[Neutron] HMI Berlin: Head of Department "Methods and Instruments" and Professorship at TU Berlin

Hans A. Graf graf at hmi.de
Thu Jan 18 16:58:26 CST 2007

                Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin (HMI)
in the Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren
                   Technische Universität Berlin (TUB)
            invite applications for a joint appointment as

                       Head of Department
                „Methods and Instruments“ at HMI
                   University Professor (W3)
            at Faculty II, Mathematics and Science, of the TUB,

                       specialized in
          Methods and Instruments of Neutron Scattering

We invite candidates with an international reputation for using neutrons 
to investigate structure and dynamics of condensed matter. For this 
research HMI operates the research reactor BER II and the Berlin Centre 
for Neutron Scattering BENSC with a wide variety of modern instruments. 
Particular emphasis is put upon scattering of polarized neutrons and 
extreme sample environments (very high magnetic fields, very low 
temperatures) where HMI holds a leading position. This position should 
be further strengthened by continuous R&D on methods, source, 
instrumentation and sample environments. To this end, we expect the 
successful candidate to provide significant ideas for further advancing 
the installations and the research in an active field for which neutrons 
are an essential probe. Supporting external users in running their 
experiments is another important duty of the department he/she is going 
to be in charge of. Therefore, perennial experience in operating a user 
centre will be appreciated.
We expect in particular that the successful applicant will be committed 
to the general program of teaching and examining of students at the TUB, 
will inspire the scientific work in his department and will foster 
internal and external collaborations. To be appointed, he/she must meet 
the requirements of the Berlin Higher Education Act (§ 100 BerlHG, more 
detailed information available on request).
As HMI and TUB care about equal opportunities for men and women 
scientists, qualified women are especially encouraged to apply.
Handicapped applicants will be given preference over others of equal 

Applications should be addressed to

Prof. Michael Steiner
Scientific Director
Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin
Glienicker Straße 100
D-14109 Berlin

no later than 4 weeks after publication of this announcement. For 
further information he will be available via phone  (+49 30 8062 2762) 
or e-mail (steiner at hmi.de).

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