProf manual in advance and even try to follow a few of the online tutorials. Carnot18.10.2017 - 19. 10.2017 - The yearly business convention bringing all major actors in RD and support for business innovation in France. There were more than 2700 attendees in 2016. Infoday Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons for Catalysis, Materials Research and Development22.10.2017 - Synchrotron radiation and neutrons play an important role for understanding catalytic reactions and controlling material properties. The GeCatS information day aims to give an overview of the latest research in these fields. The workshop will bring together new and established users from academia, large scale facilities and industry.How do catalysts, fuel cells, batteries or sensors work on an atomic mesoscopic and macroscopic scale What kind of changes occur under reaction conditions with gas exposure, temperature, time or with start up or interruption of the reactionThese questions are of high relevance for the knowledge-based development of catalysts and new materials and, in particular, inspire breakthrough innovations, equally in academic and industrial research.Synchrotron radiation and neutrons play an important role for understanding catalytic reactions and controlling material properties. The GeCatS information day aims to give an overview of the latest research in these fields. It is intended to promote the exchange and provide a platform for new and strengthened collaborations at both academic and industrial levels. We will bring together new and established users from academia, large scale facilities and industry.Synchrotron radiation and neutron sources offer completely new insight. It is not only possible to obtain atomic structural information on functional materials but also to generate an image from the molecular system to the reactor or a battery. Thanks to new beamlines at synchrotron radiation sources, higher brilliance and tremendously improved computer power, tomographic images and 3D-investigations can now be obtained over many orders of length scales. In addition, processes can be directly followed, for example, the preparation of materials as well as the life of a catalyst under reaction conditions, i.e. in gas, liquid or high pressure environment. Another very important aspect is the tracking of temporal changes: new research approaches allow the data acquisition in the ms area, pump-probe experiments and X-ray lasers face even much shorter temporal information down to the fs range. Such facilities are also highly interesting for industrial research and have great future potential. Many methodological synergies between synchrotron and neutron measurement techniques are currently available and lab infrastructure already exists to some extent, or is presently put into position. With the construction of FLASH and XFEL as well as the upgrade of BESSY or PETRA III, completely new possibilities arise in Germany and with MAXIV, ESRF, ILL, ISIS upgrades and the ESS at European level. Now it is important to familiarize the fundamental sciences and applied disciplines equally with the new potential created in recent years and to tap them as best as possible. The techniques and new potentials will only be used optimally if the right infrastructure is established and scientific questions are addressed and tackled in the right way.Gain an overview of the possibilities. Get involved in this discussion and shape the future. - 26. 10.2017 - Tighter collaboration between industry SMEs and the research sector could exploit a hitherto untapped potential to unleash the full capability of the knowledge and innovation system in Europe. Global competitiveness of the Baltic Sea Region as well as other regions across the globe highly depends on the continuous development of new products and innovative services based on sophisticated research. Bearing in mind the outstanding innovation performance showcased by the Baltic Sea Region in the European Innovation Scoreboard 2017, Baltic TRAM partnership is committed to advance the on-going dialogue on science-business cooperation.This conference takes place at the helm of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States, thus shedding more light on the implementation of Swedish Presidencys priorities sustainability, continuity and adaptability. The conference will highlight various activities, projects and framework conditions for a better support of access opportunities for IndustrySMEs to analytical research facilities. It will have a true added value for industry by presenting practical offers, how to collaborate with analytical facilities.During the first day of the conference the discussion will revolve around the innovation policy issues. The second day of the conference will give an overview of existing or upcoming support offers of high importance to the industry SMEs. Matter VII International Workshop on Electron-volt Neutron Spectroscopy07.11.2017 - 08. 11.2017 - ScopeNeutrons Matter, the seventh edition of the International Workshop on Electron-volt Neutron Spectroscopy, celebrates the 85th anniversary of the discovery of the neutron by James Chadwick, and the 80th anniversary of the patent issued by the Ministero delle Corporazioni on 27th October 1937 to Enrico Fermi for the use of neutrons to enhance artificial radioactivity. The last discovery took place at the Istituto di Fisica di Via Panisperna at the very heart of Rome. Following a successful sixth edition of this workshop series in the United Kingdom in 2014, we aim to bring to the fore and highlight the most recent and quite exciting advances in the field, with an emphasis on the use of the technique across condensed matter research, as well as the concurrent use of contemporary computational materials modelling. The workshop will be held in Rome, in the beautiful setting of Villa Wolkonsky and at the Centro Fermi Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche Enrico Fermi.NEUTRONS MATTER PrizeA prize will be awarded to the best poster presented by an early-career researcher. All posters will be considered for the NEUTRONS MATTER Prize 2017. The award, sponsored by Centro Fermi and SoNS, will be assigned during the event. Rules to be considered for this award: The early-career researcher is one of the author of the poster The early-career researcher is the presenter of the workImportant dates Application and request of hotel reservation deadline: 25th September 2017 Abstract submission deadline: 27th September 2017 Notification of abstract acceptance: 15th October 2017 - Food Science and Technology conference13.11.2017 - 16. 11.2017 - Every year EFFoST organizes this prestigious international food science and technology conference, an important scientific event that brings together world-renowned researchers, scientists, policy makers, professionals and students from multidisciplinary food-related fields to share the latest developments, meet old friends and form new partnerships. See here for details of our previous conferences.The 31st EFFoST International Conference will be held in Sitges, Spain from 13-16 November 2017 under the theme: Food Science and Technology Challenges for the 21st Century - Research to Progress Society.The 2017 conference will explore solutions to current and future challenges such as food safety and security, food fraud, waste reduction and sustainability, analytical techniques, novel technologies, functional foods, nutrition and health, gastronomy, entrepreneurship, open innovation strategic alliances and knowledge transfer management.Conference Topics Food safety and security Food fraud Waste reduction and sustainability Advanced analytical techniques Novel technologies for food processing Functional foods Nutrition and health Gastronomy Entrepreneurship Open innovation strategic alliances Knowledge transfer management ISSE Training School13.11.2017 - 17. 11.2017 - The second biannual ISSE training school on sample environments will be held from Monday, November 13 to Friday, November 17, 2017 at the NIST Center for Neutron Research NCNR. This years training school is devoted to soft matter sample environments.The course is targeted towards technical staff, engineers, instrument scientists or facility users interested in learning about sample environments for scattering instruments. The combination of introductory lectures and training will provide participants with a unique opportunity to become familiar with the sample environments deployed at the beam instruments and their applications.Examples of the sample environment topics that will be covered are: basics of rheology, advance flow measurements, ultrasonic, vapor flow, langmuir troughs, liquid cells, syringe pumps, humidity chambers and several others.Attendance for the training school is limited to 20 students.For further information, andor to apply, please go to: https:sampleenvironment.orgisse-training-shools2017-se-school:https:sampleenvironment.orgisse-training-shools2017-se-school. Early application is advised since attendance is strictly limited and we typically receive more applications than the maximum number of participants.Registration Closes November 6th, 2017 9th AONSAThe 2nd Neutron and Muon School16.11.2017 - 20. 11.2017 - The School provides training for newcomers to neutron and muon beam research from across the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, materials science and more. In addition to lectures, practical sessions are included with hands-on experiments and data analysis. All neutron techniques are generally covered, with emphasis on powder diffraction, single-crystal diffraction, strain scanning, small-angle scattering, reflectometry, inelastic and quasielastic scattering, and neutron imaging.The School will be held at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility MLF of J-PARC. J-PARC is one of Japans flagship research facilities and is unique in the world in the range and performance of accelerator-based capabilities. MLF, located at the heart of J-PARC, is one of the worlds leading centers for pulsed neutron and muon beam based research.JRR-3, which has been the center of neutron facility in Japan for a long time, is just in a walking distance from MLF. It is still under inspection after the big earthquake in 2011 so we will just visit it to study various neutron instruments.The 9th AONSA Neutron SchoolThe 2nd Neutron and Muon School is aimed at post-graduate students and early-career researchers who are interested in, but have limited or no experience with neutron and muon beam based techniques.The School will consist of introductory lectures on neutron and muon science and the application of neutron and muon beams in research. It will also include hands-on experience using the MLF instruments and instruction in data analysis. Workshop Energy for Sustainable Science at Research Infrastructures23.11.2017 - 24. 11.2017 - Extreme light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics, in collaboration with The European Organization for Nuclear Research, The European Association of National Research Facilities, The European Spallation Source, and The Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society, will host on 23-24 November 2017, in Magurele, the forth Workshop on Energy for Sustainable Science at Research Infrastructures Facilities.Volatile energy costs, a tight budget climate and increasing environmental concerns are all inciting large-scale research facilities across the globe to devise mid- and long-term strategies for sustainable developments at their research infrastructures, including the aim for reliable, affordable and carbon-neutral energy supplies.This workshop will bring together international sustainability experts, stakeholders and representatives from research facilities and future research infrastructure projects all over the world.One of the main goals of this event is to identify the challenges, best practices and policies to develop and implement sustainable solutions at research infrastructures. This includes the increase of energy efficiencies, energy system optimizations, storage and savings, implementation and management issues as well as the review of challenges represented by potential future technological solutions and the tools for effective collaboration.Some of the main topics to be discussed are: Energy Management at Laboratories Energy Efficiency Energy Recovery Advanced Energy Technologies and Future RDThis workshop is the latest event of the series Energy for Sustainable Science at Research Infrastructures that is organized by ERF, CERN, ESS and ARIES, holding biennial workshops at various places. Design and Engineering of Neutron Instruments meeting29.11.2017 - 01. 12.2017 - The 6th Design and Engineering of Neutron Instruments meeting will be held in Sydney, Australia, on 29 November through to 1 December 2017. This will prove to be an essential conference for all scientists, engineers and technicians interested in the project management, design, specification, fabrication, acceptance testing, operation maintenance and upgrades of neutron scattering instruments. 50 Year Symposium07.12.2017 - 08. 12.2017 - The NIST Bureau of Standards Reactor is celebrating its 50th anniversary of going critical on December 7, 2017. It has had a long and distinguished history of providing neutrons to the scientific community and has established itself as a leader in the global enterprise of neutron science. The NCNR is now poised for continuing the legacy long into the future. This symposium is to recognize the accomplishments of those who worked closely with the facility as well as celebrating the potential science that will be emerging from the facility in the future. The symposium will last from the morning of December 7th and continue into the afternoon on the 8th. There will be a reception dinner the evening of the 7th at the Gaithersburg Marriott--Washingtonian Center. 2nd NEUBIAS Conference27.1.2018 - 02. 2.2018 - The organizers of NEUBIAS are pleased to welcome you to the 2nd NEUBIAS Conference, in SzegedThe 2nd Annual Conference of NEUBIAS, gathering the whole BioImage Analysis Community into a multi-faceted event, offers two Training schools, a Working Meeting Taggathon and a Large Symposium dedicated to Scientific Developments and Open Tools in BioImage Analysis.The event will be organized and hosted by Dr. Peter Horvath, Principal Investigator at the Biological Research Center BRC of the Hungarian Academy of Science, Szeged.Topics Highlights of the Symposium BioImage Analysis in Life Science, Developments, Machine Learning, Bioimage Data Mining, Storage, etc... Open source Software Lounge, Call4help, Open Tools, Industry workshops, Panel Discussions and more From Materials to Science Conference15.2.2018 - 16. 2.2018 - is inviting you, together with,, and HZG:https:www.hzg.deindex.php.en, to take part in the Nanotechnology from Materials to Science conference, which will take place at the Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, on 15-16 February 2018. The event is organized in the framework of the project. Who can attendThe event is open to researchers, industry experts and science enthusiasts in the fields of nanostructures and nano-analytics. It is a two-day conference with the objective of sharing knowledge in those fields, discussing the innovative applications of nanotechnology in different sectors such as ICT, health, energy and more and exploring diverse collaboration opportunities between research organizations and companies.What is the scopeThe conference aims at providing answers to highly up-to-date questions in the industrial research and development in the area of nanotechnology, and will present the offer of large-scale research infrastructures to answer those questions. A guided tour through the CERIC Czech Partner facility:http:ceric-eric.euindex.phpnAbout.Facilities will complete the program.How to registerRegister for the event details related to the topics that will be discussed and organisations which will facilitate the sessions can be found here:https:prezi.comview3n8KkrGwDS2gVZ2oRqGy.The provisional programme of the event and the sessions abstracts can be found here:https:www.ceric-eric.euuploadsMediaProgramme_R2BeventPrague_February.pdf. _ACCELERATE is funded by the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, under grant agreement 731112_ Digitale Agenda22.2.2018 - 23. 2.2018 - The aim of the workshop is to discuss the needs of the German X-ray and neutron user community in terms of digitalization.Topics to be addressed IT infrastructures algorithms e.g., machine learning data management data policies embargo, open data, open access possible funding measures training junior scientists additional European School 2018: Neutrons and synchrotron radiation for science25.2.2018 - 30. 3.2018 - This one month course, coordinated by the Universit Grenoble Alpes, is designed to provide training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, in the field of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for condensed matter studies Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Geosciences, Industrial applications. It includes lectures, practicals and tutorials, visits of Large Facilities and a poster session each participant puts up a poster about herhis thesis or research topic for a day. PART I: BASIC METHODS AND INSTRUMENTS This part is common for all the participants - 1.5 weeks PART II is divided into two parallel specialized sessions 3.5 weeks Session A: PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF CONDENSED MATTER Session B: BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICSThe course is held in Grenoble at the Polygone Scientifique Louis Nel. This is close to partner institutions where practicals and tutorials will take place: European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL European Synchrotron Radiation Facility ESRF Institut de Biologie Structurale IBS Institut Laue-Langevin ILL Institut Nanosciences Cryognie CEA Institut Nel CNRSA special seven days programme is included , in a partner institution among European Large instruments, either at: DESY and European XFEL in Hambourg, Germany Canceled for the 2018 session, due to a shutdown of Petra III Elettra and FERMI in Triest, Italy Swiss Light Source Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen, Switzerland SOLEIL St Aubin, France and Laboratoire Lon Brillouin CEA Saclay, FranceThe language of the course is English. IFF Spring School26.2.2018 - 09. 3.2018 - The Spring School will provide an introduction to and an overview of current research topics in biophysics of living systems, with an emphasis on understanding biological structure, dynamics and function. Biomolecules, cells, tissues, and their multiscale interactions are the main building blocks of biological organisms. The physical understanding of their structural and dynamical properties and their organization and synergy is very challenging due to the enormous complexity and non-equilibrium behaviour of these systems.However, this knowledge is essential for linking the structure and dynamics of biosystems to their corresponding functions. The goal of this Spring School is not only to give an overview of selected topics from biophysics to students and postdocs in physics, chemistry and biology, but also to establish an interdisciplinary connection between these fields. This includes, in particular, the introduction of biologists and chemists to physical experimental methods and theoretical modelling, and the introduction of physicists to the large variety of fascinating biological phenomena. Introductory lectures will present the basics of biosystems and biophysics.These lectures are intended to establish a common level of basic interdisciplinary knowledge. Subsequent lectures will treat more advanced topics within different disciplines and emphasize interdisciplinary aspects.The deadline for applications is 20 December 2017 Science Business Forum 201826.2.2018 - 28. 2.2018 - Big Science Business Forum 2018 will be the first one-stop-shop for European companies and other stakeholders to learn about Europes Big Science organisations future investments and procurements worth billions of euros. The forum will offer your business the chance to: Learn about business opportunities in the coming years, within a wide range of business areas. Meet representatives from Europes Big Science organisations and their key suppliers. Network and establish long lasting partnerships via business-to-business meetings B2B, business-to-customer meetings B2C and in the open exhibition area. Get insight into procurement rules, IPR, technology transfer and how businesses can interplay with the Big Science market.Big Science as a business area 16 parallel sessionsBSBF2018 will address 16 topics of Big Science as a business area. Extensive parallel sessions will focus on Big Science investments in the coming years in the following areas: A1 Procurement, IPR and standards A2 Remote handling systems A3 Cryogenic technology A4 Affiliated Big Science organisations I TBC B1 Technology transfer B2 Superconductivity and superconducting magnets B3 Safety systems, licensing and protection of hazardous installations, access control, fire and gas detection B4 Affiliated Big Science organisations II TBC C1 Electrical, electronics, electromechanical and RF systems C2 High precision and large mechanical components manufacturing and assembly C3 Instrumentation and Control and CODAC C4 Engineering methodologies and tools D1 Diagnostics, detectors and instruments D2 Vacuum and leak detection technologies D3 Basic material technologies and advanced manufacturing techniques D4 Information and Communication TechnologiesThe investment potential of Europes Big Science market plenary session IIn the programs pleanary session I, delegates have a unique opportunity to get to know the investment potential of Europes Big Science market when high level speakers from the nine organising Big Science organisations will present their individual organisations. Best practices of the Big Science market plenary session IIIn plenary session II, delegates will get to know the best practices there is on the Big Science market when prime contractors, SMEs and Industry Liaison Officers participate in a roundtable discussion. Neutron Training Course 201827.2.2018 - 08. 3.2018 - The annual ISIS Practical Neutron Training Course is aimed at PhD and post-doctoral researchers who have little or no experience of neutron scattering, but whose future research program aims to make use of neutron scattering techniques at ISIS. The course runs annually for 10 days at ISIS and takes around 35 students.We stress that this is a hand-on course using the ISIS neutron instruments aimed at complete beginners to neutron scattering.Registration:https:tinyurl.com2018NTC is via the form in the link below and will close on November 30th, 2017Outline of Course Basic Principles Neutron Time-of-flight, Detectors, Neutron materials and interations, Instrument Components, Neutron Scattering Theory Chemistry and Materials Powder and single crystal diffraction, Rietveld refinement GSAS, Molecular Spectroscopy, Diffuse scattering, Non-crystalline materials scattering Physics Neutron diffraction, magnetic Rietveld refinement Fullprof, inelastic scattering - polycrystals and single crystals, and reflectometry Soft Matter Sample preperation and deuteration, Small-angle neutron scattering, Neutron reflectometry Optional Modules Computational methods DFT, Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Quasi-elastic Scattering, Biological SANS data reduction, Polarized reflectometry for soft matter, Strain in Materials The course includes accommodation at Coseners in Abingdon, and travel expenses within the UK - and is free to participating studentsSelection criteria for applications to the Neutron Training CourseThe number of applications to attend the Neutron Training Course has always exceeded the number of places available on the course, and hence it has been necessary to have a selection procedure for allocating the places. One ISIS representative for each of the three modules attends a selection meeting together with one external ISIS user. The criteria used in making the selection are as follows: Preference is given to students funded from the UK. This is interpreted broadly and it includes University, Research Council or UK Industry funding. Preference is given to students at the beginning of their studies in neutron scattering. Preference is given to applicants who, in the judgement of the selection committee will make a major use of neutron scattering, particularly at ISIS, in their studies.In the assessment of applications, the statements submitted by the applicant and their supervisor carry the greatest weight, and so we would encourage applicants to ensure that they submit a strong statement emphasising the significance of neutron scattering in their research. In the event of a dispute concerning the outcome of the selection procedure, an ombudsman who has no involvement in the current course will be appointed.Course OrganizersHelen 01235 446720Alex 01235 445358Christy 01235 446043 Berlin School on Neutron Scattering01.3.2018 - 09. 3.2018 - The Berlin Neutron School is one of the oldest established neutron schools. It was founded in 1980 by Prof Hans Dachs and is organised by the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin fr Materialien und Energie HZB. The aim of the school is to provide an introduction to neutron scattering with an emphasis on hands-on, practical experience using the instruments at the BERII reactor.The first three days of the school consist of detailed lectures on the principles and techniques of neutron scattering followed by a tour of the instruments and an introduction to sample environment. As well as the course lectures given by members of HZB, external guest lecturers will be invited to review current issues in the field of neutron research. In the past, Dr Paul Henry ESS discussed the planned European Spallation Source and Dr Andrea Denker HZB has lectured on neutron auto-radiography of paintings and artifacts.After attending the lectures the students begin the hands-on experiments. They are divided into groups of four to five people from similar subject areas and do triple-axis spectroscopy, powder diffraction, small angle scattering, reflectometry, time-of-flight spectroscopy, tomography and residual stress analysis under the guidance of the instrument scientists. The experiments last three hours each and take place over three and a half days. Furthermore, we will hold a students poster session which will give the students the opportunity to present their work and discuss with the HZB scientists how neutron scattering could benefit their research. The poster session will be followed by the Neutron School dinner. Finally, on the last day of the school the students will attend lectures on how to use neutron scattering as a tool for research in various subject areas e.g. biology, chemistry, engineering and physics, and how to apply for neutron beamtime at HZB.This school is primarily aimed at advanced students who have completed their Bachelor degree in physical, engineering and life sciences, and early stage researchers e.g. PhD students and postdocs. The course is part of the curriculum of the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences at the Technical University Berlin.Applications are accepted until 15 October 2017.School FeeThere is no registration fee for participation in the 38th Berlin School on Neutron Scattering.AccommodationThe Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin provides non-local participants with free accommodation.Travel SupportA contribution to travel support may be available on request. Please contact Annual Meeting of the German Crystallographic Society DGK05.3.2018 - 08. 3.2018 - The venue of the Annual Meeting is Essen in the heart of the Ruhrgebiet that is actually not as grey as some of you might expect. In the contrary, after coal and steel industries have contracted and shifted to more environmentally friendly processes, this area has undergone a remarkable transformation. Notably, in 2010, Essen was the center of the European Capital of Culture, and in 2017, it is the European Green Capital.Many scientific disciplines rely on crystallography, covering inter alia fields like materials sciences, geosciences, crystal structure determination, and protein crystallography. The University of Duisburg-Essen with its two campi at Duisburg and Essen and a third campus for the University Hospital has two central research units with direct relevance to crystallography: Nanosciences, as represented by the Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen CeNIDE, and biological sciences, as represented by the Center for Biomedical Technology ZMB. Both have supported the Annual Meeting. In the direct vicinity there are other major research institutions like the Universities at Bochum and Dortmund and a number of Max-Planck Institutes and Fraunhofer institutes, many of them relying on chemical, physical and biological crystallography.A number of prominent Plenary Speakers have agreed to give presentations at our Annual Congress: Leonid Dubrovinsky BayreuthDE: Crystallography taken to the extreme Holger Dobbek BerlinDE: Carbon oxide activation at biological Ni,Fe centres Kenneth Harris CardiffGB: New experimental techniques for exploring crystallization pathways and structural properties of solids Randy J. Read CambridgeGB: TAn unexpected crystallographic insight into renin secretion Sven Lidin LundSE: Structure Dynamis in Crystaline Solids Erdmann Spiecker ErlangenDE: The new era of in situ electron microscopy: From qualitative observations to quantitative studies on the nanoscale Paulina Dominiak WarszawaPLNeutron-Satellite-WorkshopDirectly after the Annual Meeting of the DGK, a workshop on methods and applications of neutrons on hot topics will take place.The conference will be accompanied by a specialised industrial exhibition. Interested companies are requested to contact 201808.3.2018 - 09. 3.2018 - SYnchrotron and NEutron Radiation Go IndustrialNew analytical tools for engineering materials scienceEurope has the best portfolio of Advanced Research Infrastructures ARIs worldwide, serving a wide and dynamic academic community of many tens of thousands of scientists every year. These large-scale and unique facilities enable remarkable insights into materials of all types, particularly in engineering materials science. The research infrastructures are open not only for fundamental science, but are increasingly becoming a routine tool exploited for proprietary research by companies. When you cannot solve your problem with conventional technique available in your lab, Advanced Research Infrastructure might be able to help you.Key note speeches on engineering applications of neutron and synchrotron facilities: Daigo Setoyama, Toyota Central RD Labs., Inc., JP Axel Mller, OHB System AG, DE Paul Collier, Johnson Matthey plc, UK Business to Research Matchmaking in cooperation with Enterprise Europe NetworkExhibition, research service providers and research infrastructuresDetailed programme and registration at: 2018 will demystify analytical Research Infrastructures RIs for industry in the field of engineering, energy- and microtechnology.Learn how RIs are already working with a wide range of buisnesses and build with us a future vision of how RIs could be better integrated into the regional and European innovation processes. - 7th. International Meeting of Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources11.3.2018 - 15. 3.2018 - Advances in science and technology in the field of neutron science have been dominated by a fruitful combination of major international facilities supported by networks of smaller regional facilities. Recent advances in accelerator technology and neutronic design have made it possible to construct small-scale accelerator-driven neutron facilities that would be able to play a significant role in neutron technology and science. The neutron applications using compact accelerator driven neutron sources are now becoming more and more important since it can cover various fields such as material science, engineering, nuclear physics, cancer therapy, soft error, cultural heritage and so on, and therefore they would play a more significant role in the future.The Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources UCANS:http:ucans.orgindex.html was formed in 2010 to support the ongoing development of small accelerator based neutron sources around the world. Since then, fruitful meetings were held in Beijing China 2011, Bloomington U.S.A 2012, Bilbao Spain 2013, Sapporo Japan 2014, Legnaro Italy 2015, and Xian China 2016.UCANS-VII, the 7th. International Meeting of the Union for Compact Accelerator-driven Neutron Sources, will be held in San Carlos de Bariloche:https:en.wikipedia.orgwikiBariloche, Province of Rio Negro, Argentina. The dates are March 11 15, 2018, and the venue is Hotel located in the beautiful LLao-Llao area, at 25 Km from downtown Bariloche.Topics Accelerators and beam optics, Target radiation damage and heat removal, Moderator neutronics, Optical devices, Neutron detection, CANS Projects and Innovative instrumentation, Material characterization. Other applications of CANS, Nuclear Astrophysics and Nuclear Data, Medical applications, Computer simulations and data-analysis software, Education Spring Meeting and EPS-CMD2711.3.2018 - 16. 3.2018 - DPG Frhjahrstagung Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section SKM with the following divisions and working groups: Biological Physics Chemical and Polymer Physics Thin Films Dynamics and Statistical Physics Semiconductor Physics Crystalline Solids and their Microstructure Magnetism Metal and Material Physics _and the working group Metal and Material Physics_ Surface Science Physics of Socio-Economic Systems Low Temperature Physics Vacuum Science and Technology Working Group Equal Opportunities Working Group Industry and Business Working Group young DPG Working Group Philosophy of PhysicsCMD27 of the EPS Condensed Matter Division with the following Sections and Divisions: Liquid Physics Low Temperature Physics Magnetism European Magnetism Association Semiconductors and Insulators Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysics Structural and Dynamical Properties of Solids Surfaces and Interfaces Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division EPS Young MindsThe conference takes place at the :Technische Universitt BerlinStrae des 17. Juni 13510623 BerlinHashtag: DPGB18App for DPG Spring MeetingsDownload the DPG Spring Meeting App for Android v.5+ or iOS 7.1+ and create your own conference programme. In addition to the scientific programme, the app also provides information about the supporting programme and supplies you with relevant information about the venue and conference office. Take a look in the App-Store or PlayStore for DPG Spring Meetings and install the free app MRS Spring Meeting Exhibit02.4.2018 - 06. 4.2018 - Time and time again, multidisciplinary research is touted as essential to innovation. That is why, from April 2-6, 2018, researchers working in seemingly unrelated fields will gather in Phoenix, Arizona, to promote, share and discuss issues and developments across disciplines.The 2018 MRS Spring Meeting Exhibit is the key forum to present research to an interdisciplinary and international audience. It provides a window on the future of materials science, and offers an opportunity for researchersfrom students and postdoctoral fellows, to Nobel and Kavli Prize Laureatesto exchange technical information and network with colleagues.The Materials Research Society has developed a far-reaching series of programs that expose students, teachers, and life-long learners to the excitement of discovery and the significance of science in their daily lives. For interested MRS members, these programs provide an opportunity to participate in outreach activities, support national STEM education initiatives, and play a significant role in developing and nurturing the next generation of materials scientists.The scientific process is no longer just about generating ideas, but about freely sharing those ideas with broader audiences. Now more than ever, the ability to recruit students, attract collaborators, and secure funding is tied to the ability to successfully bring research out of the laboratory and to the general public. Through its continuum of broader impacts programming and professional development sessions at MRS meetings, an ever-expanding awards portfolio, a University Chapter program that is now international in scope, and so much more, MRS, with the support of the Materials Research Society Foundation, is well positioned to engage, educate and fascinate into the next decade. in additive manufacturing industrial qualification: key solutions at large scale infrastructures09.4.2018 - 10. 