The second call for applicants for the GNeuS fellowship programme opens on 1 November 2022.
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The second call for applicants for the GNeuS fellowship programme opens on 1 November 2022.
PaN-learning is a Photon and Neutron e-learning platform, which aims to bring free education and training to scientists and students.
The Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Research Neutron Source receives around 350,000 euros in funding from the EU to continue its cooperation with large-scale Russian research institutions. The project CREMLINplus was officially launched in Hamburg at the end of February.
Three neutron science research reactors in Europe have ceased operations in 2019. The League of advanced European Neutron Sources, LENS, and the European Neutron Scattering Association, ENSA, warn of a “neutron gap” that could impact scientific research across multiple fields in physics, materials science, chemistry, biology, medical science and engineering. Together, LENS and ENSA are working on a new vision to maintain Europe’s leading position in neutron science.
The League of advanced European Neutron Sources (LENS) held its second General Assembly at Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) yesterday, preceded on Tuesday by meetings of its five working groups and the LENS Executive Board. The meetings brought the consortium’s operational working groups together with the leaders of the LENS member facilities to advance priority actions for the organisation in the months to come.
The BrightnESS2 project holds their kick-off meeting in Rome, Italy. Research organisations and facilities from 11 different countries have jointly set off on a three year journey to strengthen neutron scattering in Europe and create an ecosystem for sustainable science with ESS. They will work towards this goal under the banner of BrightnESS2, a project funded by Horizon 2020.
The project PaNOSC, Photon and Neutron Open Science Cloud is one of five cluster projects funded under the European H2020 programme. PaNOSC started on the 1st of December 2018, and will be officially launched on January 15th, 2019.
McStas 2.5 is the seventh release in the 2.x series and fixes various issues with McStas 2.4.1, plus many new developments. McStas 2.5 is also the 20th anniversary release of McStas – 1.0 was released in October 1998!
Instead of beach and sun, they preferred working with mathematical functions for neutron scattering data. Two pupils changed Catalonia for Bavaria for four weeks and performed a practical with Dr. Sebastian Busch at the MLZ in summer.
The Data Treatment software download links involved in the SINE2020 project is now collated on just one page of the website so that you can easily find them when you need them.
Here you will find links to BornAgain, Mantid, MUESR, SasView and others.
To assess the current use of McStas, the McStas team have put together the a survey for users of our neutron Monte Carlo ray-tracing package.
Using the survey results, the team hope to gain insight and statistics on the McStas user community, where it is currently based, which operating systems and computing infrastructures are used, and to what satisfaction the package, support infrastructure and documentation is used. The survey should also give us a clear picture where to focus their future efforts.
We hope you will help by investing a few minutes in the survey:
Thank you on behalf of the McStas team.
The SasView Collaboration is pleased to announce the latest release of its popular SAS data analysis package, SasView 4.2.0.
This version contains a number of infrastructural improvements, bug fixes, and documentation enhancements. Full details can be found in the Release notes. Download it now for free at
This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654000.
The end of the SNI 2018 conference in Garching, Germany ended with the presentation of the poster prizes and the Wolfram Prandl Prize Lecture.
Since 1990 the Bombannes school series introduces, on a fundamental level, the current methodology of static and dynamic scattering techniques and their applicaiton to soft matter systems.
Nordic and Baltic states have come together to increase competence in neutron scattering among young researchers and raise the number of neutron users in the region.
Jonathan Taylor reviews the data-management challenges facing neutron sources and other large-scale research facilities as they strive to maximize the scientific and economic impact of their work
From a total of 15 election candidates Astrid Schneidewind (FZ Jülich) is the new KFN chairman. Markus Braden (University of Cologne) is the new deputy chairman.
The Walter Haelg Prize 2017 has been awarded to Professor Juan Colmenero from the University of the Basque Country, in Spain.
More than 6 million Euros has been invested by the European Commission in the development of new nuclear fuel.
The Walter Hälg Prize is awarded biennially to a European scientist for outstanding, coherent work in neutron scattering
Within the SINE2020 project we have setup an European Deuteration Network (DEUNET) that aims to increase the availability and accessibility of complex deuterated molecules to the European neutron scattering community. The existing capabilities of the laboratories at ISIS, ILL and FZJ which currently produce deuterated materials for neutron scattering will be complemented by an additional laboratory at ESS. Furthermore, the organisation of the facilities into a network leverages the unique specialisations of each of the laboratories.
The SINE2020 work-package on Sample Environment met on January 25-26 in Lund to present and discuss updates on the WP tasks.
