[Neutron] Neutronsources.org: news, jobs, events, calls for proposals and software

Ines Crespo Ines.Crespo at frm2.tum.de
Mon Sep 15 11:24:23 CEST 2014

Dear colleagues,

Thanks to the world's neutron sources press officers there is new 
material on Neutronsources.org. Hope you enjoy it!

*News and scientific highlights from the world's neutron centres 
** New humidity chamber will shed light on processes behind Alzheimer's 
* Neutron Tomography technique reveals phase fractions of crystalline 
materials in 3-Dimensions 
* Researchers observe the phenomenon of "lithium plating" 
* Residual Stresses Comparison Determined by Short-Wavelength X-Ray 
Diffraction and Neutron Diffraction for 7075 Aluminum Alloy 
* Quenched microemulsions: a new route to proton conductors 
* Neutrons shed light on how to make pregnancy tests more sensitive and 
* Good results obtained with a novel technology to produce large-scale 
neutron converters 
* Refocusing research into high-temperature superconductors 

* Nature Milestones in Crystallography 
* Neutrons in Biology: Personal reminiscences of early days 
<http://neutronsources.org/about/history/literature.html> by G. Zaccai
* The Backscattering Story 
<http://neutronsources.org/about/history/literature.html> - a personal 
view by A. Heidemann

* Calls for proposals at: BNC, LLB, NCNR, ORNL, Frank Laboratory of 
Neutron Physics <http://neutronsources.org/calendar/proposal-deadlines.html>
* New Patch Release of Mantid 3.2.1 August 2014 
* On-time start of the 35th operating cycle - FRM II 
* The Construction of ESS is Underway 

*Looking for a job?* http://www.frm2.tum.de/indico/event/NMI3_GA2014
- 2 new positions at ILL
- 7 new positions at ORNL
- 1 position at PSI
- 1 position at Institut Néel

*New events on the calendar* http://neutronsources.org/calendar.html 
22 - 23 October, Horace workshop
15 December, Magnetic Resonance and Muons
16 - 19 December, MLF School 2014
24 - 26 September, ESS Science Symposium
12 - 16 October, International Workshop on Relaxor Ferroelectrics
26 February - 6 March (2015), 35th Berlin School on Neutron Scattering
18 -- 19 June (2015), Public awareness of large scale facilities
12 - 13 January (2015), Future Muon Sources

*DAWN: Data Analysis WorkbeNch

Best regards,


Inês Crespo
NMI3 Information Manager
Phone: +49 (0)89 289 14615

NMI3 is on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube:
Also coordinating http://neutronsources.org

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