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LANSCE Call for Proposals: Lujan Center Moderated Neutrons for Nuclear and Materials Research FY16

Date: 16/06/2015


Call for Proposals: Lujan Center Moderated Neutrons for Nuclear and Materials Research FY16.

Deadline: Friday, July 17, 2015 at 5:00 pm (MDT).

Proposal Submission

The Los Alamos Neutron Science Center (LANSCE) is issuing a Call for Proposals for experiments to be run at the Lujan Center’s moderated neutron source during Fiscal Year 2016 (October 5, 2015, – February 6, 2016).

Three nuclear science flightpaths (5, 12, and DANCE) and three material science flightpaths (SMARTS, HIPPO, and ASTERIX) comprise the suite of instruments for this call.

The Lujan Center utilizes 800 MeV protons, provided by the LANSCE accelerator facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), to produce intense pulses of moderated thermal or cold neutrons mainly in support of stockpile stewardship programs and other national security missions that benefit from the unique capabilities of this neutron source. For an overview of the Lujan Center, visit:


Deadline for proposals is 5:00 pm (MDT) Friday, July 17, 2015. Program Advisory Committees (PACs) will be scheduled following the proposal deadline to review the proposals and develop a final ranking by August 7th 2015.


Currently, Lujan Center operations are fully supported by NNSA programmatic sponsors. However, approximately 10% of the beam time at Lujan Center is available for compelling scientific proposals from institutions without programmatic sponsors and for proprietary work or work-for-others agreements. For all experiments, costs for personnel not on the Lujan team and unique experimental costs, including fabrication and assembly of the experimental package, must be borne by the user.

Instruments/flight paths available in current call for proposals:

Target 1 (Thermal-Cold-energy neutron source: 1 meV-100 KeV)

Proposal Selection

Submitted proposals will be ranked on:

1) Programmatic relevance and impact
2) Quality of the science being proposed
3) Quality of experiment conception and feasibility with the stated resources and requested time
4) Existence of the physical foundations for the proposed research.

Unclassified Proposal Submission

Unclassified proposals must be submitted using the LANSCE proposal submission:

First time users: click “First-time LANSCE User? Create a new User Account”.

Registered users: If you have forgotten your password click on “Forgot your password?” from the login screen to reset your password.
Once logged in, go to “Proposal submission” and click on “Create New Proposal” at the top right of the page and complete the requested information.
Please contact Lujan Center User Office, or 505.667.6069 for assistance or if you have questions.

For any U.S. Government funded submitters, the proposal must be reviewed by the appropriate classification authority and be appropriately marked prior to submittal.

Classified Proposal Submission

Unclassified versions of classified proposals must be submitted using the LANSCE proposal submission: To submit classified versions of such proposals, please contact Fredrik Tovesson (, 505.665.9652) for specific directions on submission.

All classified proposals are required to have had classification levels appropriately determined and all submitted documents should be appropriately marked.

Proposal Description

Technical, operational, and safety risks specific to the proposed experiment must all be identified in your proposal. Proposals must provide a detailed description of the experimental devices, the experimental configurations and beam time requested. Good integration with theory, modeling, and validation programs (where appropriate) will improve proposal ratings. All the relevant information for the review of your proposal needs to be included in your submission. No oral presentations are expected in this call.

Technical Questions

For technical questions regarding details involved in fielding nuclear science or material science experiments or in other types of experiments that could be fielded, please contact Fredrik Tovesson (, 505-665-9652) for nuclear science or Don Brown (, 505.667.7904) for material science. Other questions may be directed to the Lujan Center User Office (, 505.667.6069).

Program Advisory Committee

All submitted proposals will be reviewed by a Nuclear Program Advisory Committee (NPAC) or Material Program Advisory Committee (MPAC). The NPAC and MPAC are advisory committees to the LANSCE User Facility Director and are not funding committees. PAC rankings may be folded into programmatic sponsor’s decision-making processes and used as a means for Laboratory management to identify potential funding. All proposals that cover work that is continuing or that are an extension of work being done during FY15 must attach either a progress report or a published paper on the results of that work.

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