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/* Preferably not the same color as the normal header link color. There is limited support for psuedo classes in email clients, this was added just for good measure. */  
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/* Client-specific Styles */
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/* Add 100px so mobile switch bar doesn't cover street address. */
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/* Preferably not the same color as the normal header link color.  There is limited support for psuedo classes in email clients, this was added just for good measure. */
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/* Preferably not the same color as the normal header link color. There is limited support for psuedo classes in email clients, this was added just for good measure. */  
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/* This most probably won't work in all email clients. Don't include code blocks in email. */
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                                <table class="w580" border="0"
                                  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
                                      <td class="w580" width="580">
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                            R&D Division<br>
                                            Research Centre for Neutron
                                            Science and Technology<br>
                                      <td class="w580" height="10"
                                      <td class="w580" width="580">
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                            Research 13-3<br>
                                            Application Deadline: 21
                                            February 2014</b></div>
                                      <td class="w580" height="20"
                              </layout> <layout label="Text only">
                                <table class="w580" border="0"
                                  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
                                      <td class="w580" width="580">
                                        <h2 class="article-title"
                                          align="left">The positions</h2>
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          align="left">You are invited
                                          to become part of a dynamic
                                          new team working at the
                                          Materials and Life Science
                                          Experimental Facility (MLF) of
                                          J-PARC - one of the world's
                                          leading spallation neutron
                                          sources and one of Japan's
                                          premier research facilities.</div>
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          align="left">In its role as
                                          the "Registered Institution
                                          for Facility Utilization
                                          Promotion", CROSS-Tokai is
                                          responsible for managing and
                                          supporting the user program on
                                          the beamlines that are part of
                                          the Public Neutron Beam
                                          Facility of J-PARC. The
                                          Neutron R&D Division of
                                          CROSS-Tokai currently has over
                                          30 research scientists,
                                          engineers and technicians
                                          dedicated to supporting user
                                          operations on the six Public
                                          Beamlines at the MLF.</div>
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          align="left">On 1 April 2014,
                                          BL22 - a newly-constructed
                                          energy-resolved neutron
                                          imaging beamline - will become
                                          the seventh Public Beamline at
                                          the MLF and CROSS-Tokai will
                                          assume responsibility for the
                                          user program there.</div>
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          align="left">With this
                                          exciting new addition,
                                          CROSS-Tokai is looking to
                                          appoint three (3) talented and
                                          motivated scientists to
                                          participate in the development
                                          and operation of this
                                          state-of-the-art instrument
                                          and to provide support to
                                          external users of the
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          align="left">In addition to
                                          beamline duties, the
                                          successful candidates will be
                                          expected to conduct a
                                          high-quality research program,
                                          in collaboration with Japanese
                                          universities, industry and
                                          overseas scientists in a field
                                          related to or making use of
                                          advanced neutron imaging
                                      <td class="w580" height="15"
                              </layout> <layout label="Text only">
                                <table class="w580" border="0"
                                  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
                                      <td class="w580" width="580">
                                        <h2 class="article-title"
                                          align="left">The Science</h2>
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          align="left">As the world's
                                          first dedicated pulsed-neutron
                                          imaging beamline, BL22 has
                                          been designed and constructed
                                          to give leading-edge
                                          performance in a variety of
                                          imaging modalities.</div>
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          align="left">Using the
                                          characteristic properties of
                                          pulsed neutrons, the beamline
                                          is optimised for
                                          high-efficiency and
                                          high-precision 3D
                                          visualization of materials
                                          using energy-resolved
                                          techniques such as Bragg-edge,
                                          resonance absorption and
                                          polarized neutron imaging.
