Abstract Deadline for Neutron Scattering Satellite Meeting

susan at rrdstrad.nist.gov susan at rrdstrad.nist.gov
Wed Apr 24 12:32:45 CDT 1996


The ABSTRACT DEADLINE for the Neutron Scattering Satellite Meeting to the 
XVII IUCr Congress (to be held at NIST on August 5-7, 1996) is rapidly
approaching!  Abstracts can still be submitted electronically by MAY 1
using the template attached below.  MEETING and HOTEL RESERVATION info
as well as a PRELIMINARY PROGRAM listing INVITED SPEAKERS who have agreed to 
present talks at the meeting can be found on the Web.  Start with the home
page for NIST's Cold Neutron Research Facility, http://rrdjazz.nist.gov/,
and proceed to the entry for the satellite meeting.  Program information
will be updated as it becomes available.  Images of the hotel and meeting
registration forms can be downloaded from the Web.  A hardcopy of the final
meeting announcement can be obtained by sending e-mail to Linda Clutter at
cnrf at rrdstrad.nist.gov.  Please be sure to include your mailing address.
Your phone and fax numbers would also be helpful.  Thank you.

% The following is a LaTeX document that contains instructions for electronic
% submission of abstracts for the Neutron Scattering Satellite Meeting before
% the XVII International Union of Crystallography Congress. The deadline for
% electronic submission is May 1, 1996. This document may be used as a
% template for the preparation of abstracts.

E. Prince, Department of Materials and Nuclear Engineering, University of
Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA, and Reactor Radiation
Division,\footnote{Permanent address} National Institute of Standards and
Technology,\linebreak Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA.

Abstracts will be printed in a two column format, with each abstract occupying
one column with space equivalent to a column in {\it Acta Crystallographica,
i.e.}, a space 80 mm wide and 220 mm high. Abstracts may be submitted either
in hardcopy or by electronic mail (See below). They should be printed in ten
point type. Leave a 25 mm space on the first line to allow insertion of a
number, and print the title in capital letters except where lower case letters
are required for a chemical symbol. Authors' names and addresses should be in
capital and lower case letters. Begin the text on a new line. For hardcopy
submissions, send a clean original to the Local Chairman, Dr. Susan Kreuger,
Reactor Radiation Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA. Send two copies to the Program Chairman, Prof.
John W. White, Research School of Chemistry, Australian National University,
Canberra, ACT 0200, Australia.

These instructions were prepared using the document preparation system \LaTeX.
Because this system uses only ASCII printing characters, text is readily
transmitted by electronic mail, and submission of abstracts by this means is
strongly encouraged. The deadline for electronic submission is May 1, 1996,
which is two weeks later than the April 15 deadline for hardcopy submission.
Send to\newline \verb|prince at enh.nist.gov|.

This document may be used as a template for preparing abstracts for electronic


   *********************************SENT BY***********************************
       SUSAN KRUEGER                           KRUEGER at ENH.NIST.GOV
       NIST                                    (susan at rrdstrad.nist.gov)
       Bldg. 235/Room E151                     (301) 975-6734
       Gaithersburg, MD  20899                 (301) 921-9847 (fax)

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