[Neutron] Neutron Detector Workshop, May 29-30 2003, IUCF, Bloomington, IN

Lowell Crow crowmljr at sns.gov
Mon Apr 14 11:12:45 CDT 2003

Neutron Detector Workshop
May 29-30, 2003
Indiana University Cyclotron Facility, Bloomington, IN

Purpose of the Workshop
Review a coordinated road map for detector research to meet the diverse 
needs of the neutron scattering community.
Build a community for neutron detector development in the U. S., which 
includes research and training at universities and expanded research and 
development at national laboratories.
Identify strategies for obtaining support for neutron detector development, 
especially from NSF and DOE.

The Indiana University Cyclotron Facility and the Spallation Neutron Source 
(ORNL) are organizing this workshop.  We are seeking participation from 
groups working on neutron detectors, and users with a strong interest in 
new neutron detectors.  Details of the
workshop may be viewed at www.sns.anl.gov/events/ under the heading 
"Neutron Detector Workshop".

Organizing Committee

Lowell Crow        crowmljr at ornl.gov
Keith Solberg      ksolberg at iucf.indiana.edu
Christina Hoffmann CHoffmann at anl.gov

Lowell Crow
Spallation Neutron Source
701 Scarboro Rd.
Oak Ridge, TN 37830
(865) 241-0096
crowmljr at ornl.gov

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