Neutronsources | symposia, session en-us Copyright (C) Dave Cox Symposium 17.12.1999 - Friday afternoon, December 17, 1999 in the Physics Department Seminar Room. Speakers who have accepted to talk about Daves career are: Tony Cheetham UCSB, Larry Finger Carnegie Institute Art Sleight Oregon State University SCANS meeting: Neutron polarisation in MC instrument simulations 05.10.2000 - 06. 10.2000 - The aim of the meeting is to discuss in detail the requirements and possible protocols for the inclusion of polarisation analysis in Monte Carlo simulations of neutron scattering instruments. The meeting is open to anyone who is interested. Some participants in the ENPI network European Neutron Polarisation Initiative will also take part. Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung 2001 19.2.2001 - 21. 2.2001 - Weitere Informationen zur Tagung sowie ein Muster zur Erstellung einer Kurzfassung fuer Ihren Beitrag finden Sie auf dem Internet unter:http:www.fz-juelich.deifftermineDN-J2001 4th Canadian Powder Diffraction Course 25.5.2001 - 26. 5.2001 - There will be introductions to Rietveld analysis methods, indexingprocedures and programs, linewidth analysis methods and their relation to microstructural information. In addition, there will be talks on contrastchangingresonant scattering at synchrotron sources and rigid bodyconstraints in refinements. Malcolm Collins Symposium 02.6.2001 - Speakers will include:Gerald Dolling Deep RiverPeter Egelstaff GuelphBruce Gaulin McMasterMichel Gingras WaterlooTom Holden AECLLos Alamos National LaboratoryAndrew Harrison EdinburghThom Mason SNS, Oak Ridge National LaboratoryAlmut Schroeder Kent StateEric Svensson NRC, Chalk River Symposium and Workshop on Neutrons for Biology 10.7.2001 - 11. 7.2001 - In the context of Australias replacement research reactor, which will come on line in 2005 and which will feature substantial new instrumentation well-suited for structural-biology studies, the Symposium will highlight the opportunities for Australia. Prominent speakers from overseas and Australia will give an overview of the state of the art. On the second day, a less formal workshop format will seek to address the needs, desires and priorities of the Australian biology community, and to ensure that they are included in planning the neutron-beam instrumentation in an appropriate way. Workshop on Dynamics, Excitations and Magnetism 27.8.2001 - 28. 8.2001 - Workshop on Dynamics, Excitations and Magnetism at Australias Replacement Research Reactor, 27 and 28 August 2001 at Lucas Heights, just outside Sydney EMBO Practical Course on Solution Scattering from Biological Macromolecules 05.9.2001 - 14. 9.2001 - The course aims for scientists with a research focus in structural biology but with little or no experience in solution scattering. These include scientists active in protein crystallography, NMR, electron microscopy etc whose research could be complemented by solution scattering. The course covers the basics of X-ray and neutron scattering, mathematical methods, instrumentation, data collection, modelling and use of data analysis programs. The students are encouraged to bring their own samples for X-ray synchrotron scattering experiments and the results will be analyzed during the practical tutorials. Applications of Neutron Scattering to Materials Science and Engineering 13.10.2001 - 15. 10.2001 - The tutorial is well suited for researchers at all levels, including those without previous experience in neutron scattering. Graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are welcome. Within the next five years, the advent of the Spallation Neutron Source SNS at Oak Ridge and the construction of the VULCAN diffractometer will greatly expand capabilities in measurement speed and spatial resolution. This new instrument will have a neutron intensity at least ten times higher than what is currently available and will make possible exciting new areas such as the determination of the time-dependent response of materials. The tutorial will bring these advances to the attention of both the academic and industrial science and engineering communities, provide a tutorial environment in which to teach potential users the state of the art, and promote an increase in the user community.The symposium will introduce the capabilities of nextgeneration, neutronscattering instruments and identify new and exciting research opportunities that will have a high impact on metals, ceramics, and engineering sciences. The first day of the symposium will be linked with the tutorial to provide a framework for understanding the capabilities of the future state of neutron scattering. The second day will be devoted to concentrated focus groups, with the goal of identifying new roles for neutron scattering in materials science research that will have a high impact on the field. The focus groups will include both neutron scattering and materials science experts from academia, national laboratories, and industries. A publication on future directions in the field in professional and appropriate trade journals will result. The larger goal is to promote interactions among neutron and materials scientists that will form the foundation for joint research ventures and will contribute to the instrumentation being proposed for development at the SNS. Applications of Neutron Scattering in Materials Science and Engineering 11.4.2002 - The vitality of todays modern technological society is increasinglydependent upon the use of sophisticated engineered materials. Because the macroscopic properties of such materials are often dictated by their microscopic structure, materials scientists and engineers use a variety of techniques to better understand them on an atomic or molecular scale. Neutron scattering is one such technique, but is not commonly utilized by the materials community. This symposium will present important applications of neutron scattering that demonstrate its advantages for solving problems in materials science and engineering. Topics include study of the structural, magnetic, and dynamical behavior of materials on length scales ranging from the distance between atoms to the size of biological and polymer macro-molecules, characterization of residual stresses, and the properties of surfaces and interfaces. Applications of Neutron Scattering in Structural Biology and Biophysics 18.8.2002 - 22. 8.2002 - Applications of Neutron Scattering in Structural Biology and Biophysics, will be held August 18-22, 2002, at the American Chemical Society National Meeting in Boston, Massachussetts. SNS Symposium and CINSICDN Annual General Meeting 17.10.2003 - 18. 10.2003 - Symposium for Canadian Participation at the Spallation Neutron Source and the 2003 CINSICDN Annual General MeetingThe symposium will feature national and intenational experts in the application of neutron scattering to topical problems in materials science. The symposium will finish with lunch on Saturday, October 18, and be followed by the Canadian Institute for Neutron Scattering Institut canadien de la diffusion des neutrons CINSICDN Annual General Meeting. International Symposium on Pulsed Neutron Science and Instruments IPN2003 27.10.2003 - 30. 10.2003 - This is a series of international symposia to discuss science andinstruments using pulsed neutrons. Pulsed neutron user facilitiesKENS, IPNS, LANSCE, ISIS have been operated since the 1980s andpulsed neutron scattering technique have become an indispensable toolfor studying solid state physics, materials science, bio-physics,polymer science and even earth science. Two 1MW class facility, SNSand C, are now under construction; the second target station atISIS is expected to be approved very soon and the ESS project is underconsideration. Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining Annual Congress 30.3.2004 - 01. 4.2004 - The object of the symposium is to showcase the wide range of neutron scattering techniques that are being applied to materials science problems. The flyer for the symposium and the abstracts of the invited talks are given in the attached word files. Symposium at the Institute of Metals, Minerals and Mining Congress 2004 London 30.3.2004 - 01. 