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Date: 20/09/2018
Source: SNI 2018 Conference Talk
An update on the construction of the European Spallation Source in Lund, Sweden was presented by Andreas Schreyer on the last day of the SNI 2018 conference.
Construction is moving fast and the first buildings have already been handed over, with 16114 m3 of concrete poured so far. High-tech equipment is starting to arrive and staff have now moved into temporary office buildings on the site. The ion source is in place and is working, but unfortunately the target building is delayed due to a redesign to fit new earthquake and security requirements. Nevertheless, the ESS hopes to be producing neutrons by mid-2022.
Once ready, the ESS will have 15 funded instruments that are already being constructed and every instrument will have access to both thermal and cold neutrons. By the end of 2024, 8 of these should be in User operation.
But work still continues and a gap analysis for further instruments will be discussed at the already sold out ILL and ESS European Users meeting in France in October.
If you want to know more about the construction project, check out the ESS website.