[Neutron] NASCES11 1st circular

arai (J-PARC) masatoshi.arai at j-parc.jp
Tue Sep 21 11:05:10 CEST 2010

Dear researchers in neutron sciences,

It is our great pleasure to inform you that we will hold an
international workshop "Neutron Application on Strongly Correlated
Electron System 2011 (NASCES11)" on 23-25 February, 2011, in Tokai, the
J-PARC home ground, under auspices of J-PARC, ISIS and SNS.

The following is the NASCES11 1st circular. Detailed information will be
available soon on the conference web site
We would appreciate if you would distribute this circular to your

Best regards,

Masa Arai, J-PARC, JAEA

==============  First Circular  ==============

NASCES11: Neutron Applications on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems 2011
                            to be held
                     in Tokai, Ibaraki Japan
                     February 23-25, 2011

Neutron scattering is undoubtedly a powerful technique for study on
strongly correlated electron systems. Recent development of
new-generation neutron scattering facilities, such as ISIS, SNS and
J-PARC, and experimental techniques like neutron polarimetry in addition
to several upgrades of existing facilities should promise further
advancements in this research field. On these circumstances, we hold a
workshop where the forefronts of neutron applications on strongly
correlated electron systems are to be discussed. The workshop will include:
- Superconductors (cupper oxides, iron-based compounds, and others)
- Multiferroics
- Rattling Materials
- f-electron Systems
- Low-Dimensional Systems
- Frustrated Spin Systems
- Cutting Edge Instrumentations and Data Analysis Softwares

IBARAKI Quantum Beam Research Center (IQBRC),
which locates just in front of the main gate of Japan Atomic Energy
Agency, the home ground of J-PARC

Registration and abstract submission will be available via NASCES11
official website:

Proceedings will be published as a refereed journal. Review articles of
highlighted topics will be published as one of the Springer Series on
Neutron Scattering Applications and Techniques.

- Workshop Chair:
  M. Arai (J-PARC)
- Workshop Secretary:
  R. Kajimoto (J-PARC)
- International Advisory Committee:
  K. Yamada (WPI, Tohoku U.)
  K. Kakurai (JAEA)
  S. Maekawa (JAEA)
  C. Broholm (Johns Hopkins U.)
  I. Anderson (SNS)
  T. Perring (ISIS)
  R. McGreevy (ISIS)
- Local Program Committee:
  S. Wakimoto (J-PARC, JAEA)
  M. Arai (J-PARC)
  R. Kajimoto (J-PARC)
  K. Nakajima (J-PARC)
  S. Ohira-Kawamura (J-PARC)
  T. Yokoo (J-PARC)
  T. J. Sato (Univ. of Tokyo)
  T. Masuda (Univ. of Tokyo)
  M. Fujita (Tohoku Univ.)
  K. Oyama (Tohoku Univ.)
  K. Iwasa (Tohoku Univ.)
  T. Arima (Tohoku Univ.)
  C. H. Lee (AIST)
- Local Organizing Committee:
  M. Arai (J-PARC)
  R. Kajimoto (J-PARC)
  K. Nakajima (J-PARC)
  S. Ohira-Kawamura (J-PARC)
  S. Wakimoto (J-PARC, JAEA)
  T. Yokoo (J-PARC)
  T. J. Sato (Univ. of Tokyo)
  T. Masuda (Univ. of Tokyo)
- Sponsors
  J-PARC Center (KEK & JAEA)
  Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research from Ministry of
Education, Culture, Science and Technology (MEXT) "Construction of the
4D Space Access Neutron Spectrometer and Elucidation of Oxide High-Tc
- Cosponsors
  The Japanese Society for Neutron Science

Dr. R. Kajimoto
Neutron Science Section, MLF Division, J-PARC Center
2-4 Shirane, Shirakata, Tokai, Naka, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan
e-mail: ryoichi.kajimoto at j-parc.jp
TEL: +81-29-282-3910
FAX: +81-29-284-3889

Masatoshi Arai
Materials Life Science Division
J-PARC Center
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
2-4 Shirakata-Shirane, Tokai, Ibaraki
e-mial: masatoshi.arai at j-parc.jp
TEL: 029-284-3703
mobile: +8190-6567-6755

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