4.2004 - Symposium at the Institute of Metals, Minerals and Mining Congress 2004 London Gen Shirane and Frontiers of Neutron Scattering 15.7.2004 - The Gen Shirane and Frontiers of Neutron Scattering symposium to be held at Brookhaven National Laboratory on July 15, 2004. Advances in Computing Environments for Crystallography 17.7.2004 - 22. 7.2004 - Modern crystallography is undeniably dependent on access to adequatecomputing resources. New options for cheapish clustered computing andGRID computing allow for real-time or near-real-time modelling orrefinement of complex systems including macromolecules. In addition, themassive ammounts of data generated need to be effectively sharedcreating a need for accessible networks, which in turn create issueswith datanetwork security. People are invited to submit abstracts onthis topic for the ACA 2004 meeting, for either oral or poster presentation. Symposium on the Occasion of the Retirement of Albert Furrer 06.10.2004 - on the occasion of the retirement of Prof Albert Furrer as the head of theLaboratory for Neutron Scattering at ETH Zurich and at the Paul ScherrerInstitute a dedicated symposium will be organised at PSI on Oct 6, 2004 starting at 1 p.m. Neutrons and X-Ray Scattering as Probes of Multiscale Phenomena 29.11.2004 - 03. 12.2004 - The symposium on Neutrons and X-Ray Scattering as Probes of Multiscale Phenomena at the Materials Research Society Fall 2004 Meeting, Nov. 29 - Dec. 3 at the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, MA. This symposium will emphasize new experimental methods, results, and data interpretation from a wide range of systems, including polymers, biomaterials, metals, electronic and magnetic materials, and complex fluids. Contributions from neutron and x-ray researchers in all areas of materials science are welcomed. Neutron Diffraction Characterization on Mechanical Behavior 13.2.2005 - 17. 2.2005 - A symposium on Neutron Diffraction Characterization on Mechanical Behavior will be held February 13-17, 2005 at the TMS Annual Meeting in San Francisco, USA. Details can be found in the 1st announcement and call for papers, which includes the list of confirmed invited speakers and tentative titles. Just follow the link provided below. 25th anniversary of condensed matter theory at ISIS and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory 07.4.2005 - 08. 4.2005 - A symposium to celebrate 25 years of continuing contribution by Stephen Lovesey in Condensed Matter Theory at the ISIS Facility and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. The symposium will start with dinner on the evening of Thursday the 7th of April at the Coseners House in Abingdon and will be followed by a workshop at RAL with 12 invited talks on condensed-matter physics on Friday the 8th of April. Crystalline Hydrogen Storage Materials 28.5.2005 - 02. 6.2005 - The invited speaker list includesPetrovic DOELANLOzolins UCLA Jensen Univ. HawaiiMajzoub SNLHuot Univ. QuebecSpeakman ORNL Special Symposium at the ACS meeting on neutron scattering 31.8.2005 - 01. 9.2005 - Our symposiums goal is to build scientific excitement and broadparticipation among chemists. Our speakers will focus on unansweredimportant scientific questions about structure and dynamics of chemicalsystems, broadly defined, and how many of these questions are complementarily or uniquely answered with neutron scattering techniques. The objective is to feature the most exciting problems and the role of neutron techniques in their solution. The chemical sciences,biology, chemical engineering, materials science, and geosciences will all be represented. One-day symposium honoring Mike Rowe and Jack Rush 09.9.2005 - Information about the symposium, including the invited speakers andchairs, the hotel, and registration, may be found athttp:www.ncnr.nist.govnran. Inauguration Symposium Juelich Centre for Neutron Science and European User Meeting 16.2.2006 - 17. 2.2006 - Spring 2006 marks a major reorientation of research with neutrons atForschungszentrum Juelich GmbH FZJ: while it is planned that theresearch reactor FRJ-2 will be permanently shut down in May 2006,Juelich will strengthen its activities at external neutron sources. Forthis purpose, we found the Juelich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS, which encompasses the in-house research with neutrons, the instrument and method development and the instrument operation and user programs at the FRM-II reactor in Munich, the SNS Spallation Source in Oak Ridge and the ILL high flux reactor in Grenoble. ILL Millennium Symposium 27.4.2006 - 29. 4.2006 - The ILL Millennium Programme was launched on 1 January 2000 and gained considerable momentum with the Millennium Symposium held in April 2001. In the five years since then we have seen enormous progress achieved on the ILLs instrumentation and infrastructure, and this to the benefit of all the ILLs users. The Reactor Refit Programme has been running in parallel to this and it is now nearing completion. We feel that the time has now come to review our achievements and the work in progress, and to also pave the way for ILLs longer-term future. Opportunities in Neutron Powder Diffraction 09.12.2006 - We were all deeply saddened by the recent passing of Jim Jorgensen after a long battle with cancer. In his honor, we are organizing a Symposium on Opportunities in Neutron Powder Diffraction, that will celebrate recent developments in a field to which Jim made so many seminal contributions. It will highlight progress in both science and instrumentation, with contributions from leading scientists and colleagues with whom Jim interacted as a scientist and as a person. We invite all those who want to celebrate his scientific achievements and discover their relevance to future research opportunities to attend. X-ray Line Profile Analysis 06.8.2007 - 17. 8.2007 - Prof. Tamas Ungar Eotvos University Budapest will visit Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Tennessee during Aug 6-17. He will give a series of lectures on X-ray line profile analysis for the characterization of microstructure in crystalline materials. The lecture video and ppt slides will be broadcast live via web and also archived shortly after each lecture for public access. The First J-PARC International: Symposium International Symposium on Pulsed Neutron and Muon Sciences IPS 08 05.3.2008 - 07. 3.2008 - Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, J-PARC, is an interdisciplinary facility using secondary particles produced by the world highest pulsed proton beams, and it is scheduled to deliver the first proton beam to the Materials and Life science experimental Facility MLF in May, 2008. The symposium will focus on the high intensity pulsed spallation neutron and muon sources at MLF, inwhich the first user program will begin in J-PARC. IPS08 will provide an opportunity to introduce the performance of J-PARC and other facilities in the world, and discuss prospective sciences and technologies performed in those facilities. 12th Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering 01.9.2008 - 12. 9.2008 - The labcourse will consist of one week of lectures and another of hands-on training. The lectures will take place at Forschungszentrum Juelich and the training at the research reactor FRM II located close to Munich. The labcourse is organised in cooperation with RWTH Aachen and the University of Muenster. TMS Annual Meeting 15.2.2009 - 19. 