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NMI3 Imaging JRA – latest achievements

It is time for a summary of the achievements of this JRA. New methods now provide information on material and magnetic systems which are not accessible using any other experimental technique.

Date: 11/12/2015

Neutron imaging is a direct method for non-destructive investigations of objects in science and technology. This Joint Research Activity (JRA) is developing new methods which will allow to probe micro and nano structural properties of composite materials using imaging in real and reciprocal space, as well as new tools that use neutron scattering to complement the existing magnetic imaging techniques.

Thanks to NMI3, new methods now provide information on material and magnetic systems which are not accessible using any other experimental technique. These new techniques have the potential of attracting a large number of people from the large communities of the nanomagnetism, engineering and generally from materials science.

For more information about the different tasks of this JRA please visit this page.

Achievements of each task

Main components of the new nGI at the ANTARES beamline, FRM II Main components of the new nGI at the ANTARES beamline, FRM II

Nano- and micro structures resolved dark-field neutron imaging with grating interferometers

  • Improved visibility contrast of interferential gratings setup
  • Magnet setup for neutron Grating Interferometry (nGI) measurements of magnetic samples
  • Homogenous magnetic field up to 0.5 T for nGI investigations
Gadolinium Siemens star test object using standard MICRO-setup. Gadolinium Siemens star test object using standard MICRO-setup.

Direct high-resolution imaging

  • Improved neutron tomography detector with pixel size of 6.5 μm
Double crystal monochromator for energy-selective imaging and Bragg-edge mapping at HZB and Bragg-edge mapping experiments. Double crystal monochromator for energy-selective imaging and Bragg-edge mapping at HZB and Bragg-edge mapping experiments.

Strain and stress mapping

  • Double crystal monochromator for energy-selective imaging and Bragg-edge mapping experiments
Micromagnetic simuation of large arrays of nanowires Micromagnetic simuation of large arrays of nanowires

SANS 3D: vectorial magnetic imaging of nano-particles

  • Polarized SANS (PSANS) measurements
  • ‘Nmag’ software for micromagnetic simulations
  • 3D configuration of large arrays of nanowires
  • New polarimeter for SANS
Carpet of Co nanowires and SANS scattering Carpet of Co nanowires and SANS scattering

Precessionnal spectroscopy: vectorial magnetic imaging of planar structures

  • Magnetic scanning technique for high spatial resolution
  • Experimental study of magnetic micro wires
Domain expulsion in the IMS of superconducting Nb in increasing field after FC to 4 K observed by means of nGI Domain expulsion in the IMS of superconducting Nb in increasing field after FC to 4 K observed by means of nGI

Direct magnetic neutron imaging

  • Direct magnetic imaging of magnetic flux penetration in a Niobium superconductor
  • New method for the investigation of superconducting phenomena

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