[Neutron] LAST REMINDER - Neutrons and Numerical Modelling Workshop - final registration May 31

Mark Johnson johnson at ill.fr
Wed May 26 11:23:42 CDT 2004

Dear Colleague,

This is a last reminder about the 2nd Neutrons and Numerical Modelling
Workshop, which will be held at the Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble,
France in September (15-18) this year. The workshop will be preceded by
a one-day school (September 14) that is intended not only for students,
but anybody who wishes to become familiar with the basic methodologies.
For further information, consult the website (
<http://www.ill.fr/Events/N2M2> www.ill.fr/Events/N2M2) or contact the
organisers directly via e-mail ( <mailto:n2m2 at ill.fr> n2m2 at ill.fr). 
If you are interested in attending the workshop and/or the school, you
must register on the web page ( <http://www.ill.fr/Events/N2M2>
www.ill.fr/Events/N2M2) before the end of this month (May 31). Places
will be limited. If you intend to give a presentation of your work, you
must also submit an abstract.
Financial support will be available for young scientists, thanks to
funding (5000 euros) from the EU NMI3 programme. The level of support
will depend on the number of claimants and should therefore fall in the
100-200 euro range. All claims for financial assistance must be
supported by a letter from a senior scientist (e.g. thesis supervisor).
We look forward to seeing you at ILL in September 2004,

Workshop Neutrons and Numerical Methods 2
Organisers: M. Johnson, M. Gonzalez, D. Kearley, T. Mounir
Workshop Secretaries: A. Mader, I. Volino
Institut Laue-Langevin, B.P. 156, F-38042 Grenoble, France
Tel.: +33 (0)4, Fax: +33 (0), E-mail:
n2m2 at ill.fr
 <http://www.ill.fr/Events/N2M2> http://www.ill.fr/Events/N2M2
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