A postdoc from the Technical University of Denmark has performed a neutron imaging experiment at J-PARC in Japan using EU Interregional funds. Malgorzata Makowska studied how to optimise solid-oxide fuel cells, a sustainable technology in use by industry and consumers. Scientists from DTU and ESS provided supervision and expertise.
Learn about neutron scattering and how you can benefit from using neutrons on 8 – 12 May 2017 at the 11th Central European Training School on neutron techniques in Budapest. Apply by March 15. Grants available.
Flora Meilleur is a structural biologist – she is interested in the structure of biomolecules, specifically of proteins. Since 2007 she held a joint faculty position between the Oak Ridge Neutron Sciences Directorate and North Carolina State University (NCSU). In July 2015, she was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor with tenure.
The fellowship is intended to attract visiting scholars to LANSCE in the fields of nuclear science, materials science, defense science and accelerator technology.
Scientists as individuals or on behalf of a Division, Section or Group
may now submit nominations for the 2017 Walter Hälg Prize of the
European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA).
The IV course of the Erice School “NEUTRON SCIENCE AND INSTRUMENTATION” will be on 1 – 8 July 2017. Registrations close on May 10.
There's a new project on our 'Projects' page. ACCELERATE is a Horizon 2020 project, supporting the long-term sustainability of large scale research infrastructures.
One of the world’s largest producers of surfactants considers the time spent at ILL using neutrons, through SINE2020, invaluable for its R&D activities.
How has science changed our lives? How will neutrons help us meet the challenges of the future? And what's it like to work in an international science facility under construction? This talk will take you on a trip through archaeology, life science and magnetism, and end up at a huge construction site.
About 250 students and early career scientists have already benefited from SINE2020 funding to eight introductory neutron and muon schools.
Grants will also be available for advanced schools soon.
Students can now apply for the Master Program. The application deadlines are different for the country of origin: for non-EU students, they will end on 31 January 2017; EU students must apply until 28 February 2017. All those who do not need a scholarship will have time until 15 May 2017.
Slides and videos of the talks given at the workshop are now available online. The workshop focused on requirements/developments for a (bidirectional) Monte Carlo variance reduction method applied to neutron beamline transport systems.
A team is working on improving the fitting of neutron and muon data in Mantid. They developed a framework for comparing fitting minimizers targeted to serve Mantid users, but whose results are transferrable to other neutron and muon data treatment software.
The website now hosts "Women in Science" pages featuring interviews with women who work on neutron scattering.
This interactive brochure illustrates the contribution of the Neutron and Muon consortium to advancing science in 2012-2016. It focus on the impact of the NMI3 activities on both science and society.
14 young participants attended the Italian SISN Summer School in Perugia last September.
This release contains the much requested improvements to project saving, so now all of the state of your graphs, tables, matrices, even the instrument view, sliceviewer and VSI will reload just as you saved it.
Stimulating gathering of neutron scientists at the Joint JCNS Workshop & Flipper 2016 in Tutzing, Germany.
After the first call for industrial experiments, five companies will benefit from free neutron test measurements for their R&D activities.
Would you like to use neutrons for advanced characterization of your material or component, for free? You’re still in time!
Please spread the word! Industrial companies can apply for free experiments at neutron research facilities. The deadline is Jan 21th 2017. Probing matter with neutrons is non-destructive. Feel free to contact us for further information.
The SINE2020 project welcomes Martin Böhm from the Institute Laue-Langevin as new Coordinator.
The Italian Society of Neutron Spectroscopy organised the Giornate Didattiche School on June 12-20, 2016. Students were given an introduction to neutron techniques for condensed matter studies, with applications to Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth sciences.
Dr. Anatoliy Senyshyn obtains the prize for his outstanding research in the field of lithium-ion batteries, which he watches in its function in a live hook-up at the atomic level.
Learn neutron scattering on 2 – 10 March 2017 at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin. SINE2020 supports travel costs.
Fruitful discussions with a side of sunny weather, UNESCO heritage, fado, and nice food at the SINE2020 General Assembly.
Rob Dimeo took very creative notes of talks at the "50 Years of Backscattering" workshop
Get to know the main points of action, benefits, and challenges of the SINE2020 Industry Activity.
Eddy Lelièvre-Berna tells about the Sample Environment WP, which aims to improve the environment surrounding samples both on neutron and muon experiments, thus improving data statistics and opening new fields of science.
You can apply for OpenAire funds to publish or reimburse your FP7 project papers in Open Access journals.
Financial and administrative staff from the H2020 BrightnESS and its SINE2020 projects met on June 27 and 28 in Lund to exchange best practices and tools on how to best implement and manage both research projects.
On July 7, the 11th International Conference on Polarised Neutrons for Condensed Matter Investigations 2016 (PNCMI 2016) in Freising ended.
