[Neutron] Neutronsources.org: monuments, turbines, tiny samples, prizes, jobs, open access, CFP and much more!

Ines Crespo Ines.Crespo at frm2.tum.de
Mon Jul 27 16:08:38 CEST 2015

Dear colleagues,

Thanks to the world's neutron sources press officers there is new 
material on Neutronsources.org. Please see below. We hope you enjoy it!

I also take the opportunity to announce that the last NMI3 e-newsletter 
is out and has very interesting news on Pristerodon, how to probe tiny 
samples, NRSP, events, jobs and open access. Have a look at: 

**Scientific highlights* 
**  Neutron scattering helping conserve the world’s great historic 
monuments here 
Using neutrons to show weak spots in turbines, railway lines and pipes 
* Dispersionless Spin Waves Provide Clues to Enigmatic Magnetic Ordering 
in Garnet Crystals here 
* Neutrons show that 260 million years ago the Pristerodon could already 
hear airborne sound here 
* Progress on Bilby here 
* Neutrons find missing magnetism of plutonium here 
* Precipitating Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate to Create Ultrastable and 
Stimulable Foams here 
* Crystal structure and magnetism – new insight into the fundamentals of 
solid state physics here
* New type of radiofrequency spin flippers for Neutron Resonance Spin 
Echo here
How to probe tiny samples? Insights into the production of micron-sized 
cold neutron beams here 

*Projects and awards* 
* New Release of Mantid 3.4, May 2015 here 
* McStas 2.2 released! here
Workshop on ‘Public Awareness of Research Infrastructures’ attracted 90 
participants here 
* 2015 Walter Hälg Prize announced! here 
* List of open access journals on Neutronsources.org here 

*News from the Neutron Centers* 
* <http://neutronsources.org/about/history/references.html>First neutron 
spectrum from Emu at ANSTO here 
* First European Spallation Source Pulse Signature Measured at 
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin here 
* Turn Up the Flux and Expect the Unexpected with VOR here 
* SAC Recommends Four New Instruments to be built at the European 
Spallation Source here 
* Director General of CERN talks with ESS in Advance of Almedalen 
Workshop here 
* Physics Underlying ESS 2015 Moderator Design Tested at J-PARC here 
* First neutron topography on Dingo here 
* Sika receives its operating licence here 
* High-temperature Quasi-Elastic Scattering on Pelican here 
* Tennant Named Director of UT-ORNL Joint Institute for Neutron Sciences 

*Calendar* http://neutronsources.org/calendar.html
* 6 - 11 September, ISCOM 2015 
* 7 - 8 September, ESS Symposium on Crystallography for Soft Matter 
* 8 - 11 September, NIH/SPIE XNPIG 2015 
* 21 - 23 September, Mantid Training Courses 
* 9 - 13 November, Niels Bohr International Academy Workshop-School on 
ESS Science <http://neutronsources.org/index.php?article_id=158&eventid=633>
* 22 - 27 November, ANSTO Inelastic neutron scattering school 
* 29 November - 4 December, MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit 
* 12 - 16 September (2016), 4th International Soft Matter Conference 

*Jobs *http://neutronsources.org/home/jobs.html
* ESS: Electronics Technician
* ILL: Research Scientist - Diffuse and inelastic neutron scattering
* JCNS at ESS: Physicist as instrument scientist for the powder 
diffractometer DREAM
* MIT: Director of Reactor Operations
* NCNR: Scientist position on the High-Flux Backscattering Spectrometer
* PSI: PhD Student in Experimental Physics
* PSI: Senior Scientist and Group Leader - Neutron Diffraction Group

*Calls for proposals / submissions* 
* ANSTO Reactor and National Deuteration Facility: Proposal Submission 
Deadline - 15 September
* Canadian Neutron Beam Centre
* MLZ: Proposal Submission Deadline: September 11
* Announcement of Cancellation: J-PARC MLF 2015B Call for General Use 
Proposals here 

Have you got interesting material you'd like us to promote on the 
website? Drop us an email: news at neutronsources.org.

Best regards,


Inês Crespo
NMI3 Information Manager
Phone: +49 (0)89 289 14615

NMI3 is on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube:
Also coordinating http://neutronsources.org

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