4.2018 - From process qualification until component certification, additive manufacturing presents big challenges as a new field of material processing with multiple new parameters. Therefore, new insights concerning characterization are envisaged for process and component standards and certification, as well as for experimental benchmark input for modellings.European large installations ILL and ESRF offer a common frame for additive manufacturing industrial investigations, where unique static scanning and dynamic in-situ studies on stresses and imaging, from the nanometre until several centimetres range, are possible. To foster industrial escalation of additive manufacturing, we aim at bringing together industry and applied sciences to address key manufacturing issues regarding final quality assessment of products.To have a look at the Program follow this link:https:indico.ill.frindicoevent89timetable20180409.Why neutrons For non-destructive and bulk characterization: neutrons can penetrate several cm into matter. For new information: neutrons interact in a different way with matter, hence giving another contrast, i.e. for hydrogen For sample environment and in-situ studiesWhy Synchrotron High energy X-rays, allowing higher penetration depth for real 3D imaging of high density samples. High intensity X-rays for non-destructive probing of material structure and devices with high spatial resolution from millimetres to nanometres. High intensity X-rays for real time measurements with less than a microsecond time resolution and high-throughput analysis under real manufacturing and operating conditions.Registration:https:indico.ill.frindicoevent89registrationsigninreturnURLhttps3A2F2Findico.ill.fr2Findico2Fevent2F892Fregistration2Fregisterregister - Workshop on Additive Manufacturing09.4.2018 - 10. 4.2018 - From process qualification until component certification, additive manufacturing presents big challenges as a new field of material processing with multiple new parameters. Therefore, new insights concerning characterisation are envisaged for process and component standards and certification, as well as for experimental benchmark input for modellings.European large installations ILL and ESRF offer a common frame for additive manufacturing industrial investigations, where unique static scanning and dynamic in-situ studies on stresses and imaging, from the nanometre until several centimetres range, are possible. To foster industrial escalation of additive manufacturing, we aim at bringing together industry and applied sciences to address key manufacturing issues regarding final quality assessment of products. 201809.4.2018 - 10. 4.2018 - Magnetism 2018 is the premier conference organised by the UK and Rol magnetism community. It welcomes and encourages participation from Europe and further afield, and from industry. It follows the highly successful conferences that have been held annually since 2014.A mixture of invited talks and submitted contributions will showcase the breadth of magnetism research in the UK and Rol covering the areas of thin films and nanostructures, spintronics, permanent magnetic materials, correlated electrons, nanoparticles and biologicalbiomedical applications of magnetism, computational magnetism and general magnetism.In keeping with the conferences broad remit, we encourage participation from those working in all aspects of magnetism and magnetic materials. The meeting will include oral sessions on a range of subjects including spintronics, spin textures domain walls, dynamics, vortices, skyrmions, permanent magnetism and energy efficiency, correlated electrons and topological systems, spin ice and 2D materials, nanoparticles, ab initio and micromagnetic theory.We encourage abstracts from across the community and particularly from students as the conference provides an excellent opportunity to showcase latest research in a collegiate and stimulating environment.Plenary Speaker Professor Albert Fert, University of Paris-Sud and UMP CNRSThales, FranceWohlfarth Lecture Professor Gino Hrkac, University of Exeter, UKOrganised by the IOP Magnetism Group:http:www.iop.orgactivitygroupssubjectmagindex.htmlEarly registration deadline: 23 March 2018Registration deadline: 3 April 2018 Messe23.4.2018 - 27. 4.2018 - From individual components to the complete intelligent factory, as well as topical trends such as energy efficiency, lightweight construction and additive manufacturing at HANNOVER MESSE youll get a complete picture of the industrial value-adding chain under one roof - in Hannover and worldwide.Five trade shows, one platform. At the worlds largest industrial trade fair, you will find the full range of technical innovations throughout the whole value chain from automation to supplier solutions. With such a high number of key decision makers in attendance, HANNOVER MESSE is the ideal place for networking and new business. Get to know groundbreaking technologies, benefit from valuable synergies, and launch new projects all in one place. This is an opportunity that only comes once a year. Participation for neutron sciences will be ILL in partnership with FZ-Jlich:http:www.hannovermesse.deexhibitorinstitut-mac-von-laue-paul-langevinY403335. 2018 - The 12th Central European Training School on neutron techniques06.5.2018 - 11. 5.2018 - The 12th Central European Training School on neutron techniques will be held from May 6 to May 11, 2018. Application is now open. Deadline is the 15th of March.CETS provides insight into neutron scattering techniques and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter. Comprehensive experimental skills and guidance in result interpretation are going to be conveyed. The school will be a forum for the presentation and discussion of actual research works of young scientists. Since the restart of the refurbished Budapest Research Reactor in 1992 international meetings are regularly organised in order to promote the national and Central European regional user activity, to contribute to instrument development as well as to facilitate the access of new users. Using the experimental stations, training of students and newcomers to the field is also regularly held for Hungarian university groups. Since 1999 a yearly joint Austrian-Hungarian training course used to be organised as well. Since February 2000 the cold neutron research facility is in operation, a liquid hydrogen cold source and the adjoining supermirror neutron guides provide excellent research opportunities on six experimental stations located in the neutron guide hall and the reactor hall. Therefore, the regular Austrian-Hungarian training course was extended, and we offer the possibilities of the cold neutron instruments for a hands-on-training for the European user community.Anticipated attendanceWe are welcoming PhD and master students, post-doc scientists as well as newcomers to the neutron research from the field of structural research in physics, chemistry, biology, material science etc. The number of participants is limited to 25 because of the training facilities available. There is no limit for the theoretical lectures.ProgramThe training consists of 2 days of lectures, 3 days of experimental work and 1 additional day of poster presentation and e-learning presentation. The lectures will give an introduction on neutron sources, neutron scattering techniques and recent developments in the field of neutron optics. The experiments will demonstrate to the students the art of utilization of instruments at a large-scale facility. They will get acquainted with sample preparation, experiment planning and running as well as data processing and interpretation of results. The participants will be divided into groups of maximum 5 students in order to facilitate individual involvement in the performance of the experiment. Each group will perform one or two neutron scattering experiments per day and each group will work at 5 different instruments. The official language of the lectures and practical works is English.Available instruments Small Angle Neutron Scattering YS Reflectometer GINA Material Test Diffractometer MTEST Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis PGAA Neutron imaging RADNIPS-NORMA Time of flight diffractometer TOF Neutron diffractometer PSDSee detailed presentation of the instruments at BNC site by clicking and Flash presentationsThe participants will have the possibility to present a poster on the first school day. The Poster section will give the opportunity to the participants to present their field of interest as well as to have discussions with the instrument scientists about their research topics. The required poster size is A0 841mm x 1189mm, portrait.The Poster section has a special part, the so called Flash presentations. The participants are welcomed to present in 5 minutes and maximum 3 projected slides their poster. Preparation of a poster and a flash presentation will be highly appreciated in the selection of the participants and the award of a grant. Workshop - Engineering for advanced neutron instrumenation and sample environment13.5.2018 - 16. 5.2018 - The Cremlin workshop Engineering for advanced neutron instrumenation and sample environment is jointly organized by NRC Kurchtov Institute - PNPI and the German Research Reactor FRM II operated by the Technical University of Munich TUM.The Russian PIK Reactor will become operational and open to the neutron user community towards the end of this decade. In order to define PIKs specific position within the European neutron landscape and to meet the demands of both European and Russian researchers, the workshop is aiming at developing guidelines for a general instrumentation concept for the PIK reactor and for the supporting structure of sample environment.More specifically, the topics include mechanical construction, neutron components, electronic components, detectors, automatization, instrument control and differents aspects of sample environment. In order to cover different methods and approaches speakers from the Institute Laue-Langevin ILL, Forschungszentrum Jlich FZJ, ESS European Spallation Source, Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht HZG, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research JINR, Dubna, and from the organizing institutes PNPI and FRM IIMLZ will be invited.The talks will be presented either in Russian or English, translation will be provided. The two poster sessions offer a platform for discussion, since every talk will be summarized in a poster. Furthermore, participants who would like to share their ideas and developments are warmly encouraged to hand in their posters.The social events, the conference dinner on Monday evening and the visit of the Grand Peterhof Palace on Tuesday offer another opportunity to deepen scientific and personal exchange.We cordially invite scientists and engineers to share their experience and views in order to contribute to the success of this workshop. Diffusion Meeting 2018 JDN201814.5.2018 - 16. 5.2018 - The French Neutron Society SFN organises with the Institut Laue Langevin and the Laboratoire Lon Brillouin neutron facilities the Neutron Diffusion Meeting 2018 JDN2018, in the Vacanciel holiday village of Roquebrune sur Argens Var, France, from May 14 to May 16, 2018.This multidisciplinary workshop traditionnally entitled Rencontres Rossat-Mignod will be dedicated to new results, obtained using neutron scattering techniques, in various scientific domains representative of the whole neutron users community.Five sessions will be organised, in Magnetism, Soft Matter and Environment, Condensed Matter, and Biology. Each session will be introduced by an invited talk, which will be followed by a series of shorter oral communications. A Poster session, encompassing all the scientific topics cited above, and an Instrumentation session, will also take place.Abstracts for oral presentations should be sent by e-mail before April 2nd, 2018. To do so please follow the link Abstract submission:https:jdn-conference.netcontributionsE.html.The aim of this meeting is : to strengthen links between French neutron scattering users to provide a place where advances resulting from neutron scattering experiments can be presented and discussed in a friendly and stimulating environment, to inform the users community about the evolution of neutron facilities in France andr abroad, and about the development of new neutron techniques, instrumentation, and their applications to welcome and promote the work of young neutron users Workshop on Position Sensitive Neutron Detectors15.5.2018 - 17. 5.2018 - The availability of highly efficient, large-area, position-sensitive neutron detectors is still of the highest importance in current and future research with neutrons. Intense upgrade programmes at existing facilities and the advent of future spallation sources have fostered the development of new advanced detection systems. Huge progress has been achieved in the field of alternative detection technologies, some of which are now close to the application stage. This Workshop focuses on the development of a wide range of neutron detectors and offers an outstanding opportunity for scientists and engineers interested in neutron detection methods and technologies to meet and discuss their ideas with colleagues and exhibitors from around the world.The Workshop will take place at Forschungszentrum Jlich in the main lecture hall. Here we will have oral presentations, a poster session and an exhibition. A reception in a delightful atmosphere will encourage the continuation of discussions with colleagues about future projects and plans. Hotels have been arranged in Aachen with a special rate for the Workshop. Bus transportation will be provided to and from Aachen.Abstract submission will be available on the website from 02 January 2018 with a deadline of 15 March 2018. Registration and hotel reservations will be available on the website in January 2018. Please make an early reservation and be prepared for an early reservation deadline. workshop on Particle Physics at Neutron Sources - PPNS-201824.5.2018 - 26. 5.2018 - The Institut Laue Langevin ILL and the Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie LPSC continue a decennial series of particle physics workshops held at the ILL.The workshop will focus on: Properties of the Neutron Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions Hadronic Parity Violation Search for eV-Neutrinos Fundamental Constants New Techniques and IdeasThe workshop will consist of invited review talks introducing these topics, contributed talks, and a poster session. Contributions will be published in a refereed journal.Registration:https:indico.ill.frindicoevent87overview 201827.5.2018 - 01. 6.2018 - On the occasion of its return in Europe, the Congress will be hosted for the first time in France, and more precisely on the Futuroscope area located in the Grand Poitiers agglomeration.This venue, with its unique mixture of cultural heritage and modernity, will constitute a memorable experience for all attendees. The Organizing Committee will also help delegates who wish to extend their stay by proposing tours with many outstanding attractions Chateaux of the Loire Valley, Atlantic Coast, vineyards, .The Fatigue 2018 Congress will be the twelfth in a series of major international conferences held since 1981. This series aims to provide a discussion forum for both fundamental aspects and practical applications of fatigue, covering all aspects of fatigue, all type of materials, and all fields of interest transportation, energy, electronics, civil engineering, medicine ,.More precisely, potential authors are invited to submit an abstract to the conference secretariat before the deadline in one of the topics, classifiied in 6 main themes: General topics Theoretical and Numerical approaches Innovative approaches Fatigue of non-metallic materials Specific Domains Industrial case studies. PRINT, Congress Exhibition05.6.2018 - 07. 6.2018 - With over 6,000 participants attending the 2017 edition, 3D PRINT has become the event that brings together the entire ecosystem.3D PRINT, the event for additive manufacturing becomes 3D PRINT, Congress Exhibition to enhance the events international standing. The largest number of reference actors in the additive manufacturing unit A congress consisting of experts, research centers, and organizations Technical workshops carried out by exhibitors highlighting their latest technologies Machines and hardware demonstrations An exceptional award ceremony that will reward the best industrial approach incorporating additive manufacturing on Neutron Scattering Data Analysis Software06.6.2018 - 08. 6.2018 - ScopeThis meeting focuses on development. Discussions will centre on user requests, interface design, development practices, as well as tools and platforms. We will also present our ongoing projects in some detail.This meeting is obligatory for developers and team leaders of the SINE2020-funded software projects. Other developers of neutron scattering analysis software are welcome to join us.Registration and ProgrammeRegistration:https:iffwww.iff.kfa-juelich.dewwwTagungenWP10Workshop: Deadline is 15 February 2018. Registration includes reservation of a single room in the conference hotel. There is no conference fee. Each participant will pay accommodation and breakfast directly to the hotel 136 for 2 nights. Dinner on June 6 and 7, and lunch on June 7 and 8 will be taken in charge by SINE2020.There will be no invited talks, and no poster session. All participants are invited to propose oral contributions by submitting an abstract using the link below.Abstract submission:https:iffwww.iff.kfa-juelich.dewwwTagungenWP10WorkshopAbstracts: Please submit a title and a short informal abstract for a proposed oral contribution. Submissions are possible until 15 April 2018. International Conference on Nuclear and Plasma Physics07.6.2018 - 08. 6.2018 - Conference Series cordially invite all the participants interested in sharing their knowledge and research in the field of nuclear and plasma physics at International conference on Nuclear and Plasma Physics going to be held on June 07-08 at London, UK.The organizers expect more than 100 members around the world with thought provoking keynote lectures, oral and poster presentations. The attending delegates include Editorial Board Members of related journals. The confernce highlight the discussion around the theme _Convergence of Nuclear, Plasma and Space Sciences_ by bridging the gap between the intellectuals across the globe to enlighten their reasech and findings at Plasma Physics - 2018 . The scope of Plasma Physics - 2018 is to bring the advancements in the field of physics of all the relations of nuclear and plasma physics. Plasma Physics 2018 covers all parts of plasma physics, including Astrophysical and space plasmas, magnetic and inertial confinement fusion, Plasma Surface interactions, high energy physics, plasma applications and plasma diagnostics. European conference on Non-Destructive Testing - 12th ECNDT11.6.2018 - 15. 6.2018 - 12th ECNDT provides an excellent opportunity to strengthen global collaboration. It is a unique occasion to see and to be seen by a large number of specialists in the field of NDT from all over the world. Take the opportunity to promote your organization in a unique exhibition environment where researchers and leading experts meet to share ideas and expertise.The location of the event is Gothenburg which is located in the heart of Scandinavia. It is beautifully situated on the Swedish west coast making it one of Northern Europes most attractive cities.Packages are already bookable and available on a first come first served basis. Make your booking as soon as possible to guarantee your preferred choice of sponsorship. The conference is organized within the cooperation of the Nordic countries and their NDT societies.Main topics Additive Manufacturing and Semi-finished Products NDE NDT of Civil Infrastructure Systems and Materials Cultural Heritage Transportation, Railway and Automotive Aerospace Nuclear Applications Oil and Gas Energy Generation NDE of Composites Robotic and Automation Structural Health Monitoring Reliability and Statistics Qualification, Certification, Standards and Training Materials Characterization NDC Guided Waves Surface Methods MPI PT Laser Ultrasonics and EMAT Ultrasonic Phased Arrays UT Microstructural Scattering Nonlinear Ultrasonics Eddy Current Sensor Concepts Thermography and Thermosonics Microwave, Terahertz, and Infrared NDE X-ray, CT, and Radiographic Methods Modelling and Data Processing Imaging Workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology11.6.2018 - 15. 6.2018 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in conjunction with NC State University, present the 7th annual workshop on neutron scattering applications in structural biology.The unique potential of neutron scattering in structural biology arises from the strong interaction of neutrons with hydrogen H and its deuterium D isotope. This property makes the information available from neutron scattering unique and a valuable complement to data obtained from other structural techniques. Individual hydrogendeuterium atoms are visualized in neutron density maps from crystallographic data at the resolution typical of most protein structures 2.0 - 2.5 . Using HD exchange and contrast variation, proteins and nucleic acids are sequentially modeled and mapped in large biological complexes using small angle neutron scattering, protein-membrane interactions are revealed using Reflectometry and protein and water dynamics measured using spectroscopy.The workshop includes a symposium, lectures and tutorials and tours of the High Flux Isotope reactor and Spallation Neutron Source, the worlds leading neutron research facilities.The workshop is designed for graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and faculty with knowledge of protein function and structure but no or limited experience of neutron sciences.Subjects include: Crystallography Small Angle Scattering Reflectometry Spectroscopy Imaging Labeling techniques Course Objectives Educate participants in neutron scattering techniques, instrumentation and data collection, analysis and interpretation. Expose participants to cutting-edge research in neutron structural biology. Build interactions between participants, their university groups, and ORNL neutron scattering experts to develop new research projects.Course Information 3-minute pitch tall session: A 3-minute pitch talk session will be held on Monday, June 11, 2018. Each participant will presents her or his interest in a concise 3-minute presentation using up to 3 slides. This session will offer participants an excellent opportunity to open the door to further discussions with ORNL neutron scientists. Abstract for the presentation should be emailed to the workshop no later than Monday, May 28, 2018. Fellowships: Travel and accommodation costs are reimbursed for participants from U.S. institutions. There are no registration fees for any participant. Application Deadline: Applications must be submitted by April 30, 2018 8:00 a.m. to be considered for admission., Work, and Function - time resolved synchrotron and neutron techniques for studies of soft, biological and hard matter13.6.2018 - 15. 6.2018 - ScopeUnderstanding the relationship between the structure, dynamics and properties of matter is at the heart of modern science. From the kinetic processes which control intra-cellular trafficking and signaling in our bodies to the influence of crystal structure on the lifetime of batteries and catalysts, huge strides are being made in our understanding thanks to the ability to investigate functional structures in real time under working conditions. The toolbox for in situ time- and space-resolved characterization is rapidly expanding. A new generation of brighter synchrotron and neutron sources and free electron lasers promises time-resolved scattering studies with sub -millisecond resolution. At the same time, more efficient computational methods are allowing us to simulate processes at these timescales with increasing level of molecular details.During the TWF-2018 workshop, we will discuss the current state -of-the-art and future developments of time-resolved synchrotron and neutron techniques in the context of diverse scientific applications ranging from inorganic materials for energy and catalysis applications to soft matter and biological systems for biomedical applications. The workshop will provide a convenient forum for leading specialists, end users, and instrument scientists to share their views and discuss challenges in this fast -growing field.The workshop will consist of four sessions including plenary lectures, talks by invited speakers, and presentations by selected participants. You are invited to submit abstracts for oral presentations or posters.Scientific topics Catalysis Materials synthesis Soft Matter Biological Materials Energy Materials Chemical Dynamics Functional Inorganic MaterialsKey datesAbstract submission deadline: 15.04.18Note of acceptance: 20.04.18Registration deadline: 29.04.18Plenary speakers Nitash Balsara, University of California, Berkeley USA Bert Weckhuysen, Utrecht University Netherlands Kazuo Sakurai, University of Kitakyushu Japan Sebastian Westenhoff, University of Gothenburg SwedenInvited speakers Paul Shearing, University College London UK Theyencheri Narayanan, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility France Pascale Deen, European Spallation Source Sweden Joao Cabral, Imperial College London UK Samuli Urpelainen, MAX IV Laboratory Sweden Michael Wulff, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility France Lutz Willner, Forschungszentrum Jlich Germany Grethe Vestergaard Jensen, National Institute of Standards and Technology USA Methods in Rietveld Refinement for Structural Analysis17.6.2018 - 22. 6.2018 - The fourth Modern Methods in Rietveld Refinement for Structural Analysis will be held from June 17-22, 2018, at the Advanced Photon Source of Argonne National Laboratory in close partnership with Bruker-AXS, ANL, and the National Science Foundation. The primary goal of this school is to teach participants methods for evaluating crystal structures from powder diffraction data with an emphasis on data collected on national user facility beamlines such as the 11-BM, 11-ID-B and 17-BM synchrotron beamlines at the APS at Argonne National Laboratory, the POWGEN and NOMAD time-of-flight neutron diffraction beamlines at the SNS of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and the XPD and PDF beamlines at the NSLS-II synchrotron at BNL. This course will emphasize traditional non-molecular solid state compounds and uses the TOPAS software as the platform for Rietveld refinement and other forms of structural analysis complementary trial license will be provided to participants. The combination of advances in instrumentation and advances in software algorithms now allow many challenging structural problems to be resolved solely from powder diffraction data, and an up-to-date instruction in modern methods of structural analysis will be provided. Advanced School 201818.6.2018 - 22. 6.2018 - The present Advanced School organized by the Italian Society of Neutron Spectroscopy is addressed to specializing students, PhD students, post-docs and researchers with no limitation in age with some experience in neutron scattering and interested in deepening their knowledge about the statistical and computational methods of typical aid in neutron data analysis and interpretation. A highly interactive environment is expected: with lecturers, tutors and participants in continuous interaction, in the spirit of a workshop or symposium. Data handling, specific correction procedures, main analysis programs, and simulation techniques will be dealt with for neutron diffraction, inelastic and quasi-elastic spectroscopy, and small-angle scattering, in the attempt of facing the main difficulties that can be encountered AFTER the, sometimes trivial, collection of count rates in a file. Innumerable details regard welldone neutron data analysis, and the ways to reach some confidence about the reliability of the results, based either on comparison with simulation data or by statistical checks, or finally by physical soundness.The lectures are generally envisaged to be in English. Only in the absence of non-Italian people in the audience composed of both lecturerstutors and participants the spoken language might be agreed to be Italian. The general lectures will be followed by equally very important tutorials, which are meant to be the core of the school and the topic moment for discussion and exchange between tutors and participants. Tutorials are intended to give specific information on the typical tools used for data treatment and evaluation of the results in the various areas relevant to neutron scattering.Registration:http:www.fill2030.euwp-contentuploads201707Presentation-SISN-Advanced-School-2018.pdf 2018 - 14th European Summer School on Scattering Methods Applied to Soft Condensed Matter19.6.2018 - 26. 6.2018 - The Bombannes summer school is devoted to the practical state-of-art approach to scattering methods, using neutrons, as well as X-ray and light sources - todays key techniques to study structure and dynamics in systems containing colloids, polymers, surfactants and biological macromolecules. Since 1990 the Bombannes school series introduces, on a fundamental level, the current methodology of static and dynamic scattering techniques and their applicaiton to soft matter systems. It provides with a period of 2 years advanced training for young researchers with a working place in European laboratories at post-graduate and post-doctoral level. ObjectivesThe series of Bombannes-schools proposes advanced training for young post-graduates and post-doctors typically aged 22 to 35 years by recognized soft-matter experts from all over Europe.The school is devoted to a practical approach to neutron, X-ray, and light scattering experiments involving theoretical principles, mathematical transformation back to real space and structural model calculation of the scattering.It is aimed at young soft matter scientists using scattering methods in their home laboratory or at large-scale facilities who have already some background in this domain and want to learn complementary techniques and to exchange their experience.The primary objective is to explain current methodology of static and dynamic scattering techniques avoiding both under and over-exploitation of data rather than a general course on colloids and polymers.Basic information on data interpretation, on the complementary properties of the different types of radiation, as well as information on recent applications and developments will be presented.The planned activities will ensure permanent contact between lecturers and students and will guarantee that all participants stay the whole week together. The students will present their current project or problem in a compulsory short oral presentation followed by a discussion.Deadline for pre-registration: 21 February 2018 Conference Neutrons for Culture and Arts19.6.2018 - 22. 6.2018 - ScopeModern scientific methods have led to a wealth of information in archaeology, cultural heritage research, and art conservation concerning the composition of artefacts both on a molecular level and on the mechanical built of objects that can not be dismantled without destroying them. X-ray methods from radiography to fluorescence have become widespread, but also neutron methods gain increasing interest. Due to the non-destructive nature of neutrons they have been developed to an invaluable tool in analysing precious archaeological objects.Neutrons can penetrate deep into the cultural artefact or beneath the surface of paintings to unveil structures at the microscopic scale and thus determine the chemical composition, provide 3D images of the inner parts of the artefacts, and reveal organic material like wood, leather or bones in sealed metal or stone containers. Whole artefacts can be placed in the neutron beam and analysed at room conditions, without sample preparation. Measurements are made in real time, which can be useful for testing conservation materials and methods.Two- and three-dimensional imaging provides visual information, while neutron activation analysis delivers elemental composition information, and neutron scattering reveals alloys and textures. Thanks to modern detectors, neutron imaging can even be performed at low-power research reactors, which allows the application for cultural heritage research also at small research reactors throughout the world.The MLZ Conference Neutrons for Culture and Arts addresses archaeologists and conservators from museums and universities and aims to illustrate the potential of neutron methods in cultural heritage research. Talks and posters will be presented by renowned international researchers, physicists, and archaeologists in the field to demonstrate state-of-the-art methods and applications.Topics Archaeometry Ceramics Textiles Numismatics Paintings and provenance Statuettes and figurines Wood and soil Fossils Ancient technologies Non-destructive characterisation with neutrons Neutron Radiography and tomography Neutron activation analysis Prompt gamma activation analysis Bragg edge scanning, phase gratings, texture Scattering and diffraction methods OthersKeynote speakers Jacopo Corsi, Universit degli studi di Tornio, Italy Anna Fedrigo, ISIS, United Kingdom Francesco Grazzi, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy Martina Griesser, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien, Austria David Mannes, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland Ina Reiche, Rathgen Forschungslabor, Germany Lszl Szentmiklsi, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary Alan Williams, The Wallace Collection, United Kingdom Nikolay Kardjilov, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fr Materialien und Energie, Germany to be confirmed Claudia Laurenze-Landsberg, Gemldegalerie Berlin, Germany to be confirmed Judit Zoeldfoldi, Universitt Stuttgart, Germany to be confirmed Summer School on the Fundamentals of Neutron Scattering 19.6.2018 - 23. 