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The SISN Summer School 2016: a quick summary

14 young participants attended the Italian SISN Summer School in Perugia last September

Date: 11/10/2016


The V edition of the annual SISN Summer School (where SISN stands for “Società Italiana di Spettroscopia Neutronica”) was organized in Perugia, at the Physics & Geology Department, by Prof. A. Orecchini (Univ. of Perugia) and Dr. D. Colognesi (ISC-CNR), between September the 19th and September the 23rd 2016. This year the school was fully dedicated to inelastic neutron scattering, with a special focus on the scientific opportunities opened by the novel neutron instrumentation that is now appearing on the European horizon.

Although the school hosted 14 participants (11 physicists, 2 chemists and 1 biologist) coming from Italian universities, the character of the teaching had an international flavor because the organizers made an effort to include well-known researchers from three European neutron scattering facilities, namely Dr. J. Voigt from the Jülich Center for Neutron Science (Germany), Dr. S. F. Parker from ISIS (UK) and Dr. J. Ollivier from ILL (France), dealing with polarized neutron scattering, vibrational spectroscopy, and dispersion curves on time-of-flight machines, respectively.


Naturally, together with the mentioned advanced subjects, more traditional topics were also explained in detail, ranging from neutron scattering theory, to phonons and magnons, linear response theory, data analysis, Monte Carlo methods and multiple scattering corrections. The atmosphere of the school was always very friendly and informal and, surely, took great advantage from the beautiful scenery of the medieval city of Perugia.

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