2.2009 - A multi-session symposium for neutron scattering is planned, aspart of this annual meeting, to provide a discussion forum for application of neutron scattering to address some of the fundamental issues in materials science and engineering. Symposium F. Tasset 06.3.2009 - On March 6, the ILL will organise a symposium to honor Dr. F. Tassets life-long contributions to polarised neutron scattering, and in particular the generalisation of the polarisation analysis Spherical Neutron Polarimetry and his pioneering contributions towards the polarisation of wide-band neutron beams with 3He spin filters.Francis started playing with polarised neutrons in 1966 on the diffractometer DN2 of the CEA-Grenoble. After convincing M. Maier- Leibniz to build a polarised neutron three-axis spectrometer at ILL, he met P.J. Brown and J.B. Forsyth also interested by polarised neutron techniques. In 1975-76, he worked on superconducting materials and met W.C. Koehler. After his return to ILL, he decided to exploit the Meissner effect and built a prototype of the Cryoflipper. From the successful results, he started to built a prototype of Cryopad with the help of S. Pujol. After solving many problems, he finally succeeded just before the long shutdown in 1990. The Spherical Neutron Polarimetry technique was born. In parallel, he tried to polarise a neutron beam with a spin filter but the disappoint was huge with only 12 3He polarisation. A few years later, thanks to a steadfast motivation, he built a second-generation Cryopad at ILL and a first polarised 3He filling station at Mainz University. In 1998, the Spherical Neutron Polarimetry was adopted and people started speaking about 3He spin filters. In 2000-02, he built the filling station which is now the reference worldwide. Symposium F. Tasset 06.3.2009 - On March 6, the ILL will organise a symposium to honor Dr. F. Tassets life-long contributions to polarised neutron scattering, and in particular the generalisation of the polarisation analysis Spherical Neutron Polarimetry and his pioneering contributions towards the polarisation of wide-band neutron beams with 3He spin filters.Francis started playing with polarised neutrons in 1966 on the diffractometer DN2 of the CEA-Grenoble. After convincing M. Maier- Leibniz to build a polarised neutron three-axis spectrometer at ILL, he met P.J. Brown and J.B. Forsyth also interested by polarised neutron techniques. In 1975-76, he worked on superconducting materials and met W.C. Koehler. After his return to ILL, he decided to exploit the Meissner effect and built a prototype of the Cryoflipper. From the successful results, he started to built a prototype of Cryopad with the help of S. Pujol. After solving many problems, he finally succeeded just before the long shutdown in 1990. The Spherical Neutron Polarimetry technique was born. In parallel, he tried to polarise a neutron beam with a spin filter but the disappoint was huge with only 12 3He polarisation. A few years later, thanks to a steadfast motivation, he built a second-generation Cryopad at ILL and a first polarised 3He filling station at Mainz University. In 1998, the Spherical Neutron Polarimetry was adopted and people started speaking about 3He spin filters. In 2000-02, he built the filling station which is now the reference worldwide. IDT Meeting: CG1 Triple Axis Spectrometer at the HFIR 06.5.2009 - In this meeting there will be an update of the initiative to write a NSF Major Instrument Program proposal to obtain funds for the conceptual and engineering design of a new generation of triple axis spectrometer at the CG-1 guide at the HFIR. This initiative will require the involvement of many people and we hope that we can count on your help for this effort. Please plan to attend this meeting. Feel free to resend this message to anyone who may be interested in helping in this effort. Neutron Scattering for the Geosciences session 24.5.2009 - 27. 5.2009 - With the advent of new neutron sources and advances in neutron instrumentation, neutron scattering is finding increased applications to studies of materials including Earth and Planetary materials. Compared with X-ray scattering, the scattering power of neutrons does not scale with the number of electrons in an element, and thus neutron scattering is more sensitive to light elements and is powerful in distinguishing neighboring elements in the periodic table. Moreover, since neutrons are highly penetrating, neutron scattering iswell suited for combining with sample environment cells such aspressure, temperature and magnetic field for in-situ real-time studies. Important areas of applications to geological problems include high-pressure mineral physics e.g., stability of hydrous minerals, crystallography e.g., ionic orderdisorder and magnetic structures, geochemistry e.g., isotope fractionation and fluid-rock interactions in a confined space, petrology e.g., glassmelt structure and microstructure of rocks and structural geology e.g., texture andstressstrain analysis. The aim of this session is to provide aninterdisciplinary forum to promote discussions on the current state ofneutron scattering applications to a broad range of geological problems not limited to those described above. Submissions are also welcome from beamline scientists to introduce instrumental capabilities and data analysis methods to stimulate discussions on new applications. Goldschmidt2009 -Synchrotron and Neutron Advances in Environmental Geochemistry and Mineralogy 21.6.2009 - 26. 6.2009 - Over the past 10 years there has been a large increase in the number of new generation synchrotron e.g. Diamond Light Source, SSRL Spear 3 and The Linac Coherent Light Source LCLS and neutron sources e.g. J-PARC, SNS, FRM-II, OPAL, ISIS-TS2 across the world. The development of these facilities has led to dramatic improvements in beam flux, size and stability which have enabled significant improvements in time resolution, data quality, detection limits and spatial resolution using microfocus techniques. Environmental geochemistry and mineralogy research has benefited greatly from these developments as the new facilities allow in situ studies of natural heterogeneous materials e.g. soil, aqueous phases and poorly-ordered minerals under near natural conditions. This session will focus on the recent developments in the applications of synchrotron- and neutron- based techniques for the study of low-temperature environmental systems including but not limited to biogeochemistry, geomicrobiology, soil science, carbon sequestration, metal and metalloid speciation studies in natural and contaminated environments, aqueous geochemistry, colloid science, nano particles, mineralsolutionbio interface studies, environmental radiochemistry and phytoremediation studies. The session will cover research using all types of synchrotron and neutron based techniques including, XAS, X-ray microscopy e.g. STXM, tomography, XPS, XRF, X-ray microprobe, scattering e.g. SAXSWAXS XPEEM, diffraction, total scattering, inelastic and quasielastic scattering, infrared and time resolved studies. SAGAMORE 02.8.2009 - 07. 8.2009 - The program of Sagamore XVI covers the latest results in areas related to the Sagamore themes of Charge, Spin and Momentum Densities, but this time also includes sessions on Neutron Scattering, Ultrafast Time-Resolved Studies and the Electronic Structure of Nanoparticles. The conference has a strong international character and is sponsored by the IUCr and the Los Alamos Neutron Scattering Center. Poster presentations are accepted and a limited amount of funding is available for partial coverage of travel expenses for young scientists. 437. WE-Heraeus seminar Photons and Neutrons as Probes of Matter 13.12.2009 - 16. 12.2009 - This seminar supported by the Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Stiftung WE-Heraeus Foundation will provide an overview of the broad spectrum of applications of both probes with a strong focus on highlighting their complementarity in selected scientific fields. These include Nanomaterials, Structural Materials, Magnetism and Superconductivity, Soft Matter and Biomaterials. Each of these topics is introduced by an overview presentation by renowned experts in their respective field. In addition the current status and future of photon and neutron sources as well as new and emerging experimental techniques are addressed by key researchers. 481st Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar dedicated to Energy Materials Research Studied by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation 08.5.2011 - 11. 5.2011 - The goal of the seminar is to bring together young and experienced scientists from universities and from large-scale laboratories and facilities, who are using or planning to use neutrons or synchrotron radiation to study material that are related to energy research. It also aims at bringing together researchers conducting experimental characterization with scientists who have expertise in modeling. Rosenfest 2011 19.5.2011 - 20. 5.2011 - From the Manhattan Project to MaRIE: Rosenfest will cover Dr. Rosens early life, career, influence and scientific legacy from nuclear science to international relations. Lectures on the past, present, and future of LANSCE and its world-class research will be presented, including the Matter-Radiation Interactions in Extremes MaRIE experimental facility, LANLs proposed next-generation signature science complex. 