[Neutron] NICEST JINS Workshop

Worlton, Thomas tworlton at anl.gov
Fri Dec 20 10:50:41 CST 2002

The NICEST JINS Workshop
Neutrons in Solid-State Chemistry and the Earth Sciences Today and Tomorrow
Oak Ridge, Tennessee, March 12-16, 2003

The scientific program for the upcoming Joint Institute for Neutron Sciences
(JINS) workshop will focus on neutron scattering in solid-state chemistry
and the earth sciences. The program is being put together with graduate
students and inexperienced neutron users in mind, and the only assumption
for attendees is that they have a knowledge of basic crystallographic and
structural concepts.

The three-day workshop (March 12-14, 2003) will cover the following:
********neutron production and scattering instrumentation;
********structural studies of single crystals, crystalline powders, and
disordered materials;
********in situ diffraction studies at elevated temperatures and/or
********magnetic structure determination;
********inelastic scattering and its utility in studies of phase
transitions; and
********texture studies on geological specimens.

The workshop will be followed by in-depth short courses (March 15-16, 2003)
on use of the Rietveld method for structure analysis and structural studies
of disordered materials using pair distribution functions derived from
neutron-scattering data.  The instructors for the Rietveld short course are
Brian Toby, NIST, and Ross Angel, Virginia Tech, and for the pdf short
course are Simon Billinge, Michigan State, and Thomas Proffen, LANL.

Attendees will have opportunities to:
********present posters on their research projects,
********receive feedback from the workshop instructors and instrument
        on how neutron scattering could be of value to their projects, and
********receive advice on the availability and future of neutron-scattering
        in the United States and how to access facilities as a new user.

Held in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, this workshop is being generously supported by
Oak Ridge Associated Universities, the University of Tennessee (UT),
University of Virginia, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). 

See  <http://www.sns.gov/jins/NICEST2003> www.sns.gov/jins/NICEST2003 for
more information on the workshop and the availability of limited

Organizing Committee:
* A. Wilkinson, Georgia Tech, cochair
* N. Ross, Virginia Tech, cochair
* R. Angel, Virginia Tech
* R. Hemley, Carnegie Institute
* J. Jorgensen, Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)
* D. Louca, University of Virginia
* L. Magid, UT/JINS
* A. Navrotsky, University of Calif., Davis
* J. Parise, SUNY, Stony Brook
* B. Toby, NIST
* H. Zur Loye, South Carolina
* A. Ekkebus, SNS

Confirmed speakers include:
* C. Broholm, Johns Hopkins University
* M. Dove, Cambridge
* Thomas Hansen, ILL
* Judith Howard, Durham
* J. Jorgensen, ANL
* J. Loveday, Edinburgh
* C. Wilson, ISIS
* M. Yethiraj, ORNL

Allen E. Ekkebus
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
701 Scarboro Road
Telephone: (865) 241-5644
Fax: (865) 241-5177 

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