6.2018 - The twenty-fourth annual Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering CHRNS:https:www.nist.govncnrchrns Summer School on Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectivity will be held from Tuesday, June 19 to Saturday, June 23, 2018. This years summer school is devoted to methods and applications of small angle neutron scattering SANS and neutron reflectometry NR techniques.The school is targeted at those with little or no previous experience with neutron scattering methods. The combination of introductory lectures and training in scattering techniques will provide participants with a unique opportunity to become familiar with neutron scattering methods and their application to current research topics.Attendance for the summer school is limited to 35 students and to people affiliated with US universities and US industry.The Summer School is sponsored by the NCNR and by the National Science Foundation under the Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering CHRNS cooperative agreement number DMR-1508249. Financial support for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty may be requested on the summer school application form.Seven instruments will be featured in this years summer school, 4 SANS instruments and 3 NR instruments. The SANS instruments featured will be NGB 30 meter SANS:http:www.ncnr.nist.govinstrumentsng3sans, NGB 10 meter SANS:http:www.nist.govnsoft, NG7 30 meter SANS:http:www.ncnr.nist.govinstrumentsng7sans and BT5 USANS:http:www.ncnr.nist.govinstrumentsusans. The NR instruments featured will be the NGD Off-Specular ReflectometerMAGIK:http:www.ncnr.nist.govinstrumentsmagik, NGD Polarized Beam ReflectometerDiffractometer PBR:http:www.ncnr.nist.govinstrumentsng1refl and NG7 Horizontal Sample NR:http:www.ncnr.nist.govinstrumentsng7refl.Immediately following the summer school, the American Conference on Neutron Scattering ACNS will be held at The Hotel at the University of Maryland, College Park, from June 24-28, 2018. Summer school students who submit an abstract to the ACNS can request financial assistance subject to availability of funds for subsidized housing, reimbursement of the registration fee, and bus transportation to the conference. The ACNS encourages submission of abstracts on investigations that utilize or have the potential to utilize neutron techniques.ACNS Abstract Deadline: March 9th, 2018.The deadline for submitting summer school applications is midnight on April 2, 2018.For additional information, please visit the ACNS conference website:http:www.mrs.orgacns-2018. School on Representational Analysis and Magnetic Structures RAMS20.6.2018 - 23. 6.2018 - Neutron diffraction: One of the most powerful techniques for exploring the magnetic materials and compounds is neutron scattering. When a material develops long-range magnetic ordering, neutron diffraction is the perfect technique to determine the struture of such ordering. In this school, you will be working with neutron data from both single crystal and powder neutron diffraction and learning the basic concepts of representational analysis to interpret the data.Representational analysis: Modern science has given rise to exotic materials with interesting bulk properties, which can only be understood in light of their magnetic structures. However, these magnetic structures are increasingly complex and characterized by a large number of parameters. In order to reduce this complexity one must apply representational analysis to take advantage of the inherent symmetries in the crystallographic systems studied.Target audience: The school is intended for advanced graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and young scientists working in condensed matter physics, materials science, and related fields. The main goal is to provide an overview of this rapidly growing field so that young scientists will have the opportunity to work at the frontiers of this new exciting field.Topics will include Representational analysis of complex magnetic structures Symmetry and magnetic structure determination: developments in refinement techniques and examples Geometrical frustration and incommensurate magnetic ordering Magnetic structure refinement with neutron powder diffraction data using Fullprof, MODY, SARAh, etc.Both theoretical and experimental aspects will be covered. Conference on Neutron Scattering ACNS 201824.6.2018 - 28. 6.2018 - The American Conference on Neutron Scattering ACNS 2018 will provide essential information on the breadth and depth of current neutron-related research worldwide.Hosted by the Neutron Scattering Society of, this years Conference will feature a combination of invited and contributed talks, posters sessions, tutorials and an industrial exhibit. Mark your calendar today and plan to attend ACNS 2018Important Dates Abstract Submission Opens: Early January, 2018 Abstract Submission Deadline: March 2, 2018 Preregistration Opens: Mid-April, 2018Scientific ProgramThe five-day conference will feature oral and poster presentations covering: Plenary and Prize Sessions Advances in Neutron Methods Hard Condensed Matter Soft Matter Biological Structures and Dynamics Neutrons for Energy and Sustainability Materials Chemistry and Synthesis Structural Materials and Engineering Neutron Physics International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids - DSL201825.6.2018 - 29. 6.2018 - The DSL conference has as its aim to create a binding platform for scientists, researchers, those in industry, laboratories, as well as students, to network, learn and share their knowledge. Furthermore, it will provide new insights in overcoming the current challenges which are faced by academics and industrialists related to diffusion in its many areas. The event will provide ample opportunity for conference delegates to network and improve their knowledge in an attractive, cultural and friendly environment: Amsterdam, in the NetherlandsConference Topics:Mass Transfer Basics of diffusion Carburisation and Nitridation Internal precipitation Alloy heat treatment Particle growth and coarsening Microstructural and crystallographic texture evolution Reactive diffusion Phase transformations Multiphase diffusion systems Microelectronic and nanoscale systems Interfaces Diffusion in crystalline and amorphous materials Diffusion in porous media Surface oxidation and corrosion Phase diagrams Ad- and ab-sorption Diffusion coefficients Solute trapping at solid liquid interfaces Mathematical modelling Numerical methods Experimental methods Industrial applicationsHeat Transfer Mathematical modelling Numerical methods Experimental methods Industrial applicationsMicrostructure Properties Mathematical modelling Numerical methods Experimental methods Industrial applicationsNanodiffusion Nanostructured Materials Nanomaterials Nanocomposites Biomaterials Industrial applicationsAlternative Energy Solar Bio Hybrid Hydro Hydrogen Geothermal WindAnd many Special Sessions International Workshop on Neutron Delivery Systems25.6.2018 - 27. 6.2018 - The ILL holds the 5th International Workshop on Neutron Delivery Systems from 25 to 27 June 2018 at the ILL Grenoble, France. Neutron delivery systems play a major role for the performance of neutron scattering instruments.Taking into account the last technological progress, neutron guide optimization is one of the most efficient ways to increase the performance of an instrument suite.Its goal is to share new concepts of neutron delivery systems for future facilities and to review the state and recent progress in neutron guide technologies: amongst other topics neutron guide design, coating performance substrate materials, ageing and preventive maintenance will be discussed during the workshop.The workshop is dedicated to engineers and scientists involved in the use, the design and the manufacturing of neutron delivery systems and their compounds.Abstract submission opening day: 24 January 2018Abstract submission deadline: 01 May 2018Main Topics Progress in neutron guide design, innovative concepts and materials Review of newly installed neutron guide systems worldwide - Neutron guide ageing Advances in mirror and super-mirror science and technology Moderation of neutrons for the production of cold and ultra- cold neutrons Simulation of neutron sources and neutron transport Neutron optical devices Annual Niels Bohr International Academy Workshop-School on ESS Science NBIA725.6.2018 - 29. 6.2018 - Soft condensed matter systems are of ever increasing importance for a wide variety of technological applications, ranging from material science, biophysics, biotechnology to food processing and micro- and nano system technology. Such systems are, however, of such complexity that it is difficult to extract molecular level information by typical experimental methods. The use of powerful neutron sources with advanced instrumentation, coupled with even more powerful computational modeling and direct analysis of experimental results from such sources, is opening new opportunities for elucidating the dynamics in complex soft matter systems.An optimal extraction of molecular level information contained in experimental data of soft matter systems depends heavily on the use of advanced data analysis and modeling for its interpretation by close collaboration between experimentalists and theoreticians as well as the application of complementary experimental techniques. The school will accordingly offer a series of lectures on ways in which inelastic neutron Scattering INS, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NMR, Molecular Dynamics MD and other theoretical modeling methods can be combined to extract unique information on the dynamical behavior of a variety of soft matter systems.The school is structured as follows: select topics will be introduced by motivating lectures, which describe recent breakthrough results and also include basic information on data interpretation and complementary aspects of different techniques. The students will then select a small project and will be guided by a lecturer toward a solution. The goal of the school is for the students to become more familiar with forefront neutron scattering and molecular dynamics methods and their application to current research in complex soft matter systems.Registration is open from 23 Feb 2018 to 10 Jun 2018. European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics02.7.2018 - 06. 7.2018 - The 45th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics will take place in Prague from 2nd to 6th July 2018.Organised by the European Physical Society EPS Plasma Physics Division, this annual conference covers a broad range of plasma science spanning from nuclear fusion to low temperature plasmas, and astrophysical plasmas to laser plasma interactions.TopicsMagnetic Confinement Fusion Edge and plasma-wall interactions Turbulence and transport Equilibrium and MHD Scenario development and control Diagnostics Heating and fuelling Burning plasma issuesBeam Plasmas Inertial Fusion Inertial confinement and high gain target design Hydrodynamics and instabilities Ultra-intense laser interaction and fast ignition High energy density matter Inertial fusion energy drivers and reactors Laser and ion beam coupling with plasma Laser and plasma based accelerators Radiation and particle sourcesLow Temperature and Dusty Plasmas Discharge modelling Plasma kinetics Diagnostics including LIBS Plasma processing and applications Basic processes in dusty plasmas Strongly coupled plasmasBasic Plasmas Space Astrophysical Plasmas Solar, space and astrophysical plasmas Laboratory astrophysics Fundamental plasma physics Waves and turbulence in laboratory plasmas International Conference on Theoretical and Applied Physics02.7.2018 - 03. 7.2018 - This event provides a combined research platform for both Theoretical and Applied Physics, which includes potent Keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations and Exhibitions from the eminent professionals in the field of Physics and its disciplines.ConferenceSeries organizes 1000+ Global Events every year across USA, Europe Asia with support from 1000 more scientific societies and publishes 700+ open access journals which contains over 10,000 eminent personalities, reputed scientists as editorial board and organizing committee members. The conference series website will provide you list and details about conference organize worldwide. Importance and scope The main objective of Theoretical and Applied Physics 2018 conference which is going to be an elite event is to bring together the main aspects of Theory and Applications of Physics such as Theory of Relativity Quantum Field Theory Unconventional Superconductivity Many Body Systems Lasers Optics Semiconductor Devices Graphene and its Applications Spintronics Nanophotonics NanodevicesPhysics is one of the most seasoned discipline and may be the most established through its consideration of Astronomy. Physics intersects with numerous interdisciplinary territories of research such as Astrophysics, Biophysics, Computational Physics, Quantum Chemistry and others. New thoughts in Physics frequently clarify the essential components of other sciences while opening new avenues of research. Why to attend Latest advancements in the applications of Physics play a very vital role part in the basic existences of individuals and making their way of life in the front line. The meeting arrangement plans to disperse the progressions of research in Theoretical and Applied Physics to the worldwide group by making a stage for dynamic investment, trade of skill and horizontal intuition from specialists, researchers, and instructors.This is a best opportunity for you to learn and explore the fascinating connection between theoretical and practical concepts of Physics. Target audience Professors and Technical staff from Physics and other related disciplines Researchers Scientists Lecturers and Students Research Institutes Managers and Business Intelligence Experts Delegates from Physical Science Societies and Associations Advertising and Promotion Agency ExecutivesMajor Physics Associations around the Globe International Union of Pure and Applied Physics International Astronomical Union The International Society for Optics and Photonics International Union of Crystallography Society of Non-Linear and Dynamics Econometrics The International Association of Mathematical PhysicsIAMP The International Society for Optics and PhotonicsIUPAB International Conference on Optics, Photonics Lasers 02.7.2018 - 04. 7.2018 - The 9th Edition of Euro Optics will feature on different tracks covering both academics and Industrial aspects. In Europe one of the largest technologies event; around 35 countries are participating to here latest researchers and branding their products by exhibitions.Conference Series LLC Organizes 3000+ Global Events every year across USA, Europe Asia with support from 1000+ more scientific societies and conducting over 600+ Conferences, 1200+ Symposiums and 1200+ Workshops Physics, Engineering Science, Technology and Business.Germany is a place for wide-scope of research in the field of photonics, optics and lasers. European Union spending billion dollars on Research and DevelopmentPhotonics is creating new knowledge In the 20th century photonics research is creating a huge impact on the nation developing advanced technologies and using in different applications.The below seven areas already made and is expected to make an even larger impact in the future. Information Technology and Telecommunications Health Care and the Life Sciences Biophotonics Optical Sensing, Lighting, Energy and Displays Optics in Manufacturing National Security and Defense Manufacturing of Optical Systems and Components Education and ResearchWhy to attendEuro Optics 2018 conference paves a platform to globalize the research by installing a dialogue between industries and academic organizations and knowledge transfer from research to industry. Euro Optics 2018 aims in proclaim knowledge and share new ideas amongst the professionals, industrialists and students from research areas of Photonics and all the related disciplines to share their research experiences and indulge in interactive discussions and special sessions at the event.Conference Highlights: Optical Imaging and Sensing Lasers and Nonlinear Optics Optoelectronics Applied Industrial Optics Fiber Laser Technology Photonics Nano and Quantum Sciences Optical Technologies Lasers in Medicine Optics in Astronomy and Astrophysics Optical Communications and Networking Quantum Optics Laser Systems Surface Enhanced Spectroscopy Optical Fiber Latest Technologies in Photonics and Lasers Industrial Applications of Laser and Photonics-Overview, Challenges and Current Trends Beyond02.7.2018 - 04. 7.2018 - International Workshop on Status and Perspectives in Research on Membrane Structure and InteractionBiomembranes are essential to create life as they provide the containment of a living cell. Their structure and interaction with biological molecules is investigated for decades leading to a continuously growing understanding of the processes and function of these basic biological systemes.To highlighting recent approaches and developing ideas in research on membrane structure and interaction the International Workshop Membranes Beyond is organized at McMaster University in Hamilton ON, Canada, on July 2-4, 2018. International experts working in the field will review recent developments and discuss future perspectives. All relevant topics related to research with biomembranes will be tackled. Topics include Membrane phase behaviour Membrane mixtures and rafts Membrane dynamics Lipid-peptide interaction Lipid protein interaction Simulation of membrane systems Drug delivery systems Membranes and signalling Membrane fusionLocal Organizers:Maikel Rheinstaedter, McMaster UniversityThomas Gutberlet, Jlich Centre for Neutron Science Neutrons for Condensed-Matter Investigations PNCMI 201803.7.2018 - 06. 7.2018 - The conference will cover the latest condensed-matter investigations using polarised neutrons and state-of-the-art methodologies and techniques of polarised-neutron production and utilisation for novel instrumentation and experiments, with emphasis on prospects for new science and instrument concepts as well as combining neutrons with complementary techniques and in-situ secondary measurements.PNCMI is the most comprehensive conference on the latest scientific research using polarised neutrons and on related instrumentation development. The topics will include: Multiferroics and chiral magnetic structures Strongly correlated electron systems, including superconductors Highly Frustrated Magnetism Magnetic nanomaterials Thin films and multilayers Soft matter and biology Imaging Instrumentation and methods, including nuclear polarisation, Larmor techniques, and depolarisationThe conference will include a tour of the polarised-neutron facilities at the ISIS Neutron and Muon Facility at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. There will also be a Polarized Neutron School for students held before the main meeting on the 1st 2nd of July 2018 at ISIS. School - Neutrons for Chemistry and Materials Science Applications04.7.2018 - 13. 7.2018 - The School focuses on neutron instrumentation, mainly for large-scale facilities and foreseen compact neutron facilities. Participants are selected for the course based on their need to utilize neutron instrumentation design techniques including sample environment and software as part of their present andor future research activities. Preference is given to early stage researchers from neutron facilities, universities or other research institutions but more experienced researchers are also welcome to apply.School Objectives Educate graduate students, early-career scientists and engineers on neutron scattering techniques with a focus on instrumentation Foster interactions between students, research centres and university groups Help train the next generation of instrument builders for todays and tomorrows neutron facilitiesWith a target audience of 25-30 students, the school is intended to promote activities in instrument design and form the next generation of instrument designers.Course ObjectivesThe Vth course Neutrons for Chemistry and Materials Science Applications within the ERICE School International School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation is organized as a two-part master class. It provides a coherent set of introductory lectures on design, construction and implementation of instrumentation, sample environment and software to address the scientific requirements of the user community. The specialized topic focusses on software, concentrating on chemistry and materials science applications. Foundation lectures on structural analysis, using average structure Rietveld and local structure total scattering methods, and dynamics, using experimental data analysis techniques and theoretical modelling, will introduce the participants to the rapidly growing combined approaches available to neutron scatterers today. The further growth of optimized instrumentation, sample environment and software are crucial to addressing the myriad of scientific problems investigated by the user community.The Course will consist of lectures and specialised seminars directed towards graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and junior scientists working at universities and large-scale facilities. It will provide a broad overview of the field, including the most recent ideas and advances in instrumentation, modelling and experimental capabilities, as well as a critical discussion of the development issues involved. Evening lectures will highlight the historical role of neutron scattering techniques. With a target audience of 25-30 students, the school intends to promote collaboration in instrumentation design, including sample environments, and successful implementation of reliable software for current and next generation large-scale neutron facilities. By gathering participants with different backgrounds, the course encourages cross-fertilization of ideas. Continued success at large-scale facilities need strong interactions in instrumentation, sample environment, software and modelling development programmes between facilities and university-based researchers.Deadline for student, lectures registration and travel forms is the 4th June 2018.Registration fee for all participants students and lectures : 1100 should be paid by bank transfer by 4th June 2018.Supported by GRANT 654000 SINE2020 for Chemistry and Materials Science Applications04.7.2018 - 13. 7.2018 - V Course within the Erice School NEUTRON SCIENCE AND INSTRUMENTATIONThe Vth course Neutrons for Chemistry and Materials Science Applications within the ERICE School International School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation is organized as a two-part master class. It provides a coherent set of introductory lectures on design, construction and implementation of instrumentation, sample environment and software to address the scientific requirements of the user community. The specialized topic focusses on software, concentrating on chemistry and materials science applications. Foundation lectures on structural analysis, using average structure Rietveld and local structure total scattering methods, and dynamics, using experimental data analysis techniques and theoretical modelling, will introduce the participants to the rapidly growing combined approaches available to neutron scatterers today. The further growth of optimized instrumentation, sample environment and software are crucial to addressing the myriad of scientific problems investigated by the user community.The Course will consist of lectures and specialised seminars directed towards graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and junior scientists working at universities and large-scale facilities. It will provide a broad overview of the field, including the most recent ideas and advances in instrumentation, modelling and experimental capabilities, as well as a critical discussion of the development issues involved. Evening lectures will highlight the historical role of neutron scattering techniques. With a target audience of 25-30 students, the school intends to promote collaboration in instrumentation design, including sample environments, and successful implementation of reliable software for current and next generation large-scale neutron facilities. By gathering participants with different backgrounds, the course encourages cross-fertilization of ideas. Continued success at large-scale facilities need strong interactions in instrumentation, sample environment, software and modelling development programmes between facilities and university-based researchers. International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids09.7.2018 - 13. 7.2018 - The 15th International Conference on the Physics of Non-Crystalline Solids is the continuation of a series of successfull meetings started by Pr. V.D. Frchette USA, in 1958. 13 conferences have been organized subsequently, with the latest one organized bt Pr. Cormack, from Alfred University USA in 2015. Continuing the tradition, PNCS XV will provide an international forum for the most recent developments on the physics of non-crystalline materials.ESG Conference is the largest meeting organized by the European Society of Glass. The aim of this 14th conference is to present and discuss ways to improve the quality and the performance of glass products in their various applications.The conference will maintain the quality of the previous congresses while incorporating new features to learn about the latest developments in glass technology and European Regulations.We are happy to organize in France these two conferences together. The two communities are both interested in glass with slightly different scientific or technologic emphases, and lot of topics can be in the 2 conferences. By organizing jointly the PNCS and ESG, we give the opportunity for the international glass community to meet in a very nice area, for scientific and technological exchanges as well as for French food specialty. We hope that you can come and enjoy these join meetings.VenuePNCS-ESG 2018 will be held in Saint Malo, France. Saint Malo a port city in Brittany in northwestern France, on the English Channel. It was founded in the 1st century B.C and is notorious in French history as the home of the corsairs, French privateers and sometimes pirates who raided the seas until the late 1800s. Noawadays, the Corsair City cultivates its sailing image and is the scene of many great events such as la Route du Rhum or the Transatlantic race Qubec - Saint-Malo, every four years. Saint Malo is close to several famous touristic sites and, in particular, the Mont Saint Michel, 50 km away.Important dates Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: January 15, 2018 Notification of abstract acceptance: February 28, 2018 Opening of the registration: January 15, 2018 Summer Course on Neutron Scattering09.7.2018 - 14. 7.2018 - The Croucher Summer Course on Neutron Scattering, a 5-day intensive course, is an introduction to neutron scattering aimed at postgraduate students and early-career researchers. Building on the success of prior summer courses, the 2018 Croucher Summer Course on Neutron Scattering will continue to focus on fundamental scattering theory and hands-on data analysis. The techniques to be covered include diffraction, small angle scattering, quasielastic neutron scattering, and inelastic neutrons scattering.The last few decades have brought about tremendous advances in neutron scattering sources and instrumentation. This includes the new China Spallation Neutron Source CSNS in Dongguan, about 60 miles north of Hong Kong. CSNS produced its first neutrons at the end of August, 2017. Three Day-1 instruments are being commissioned and the first scientific paper is already in press. This summer course will be a rare chance for students to become familiar with the techniques that will be employed there.The registration fee for the summer course is 3000 HKD 400 USD, which includes a hotel room based on double occupancy, five days of lunches, lecture notes, and the final day excursion. The students are responsible for their own travel expenses and incidentals.For more information and to apply, please visit In the box for personal statement, please describe your research plan, and indicate how neutron scattering can be applied in your research. Be sure to include sufficient details so that the selection committee to make an informed decision. The deadline for application is May 25The 2018 summer course will be followed immediately by two other special events: the 13th International conference on quasielastic neutron scattering QENS, and the 8th Workshop on inelastic neutron scattering WINS, also at City University of Hong Kong. These conferences provide the students opportunities for continuing learning, especially for those who are interested in applying quasielatic and inelastic neutrons scattering techniques. For more information on QENS and WINS, please visit, scholarships are available to support students who are in genuine need. - WINS 201815.7.2018 - 20. 7.2018 - QENS 2018 aims to cover the broad scientific activities in the investigation of material dynamics, in the domain of both space and time, using quasi-elastic neutron scattering with emphases on new applications in relevant emerging industrial areas. It will offer a platform for discussion and exchange of scientific ideas among the experts in this field. It will provide an overview to newcomers about the capabilities of QENS in exploring dynamic and relaxation processes of novel materials.The following topics in related to material dynamics and relaxations will be covered: Confined matter in nanoporous materials relevant e.g. for catalysis, pharmacy, nuclear waste storage, metal-organic frameworks, hydrogen storage... Biological, bio-related system, e.g. in relation to function Polymer dynamics in bulk, blends, gels, membranes, films, composites or as additives Dynamics of water or other polar or amphiphilic liquids under different environments Relaxation phenomena during glass formation for various glass materials Dynamics of ionic and protonic conductors, electrolytes, e.g. for fuel cells, battery and supercapacitors Dynamics of soft matter, liquids, liquid crystals, liquid mixtures, complex liquids, ionic liquids, micelles Dynamics of novel materials for industrial applications, e.g. thermoelectrics, ferrielectrics, ferroelectrics and multiferroics Spin dynamics of magnetic systems Theory and numerical simulations in relation to QENS QENS instrumentation, sample enviroment and complementary techniquesWINS 2018The 8th workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers WINS2018 will cover innovative aspects of the instrument design as well as reports on progress of new spectrometer projects, following the theme of New idea, New concept, New design, New instrumentation for New sciences. New development of sample characterization such as polarization, magnetic field, pressure will be covered. Software for data acquisition, analysis and instrument simulation will be also part of the program. Participation of the young scientist is particularly welcome.The pogram of the workshop will include: New idea, new concept, new design for neutron spectrometers. Novel devices, detectors and sample enviroments: polarization, magnetic field, pressure. Software for data acquisition, analysis and instrument simulation. Conference on Magnetism 201816.7.2018 - 20. 7.2018 - ICM is a major international conference series with more than 2000 attendees expected from all over the world. It continues a series of meetings held every three years, most recently in Barcelona, Busan, Karlsruhe, and Kyoto. You should attend ICM2018 if you are interested in fundamental or applied research related to magnetism. ICM2018 is your opportunity to share your research with the largest and broadest collection of magnetism researchers assembled in one place, and to learn about their latest results. Gordon Research Conference on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research22.7.2018 - 27. 7.2018 - The 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research will highlight exceptional methodological research in cultural heritage, which has an impact on fundamental knowledge, interpretation, and conservation. This is the first GRC on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research to be held in Europe. It is also the first to incorporate the emerging utilization of computational and data science in cultural heritage research. The keynote speakers will provide overviews of the status of conservation science and of the growing impact of data science and artificial intelligence on cultural heritage research and applications.The featured topics for oral presentations are: data science and computational science for image processing, image search, process modeling, and manufactured materials similarity analysis advanced analytical methods for tracing object origin and biological applications understanding production and degradation experimentally and analytically new strategies for treatment-based and preventive conservation.The 2018 Gordon Research Conference on Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research will also include thematically complementary poster sessions.Applications for this meeting must be submitted by June 24, 2018. Please apply early, as some meetings become oversubscribed full before this deadline. If the meeting is oversubscribed, it will be stated on the original webpage. Note: Applications for oversubscribed meetings will only be considered by the conference chair if more seats become available due to cancellations. and energetics of soft matter systems24.7.2018 - 26. 7.2018 - Soft matter pervades into daily life under several forms: biological matter, foams, food products, ink, tires, and many others. In contrast to their very different appearance, all these systems are governed by the same, fundamental physical laws. Aim of the school is providing an overview of the forces governing the behavior of soft matter systems and introducing the most relevant techniques to probe such interactions.The school proposes frontal lectures for doctoral students working in the field of soft matter given by recognized experts from all over Europe. Poster sessions will be opened for discussion on research topic and experimental results between students and invited lecturers.Pre-registration is necessary because of the limited number of places in the school.A short description of research activity and a CV should be sent to organising committee will examine your application and inform you in April 2018. 4th International Conference on Condensed Matter and Materials Physics16.8.2018 - 17. 8.2018 - The Global Conference series event organizer Conference Series invites all the participants from all over the world to attend the prestigious scientific 4th International Conference on Condensed Matter and Materials Physics which is to be held during August 16-17, 2018 at London, UK. It is among the Worlds leading Scientific Conference which hosts scientific sessions and sub-sessions on cutting edge research and latest innovations in the field of Condensed Matter and Materials Physics across the globe. The attendees can find some exclusive sessions and panel discussions on latest originations in Condensed Matter and Materials Physics.IntroductionCondensed matter and materials physics is the science of the material world around us. The curiosity about the natural world led to queries about condensed-matter systems, such as water, rocks, snow, ice, and how these react to light, heat, and mechanical forces. This hunger for fundamental understanding has been inextricably tied to the desire to manipulate nature by creating new materials to serve human needs. Condensed matter physics is the branch of physics that studies the properties of the large collections of atoms that compose both exotic and ordinary materials. Condensed matter and materials physics advances led in turn to the innovation of devices that now form the basis of much of our technological world, including the transistor, the integrated circuit, the laser, magnetic resonance imaging, liquid-crystal displays, and, more recently, high-efficiency solid-state lighting. At present, it is so important to the modern computer and communicating industriesOur MissionInternational Conference on Condensed Matter and Materials Physics which is going to be the biggest conference dedicated to Condensed Matter and Materials Physics professionals providing a premier technical forum for reporting and learning about the latest new generation technologies developed during the course of time along with discussing their applications. Events include most fascinating topics presentations from all over the world and professional networking with industries, leading working groups and associations.Meet Your Objective Business sector With individuals from and around the globe concentrated on finding out about Polymer, Material science and Semiconductor materials, this is the best chance to achieve the biggest collection of members from everywhere throughout the World. Conduct shows, disperse data, meet with current, make a sprinkle with another product offering, and get name acknowledgment at this occasion. Widely acclaimed speakers, the latest methods, strategies, and the most up to date overhauls in Condensd Matter and Materials Physics are signs of this meeting.Highlights of the Conference Condensed Matter Physics Soft Condensed Matter Physics Solid State Physics Materials Physics Theoretical Computational Materials Physics Experimental Condensed Matter and Materials Physics Magnetic and Optical Materials Meta Materials and Meta Surfaces Superconductivity Semiconductor Materials Nano-scale Physics Bio PhysicsTarget Audience Condensed matter physics Scientists Research students and Research Institutes Professors, Students, Researchers from Physics Managers and Business Intellect Professionals Business Professionals from Electronic Industries Advertising and Promotion Agency Managers Delegates from Physical and Materials Science societies and AssociationsRelated Societies American Institute of Physics AIP American Physical Society APS Australian Institute of Physics Canadian Association of Physicists Colombian Society of Physics in Spanish Chilean Society of Physics in Spanish European Physical Society European Materials Research Society EMRS The Egyptian Materials Research Society French Physical Society International Association of Mathematical Physics IAMP Institute of Particle Physics, Canada IPP Institute of Physics, United Kingdom International Organization of Chinese Physicists and Astronomers International Union of Crystallography International Union of Pure and Applied Physics Italian Physical Society Physical Society of Germany DPG Physical Society of Japan Portuguese Society of Physics Swiss Physical Society Italian Association of Physics Students The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics The International Liquid Crystal Society The International society for optics and photonics European Crystallographic Meeting ECM3122.8.2018 - 27. 