[Neutron] VITESS 2.9 released and homepage moved

Klaus Habicht habicht at helmholtz-berlin.de
Tue Oct 20 09:56:09 CEST 2009

VITESS 2.9 is now available at www.helmholtz-berlin.de/vitess.

In VITESS 2.8, we added the 'grid' module, which enables the treatment 
of a series of diaphragms containing multiple holes as one component, 
and the minor modules 'slit', 'capture_flux' and 'spin_reset'. 
Additionally we added some new options to the monochromator module and 
made the module 'sm_ensemble' so flexible that it can now (principally) 
treat any number of mirrors in any geometrical configuration.

With VITESS 2.9, we release some new modules:

'collimator'        : simulation of a (totally absorbing) Soller 
collimator that treats all trajectories individually

'radial_collimator' : same for a radial collimator (usually used between 
sample and detector)

'sample_environment': treatment of Bragg reflections in a cylinder 
around the sample

'sesans_field'      : triangular magnetic field area as used for SESANS 

'eval_elast2'       : intensity shown as a function of 2 parameters, 
e.g. I(theta, TOF)

Additionally, there are some new features included in the guide module: 
tracing of the trajectories inside the guide, flexible segmentation 
(lengths and sizes of pieces are read from file), etc.

More detailed information can be found in the release note delivered 
with the package.

Future developments: We plan to update the help system in the next 
version, which will also contain two important new modules: 'refractive 
lenses' and 'elliptical mirror'.

Best regards,

the VITESS team

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