[Neutron] IFF Spring School March 05 - 16, 2012

Köppchen, Barbara b.koeppchen at fz-juelich.de
Thu Nov 10 08:29:36 CET 2011

Dear  Colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to the updated programme of the IFF Spring School "Scattering Methods for Condensed Matter Research: Towards Novel Applications at Future Sources" to be held at Forschungszentrum Juelich  in March 2012.

For information and registration please visit:
www . iff-springschool . de<hxxp://www.iff-springschool.de>

Yours sincerely,

Thomas Brueckel
- for the organizing committee -

43rd IFF Spring School 2012

Michael Beissel
Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
52425 Juelich

Phone:   ++49 2461 61-1739
Fax:       ++49 2461 61-2410
Email:     springschool at fz-juelich.de<mailto:springschool at springschool@fz-juelich.de>
Web:      www . iff-springschool . de<hxxp://www.iff-springschool.de/>


Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
52425 Juelich
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: MinDirig Dr. Karl Eugen Huthmacher
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Achim Bachem (Vorsitzender),
Karsten Beneke (stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Bolt,
Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt

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