[Neutron] Professor John White Celebratory Symposium. Abstracts submission errors [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

HOLT, Stephen sph at ansto.gov.au
Fri Jun 29 02:10:00 CEST 2012

Dear Colleague,

My apologies for the plethora of emails regarding this meeting.  Some of you may have submitted an abstract and been directed to a page with errors and the message that your abstract was successfully submitted.  If there were any errors on the page we did not receive the abstract.  Please resubmit or email directly to me, sph at ansto.gov.au<mailto:sph at ansto.gov.au>.

Abstract submission for the following symposium (Nov 25-28) which is a satellite meeting to SAS2012 will remain open for another week.

 “Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter by Scattering Methods; Past Present and Future. A Prof. John White Celebratory Symposium”

Please visit the website where abstract submission and a link to registration is now available.



Stephen A. Holt.
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