As sent to the neutron mailing list

Armel Le Bail armel at
Fri Sep 24 09:43:52 CDT 1999

At 09:18 24/09/99 +1000, Dr Erich Kisi wrote:
>My thanks to Bill David when he wrote: 
>>I guess that I should try to clarify a couple of points about structure
>>determination from neutron powder diffraction and about the resolution of
>>neutron powder diffractometers.
>>etc, etc,etc
>for putting the resolution/structure solution discussion on a scientific
>basis, thereby hopefully cutting out the ill-informed sniping.

OK. Let me recall but not retract the ill-informed sniping :

> On about 400 structure determinations from powder diffraction 
> data, less than 5% were done from neutron data, and each time 
> the complexity of the structure was low.
> Just see


If you think that this is unsignificant (some say even stupid),
that is your right.

I would say that this kind of kind reaction is based on the fear
to lose a job or to see a big project to build a new
neutron instrument cancelled by stupid politicians who could
misunderstand some evidences, but that would be stupid too.
So, just consider that I did not say that.

Anyway, it was a pleasure to see that some subscribers to
those mailing lists are sometimes able to send a mail.

The only way to increase those unsignificant 5% neutron
contribution could be that you apply to the SDPD Internet
Course :
There are some neutron data among the exercices ;-)

And Bill said at least 2 times that I was right when (...).

Thanks a lot,

Armel Le Bail - Universite du Maine, Laboratoire des Fluorures,
CNRS ESA 6010, Av. O. Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France

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