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PaN-learning: Photon and Neutron e-learning platform

PaN-learning is a Photon and Neutron e-learning platform, which aims to bring free education and training to scientists and students.

After many years of service, the website (sponsored by the NMI3-II / GA no. 283883 and SINE2020 / GA no. 654000 EU projects) will be taken out of service.

To replace, a next-generation e-learning site has been launched at, sponsored by the PaNOSC / GA no. 823852 and ExPaNDS / GA no. 857641 EU projects and hosted by the European Spallation Source.

PaN-learning is free to register and free to use, and includes material from, as well as new course additions. It is also expanded to allow contributions from both the X-ray and neutron scattering communities, and has new features, such as integration with Jupyter notebooks.

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