Thanks to SINE2020 support, 31 participants attended the Central European Training School in Budapest last May.
The first volume of the ESFRI Scripta series reproduces the concluding report presenting a thorough analysis of the European Landscape of Research Infrastructures devoted to Neutron Scattering and Spectroscopy, and its evolution in the next decades.
In an interview Hanna Wacklin tells about the SINE2020 collaboration activity on Chemical Deuteration, which she coordinates.
On October 1 a new two-year project will begin to study the microscopic structure and dynamics of bulk metallic glasses.
Fruitful discussions were held by 26 WP members who met at PSI in April to present the software programs the WP will focus on.
Bruno Guerard from ILL told us the plan to develop a 3He based MicroStrip Gas Chamber (MSGC) neutron detector with a novel 2D readout.
An easy-to-use and versatile software, _SpinWave_, to calculate spin waves in any arbitrary magnetic lattice, has been developed at the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin and is now freely available.
Samantha Zimnik was granted with the Laura Bassi price for her outstanding scientific achievements in the field of surface physics at the positron source NEPOMUC.
Version 3.7 of Mantid contains several improvements to the advanced visualisation and the CLI for multidimensional data.
Projection foresees major instantaneous reduction in neutron instruments available to Europe’s scientists once ILL shuts down.
The first BornAgain School and User Meeting, organized by the MLZ Scientific Computing Group, will take place on 21-22 November 2016 at Heinz Maier-Leibnitz-Zentrum Garching, Germany.
SpinWave is an easy-to-use and versatile software to calculate spin waves in any abitrary magnetic lattice. It is now freely available.
Addressing one of the last remaining concerns in the civil nuclear fuel cycle. Europe's High Performance Research Reactors have teamed up in a common initiative, "HERACLES", to support the world-wide non-proliferation efforts by minimizing their usage of HEU material.
The NSSA is pleased to announce the selection of the following 2016 NSSA Fellows: John Copley, Michael Crawford, Pengcheng Dai, Jaime Fernandez-Baca, Brent Fultz, Aaron Krawitz, Ramanan Krishnamoorti, Timothy Lodge, Jaroslaw Majewski, John Root, and Stephen White.
SINE2020 offers consultation and free neutron scattering measurements to industry. Strengthen your R&D potential with us by submitting your proposal by June 30.
Learn how the SINE2020 Industry WP will help create an innovation-friendly environment around European neutron sources to tackle societal challenges by coupling research and innovation.
The Committee Research with Neutrons (KFN) will award the Wolfram-Prandl-Prize to young scientists with PhD at the DN2016 in September 2016.
The SINE2020 and brightnESS projects organised a meeting of communications officers to strengthen collaboration.
Neutron scattering textbook, exercises, and simulations of experiments are now available online and for free at
The Neutron Scattering Society of America is pleased to announce the 2016 recipients of its four major prizes: Dr. Charles F. Majkrzak, Prof. Pengcheng Dai, Dr. Yun Liu, and Dr. P. Douglas Godfrin.
All neutron users are invited to submit abstracts for the German Neutron Scattering Conference 2016. The conference will take place in Kiel from Sept. 20 to 22, 2016.
Learn all about SINE2020: world-class Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe in 2020.
Students can immediately apply for the MaMaSELF Master program that starts in 2016. The deadline for non-EU students ends on January 31; EU students have time until February 28. All, that do not require scholarship, must apply before April 30.
Green Light for SREss. The project Spatial Research Excellence by ESS (SREss) has been granted European Union funding to build and establish part of the European Spallation Source research infrastructure in Lund.
It is time for a summary of the achievements of this JRA. New methods now provide information on material and magnetic systems which are not accessible using any other experimental technique.
t is time for a summary of the achievements of this JRA, which aims to develop two promising detector technologies to cope with the high cost and near unavailability of 3He.
The location of the XVIII Conference on Small-angle Scattering in 2021 was not decided yet. The SAS Commission of the IUC has thus decided to extend the submission deadline to 1 February 2016.
Learn about the benefits of this collaboration between the major neutron and muon facilities in Europe as well as the feedback of the European Commission, by the NMI3 Manager and Coordinator, scientists, and school organisers.
The deadline for nominations of the Prizes Clifford G. Shull, NSSA Sustained Research, NSSA Science, NSSA Student, and NSSA Fellows is December 8.
The Institute of Physics and the German Physical Society have jointly awarded the Max Born Prize to Christian Pfleiderer of TUM's Physik-Department.
The deadline for applying for funding for Neutron or Muon Introductory Schools is January 24. The schools will be supported by the SINE2020 project.
