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A Neutron-Muon software Debian repository

A simple way to install scientific software


Software_sources_apt Software_sources_apt Software sources configuration for the Debian repository.

The NMI3’s Networking group on Data Analysis Standards has setup a Debian repository that provides a simple way to install scientific software for the neutron and muon communities.

On the repository all software are given a simple installer for free, and the already installed software can also be removed and updated. This software repository is still in an initial experimental phase and therefore for some system versions it may not be possible to install.

Live DVD cover Live DVD cover The Live DVD NMI3/ILL based upon Ubuntu 12.04. Ready to run, with all software pre-installed.

The experimental Debian repository includes selected data reduction/analysis software. The packages are available for a 64 bits Debian based linux system (e.g. Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc).

Emmanuel Farhi from the Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL) is the coordinator of this activity. He will keep on updating the repository about twice a year, when the respective LiveDVD is released.

Following this model, interested users can easily setup similar repositories for RedHat or Mac OSX (brew).

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