8.2018 - ECM31 is setting up an attractive programme covering the latest advances in crystallography and related sciences to attract young and senior scientists as well as companies and general public. One extensive agenda for accompanying people will be offered, with special attention to babies and children, with a specific programme of baby-care and children activities.Asturias, and the city of Oviedo in particular, is an historical, active and organized city of open minded, hospitable and altruist citizens and it may be reached by air, train or car. The PEC has a spectacular urban design and offers a modern, functional and versatile infrastructure with all facilities.For all these reasons, ECM31 will be an effervescent and fruitful scientific, social and commercial meeting with many learning opportunities in every current aspect of crystallography.Registration for ECM31 opens on November 30th, 2017.All participants who want to register by the early bird rate, must ensure that their payment arrives to the ECM31 account by April 22nd, 2018. All participants who want to register by the regular rate, must ensure that their payments arrive to the ECM31 account by June 15th, 2018. Summer School25.8.2018 - 01. 9.2018 - Germany, Russia and Sweden have jointly launched the RACIRI Summer Schools initiative in 2013 that is based on two bilateral cooperation platforms, the German-Swedish Rntgen-ngstrm Cluster RAC and the German-Russian Ioffe-Rntgen Institute the upcoming and existing top facilities, European X-ray Free Electron Laser European XFEL in Hamburg, the European Spallation Source ESS, the MAX IV Laboratory in Lund, the existing PETRA III and the future PETRA IV synchrotron-radiation facility at DESY as well as the high-flux research reactor PIK in Gatchina near St. Petersburg, the Baltic region will significantly strengthen its analytical research capabilities over the next decade that will also be accessible to users from other nations.A key target of both platforms, RAC and IRI, is the training of the next generation of researchers in order to contribute to the best possible exploitation of this unique research infrastructure.RACIRI Summer Schools offer a unique training for young researchers in materials and life science, who utilize neutrons and X-rays. Their general theme is Advanced Materials Design at X-ray and Neutron Facilities. Each RACIRI Summer School chooses its own specific focal theme: RACIRI 2013, in Petergof near St. Petersburg, Russia: _Soft Matter and Nano Composites_ RACIRI 2014, in Stockholm, Sweden: _Imaging with X-rays and Neutrons in Life and Materials Sciences_ RACIRI 2015, on Rgen Island, Germany: _Time-resolved and In-situ Studies of Materials: Basics and Applications_ RACIRI 2016, in Repino near St. Petersburg, Russia: _Convergent Science and Technology for Society_ RACIRI 2017, in Ronneby and Lund, Sweden: _Grand Challenges and Opportunities with the Best X-ray and Neutron Sources_ RACIRI 2018, on Rgen Island, Germany: _From Basic Science and Applications to Technologies inspired by Nature_RACIRI Summer Schools address mainly PhD students, master diploma students in their final research year, and young postdoctoral researchers from institutions predominantly of the threepartner countries.It is one of the main goals of RACIRI Summer Schools to strengthen the scientific knowledge base of the next generation of researchers in advanced materials research and to contribute to the necessary interdisciplinary literacy in relevant scientific fields and disciplines. The program structure, the addressed topics and the lectures are designed to improve a fundamental understanding rather than just focus on plain experimental methods and techniques. In addition, structure and program of the summer schools emphasize a stimulating learning environment with sufficient time for social cultural activities among the students. Internationally renowned scientists and experts from the relevant fields will be invited as lecturers and tutors. Poster sessions and a Science Slam are part of each RACIRI Summer School. At the end of each lecture day, the students are offered Tutorials, where they can meet and discuss with each lecturer of the day separately in a relaxed atmosphere. These program parts should stimulate the interaction and a close dialogue between the generations.The RACIRI Summer Schools 2016, 2017, and 2018 are also supported in part by CREMLIN Connecting Russian and European Measures for Large-scale Research Infrastructures - a Coordination and Support Action under Horizon 2020, funded by the European Commission, Grant Agreement No. 654166 and how to applyIn general, admittance to the RACIRI Summer School is based on national calls in the partner countries Sweden, Russia and Germany and granted through a nomination process based on scientific excellence. Each country will organize the calls and the nomination process autonomously and may engage for that purpose national research organizations to rely on their experiences, networks and best practice mechanisms in advertising the RACIRI Summer School and in nominating young researchers. The nominated young researchers will receive all necessary funding for travel, accommodation and food. 602.9.2018 - 06. 9.2018 - The series of SMARTER meetings aims to bring together scientists in the areas of computation, diffraction, geometric crystallography, and spectroscopy to promote combining various techniques and develop SMARTER approaches for structure determination of complex inorganic, organic and biological materials.After Aveiro 2007 and 2011, Versailles 2012, Durham 2014, and Bayreuth 2016, the sixth SMARTER meeting will be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from the 2nd to the 6th of September 2018. The venue of the SMARTER6 meeting will be Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology:http:www.fkkt.uni-lj.sienabout. Faculty is located on the outskirts of Ljubljana.Invited SpeakersThe following speakers have already confirmed their participation: Sharon Ashbrook, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom Vladislav Blatov, Samara University, Russia Francoise-Xavier Coudert, Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris, France Goran Draicacute;, National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia Lynne B. McCusker, ETH Zrich, Switzerland Marcus A. Neumann, Avant-garde Materials Simulation, Germany Jeffrey A. Reimer, UC Berkely, United States of America International Workshop on Sample Environment at Scattering Facilities02.9.2018 - 06. 9.2018 - The successful series of the 10th International Workshop on Sample Environment at Scattering Facilities is celebrating its 10th edition and will be held in Potsdam and Berlin, Germany. The workshop is held under the patronage of the International Society for Sample Environment ISSE:https:sampleenvironment.orgisse-workshops and will focus on two main topics: Sample environment at neutron scattering facilities Sample environment at synchrotron radiation facilitiesThe Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, housing the neutron facility BER II in Berlin-Wannsee Lise-Meitner Campus and the X-ray synchrotron facility BESSY II in Berlin-Adlershof W.C. Rntgen Campus, invites technicians, engineers and scientist from all over the world to discuss and present sample environment related topics such as directed, switchable and ultrahigh magnetic fields, electric fields, extremely low and high sample temperatures, samples under ultrahigh vacuum conditions or extreme pressure.The realization of complex setups for the investigation of gaseous, liquid and solid samples in different physical and chemical environments as well as its standardization and modularity are core elements of large scale facilities to collect valuable data with high efficiency, precision and reliability in limited beamtime periods.We are looking forward to seeing many of interested people from science, engineering and industry to foster the exchange of new ideas and to intensify international cooperation. The capacity of the workshop is aimed at more than 100 persons. Excursions to BER II and BESSY II are planned as well as social events to bringing together the sample environment communities of neutron and synchrotron science.The foundation of this continuing series was laid in Berlin in 1999 chaired by Michael Meiner. After being organized by various scattering facilities worldwide VilligenCH, AbingdonOxfordshire, ArgonneIllinois, Villard de LansGrenoble, HerrschingMnchen, SydneyAUS:https:sampleenvironment.orgisse-workshops,, the biennial workshop returns to its origin in 2018. Your participation is highly appreciated. Please register as soon as the registration:https:www.helmholtz-berlin.deeventsse-workshopimportant-dates_en.html is open 1 School 201803.9.2018 - 07. 9.2018 - The MATRAC 1 School will provide a systematic overview of the application of neutrons and synchrotron radiation to the structural analysis of engineering materials. Students and young scientists from research and industry from all of Europe interested in this field are welcome to participate.The next school is taking place from 3 to 7 September 2018. The venue will be in Lauenburg near Hamburg and Hamburg. The focus of the practical training will be on synchrotron experiments. Neutron data analysis will also be practised. Therefore, the participants will spend two days doing experiments at GEMSDESY in Hamburg.The MATRAC 1 School is significantly funded by German and Swedish authorities for their respective students. Furthermore, we are currently applying for financial support for students from other EU countries in the frame of the SINE2020 Neutron and Muon Advanced Schools.Therefore, the participation fee amounts to 100 .The fee includes board and lodging for the duration of the school as well as the book Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science which has resulted from previous summer and autumn schools with the same title.The application process is further explained on the events website:https:www.hzg.demssummerschool058651index.php.en. JCNS Laboratory Course - Neutron Scattering 201803.9.2018 - 14. 9.2018 - If you are a student in the field of physics, chemistry, material science or biosciences with a BSc or an equivalent qualification, you are welcome to apply for a place on this years JCNS Laboratory Course - Neutron Scattering, organized by Forschungszentrum Jlich.Each year, the Jlich Centre for Neutron Science at Forschungszentrum Jlich, Germany, in cooperation with RWTH Aachen University Prof. T. Brckel, Prof. G. Roth, and Dr. R. Zorn organizes a laboratory course in neutron scattering with experiments at the neutron scattering facilities of the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum MLZ.The course consists of two parts: a series of lectures, combined with the opportunity to take part in neutron scattering experiments. The lectures encompass an introduction to neutron sources, along with scattering theory and instrumentation. Furthermore, selected topics of condensed matter research are be presented.Lectures are held at Forschungszentrum Jlich and the experiments take place at the neutron facilities of the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum in Garching near Munich.The laboratory course is part of the curriculum at the RWTH Aachen.The aim of the course to give a realistic insight into the experimental techniques of neutron scattering and their scientific potential.Forschungszentrum Jlich supports students coming from outside the Aachen area by offering free accommodation and half-board. Travel expenses will also be reimbursed within reasonable limits. - The 8th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons in Art and Archaeology03.9.2018 - 07. 9.2018 - Diamond Light Source, the Mary Rose Trust and ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, will organise SR2A-2018, The 8th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons in Art and Archaeology in Portsmouth, UK.The conference will consist of a 4 day programme of oral presentations and poster sessions, opening with a welcome reception on the 3rd September. During the week delegates will also have the opportunity to take a tour of the UKs National Synchrotron Facility, Diamond Light Source and explore Portsmouths Historic Dockyard, home to the Mary Rose Trust. The SR2A conference focuses on the innovative use of synchrotron and neutron radiation to investigate artistic and archaeological materials and artefacts. The 2018 conference will specifically focus on Technique Advancements for Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons, Multi-technique Analytical Processes and Complementary Methods, the Impact of Analytical Techniques, Conservation Monitoring methods, Materials Processes and Archaeological Paleontological AdvancesThe conference is open to all interested professionals, including archaeologists, conservation scientists, conservators, geochemists and material scientists, researchers with experience utilising large-scale research facilities and other analytical techniques, curators, cultural heritage managers, art historians, students and potential users of synchrotrons. Neutron School in Neutron Scattering08.9.2018 - 21. 9.2018 - The Nordic Neutron Science Programme NNSP and the Swedish Neutron Education for Science Society SwedNess programme are proud to present the second Graduate School on Neutron Scattering. The school will take place in the university town of Tartu,, September 8-21st, 2018. The school is aimed as an introduction for starting Ph.D. students, but Master students and Post-docs are welcome to participate as well.The school covers an introduction to neutron scattering, with the topics: Principles of scattering and neutron instrumentation Diffraction Small-angle scattering Reflectivity Imaging Inelastic scattering Quasielastic scattering Magnetic diffraction and inelastic scattering Use of polarized neutronsIn addition, there will be inspirational lectures on Neutrons for Life science Neutrons for energy materials Neutrons for industry Neutrons for quantum materials Scientific possibilities at ESSA coherent set of lecture notes will be available, and there will be frequent use of e-learning for practicals. The course will start with two optional introductory days, September 8th and 9th, covering the topics: Complex numbers and complex exponentials Fourier transformation Connection between matter and waves Mathematical description of waves in one and three dimensionsWe recommend that students from Life science consider joining the introductory days, while students from Physical Sciences would likely not need to. The last day of the School will be formed as a small project exam. Upon passing the exam, the students will receive a course diploma. The course organizers have valued the School to 4 ECTS. More information can be found in the detailed program. To register please go to registration page.Deadline for registrations is August 1th. The school will accommodate maximum 60 students. The course is designed for PhD students early in their studies, but also Msc students ans Post Docs can participate. I case of overbooking, participants from the NordicBaltic countries have priority. In addition, PhD students have priority over others participants. For the Nordic students, the NNSP and SwedNess funds will cover Registration fee Accommodation in shared rooms at a hotel if you wish a single room, this must be paid by your institute or yourself Breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks Welcome dinner 9th September and Conference Dinner 14th September Optional leisure activity 15th september: Adventure trail at Otep - http:www.seikluspark.eeen Reimbursement of transport to and from the School, economy class flight tickets + bus, maximum 250 EUR. Buss booking site For Baltic students, other funding will be available, to be decided individually. If you are a Baltic student, please contact Indrek Tallo: Please note that Transport must be ordered individually, to be reimbursed later Dinner is not included, except for the two days specifiedFor special requirements, please contact the School secretariat at: Space Days11.9.2018 - 12. 9.2018 - The Industry Space Days event is organised by the European Space Agency to bring together the main European players in the space sector. Take part in the most important event dedicated to space technology, products services in Europe: 1.500 participants 15.500 B2B meetings 90 scheduled in advance Technical exhibition Conferences workshops and Biology16.9.2018 - 19. 9.2018 - The 2018 edition of the thematic School of the Neutron French Society SFN will be dedicated to Neutrons and Biology and will take place in Carqueiranne France on September 16-19, 2018.The School Neutrons and Biology will present an overview of the use of neutrons to probe the structure and dynamics of biological systems. Lectures will be presented by researchers from neutron international facilities and from academia and will include basic tutorials on the principles of neutron diffraction and scattering, a description of the neutron sources and instrumentation, as well as seminars on the application of neutron diffraction and scattering to different biological subjects. Students will also be introduced to the reduction, analysis and interpretation of experimental data and to the writing of an experimental proposal.The target audience includes graduate students, PhD students and postdocs or experienced scientists not familiar with the application of neutrons to biology.The list of topics includes: Neutron diffractioncrystallography Neutron reflectometry Elastic, quasielastic and inelastic neutron scattering Small angle neutron scattering Integrated approaches Industrial applications International Conference on Physics17.9.2018 - 18. 9.2018 - ConferenceSeries Ltd welcomes you all to the 4th International Conference on Physics during September 17-18, 2018 at Berlin, Germany. The theme of the conference is Innovative technologies and outcomes in Physics. The Committee is looking forward to organize an exceptional meeting with new and interesting sessions and discussion and to meet new people where you can share your subject and passion. At Physics 2018 you can acquired new information and will be very useful for expanding the knowledge in the field and generating new ideas to improve yourself and your professional career.Importance and ScopePhysics 2018 conducts a wide range of sessions and Tracks which provides the participants and all the attendees with an opportunity to extend their information in the subject and interact with professionals in the field of Physics. The agenda of the conference highlights new and advanced science and current topics with interesting Sessions, Symposia, Workshops, and Plenary talks, Keynote Presentations, Young Researchers Forum and Poster Sessions.Conference Highlights Classical and Modern Physics Condensed Matter Physics Astro-Particle Physics Cosmology Material Physics High Energy Nuclear Physics Atomic,Molecular Optical Physics Quantum Science Technology Nano-Technology Plasma Science Electromagnetism and Electronics Applied Physics European School on Magnetism17.9.2018 - 28. 9.2018 - The topic for the 2018 European School on Magnetism will be _Magnetism by Light_, part of the Series of the European School on Magnetism:http:magnetism.eu3-esm.htm. The School will take place from Sep 17th to Sep 28th 2018 in Krakw, Poland. The School is chaired by Marek Przybylski, under the auspices of the Academic Centre for Materials and, AGH University of Science and in Krakw. Krakw is the second largest and one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Poland. The history of the city dates back to the 7th century. It hosts 10 public and 13 private universities, several Institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and the SOLARIS National Synchrotron Radiation, delivering its first beam for users in 2017. Krakw is conveniently connected by plane.Like previous editions of ESM, the 2018 School aims at providing a thorough understanding of magnetism based on a broad series of fundamental lectures, while offering the latest insights into up-to-date aspects of magnetism with lectures focusing on a special topic. The topic covered in 2018 is _Magnetism by Light_. This covers a wide range of fundamental phenomena deeply rooted in condensed matter physics, specific instrumentation and opportunities for applications. Focused lectures will cover ultrafast light-induced magnetization processes, magnetoplasmonics, microwave magnetism, magneto-optics, spectroscopic and synchrotron-based techniques etc. The School will be an opportunity for young scientists from the two fields, to meet, share their expertise and network.The School is addressed at young scientists, mainly PhD students and post-docs, both experimentalists and theoreticians. It will consist of a ten-day training of lectures and practicals provided by prominent scientists active in todays research, interactive question sessions, access to a library of magnetism-related books, and industrial contributions. The detailed program will be disclosed on September 2017, and the lecturers in November 2017. Request for participation will be launched in the Spring 2018. 201817.9.2018 - 19. 9.2018 - A wealth of excellent research results have been obtained in the last years through the use of large facilities for the investigation of condensed matter. Experiments with neutrons, synchrotron and ion radiation offer complementary possibilities to illuminate the properties of matter in all its facets. For the fourth time following the conferences in 2006, 2010, and 2014, scientists from a variety of disciplines will gather at a SNI for presenting results and exchanging ideas at this showcase of joint research at research centres and universities. A special open session will be devoted to presenting research highlights tailored to the general public.Registration opens March 4, 2018. School CZM17.9.2018 - 20. 9.2018 - September 17, 2018Basics of crystallographic texturesLectures Introduction in crystallographic textures How to present crystallographic texturesPractical Open discussion with some examples, in which areas crystallographic textures are neededSeptember 18, 2018How to measure crystallographic texturesLectures Measurement of crystallographic textures X-rays, EBSD, Neutrons, synchrotronPractical Open disscussion with some examples, how to define which methode shall be used - XVII International Small Angle Scattering Conference07.10.2018 - 12. 10.2018 - The Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory will host the XVII International Small Angle Scattering Conference SAS2018 at Grand Traverse Resort Spa, Traverse City, Michigan, October 7-12, 2018.We are excited to host the XVII International Small Angle Scattering Conference.The United States has hosted this international conference three times Syracuse, 1965; Gatlinburg, 1977; Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1999. Since the last conference in this series to be held in the U.S. was 1999, it is a great time to again hold this conference in the U.S.Coincident with major facility upgrades with renewed small-angle scattering capabilities across the U.S. National Synchrotron Light Source-II, Advanced Photon Source, and Linac Coherent Light Source either complete or well-in-progress by 2018, the SAS2018 conference offers a timely opportunity to promote stronger scientific and personal interactions.SAS2018 will serve to showcase the progress of small-angle scattering research in North America, including the many instruments at user facilities across the continent and the rich variety of research taking place.We expect high-level researchers from around the world involved in all aspects of small-angle scattering research will attend and draw even greater participation in these conferences by U.S. researchers.The conference will also help to raise the visibility of the importance of small-angle scattering investigations in research and industry.We chose Grand Traverse Resort Spa in Traverse City, Michigan, as an ideal venue to help us promote strong interactions among the conference participants and to return this conference to a more intimate setting, in the style of a Gordon Research Conference. and ESS European Users Meeting10.10.2018 - 12. 10.2018 - The neutron landscape in Europe is going through a period of dramatic change. Two major, national facilities will close by 2020 while substantial investment in a new European facility, ESS, will deliver transformative capabilities and extend the technique to new domains by the middle of the next decade. After the Millennium upgrade programmes, ILL is currently executing phase one of the Endurance programme to further enhance its instruments and infrastructure and is now preparing a second, more extensive phase of Endurance that will be the basis of future operations well beyond 2023. The future of neutron scattering is bright, but both the landscape of facilities and the community of users must take a proactive and strategic approach to navigating and managing these changes in a holistic way, in order to ensure the sustainability and vitality of this important research technique. ILL and ESS therefore feel that it is timely to review recent achievements and the current status and, above all, look forward to new scientific opportunities with neutrons for the next decade. The User Meeting programme foresees ten keynote speakers on future directions in neutron science, as well as reports on recent achievements and ongoing work at ILL and ESS. There will be focus sessions in the User Meeting to highlight several key techniques while satellite workshop events, in parallel with the User Meeting, will allow participants to delve deeper into specific areas of neutron science. and Food conference 201816.10.2018 - 19. 10.2018 - The meeting will be held in the heart of Darling Harbour which forms part of our larger Sydney Harbour, recognised as one of the worlds most beautiful waterways. Darling Harbour is Sydneys most exciting entertainment precinct and only moments from the heart of Sydneys city centre. It offers multiple accommodation, entertainment and transport options including fine restaurants, museums, a retail marketplace and outdoor entertainment venues.With neutron scattering remaining at its core, we also wish to extend and showcase nuclear-based techniques more broadly and how they are increasingly being employed. Such examples include neutron activation analysis and isotopic fingerprinting techniques for authenticity and traceability to combat food fraud. It is recognised that neutron methods are often applied in concert with other complementary measurement methods, including X-ray and light scattering, and such contributions where food materials are the focus are warmly invited.The conference welcomes participants and contributions from the wide community of food science and product development, food packaging, and nutrition, as well as exponents of nuclear-based methods including scattering. In particular we intend to have a mixture of talks from food scientists and technologists with problems where scattering methods may be applicable, as well as talks from those already using scattering and other nuclear-based methods. We also anticipate the opportunity for one-on-one discussions to provide advice on specific problems as well as pre-conference presentations on what some of the techniques have to offer the food science community.Further details are available on the conference website and Food 516.10.2018 - 19. 10.2018 - When designing new food products for the market-place, it is of increasing importance to understand the relationships between the structural and functional properties of food constituents and implications on their processing, nutritional, physiological and sensory behaviour. The creation of novel functionalities of ingredients in complex food systems requires knowledge of not only the structure of native agricultural materials but also the changes in their structure across a wide range of length and time scales brought about by food processing. It is the inherent complexity of modern food systems that calls for interdisciplinary scientific approaches to be applied.In addition, there are significant challenges in the food arena that transcend national borders arising from increasing food demand governed by a growing population, rapidly changing food preferences, increasing demand for healthier food to combat disease and to improve diet, higher standards of food quality associated with economic development, concerns of the impact of agriculture on the environment, and the effect of climate change.To explore the opportunity neutron scattering techniques offer, the Neutrons and Food conference started in 2010. The conference has been held every two years since with attendees showcasing how neutron scattering techniques have been used and, often, in concert with other complementary measurement methods including X-ray and light scattering. In 2018, the conference returns to Sydney.With neutron scattering remaining at its core, we also wish to extend and showcase nuclear-based techniques more broadly and how they are increasingly being used. Such examples include neutron activation analysis and isotopic fingerprinting techniques to combat food fraud.The conference welcomes participants and contributions from the wide community of food science and product development, food packaging, and nutrition, as well as exponents as nuclear-based methods including scattering. In particular we intend to have a mixture of talks from food scientists and technologists with problems where scattering methods may be applicable, as well as talks from those already using scattering and other nuclear-based methods. We also anticipate the opportunity for one-on-one discussions to provide advice on specific problems as well as pre-conference presentations on what some of the techniques have to offer the food science community.As always, the primary goal is to bring together the community of food scientists and materials scientists to address the most significant challenges in food.Previous Meetings Sydney 2012:http:neutronfood.tudelft.nlParis 2014:http:www-llb.cea.frenPhoceaVie_des_labosSeminairesindex.phpid2919Lund may also be interested in attending the 17th International Small-Angle Scattering conference:http:neutronsources.orgindex.phparticle_id158eventid819 in Traverse City, Michigan, the week prior to Neutrons and Food. Carnot17.10.2018 - 18. 10.2018 - At the Rendez-vous Carnot, your innovation project becomes reality thanks to the unique portal of connection.Save time, find in one place scientific expertise and advice for your innovation Intellectual property, international, financing, etc.A simple and effective search engine to identify the essential partners to carry out your innovation project. 11,000 Business meetings scheduled in advance 94,5 of participants identified new RD partners satisfaction survey 2017 2,800 Innovation project leaders 201822.10.2018 - 26. 10.2018 - The 12th NOBUGS Conference will be held at Brookhaven National Laboratory on October 2226, 2018. The goal of the NOBUGS New Opportunities for Better User Group Software Conference Series is to foster collaboration and exchange between scientists and IT professionals working on software for X-ray, neutron and muon sources from around the world.Program Themes:Data catalogsElectronic NotebooksData StreamingUse of commercial Cloud SystemsWeb ToolsWorkflow Engines ToolsOther Relevant TopicsConfirmed Speakers:Steve Dower MicrosoftPeter Wang AnacondaJames Powell Python Workshop 201829.10.2018 - 01. 11.2018 - Trends and Perspectives in Neutron Instrumentation:Advanced simulation and open source software in neutron scatteringAs the materials being studied by neutron techniques become more complex, the link between computer modeling and experimental data is becoming increasingly important. However, the access to the most suitable and state-of-the-art modeling techniques is generally limited by an individual experimental scientists lack of modeling experience and local expertise. This creates an energy barrier to the most suitable and detailed data analysis that is often not overcome.At the same time the amount of data generated and to be processed has and will increase steadily. Modern detector technology, time-of-flight experiments, event mode recording, xD-data sets or 3D-tomography require powerful data storage, transfer and reduction software for presentation and analysis of collected data. Neutron scattering, and in particular inelastic neutron scattering is very amenable to computer modeling. Furthermore, in the majority of cases, the interpretation of experimental spectra is not possible without the use of computer simulations. Density Functional Theory DFT calculations, molecular modelling, Monte-Carlo simulations, complex more dimensional fitting procedures and sophisticated algorithms are developed to combine theory and experiment. Depending on the used method available software ranges from fully standardized programs to very specialized tools for specific applications. Standard software can be used often everywhere with resources to be downloaded from the internet, while specialized tools are only applicable at individual facilities or groups, working on the particular problem.General software platforms for the neutron data analysis and simulation that supports high-performance computing are on the way.This workshop will bring together experts with neutron scattering users to review modeling techniques and provide the opportunity for the community to discuss current limitations, new capabilities, and future developments. It aims at highlighting recent approaches and developing ideas on the combining simulation and experiment with appropriate software and simulation tools.The topics will include Modelling and Simulation Micromagnetic modelling DFT and spin waves Protein dynamics Membrane structure and dynamics Polymers Crystal structure determination SANS and reflectometry Virtual experiments Monte Carlo ray tracing and instrumentation Data Handling and data reduction Open source softwareThe conference is organized by the Jlich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS, Forschungszentrum Jlich. Molecular Spectroscopy Science Meeting 201806.11.2018 - 07. 