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ANSTO is now calling for proposals for the following neutron-beam instruments and facilities:
ECHIDNA (high-resolution powder diffractometer)
WOMBAT (high-intensity powder diffractometer)
KOALA (Laue diffractometer)
KOWARI (strain scanner)
TAIPAN (thermal 3-axis spectrometer)
QUOKKA (small-angle neutron scattering instrument)
PLATYPUS (neutron reflectometer)
DINGO (neutron radiography, tomography and imaging station)
Biological and Chemical Deuteration (at the National Deuteration Facility – NDF)
Proposals should be submitted using our on-line system, Deadline: 15 March 2014.
Experimental reports and Publications
Users who have carried out experiments on one of the neutron-beam instruments are required to complete an experimental report and to enter relevant publications in the on-line user portal. Both can be submitted on-line under the “Completed Experiments” link on your home page on the portal. Note that the Program Advisory Committee will consider the track records of our users when awarding beamtime.
The application is for beam-time requests and does not include travel or accommodation support. However, successful applications from researchers from AINSE member institutions will automatically be forwarded to AINSE for consideration of travel/accommodation support.
Key dates
15 March 2014 Proposal Deadline
March – April 2014 Peer review process
Early May 2014 Program Advisory Committee assesses proposals
May – June 2014 Scheduling of first beam-time allocations
Other information
Contact Us
Bragg Institute – User Office, Building 87 ANSTO
T: +61 2 9717 7232, F +61 2 9717 3606