90 Minute Media School at ECNS2011 20.7.2011 - In 90 minutes we will equip you with the tools and tips you need to share your science with non-specialists and raise awareness of your research beyond your lab and the research journals.If you are a PhD student, post-doc or early career researchers, 90Minute Media School is the perfect opportunity to learn and practice how to improve your communication skills through a mix of top tips and opportunities to try out what youve learnt. IUCr 2011 22.8.2011 - 30. 8.2011 - The International Program Committee has put together a rich scientific program of Microsymposia and Keynote Lectures that in an excellent way illustrates all the new achievements of crystallography in its many facets. 15th JCNS Laboratory Course - Neutron Scattering 05.9.2011 - 16. 9.2011 - The laboratory course will consist of lectures and an experimental section. The lectures will encompass an introduction to neutron sources, into scattering theory and instrumentation. Furthermore, selected topics of condensed matter research will be presented. Lectures will be held at Forschungszentrum Jlich and the experimental part will take place at the research reactor FRM II in Garching close to Munich. ESS Science Symposium on physical simulations of processes in engineering materials with in-situ neutron diffractionimaging 15.11.2012 - 16. 11.2012 - The symposium will bring together the community of engineers and material scientists involved in engineering material research using Gleeble simulators with the members of neutron andor X-ray diffraction community involved engineering studies instrument scientists, users and developers with the aim to explore the idea to carry out Physical Simulations with neutron diffraction at ESS Spallation Source to be built till 2020 in Lund Sweden. Neutron Radiography session at ASNT 2013 18.3.2013 - 21. 3.2013 - ESS Science Symposium on Neutron Protein Crystallography 21.3.2013 - 22. 3.2013 - Methods and results obtainable by neutron macromolecular crystallography will be presented at this symposium, which will also provide an opportunity to discuss potential uses of the strong neutron source provided by the European Spallation Source ESS, which is planned to open in Lund, Sweden in 2019.Scientific sessions will cover the use of neutron diffraction in the study of enzymatic mechanisms from both academic and industry points of view, protein-water interactions, as well as the use of neutron diffraction to study biological membranes and membrane proteins. Finally, the symposium will focus on the current state and developments in sample preparation as well as software for neutron crystallography. ESS Neutron Protein Crystallography 2013 21.3.2013 - 22. 3.2013 - The symposium will focus on the methods and results that can be obtained by neutron macromolecular crystallography and will provide an opportunity to discuss future uses of the strong neutron source that will be provided by the European Spallation Source ESS, planned to open in Lund, Sweden in 2019.Scientific sessions will cover the use of neutron diffraction in the study of enzymatic mechanisms from both academic and industry points of view, protein-water interactions, as well as the use of neutron diffraction to study biological membranes and membrane proteins. Finally, the symposium will focus on the current state and developments in sample preparation as well as software for neutron crystallography.Participation in the symposium is free of charge and open to anyone interested in applying neutron diffraction in macromolecular crystallography. PhD students are highly encouraged to participate and contribute with projects that may benefit from the future use of neutron diffraction. Neutrons and Life Sciences symposium 29.5.2013 - 31. 5.2013 - This ESS Science Symposium, co-hosted with the University of Copenhagen and the MoreLife Network at Lund University, will bring together current and potential users of neutron techniques in the biomedical sciences to discuss common challenges and future opportunities at ESS. The program will feature talks by prominent experts on a wide range of current high impact science in molecular biology and biomedical research as well as state-of-the art applications of neutron scattering techniques.Scope:Molecular biology, biochemistry and biophysics, biotechnology and biomaterials, and biomedical research. Symposium MM: Neutron Scattering Studies of Advanced Materials 01.12.2013 - 08. 12.2013 - Advanced materials are the cornerstones of a secure energy future. The discovery and development of new materials hinge on our understanding of their structures and dynamics. Neutron scattering is a powerful and important tool for identifying the next generations of materials for energy applications and optimizing their properties. This symposium will bring together scientists interested in using neutron scattering to characterize and understand the structure and dynamics in advanced materials, particularly those related to energy technologies.Neutron diffraction, small-angle neutron scattering, reflectometry and neutron imaging reveal atomic structures, microstructures and device structures across multiple length scales. Because neutrons are highly penetrating, in-situ experiments are now routine. With the advent of new powerful neutron sources, it is possible to conduct time-resolved investigations of structure evolution in real materials under realistic operating conditions. Inelastic scattering is a unique tool for measuring the underlying dynamics responsible for thermodynamics and transport properties, which underpin some of the key issues in energy storage and conversion. Last, but not least, neutron scattering has played a crucial role in studies of magnetism, superconductivity, polymers, and complex fluids, nearly all of which have connections with energy.Topics will include but will not be limited to: Photovoltaic materials Thermoelectric materials Batteries and fuel cells Structural materials for transportation and nuclear applications Correlated electron systems Enabling scattering technology and softwareAbstracts in other neutron-scattering research areas are also welcome.Joint sessions are being considered with Symposium BB:http:www.mrs.orgf13-cfp-bb: _Thermoelectric MaterialsFrom Basic Science to Applications_ and Symposium CC:http:www.mrs.orgf13-cfp-cc: _Advanced Materials for Rechargeable Batteries_.Invited speakers include:Hajime Arai Kyoto Univ., Japan, Simon Billinge Columbia Univ., Mark Dadmun Univ. of Tennessee, Bill David Univ. College London; ISIS, United Kingdom, Clarina de la Cruz Oak Ridge National Lab, Olivier Delaire Oak Ridge National Lab, Yan Gao GE Global Research Ctr., Bruce Gaulin McMaster Univ., Canada, Kenneth Kelton Washington Univ., Jeffrey Lynn National Inst. of Standards and Technology, Michael Mackay Univ. of Delaware, Janna Maranas Pennsylvania State Univ., Robert McQueeney Iowa State Univ., Cev Noyan Columbia Univ., Masato Ohnuma NIMS, Japan, Yang Ren Argonne National Lab, Sunny Sinha Univ. of California, San Diego, John Tranquada Brookhaven National Lab, John Tse Univ. of Saskatchewan, Canada.Symposium Organizers:Xun-Li WangCity University of Hong KongDept. of Physics and Materials ScienceTat Chee Ave.Kowloon, Hong KongTel 852-3442-7707, or -9140, Fax FultzCalifornia Institute of TechnologyDept. of Materials Science and Applied PhysicsMS 138-78Pasadena, CA 91125Tel 626-395-2170, Fax K. CrawfordDuPont Central Research DevelopmentExperimental StationP.O. Box 80400Wilmington, DE 19880-0400Tel 302-695-3045, Fax D. LumsdenOak Ridge National LaboratoryQuantum Condensed Matter DivisionMS 6475P.O. Box 2008Oak Ridge, TN 37831Tel 865-241-0090, Fax AINSE-ANBUG Neutron Scattering Symposium AANSS 02.12.2013 - 03. 