11.2018 - The ISIS Molecular Spectroscopy Group will hold its next science meeting at the Department of Chemistry, University College London on 6th and 7th of November 2018.Registration is now open. To register, please click here:https:tinyurl.comMSSM2018.Exciting advances in neutron science and molecular spectroscopy will be discussed across the following thematic areas: Industrial Challenges Environment Looking Back: Archeometry Cultural Heritage Back to Fundamentals: Water Aqueous MediaConfirmed keynote speakers Dr Iain Hitchcock Prof Maria Paula Marques Prof Paul McMillan Prof Angelos Michaelides Prof Neal SkipperKeynote lectures will be followed by a number of oral presentations in each thematic area. These talks are intended for early-career researchers aiming to present their work in a friendly, supportive environment.There will be a poster session at the end of the first day, including rapid one-minute poster presentations ideal for scientists at any stage of their career.Those wishing to contribute an oral or poster presentation should submit the title during registration to the event. The organising committee will distribute the final programme based on the submissions received. Registration closes 30th September.Organizing Committee Dr Christoph Salzmann, University College London Prof Roberto Senesi, Universit degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata Prof Felix Fernandez-Alonso, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source Dr Hamish Cavaye, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source Mrs Emma Roberts, ISIS Neutron and Muon Source ANBUGAINSE Neutron Scattering Symposium19.11.2018 - 21. 11.2018 - We are pleased to announce the 2018 ANBUG-AINSE Neutron Scattering Symposium at the AINSE conference centre, Lucas Heights, New South Wales, at the site of the ANSTO-operated OPAL research reactor near Sydney.The symposium is the biennial meeting of the neutron scattering community in Australia and New Zealand, and also welcomes the many international users of the Australian OPAL research reactor.About the SymposiumThis year, we have extended the programme to take place over three days. There are a number of sessions in various fields of science such as physics, chemistry, biology and engineering. There will also be a session dedicated to neutron techniques.This symposium is suitable for undergraduate and postgraduate students, postdoctoral researchers and scientists. Limited accommodation is available on site.We are keen to make this symposium available to as many people as possible, therefore student fees will be low. In addition, students presenting from AINSE member institutions requiring flights to Sydney are eligible to apply for an AINSE travel scholarship. AINSE funding is for flights only with a limited number of scholarships available.We are excited to provide this opportunity to share the latest progress in science and engineering in the neutron scattering world. We look forward to receiving your abstract and hearing about your research in November. Abstract submission is now open on our website.The ANBUG prizes will be announced at the symposium and we will also hold the ANBUG AGM. School and User Meeting19.12.2018 - 21. 12.2018 - What is BornAgainBornAgain is an open-source software framework for modelling and fitting reflectometry and grazing-incidence small-angle scattering GISAS data from multilayer samples probed by neutrons and x-rays.BornAgain is actively developed by the Scientific Computing Group of JCNS-MLZ.Purpose of the workshopThe school is focused on providing hands-on experience of simulation and fitting experimental data with BornAgain, featuring tutorials and practice sessions. Besides, the scattering theory implemented in the framework of the code as well as the software design will be outlined during compact introductory lectures.Topics addressed Python programming basics BornAgain functionality overview Fitting and simulating reflectometry data Fitting and simulating GISAS data User meeting and open practice session At the User Meeting, BornAgain users are kindly invited to share their experiences, suggest improvements or request missing features. The meeting also features open practice sessions, where attendees will be assisted in simulating and fitting their own data.RegistrationIn order to attend the workshop please fill in the registration form on workshop webpage until 30 November, 2018.The number of applicants is limited to 30. Notification on accepting the application will be sent via e-mail right after the deadline. Joint MMM-Intermag Conference14.1.2019 - 18. 1.2019 - The 2019 Joint MMM-Intermag Conference will be held at the Marriott Wardman Park in Washington, DC, from January 14 18, 2019. The Joint MMM-Intermag Conferences, convened every three years, are the combination of two annual premiere international conferences on magnetism: the IEEE International Magnetics Conference Intermag and the Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials MMM. Members of the international scientific and engineering communities interested in recent developments in fundamental and applied magnetism are cordially invited to attend the Conference and actively participate in its technical sessions. The Conference provides an opportunity to share your research and interact with a large and broad collection of magnetism researchers, and to learn about the most recent developments in the field.Technical Subject CategoriesThis Conference will include basic and applied science and technology related to the field of magnetism and magnetic materials. The technical subject categories are as follows: Fundamental Properties and Cooperative Phenomena Critical Phenomena Highly Frustrated Magnetism and Spin Glasses Quantum Spin Liquids Heavy Fermions and f-electron Magnetism Molecular and Organic Magnets Magnetoelectronic Materials and Phenomena Multiferroics and Magnetoelectric Phenomena Complex Oxides Topological Insulators and Dirac Materials 2D and Layered van der Waals Materials Magnetic Semiconductors Heusler Alloys Soft Magnetic Materials Ferrites and Garnets Crystalline Alloys Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Materials Hard Magnetic Materials Rare-Earth Compounds Intermetallic Alloys Nanostructured Hard Magnetic Materials Other Hard Magnetic Materials Structured Materials Thin Films and Surface Effects Multi-Layered Films and Superlattices Patterned Films Exchange Bias Nanoparticle and Nanowire Arrays Individual Nanoparticle and Nanowire Behavior Materials with Coupled Magnetic Functionality Magneto-Optical Materials Magneto-Elastic Materials Magneto-Caloric Materials New Coupled Magnetic Phenomena Spintronics: Fundamentals and Devices Magnetoresistance and Hall Effect homogenous materials Magnetoresistance in Heterostructures GMR, TMR, TAMR Voltage-Controlled Magnetic Anisotropy and Switching MRAM, Magnetic Logic, and Related Devices Spin Injection and Spin Transfer Torques Spin Currents, Spin Pumping, Spin Hall, and Related Effects Antiferromagnetic Spintronics Skyrmionics and Noncollinear Spin Textures Spins in Graphene, Topological Insulators, and 2D Materials Magnetization Dynamics and Micromagnetics Magnetization Dynamics, Damping, and Ultrafast Switching Spin Waves Domain Wall Dynamics and Devices Micromagnetic and Hysteresis Modeling Magnetic Recording Recording Media Energy-Assisted and Optical Recording Recording Systems and Modeling Sensors not Magnetic Recording, High Frequency and Power Devices Sensors non-recording Microwave and Millimeter Wave Materials and Devices Power and Control Magnetics Transformers and Inductors Shielding and Levitation Motors: Control and Drives Motors: Modeling and Simulations Motors: Applications Motors: Actuators New Applications Magnetic Characterization Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques Interdisciplinary and Emerging Topics Bio-Magnetism and Biomedical Applications Magnetic Fluids and Separations Chemical Magnetism, Geomagnetism, and Emerging TopicsProgram The program will consist of invited and contributedpapers falling broadly within the scope of the categories listedabove. There will also be a Tutorial Session on Monday afternoon,a Plenary Session on Wednesday afternoon, and SpecialEvening Sessions during the week. in Beamline Control and Data Acquisition17.1.2019 - 18. 1.2019 - The HZB will host this international workshop to address the core requirements of experiment automation, scanning, sequencing, run control, live feedback, online data reduction and visualization, detector and data acquisition. and SpinW Workshop21.1.2019 - 25. 1.2019 - We are pleased to announce that we will be running another joint Horace and SpinW workshop, to provide tuition in how best to exploit Horace to visualise and analyse time-of-flight inelastic neutron scattering data, and training in the use of SpinW to calculate spin wave dispersion relations and intensities.The courses will cover all aspects of Horace planning an experiment, data visualisation and corrections, simulations, fitting, and more; and of SpinW introduction to magnetic structures and linear spin wave theory, handling complex magnetic structures, symmetry analysis, fitting inelastic neutron scattering data, etc..The workshop will be run at the ISIS neutron source, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, UK on Monday 21 25 January 2019 and is free to attend. For further information and registration please visit note that registration closes at 09:00 GMT on Monday 10th December, with participants places confirmed shortly after.We look forward to seeing you at the workshopThe Horace and SpinW teams REIMEI International Workshop New Excitations in Spintronics 10.2.2019 - 13. 2.2019 - Scope: In order to design novel devices in spintronics, we need to extend our understanding of the dynamics and transport properties of nano-structured magnets. In particular, we would like to exploit couplings to exotic excitations optical modes in cavities, hybrid magnon-polaron modes, magnon-phonon modes and understand their relations to spin-Seebeck effects and spin pumping. Such couplings can be studied both from the point of view of microscopic analysis of bulk materials or, directly in nano-scale devices, by delicate measurements such as spin-current injection and spin-Seebeck effects. The detailed analysis of the materials, in bulk form or as films can benefit from the complementarity of neutron and X-ray scattering. New theoretical advances are also needed to thoroughly interpret experimental results. The Reimei workshop New excitations in Spintronics 2019 is designed to bring together an international group of specialists, experimentalists and theoreticians, to explore recent results in the field. To remain at the forefront of the field, we will discuss possible future international collaborations involving researchers in universities and laboratories interested in both fundamental issues and industrial applications, with particular attention to opportunities at neutron sources.Registration before 10th JanuaryAbstract submission before 21st JanuaryFor more information on the workshop and to register, please visit our websitewww.ill.euspintronics2019 Seminar on Activation Analysis and Gamma Spectrometry SAAGAS 2724.2.2019 - 27. 2.2019 - SAAGAS 27 will continue the tradition of previous workshops and intends to provide all participants a platform for interesting presentations and inspiring scientific discussions. Contributions to the fields of activation analysis, gamma-ray spectrometry and related topics are welcome. Exciting novel applications as well as developments in instrumentation, analytical methods and data analysis are appreciated. Young scientists are particularly encouraged to present their works in the friendly and professional atmosphere of our meetings to gain more conference experience. The participants are free to choose German or English as their presentation language. As always, the workshop offers an opportunity for the manufacturers to exhibit latest new developments.The Executive Board of AK ARH and the local organizing committee at FRM II IFF Spring School 201911.3.2019 - 22. 3.2019 - Scattering Soft, Functional and Quantum MaterialsThe IFF Spring School 2019 will provide a solid introduction into scattering methods for the investigation of condensed matter and biomaterials. Advanced methods at novel large scale facilities like the x-ray free electron laser XFEL or the MW spallation sources will be highlighted. The power of modern scattering techniques will be demonstrated by examples for topical research in various fields - from Quantum Materials through Functional Materials to Soft Matter and Life Sciences. Finally, complementary techniques such as electron spectroscopy, modern electron microscopy etc. will be presented. The School is open for students and young researchers who have a basic knowledge of quantum mechanics and physics or chemistry of condensed matter. It comprises around 50 hours of lectures plus discussions and will be held in English; an Evening Lecture will be given by Prof. Metin Tolan. For further information on the School and how to apply, please visit our website. The deadline for applications is 10 January 2019. We look forward to your registration and to welcoming you to the Spring School 2019 Launch Event 26.3.2019 - On behalf of the Members of the League of advanced European Neutron Sources LENS, it is my pleasure to invite you to attend the LENS Launch Event at Chateau Liblice on Tuesday, 26 March 2019. The event will take place back-to-back with the ESFRI meeting being held there.The aim of the event is to present the mission of LENS to ESFRI delegates, other decision-makers in Europe, and the wider scientific community. High-level speakers will address topics such as long-term sustainability of neutron sources, the position of LENS with respect to the strategic objectives of ESFRI, the role of neutrons in delivering excellent science and innovation, and more. It will start with a lunch and finish with a dinner. A detailed agenda will be provided in due time.You are cordially invited to join us at Chateau Liblice, which is located approx. 35 km from Prague. Texture Symposium of DGM-SF2M28.3.2019 - 29. 3.2019 - The symposium provides a platform for scientific exchange on the latest developments in the study of the texture and anisotropy of materials. The subject of this symposium for texture and anisotropy is Advancements in texture analysis. This topic includes methodological developments with X-rays, neutrons and electrons. 2 School31.3.2019 - 05. 4.2019 - The MATRAC 2 School will provide a systematic overview of the application of neutrons and synchrotron radiation to the structural analysis of engineering materials and will focus on neutron scattering and imaging experiments. Students and young scientists from research and industry from all of Europe interested in this field are welcome to participate. 201901.4.2019 - SYNERGI is an event that gives you an insight into neutron and synchrotron characterisation techniques for RD, introducing techniques that allow materials and device investigation far beyond conventional laboratory capabilities. Chemical engineering and catalysis Food, agriculture and consumer products Biochemistry and pharmaceutical development Petrochemicals gas Environmental chemistryRegistration is now open Awareness of Research Infrastructures PARI III08.4.2019 - 10. 4.2019 - This conference aims to be a hands-on forum for communications, public relations and engagement professionals staff to share their experiences and expertise. The aim is that participants return home with new ideas for their work, by learning how and with which means other research institutions are communicating the importance of science and of research infrastructures to society. on modern modeling methods in neutron spectroscopy15.4.2019 - 17. 4.2019 - Computer modeling and data automation are crucial methods to analyze and interpret neutron scattering data. This tutorial will provide both background introduction and hands-on training on the established and recently developed tools for faster analysis and improved interpretation of inelastic and quasielastic neutron scattering INS and QENS data. Specifically, the tutorial will cover atomistic modeling techniques including density functional theory DFT and classical molecular dynamics MD methods applied to INS and QENS. It will also introduce two in-house programs developed through the ICEMAN project at ORNL, i.e., QClimax for QENS and OClimax for INS, as well as LiquidLib developed by Yang Zhangs group at UIUC a hrefhttp:zhang-group.github.ioLiquidLibhttp:zhang-group.github.ioLiquidLiba to translate MD trajectories to neutron scattering data.Registration from 16.02.19 - 22.03.19 Neutron Muon Science and User Meeting 201929.4.2019 - 01. 5.2019 - This meeting, jointly organised by ISIS and the ILL, is a chance for UK users of neutron and muon beams to hear about latest science using these techniques, together with facility updates and other news of interest to the community. It will take place at the Warwick Conference Centre, in The Slate, with accommodation in near-by rooms. This meeting is held annually, and attracted around 300 attendees in 2018., innovation, competitiveness03.5.2019 - TIme: 9:00-19:00 Venue: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Building A 1111 Budapest, Egry Jzsef u. 20-22. Program: Invited lectures will be given about research infrastructures, and various neutron application examples of materials research. Tell us your story. Participants are encouraged to contribute by 15 min oral or poster presentations. Presenters are requested to submit a half-page abstract to the conference email. Conference language: English no translation will be provided. Scope: The European Union and the Hungarian Government pay special attention to promote innovation and the efficient transfer of scientific results into industrial applications, so improving their economic impact. This conference is a one-day journey from inspiration to impact which aims to bring together experts, new-comers, students already using, or potentially interested in utilizing research infrastructures, in particular neutron techniques available at the Budapest Neutron Centre BNC. Research performed with neutrons lies at the heart of a number of challenges and questions encountered by the modern society. The Budapest Research Reactor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences via its user organisation the BNC the largest research infrastructure in Hungary - is a significant entity of the European neutron landscape. BNC, the organiser of the Conference, is devoted to applications of neutrons for industry, healthcare and cultural heritage. This one day event on the 3rd May, 2019 is sponsored by the SINE2020 project within the framework of H2020, in which BNC is one of the 12 EU partners. The SINE2020 project focuses on industrial partnership, so that the meeting is foreseen as a conference of the university units with strong industry relations. We hope, this conference will strengthen the partnership between the actors from the academia and the industry and researcher from the Budapest Neutron Center. Participation: The organizers expect attendees from the academia and industry in Hungary and abroad. Professors and students from universities, as well as managers, experts, engineers from industry are encouraged to actively participate. The conference enjoys strong support and engagement of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology. Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. The number of attendees is limited to 150 Research Conference on Neutron Scattering05.5.2019 - 10. 5.2019 - The Gordon Research Conference GRC on Neutron Scattering will be held on May 5 -10, 2019 at the Courtyard by Marriott in Hong Kong Sha Tin. It is our great pleasure as organizers to inform of this event to the neutron community. We have confirmed participation from world renowned speakers and discussion leaders in a wide range of the neutron science fields. The GRC meeting of 2019 will focus on Emerging Neutronic Approaches for Advanced Materials Study and Innovation in Energy, the Environment, Health and Infrastructure. For more information, please visit: https:www.grc.orgneutron-scattering-conference2019Together with the GRC, we will also hold the Gordon Research Seminar GRS on Neutron Scattering entitled Synergy of Neutron Scattering and Complementary Tools to Reveal New States of Matter, which is being organized for and by graduate students and postdocs in the area of neutron scattering. This will be held on May 4 - 5, 2019, just before the GRC. For more information please visit: https:www.grc.orgneutron-scattering-grs-conference2019As you may know, the guiding principle of a Gordon Research Conference is the presentation of new, unpublished work, and the free, unhampered discussion that follows. Also in keeping with the GRC tradition, we ask speakers and discussion leaders to stay at the conference for ample duration after their session, so that the participants fully interact and have further discussion.The GRC on Neutron Scattering in 2019 is shaping up to be one of the most exciting and important meetings in neutron scattering area. We expect to bring together an outstanding and diverse group of scientists at the forefront of research and will make every attempt to include younger scientists and students as well. We hope that you will share our enthusiasm for this conference and encourage you to attend and contribute with a talk or poster to the scientific success of the conference. A few talks will be selected for contributions. school on X-rays and Neutrons techniques for the study of functional materials for energy13.5.2019 - 17. 5.2019 - This advanced school organised by various French and Swedish institutes is directed toward PhD students and young researchers, although everyone is welcome to participate. Fundamental lessons on the useful techniques will be illustrated by examples of research on materials for energy, emphasizing on the complementarity between X-rays and neutrons.Please note the very attractive price of 150 euros per participant including fees, meals, accommodation and travel.Register before 10th March 2019With the aim of strengthening the French-Swedish collaboration, students will be asked to propose a mini-research project together with a participant of the other nationality. An award will be given to the best project under the form of reimbursement of expenses related to the project realization. opportunities of cooperation to face the European revolution in neutron science14.5.2019 - 16. 5.2019 - At the end of 2019 two major European neutron sources will stop their operation. With the closure of Orphe, French users will lose their national source, with the closure of the BER2 at HZB, German users will focus even more on the MLZ at Garching.Furthermore, the international users of both facilities will put even more pressure on the availability of beam time at our international source, the Institute Laue Langevin ILL, and also at the MLZ. However, ESS will come into full operation in the late twenties only. In particular for the French user community, this means the risk of losing knowledge in neutron science, in the period between the closure of Orphe and the getting into operation of ESS. A first attempt to bridge this gap is made by additional CRG instruments at ILL and SINQ. In the interest of keeping the European leadership in neutron science, French scientists are warmly welcome to become an active partner at MLZ.In this framework, the workshop will discuss opportunities of an enhanced cooperation between French and German neutron scientists covering topics from innovative instrumentation to exploring new fields in neutron science.The Directors of 2FDN and MLZ look forward to welcoming French and German neutron scientists at this workshop. International School of Crystallography - Magnetic Crystallography31.5.2019 - 05. 6.2019 - Please join us in beautiful Erice Sicily, a historic mountain-top town overlooking the Mediterranean, for two weeks of intensive study and practice with leading experts in the field of magnetic crystallography.This will be the 53rd course of the prestigious International School of Crystallography since 1974, but the first course on the topic of magnetic crystallography. Location: Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, SicilyApplication Deadline: Friday November 30thSponsoring Organization: IUCr Commission on Magnetic StructuresRespectfully,Branton J. Campbell Brigham Young University, USAMaria Teresa Fernandez-Diaz Institut Laue-Langevin, FranceJ. Manuel Perez-Mato University of the Basque Country, Spain - Possibilities and New Science through a 2D-PSD03.6.2019 - The WAND diffractometer at HFIR HB-2C beamline has been recently upgraded and is now a very powerful, versatile diffractometer. Based on flux, signal to noise and data acquisition system it is among the worlds best instruments with a 2-dimensional position sensitive detector 2D-PSD on a continuous source.WAND is a unique instrument on the American continent being the only 2D-PSD diffractometer on a continuous source. The most established 2D-PSD instruments WOMBAT at ANSTO, D19 and D20 at ILL, E2 at HZB have shown that these are powerful instruments having high efficiency for fast data collection, the option to do this in event mode and cover a large volume in reciprocal space. The fast data acquisition led to the use as fast powder diffractometer where the increased efficiency of the 2D-PSD allows the realization of in-situ and in-operando studies. Reactor sources still have the edge on the time averaged flux over spallation sources and irreversible in-situ studies can be most efficiently done at the modern 2D-PSD diffractometers. They are also perfectly suited for other science cases single crystal studies, membrane materials, texture analysis where their strengths can decrease the necessary measurement time significantly.This one day workshop will feature talks by international and domestic experts working with 2D-PSD diffractometers and allow for discussions with the WAND2 instrument team.The program please see agenda is aimed to attract new users and young scientists who like to learn about the performance of WAND and the advantages of WAND for their specific scientific question.This workshop is a satellite to the 2019 Neutron Scattering User Meeting. Conference: Neutrons for information and quantum technology.04.6.2019 - 07. 6.2019 - Pioneered by the Nobel Prize winning works from Bertram N. Brockhouse and Clifford G. Shull, neutron scattering has become an indispensible technique for the microscopic probe of magnetic order and excitations in magnetic materials, strongly correlated electron systems and unconventional superconductors. This has in turn helped to drive the developments in information technology in the past decades. Unsurprisingly, magnetism research with neutrons also represents one of the most active research fields at MLZ. The MLZ Conference 2019 intends to cover a wide range of emerging topics in magnetism, that are expected to bear high relevance to the advances of future information and quantum technologies, but meanwhile, are not being explored much by neutron techniques so far. This conference also intends to cover the relevant theories and simulation methods for quantum spin systems as well as new perspectives directly from the information technology industry. The main aim is to reach out the new user community and the new scientific directions, where neutrons would potentially play an important role. Neutron Scattering User Meeting04.6.2019 - 05. 6.2019 - The SNSHFIR User Group SHUG is pleased to announce the 2019 Neutron Scattering User Meeting to be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, June 45, 2019, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL, with topical workshops and tutorials held on Monday, June 3, and Thursday, June 6. The meeting theme is Neutron Sciences: Past, Present and Future. The meeting will highlight the research achievements of SNS and HFIR users, staff and the broader neutron scattering communities. In addition, the presentations and discussions will explore the future of neutron scattering in perspective of current and past developments.There will be a Welcome reception at the Shull Wollan Center at 5:30 p.m. EDT on June 3. All are welcome to attend. Registration will open February 20 and is required by May 10. integrated workshop on neutron diffuse scattering from single crystals06.6.2019 - 07. 6.2019 - The purpose of the workshop is to bring together expertise to investigate synergistic approaches for neutron and X-ray investigation of nuclear and magnetic diffuse scattering, and macrostructural dynamics. It will focus on single crystal diffuse scattering to educate and update the user community of the newly available and emerging diffuse scattering capabilities, data processing and analysis options that are currently exercised on a per-data-set basis. Furthermore, advanced computational modelling techniques, including reverse Monte Carlo and machine learning, will be presented.A tutorial part will provide the participants with tools to enable them to work with their single crystal diffuse scattering data. It will start with finding the orientation of the crystal and then continue to create 3D volumes, 2D slices and 1D cuts in reciprocal space for visualization. It will introduce methods for processing the data to obtain local deviation from the average structure known 3D-PDF. Finally, visualizing the full 3D volumes with Paraview will be shown. Confirmed Speakers:James Martin NCSUJames Weng NCSUFeng Ye ORNLNicholaj Roth Aarhus UniversityChristina Hoffmann ORNLZach Morgan MTURay Osborne ANLJoseph Paddison Cambridge, UKStefan Rosenkranz ANLRoss Whitfield ORNLAlan Tennant ORNL UTKAnjana Samarakoon ORNLJeremy Smith UTKXiaojian Bai Georgia TechMichael Wall LANLPlease check the Agenda for the complete programThis workshop is a satellite to the 2019 Neutron Scattering User Meeting. - 14. 6.2019 - HFIRSNS Advanced Neutron Diffraction and Scattering WorkshopOak Ridge National Laboratory, in conjunction with North Carolina State University, and support from the National Science Foundation and the Shull Wollan Center a Joint Institute for Neutron Scattering, celebrates a decade of neutron scattering education in structural biology at ORNL with the HFIRSNS Advanced Neutron Diffraction and Scattering workshop HANDS 2019. Detailed information can be found on the workshop web page: https:conference.sns.govindicoevent125 Application deadline: April 29, 2019Fellowships to support travel and accommodation are available. No registration fee.The workshop aims at enabling structural biologists to fully exploit the latest instrumentation and software development at the SNS and HFIR facilities at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Participants of HANDS 2019 will become familiar with neutron techniques with hands-on experiments in sample preparation, crystallography, small angle scattering, reflectometry and neutron spin echo. The workshop is designed for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and faculty with limited to no experience with neutron sciences. National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering16.6.2019 - 29. 6.2019 - This school is designed to introduce graduate students to the capabilities available at U.S. neutron and x-ray user facilities and pays for students travel, meals and lodging costs. Lectures are presented by researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories and include basic tutorials on the principles of neutron and x-ray scattering theory, the characteristics of neutron and synchrotron sources, as well as many seminars on different measurement techniques and the application of those methods to a variety of scientific subjects. As part of the school, students also spend eight afternoons conducting a series of short experiments to provide some hands-on experience using instruments at neutron and synchrotron sources, both at Argonnes Advanced Photon Source June 23-29, and Oak Ridges Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor facilities June 16-22. Graduate students at North American universities are invited to apply. Applications must be submitted by March 4. The application process is quite competitive and requires submission of evaluation letters from the students advisor and two other professionals familiar with the student. Bilbao Neutron School17.6.2019 - 19. 6.2019 - Science and Instrumentation for Compact Accelerator-Driven Neutron Sources CANSNeutrons are a unique probe to study structure and dynamics of matter. Large neutron scattering facilities are based on nuclear reactors or spallation neutron sources. However recent advances in accelerator technology and neutronics design have made possible the construction of high brilliance neutron sources based on low energy proton accelerator, that will be able to play a significant role in future neutron science and technology.This new type of infrastructures will enable much broader and easier access to high-brilliance neutrons independent of the existing neutron sources and improve the problem of continuous overbooking at the current sources. Large universities or research centres will be able to host their own neutron institutes presenting new opportunities to perform neutron science, prepare experiments for large facilities, train students and develop instrumentation. The focus of this specialized school is in science and instrumentation adapted to CANS. Neutron School23.6.2019 - 28. 6.2019 - This school is primarily aimed at participants who have completed their Bachelor degree in physical, engineering and life sciences, and early stage researchers e.g. PhD students and postdocs. It aims to provide an introduction to neutron scattering techniques, hands-on experimental experience and inspiration for the application of neutrons to future research.Registration closes 12th March 2019 16th International Conference on Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering23.6.2019 - 26. 6.2019 - The conference is co-organized by the European Spallation Source and Max IV Laboratory and will emphasize novel techniques for surface x-ray and neutron scattering including instrumentation and source development. TRR 80 Summer School Functionality of Correlated Materials24.6.2019 - 28. 6.2019 - The topics of the Summer School will cover electronic correlations andmagnetism in bulk materials including, e.g., multiferroicity, skyrmions, frustrated materials, and applications in spintronics. There will be lectures from experiment and theory, comprising materials research, experimental techniques, theoretical modelling and industrial applications.Tutorials and practical courses for the students will focus on computational methods like Density Functional Theory DFT.Speakers-Sergey Artyukhin IIT Genua-Christian H. Back TU Mnchen-Eva Benckiser MPI Stuttgart-Sarah Dunsiger SFU Vancouver-Olle Eriksson Uppsala University-Istvn Kzsmrki Universitt Augsburg-Karlo Penc Wigner RCP Budapest-Stephan Riegg TU Darmstadt-Karin Schmalzl FZ Jlich ILL Grenoble-Nic Shannon OIST Okinawa-Alexander A. Tsirlin Universitt Augsburg-Maia Garcia Vergniory DIPC San SebastinThe Summer School is aimed at Master and PhD students as well asPostDocs within the TRR 80. Your stay at Frauenwoerth will be covered by the TRR 80. Travel costs can only be reimbursed for members of the TRR 80.The program includes lectures, tutorials, poster sessions, and plenty of discussion time. There will also be a hiking tour to the nearby mountains of the Alps or a visit to the famous Bavarian Castle Herrenchiemsee of King Ludwig II of Bavaria. We invite you to participate in the Summer School and to present aposter about your scientific activities.Register before 12 May 2019 by your name first and last name, chair, institution, title of your poster for our program bookletPlease register as early as possible, because the number of rooms reserved in Frauenwoerth is limited.Note that your registration should be understood as binding for the whole time period of the Summer School. Conference on Neutron Scattering ECNS 201901.7.2019 - 05. 