[Neutron] PSI Sommer School on Condensed Matter Research

Bercher Renate renate.bercher at psi.ch
Thu Apr 19 17:05:26 CDT 2007

Registration open:

The 6th PSI Summer School will take place August 18-25, 2007 at the
Lyceum Alpinum in Zuoz / Engadin, Switzerland.
The topic of this year will be "Correlated Electron Materials"
Detailed information is available on the web at the URL:

The purpose of the Summer School is to give the participants an
introduction to the basic principles of spectroscopy, microscopy, and
diffraction at synchrotron, neutron, and muon facilities as applied to
correlated electron materials. The lectures will cover both theoretical
and experimental aspects, with particular emphasis on the utilization of
three prominent experimental probes available at PSI: synchrotron light,
neutrons, and muons. For admission, no specialized knowledge of the
subject is required, but a masters degree (or equivalent) in natural
sciences is necessary. In addition to the lectures, there will be poster
and discussion sessions in which the participants are welcome to present
their own results. 

Renate Bercher
Paul Scherrer Institut
Condensed Matter Research with Neutrons and Muons
5232 Villigen PSI
Tel. 0041 56 310 3402
Fax 0041 56 310 3131
email: renate.bercher at psi.ch

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