[Neutron] computational position available

simon billinge billinge at pa.msu.edu
Mon Apr 24 18:44:50 CDT 2006

I have post-doctoral openings for people interested in programming for 
diffraction.  The position will include a research component, but is 
primarily associated with developing diffraction software as part of the 
NSF-funded DANSE project to develop software for the Spallation Neutron 
Source.  This includes novel modeling software, so this is your chance 
to get paid to write that fantastic new whiz-bang Rietveld/PDF extension 
that you have been wanting to.  The initial appointment is for one year, 
renewable for up to a maximum of 5 years.


Applications are invited for one or more post-doctoral research 
positions in experimental/computational condensed matter physics.  The 
successful candidate will develop advanced software for the analysis and 
modeling of x-ray and neutron scattering experiments to study the 
structure of complex and nanostructured materials.  They will also be 
expected to apply the software to interesting problems in nanoscience. 
Applicants with a strong background in x-ray or neutron scattering and 
computational physics are particularly encouraged to apply. Experience 
in the use and development of Rietveld structural refinement codes is 
desirable. Review of applicants will begin after June 15th 2006 and 
continue until the position is filled.  Candidates must have a Ph.D in 
Physics, Materials Science, Chemistry or a related field.  Please send 
applications, including a vita, statement of research interests, copy of 
one of your papers and at least two letters of recommendation, to Prof. 
Simon J. L. Billinge, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan 
State University, East Lansing, MI  48824.  More information about the 
research can be found on the group web-page at http://nirt.pa.msu.edu/. 
Michigan State University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity 
institution.  Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. 
Persons with disabilities have the right to request and receive 
reasonable accommodations.
Prof. Simon Billinge
Department of Physics and Astronomy
4268 Biomed. Phys. Sciences Building
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
tel: +1-517-355-9200 x2202
fax: +1-517-353-4500
email: billinge at pa.msu.edu
home: http://nirt.pa.msu.edu/

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