[Neutron] Introducing IDEAS

Wang, Xun-Li wangxl at ornl.gov
Fri Oct 10 14:46:11 CDT 2003

IDEAS - Instrument Design and Experiment Assessment Suite - is a general
purpose computer program for simulation of neutron scattering
instruments.  It has been in existence for several years and used by
friendly users around the world.  IDEAS is also one of the five
simulation packages which participated in a round-robin study simulating
a triple-axis spectrometer [Neutron News, 13 (No. 4), 24-29 (2002)].
The current version of IDEAS runs on Windows.

Today, we formally introduce IDEAS to the world.  To check it out, visit

Technical questions should be addressed to Dr. W.-T. Lee,
leewt at ornl.gov.

Xun-Li Wang
Spallation Neutron Source
701 Scarboro Road
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Oak Ridge, TN 37830, USA

Tel. (865)574-9164
Fax. (865)241-5177
E-mail: wangxl at ornl.gov


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