7.2019 - Topics that will be covered are directly related with the European Great Challenges and are listed below: Neutron Sources and FacilitiesDisordered systems LiquidsThin Films and InterfacesSolid State ChemistryMagnetism, multiferroics, skyrmions, superconductivityFunctional MaterialsNeutron Instrumentation, Optics, sample environment, detectors and SoftwareSoft MatterLife SciencesEngineering ApplicationsCultural Heritage and ArchaeometryFundamental Science - 11. 7.2019 - International Meeting of the Union for Compact Accelerator-Driven Neutron Sources. Interaction and Exotic Spin Structures08.7.2019 - 12. 7.2019 - We would like to attract your attention to the satellite event of the ECNS2019It is our pleasure to invite you to take part in the V-thInternational Workshop Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and ExoticSpin Structures DMI - 2019 to be held in Petrozavodsk, Russia fromthe 8th to the 12th of July 2019.The International Workshop Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction andExotic spin structures DMI is convened biennially. PetersburgNuclear Physics Institute of the NRC Kurchatov Institute takes theinitiative in organizing this workshop, whose goal is to foster andfacilitate the exchange of ideas and recent achievements in the fieldof exotic spin structures caused by Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction.The V-th International Workshop DMI2019 in Petrozavodsk follows thetradition of four previous DMI workshops held in Saint Petersburg2011, Veliky Novgorod 2013, Pskov 2015 and Peterhof 2017.DMI2019 is assigned as a satellite of a much bigger event: EuropeanConference on Neutron Scattering ECNS2019. 2020 10th American Conference on Neutron Scattering12.7.2019 - 16. 7.2019 - The Conference will provide essential information on the breadth and depth of current neutron-related research worldwide. Hosted by the Neutron Scattering Society of America, this years Conference will feature a combination of invited and contributed talks, poster sessions, tutorials and an industrial exhibit. Summer School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy 22.7.2019 - 26. 7.2019 - A one-week CHRNS Summer School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy will be held at the NIST Center for Neutron Research NCNR. Please note that this year the school will not cover SANS or neutron reflectometry. This school provides participants the opportunity to learn about a wide variety of neutron scattering techniques using instruments at NIST including the disk chopper spectrometer DCS, backscattering spectrometer HFBS, BT-7 double focusing triple-axis spectrometer, multi-axis crystal spectrometer MACS, and neutron spin echo spectrometer NSE. These powerful experimental techniques are used by researchers in a variety of scientific disciplines to probe the dynamics of materials over time scales ranging from 1 ps to 100 ns with length scales from under 1 nm to over 100 nm. This school emphasizes hands-on practical training for the instruments mentioned above as well as a thorough theoretical overview of these measurement techniques. Applications of dynamical techniques will be illustrated by specific examples drawn from recent cutting-edge research on soft and hard condensed matter systems. The course will enable attendees to assess the applicability of the techniques to their own research and will provide the technical information needed to prepare effective beam time proposals. The Summer School is sponsored by the Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering CHRNS, jointly funded by the National Science Foundation and NIST. Limited support for graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculty will be available. Attendance will be limited to 35 participants, and only applicants from North American institutions will be accepted.For further information, andor to apply, please go to the website. Early application is advised since attendance is strictly limited and typically we receive more applications than the maximum number of participants. Deadline: May 1, 2019. Seminar28.7.2019 - 10. 8.2019 - The Travelling Seminar 2019 will take ca. 12 German and ca. 12 Russian students on a summer school on the topic of Nanomaterials and Large Scale Research Centers. Together with 4 professors from Russia and Germany, we will travel to Moscow, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk and Lake Baikal by Transiberian Railway, plane and bus.The content of the summer school is aboutPhysics and chemistry of nanomaterials, synthesis and characterizationX-ray-and neutron scattering.The overall aim is to give an introduction and show the application of scattering methods X-ray, neutrons, XRD, PDF, SAXS, SANS, TEM, XAS, many more to the field of nanomaterials.All accomodation and travel is covered: for Germans the round tour from the departure airport in Germany; for Russians from Irkutsk to the departure airport in Moscow. Details on this will be revealed upon the selection of participants.Application: Deadline 15th March 2019In your applications, please include a CV as well as a motivation letter for participation in English accompanied by a prospective title of your talk.Applications of German applicants should be directed to Prof. Mirjiam Zobel: Summer School 201904.8.2019 - 11. 8.2019 - Structure, Real-time Dynamics and Processes in Compex SystemsThe RACIRI Summer School is a joint initiative by Russia, Sweden and Germany in the collaborative framework of the Rntgen-Angstrm-Cluster RAC and the Ioffe-Rntgen-Institute IRI.The novel format of the RACIRI Summer School is driven by scientific frontier themes and challenges in the field of materials sciences with a strong connection to the superb analytical potential at current and future research infrastructures synchrotron radiation, X-rays and neutrons in the Baltic region.The RACIRI Summer School is held every year under a special focus theme. Its venue rotates annually among the three partnering countries.Application deadline 10th May 2019. Advanced School in Muon Spectroscopy15.8.2019 - 23. 8.2019 - Description:This will be a new theoretical school where advanced concepts of muon spectroscopy will be taught across a wide range of science areas. It will be the first school of this type since the 1998 Scottish Universities Summer School in Physics held at St Andrews University. Lectures and tutorials covering the theory and practice of muon spectroscopy and complimentary techniques will be given by the international experts. Students will gain a comprehensive grounding in modern techniques and applications at both continuous and pulsed muon sources and have the opportunity to hear about the latest research being carried out with the technique.Programme:The first half of the school will introduce the muon spectroscopy technique and various science areas. The second half will focus on in-depth discussion of its application to various science areas. There will be a series of lectures and tutorials on each science subjects. The students will be asked to make short presentations single slide for 2 min each to their peers about their current research projects and how muon spectroscopy can help them. There will also be tutorial to work in pairs to write a beamtime proposal. The students will also have the opportunity to visit the ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Facility and attend a number of evening lectures from prestigious names from the muon community.Topics covered during the school include: Magnetic materials Superconductors Energy materials Semiconductors Molecular materials Studies of thin films and interfaces Reaction kinetics Muon spectroscopy under Extreme environments Muon site determination DFTApplication:To apply for the school you will need to submit both a personal statement and a statement from your academic supervisor that will be used in the selection process. Applications should arrive no later than the 3rd June 2019. The course is normally highly oversubscribed, so we encourage applicants to apply in plenty of time, as late applications will not be accepted. Applicants are selected for the course based on their requirements for muon spectroscopy techniques as part of their present and future research activities. Applicants will be notified shortly after of the outcome of their application. The school is open to all applicants worldwide.To apply please visit the school webpage.Fees: School fee is 520 per residential student which includes the cost of an en-suite room during the school, breakfast, afternoon and evening meals, teaching materials, drinks reception and the gala dinner. There are 50 residential places available. There are also 5 non-residential places for students who do not require local accommodation, at a school fee of 150, which includes teaching materials, drinks reception and gala dinner. Fees will be payable once the names of successful applicants have been announced. European Crystallographic Meeting ECM32 18.8.2019 - 23. 8.2019 - ECM32 is setting up an attractive programme covering the latest advances in crystallography and related sciences to attract young and senior scientists, industrial exhibitors and the public. A total of 17 workshops completes the range of satellite events in the week prior to the conference, one of them covers neutron related investigations:Neutron Scattering and Imaging for Newcomers DGK, SGK, RWTH Aachen, PSIBring your kids It is one of our aims to provide a family-friendly conference. Come and join us, and discover beautiful ViennaEarly bird registration Deadline: 15th April 2019Registration Deadline: 15th June 2019 and Neutron Science Summer School01.9.2019 - 28. 9.2019 - Overview and ProgrammeThe ILLESRF International Student Summer Programme on X-Ray and Neutron Science is aimed at undergraduate students. It will consist in a 4-week experimental project embedded in a research group of ESRF or ILL, together with a series of introductory lectures on the principles and applications of X-ray and neutron science magnetism, materials science, soft matter, structural biology, imaging, etc.. JCNS Laboratory Course - Neutron Scattering 201902.9.2019 - 13. 9.2019 - Juelich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS is happy to announce thatapplication is open for the 23rd Laboratory Course Neutron Scatteringtaking place September 2-13, 2019 in Juelich and GarchingMunich,Germany.The course will consist of one week of lectures and exercises and oneweek of practical training at the neutron scattering facilities ofHeinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum MLZ. It is the aim of the course to givea realistic insight into the experimental technique and its scientificpower.Students of physics, chemistry, material science and biosciences areinvited to apply for participation. There is no tuition fee.Accommodation and meals during the course will be provided by JCNS.Travel expenses will be reimbursed within reasonable limits.For further information and to apply for participation please visitour websitewww.neutronlab.deDeadline for application is May 12, 2019.We are looking forward to welcoming you in Juelich and Garching Oxford School on Neutron Scattering02.9.2019 - 13. 9.2019 - About the School: The school is intended primarily for scientists, student and postdoctoral researchers, who are new to the field of neutron scattering. It provides an excellent introduction to the field, which is developed through to its application in contemporary research. Lectures and tutorials covering all aspects of the theory and practice of a variety of neutron scattering techniques will be given by international experts. Students will gain a comprehensive grounding in modern techniques and applications at both steady state and pulsed neutron sources and have the opportunity to hear about the latest research being carried out with the technique. The school has its origins in 1966,as the first one of its kind, and many famous neutron practitioners have attended the schools of the past 50 years.Programme: The first week of the school introduces students to the core concepts of neutron scattering, neutron sources and instrumentation, neutron diffraction and spectroscopy. The second week splits tuition into three focused science areas, physics, chemistry and softbio, and provides lectures on neutron techniques and concepts which are most relevant to each area. Each lecture will be accompanied by a tutorial session. The students will be asked to make short presentations to their peers about their current research projects and work in pairs to write a beamtime proposal. The students will also have the opportunity to visit the ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Facility in Didcot, and to attend a number of evening lectures from prestigious names from the neutron community. In addition, this year are providing an option maths refresher for those students who may want it. Application: To apply for the school you will need to submit both a personal statement and a statement from your academic supervisor that will be used in the selection process. Applications should arrive no later than the 12th May 2019. The course is normally highly oversubscribed, so we encourage applicants to apply in plenty of time, as late applications will not be accepted. Applicants are selected for the course based on their requirements for neutron scattering techniques as part of their present and future research activities. Applicants will be notified shortly after of the outcome of their application. The school is open to all applicants worldwide. Neutrons and Muons for Magnetism School 201902.9.2019 - 06. 9.2019 - Co-organized by SISN and JRC, the school is addressed to PhD students, post-doc and early-career scientists.TopicsThe 5-day programme presents pedagogical lectures on the most advanced neutron and muon techniques followed by class exercises and hands-on tutorials using the best cutting-edge software packages for data reduction and analysis, data visualization, data fitting, and theoretical modelling of magnetic properties. Introductory lectures will provide insights into the application of magnetic materials. Lectures will be held in English.The school registration fee is 200. It includes full board and lodging. Partial support of travel cost may be provided through the SINE2020 funding.Application closes at 24:00 GMT on Friday 31st May 2019. Participant places will be confirmed shortly thereafter. Nordic-Baltic School in neutron scattering09.9.2019 - 20. 9.2019 - The School is primarily for Ph.D. students early in their studies, but M.Sc. students can be accepted too.On the days 7+8 September the School will be preceded with a crash course in the necessary Mathematics complex numbers and Fourier transforms and Physics waves, directed to students from non-Physics backgrounds.As the earlier schools, participation, accomodation, and travel is free of charge for students from the Nordic countries.The School is funded by Nordforsk and the Swedish Strategic Research Council SSF.Detailed program and registration information will be available soon. for Membrane Biophysics School16.9.2019 - 20. 9.2019 - Supported by SINE2020 It is our pleasure to invite you to the Neutrons for membrane biophysics school that will take place in Garching close to Munich between the 16th and 20th of September. The event will focus on the use of neutrons and molecular deuteration to enable early career researchers to provide fresh insight into problems in membrane biophysics. The workshops aims are to give: a practical background in the design of experiments including utilisation of molecular deuteration; preparation of samples; successful execution of a measurement program with hands on experiments at two instruments of the FRM II reactor; and the analysis of data. We will introduce software packages suitable for the analysis of data as well as explore the exciting possibilities of directly comparing molecular dynamics simulations with neutron scattering data. The target audience is early career researchers, mainly PhD students and postdoctoral fellows, working with biophysical problems involving model membranes.Lectures will cover the following areas:- Small angle neutron scattering SANS- Neutron reflectometry- Grazing incidence small angle neutron scattering GISANS- Membrane lamellar diffraction- Molecular deuteration- Molecular dynamicsList of lecturers:- Dr. Anna Leung ESS- Dr. Selma Maric Univ. Malmo- Dr. Alexandros Koutsioumpas JCNS MLZ- Dr. Sebastian Jaksch JCNS- Dr. Franois Bou INRA AgroParisTech Univ. Paris Saclay- Dr. Robert Georgii TUM- Dr. Chris Garvey Univ. Malmo, LINX - Dr. Thomas Hauss HZB- Dr. Alan Mark Univ. Queensland Neutron Scattering Days 16.9.2019 - 19. 9.2019 - We are organizing the French Neutron Scattering Days Journes de la Diffusion Neutronique, JDN in September, 16-19 2019 in Saint-Martin-de-Londres close to Montpellier, south of France. The conference will be in English and is open to any scientist using neutrons.This multidisciplinary 2-days workshop covers Soft Matter-Biology and Condensed Matter-Magnetism in two parallel sessions. Invited speakers are: - Arantxa Arbe, Centro de Fsica de Materiales, San Sebastian - Markus Braden, Dept. of Physics, University of Cologne - Giovanna Fragneto, Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble - Stphane Pailhes, Institut Lumire Matire, LyonThe deadline for abstract submission oral or poster is June 1st, 2019. Registrations are now open until July 15th. Further details and registration are avalaible on our website:https:jdn-conference.netindex.html. Note that the conference proposes a specially low fee for PhD students 100 covering full board and accomodation thanks to support by SFN2FDN. International Workshop on Polarized Sources, Targets and Polarimetry PSTP 201922.9.2019 - 27. 9.2019 - The workshop addresses technical challenges and accomplishments related to polarized gassolid targets, polarized electronpositronionneutron sources, polarimetry, and applications of polarized techniques. 3rd J-PARC Symposium J-PARC201923.9.2019 - 26. 9.2019 - We are pleased to announce that the 3rd J-PARC symposium J-PARC2019 will be held on September 23-26, 2019 in Tsukuba, Japan. The J-PARC facility started its operation of neutron beam facility in May 2008, muon facility in September 2008, hadron facility in February 2009, and neutrino facility in April 2009. We would like to take this opportunity to collectively discuss the results from a decade of J-PARC operation together with the achievements from relevant facilities all over the world for the future direction of the science. We also would like to celebrate the 10th anniversary of J-PARC operation on this occasion.The scientific program includes particle and nuclear physics, material and life science, accelerator science, target and related technologies, and RD for nuclear transmutation. The symposium program consists of plenary, parallel, and poster sessions.A preliminary web page of the symposium can be found at http:j-parc.jpsymposiumj-parc2019 The page will be updated with additional information when available.We are looking forward to seeing you in Tsukuba in 2019 Workshop on Perspectives and Applications of Deep Learning for Accelerated Scientific Discovery at next generation X-ray and Neutron Sources26.9.2019 - 27. 9.2019 - Break-throughs in deep learning DL technology are revolutionising the amount, rate and nature of information that can be extracted from data, creating new opportunities to accelerate scientific discovery in ways that have never been imagined before. The scientific information generated at large scale facilities, such as Synchrotrons, Free Electron Lasers and neutron sources, presents a novel and challenging platform to explore the boundaries of DL technology. Here both the volume of high quality scientific data as well as the high speed of experiments, specifically those that monitor and track fast real-time physical processes, place high demands on both state of the art instruments and software as well as in experimenters themselves. DL can potentially enhance the scientific value and insight that can be gained from experiments in these large-scale scientific infrastructures.In this workshop we shall focus on two topical themes on DL Accelerated Discovery: The use of DL architectures to generate unbiased and objective models for analysis of scattering data from X-ray and neutron sources. The use of DL methods for optimising data collection protocols in real time and for discovering anomalies in experimental data and enhancing the efficiency of the scientific workflow.These intersections of scientific discovery and DL science are unique and the workshop will explore potential research avenues to understand how to best develop these technologies to accelerate discovery using these facilities. The program for the workshop will consist of plenary sessions followed by working groups, and final close-out. On Thursday the 26th, plenary seminars will review the state of the art in DL and how it is currently used in x-ray and neutron scattering experiments, as well as on the challenges that these experimental techniques face that can be addressed by DL. Afternoon working groups, led by a convener, will explore and report in how DL methods can become more generically applicable to a wide range of scattering experiments, including data analysis, bias-free modelling and optimization of experimental protocols.On Friday, 27th, conveners will present the outcomes of the previous days working-groups and the meeting will close with a discussion and presentation of an overall summary. A tentative roadmap on how to make progress in the application of DL for Accelerated Scientific Discovery at next generation X-ray and Neutron Sources will also be proposed.There is no registration fee for the workshop, but attendance is limited to 20 participants. Further announcements regarding the program and speakers will be made available shortly. and Perspectives in Neutron Instrumentation: Probing Structure and Dynamics in Soft Matter07.10.2019 - 10. 10.2019 - The scope of the workshop is bring together experts in neutron scattering methods with users from soft matter and biology to review techniques and provide the opportunity for the community to discuss current limitations, new capabilities, and future developments. Registration has opened on April 1, 2019, deadline for submission of abstracts will be June 15, 2019, final registration deadline September 1, 2019. Further information can be found at the workshop webpage:http:www.fz-juelich.dejcnsJCNS-Workshop2019 Workshop 2019 - Trends and Perspectives in Neutron Instrumentation07.10.2019 - 10. 10.2019 - Trends and Perspectives in Neutron Instrumentation:Probing Structure and Dynamics in Soft MatterNeutrons are a key probe providing deep insight into the structure and dynamics and thus in the functioning of synthetic and living soft matter. Understanding of the atomic and molecular function of polymers and nanocomposites are tackled by neutron methods, but also the dynamic behavior of soft matter out of equilibrium or in confinement is investigated. Here soft matter also meets biology regarding the structure and function of membrane components, proteins or complex aggregates.The JCNS Workshop 2019 held in Tutzing, Germany on 7-10 October, 2019, will bring together experts in neutron scattering methods with users from soft matter and biology to review techniques and provide the opportunity for the community to discuss current limitations, new capabilities, and future developments.For all questions regarding the registration and the workshop, please, contact the local organizing committee Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources ICANS XXIII 13.10.2019 - 18. 10.2019 - Registration and a call for abstracts will be open by May 31, please look for a follow on the announcement with particulars ILL Annual School on Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FullProf Suite21.10.2019 - 26. 10.2019 - FPSchool aims to contribute to the training of scientists in treatment of X-ray and neutron diffraction data.The school is based on intensive hands-on sessions using the computer programs of the FullProf Suite.The lectures and tutorials will provide the essential tools necessary for an efficient use of the FullProf Suite at an intermediate level. In addition to general applications, the new features on material science data analysis and magnetic structure determination and refinement will be given particular attention.The 2019 FPSchool will take place at the Institut Laue-Langevin, in Grenoble, from 21 to 26 Oct 2019.The school lasts 4.5 days: 2 days dedicated to have a general overview of FullProf Suite as well as to general applications, plus 2 days dedicated to the analysis of magnetic diffraction data.There are different theoretical modules plus a large number of hands-on sessions for which each participant should bring hisher own laptop with the FullProf Suite already installed.Participants:The school is intended for PhD students and experienced scientists with a basic knowledge on diffraction techniques and crystallography. As usual, among the participants there will be a mix of different levels of experience in using FullProf. It is recommended, to those who consider themselves as beginners, to read the FullProf manual in advance and even try to follow a few of the online tutorials.Apply Here:https:workshops.ill.frevent162registrations120 Structure Determination from Neutron Diffraction Data21.10.2019 - 23. 10.2019 - The school will provide hands-on training on how to determine magnetic structures from powder and single-crystal neutron data. The techniques of representational analysis and magnetic space groups will be introduced and used in a series of examples.This school is a mini version of the Magnetic Structure Determination from Neutron Diffraction Data Magstr school and will be held at ORNL on the three days prior to the Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference, also held at ORNL that week. https:conference.sns.govevent78:https:conference.sns.govevent78Lectures and hands-on tutorial sessions will cover:Symmetry analysis using representation theory and the SARAh programMagnetic space groups using the Bilbao Crystallographic ServerRefinement strategies using the FullProf SuiteMagnetic structure determination from powder constant wavelength and time-of-flight data and single-crystal data constant wavelengthThe school is intended for graduate students, postdocs, and research scientists who have a working knowledge of crystallographic refinement and will benefit from incorporating the techniques of magnetic structure determination from neutron diffraction into their research. FullProf software will be used for hands-on examples. https:www.ill.eusitesfullprof:https:www.ill.eusitesfullprof Registration is free, but acceptance to the school is granted on a competitive and limited basis. The closing date for registering is July 17th. Acceptance to the school is based on information provided when registering. Applicants will be notified by the end of July if they are accepted. Those accepted are expected to arrange for their own travel and accommodations. US School on Total Scattering Analysis 21.10.2019 - 24. 10.2019 - This school is aimed at introducing total scattering data and modelling methods and demonstrating their use in understanding complex functional materials, in addition to reviewing recent developments and future directions in the technique. Most of the school will be focused on providing hands-on training with total scattering analysis software, with the balance focused on providing a technical foundation and highlighting exemplary work in the community.Total scattering and the associated pair distribution function technique, an extension of diffraction methods, is increasingly prevalent in modern materials studies. The unique combination of Bragg and diffuse scattering has related vacancies in high temperature ceramics to both their superionic conductivity and phase stability, nanometer-sized polar domains or nanoregions in relaxor ferroelectrics to their enhanced dielectric and piezoelectric properties, and vacancydisorder arrays and other subtle local correlations to the mechanisms of high-Tc superconductivity. These methods have further proven critical in understanding guest-host interactions, amorphous to crystalline transitions, local spin correlations, and other disordered crystalline materials phenomena.Total scattering is most informative when modeled atomistically with computational methods. Modern software spans small and large box approaches and can incorporate neutron and x-ray PDF, EXAFS single crystal diffuse scattering data. Resulting atomistic models aid scientists from diverse disciplines in understanding the inner-workings of property mechanisms, and ultimately in optimizing and controlling them through atomic structure modification.Topics covered:Introduction to Total ScatteringModern Total Scattering Instruments and DataHands-on Data Analysis with:Small box modeling with PDFGui Diffpy-CMILarge box modeling with RMCProfile EXAFS dataBuilding and refining nanoparticles with DISCUS in Magnetism: Theory meets Experiments22.10.2019 - 24. 10.2019 - The main goal of the workshop is to bring together leading experts in the fields of topology and magnetism, and discuss recent developments and future perspectives in common for these research fields. Various aspects will be discussed, with an emphasis on magnetic textures displaying topological properties in real-space.Another key aim is to develop interdisciplinary communication and collaborations among internationally recognized experts and the local community. An important aspect of the workshop is to boost the participation of young researchers from the region.The participation of twelve international invited speakers is confirmed:Geetha Balakrishnan Warwick, UKCristian Batista Tennessee, USAHans-Benjamin Braun Dublin, IrelandSang-Wook Cheong Rutgers, USAAndy Christianson ORNL, USASantiago A. Grigera La Plata, ArgentinaShi-Zeng Lin LANL, USARamamoorthy Ramesh Berkeley, USA by video conferenceNicolas Reyren Paris, FranceYusuke Tokunaga Tokyo, JapanSeonghoon Woo IBM, USAOleg Yazyev EPFL, SwitzerlandThere is no registration free, but we ask you to register through our webpage. Abstract submission is also open for posters and contributed talks. Registration and abstract submission deadline is 30th September.More information may be found on our website. You may also contact us at Diffraction Conference Oct 24-26th 2019 at ORNL24.10.2019 - 26. 10.2019 - The 77th Annual Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference which will be hosted onsite at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. The conference will take place over three days and feature sessions focused on all areas of diffraction, from powders to protein crystals. Topics will include emerging technologiestechniques, Total scattering, Magnetic scattering, small molecules and Integrative Structural Biology. The Chung Soo Yoo Award, established by the Pittsburgh Diffraction Society to honor Dr. Yoos memory, and a 400 cash prize will be given to the graduate student having the best poster presentation at the conference. Registration for the conference is only 100 and abstract submission for talks and posters is now open. https:conference.sns.govevent78:https:conference.sns.govevent78, Topic: Initial Instrument Concepts for STS06.11.2019 - The Second Target Station STS will provide unprecedented peak brightness of cold neutrons together with a broad bandwidth resulting from 15 Hz operation. To demonstrate the potential scientific impact of this facility, 8 instrument concepts have been developed. These concepts consist of two SANS instruments, one horizontal surface reflectometer, one direct geometry spectrometer, one diffractometer optimized for magnetic materials, one large unit cell single crystal diffractometer, one multimodal high magnetic field instrument, and one multimodal materials engineering instrument. The science enabled by these instruments will span materials research, provide new capabilities to study quantum materials, soft matter, energy materials, biology, and structural materials. In this webinar, the instrument concepts, performance, and the science they enable will be introduced. It is important to note that these are notional instrument concepts and the instrument prioritization process requires engagement with the scientific community. Intelligence Applied to Photon and Neutron Science12.11.2019 - 14. 11.2019 - The pioneers of Artificial Intelligence AI, Yoshua Bengio, Geoffrey Hinton and Yann LeCun were recently awarded the prestigious Turing Award, dubbed the tech industrys Nobel Prize, recognising their work over 30 years in developing and using neural networks. The award also comes at a time when AI is one of the fastest growing areas in science and technology. Simultaneously, large-scale facilities, in particular for neutrons and X-rays, are facing growing challenges in producing, handling, treating and fully exploiting data of increasing volume and complexity. The workshop will therefore introduce AI in this data context and explore the potential applications of AI in treating data at large-scale facilities. The intended outcome of the workshop is an initial roadmap on how best to pursue the use of AI, preferably in the form of concerted actions for which funding opportunities may exist.For those of you interested in the subject, please note that you can follow the talks on live streaming using this call for abstract - Extended to August 15 201916.11.2019 - 21. 7.2019 - This meeting traditionally spans the complete spectrum from the latest results and discoveries in neutron scattering, over fundamental sciences to applied research. We also focus on novel neutron instrument concepts to make use of the remarkable science across multiple fields such as physics, chemistry, biology, material science, materials engineering, neutron sources, and instrumentations.The Asia-Oceania Conference for Neutron ScatteringAOCNS is a platform for more than 500 scientists in the Asia-Oceania, Europe and America regions to share their latest results. Additionally, prestigious American President Award winner in this field and the representatives of the neutron facilities across Asia-Oceania, Europe and America are invited, to share their outstanding works and updates of their state-of-the-art neutron facilities. This conference will cover recent advances in the applications of neutron scattering in all science areas:Programme highlights include: S1. Condensed Matter Physics S2. Materials Science and Chemistry S3. Soft Matter Systems S4. Food and Biological Science S5. Engineering and Industrial ApplicationsS6. Fundamental Physics S7. Sources, Methods, and Techniques More details here:https:www.aocns2019.orgindex.phpactioninfocid8Present your research submit abstracts by 15 August 2019. Oral and poster abstracts are now invited on the conference topics and should be submitted using the online abstract submission system.Through the AONSA Young Scholar Awards and AONSA Poster Awards, the participation of the next generation of scientists is highly encouraged, creating a vibrant forum where scientists from all over the world can meet to discuss and exchange their latest cutting-edge results on neutron scattering sciences.We welcome your participation and look forward to receiving your abstracts.Please pay close attention to our updates on Materials Exploration with Neutrons01.12.2019 - 06. 12.2019 - Thanks to the unique scattering cross sections of neutrons, the neutron scattering technique has played an important role in materials research. In the recent years, with the advent of the new generation of neutron sources around the world, it is possible to conduct elastic and inelastic scattering experiments with extremely high accuracy, which, in principle, allows us to examine far more detailed predictions from theories and modeling than ever and to discover new physics. This symposium will focus on the forefront of advanced materials characterizations using cutting-edge neutron scattering experimental tools. More information of the symposium, including the confirmed invited speakers, can be found on the MRS website a hrefhttps:mrs.orgfall2019call-for-paperscall-for-papers-detailcodeMT04https:mrs.orgfall2019call-for-paperscall-for-papers-detailcodeMT04a Topics will include:Quantum Materials and Condensed Matter Soft and Biological Materials Energy and Engineering Materials Neutron Source, Instrumentation, and SoftwareThe abstract submission window is May 13 to June 13, 2019. Joint BER II and BESSY II User Meeting04.12.2019 - 06. 