[Neutron] New at nmi3.eu and Neutronsources.org

Ines Crespo Ines.Crespo at frm2.tum.de
Mon Dec 15 12:17:44 CET 2014

Dear colleagues,

Here's an update about what's new on the NMI3 and Neutronsources.org.

In our 20th Inside NMI3 e-newsletter, available at 
http://nmi3.eu/newsletter/inside-nmi3-20.html , you can find the 
following news:
* Muons help understand mechanism behind hydrogen storage 
* Biosensors will benefit from new method to produce membranes 
* The 18th JCNS Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering 
* Educational Resources – new link! 
* The new Chairman of ENSA 
* Job vacancies at ESS 
and ISIS <http://nmi3.eu/news-and-media/job-vacancies-at-isis.html>

New hall for cooling systems of ultra-cold neutron source at MLZ 
Christiane Alba-Simionesco elected at the Chair of ENSA 
ISIS neutron training course 
Biosensors will benefit from new method to produce membranes 
Neutrons4Science v2 for iOS, Android and the web is now available in 

Events for 2015: http://neutronsources.org/calendar.html
15 - 16 January, Horace workshop
23 - 24 February, MLZ User Meeting
24 - 29 May, Unconventional Superconductivity: Materials and Mechanisms
16 - 25 June, ISIS neutron Training course
28 June - 3 July, Topological & Correlated Matter

Jobs: http://www.neutronsources.org/home/jobs.html
Several open positions at ESS, ORNL, ILL, ISIS, EFree

New proposal deadlines: 
LANSCE pRad Call for Proposals 

Wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year,


Inês Crespo
NMI3 Information Manager
Phone: +49 (0)89 289 14615

NMI3 is on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube:
Also coordinating http://neutronsources.org

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