[Neutron] Four postdoc positions at Hahn-Meitner-Institute Berlin

Marie Haltod haltod at hmi.de
Tue Apr 1 22:07:33 CEST 2008

Department of Magnetism
4 scientists  PH.D.
(Physicist, Chemist, Crystallographer)

We invite applications for four postdoctoral positions in the Berlin Neutron Scattering Centre BENSC at the 
Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin, Germany. The Hahn-Meitner-Institut is a German National Laboratory and a member of the 
Hermann von Helmholtz Association of National Research Centres and has about 800 employees. It hosts the Berlin Neutron 
Scattering Center (http://www.hmi.de/bensc/), a user facility open to scientists from all over the world. To probe the 
structure and dynamics of solids and liquids, BENSC provides the national and international research community with 
state-of-the-art neutron
scattering equipment and expertise.

Reference no. SF 2008/3
The successful candidate will take part in the research program of the department which includes major activities in 
quantum and frustrated magnetism and will undertake responsibilities at our thermal triple-axis spectrometer E1 
(http://www.hmi.de/bensc/). A broad knowledge in condensed matter physics or chemistry is highly desired as well as 
experience in scattering methods. A background in neutron or x-ray scattering and strong scientific interest in 
magnetism will be preferred.
For informal inquiries, please contact Prof. Alan Tennant (phone: +49-30-8062-2741, email: tennant at hmi.de) or Dr. 
Norbert Stüsser (phone: +49-30-8062-3171, email: stuesser at hmi.de).

Reference no. SF 2008/5
The successful candidate will take part in the research program of the department which includes major activities in 
quantum and frustrated magnetism and will undertake user service responsibilities at the flat-cone diffractometer E2 
(http://www.hmi.de/bensc/). A broad knowledge in condensed matter physics or chemistry is highly desired as well as 
experience in scattering methods. A background in neutron or x-ray diffraction, crystallography and strong scientific 
interest in magnetism will be preferred.
For informal inquiries, please contact Prof. Alan Tennant (phone: +49-30-8062-2741, email: tennant at hmi.de) Dr. J.U. 
Hoffmann (phone: +49-30-8062-2185, email: hoffmann-j at hmi.de) or Dr. Norbert Stüsser (phone: +49-30-8062-3171, email: 
stuesser at hmi.de).

Reference no. SF 2008/7
The successful candidate will join the Novel Materials Group and take part in the research program 
(http://www.hmi.de/people/argyriou), whose activities focus on strongly correlated magnetic oxides such as multiferroic 
manganites, sodium cobaltate as well as frustrated magnetic systems. She/he will take responsibility for the High 
Resolution Powder Diffractometer E9 (http://www.hmi.de/bensc/). The candidate will be expected to organize the user 
experimental program, coordinate technical support and provide support for users on E9 (30% of time). A broad knowledge 
in condensed matter physics or chemistry and a background in neutron or x ray scattering, magnetism, crystallography or 
solid-state synthesis methods are highly desired. Staff at BENSC have access to 30% of the beamtime on all neutron 
scattering instruments and to internal beam time at the HMI beam lines at the BESSY synchrotron for their own research.
For informal inquiries, please contact Dr. Dimitri Argyriou (phone: +49-30-8062-3016, email: argyriou at hmi.de).

Reference no. SF 2008/6
The successful candidate will take part in the research program of the department which includes major activities in 
novel materials, superconductivity and magnetism and will undertake user service responsibilities at the small angle 
neutron scattering instrument V4 (http://www.hmi.de/bensc/). A broad knowledge in condensed matter physics or chemistry 
is highly desired as well as experience in diffraction. A background in neutron or x-ray scattering techniques and 
strong scientific interest in superconductivity or magnetism will be preferred.
For informal inquiries, please contact Dr. Uwe Keiderling (phone: +49-30-8062-2339, email: keiderling at hmi.de) or Dr. 
Norbert Stüsser (phone: +49-30-8062-3171, email: stuesser at hmi.de).

All four appointments are for 3 years. Applicants should send a letter of application, a detailed CV, two academic 
references, a list of publications and copies of degrees to Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin, Abt. Personal und Soziales, 
Glienicker Str. 100, D-14109 Berlin, Germany, quoting the respective reference no. for the position (email: 
personalabteilung at hmi.de). The deadline for all applications is 15th April 2008.

Marie Haltod
Sekretariat Abt. SF2 - Magnetismus
Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin GmbH, Glienicker Str. 100, 14109 Berlin, Germany
phone +49-30-8062-2689  fax +49-30-8062-2999

Mitglied der Hermann von Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft Deutscher Forschungszentren e.V, Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrates: Dr. 
Beatrix Vierkorn-Rudolph, Stellvertreter: Senatsdirigent Wolfgang Eckey; Geschäftsführer: Prof. Dr. Michael Steiner, Dr. 
Ulrich Breuer. Sitz Berlin, AG Charlottenburg, 89 HRB 5583

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