.. to the European neutron activation analysis platform ENAAP homepage. The aim of this new networking platform is to increase the visibility of analytical techniques based on neutron activation with all their impacts on solving scientific, societal and industrial challenges in Europe. The platform is open to large-scale facilities operating research reactors and institutions working with isotopic neutron sources or neutron generators and also to the users of neutron-based analytical techniques. It will provide an opportunity to exchange basic information on the techniques and methods, to discuss possible co-operations and to support programs for the mobility of scientists and students between the different members. Moreover, it should be a place where strategies are discussed jointly in order to ensure sustainable developments and applications of these techniques in various fields as well as to emerge from the shadow of the neutron scattering community as an own entity.
The platform can guide also potential users from research and industry to identify suitable facilities or methods for particular applications. As a first step, we plan a website of the networking platform which would be operated at MLZ (Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum), Garching.
If you are willing to participate in this collaboration, please contact us. We are also looking forward to your recommendations.