Live DVD NMI3/ILL cover (July 2013)
The Live DVD NMI3/ILL based upon Ubuntu 12.04. Ready to run, with all software pre-installed.
The Data Analysis workpackage and the Computing for Science group at the ILL, provide a ready to run LiveDVD (bootable) which includes a set of neutron scattering software. It runs out of the box, does not affect your current installed system, and can optionally be installed on a hard disk (create an empty partition/area so that the installer use it).
This is especially suited for testing software, schools/workshop/tutorials, and system deployment.
The current Live DVD ‘July 2013’ is based upon a Ubuntu 12.04 system with the following additional applications:
- LAMP, DAVE, Mantid, Frida, Isaw, nMoldyn, iFit, qtiKWS
- McStas, Vitess, SimRes
- MFit/MView, vTAS, ResTrax
- FullProf, PDFgui, F.O.X., OpenMX, GSAS/EXPGUI
as well as:
- C, C++ and Fortran compilers, Java, Python, Perl, Tcl/Tk, MPICH,
- Python libs: Matplotlib, numpy, scientific, tk, numeric
- AbInit, Chemtool, Gelemental, Ghemical, Gperiodic,
- Gromacs, mopac, MPQC, PyMol, Rasmol, Viewmol,
- Avogadro, DrawXtl, CBFlib DX, Fityk, Gabedit, Garlic, Gcrystal,
- Scilab, Octave, PerlDL, PGPLOT, netcdf, ncview, hdf4, hdf5, nexus, hdfview
- GeomView, OpenBabel, ParaView, Maxima, Java3d, Mayavi, qtiplot
- gimp, virtualbox, openoffice, freewrl, partimage, gparted
Get the LiveDVD here (3.2 Gb ISO). Burn ISO, reboot, login with nmi3 no password. More information at the ILL Computing for Science .
- March 2011: initial release based on Ubuntu 10.04
- May 2012: release based on Ubuntu 12.04 , adding Frida, Isaw, SANSview, GenX, PDFgui, Vitess. nMoldyn and FreewWRL are buggy.
- June 2012: fixed FreeWRL crash, and nMoldyn. Update your May 2012 installation by installing the following U12.04 amd64 deb packages python-netcdf, python-scientific, libmozjs2d, freewrl).
- July 2013: updated packages, fixed some applications