Given that NMI3-II will finish soon it was time to take stock of the work developed over the last four years.
A guide prepared at the ILL gives an overview of Open Access publishing and rules for EU projects.
“Neutron Scattering on Nano-Structured Soft Matter: Synthetic- and Bio-Materials” has been the focus of this year’s JCNS Workshop, held from 5 -8 October at the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing on Lake Starnberg.
BrightnESS Begins. More than 70 representatives from the 18 participating institutions came together at the European Spallation Source on September 25 for the BrightnESS Kick-Off Meeting, which formally launched the EU-funded project.
BrightnESS is a European Union-funded project within the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme designed to ensure that key challenges are met in order to build an ESS that can deliver high-impact scientific and technological knowledge.
An international workshop with more than 30 researchers was organized by the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science on Nov 27-28 to discuss current and future options for compact accelerator driven high brilliance neutron sources to serve the scientific community.
It was very useful to meet at the NMI3 final General Assembly and the SINE2020 kick-off meeting to discuss future work and outcomes of the last 4 years
We've got a new link on our Educational Resources. You can access the e-learning platform VNF and simulate neutron scattering experiments.
The joint Nordic programme for neutron research is being established to address the need for competence-building in this field, as identified by research funding agencies in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Nominations for Rosen Scholar candidates are to be sponsored by at least one of LANSCE's Facilities. The deadline is December 4.
The version 3.5 of Mantid includes significant improvements. Furthermore the new Mantid Forum will provide a centre for support and conversation across the Mantid community.
The journal Metals is calling for papers. The deadline for manuscript submissions is 30 November 2015.
It is time for a summary of the achievements of this JRA, which aims to provide a wider range of experimental tools to make the best use of neutron scattering for soft and bio-materials.
NMI3 was at the European Conference on Neutron Scattering 2015. Get to know about announcements by ENSA and the highlights of this great conference.
New cooperation project headed by JCNS shall promote EU-Russia cooperation in the planning, construction and scientific use of large scale facilities.
The American Crystallographic Association has selected retired Laboratory Senior Fellow Benno Schoenborn, formerly of Bioenergy and Biome Sciences (Los Alamos Neutron Scattering Center, B-11), to receive the 2016 Bau Neutron Diffraction Award.
A new project will start in October 2015 and last for four years. It has recently been accepted for funding under the European Commission HORIZON 2020 framework.
The Grant Agreement for SINE2020 has now been signed by the European Commission. The project will start this year on October 1 and will last four years.
The brochure highlights the importance of neutron scattering, illustrated by several examples. Get a free copy at the NMI3 stand at ECNS!
The 2015 Walter Hälg Prize has been awarded to Prof Dr Helmut Rauch for his outstanding and seminal contributions to the fundamental aspects of neutron physics and optics and many related aspects of quantum physics.
An increasing number of scholarly publishers and journals are converting to open access. In fields relevant to neutron science and technology, the journals listed are available in full open access.
The workshop was a great opportunity to share expectations, experiences, and give examples of work conducted in several European research infrastructures.
McStas 2.2 has been released and is ready for download. Read more to learn about important highlights from the release.
The Mantid project introduced a wide variety of improvements in this release including: a collection of improvements to multi dimensional and "normal" plotting, new experimental planning interfaces.
A new neutron project that will start in October 2015 and last for four years has recently been accepted for funding under the European Commission HORIZON 2020 framework.
A new computational tool for carrying out spin wave calculations is available for download.
Watch a YouTube recording of a talk by Gerry Lander at the ILL telling the story of the discovery of the neutron in 1932, and then that of fission in 1939 through the lives of Chadwick and Meitner and world events.
The first edition of the International Interdisciplinary Event “Science for Life” 2015 will be held from 20th to 25th of May 2015 in Lampedusa, a fascinating Sicilian island.
ECA and ENSA announce the call for the Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize in his honour, and in memory of his scientific achievements and cornerstones in crystallography and neutron scattering.
The Rosen Scholar is a fellowship created to honor the memory of Louis Rosen, his accomplishments, hard work, and affection for the broad range of science performed at LANSCE. Dr. Edwin Fohtung is the current LANSCE Professor in conjunction with the Department of Physics at New Mexico State University.
Forschungszentrum Jülich receives around € 4 million from the EU to develop a more efficient detector system for research with neutrons.
The Louisiana Consortium for Neutron Scattering is a multi-million dollar statewide collaborative research initiative that will expand the fundamental understanding of advanced materials.
Representatives of major European Innovation and Technology Campuses met in Athens for the second IAB meeting & Networking of Industrial Liaison Offices organised by NMI3 and CALIPSO.
