FW: PostDoc Position - Liquid State neutron diffraction and compu ter simulation

Neutron Neutron at pns.anl.gov
Tue Mar 12 14:45:32 CST 2002


		A postdoctoral research associate position is available for
a physicist trained in neutron diffraction techniques and  numerical
simulation to participate in an exciting new multidisciplinary international
project to study the structuring imposed on water by complex,
multifunctional biological solutes. The project will use specially
synthesized sugar solutes isotopically-labeled by substitutions at
particular positions to probe the anisotropic solvent structuring around
specific sites in these polyfunctional solutes using neutron diffraction
scattering difference experiments. The results of these experiments will be
compared in detail with extensive MD simulations of the same solutes as a
test of the accuracy of the simulations. If successful, these studies will
provide the first experimental probe of the complex structuring around
biological molecules revealed in computer simulations and how this solvent
structuring determines the conformational behavior of these solutes.

		A Ph.D. in physics, chemical physics, or physical chemistry
(materials sciences??) is required for this position. Previous experience in
neutron diffraction studies and a sound knowledge of applied molecular
statistical mechanics are required, as are experience with computers and at
least one programming language is also required. Previous experience with
Molecular Dynamics computer simulations and/or Monte Carlo calculations
would be very desirable but is not absolutely necessary. Some knowledge of
solution chemistry and biochemistry would be useful but also is not

		The incumbent would be employed by Cornell University, and
would need to spend somewhat more than half of her/his time in Ithaca, NY,
but the position would also require considerable travel to the ILL facility
in Grenoble (France) and the Université d'Orléans in France and to the
Rutherford Laboratory (ISIS) and the University of Bristol in the United
Kingdom, and possibly other sites, to carry out the experiments and to work
with Profs. Enderby and Saboungi.

Applicants should send a resume and two letters of recommendation to one of
the following: 

John Brady
Dept. of Food Science, Stocking Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY  14853
e-mail: jwb7 at cornell.edu <mailto:jwb7 at cornell.edu>, telephone: 1 (607)

Marie-Louise Saboungi, 
Centre de Recherche sur la Matière Divisée
CRMD UMR6619 - Université d'Orléans-CNRS
1bis rue de la Férollerie - 45071 ORLEANS CEDEX 2
e-mail: telephone: 33 (0) 2 38255377

John Enderby
H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory
University of Bristol
Royal Fort, Tyndall Avenue
Bristol  BS8 1TL
United Kingdom
e-mail: j.e.enderby at bristol.ac.uk <mailto:j.e.enderby at bristol.ac.uk>,
telephone: 44 (0) 117 928 8737

Cornell is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
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