12.2013 - The AANSS conference is the annual get-together of the Australian neutron scattering community. It is attended by scientists working in physics, chemistry, biology, crystallography, instrumentation, engineering and applied materials, software, medical imaging and therapy, from a range of institutions including Australias and New Zealands largest universities and government laboratories.The conference will consist of invited talks, short oral presentations from the submitted abstracts and informal poster session. The AANSS meetings are oriented towards presentations from students and ECRs, although all attendees are encouraged to submit abstracts.Important Dates_Deadline for Early bird registrations - discounts apply:_ 25 October 2013_Deadline for all registrations:_ 20 November 2013 NIBB 2014 Neutrons in Biology and Biotechnology 19.2.2014 - 21. 2.2014 - The use of neutrons in structural biology has become increasingly powerful and sophisticated in recent years. In particular, over the last decade, improvements in sources, instrumentation and sample preparation have revolutionized the scope of neutron scattering studies of biological systems. Furthermore the use of complementary techniques such as synchrotron radiation, NMR, EM now makes neutron scattering one of the most powerful approach in obtaining structural and dynamical information over a wide range of length scales and timescales.This meeting will focus on highlighting recent results in fundamental biology and biotechnology. The meeting will also consider the future of the field and the implications for the type of science that can be considered as well as for the instruments required.Abstract submission deadline : 10th January 2014Registration deadline : 31st January 2014 International Symposium on Science at J-PARC 12.7.2014 - 15. 3.2014 - J-PARC 2014 Unlocking the Mysteries of Lief, Matter and the UniverseThe scientific program will start on July 13th for three days following the public lecture and the symposium Ice Breaker on 12th. This symposium will cover a wide range of science programs at J-PARC. Themes of parallel sessions include 1 Accelerator Physics; 2 Particle and Nuclear Physics; 3 Materials and Life Science; 4 Nuclear Transmutation; and 5 Safety Advanced Technology for Intensity Frontier.The registration and abstraction submission will be accepted from March 12. HSC16: Non-atomic resolution scattering for biology and soft matter 14.9.2014 - 19. 9.2014 - SCOPEThis HERCULES Specialized Course will address non-crystallographic X-ray and neutron scattering techniques for structural biology and soft matter with a focus on small angle scattering, reflectometry and fibre diffraction. An introduction to the theory as well as recent state-of-the-art examples from a multitude of systems proteins, polymers, membranes, fibres, colloids etc. will be presented as well as recent developments in sample environment and data analysis. Furthermore, two practical days on two ILL instruments D17 and D33 and two ESRF beamlines BM02 and BM29 will be proposed. The course is aimed at PhD students, postdocs and scientists in the field of physics, chemistry and biology who want to learn more on the theoretical background, practical aspects and applications of these techniques.You can have a look at the programme HERE:http:www.esrf.eufileslivesiteswwwfileseventsconferencesHSCHSC16HSC1620programme.pdfFor an overview how to get to the events location, see here:http:www.epn-campus.eupractical-infotravelling-to-the-epn-campusSite Access:The campus is a restricted area and you will be asked to report in at the site entrance on arrival. You will need to produce proof of identification e.g. passport, ID card to be able to enter. Visitors must be registered for a visit prior to arrival and must have completed their site access procedures. Each institute has its own procedures, which depend on the reason for the visit science visitor, user coming for an experiment, supplier. Please consult the institutes web pages for further information. ORGANISERSFrank Gabel IBS and ILL, Anne Martel ILL, Petra Pernot ESRF, Adam Round EMBL GrenobleSecretariat: Myriam Dhez ESRF and Marion Glckert ESRFContact: the organisers of HSC16:mailto:hsc16esrf.frSPONSORS European Synchrotron Radiation Facility:http:www.esrf.euhome.html ESRF Institut ESS Science Symposium 2014 A Challenge for Neutron Reflectometry 24.9.2014 - 26. 9.2014 - The ESS Science Symposium: Surface and Interface Reconstruction: A Challenge for Neutron Reflectometry will take place from 24. to 26. September 2014 at the Hotel Seeblick Bernried, which is located at the waterfront of the scenic Lake Starnberg South of Munich, Germany.The workshop will discuss challenges in neutron reflectometry to study Bragg rods and surface reconstruction, porous interfaces, wetting and de-wetting, solid-liquid interfaces, soft interfaces, lateral structured systems, instrumentation and techniques, magnetic structures and interfaces.Invited speakers include Tilo Baumbach KIT Stuart Clarke Cambridge University Bjrgvin Hjrvarsson Uppsala Universitet Sean Langridge ISIS Dieter Lott HZG Stefan Mattauch JCNS Peter Mller Buschbaum Technische Universitt Mnchen Ullrich Pietsch Universitt Siegen Oliver Seek DESY Jochen Stahn PSI Hanna Wacklin ESS Hartmut Zabel Ruhr-Universitt Bochum The start of the workshop is scheduled such that also participants of the SNI conference can easily reach the venue on time.Registration and abstract submission is open. Please refer to our website:http:tum.converia.deess2014:http:tum.converia.deess2014 ESS Science Symposium Future Engineering Diffraction Research in Materials Processing and Testing 17.11.2014 - 18. 11.2014 - The symposium is organised by Czech-German team collaborating on the design and construction of new engineering beamline for EuropeanSpallation Source in Lund, Sweden.The program can be found here:http:ess-prague.fzu.czdownloadProgram_ESS_Science_Symposium_2014.pdf. Symposium TT: Advanced Materials Exploration with Neutrons and Synchrotron X-Rays 30.11.2014 - 05. 12.2014 - Anno 2014 marks the United Nations International Year of Crystallography, a discipline on which is based the analysis of materials by neutron and x-ray diffraction. Since discovery of the latter by Laue and the Braggs, over a centenary ago, the method excels and still evolves with the up-come of most modern sources. Recently x-ray free-electron lasers became available, high-energy synchrotrons are being refurbished, neutron reactors built and spallation sources driven to new scales; while future facilities, as energy-recovery linacs have been technically designed. Hand-in-hand with achievements in detector development, instrumentation and computing power, these installations continuously drive into new possibilities for materials analysis. The present symposium shall expose those latest developments for the materials science applications, demonstrating both pioneering experiments and well established methods. Modern diffraction methods of synchrotron and neutron radiation, combined simultaneously with time resolved or imaging techniques allow a multi-dimensional insight into materials. Thus information from an ensemble of individual grains in a polycrystalline material, time resolved in-situ investigations can be obtained from materials undergoing mechanical, chemical or electric load under working or extreme conditions. Last but not least, coherent-beam diffraction opens new aspects of data acquisition and analysis in both spectroscopic and space resolved domains.Contributions are sought in the fields of metallurgy and materials forming; energy materials in realistic conditions; response of functional materials under parametric load; materials under extreme or exotic conditions. Particularly contributions using an innovative approach in their application or from the novel upcoming facilities with unprecedented possibilities are desired.The methods shall cover time and lengths scales from sub-picoseconds to days and sub-angstrom to meters, respectively.Topics will include: In-Situ Single Grain Resolved Studies Strain Scanning Texture Liquid, Amorphous, Nanocrystalline and Distorted Materials Materials Imaging Tomography Exotic and Novel Experimental DevelopmentsA tutorial complementing this symposium is tentatively planned. Further information will be included in the MRS Program that will be available online in September.Symposium OrganizersKlaus-Dieter LissJapan Atomic Energy AgencyTel 81-29-282-5478andAustralian Nuclear Science and Technology OrganizationTel 61-2-9717-9479,, BarabashUniversity of TennesseOak Ridge National LabTel 865-241-7230, Ulrich LienertDeutsches Elektronen-SynchrotronTel 409-40-8998-3165, Masato OhnumaHokkaido UniversityLaboratory of Quantum Beam System EngineeringTel 81-011-706-7896, 79th Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting 15.3.2015 - 20. 