The highly prestigious Walter Hälg Prize is the most visible activity of ENSA in the scientific community.
BornAgain is a free and open-source software package to simulate and fit small-angle scattering at grazing-incidence.
A one-week "Summer School on Methods and Applications of Neutron Spectroscopy” will be held from June 8 - June 12 at the NIST Center for Neutron Research.
Do you want your non-scientist friends to understand what research with neutrons and muons is about? New popular brochure from the Paul Scherrer Institute now available in English, German and French by science writer Martyn Bull.
Dr Margaret Elcombe of the ANSTO has been announced the first Australian winner of the prestigious annual international Women in Nuclear (WiN) Global Award.
The registration for the Master's program MaMaSELF for the years 2015-2017 runs until 31 January (non-European), 27 February (European students) and 30 April 2015 (without scholarship).
Version 3.3 is one of the largest releases of changes and improvements so far. You can take a look at the release notes and download Mantid.
Learn about neutron techniques from June 13 to 22 in Italy and France. Deadline for applications is April 10.
Call for applications to host a forthcoming International Small-Angle Scattering Conference in 2021.
The Director of the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin is the new Chairman of the European Neutron Scattering Association.
This first discussion forum of European User Offices was held on November 3-4 at the ALBA Synchrotron as an opportunity to share experiences. is now on Twitter. You can now easily learn about all news and updates from the world's neutron sources by following @NeutronSources.
Dr. Marc Janoschek has received the Wolfram-Prandl-Prize 2014 of the German Committee Research with Neutrons during the SNI conference.
Zaccai, the 2013 Walter Haelg prize winner, offers us his personal account of the early days of neutrons in biology.
A new patch release to Mantid that corrects some significant issues since the last full release has been released.
Anton Heidemann presents a personal view of the history of Backscattering, starting from the day he obtained his diploma on Physics in 1966.
G. (Joe) Zaccai, the 2013 Walter Haelg prize winner, offers us his personal account of the early days of neutrons in biology.
The meeting is a first discussion forum of European User Offices. It will become an opportunity to know each facility workflows and achievements as well as common worries and future developments. and the neutron mailing list: make sure you don’t miss any important information!
Call for proposals for access to integrated multidisciplinary facilities for Materials and Biomaterials
The Neutron Scattering Society of America (NSSA) is pleased to announce the 2014 NSSA prize winners.
The Neutron Scattering Society of America is pleased to announce the selection of its new 2014 NSSA Fellows.
Professor William Stirling has been appointed the new Director of the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, with effect from 1st January 2014.
The Executive Committee of the LANSCE User Group is seeking nominations for representatives to serve on the Executive Committee beginning 2014.
The Neutron Scattering Society of America requests formal nominations of Candidates for the 2014 NSSA Prizes and of Candidates to be elected as NSSA Fellows.
The Neutron and Muon European Schools – the NMI3 initiative on Education – has a new name and a logo.
French officials say they are prepared to sign a Letter of Intent committing to the construction of the European Spallation Source.
LANSCE is pleased to announce the 2013-2014 Rosen Scholars: Dr. Devinder Sivia, St. John’s College, Oxford and Dr. Paul Koehler, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
Important scientific achievements were presented at the International Conference on Neutron Scattering in Edinburgh.
The LANSCE User Group Executive Committee is pleased to announce that Adam Holley has been awarded the 2013 Rosen Prize for his doctoral thesis on "Ultracold Neutron Polarimetry in a Measurement of the ß Asymmetry".
The Sixth Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize of the European Crystallographic Association (ECA) and European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA) is awarded to Dr. Johan Chang.
It is a great pleasure to announce that the winner of the 2013 Walter Hälg prize is Professor Joe Zaccai.
The European Crystallographic Association (ECA) and the European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA) announced the call for nominations for the 6th Bertaut Prize.
On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the birth of W. H. Bragg and the 100th anniversary of Bragg’s law, Inês Crespo reviews the reasoning that led W. L. Bragg to his famous equation, setting the foundations for the deployment of neutron diffraction to spur development in fields as varied as computer memory chips, aircraft turbine engines and energy storage devices.
Tennant was honored for the experimental observation of magnetic monopoles using neutron scattering at the Berlin research reactor BER II. He shares the 2012 prize with 5 other scientists “for the prediction and experimental observation of magnetic monopoles in spin ice.”
1st June 2012 marks 80 years since Cambridge Physicist James Chadwick’s famous Nobel Prize winning paper, proving the existence of the neutron, was published by the Royal Society. Chadwick's discovery led to the development of neutron research which has been making breakthroughs across the sciences.