12.2019 - The Neutron and Young Scientists Day will take place at Berlin-Wannsee on Wednesday, December 4.The Young Scientists and Synchrotron Day as well as the Science Day will take place at Berlin-Adlershof on Thursday, December 5 and Friday, December 6. Target Station Workshop09.12.2019 - 10. 12.2019 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory ORNL has recently established a project office to further develop, and ultimately build, the Second Target Station STS project at the Spallation Neutron Source. This is an exciting time for neutron scattering in the U.S. as STS will provide transformative new capabilities that both complement and greatly extend our current resources for neutron scattering. ORNL and the SNS HFIR User Group SHUG will host a Science at the Second Target Station Workshop December 9-10, 2019, at ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. This workshop will facilitate discussion of the opportunities enabled by STS across current and prospective future scientific fields.Scientists of all disciplines, from beginners to experts, interested in the STS project and in the new capabilities it will enable are invited to ORNL in December This workshop is a critical step in the STS project. It will lead to identification of the essential performance parameters of a prospective suite of instruments and to the formation of teams that will continue to refine the science case and participate in defining the requirements for individual instruments to be built at STS.Registration ends November 18, 2019. User Meeting 201910.12.2019 - 11. 12.2019 - We look forward to meet all MLZ users and those who like to become our users here at Garching for the next User Meeting What do we plan more or less Starting around lunchtime, the first afternoon will be dedicated to specialised workshops organised by our Science Groups, while the second day will be divided between plenary talks in the morning and a poster session in the afternoon.Abstracts until September 15thRegistration until October 25th, Bilayers at the ILL workshop11.12.2019 - 13. 12.2019 - The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers working with on the physico-chemical characterization of lipid bilayers by means of experimental including scattering and direct space techniques and theoretical approaches.Among the specific subjects that will be covered are:structure and self-assemblyinteractionsdynamicsnatural membranes including natural lipids for artificial membranesnumerical simulationsapplications of bilayer-based systemsemerging methodsRegistration and abstract submission will open on the 20th of May and close on the 6th of September.Important dates20052019 Opening of abstract submission registration06092019 Deadline for oral contribution submission09102019 Communication of accepted contributions04112019 End of early bird registration04112019 Deadline for poster submission25112019 End of registrationTo submit your contribution and register please visit the website:https:workshops.ill.frevent199Fees: fees are 200 VAT included which includes the cost of coffee breaks, lunches, winecheese buffet and gala dinner.International Scientific Advisory Committee:Frank Heinrich NIST, USA, Alexandros Koutsioumpas FRM-II, DE,Reidar Lund Oslo Univ., NO, Tommy Nylander LUND Univ., SE,Maikel Rheinstadter McMaster Univ., CA, Hanna Wacklin-Knecht ESS, SE, John Webster UKRI-STFC, UK Colloquium and BrightnESS General Assembly11.2.2020 - 12. 2.2020 - BrightnESS is funded by Horizon 2020 for a three-year period. It aims to strengthen the European landscape of neutron sources, ensure the long-term sustainability of ESS, and support the European neutron scattering community. These three high-level goals for BrightnESS are aligned with the objectives of the League of advanced European Neutron Sources, LENS, which receives support from BrightnESS. The LENS consortium is in part working to position the neutron community in Europe to compete for funding projects within the European Commissions upcoming 9th Framework Programme, Horizon Europe. We are pleased to announce that we have therefore dedicated the first afternoon of the February meeting to speakers from LENS, the neutron science user community and the European Commission. on Neutron and X-Ray Imaging in Life Sciences and Biology 18.2.2020 - 19. 2.2020 - We are pleased to announce that the Neutron and X-Ray Imaging Applications in Life Sciences and Biology Workshop will be held on the 18-19 February 2020 lunchtime to lunchtime at Milton Hill House, Steventon, Oxfordshire, OX13 6AF, UK. The workshop will provide a platform for scientists interested in new interdisciplinary approaches to cutting-edge research in life sciences, palaeontology and biology, using various methods that include neutron and x-ray imaging based techniques. The meeting will have invited, contributed science talks and poster session.Topics include, but are not limited to: Updates from IMAT ISIS, I12 and I13 Diamond imaging beamlines, Plant-soil research, Geoscience Palaeontology Palaeobotany, Biology Forensic Sciences and Student poster sessionTo register for the meeting, please visit the ISIS Facility website link below. Registration will close on Wednesday 29th January 2020. The workshop is free of charge to attend but places are limited. Your registration will be confirmed by email. Annual Meeting 202023.2.2020 - 27. 2.2020 - The next Annual Meeting of the German Crystallographic Assiciation DGK willbe a joint meeting with the Polish Crystallographic Assiciation in Wrocaw,Poland Feb. 23.-27, 2020. This is a good occasion to promote neutronexperiments and to get in touch with the Polish user community. At the reactorMaria in Otwock-Swierk, a strong centre for neutron diffraction is in theprocess of being set up, which is supposed to offer interesting opportunitiesfor experiments after completion.Abstracts can be submitted until Nov. 10, 2019 athttps:www.dgk-conference.deregistration-abstractsabstract-submission Disorder workshop25.2.2020 - 26. 2.2020 - The Laboratory for Neutron Scattering and Imaging at the Paul Scherrer Institut is organising a small workshopdiscussion meeting to be held on Feb 25th-26th at the Herzberg, near Aarau topic is to be Correlated Disorder, and we hope to discuss possible new physics and functionalities in which structural andor magnetic correlated disorder and frustration plays an important role.The invited speakers are Simon Billinge, Steve Bramwell, Andrew Goodwin, Peter Holdsworth, Jos Lorenzana, Marisa Medarde, Jennifer Niedziela, Siddharth Parameswaran, Arkadiy Simonov, and Manila Songilvay. Some further details can be found at https:indico.psi.chevent8366. Requests to attend and any proposed talk title should be sent directly to until 24th Jan. Confirmation of attendance will follow shortly after the deadline. 202002.3.2020 - 03. 4.2020 - This 1-month school, established in 1991, provides training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, in the field of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for condensed matter studies Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Geosciences, Industrial applications.It includes lectures, practicals, tutorials, and visits of Large Facilities: ALBA in Barcelona, KIT in Karlsruhe, DESY and European XFEL in Hambourg, ELETTRA and FERMI in Trieste, ESRF, ILL in Grenoble, Soleil and LLB in Paris-Saclay, and SLSPSI in Villigen. Spring Meeting 202015.3.2020 - 20. 3.2020 - There will be a focus session on Soft Matter and Nanocomposites - New opportunities with advanced neutron sources at the DPG Spring Meeting 2020. It is coordinated by Stephan Frster, ThomasGutberlet, Peter Mller-Buschbaum and Walter Richtering. Abstracts can be submitted until Dec. 1, 2019 at:https:www.dpg-tagung.dedd20submission.htmllanguageen CPP: Chemical and Polymer Physics Division Topic Focus: Soft Matter and Nanocomposites - New opportunities with advanced neutron sources 202020.4.2020 - 21. 4.2020 - Magnetism 2020 is the premier conference organised by the UK and Rol magnetism community. It welcomes and encourages participation from Europe and further afield, and from industry. A mixture of invited talks and submitted contributions will allow the breadth of magnetism research in the UK and Rol to be presented. Participation from outside UKRol and from industry is also encouraged. The conference encourages participation from across the breadth of magnetism, and has included oral sessions on a range of subjects including spintronics, domain walls, dynamics, vortices, skyrmions and topological systems, spin ice, biological and organic magnetism, superconductors, magnetocalorics and ab initio theory.We are encouraging abstracts submitted in the following areas: Biomagnetism Carbon-based Materials and Molecular Magnetism Computational and Theoretical Magnetism Correlated Electron Systems Hard Magnetic Magnets High Frequency Spin Dynamics Nanoparticles Thin Films and Nanostructures Topological Materials for SpintronicsKey dates: Abstract submission deadline: 31 January 2020 Early registration deadline: 20 March 2020 Registration deadline: 10 April 2020 202029.4.2020 - 01. 5.2020 - AXAA-2020 will be an essential event for those in industry and academia who are working, researching and driving development in the fields of X-ray laboratory and synchrotron and neutron scattering techniques. Also, newcomers to the field senior undergraduate and postgraduate students, and those working in X-ray analysis for the first time will benefit from attending AXAA-2020. Several bursaries will be available for students, covering flights, accommodation and registration.Topics: Energy, Environment, Mining, mineral processing and metallurgy, On-line analysis, Geology and geochemistry, Cultural heritage, Advanced and functional materials incl. metals, nanoparticles and thin films, Biomaterials, Developments in XRF, diffraction, fluorescence mapping, tomography, pair distribution function analysis, small angle scattering and absorption spectroscopy on Perspectives and Applications of Deep Learning for Accelerated Scientific Discovery in Physics14.5.2020 - 15. 5.2020 - This workshop is a follow up of the previous one organised on September 2019 at the NBI. During these two days on May 2020, we shall again focus on two topical themes on DL Accelerated Discovery. The use of DL architectures to generate unbiased and objective models for analysis of experimental data. The use of DL methods for optimising data collection protocols in real time and for discovering anomalies in experimental data and enhancing the efficiency of the scientific workflow.These intersections of scientific discovery and DL science are unique and the workshop will now explore potential research avenues to understand how to best develop these technologies to accelerate discovery in Physics.The program for the workshop will consist of plenary sessions followed by working groups, and final close-out.On Thursday the 14th, plenary seminars will review the state of the art in DL and how it is currently used in selected areas of Physics, as well as on the challenges that these experimental techniques face that can be addressed by DL. Afternoon working groups, led by a convener, will explore and report in how DL methods can become more generically applicable to a wide range of experiments, in the areas of Experiment design, Data collection and instrumentation control, Data reduction Analysis, and extraction of science.On Friday, 15th, morning sessions will be again split by panels, focusing this time on techniques, such as unsupervised and reinforcement learning, Artificial Neural Networks, machine learning firmware implementation for Hardware FPGA, etc..Friday afternoon, conveners will present the outcomes of the previous days working-groups and the meeting will close with a discussion and presentation of an overall summary. A tentative roadmap on how to make progress in the application of DL for Accelerated Scientific Discovery ain Physics will also be proposed.There is no registration fee for the workshop, but attendance is limited to 100 participants.Looking very much forward to seeing you on May Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering CHRNS Summer School on Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectometry - POSTPONED01.6.2020 - 05. 6.2020 - Due to the deteriorating situation regarding the spreading of the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 the school CHRNSNCNR is postponed. The new date is announced in near future.The 26th Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering CHRNS Summer School on Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectometry will be held from Monday, June 1 to Friday, June 5, 2020 at the NIST Center for Neutron Research NCNR. This years summer school is devoted to methods and applications of small angle neutron scattering SANS and neutron reflectometry NR techniques. Please note that inelastic neutron scattering techniques will not be covered in this school.The course is targeted at those with little or no previous experience with neutron scattering methods. The combination of introductory lectures and training in scattering techniques will provide participants with a unique opportunity to become familiar with neutron scattering and its application to current research topics.Attendance for the summer school is limited to 42 students and to people affiliated with US universities and US industry.The course includes both lectures and hands-on training. Invited speakers will give presentations on the application of neutron scattering in their current research activities.The Summer School is sponsored by the NCNR and by the National Science Foundation under the Center for High Resolution Neutron ScatteringCHRNS cooperative agreement DMR-1508249. Support for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and junior faculty may be requested on the summer school application form. 202001.6.2020 - 05. 6.2020 - Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in conjunction with North Carolina State University, and support from the National Science Foundation Award 1915748 and the Shull Wollan Centera Joint Institute for Neutron Scattering will host the HFIRSNS Advanced Neutron Diffraction and Scattering workshop HANDS2020 during June 1-June 5, 2020. The unique potential of neutron scattering in biology arises from i the strong interaction of neutrons with hydrogen H and its deuterium D isotope and ii the ability of neutrons to differentiate these isotopes. These properties makes the information available from neutron scattering and neutron diffraction unique and a valuable complement to data obtained from other structural techniques. Individual hydrogendeuterium atoms can visualized in neutron density maps from crystallographic data at the resolution typical of most protein structures 2.0 -2.5 . Using HD exchange and contrast variation, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids can be sequentially modeled and mapped in large biological systems using small angle neutron scattering and reflectometry techniques. HD labeling also enable biological molecules and water dynamics to be probed using neutron spectroscopy.The workshop includes a symposium, lectures, and hands-on experiments at the High Flux Isotope Reactor IMAGINE, BIO-SANS and the Spallation Neutron Source EQ-SANS, LIQREF, MaNDi, Neutron Spin Echo Spectrometer.The workshop is designed for graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and faculty with knowledge of structure and function of biological macromolecules but with limited to no experience with neutron sciences.Techniques introduced include:- Crystallography- Small Angle Scattering- Reflectometry- Spectroscopy- Imaging- Labeling techniques- Sample preparation Small Angle Neutron Scattering from Nanoscale Magnetism to LongRange Magnetic Structures07.6.2020 - 11. 6.2020 - This WE-Heraeus-Seminar focuses on the technique of magnetic small angle neutron scattering, which is one of the most important methods for magnetic microstructure determination in condensed-matter physics and materials science. Magnetic SANS provides access to bulk properties and yields, quite uniquely, information on the mesoscopic length scale roughly 1-1000 nm. This is an important size regime where many macroscopic materials properties are realized. Currently, the magnetic SANS community can be roughly subdivided into two larger groups: the research of one group is anchored in the domain of condensed-matter physics with a focus on fundamental questions such as skyrmion crystals and topological spin structures, complex long-range-ordered spin structures, and vortex lattices in superconductors, while the second group of scientists employs the magnetic SANS method for scrutinizing nanoscale magnetism in terms of a micromagnetic continuum description; materials classes which are studied are e.g. permanent magnets, magnetic steels, nanoparticles and ferrofluids, or complex alloys. It is one of the central aims of this Heraeus seminar to bring both groups of researchers closer together by providing a stage for intra- and interdisciplinary scientific exchange. Besides, in view of the upcoming European Spallation Source, a further focus will be on future challenges related to neutron instrumentation, sample environment, and neutron data analysis.The conference language will be English. The Wilhelm and Else Heraeus-Foundation bears the cost of full-board accommodation for all participants. National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering 13.6.2020 - 27. 6.2020 - Graduate students at North American universities are invited to apply to attend the 22nd National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering NXSchool, which will be held at Argonne and Oak Ridge National Labs from June 13 - 27, 2020.The NXSchool is designed to introduce students to the capabilities available at U.S. neutron and x-ray user facilities and pays for students travel, meals and lodging costs. Lectures, presented by researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories, include basic tutorials on the principles of neutron and x-ray scattering theory, the characteristics of neutron and synchrotron sources, as well as seminars on the application of scattering methods to a variety of scientific subjects. As part of the school, students also conduct a series of short experiments to obtain some hands-on experience using instruments at neutron and synchrotron sources, both at Oak Ridges Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor facilities 1st week and at Argonnes Advanced Photon Source 2nd week. Further details can be found at http:bit.lyNXSchool and http:neutrons.ornl.govnxs Applications must be received by February 17th, 2020. The application process is quite competitive and requires submission of evaluation letters from the students advisor and two other professionals familiar with the student. Corrse for Masters Students15.6.2020 - 19. 6.2020 - introducing photons, neutrons and muons for condensed matter physics and materials scienceThe course runs for one week in June 15th to 19th. It takes place at the campus of the Paul Scherrer Institute. The morning consists of introductory lectures on the use of photons, neutrons and muons for materials characterization. The afternoon consists of tours of the large scale facilities as well as in-depth visit to selected instruments. he aim of the course is that the students acquire a basic understanding on the interaction of photons, neutrons and muons with matter and how one can use these as tools to solve specific problems on condensed matter and materials research.Topics: Interaction of photons, neutrons and muons with matter, Production of photons, neutrons and muons, Experimental setups: optics and detectors, Crystal symmetry, Braggs law, reciprocal lattice, structure factors, Elastic and inelastic scattering with neutrons and photons X-ray absorption spectroscopy, x-ray magnetic circular dichroism, Polarized neutron scattering for the study of magnetic materials, Imaging techniques using x-rays and neutrons, Introduction to muon spin rotation, Applications of muon spin rotation Bombannes Summer School on Scattering Methods Applied to Soft Condensed Matter16.6.2020 - 24. 6.2020 - The Bombannes summer school is devoted to the practical state-of-art approach to scattering methods, using neutrons, as well as X-ray and light sources - todays key techniques to study structure and dynamics in systems containing colloids, polymers, surfactants and biological macromolecules. Since 1990 the Bombannes school series introduces, on a fundamental level, the current methodology of static and dynamic scattering techniques and their application to soft matter systems. It provides with a period of 2 years advanced training for young researchers with a working place in European laboratories at post-graduate and post-doctoral level. 4th Summer School on Neutron Detectors and Related Applications22.6.2020 - 25. 6.2020 - Continuing in its tradition, the aim of the school is to illustrate principles, methodologies and most recent applications of neutron detection technologies. In particular, the school will tackle various arguments that span from neutron interaction principles, materials for neutrons detectors, neutron sources, Monte Carlo simulation codes, up to applications with neutrons. The school is addressed to PhD students, Post-Docs and young researchers with backgrounds in Engineering and Physics.Topics:- Neutron interaction with materials- Physics of neutron detectors- Materials for neutron detection- Monte Carlo simulation- Gas detectors for neutrons- Neutron sources- Neutrons in medicine, energy and environmentKindly notice: on Sunday 21 June, at 18.00 a Welcolme cocktail will be offered to participants. In the meantime it will be possible to check in for the School International Conference on Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering SXNS1623.6.2020 - 26. 6.2020 - The SXNS16 conference will be held on June 23-26th, 2020 in Lund, Sweden. Lund is 1000 years old with about 130000 inhabitants, in the province of Skne, at the southern tip of Sweden. It is a charming cobblestoned town with many historical sights and is home to one of Scandinavias oldest and largest universities. At the same time, it offers small town charm and convenient access to the nearby metropolis of Malm, just across the resund bridge from Copenhagen, with its large international airport.The conference is co-organized by the European Spallation Source and MAX IV Laboratory and supported by the Lund Institute of Advanced Neutron and X-ray Science LINXS. It will emphasize novel techniques for surface x-ray and neutron scattering including instrumentation and source development. Topics will include in-situ and in-operando surface studies, nanostructured surfaces and interfaces, surface and interfaces in soft matter, biological interfaces, emergent interfacial materials, and dynamics of surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures. We look forward to welcoming you in Lund, Sweden in 2020.Important DatesAbstract sumission open: November 2019Abstract submission deadline: 09 March 2020Notification of acceptance: 23 March 2020Early bird registration before: 30 March 2020Registration deadline: 30 April 2020Confirmed SpeakersRobert Feidenhansl XFEL, GermanyRobert Thomas Oxford University, UKGary Harlow Lund University, SwedenThorsten Hesjedal Oxford University, UKNina-Juliane Steinke ILL, FranceHyunjung Kim Sogang University, Republic of KoreaKazue Kurihara Tohoku University, JapanBinhua Lin University of Chicago, USAKa Yee Lee University of Chicago, USAAlessandra Luchini University of Copenhagen, DenmarkMrinmay Mukhopadhyay Saha Institure, IndiaPeter Mller-Buschbaum TUM, GermanyBen Ocko Brookhaven National Lab, USAAdrian Rennie Uppsala University, SwedenElias Vlieg Radboud University, The Netherlands Annual Meeting29.6.2020 - 03. 7.2020 - The next annual meeting will take place from 29 June to 3 July 2020 at the Universit de Fribourg. Renowned invited speakers will give plenary talks during each of the morning sessions, topical parallel sessions will allow in depth discussions during the afternoons, and a poster exhibition will complement the scientific program.The scientific program is further enriched by the direct contributions of the Swiss Institute for Particle Physics CHIPP and the Swiss Neutron Science Society SGN. Together with the Physikalische Gesellschaft Zrich PGZ and the Swiss Academy of Sciences SCNAT, we are co-organising a special Rntgen symposium. Thanks to all these collaborations, our annual meeting will offer again an exciting program, covering latest advancements of physics in a wide range of fields at its best. 15th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance SR202006.7.2020 - 10. 7.2020 - The 15th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance SR2020 will be held in Parma, Italy, 6-10th July, 2020.The meeting is being jointly organised by the muon group at the University of Parma in Italy and the ISIS muon group at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK. It will cover all aspects of the use of muon spectroscopy in condensed matter, materials and molecular sciences, while also considering applications of muons in other areas, such as nuclear physics, cultural heritage and the study of single event failures arising from the irradiation of microelectronics.The meeting will be preceded by a Student Day on 5th July, 2020. Follow Conference for registration fees and more. 2020 - ONLINE12.7.2020 - 16. 7.2020 - Join us for the 10th American Conference on Neutron Scattering ACNS 2020, held July 12-16, 2020, at the Embassy Suites by Hilton, Boulder, Colorado. The Conference will provide essential information on the breadth and depth of current neutron-related research worldwide. Hosted by the Neutron Scattering Society of America, this years Conference will feature a combination of invited and contributed talks, poster sessions, tutorials and an industrial exhibit. Mark your calendar today and plan to attend ACNS 2020.Although we all wish we could meet in person, given the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 this will likely not become possible in the near term. Yet the NSSA Executive Committee strongly feels that the neutron scattering community would benefit from having a meeting this summer, in order to share the most recent results and have opportunities to network.Therefore, we are excited to announce that ACNS 2020 will be held online during the original dates July 12-16 2020. Polarized Neutrons for Condensed Matter Investigations PNCMI 2020 - POSTPONED27.7.2020 - 31. 7.2020 - Due to the deteriorating situation regarding the spreading of the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 the conference PNCMI 2020 is postponed. The new date is announced in near future.The 13th biennial Polarized Neutrons for Condensed Matter Investigations PNCMI conference will be held from July 27 to 31 at the Graduate Annapolis Hotel in Annapolis, Maryland, USA. The conference will be preceded by a Polarized Neutron School. The conference is organized by the National Institute of Standards and Technology Center for Neutron Research in concert with the University of Maryland. The meeting will feature invited and contributed talks, poster sessions, and a tour to the National Institute of Standards and Technology Center for Neutron Research.The conference will cover the latest condensed-matter investigations using polarized neutrons and state-of-the-art methodologies and techniques of polarized-neutron production and utilization for novel instrumentation and experiments, with emphasis on prospects for new science and instrument concepts as well as combining neutrons with complementary techniques and in-situ secondary measurements.PNCMI is the most comprehensive conference on the latest scientific research using polarized neutrons and on related instrumentation development.The topics will include: Multiferroic and chirality Strongly correlated electron systems, including superconductors Frustrated and disordered systems Magnetic nanomaterials Thin films and multilayers Soft matter and biology Imaging Polarized neutron instrumentation Polarized neutron techniques and methods, including nuclear polarization, Larmor techniques Neutron scattering facilities For more information, please refer to the PNCMI 2020 website: PNCMI 2020 local organizing committee:Wangchun Chen, Julie Borchers, Hannah Burrall, Alexander Grutter, Kathryn Krycka, Williams Ratcliff, Shannon Watson, Robert Briber, Lisa Press PSI Condensed Matter Summer Camp 202016.8.2020 - 20. 8.2020 - The PSI Summer Camp is a new initiative with the goal to provide a forum for leading scientists to meet and discuss the fundamental aspects and open questions of current scientific interest. It follows a more than 20 year tradition to hold condensed matter schools at the Lyceum Alpinum in Zuoz, that provides a lively and informal environment for scientific discussions.The PSI Summer Camp 2020 will focus on topological aspects in condensed matter. It will cover keynote lectures on topology, frustrated magnetism, topological band structures, 2D materials, topological superconductivity, skyrmions, the use of topology in applications and out-of-equilibrium phases.Registration deadline: May 15, 2020 General Assembly and Congress of the International Union of Crystallography22.8.2020 - 30. 8.2020 - The 2020 IUCr Congress in Praha will be must-attend meeting for researchers involved in the determination and application of high-quality magnetic-structures. Well have broad representation from research groups around the world doing high-impact science. Abstracts are due by 31 Mar 2020. We encourage you make this meeting a priorityThe program, which includes over 100 half-day microsymposia and 36 keynote lectures, will also offer extensive coverage of related topics such as total scattering, frustration and disorder, modulated structures, quasicrystals, mineral structures, theoretical crystallography, quantum crystallography, topological materials, electronic and quantum materials, functional materials, energy materials, high-pressure crystallography, powder diffraction, x-ray and neutron diffraction, electron diffraction, 3D4D electron crystallography, cryo-EM, XFEL sources, and many others. International Student Summer Programme on X-Ray and Neutron Science 202030.8.2020 - 26. 9.2020 - The ESRFILL International Student Summer Programme on X-Ray and Neutron Science is aimed at undergraduate students. It will consist in a 4-week experimental project embedded in a research group of ESRF or ILL, together with a series of introductory lectures on the principles and applications of X-ray and neutron science magnetism, materials science, soft matter, structural biology, imaging, etc.. JCNS Laboratory Course - Neutron Scattering 202031.8.2020 - 11. 9.2020 - Each year, the Jlich Centre for Neutron Science at Forschungszentrum Jlich, Germany, in cooperation with RWTH Aachen University Prof. T. Brckel, Prof. S. Frster, and Dr. R. Zorn organizes a laboratory course in neutron scattering with experiments at the neutron scattering facilities of the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum MLZ.The course consists of two parts: a series of lectures, combined with the opportunity to take part in neutron scattering experiments. The lectures encompass an introduction to neutron sources, along with scattering theory and instrumentation. Furthermore, selected topics of condensed matter research are be presented. Lectures are held at Forschungszentrum Jlich and the experiments take place at the neutron facilities of the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum in Garching near Munich. The laboratory course is part of the curriculum at the RWTH Aachen.The aim of the course to give a realistic insight into the experimental techniques of neutron scattering and their scientific potential.Forschungszentrum Jlich supports students coming from outside the Aachen area by offering free accommodation and half-board. Travel expenses will also be reimbursed within reasonable limits. and energetics of soft matter systems02.9.2020 - 04. 9.2020 - We are pleased to announce the international summer school on Thermodynamics and Energetics in Soft Matter Systems from the 2th to 4th September 2020 at the Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France. The aim of the school is to provide an overview of the forces governing the behavior of soft matter systems and introducing the most relevant techniques to probe such interactions. The school proposes frontal lectures given by recognized experts from all over Europe. For full details see the a href https:workshops.ill.fresoftmatter2020 target_blank titleWebsiteWebsitea.Due to the limited number of available places, application including a short description of research activity and a CV should be sent to before 10 April 2020. The organizing committee will examine your application and inform you in Mai 2020.Childcare grants: This year we have limited funds to support young families with childcare costs incurred by the participants. Eligible costs include fees for a baby-sitter or child-care facility, travel costs for a care giver, etc. Please send us an email for more information.Travel grants: we are also very happy to announce that the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung will support four applicants from German institutions covering their registration fees and travel costs up to 200 . COVID19: you are very likely reading this email from home. For the time being, we hope that the situation will get under control by September, and that the school can take place as planned. If this should unfortunately not be the case, the school will be postponed, but applications remain still valid. Nuclear Physics Conference ANPC 202013.9.2020 - 19. 9.2020 - The Nuclear Physics Division NPD of the European Physical Society EPS introduces a new EPS-NPD divisional conference. The Applied Nuclear Physics ANP conference has a particular emphasis on energy, health, space, security, environment, material science, preservation and study of cultural heritage. The ANP conference complements the already existing series of NPD divisional conferences, comprising the European Nuclear Physics Conference EuNPC and the Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics NPA Conference.We are pleased to announce that the Applied Nuclear Physics conference ANP will be held on September 1319, 2020 in Prague Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic. We open conference with plenary talk given by Sylvie Leray CEA - being co-chair of the EuNPC 2018 conference on applied nuclear physics session - devoted to highlights in nuclear physics applications. Awarding ceremony of the IBA prize of NPD EPS will take a place in the frame of ANP conference. ESS ILL User Meeting - ONLINE23.9.2020 - 25. 