                                          These techniques have broad
                                          application in a wide range of
                                          research fields including
                                          materials and engineering
                                          science where they have been
                                          shown to be useful for
                                          measurements such as:</div>
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          <ul class="list">
                                              stress/strain and texture
                                            <li>Element/isotope specific
                                            <li>Thermal gradient
                                              mapping; and,</li>
                                            <li>Magnetic field imaging.</li>
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          align="left">Similarly, BL22
                                          is capable of non-destructive
                                          2D and 3D imaging of materials
                                          using large area, high spatial
                                          resolution neutron radiography
                                          and tomography.</div>
                                      <td class="w580" height="15"
                              </layout> <layout label="Text only">
                                <table class="w580" border="0"
                                  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
                                      <td class="w580" width="580">
                                        <h2 class="article-title"
                                          align="left">The applicants</h2>
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          candidates will have (or
                                          expect to receive by the end
                                          of July 2014) a PhD in
                                          condensed-matter physics,
                                          chemistry, materials science
                                          or a related area, have
                                          excellent interpersonal and
                                          communication skills, and a
                                          demonstrated ability to work
                                          both independently and in
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          align="left">Experience at
                                          large-scale research
                                          facilities such as neutron or
                                          synchrotron sources would be
                                          an advantage.</div>
                                      <td class="w580" height="15"
                              </layout> <layout label="Text only">
                                <table class="w580" border="0"
                                  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
                                      <td class="w580" width="580">
                                        <h2 class="article-title"
                                          align="left">Level of
                                          Appointment and Salary</h2>
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          align="left">We are looking to
                                          appoint one (1) suitably
                                          qualified candidate at the
                                          level of Senior or Associate
                                          Scientist to work in the role
                                          of Beamline Group Leader.</div>
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          align="left">Two (2)
                                          early-career positions are
                                          available at the level of
                                          Research Scientist.</div>
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          align="left">Salary and
                                          conditions will be
                                          commensurate with
                                          qualifications and experience.</div>
                                      <td class="w580" height="15"
                              </layout> <layout label="Text only">
                                <table class="w580" border="0"
                                  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
                                      <td class="w580" width="580">
                                        <h2 class="article-title"
                                          align="left">Position Starting
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          align="left"><strong>1 April
                                            2014</strong> (or as soon as
                                          possible thereafter by
                                      <td class="w580" height="15"
                              </layout> <layout label="Text only">
                                <table class="w580" border="0"
                                  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
                                      <td class="w580" width="580">
                                        <h2 class="article-title"
                                          align="left">Term of
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          align="left">All positions are
                                          continuing for as long as
                                          CROSS-Tokai remains the
                                          Registered Institution for the
                                          Public Neutron Beam Facility
                                          at J-PARC.</div>
                                      <td class="w580" height="15"
                              </layout> <layout label="Text only">
                                <table class="w580" border="0"
                                  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
                                      <td class="w580" width="580">
                                        <h2 class="article-title"
                                          align="left">More information
                                          about CROSS-Tokai</h2>
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          align="left">Please see our
                                          website at <a
                                      <td class="w580" height="15"
                              </layout> <layout label="Text only">
                                <table class="w580" border="0"
                                  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
                                      <td class="w580" width="580">
                                        <h2 class="article-title"
                                          information about these
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          align="left">Please contact:<br>
                                          Dr Jun-ichi Suzuki<br>
                                          Head, Neutron R&D Division<br>
                                          E: <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:j_suzuki@cross.or.jp">j_suzuki@cross.or.jp</a></div>
                                      <td class="w580" height="15"
                              </layout> <layout label="Text only">
                                <table class="w580" border="0"
                                  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"
                                      <td class="w580" width="580">
                                        <h2 class="article-title"
                                          align="left">How to Apply</h2>
                                        <div class="article-content"
                                          align="left">Send an email to
                                          CROSS-Tokai Recruitment at
                                          <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href="mailto:saiyou@cross.or.jp">saiyou@cross.or.jp</a> for
                                          instructions on how to submit
                                          you application.</div>
                                      <td class="w580" height="10"
                              </layout> </repeater> </td>
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