3.2015 - DPG Frhjahrstagung Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section SKM with the divisions and working groups: Biological Physics Chemical and Polymer Physics Dielectric Solids Thin Films Dynamics and Statistical Physics Semiconductor Physics and the working group Semiconductor Magnetism and the working group Magnetism Metal and Material Physics and the working group Metal and Material Physics Mikroprobes Surface Science Physics of Socio-Economic Systems Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Vacuum Science and Technology Gravitation and Relativity, in cooperation with the Astronomical Society Low Temperature Physics Crystallography Working Group Equal Opportunities Working Group Energy Working Group Information Working Group young DPG Working Group Philosophy of Physics Working Group Physics and DisarmamentFor further information, also regarding venue and registration process, please visit the meetings website:http:berlin15.dpg-tagungen.deindex.htmllangen. Structural Biology on the Move 24.8.2015 - 27. 8.2015 - With the 61st Benzon Symposium: Structural Biology on the Move we wish to highlight a collection of the most intriguing analytical challenges in the light of selected splendid achievements within structural biology. Notably, we will cover magnitudes of length-scales, from high-resolution analysis to whole-cell imaging, promoting current important development within hybrid structural analysis, where methods across boundaries between established and emerging disciplines are applied. With the 61st Benzon Symposium, we aim to envision the grand opportunities that are to come in structural biology.The Symposium is a full 4-day scientific meeting. The format will be a combination of state-of-the-art lectures by invited speakers, by selected oral-poster presentations, and poster presentations.Sessions: Impact of Large-scale Facilities on Biological Sciences Structural Studies of Functional Complexes Structure and Function ofin Biological Membranes Biomedical Applications Imaging: from Molecule to Cell Protein Dynamics and Kinetics Deadlines: Abstracts round opens: March 15, 2015 Abstract round closes: May 1, 2015 Registration: provided acceptance of abstract June 1, 2015 Fee: DKK 4,500 covers registration fee, hotel accommodation, food, and social events ISCOM 2015 06.9.2015 - 11. 9.2015 - The 11th International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals, Superconductors and Magnets will be held in Bad Ggging, Germany on September 6-11, 2015. ISCOM 2015 continues the series of biennial ISCOM meetings starting in Mittelberg, Austria in 1995. ISCOM 2015 will be a forum of interdisciplinary discussion on all aspects Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science and Technology of crystalline molecular solids. The symposium is planned to discuss latest advances and new avenues of research on the following topics: Synthesis of new molecules and molecular materials Physics of low dimensional metals and superconductors Electron correlations in molecular materials Molecular magnetism, spin liquids Molecular dielectrics Novel functional materials Organic molecular nanoscience Organic thin films and devices Field- and photo-induced phenomena Theory, modeling and computation ESS Symposium on Crystallography for Soft Matter 07.9.2015 - 08. 9.2015 - Diffraction is a standard technique to study arrangements of atoms crystal structure, alignment, texture and grain structure in hard matter. Similar issues arise in soft matter, where material properties e.g. mechanical functioning, transport properties, internal surface, optical properties etc are highly influenced by analogues to these quantities formed by the arrangements of ensembles of molecules, often in a solvent, such as amphilipilic molecules or polymers rather than atoms. The structures formed consequentially occur at longer length-scales, and the role of thermal motions is quite different.This meeting brings together those working in highly ordered forms of soft matter from biology, polymer science and the colloidal domain with the following objectives: Bringing together a community working in this science field. Discussing instrumentation, and in particular the specific characteristics which are peculiar to these investigations. Defining specific requirements for neutron instruments to enable such research. 35th Symposium on Dynamical Properties of Solids 13.9.2015 - 17. 9.2015 - Welcome to the 35th International Symposium on Dynamical Properties of Solids - DyProSo XXXV - which is held from 13 to 17 September 2015 at Bildungszentrum Freising near Munich. The conference will be hosted by the the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum MLZ for neutron research is a 4-day research meeting aiming at the promotion of new ideas and concepts concerning functional properties of condensed matter by stimulating scientific discussions between young and experienced scientists actively working on dynamic properties of materials. The programme will cover current and upcoming topics from theory ab-initio calculations, Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations, new formulations and phenomenological models, etc. to experiment optical spectroscopies, inelastic neutron and X-ray scattering, novel techniques, etc. with a focus on functional materials.The scientific programme of DyProSoXXXV focuses on: Phonons, magnons and electromagnons Diffusive dynamics Multiferroics, relaxors, thermoelectrica, shape memory alloys Domains and domain wall properties Excitations in superconductors Carbon-based materials Amorphous, liquid and soft matter Advances in experimental techniques and theory Dynamics at extreme conditions pressure, temperature, magnetic fieldThe symposium format assumes a limited number of participants, without proceedings and without parallel sessions.There will be invited talks, contributed talks and posters.The speakers are encouraged to present their latest results and discuss open problems, and they are asked to include a tutorial introduction for non specialists.Bildungszentrum Freising is a pleasant place located in the premises of a former Prince Bishops residence. It combines both retreat character and smooth accessibility from Munich airport or main station.The registration fee includes accommodation and all meals from Sunday evening to Thursday afternoon at Bildungszentrum Freising. It also covers the conference dinner on Wednesday evening and the social events offered on Tuesday afternoon.A visit of the research neutron source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz FRM II will complete our programme.Preliminary time schedule Opening of registration and abstract submission: 15 January 2015 Deadline for abstract submission: 8 May 2015 except for invited speakers Hidden Orders in a Complex World: Past Present and Future 2015 02.10.2015 - 03. 10.2015 - The work of Dr. Takeshi Egami spans across several fields and disciplines, with a multitude of scientific contributions and achievements. To most, he is best known for his pioneering work in applying the well-known real-space analysis for uncovering underlying disorder in materials i.e. the pair density function PDF method. He pioneered the application of this technique in crystals, and awarded the Warren award from the American Crystallographic Association in 2003. The award states that Prof. Egami is cited for his pioneering use of pair distribution functions from diffraction data to study disorder and defects in imperfect crystals leading to new understanding of the physics of complex materials. Always surrounded by friends, collaborators and students, Takeshi Egami has always been excited about a new discovery or a new result, passing that optimism on with a contagious smile. This gathering is a celebration of his work, but also an opportunity to show the immense progress made in Materials Physics on the nature of Hidden Orders in a Complex World: Past, Present and FutureThe workshop consists of invited talks during the day Friday, October 2 and Saturday morning, October 3. A poster session with a reception will be held during the evening of Thursday, Oct. 1, for all participants to present and discuss their current research. A workshop banquet will be held the evening of Friday, October 2, with a scientific presentation and discussion led by Takeshi Egami. Jlich Biotech Day 30.10.2015 - White biotechnology bridges the gap between sustainable natural ressources and valuable chemical products and, thus, plays a central role in building up a future knowledge-based bioeconomy. In particular, white biotechnology reduces our dependency on fossil fuels and offers large opportunities to synthesize platform chemicals, fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals and proteins using the biocatalytic power of microorganisms or isolated enzymes.At the Jlich Biotech Day, experts from academia and industry will present current highlights and trends in this exciting field of research and development. XVI International Feofilov Symposium IFSXVI 09.11.2015 - 13. 