[Neutron] Workshop: "50 Years of Neutron Backscattering Spectroscopy" - Program available now

Neutron-backscattering workshop at frm2.tum.de
Fri Jul 29 14:32:56 CEST 2016

Dear Colleagues, dear Scientists,

We are pleased to inform you that the program of our workshop could be 
finalized. It is available on 
, you'll also find it attached to this mail. All details including time 
slot and length of your presentation are provided on the program.

We have now over 60 registered participants and keep the*registration 
open until 5 August,* allowing you to still join us.

We kindly ask you to arrange for accommodation on your own. Please refer 
to the pre-bookings made 
<https://webapps.frm2.tum.de/indico/event/30/page/2>, if you wish to do so.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch on <workshop at frm2.tum.de> for any 
further assistance you might need.

We wish you a great summer break and we're looking forward to an 
exciting workshop on Neutron Backscattering Spectroscopy in the 
beginning of September-

Your sincerely,
The Organizing Team

PS  Again, we apologize for multiple sending.

"50 Years of Neutron Backscattering Spectroscopy"

Workshop taking place in at the research campus in Garching near Munich/Germany
on 2 and 3 September 2016.



Dr. Bernhard Frick, ILL
Dr. Victoria Garcia-Sakai, ISIS
Prof. Dr. Thomas Brückel, MLZ
Prof. Dr. Winfried Petry, MLZ

For administrative matters please contact:
Elisabeth Jörg-Müller, MLZ
phone: +49(0)89 289 14966
<workshop at frm2.tum.de>

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