[Neutron] 3 Position at ISIS in the area of Neutron Crystallography

Radaelli, PG (Paolo) P.G.Radaelli at rl.ac.uk
Fri Nov 19 16:14:34 CST 2004

Employment Opportunities at ISIS
ISIS is in a period of major expansion, including the construction of a
second target station, with an initial phase of 7 new instruments to be
operational in 2008. 

We are looking for world-class scientists, instrument developers and
electrical engineers who can make major contributions to our current and
future research programmes.

Senior Scientists (2 positions) 
Scientists (8 positions) 
Electrical Engineers (9 positions) 
PA to the Director (1 position) 
Complete details and application forms can be found at the 
central CCLRC Job Vacancy Pages http://www.cclrc.ac.uk/Activity/Jobs


VN2624: Senior Scientist (Diffraction)
Type   Full-time 
Department/Centre   ISIS Department 
Location   RAL 
Office   RAL 

All application forms must be returned by 6 December 2004.


We are looking for a scientist with a proven research record to play a
leadership role in the development of diffraction techniques at ISIS, both
in terms of instrumentation and applications. The post will involve line
management, project management and budget management responsibilities. The
jobholder should be able to lead a team to achieve both short term and long
term goals. The successful candidate should demonstrate a broad experience
and outlook and an innovative approach.


VN2622: Instrument Scientist, Crystallography Group
Type   Full-time, 2 Posts 
Department/Centre   ISIS Department 
Location   RAL 
Office   RAL 

All application forms must be returned by 6 December 2004.


We are looking for two highly motivated and independent scientists, who will
assume responsibility for a world-leading scientific, instrument design and
instrument-operation programme within the ISIS crystallography group. The
jobholders will be required to provide an appropriate level of support for
the ISIS User Programme and will be strongly encouraged to build
collaborations with UK and foreign visiting scientists.

Applicants should have a PhD or equivalent qualification in a relevant
science or engineering discipline. The successful candidates will have a
proven track record in an area of neutron or x-ray crystallography
including, but not limited to, single-crystal neutron diffraction,
high-pressure research, magnetic neutron diffraction and cultural heritage
research. The ability to carry out independent research and an innovative
outlook towards instruments and technique development will be counted as
strong assets. Experience in the use of central facilities and the proven
ability to develop instrumentation and/or data analysis software would also
be an advantage.


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