11.2015 - Scientists are invited to participate in the XVI International Feofilov Symposium IFSXVI on spectroscopy of crystals doped with rare earth and transition metal ions which is to be held in Saint-Petersburg Russia, from 9th to 13th November 2015, and is organized by the Saint-Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics ITMO University.The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies IYL 2015. Backed by UNESCO, IYL 2015 is a global, cross-educational initiative aiming to raise awareness of the role placed by light and light-based technologies throughout modern society, and potential future developments and applications. Over 80 countries around the world have shown their support for the initiative.The XVI-th Feofilov symposium continues a sequence of symposia started in 1965. The first nine symposia were held as national meetings. The X-th St. Petersburg, 1995, XI-th Kazan, 2001, XII-th Ekaterinburg, 2004, XIII-th Lake Baikal, 2007, XIV-th St. Petersburg, 2010 and XV-th Kazan, 2013 symposia were held with international participation. 10th Anniversary of the Jlich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS 17.2.2016 - On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Jlich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS, ceremonial addresses and a scientific lecture will be held on Wednesday, 17th February, 2016. Friends and associates of the JCNS are cordially invited to attend this event.Neutron physics has continued to play an important role in Jlich ever since the foundation of the former nuclear research centre 60 years ago. Prior to the shut-down of the Jlich research reactor FRJ-2 DIDO, the JCNS was founded in February 2006 as a distributed neutron research centre without its own neutron source. For the last ten years, JCNS has successfully developed and operated world-class neutron scattering instruments at the best neutron sources worldwide, thus providing access to state-of-the-art experimental facilities in neutron science for both German and international user communities.JCNS in-house research focuses on correlated electron systems and nanomagnetism as well as soft matter and biophysics. Neutrons for energy is soon to become a third pillar of research. In these areas of expertise, JCNS offers external users expert support on world-class instruments with a specialized sample environment and ancillary laboratory access. Symposium: 40 years of neutron scattering 18.2.2016 - The NIST Center for Neutron Research will be hosting a small symposium _40 Years of Neutron Scattering_. This event is to honor the contributions of three recent retirees, John Copley, Bill Kamitakahara, and David Mildner. We will celebrate their contributions to neutron scattering at NIST and look ahead to how they have laid the groundwork for future advances. This full-day event will be held on February 18, 2016 at the NIST Center for Neutron Research and consist of a dozen talks by scientists whose research was and is enabledimpacted by our honorees. The event will conclude with a dinner and presentation at the Gaithersburg Marriott Washingtonian. We very much hope that you will be able to attend this celebration. Please note that we have rather short notice to finalize the organization and there will be a cutoff date for the hotel. Registration is encouraged ASAP since it will help us estimate final numbers.RegistrationThe cost of the event is 156 which will include coffee breaks, lunch and the banquet registration.Registration is available through NIST: CLICK HERE FOR REGISTRATION:https:www.fbcinc.comeNISTNeutronattendeereg.aspxIf you are not planning to attend but would like to send some words for any or all of the honorees, please send an email to: Communications Officers Meeting 07.3.2016 - On March 7th, a joint communications meeting between the communications officers of BrightnESS and SINE 2020 will take place at ESS in Lund. European User Offices Meeting 05.4.2016 - 06. 4.2016 - The 2nd Meeting of the European User Offices will be held in Hamburg on 5-6 April 2016. The meeting will be co-hosted by the User Offices of DESY Photon Science, EMBL Hamburg and European XFEL. In recent times, the user research administration landscape in Europe has been evolving very quickly, in a very complex funding situation. In addition, new facilities are under construction or coming into operation and a number of established facilities have gone or are going through upgrade programmes. Due to the increasing number of users of large-scale research facilities, all this has potentially a large impact on photon and neutron science output in Europe. In this framework, a strong network among User Offices can be very productive for all participants. After a successful first meeting at ALBA in Barcelona in November 2014, the 2nd Meeting of the European User Offices will be another useful opportunity for exchanging information and experiences on present and upcoming common challenges relevant to user operation at large-scale synchrotron, FEL and neutron facilities. Symposium on European Funding Instruments for the development of Research Infrastructures 19.4.2016 - The design, buildup, operation and maintenance of new and existing European Research Infrastructures RIs has been established as essential for the completion of the European Research Area ERA. Research Infrastructures RIs, along with the human capital concentrated around them, are recognized as a prerequisite for excellence in science, an enabler for industrial application of scientific results and a way to address the weaknesses in science and innovation policy coordination and networking at the European and region level. Nevertheless, there is an imbalance when it comes to the understanding of the investment needed in these RIs and more concretely, to which financial instrument could be considered depending of the RIs developing phase and the specific expenses needs.The ultimate goal of the Symposium on European Funding Instruments for the development of Research Infrastructures is to provide a comprehensive view of the financial possibilities that the European RIs can consider in order to fully exploit their research capacities and services.With this activity the RICH project aims to facilitate information on the different funding instruments available and their connection to the RIs ecosystem, in particular the use of Structural Funds as well as EFSI, InnovFin and its synergies with H2020 funding, offering this way a complete view of how RIs can be managed and funded at global, EU, national and regional level.The symposium will be web-streamed at: http:www.rich2020.eusymposium2016live:http:www.rich2020.eusymposium2016live E-MRS symposium CC: In situ studies of functional nano materials at large scale facilities: from model systems to applications 02.5.2016 - 06. 