Postdoctoral Positions Available

Dr. J. A. E. Desa edesa at
Sat Oct 28 16:21:15 CDT 2000

					28th October, 2000

Dear Prof. Dieker,
		I would like to apply for a Research Associateship
in S.A.X.S and microdiffraction techniques. 
	I am a Reader in Physics at Goa University, India. I have
the opportunity of spending a year or two on sabbatical leave.
My research area is in the use of neutron and X-ray diffraction 
to study the structures of glasses. I also have some background
in small angle neutron scattering. 
	Attached to this is my curriculum vitae. Should you require
further details such as names of referees etc. I shall be pleased
to supply these. 
	With regards,
			Sincerely yours,
					Erwin Desa


       Dr. J. A. E. Desa             Ph: 91-832-221375
       Department of Physics,            Extn: 251
       Goa University,         
       Taleigao Plateau,             Fax:91-832-221484
       Goa - 403 206                 E-mail:edesa at

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