[Neutron] ESS Science Symposium 2014: Deadlines approaching

Wolfgang Kreuzpaintner Wolfgang.Kreuzpaintner at frm2.tum.de
Sat Aug 16 18:59:23 CEST 2014

Dear colleagues,

I would like to remind you that the deadline of

             29 August 2014

for abstract submission for the upcomming ESS Science Symposium: 
"Surface and Interface Reconstruction: A Challenge for Neutron 
Reflectometry" is rapidly approaching.

If you would like to participate but do not wish to submit a 
contribution, the deadline for registration is

             12 September 2014.

The workshop will take place from 24-26 September 2014 at the Hotel 
Seeblick Bernried, located at the waterfront of the scenic Lake 
Starnberg South of Munich, Germany.

For abstract submission and further details like the workshop program, 
please refer to our website:


We look forward to welcoming you in Bernried.

With best regards,
Wolfgang Kreuzpaintner
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