5.2016 - The symposium aims at presenting and discussing the state of the art materials science investigations at the nanoscale on timely topics with a particular emphasis on the contribution of large scale facilities including synchrotrons, neutron sources and free electron lasers. Studies considering oxides will be particularly welcome. Additional attention will be given to the role of techniques in the study of materials issues in the field of energy and environment.This meeting will be devoted to recent advances in materials studies realized at large scale facilities. In addition to the invited lectures additional extended oral presentations will be selected from outstanding submitted oral contributions.We are delighted to invite you to submit your abstract deadline January 15th and start planning your venue in France. Future Applications of Small-Small Angle Scattering to Soft Matter 05.5.2016 - A 1-day meeting that will focus on state-of-the-art applications of SANS across a range of Soft Matter systems, and the future scientific opportunities that will come from new facilities, new instruments, and technical advances. The meeting will also celebrate the retirement of Dr Richard K Heenan, principal scientist in SANS at ISIS and author of the FISH model-fitting software. Magnetic Entanglement and Complex Magnetic Materials 22.7.2016 - 26. 7.2016 - Session on Magnetic Entanglement and Complex Magnetic Materials at the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Crystallographic Association ACA.New research is beginning to clarify the respective roles of entangled magnetic, orbital, and charge orders in the nematic, pseudo-gap, superconducting, and other exotic phases of complex oxides and pnictides. Evidence of the coupling of magnetic order to structural or electronic parameters at surfaces, domain walls, and other interfaces now provides exciting opportunities to manipulate and even engineer the properties of multi-functional materials. This session will focus on the use of x-ray neutron scattering and other methods to characterize the subtle magnetic correlations relevant to such problems, including those of topological orders and defects.The deadline for abstracts is Abstract - March 31 2016. Please check out the scientific program since we have prepared a quite exciting one this year: http:www.amercrystalassn.org2016-scientific-program:http:www.amercrystalassn.org2016-scientific-program 5th International Symposium on Diffraction Structural Biology 07.8.2016 - 10. 8.2016 - This symposium will report on the latest discoveries in structural biology using X-ray, neutron, and electron diffraction, and complementary techniques such as small-angle scattering, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and advanced computational approaches. Scientific insights at the molecular level allow structure guided drug discovery and protein engineering for improved biocatalysis. This basic research is important for supporting applications in the pharmaceutical industry and for new, sustainable, and environmentally friendly approaches to the production of chemical reagents and biofuels. Session topics include: Bioenergy Drug Design Enzyme Mechanism and Allostery Macromolecular Complexes Membranes and Membrane Proteins New Instruments and Methods Sources and Facilities A list of confirmed, invited speakers can be found on the conference web pages. The Symposium will be accompanied by two optional 1 day workshops on August 6, focused on Neutron Protein Crystallography and on Small-Angle Scattering, respectively.Important Dates: 18072016: Registration closes 15062016: Abstract Submission deadline 18072016: Vendor exhibit registration closes 54th European High Pressure Research Group EHPRG International Meeting on High Pressure Science and Technology 04.9.2016 - 09. 9.2016 - In the framework of the 54th European High Pressure Research Group EHPRG International Meeting on High Pressure Science and Technology 4-9 September 2016, Bayreuth, Germany, The Microsymposium MS-5 Novel high pressure instrumentation at large scale facilities: neutrons will be organized.In recent years interest of research community in high pressure studies of structural, magnetic and other physical properties of materials by means of neutron scattering methods has grown remarkably and now most of the advanced neutron scattering facilities either have dedicated instruments or projects for their development. Moreover, recent progress in high pressure methodology and neutron scattering instrumentation provides a substantial increase in the experimentally accessible pressure range, steadily expanding to megabar scale.The aim of the Microsymposium is to discuss the present state-of-art of neutron scattering instrumentation for high pressure research and elucidate roots for further developments in the field. Bunsen Colloquium 10.11.2016 - 11. 11.2016 - Defects and diffusion in solids: Application of new theoretical conceptsBunsen Colloquium on the occasion of the 75th birthday of Peter C. Schmidt.The past years have seen several Bunsen Colloquia devoted to reactivity as well as diffusivity in solids, topics that are of central importance in advanced materials research and engineering. This years Bunsen Colloquium continues this series. It focuses on defects and diffusion in solids and on the application of new theoretical concepts. Understanding the microscopic properties of solids at the level of defects and diffusion mechanisms is critical for understanding the macroscopic properties of materials. Ever more powerful supercomputers and superior program packages now allow the complex behaviour of atoms and ions to be studied. Approximations that were previously required can now be neglected due to improved algorithms, as will be discussed at this Colloquium. Topics to be covered are, for example, the explicit consideration of phonon-electron coupling in quantum mechanical calculations for electronic conductivity and the application of time-dependent DFT methods to materials research. NCNR 50 Year Symposium 07.12.2017 - 08. 12.2017 - The NIST Bureau of Standards Reactor is celebrating its 50th anniversary of going critical on December 7, 2017. It has had a long and distinguished history of providing neutrons to the scientific community and has established itself as a leader in the global enterprise of neutron science. The NCNR is now poised for continuing the legacy long into the future. This symposium is to recognize the accomplishments of those who worked closely with the facility as well as celebrating the potential science that will be emerging from the facility in the future. The symposium will last from the morning of December 7th and continue into the afternoon on the 8th. There will be a reception dinner the evening of the 7th at the Gaithersburg Marriott--Washingtonian Center. 25th General Assembly and Congress of the International Union of Crystallography 22.8.2020 - 30. 8.2020 - The 2020 IUCr Congress in Praha will be must-attend meeting for researchers involved in the determination and application of high-quality magnetic-structures. Well have broad representation from research groups around the world doing high-impact science. Abstracts are due by 31 Mar 2020. We encourage you make this meeting a priorityThe program, which includes over 100 half-day microsymposia and 36 keynote lectures, will also offer extensive coverage of related topics such as total scattering, frustration and disorder, modulated structures, quasicrystals, mineral structures, theoretical crystallography, quantum crystallography, topological materials, electronic and quantum materials, functional materials, energy materials, high-pressure crystallography, powder diffraction, x-ray and neutron diffraction, electron diffraction, 3D4D electron crystallography, cryo-EM, XFEL sources, and many others. LENS Webinar 9, Global Health Threats: Elucidating amyloid aggregation mechanisms behind neurodegenerative diseases 04.3.2021 - Many debilitating neurodegenerative diseases such as AlzherimersParkinsons and Huntingtons are linked to protein misfolding and aggregation into amyloid fibrils and plaques in the brain. This webinar focuses on how neutron scattering techniques can elucidate the structures and steps involved in the aggregation mechanisms to provide crucial information to understand and combat these diseases and to develop better medications.11:00 CET - Emma Sparr Lund University: Co-assembly of lipids and the amyloid protein alpha-synuclein11:30 CET - Pau Bernad CBSCNRS Montpellier: Structural Bases of Huntingtons Disease Pathological Threshold. An Integrative Structural Biology Approach.12:00 - 12.30 CET - DiscussionChair: Anne Martel ILLJoin via Zoom: https:ill.zoom.usj99877481390