9.2020 - UPDATE - THE ESS ILL USER MEETING WILL BE HELD AS A DIGITAL CONFERENCE DUE TO THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC.In 2018, ILL and ESS hosted their first European Users Meeting in Grenoble. This successful meeting provided the opportunity to review the achievements of the user community, present the current status of ILL and ESS and, most importantly, to look forward to the scientific opportunities ahead for neutron science.The future of neutron scattering is bright, and requires both facilities and the user community to take a proactive and strategic approach to navigating and managing the changing availability of neutron instruments in a holistic way, in order to ensure the sustainability and vitality of this important research technique.As Europes two neutron source facilities, we would therefore like to invite you to the ESS and ILL European Users Meeting. We shall have a number of plenary speakers discussing using neutron science to meet societal challenges, as well as reports on recent achievements and ongoing work at ESS and ILL. There will also be focused parallel sessions, which will allow participants to delve deeper into specific areas of neutron science. ESS and ILL user meeting Session 12 23.9.2020 - Dear colleagues, more than 770 colleagues have registered for the ESS and ILL European User Meeting taking place this week Those who have registered should just have received a zoom link for the meeting.Even if you have not registered, you are very welcome to follow the live stream of the event: Session 1 Wednesday Sept 23, 2020 09:30 12:00: https:youtu.bei5SLI1rWmqASession 2 Wednesday Sept 23, 2020 14:00 16:15: https:youtu.beF99p_eju5pQSession 3 Thursday Sept 24, 2020 09:30 12:00: https:youtu.be3Ry1NPS3QZYSession 4 Thursday Sept 24, 2020 14:00 16:15: https:youtu.beCm6wL9he7EUSession QA Friday Sept 25, 2020 9:30 11:14: https:youtu.beLFzEFg7MdRI Please visit our webpage for the latest schedule as well as brief abstracts. On behalf of the directors of ESS and ILLAndreas SchreyerMark Johnson ESS and ILL user meeting Session 3424.9.2020 - Dear colleagues, more than 770 colleagues have registered for the ESS and ILL European User Meeting taking place this week Those who have registered should just have received a zoom link for the meeting.Even if you have not registered, you are very welcome to follow the live stream of the event: Session 1 Wednesday Sept 23, 2020 09:30 12:00: https:youtu.bei5SLI1rWmqASession 2 Wednesday Sept 23, 2020 14:00 16:15: https:youtu.beF99p_eju5pQSession 3 Thursday Sept 24, 2020 09:30 12:00: https:youtu.be3Ry1NPS3QZYSession 4 Thursday Sept 24, 2020 14:00 16:15: https:youtu.beCm6wL9he7EUSession QA Friday Sept 25, 2020 9:30 11:14: https:youtu.beLFzEFg7MdRI Please visit our webpage for the latest schedule as well as brief abstracts. ESS and ILL user meeting Session QA 25.9.2020 - Dear colleagues, more than 770 colleagues have registered for the ESS and ILL European User Meeting taking place this week Those who have registered should just have received a zoom link for the meeting.Even if you have not registered, you are very welcome to follow the live stream of the event: Session 1 Wednesday Sept 23, 2020 09:30 12:00: https:youtu.bei5SLI1rWmqASession 2 Wednesday Sept 23, 2020 14:00 16:15: https:youtu.beF99p_eju5pQSession 3 Thursday Sept 24, 2020 09:30 12:00: https:youtu.be3Ry1NPS3QZYSession 4 Thursday Sept 24, 2020 14:00 16:15: https:youtu.beCm6wL9he7EUSession QA Friday Sept 25, 2020 9:30 11:14: https:youtu.beLFzEFg7MdRI Please visit our webpage for the latest schedule as well as brief abstracts. On behalf of the directors of ESS and ILLAndreas SchreyerMark Johnson Webinars on Global Health Threats08.10.2020 - Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of major diseases, their prevention and treatment using neutron scatteringLENS Pilot Action 3, Global Health Threats, is organising a series of webinars to engage the biomedical research communities in a discussion on how neutron sources, together with other research infrastructures, can contribute to solving major health challenges. The webinars will look at current research and how neutron scattering studies can contribute to improvements in detection and diagnostics as well as the development of treatments and prevention methods.Thursday 8th of October, 11.00am CET: Microbial resistance and novel antibioticsProf. Jeremy Lakey, Structural Biochemistry, Biosciences Institute, The Medical School, University of NewcastleStudying the surfaces of bacteria using neutron scattering. Finding new openings for antibioticsProf. Martin Malmsten, LEO Foundation Center for Cutaneous Drug Delivery, Department of Pharmacy, University of Copenhagen Antimicrobial peptides from membrane interactions to drug deliveryChair: John Webster, ISIS neutron and muon facilityTo participate in the QA, please join via Zoom: https:ill.zoom.usj99877481390The webinar will also be streamed live on the LENS website, where a recording will be available afterwards.A LENS webinar series on Global Health Threats runs in parallel with the New Directions in Instrumentation series. The next webinars include:22 October: Neutron Diffraction Instrumentation for stress determination, with Thilo Pirling ILL26 November: Multiplexing spectrometers TBA with Rasmus Toft Petersen ESS International Topical Meeting on Neutron Radiography ITMNR-9 - POSTPONED12.10.2020 - 16. 10.2020 - Due to the deteriorating situation regarding the spreading of the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 the conference IZMNR-9 is postponed. The new date is announced in near future.This will be the 9th conference in the ITMNR series being coordinated by the International Society for Neutron Radiology ISNR. The meetings are an international gathering of researchers, students and users who are interested in neutron imaging radiography and tomography and its applications.Each meeting of the ITMNR has a specific topic. The special focus of ITMNR-9 is on Applications of Neutron Imaging for Science, Industry and Heritage.Join us and take the chance to present your know-how to an international audience Please submit your abstract until 31 March 2020.The meeting will be a forum for scientists working with neutron imaging techniques to share their experiences and expertise. The aim is that participants will return home with new ideas for their work, by learning about the latest advances on the application of neutron imaging techniques to an ever increase number of problems in science and technology. Topics include - Materials science and engineering - Cultural heritage, Art and Conservation - Solid state physics and magnetism - Paleontology - Botanic and wood science and technology - Materials degradation - Nuclear materials and fuels - Archaeometry - Technologies for hydrogen economy storage, fuel cells, batteries - Concrete technology - New imaging instruments and techniquesThe ITMNR-9 is hosted by Argentinas Atomic Energy Commission CNEA, which is leading the construction of a novel 30 MW multi-purpose research reactor located near Buenos Aires city, called RA-10. The reactor will host the Argentine Neutron Beam Laboratory LAHN, where a state-of-the-art neutron imaging instrument for cold neutrons - ASTOR- is being developed. International Conference Condensed Matter Research at the IBR-2 will be held ONLINE 12.10.2020 - 16. 10.2020 - THE UPCOMMING CMRIBR-2 CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD ONLINE DUE TO THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC. After modernization completed in 2011, the IBR high flux pulsed reactor renewed a regular operation and realization of the User Programme. Neutron scattering research at IBR-2 reactor covers different fields of condensed matter physics, materials science, chemistry, biophysical, geophysical and engineering sciences. At present, 200 experiments per year are performed by scientists from more than 20 countries at IBR-2 instruments in the framework of the User Programme.The aim of the Conference on Condensed Matter Research at IBR-2 reactor, playing the role of the User Meeting, is to bring together the users of the neutron facility for discussion of recent experimental results, prospects of future research and development of IBR-2 instruments. Workshop 2020: Trends and Perspectives in Neutron Scattering: Quantum Materials From Bulk to Nano13.10.2020 - 16. 10.2020 - The JCNS workshop 2020 held in Tutzing, Germany on 13-16 October 2020, will bring together experts in neutron scattering methods with users from quantum magnetism to review techniques and provide the opportunity for the community to discuss current limitations, new capabilities, and future developments.For all questions regarding the registration and the workshop, please, contact the local organizing committee. workshop Imaging, Materials Engineering14.10.2020 - 15. 10.2020 - The workshop will be held on-line on the two afternoons of October 14thand 15th, i.e. between about 13:00 to 17:00 CEST. The workshop coversrecent trends in Materials Science and Engineering where neutrons canprovide an important contribution.We are happy to have gathered a fine selection of invited speakers fromvarious fields of research. Details and registration can be found is free, and the workshop will be held via ZOOM. mini-school for large scale facilities and open data19.10.2020 - 22. 10.2020 - If you have any students, that might be interested in these talks program below, let them know. Participation is free of charge, however registration is necessary via: to receive the Zoom-Coordinates. Program: Neutron Scattering Lectures - 19.10.2020, 09:00 onwards:09:00-09:15 Welcome address from the scientific and technical directors of the FRM II - Prof. Dr. Peter Mller-Buschbaum, Dr. Axel Pichlmaier09:15-10:00 Neutron Diffraction - Dr. Anatoliy Senyshyn10:00-10:45 SANS - Dr. Sebastian Mhlbauer15min break11:00 - 11:45 Triple Axis Spectroscopy - Dr. Astrid Schneidewind11:45 - 12:30 Spin echo Spectroscopy - Dr. Johanna Jochum Lectures on crystal growth and magneto-optics - 20.10.2020, afternoon.Lectures on large scale laser based techniques - 21.10.2020, morning. Lectures on open data - 22.10.2020, morning. For more details on the program beyond neutron scattering: Photon and Neutron EOSC Symposium AND PaNOSC ExPaNDS Annual Meeting09.11.2020 - 11. 11.2020 - The Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud PaNOSC and the European Open Science Cloud Photon and Neutron Data Service ExPaNDS projects are organizing, jointly with the Extreme-Light-Infrastructure ELI, a Photon and Neutron EOSC symposium on 9 November 2020 followed by the 2020 PaNOSC ExPaNDS Annual meeting on 10-11 November 2020.REGISTER HEREDue to the pandemic of COVID-19 this event is planned to be held as an online event only. The connection details to the event will be announced in due course.The Photon and Neutron user communities are diverse and wide-ranging in their requirements. However, both require mapping of experimental data to published research papers as well as interfaces for reusing data for their own benefit and that of the science they are involved with.This first joint symposium of the two projects is a great opportunity to get acquainted with a broad range of topics related to FAIR open data and open science at PaN sources, and to actively contribute to the construction of the EOSC. The symposium will start at 13:00 CET on Monday 9th November and will run until 17:15 CET. During the 1st session, PaNOSC and ExPaNDS coordinators will introduce the two projects and will present use cases and perspectives for future EOSC services. High-level representatives of ESFRI European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures and EOSC European Open Science Cloud, as well as of the EOSC-hub and EOSC-Life projects will also provide insights on the perspectives opening up for the PaN communities in the next phase of EOSC.A panel discussion will follow, with the aim of collecting feedback and advice from PaN users on their requirements, in order to better address their needs in the development of the technologies and services to make PaN data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-usable FAIR.Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th November will be dedicated to the internal all-hands meetings, where the PaNOSC and ExPaNDS WPs will present their achievements and roadmaps. These two days will be morning sessions only, from 9:00 to 12:00 CET.See our programme here.Registration to this online event is mandatory REGISTER HERE------------------This event is co-organised and co-funded by PaNOSC and ExPaNDS, two sister projects working in close collaboration.PaNOSC is a European Commission grant for European Research Infrastructures to ensure the data they generate have applied common principles making their data easily Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Re-usable FAIR. ExPaNDS pursues similar objectives towards national RIs, aiming at applying the FAIR principles to their own data. Neutron Scattering School 30.11.2020 - 04. 12.2020 - The curriculum covers a broad range of neutron scattering methods applicable to a variety of scientific areas. The school is aimed at graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and early-career researchers with backgrounds in physics, chemistry, materials science, engineering, biology, or mineralogy, with little or no prior knowledge of neutron scattering techniques. The School consists of morning lectures and afternoon experimental simulation sessions. Lectures will provide an in-depth coverage of neutron scattering theory, methods, and applications. Several lectures will also illustrate applications of neutrons beyond scattering, including materials irradiation and testing, isotope production, and boron neutron capture therapy. The afternoon interactive experimental simulation sessions will cover several thermal-neutron scattering techniques to reinforce the concepts presented in the morning lectures. Attendance is free of charge and open to all. Space is limited and will be allotted on a first come-first-served basis. Registration is now open until October 30, 2020. For more information and to register, visit: www.cnl.caVNSS We look forward to virtually seeing you at CNLs First Virtual Neutron Scattering School Thank youZahra Yamani Virtual Neutron Scattering School 2020Canadian Nuclear Laboratories virtual conference03.12.2020 - 30. 10.2020 - We look forward to seeing you at the UCANS-WEB Union for CompactAccelerator-driven Neutron Sources WEB Seminar 2020 virtual conferenceon Nov.30-Dec.3. 2020.Twenty-four invited presentations are scheduled for the webinar.For the program and registration, please visit http:ucans-web.orghttp:ucans-web.orgParticipation is free of charge.If you cannot open the registration link, please send us your name ande-mail address to ucans_webml.riken.jpYoshie OTAKETomohiro KOBAYASHI User Meeting and German Neutron Scattering Conference DN202008.12.2020 - 09. 12.2020 - This year, the MLZ User Meeting will take place December 08th to 09th and is directly linked to the German Neutron Scattering Conference DN2020 on December 09th and 10th which is hosted at Munich for the second time after 2008. A common poster session is going to link both meetings and will give the opportunity for exchange between the participants of both events.As an exception, MLZ supports DN2020 by bearing the costs, which enables simultaneous registration and abstract submission for both, the MLZ User Meeting and DN2020.IMPORTANT: Please be aware that we are discussing the How to at the moment. We like to meet everybody in person but several of our users will have difficulties to travel and we still dont know if there will be any restriction of the number of participants at the venue. Thus, we are planning to offer a mix of live and online presentations and are developing a concept for this.Due to possible changes on short notice, please have a close look at any reservations cancellation policy hotel, flights Hard Matter Workshop08.12.2020 - 07. 12.2020 - Dear Colleagues: Registration is now open for the VIRTUAL Triangle Hard Matter Workshop hosted by the Duke Materials Initiative. The workshop will be held on December 7-8, 2020 via Zoom. It will have three themes: Quantum Materials, Energy Materials, and Metamaterials. For more information, please check out our website at: https:sites.duke.edudmiworkshop The registration is free, but we ask that all participants to please register. The workshop aims to bring together experts working in the Hard Materials areas to share recent research discoveries and progress made in these interconnected disciplines. The workshop features plenary talks, focused sessions, discussion panels with funding agencies, and overview of the national user facilities and local capabilities. Additionally, there will be studentpostdoc poster presentation sessions, and students and postdocs are encouraged to present posters. Please note that the deadline for poster presentation is being extended so if you are interested in presenting your work in the poster session, please let me know. As the organizer for the Quantum Materials sessions, I would like to particularly draw your attention to this component of the workshop. Below please find the list of confirmed distinguished invited speakers for the Quantum Materials sessions: Plenary Speaker for Quantum Materials: Bob Cava Princeton Invited Science Speakers for Quantum Materials Sessions:James Analytis UC Berkeley Cristian Batista UTKORNL Joseph Checkelsky MIT Hae-young Kee U TorontoLex Kemper NCSU Eun-Ah Kim Cornell Divine Kumah NCSU Despina Louca UVA Emilia Morosan Rice JP Paglione UMD Please see the website for all featured speakers at: https:sites.duke.edudmiworkshopfeatured-speakers We greatly hope that you can attend the workshop, and very much appreciate if you could please share this information with your colleagues, students, and postdocs who may be interested. Please do not hesitate to let me know, if you have any question. All the very best, Sara BESSYHYB User Meeting09.12.2020 - 11. 12.2020 - PLEASE SAVE THE DATE Conference: Neutrons for Life Sciences30.11.2020 - We are pleased to announce that in 2020 the Annual Conference of the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum MLZ will be dedicated to Neutrons for Life Sciences.The conference aims at showcasing how neutrons can contribute to the further advances in this interdisciplinary research area.Topics include:Protein structure, function and dynamics Membrane structure, function and dynamics Drug design and deliveryBiological surface and interfacesNeutron methods in biologyLife Science with neutrons in RussiaDNARNA structure and dynamics, living cellsThe conference is going to be held at the Arabella Brauneck Hotel Lenggries, a beautiful place in the Bavarian Alps, not far from Munich, from Tuesday, 16 June to Friday, 19 June 2020.Abstract submission is open until 29 February.For further information and in order to express your interest as early as today, please visit our web-site: https:indico.frm2.tum.deeNeutronsForLifeSciences We would be glad if you could make a note of the MLZ Conference 2020 in your diary and circulate this information to colleagues who might be interested to join.For any specific question you might have, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the local organizers. Workshop21.1.2021 - 20. 1.2021 - Dear Colleague,We hope that you are doing wellWe are pleased to announce a satellite workshop to the ESS-ILL User Meeting, focused on: Atomic-scale simulations in neutron scatteringThe workshop will be held virtually via Zoom on January 20th and 21st 2021, between 13:00 and 18:00 Central European Time and is aimed to show recent advances and applications of computer simulations in combination with neutron scattering experiments.The list of confirmed speakers can be consulted in the workshop page see below,but additional contributions with special consideration for young scientistswill be considered and selected among the abstracts received before December 15th.You can register freely until the day before the event at this address: yours,Danielle AdonisThomas Holm RodMiguel A. Gonzalez If you do not wish to receive this type of email from the ILL in the future: 1 if you are a member of the Visitors Club please login to the Visitors Club http:club.ill.frcv and untick the box for the subscription to our mailing list in your personal data page; 2 if you are not a member of the Visitors Club please click here:http:www.ill.euquick-linkspublicationsguide-to-ill-mailing-lists Muon Workshop02.2.2021 - 01. 2.2021 - Dear colleagues, We are organizing a Muon 2-day Workshop in February 1-2, 2021. The workshop will be virtual given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that makes it impossible for us to meet in person. The Virtual Muon Workshop will give us an opportunity to listen to muon experts and discuss the possibility for constructing a future Muon facility in the United States at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Your input on the scientific needs and design specifications will be most valuable. We hope you will join us in February Monday 1st February 08:00 14:30 - Eastern US timeTuesday 2nd February 08:00 14:45 - Eastern US time Registration will open on December 1, 2020. To register please visit the workshop website https:www.mrs.orgmuon-2021. REGISTRATION IS FREE but we will need a count of the people participating. So please register.Zoom details for the talks and breakout sessions will be provided as the meeting date approaches. If you have any questions, please contact us. If interested in giving a short talk, we can arrange it during the breakout sessions.We look forward to your participation and to a productive workshop. Best wishes,Despina Louca - University of VirginiaGreg MacDougall - University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignTravis Williams - Oak Ridge National Laboratory School on Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectivity03.2.2021 - 19. 2.2021 - The 26th CHRNS Summer School on Methods and Applications of Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectivity originally planned for June 1-5, 2020 at the NIST Center for Neutron Research NCNR, will now be held virtually, on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays, February 3 -12, 17, and 19, 2021. If you have already applied for the summer school your application is still valid, and you will be contacted with an option to confirm, or to withdraw your application if you no longer want to be considered.New applications are being accepted Early application is advised since attendance is strictly limited and typically we receive more applications than the maximum number of participants. Deadline: November 16, 2020. For further information about the school go to:https:www.nist.govncnrchrnseducation-and-outreachchrns-summer-school-neutron-scatteringThis school provides participants the opportunity to learn about small angle neutron scattering SANS, and neutron reflectometry NR from scientists at the NIST Center for Neutron Research NCNR. These powerful experimental techniques are used by researchers in a variety of scientific disciplines to probe the microstructure of materials at length scales ranging from 1nm to 20 microns. This school emphasizes hands-on practical training on data reduction and analysis for the instruments mentioned above as well as a thorough theoretical overview of these measurement techniques. Applications of these techniques will be illustrated by specific examples drawn from recent cutting-edge research on polymer science, magnetic materials, complex fluids, biologybiophysics, microporous media, and more. The course will enable attendees to assess the applicability of the techniques to their own research and will provide the technical information needed to prepare effective beam time proposals. The school is sponsored by the Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering CHRNS, jointly funded by the National Science Foundation and NIST. Attendance will be limited to 36 participants, and only applicants from North American institutions will be accepted.For further information, andor to apply, please go to: https:www.nist.govncnrchrnseducation-and-outreachchrns-summer-school-neutron-scatteringJoe Dura and Jose Rodriguez-RiveraNational Institute of Standards and Technology Center for Neutron Research Fourth International Workshop on Searches for a Neutron Electric Dipole Moment 14.2.2021 - 19. 2.2021 - Dear colleagues,The Fourth International Workshop on Searches for a Neutron Electric Dipole Moment will take place at the cole de Physique des Houches, in France, from February 14-19, 2021. Please find further details below, and an updated poster attached.Pre-registration is now open : https:lpsc-indico.in2p3.frevent2584registrations96Complications arising from COVID-19 have reduced the on-site capacity at Les Houches to 39 participants. We hope to accommodate a maximum of participants on-site, but in recognition of practical uncertainties the workshop will also fully support remote participation. The schedule of presentations will also be shifted to afternoonevening local time, to facilitate remote particpation from North America.November 30th is the deadline for abstract submission and pre-registration. The conference fee payable until the end of January is 480 euros per on-site participant, covering room and board at the cole de Physique des Houches. Transport to Les Houches from Grenoble can be arranged for on-site attendees; alternatively the school can be accessed by commercial shuttles from Geneva airport. Support for students is available, at the level of a 50 discount: to apply, please contact the organizers with a letter of support from your advisor.Remote participants must also pre-register, but no fee is required. Final decisions between in-person or remote participation must be made by the payment deadline, i.e. before the end of January.We wish you all a productive and healthy fall, and we hope to see many of you in Les Houches in FebruarySincerely,The workshop organizers:Skyler Degenkolb, Guillaume Pignol, and Stphanie RocciaThe international advisory committee:Brad Filippone, Thomas Lefort, Chen-Yu Liu, and Rdiger Picker IFF Spring School 2020: Quantum Technology01.3.2021 - 12. 3.2021 - Imagine what we would know - or better: would not know - about the structure and dynamics of microscopic systems if scientists such as Albert Einstein Nobel Prize 1921, Niels Bohr Nobel Prize 1922, Werner Heisenberg Nobel Prize 1932, Erwin Schrdinger, Paul Dirac Nobel Prize 1933 and many others would not have imagined and formalised quantum mechanics. This theory provided the understanding of fundamental aspects of the interaction between matter and radiation to the level needed to make atoms work for us in new and most remarkable ways. It heralded the first quantum revolution which began with the discovery of the transistor Nobel Prize 1956 to William Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain and the laser Nobel Prize 1964 to Charles Townes, Nicolay Basov and Aleksandr Prokhorov. Many of the amenities we have become accustomed to for example, computers, smartphones, GPS, solid-state light are based on these technologies.Today, our ability to use previously untapped quantum effects in customised systems and materials is paving the way for a second revolution. With quantum theory now fully established, we are required to look at the world in a fundamentally new way: objects can be in different states at the same time superposition and can be deeply connected without any direct physical interaction entanglement. There are many transformative applications, varying from products with a relatively short time to market through to revolutionary new technologies that may require more than a decade of research and development. Quantum computers are expected to be able to solve in a few days, problems that are unsolvable by the supercomputers of today and tomorrow. This, in turn, will seed breakthroughs in the design of chemical processes, new materials, such as higher temperature superconductors, and new paradigms in machine learning and artificial intelligence.Based on quantum coherence, data can be protected in a completely secure way that makes eavesdropping impossible. Given the explosive growth of cybercrime and espionage, this is a highly strategic capability. Quantum technologies will also give rise to simulation techniques well beyond current capabilities for material and chemical synthesis, and to clocks and sensors with unprecedented sensitivity and accuracy, with potential impact for navigation, the synchronisation of future smart networks and medical diagnostics. Webinar 9, Global Health Threats: Elucidating amyloid aggregation mechanisms behind neurodegenerative diseases04.3.2021 - Many debilitating neurodegenerative diseases such as AlzherimersParkinsons and Huntingtons are linked to protein misfolding and aggregation into amyloid fibrils and plaques in the brain. This webinar focuses on how neutron scattering techniques can elucidate the structures and steps involved in the aggregation mechanisms to provide crucial information to understand and combat these diseases and to develop better medications.11:00 CET - Emma Sparr Lund University: Co-assembly of lipids and the amyloid protein alpha-synuclein11:30 CET - Pau Bernad CBSCNRS Montpellier: Structural Bases of Huntingtons Disease Pathological Threshold. An Integrative Structural Biology Approach.12:00 - 12.30 CET - DiscussionChair: Anne Martel ILLJoin via Zoom: https:ill.zoom.usj99877481390 202117.5.2021 - 21. 5.2021 - QUENS 2021Following the spirit of QENS Conferences since 1992, the main purpose of QENS 2021 is to cover the broad spectrum of scientific activities related with the investigation of material dynamics using quasi-elastic neutron scattering techniques accessing both, frequency and time domains. QENS 2021 will offer a platform for discussion and exchange of scientific ideas among the experts in this field, and a general overview to newcomers about the capabilities of QENS in exploring atomic and molecular motions and relaxation processes of novel materials. As a novelty, this QENS Edition will explore and exploit the potential synergies between different methods including experimental techniques and simulations, but always with QENS in the spotlight, in order to face diverse scientific challenges emerging in different research fields. The following scientific topics will be covered:- Dynamics of liquids in different environments and under confinement- Dynamics of polymers in bulk, blends, gels, membranes, films, composites etc. at different length scales- Functiondynamics relation in biological and bio-related systems- Role of dynamics in systems of medical relevance- Transport mechanisms in energy-related materials- Dynamical processes in soft matter, including liquid crystals, self-assembled materials, colloids, etc.- Dynamics of novel materials for industrial applications- Relaxation phenomena involved in the glass transition- Lattice dynamics and Spin dynamics of magnetic systems- Complementarity with the following methods will be explored:Experimental techniques:- Spectroscopic and relaxation techniques like e. g., dielectric spectroscopy, NMR, rheology, calorimetry, etc- Other scattering techniques providing dynamic andor complementary structural information, like e. g., dynamic light scattering, Brillouin scattering, X-ray photon correlation spectroscopy, diffraction, small angle scatteringSimulations and Theory:- Molecular Dynamics Simulations, including fully atomistic and coarse-grained models- Monte-Carlo simulations- DFT, Analytical methods, WINS 2021WINS2020 --the 9th Workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers will cover innovative aspects of neutron instrument design. Progresses on new spectrometer projects will be presented. As in previous editions, the theme of New idea, New concept, New design, New instrumentation for New sciences will be followed. New developments in the application of polarization analysis, magnetic field, pressure, or improvements in sample environments for soft matter systems will be covered. Software for data acquisition, analysis and instrument simulation will be also part of the program. In analogy with the spirit of QENS 2021, the synergy with complementary methods in this case mainly with advanced simulations and extensive Monte Carlo simulationswill be emphasized.The workshop will consider:- New ideas, new concepts and new designs for neutron spectrometers- Novel devices, detectors and sample environments: polarization, magnetic field, pressure, soft matter environments- Software for data acquisition and analysis- Complementary computer methods for instrument simulation Small Angle Neutron Scattering from Nanoscale Magnetism to LongRange Magnetic Structures30.5.2021 - 03. 6.2021 - This WE-Heraeus-Seminar focuses on the technique of magnetic small angle neutron scattering, which is one of the most important methods for magnetic microstructure determination in condensed-matter physics and materials science. Magnetic SANS provides access to bulk properties and yields, quite uniquely, information on the mesoscopic length scale roughly 1-1000 nm. This is an important size regime where many macroscopic materials properties are realized.Application deadline: 28 March 2021 for Life Sciences08.6.2021 - 11. 6.2021 - The MLZ Conference Neutrons for Life Sciences is approaching rapidly and we are happy to provide you with the latest information:The virtual conference will start on Tuesday, 8 June at 10:15 AM, and will close on Friday, 11 June around noon. For more detailed information on the timetable, please visit https:indico.frm2.tum.deevent230timetable20210608.If you have not registered yet, you might do so here: https:indico.frm2.tum.deevent230registrations126We warmly welcome participation and contributions from the Life Sciences community independently of their specific discipline, regardless whether they have used neutron scattering techniques or not. Online Course on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology21.6.2021 - 30. 6.2021 - This online course is designed for graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and faculty with knowledge of structure and function of biological macromolecules but with limited to no experience with neutron sciences. The course will cover the basics of deuterium labeling, small angle neutron scattering, neutron reflectometry, neutron spectroscopy, neutron imaging and neutron crystallography. Lectures will cover basic concepts, sample preparation, instrumentation and applications. Data collection and processing will be discussed in tutorials. inelastic neutron data analysis training course28.6.2021 - 09. 7.2021 - This is a Zoom-based training course on data analysis software for time-of-flight neutron spectroscopy. It focuses mainly on the Horace and SpinW software packages, but also includes courses on the Euphonic program, and the MSlice and crystal fields modules in Mantid. The course will comprise of 2h lessons each morning and a self-directed worksheet in the afternoon with teachers available for help. Each day will focus on a different program or different aspects of a program and you need not attend all days. Conference on Neutron Scattering 202104.7.2021 - 08. 7.2021 - The ICNS 2021 will be the largest international platform for sharing and exchanging the latest exciting advances in neutron scattering science, including a broad range of topics: Soft MatterBiology and Biological InterfacesCondensed Matter PhysicsMagnetism and Thin FilmsSolid State ChemistryLife SciencesEnergy and Engineering MaterialsFunctional MaterialsIndustrial ApplicationsCultural Heritage and ArchaeometryNeutron PhysicsNeutron Sources and Facilities National School on Neutron and X-Ray Scattering12.7.2021 - 30. 7.2021 - The main purpose of the National School on Neutron and X-ray Scattering is to educate graduate students in the use of major neutron and x-ray facilities. Lectures, presented by researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories, include basic tutorials on the principles of scattering theory and the characteristics of the sources, as well as seminars on the application of scattering methods to a variety of scientific subjects. Students will conduct short remote experiments at Argonnes Advanced Photon Source and at Oak Ridge National Laboratorys Spallation Neutron Source and High Flux Isotope Reactor, which provides hands-on experience using neutron and synchrotron sources. Neutrons for Condensed Matter Investigations PNCMI 2021 online27.7.2021 - 30. 7.2021 - The 13th international Polarized Neutrons for Condensed-Matter Investigations PNCMI Conference will be held online from July 27-30, 2021. The virtual PNCMI will feature 2 daily one-hour sessions from 9:00 am to 11:30 am US Eastern Time with a 30 minute break between sessions for 4 consecutive days and include both invited and poster presentations.