[Neutron] FW: ACNS 2006 Final Call for Abstracts

Worlton, Thomas G. tworlton at anl.gov
Fri Mar 17 09:33:28 CST 2006

FINAL Call for Abstracts

Monday, March 20, is the  deadline  for abstract submissions.

2006 American Conference on Neutron Scattering
St. Charles, IL, June 18-22, 2006
On-line abstract submission at:
http://acns2006.anl.gov/ <http://acns2006.anl.gov/> 

This message is to remind you that this Monday, March 20, is the
deadline for abstract submissions. You can submit your abstract online
at the ACNS 2006 web site at http://acns2006.anl.gov/. 


The conference is intended to showcase recent scientific results in
neutron science. The specific sorting categories for abstracts are:
Biology, Chemistry and Materials, Engineering and Applications,
Instrumentation and Software, Soft Matter, Condensed Matter Physics and
Fundamental Physics. In addition to the scientific sessions, there are
two tutorials on Sunday before the meeting starts, and on Thursday there
is a tour of IPNS along with a short celebration of 25th anniversary of
IPNS. On Tuesday evening, the banquet will be held in the Morton


The schedule, online registration and lodging, can all be accessed at


You may also register for one of the two tutorials which will be
presented on Sunday, June 18. Travel support is available for students
at the Support Request
<http://acns2006.anl.gov/Support_Request/index.html>  link.

*	Neutron Scattering Fundamentals and Instrumentation as a Probe
of Materials on the Nanoscale
*	Magnetic Structure Analysis from Neutron Powder Diffraction Data
Using GSAS <http://acns2006.anl.gov/Tutorials/magnetic.html>  

The afternoon of Wednesday, June 21, is being set aside in anticipation
of the need for breakout sessions. Breakout sessions can be used to
accommodate groups that want to plan, organize and discuss particular
projects such as the development of a specific neutron instrument, data
collection or analysis systems, etc.  If you have a well-defined set of
topics you would like to organize, please email Bruce Gaulin
<mailto:gaulin at mcmaster.ca>  or Arthur Schultz
<mailto:ajschultz at anl.gov>  with your request for a breakout session.

The conference encourages the participation of graduate students,
postdocs, and new faculty, as well as established researchers in neutron
scattering and allied disciplines. For the former groups, funds will be
available to help defray travel expenses. To apply for travel support,
click on the Support Request
<http://acns2006.anl.gov/Support_Request/index.html>  link at the
conference website. The NSSA Prize for Outstanding Student Research will
also be awarded at the meeting (see conference website for details).

ACNS Conference website:  http://www.acns2006.anl.gov/

Important Conference Dates:

March 20, 2006: Abstract deadline
April 28, 2006: Deadline for registration at reduced rate
June 1, 2006: Online registration deadline
June 18, 2006: Conference begins

Committee and Contact Information Sponsoring Organization
Neutron Scattering Society of America <http://neutronscattering.org/> 

Local Organizing Committee
Chuck Prokuski <mailto:cprokuski at anl.gov>  (ANL)
Tom Worlton <mailto:tworlton at anl.gov>  (ANL)
Maria Heinig <mailto:mheinig at anl.gov>  (ANL)

Program Committee
Simon Billinge <mailto:billinge at msu.edu> , General Chair (MSU)
Arthur Schultz <mailto:ajschultz at anl.gov> , Program Co-Chair (ANL)
Bruce Gaulin <mailto:gaulin at nightshade.physics.mcmaster.ca> , Program
Co-Chair (McMaster University)


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