NIST Summer School on Neutron Scattering

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Thu Mar 28 08:44:48 CST 2002

From: Charles Glinka [mailto:cglinka at] 

Summer School on Neutron Small-Angle Scattering
And Reflectometry from Submicron Structures

NIST Center for Neutron Research
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899

June 3-7, 2002  (Note change in dates)

The small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) and neutron reflectometry (NR)
facilities at NIST's Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) will be the focus of
this, the eighth annual, NCNR/NSF-sponsored summer school on neutron
scattering. These are world-class facilities for the examination of bulk and
interfacial microstructure on a scale from roughly 1 to over 500 nm, and are
available to any qualified researchers who submit experiment proposals for
peer review. This week-long course will provide potential new users of these
techniques with a basic understanding of the fundamental concepts and
methodology along with hands-on training in the use of the SANS and NR
facilities at the NCNR.   Applications of the techniques will be illustrated
by specific examples drawn from recent research in polymer science, complex
fluids, microporous media, magnetism, and structural biology. This year's
course will also highlight the capabilities of the new NCNR/NSF Perfect
Crystal Diffractometer for ultra-high resolution SANS (USANS). The course
will enable attendees to assess the applicability of the techniques, and the
NCNR's instruments, to their own research interests and provide technical
information needed to prepare effective experiment proposals. The course is
sponsored in part by the National Science Foundation, and support for
graduate students and junior faculty is available. Attendance will be

Additional information and the on-line application form are available at the
NCNR's website, http://www.ncnr.nist. <> gov
<> . The deadline for applying to attend the summer
school is April 15, 2002. 

For further scientific information, contact one of the organizers:

Charlie Glinka,
Tel: 301/975-6242, Email: charles.glinka at

Sushil Satija
Tel: 301/975-5250, Email: sushil.satija at

Chuck Majkrzak
Tel: 301/975-5251, Email: charles.majkrzak at 

For further information on other matters related to the school, please

Linda Clutter
Tel:   301-975-6240
Fax:   301-921-9847
Email: linda.clutter at

Dr. Charles J. Glinka
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Center for Neutron Research
100 Bureau Drive, STOP 8652
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8562

Tel: (301) 975-6242
Fax: (301) 921-9847
Email: cglinka at

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